A skit on the theme earth is our common home. Our planet is our Earth! methodological development (grade 9) on the topic

1. Shumilova Valentina Petrovna

2. OSOU Children's home Karymsk village, Irkutsk region

3. Educator

The earth is ours common house

Target: Systematization of knowledge about planet Earth. Development of interest

And observation of the surrounding world, education

Love for the native land, nature.

Leading: Guys, guess the riddle:

No beginning, no end

Neither the back of the head nor the face,
But everyone knows, both young and old,

That she is a huge ball.


People say: “She gave birth to no one, but everyone calls her mother,” (Mother Earth).“Mother Earth” is how the earth is respectfully called. Today we will talk about our planet Earth, answer questions, recite poems.

Guys, do you know when life appeared on Earth?

Life on Earth arose about 3-3.5 billion years ago. Its developmentled to the formation of the current nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, which in turn protects the Earth. Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun, its natural satellite- Moon.

What a miracle the Earth is 1st child

IN bright colors spring,

If the birds sing

And the nightingales sing.

What a miracle the Earth is, 2nd reb. And sunset and dawn, 2nd child And sunset and dawn,

And the smiles of friends

And a smile in response!

And in the fields of gold, 3rd child.

And in the young forest

You are beautiful Earth,

Human home!

M. Tanich.

The song "Native Earth" is playing

Leading: Guys, people of different nationalities live on Earth.What nationalities do you know?

It's good that they don't look alike Reb.

People with eye and skin color.

How beautiful is the colorful world, the multi-colored globe!

Host: Guys, how many continents are there on Earth? Which?(7 - Europe, America, Africa, Australia, Arctic, Antarctica).

Did you know that the face of the Earth is constantly changing?Its crust is huge plates moving one relative to the other. When they collide or touch each other, earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt. Magma rises to the top and, when solidified, forms new sections of the crust.

There is just a temple Reb , There is a temple of science,And there is also a temple of nature -

With forests stretching their arms towards the sun and winds.

S. Smirnov

Host: What seasons do you know?

Bewitched by the Enchantress of Winter, the forest stands - And under the snowy fringe, motionless, silent, wonderful life it shines.

F. Tyutchev

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies,

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

A.S. Pushkin

Host: Do you know?That the Earth, our planet, is unique - after all, neither water nor life have yet been discovered on any celestial body.

Like all planets, the Earth shines by reflected sunlight. Approximately 1/3 of the light falling on it is reflected and scattered in the atmosphere. Therefore, from space our planet looks like a brightly shining bluish ball. On it, through the floating clouds, brown continents and blue oceans are visible, which cover about 2/3 of the earth's surface.

The song "Sunny Circle" is playing

Guys, what seas and oceans do you know?

Only one Pacific Ocean occupies half the area of ​​the Earth.

Game "Rivers" (similar to "Cities")

Warm south wind blows reb.

A The sun is shining brighter

The snow is thinning, softening, melting, the loud rook flies

What month? Who will know?


The river roars furiously reb.

And breaks the ice.

The starling returned to his house,

And in the forest the bear woke up.

A lark trills in the sky,

The month has come to us...


The distance of the fields is green, reb.

The nightingale sings,

IN white the garden is dressed,

The bees are the first to fly

Thunder rumbles.

Guess! What month is this...


The buds have blossomed, the forest has begun to stir, reb.

The bright rays made him all rich.

On its outskirts, from fragrant grass

A silver lily of the valley looked out into the sun.

SP. Krasikov

Millions of years ago, the Earth was surrounded by an atmosphere of water vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. They rained, oceans formed, and later plants “recycled” carbon dioxide into oxygen. To this day, the most important water cycle for the planet occurs between the atmosphere and the ocean, and the atmospheric “blanket” saves the Earth from temperature changes.

My bells, steppe flowers! Why are you looking at me, Dark Blues? And what are you ringing about On a merry day in May, Shaking your head among the unmown grass? A.K. Tolstoy

The summer evening is quiet and clear "Look how the willows are dozing, The western sky is pale red, And the rivers are shining in their meanders.

A. Fet

Leading: And now we will conduct a quiz about the forest and its inhabitants: 1. What does it mean: “The legs feed the wolf”?2. How many legs does a spider have? (8)

  1. What does a badger eat in winter? (in winter he sleeps)
  2. Which bird do I call the forest doctor? (woodpecker)
  3. What mushroom grows on birch trees? (chaga)
  4. What birds eat mushrooms? (grouse)
  5. Which insect has ears on its legs? (Grasshopper)
  6. Which flower means “star” in Russian? (aster)
  7. What flowers are most often given to women on March 8? (mimosa)
  8. What plant do cats love? (Valerian)

Host: Guys, do you know?

The Earth's atmosphere is very important to the planet. It transmits sunlight, but blocks other radiation that is harmful to life, such as ultraviolet, absorbing it almost completely. Meteorites falling from space burn up in the atmosphere. And finally, this is the air we breathe.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm! I am pleased with your farewell beauty. I love the lush decay of nature,

In crimson and gold clad woods. In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath, and the skies are covered with wavy darkness, and a rare ray of sun, and the first frosts, and the distant threats of gray winter.

A.S. Pushkin

The game "Fruits - vegetables" is being played

We are immensely rich

In our thickets and groves

So many great birds -

You're simply amazed!

And how many animals, how many fish?

And insects, bugs. worms?

Host: Guys, who knows what the Red Book and the Green Book are?

The Red Book is a book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It contains rare and endangered species of flora and fauna.

Those species of animals and plants that have managed to multiply to such a quantity that they are no longer threatened with extinction due to small numbers can be transferred to the so-called Green Book

There are many of us, guys, Let each of us plant at least a bush for the garden now.


Tree, grass, flower and bird reb.

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

After all, a sea without fish is not a sea, After all, a sky without birds is not a sky,

An earth without animals is not an earth, and we cannot live without an earth.


Leading: Take care of the earth. Take care of the lark in the blue zenith, the butterfly on the leaves of the dodder, the sun's glare on the thawed patches, the playing crab on the stones, the shadow of the baobab tree over the desert, the hawk soaring over the field, clear month over the river peace, Swallow flickering in life, Take care of the earth! Take care!

The song "Forgive Earth" sounds

Iism be embarrassed 1

Alexandra Klimova
Scenario for the holiday “Earth is our common home”

To the music, children run into the hall, in their hands

colorful balloons

Dance "Ringing Spring"

At the end of the dance, the children remain in their places

1 Presenter: Look how many guys have gathered.

The warmest holiday of light and goodness.

Celebrating today our children.

2 Presenter: The breeze carries clouds across the sky,

The lark sings a song cheerfully.

Beautiful waltz Spring is dancing

And the sun is shining above.

Spring brings goodness to all people,

Love and happiness on Earth!

1Child: From distant lands, where the sea wave

Lace crumbles into foam,

Spring flies to us on the wings of the winds

And it brings change with it.

2Child: Spring decorates gardens and fields,

Covers the ravines with flowers.

Comes to life warmed by the sun Earth,

Drinks fragrant drops of moisture.

3Child: Spring awakens tenderly

all nature from sleep.

The sun shone brighter

looked into every house.

I even breathe differently

The aroma of Spring is all around!

4Child: And spring drops

They trill all day long.

So the forest began to stir,

Excited in Spring.

And the snowdrop appeared,

Decorating everything in blue.

5 Child: Forests are rustling, blossoms Earth,

The stream sings and rings:

"Spring has come, Spring has come

Everyone is very happy about her!”

At the end of the song, the children sit on chairs

1 Presenter: Buds have just appeared on the trees,

A mother sewed a brand new dress for her daughter.

With bright colors and blues,

She named her little daughter Spring.

2 Presenter: The girl smiled tenderly - Spring,

She reached out with a branch towards the sun.

I planted the squirrel in the teremok - teremok,

She gave her mother a thin flower.

1 Presenter: Mother laughed, blossomed - Earth with herbs and flowers.

Holiday near the Earth, and therefore for all of us living on this Earth.

Quiet music is playing and a presentation is in progress. « Earth is our common home»

And I am glad to hear your words.

1 Presenter: Earth, Earth, can you hear us? Are you talking to us?

Earth: I always hear you, but you also listen to me. I'm in trouble, I can't fix everything - the evil that man does. I am unable to save dying animals and birds, clear the air from smoke and fumes... I cannot cope with all the garbage that I have scattered around Earth man.

2 Presenter: Earth, because you are so beautiful, blue, blooming! Could you really die?

Earth: Yes, I have many flowers, rivers and forests, but they are becoming less and less... you have time to save me and yourself. Only you can do this...

2 Presenter: Guys, how can you help the planet?

1Child: Plant flowers, trees and water them.

2Child: Do not throw garbage on the street.

3Child: Do not pollute the air.

4Child: Do not pollute rivers and seas.

5Child: Do not offend animals and birds.

Suddenly a whistle is heard outside the door, Humpty - Dumpty appears in the hall

with a big backpack

1 Presenter: What kind of whistler came to us? Who disturbed our peace?

Humpty: Clap louder, come on,

Humpty – Meet Dumpty.

I will be friends with you,

If you litter.

Anything for Humpty - Dumpty will do,

Miscellaneous trash will do:

Wrappers, shells, corks.

Old books, boxes.

Throw more trash

Never clean it up.

Hey, where are you, my faithful friends,

Come out quickly

Let's have some fun here!

Dance of boys - hooligans

1 Presenter: Now we have this hooligan. That's right, your name is Humpty - Dumpty, because you are a slacker, a hooligan and you stagger around and hang around without anything to do.

Your backpack is so big, what's in it?

Humpty: Gifts for guys.

1 Presenter: Well, come on, Humpty, show me your gifts.

Humpty: Here's a slingshot for you guys

To shoot birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you,

To scare each other!

This heavy stone

You can break out windows!

This stick is a lifesaver

Wave in all directions!

Well, are my gifts good?

1 Presenter: And not at all good, take them back. These are not gifts, these are very bad things. They urgently need to be thrown away!

Guys, give Humpty back - I keep chattering back.

Children give things to Humpty - Dumpty

Humpty: How boring and uninteresting it is to be with you. How I want to run into a clearing, lie under a bush, break a twig, scare the birds and shoot at them with a slingshot!

1 Presenter: Humpty - Dumpty, is that really how you treat birds? Birds are our friends and we must not offend them!

Listen to one instructive story that happened in an orchard.

Two children come out

1Child: Slingshot boy

Shot at funny birds.

He furtively aimed at goldfinches, starlings, and tits.

And the birds became sad and did not chirp,

And they all decided not to fly there.

2Child: You can no longer hear the cheerful flow in the garden,

There are no red cherries in it,

And there are no ripe plums in it.

No one will find either an apple or a pear in it.

In the old ladies' kitchen

The compote does not cook.

1Child: Everything dries, fades,

The whole village is suffering.

2Child: Suffering and not knowing

What happened in it...

1 Presenter: Guys, why do you think there are no fragrant fruits in the garden now? (Children's answers).

Because the birds no longer fly into the garden and delight with their singing.

The trees in the garden became sad and dreary, so they stopped growing.

1 Presenter: How nice it is to get up at dawn and hear the cheerful and sonorous singing of birds outside the window.

I'll give you guys one advice:

Don't destroy nests, don't touch bird's nests.

Don’t take warm eggs, take care of the birds, my friends.

1Child: No, we won’t ruin, that’s the word of all the guys.

2Child: Let the bird songs ring everywhere again!

Song "Bird Choir" words by R. Farhadi, music by A. Berlin

Humpty: I will never offend birds, much less shoot them with a slingshot. They are so small, so defenseless. Anyone can offend them.

2 Presenter: It seems that our mischief-maker has begun to improve.

By the way, Humpty Dumpty, do you know any birds?

Humpty: Of course, I know, here, For example: pasta, no - crows, but also, cheesecake, pillow, no, cuckoo.

And I also know a rolling pin, no, probably a jackdaw.

2 Presenter: Oh, you rolling pin - jackdaw!

Guys, let's tell Humpty - I'm chatting about birds.

We'll play one now interesting game, which is called , and you, Humpty - Dumpty, listen carefully and remember.

Many birds fly south

Many spend the winter here.

Jackdaw, crow, bullfinch, sparrow,

Well, guys, let’s remember them soon!

Game "Migratory and wintering birds"

1 Presenter: And now friends, an interesting game awaits you.

And you, Humpty - Dumpty, listen and shake your head.

And the game is called "If I come to the woods".

I will ask you questions, and you will answer them "Yes" or "No".

Game "If I come to the woods"

What if I go to the woods and pick a chamomile? NO

What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? NO

What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? YES

If I tie a branch, will I put a peg? YES

What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? NO

What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? NO

If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? YES

I love my nature, I help it! YES

Humpty: My friends, I understood everything, remembered everything and reeled it into my mustache:

You can't offend birds

You can't make a fire,

You can't litter

You can’t love nature... oh, I’m confused, you need to love nature and always take care of it!

1 Presenter: Yes, it’s impossible not to love nature. She gives us so much beauty! Ours is especially beautiful in spring Earth when all nature comes to life and everything around blossoms and the soul rejoices and sings from such beauty!

Humpty: Especially me! Today I want to give flowers to everyone! Now I’ll go and pick many, many beautiful flowers and give them to you guys!

He is about to run away, but the presenter stops Humpty Dumpty

1 Presenter: Wait, Humpty - Dumpty,

If you pick a flower,

If I pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you, if we pick flowers -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty.

2 Presenter: We would love to

We will invite flowers here.

May they have a wonderful view

The earth will be decorated!

Gentle background music sounds, girls appear in the hall - flowers

Chamomile: I am a field daisy,

All the children know about me.

We always grow in freedom,

There is no one more beautiful than us.

Admire us in the field,

Don't tear us into a bouquet!

Lily: I am a lily, I am a lily!

I'm modest, beautiful,

I'm very fragrant

And I’m pleasant to look at!

Violet: Violet is a fabulous flower,

Nobody can argue with that.

Creating wondrous beauty

And amazing stories.

In winter there is cold and blizzard,

Nature's wondrous fading.

And where there is a violet, there is a pipe

AND eternal spring breathing.

Rose: They call me the queen of flowers!

For the color and smell of my petals.

Even though my green bush is ready to hurt you,

But who won’t forgive me the prickly thorns!

Poppy: My outfit is always red

Black grains are ripening in me.

Grandma takes these grains,

Bakes delicious buns with poppy seeds!

Lily: Where are our friends - the bees,

Golden bangs?

You'd better fly to us,

Invite us to dance!

Music sounds, bees appear in the hall, "fly up"

each to its own flower

1Bee: And here we are,

They sat on their flowers.

We're buzzing merrily

We're hovering over the flowers.

As the sun sets behind the hill,

Let's gather in the hive.

2Bee: From flower to flower

We fly all day.

Prepare honey

We're not lazy at all.

3Bee: From dawn to dawn

In labors and worries.

sit idle

We don't feel like it at all.

4Bee: Our profession is to fly,

Saturate the honeycombs with honey.

5Bee: Yes, and a shaggy belly

All flowers must be pollinated.

Dance "Bees and Flowers"

1Child: Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches.

Teaches according to the calendar -

According to the living primer:

2Child: Birds teach singing,

Spider - patience.

3Child: A swarm of bees teaches us

Labor discipline.

4Child: Snow teaches us purity,

The sun teaches kindness.

5Child: Nature has it all year round

You need to study.

We are trees of all species,

All the great forest people

Teaches strong friendship!

6Child: Come on guys

Be friends with each other.

Like birds with the sky,

Like grass in a meadow!

7Child: Like the wind and the sea,

Fields with rain.

How the sun is friendly

With all of us!

Communicative dance - game "Ku-ku"

1 Presenter: Dear guests, our guys to holiday We have prepared poems about birds, animals, and plants and now they will read them to you.

Children read poetry

Humpty: Guys, I like it so much in your kindergarten,

I probably won’t leave you.

You play skillfully, sing well,

You dance well and you all live together!

1 Presenter: Humpty - Dumpty, we are glad to accept you into our ranks, we are sure that you will make friends with our guys, and the guys with you.

2 Presenter: Well, it’s good that everything ended well. And ours the holiday is coming to an end.

1 Presenter: And finally, we want you wish:

Take care of our planet,

There is no other like it in the world.

Take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make you kinder.

Decorate Earth with flowers, gardens

We need such a planet!

Pair dance "Road to the Sun"

Leading: Thank you all for your attention, our the holiday is over.

Children leave the hall to cheerful music

Scenario for extracurricular activities on ecology

"The Earth is our common home"

Homeroom teacher: Gavrilova Olga Anatolyevna

Goals: cause concern for the ecological state of the planet,

the desire to consciously interact with nature.

Tasks: develop aesthetic feelings - see and feel the beauty of nature,

participate in feasible activities for the conservation and protection of nature,

cultivate love for the world around us and the ability to behave in nature.

Progress of the event

Student. On one home planet

We live together.

We don't touch anyone.

I just sing songs.

We don't pick flowers.

Clean water

We only drink from the stream.

We don't kill birds

We don't destroy nests.

We love nature

She's like us birth mother.

And it's time for everyone to think,

Nature must be preserved!

1 presenter: Hello guys! We live on planet Earth. This is our common home.

And today we have gathered to learn to love and take care of this house, the house in which we live.

Our home is the sky above us,

The earth is under your feet,

Water is in springs

And the gentle sun in the blue clouds.

2 presenter; We will protect our planet. And science - ecology - will help us with this. What kind of science is this? Ecology from the Greek word "ekos" - house. And “logos” is teaching. This means ecology is the science of the home.

Ecology is the science of careful attitude to nature and to everything that surrounds us. A wonderful writer and a great expert great nature MM. Prishvin wrote:

“We are the masters of nature, and for us it is a storehouse of the sun with great treasures of life. For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - forest and mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.”

Student: There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is light at any time of the day

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come here, be a little hearty,

Do not desecrate her shrines.

(A. Kardakov)

Teacher; Dear guys, we walk on the earth, use water, breathe oxygen, and we must remember that everywhere there is also its own life and we have no right to disturb, change, or destroy it.

Don't destroy nature!

Take care of nature!

What rules of nature should we know?

Students: You cannot make noise, play music loudly, do not break branches, do not pick flowers, do not catch insects, do not light fires, do not litter, remove everything after yourself when leaving the forest, do not shoot with slingshots, etc..)


Well done! Of course, we will be friends with nature. We will green it, not pollute it. 2017 has been declared the year of ecology.

Now let's play the game " This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

Who comes into the forest to make noise?

And bawling and roaring?

Who helps all the animals7

Doesn't it destroy birds' nests?

Who doesn't pick flowers?

Does he plant them and water them?

Who is friends with nature?

Are you worried about anything?

Who doesn't throw trash?

Does he clean the site himself?

Who planted the trees?

Didn't you lose a single one?

Who always goes forward?

And takes a slingshot into the forest?

Who goes and is very happy,

Did you take your camera with you?

Who cleans up the trash and buries the cans?

Loves nature and helps it?

Teacher: Now listen to the poem.

Trash fantasy

Never throw away peels, skins, sticks -
Our cities will quickly turn into landfills.
If you litter now, then pretty soon
Garbage mountains may grow here.
But when they start flying to school on a rocket -
More terrible troubles will happen on the planet...
How will they throw it into space from a rocket?
Jars, bottles, husks, torn bags...
Then they won’t fly to New Year snowflakes,
And old shoes will fall like hail.
And when the rains come from empty bottles
Don't go for a walk: take care of the back of your head!
What will grow in the garden or vegetable garden,
How will the waste cycle go in nature?..
And although we don’t fly to school class in a rocket,
Better get out of the habit of littering now, kids!

(A. Usachev)

Teacher: You and I breathe the air, animals, birds and plants breathe, and this air must be clean. But it doesn't always happen like that. Exhaust gases and dust pollute the air. landscaping environment– one of the main tasks of air protection.

Time will fly by quickly. You will become adults. Have you ever asked yourself the question, what kind of world will we live in?

The Earth is just a small particle of the Universe. But only on it there is life.

This means we must try so that the nature of our common house not only was it preserved, but it became richer and more beautiful every day. Wherever we live: in the forest, in the mountains, in the steppes, in the city, in the village, we are children of nature. Only by understanding this will we all become responsible for the Earth and everyone can preserve and increase its beauty.

Our planet
There is one garden planet
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Calling migratory birds,
Only on her alone do they bloom,
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here
They look into the river in surprise.
Take care of your planet -
After all, there is no other one like it!

The song “On the Road of Good” (Tatiana and Sergei Nikitin) is playing.

Holiday scenario:


Compiled by: Kuznetsova V.I.

Pushkino 2018


Target : to develop environmental culture skills in children

Tasks : - to develop environmental culture skills in children;

Form a positive moral assessment of environmentally correct actions;

Introduce the basic rules of behavior in nature

Develop the ability to listen, understand, empathize.

Progress of the event :

Hello guys! Hello, dear guests! Today at our Center additional education We are celebrating children, dedicated to the Day Earth.

Guys, what does the concept of “Earth” mean to you? (guys' answers)

For some, these are plants and animals. For others, this is soil, air, water, this is our city, the place where you and I live.

Today, April 22, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. This day became a day of universal protest against the self-destruction of humanity. After all, for the entire long history man has no more development of mankind faithful ally, protector and friend than his Earth: the land on which man settled, which was cultivated by his hands, which for many centuries was his nurse and waterer.

Our ancestors considered her a living being: she gives birth from her mother’s womb, drinks rainwater, trembles convulsively during earthquakes, falls asleep in winter and awakens with the arrival of spring. When leaving for distant lands, our ancestors took with them a handful native land and kept it as a shrine. What is happening to our planet Earth now? It is very clogged and needs our help.

You are a person who loves nature, at least sometimes feel sorry for it,

On pleasure trips, do not trample your native fields,

Don’t burn it recklessly and don’t scoop it up to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth: there are many of us, but she is one!

And what is in danger on our Earth, you will find out by answering the riddles.

    It passes through the mouth into the chest and goes back on its way,

He is invisible and yet we cannot live without him. (Air)

What causes of air pollution do you know?

(Commentary to the guys’ answers, the importance of air pollution, violations of the Earth’s ozone layer.)

    Very good-natured, I am soft and obedient.

But when I want, I can even wear out a stone.

You need me in the heat and the heat, you won’t part with me.


Give examples of household water pollution (laundry, dishwashing, etc.) What is industrial water pollution?

When producing 1 serving of ice cream, 4 liters of water are polluted; to produce 1 shirt – 10 liters of water. In this regard, they use various ways water purification: sedimentation, filtering, chlorination. (pollution value fresh water, waters of the sea and oceans.)

    No beginning, no end, no back, no face,

Everyone, young and old, knows that she is a huge ball. (earth, soil)

What do you and I call earth? What causes of soil pollution do you know? (Meaning of soil pollution.)

    The house is open on all sides and covered with a carved roof.

Come to green house, you will see miracles in it.

What threatens forests today? Why is this very important issue?

(The importance of protecting flora and fauna.)

The forest gives us clean air, clean water, good mood. The gifts of the forest are a common property. Berries, mushrooms, nuts, medicinal plants Everyone can collect it, but we must remember about those who will come to the forest tomorrow, in a week, in years, we must give them the opportunity to listen to the voices of forest birds, see the beauty of forest glades, and breathe in the aroma of the forest.

“Whoever cuts down forests dries out places, drives clouds away from the fields, prepares heaps of grief for himself, and whoever plants and sows forests has moisture in the fields.” So says the wise woman folk saying.

And now we will conduct a short quiz about the influence of man and his activities on the Earth and the world around us.

When choosing the correct answer, you will select the letter corresponding to it and attach it to the board. If you give the correct answers, you will be able to read the inscription.


    Ozone holes are dangerous to human health.

(yes – N no – F)

    Exhaust gases from plants and factories do not harm the environment.

(yes - And no - A)

    To consume water from rivers, it is necessary to carry out multi-stage water purification.

(yes - W no - V)

    Oil spilled as a result of accidents does not cause harm, either in water or on land.

(yes - And no - D)

    Wastewater industrial enterprises can be discharged into rivers without preliminary treatment.

(yes – P no – O)

    After forest fires soil, vegetation and fauna They take a very long time to recover.

(yes – M no – L)

    Using too large quantity organic or mineral fertilizers lead to groundwater pollution.

(yes – Z no – A)

    Burning garbage and fallen leaves within the city is not harmful to human health.

(yes – N no – E)

    « acid rain» fall out in places where air pollution exceeds permissible standards.

(yes – M no – E)

    Spontaneous landfills and indiscriminate storage of garbage lead to the poisoning of water and land and harm public health.

(yes - L no - T)

    On the territory of nature reserves and sanctuaries, any economic activity hunting.

(yes - And no - I)

(As a result of correct answers, the inscription is obtained: “Our home is the earth.”)

Well done! They answered correctly. Have you ever wondered how you relate to the earth, to nature? After all, sometimes we ourselves do not notice evil, because it has become widespread, we are accustomed to it and with a clear conscience we say: “What’s wrong with that?”

What's wrong with hundreds of trees being cut down in cities today?

What is wrong with this that a person spits on the ground and considers this to be in the order of things?

What's wrong with someone breaking a tree branch and trampling the lawn?

What is wrong with the fact that owners burn fires along the streets, the smoke of which settles in the lungs, causing asthma and allergies?

What is it that we don’t even notice this very nature around us?

Tell me, guys, do you pay attention to what the sky is like above you, what grass, flowers, what foliage on the trees? By the way, can you name 10 types of trees used for city landscaping? (Children name the names of the trees, and the leader writes them on the board.)

To become closer to nature, you need to get up early in the morning, go to the window and say hello to the rising sun, sky, earth, trees, birds. This is the source of our health and good mood.

There is no more brilliant artist in the world than nature. Everything she created is a real masterpiece. Fortunately, among people there are those who decorate the earth with their work, talent, and skill. These are flower growers, agronomists, gardeners, foresters, rangers, machine operators and many others. You, too, have to live on our Earth, which means protecting and decorating it! You are the future masters of the Earth! And the way you see it, you will bring it to life. Let's create a portrait of the Earth. Let each of you choose one of the petals and glue it around the image of our planet:

Yellow – if you want to see our planet as sunny;

Pink - if you want to see it blooming;

Green – drowning in greenery;

Blue - with pure and clear water;

White - with clean air.

(The guys come up to the poster and attach colorful petals.)

Well done, guys! You made a wonderful portrait!

Let's people be friends with each other!

Like a bird with the sky, like the wind with a meadow,

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rain,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Let's people love the planet,

There is nothing like it in the entire universe,

In the entire Universe there is one for everyone

What will she do without us?

We teach you to know and love nature, which means to take care of it, treat it like a living being: with attention and respect. Today, on Earth Day, on her birthday, I propose to give her a gift - decorate her by planting green trees so that she really looks like her portrait. It’s not without reason that the popular saying goes: “When you plant one tree, you don’t live your life in vain!” Now we will go to the courtyard of the Central Children's Center and decorate it by planting white acacia seedlings.