Functions of the system of additional education for children in Russia. Functions of additional education The concept of the function of the additional education system

Based on the above-listed features of additional education, we can highlight its functions in a comprehensive school. These include:

1) educational- teaching the child additional
educational programs, obtaining new knowledge;

2) educational- enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer
general education institution, the formation of a cultural environment at school, the definition on this basis of clear moral guidelines, the unobtrusive upbringing of children through their introduction to culture;

3) creative- creation of a flexible system for the realization of individual creative interests of the individual;

4) compensatory- the child’s mastery of new areas of activity that deepen and complement basic (basic) education and create an emotionally significant background for the child to master the content of general education, providing the child with certain guarantees of achieving success in his chosen areas of creative activity;

5) recreational– organization of meaningful leisure as a sphere
restoration of the child’s psychophysical strength;

6) career guidance- formation of sustainable interest in socially significant activities, assistance in determining the child’s life plans, including pre-professional guidance.

At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the child’s various interests, but also helps to choose an institution of additional education, where, through the help of specialists, the discovered abilities can be further developed;

7) integration- creation of a unified educational space for the school;

8) socialization- the child’s mastery of social experience, his acquisition of skills in the reproduction of social connections and personal qualities necessary for life;

9) self-realization- self-determination of the child in socially and culturally significant forms of life, his experience of situations of success, personal self-development.

As practice has shown, teaching children under new additional educational programs has a positive effect on the growth of schoolchildren’s interest in the humanitarian subjects of primary school, and most importantly, it creates the basis for pre-professional training of high school students in a number of areas of arts and crafts.

At the present stage of development of institutions of additional education, their following functions are distinguished::

Social function aimed at satisfying:

a) social demand (requirements of society, formed at the intersection of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (ideas about what their child needs or what is lacking: time commitment, pre-vocational training, education in additional subjects, solving problems of single-parent families, prestige of occupations, health),

c) children's demand (satisfying the needs of cognitive or personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. It should be remembered that children's demand is dynamic, since it changes during the development of the child, as well as depending on age and the corresponding type of leading activity);

d) economic demand (the possibility of earning (basic,
additional, part-time, etc. – for adults and
pre-vocational training – for children);

e) law enforcement demand (prevention of deviant and antisocial, including illegal, behavior of children).

Psychological function is divided into subfunctions:

a) developmental (creation of an educational environment that provides
conditions for the physical and mental development of children: realization of children's interests, acquisition of skills. A child, not having the opportunity to express himself in a family and school environment, can express himself in a pre-school environment both in terms of development, and in terms of self-affirmation, and in terms of self-actualization);

b) compensatory (psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school);

c) relaxation (an opportunity to take a break from the strict regulation of behavior in the family and at school);

d) consulting (for teachers, parents and children).
Educational function assumes:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. objects,
additional to the standard list of educational subjects
educational institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling,
sports sections, choreography, etc. These can also be “school” subjects, if for some reason there are no teachers in these subjects in nearby schools,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) training that satisfies the cognitive interest of a given

e) socializing (communication with peers, self-affirmation,
self-determination, including the opportunity to try oneself in different types of activities, enrichment with social experience, development of the child as an individual, acquisition of the opportunity and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions.

Thus, the specific conditions and functions of additional education for children lie, first of all, in its high degree of variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets their interests and inclinations, choose the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, and choose their circle of contacts and activities. By voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby trust teachers with their valuable asset - free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be an effective developing personality.

3. Classification of additional education institutions. Types of parole and their functioning.

The following types of institutions of additional education are distinguished: Center, school of additional education, Palace (House), club, station, children's park, etc.

TO comprehensive institutions include Houses and Centers for Children's Creativity, Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, Palaces for Children and Students, etc. They can have district, city, regional and republican status. In such institutions, work is carried out in several areas:

· methodological work with children's and youth school public associations and organizations (Belarusian Republican Youth Union, BRPO, etc.);

· Club and studio work aimed at developing students’ creative abilities;

· organizational and mass work aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students.

Other institutions of further education included in this system are special or single-profile, since they have predominantly one direction of educational work. For example:

· Station for Young Naturalists (SUN) – environmental education for schoolchildren;

· technical creativity station (CTS) – development of schoolchildren’s abilities for technical creativity;

· children's and youth sports schools (youth sports schools) – physical education, sports and recreational work, work with gifted children in the field of sports;

· training and production plant (TPK) – labor education, vocational guidance of students, development of skills in a specific specialty in schoolchildren;

· excursion and tourist station and club of young sailors – sports and recreational work; local history work and patriotic education;

· music school (supervised by the cultural department of a city or district) – musical education of students, work with gifted children to develop their vocal and performing abilities;

· art school (supervised by the cultural department of a city or district) – art education for students, work with gifted children to develop their abilities for artistic creativity and other types of schools.

Let's take a closer look at the essence of each type of parole.

Center , as an institution of additional education, is a multidisciplinary and multi-level institution that implements programs in various directions and an educational environment for sociocultural and professional self-determination, personal self-realization.

Center this is an institution whose structure includes a mechanism that ensures the work of branches and coordinates the implementation of their programs that continue or deepen a single educational space. Such branches can be a theater, studio, workshop, station, club, school, museum.

The following types of Centers are distinguished:

ü Center for additional education for children;

ü Center for the development of creativity of children and youth;

ü Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education;

ü Center for children and youth, children's creativity;

ü Children's center (teenage);

ü Center for extracurricular activities;

ü Children's environmental center (health-ecological, ecological-biological);

ü Center for children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

ü Center for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical creativity, young technicians);

ü Marine Children's Center;

ü Center for children's (youth) aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or by type of art);

ü Children's health and educational center (specialized).

School in the system of additional education children is a system of interconnected, successive programs of one profile, allowing students to master (independently choose) one or another level of education. As a rule, such schools solve complex and multi-level tasks of stage-by-stage pre-professional or initial vocational training. Schools are distinguished by the presence of exemplary educational programs focused on basic knowledge, skills, abilities, and a curriculum that takes into account the wishes of children and parents to create electives, organize individual work and consultations; a mandatory system of intermediate and final certification of students with the issuance of a corresponding final document confirming the level of education received.

A school is a type of educational institution whose programs may differ on the following grounds:

Level (corrective, basic, advanced);

Levels of education (primary, basic, vocational);

Profile (physico-mathematical, biological-chemical, humanitarian, etc.).

The following types of schools are distinguished::

ü school in various fields of science and technology;

ü in various types of arts;

ü children's and youth sports (sports and technical, including Olympic reserve).

As noted in the previous topic, institutions of additional education operate not only in the field of education, but also in the field of culture. Institutions of additional education in the field of culture – art schools can be of two types: multidisciplinary and single-disciplinary.

TO multidisciplinary art schools includes a children's art school, in which training is carried out in several different profiles.

TO single-disciplinary art schools include a children's music school, a children's art school, a children's choreography school, a children's theater school, a children's craft school and art schools of other profiles.

The main objectives of the art school are:

ü providing the necessary conditions for the formation of a general culture and artistic development of children and youth, meeting their needs for additional education, developing motivation for creative activity;

ü organization of leisure time for children and youth;

ü search, training and education of talented children and youth;

ü preparation of professionally oriented students for admission to higher educational institutions and educational institutions that provide secondary specialized education in the field of culture.

Art schools can be public or private.

The art school may create branches, which operate on the basis of regulations approved by the art school and must be specified in the art school charter.

In general, schools of additional education for children are characterized by long-term joint creative activity of children and teachers (4-5-year and longer programs), which is represented by joint achievements and traditions, special attributes and symbols, the presence of continuity between levels of education and generations of teachers and students . Schools have their own mentality, fixed by culture and a special style of life.

Palace (House) a self-sufficient institution of additional education for children with a flexible organizational structure, whose work is aimed at ensuring its own educational process, based on the demands of the social environment and its status (city, regional, etc.).

The following types of Palaces are distinguished::

Palace of children's (youth) creativity, creativity of children and youth;

Palace of Students;

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

Palace of Young Naturalists;

Sports Palace for children and youth;

Palace of artistic creativity (education) of children;

Palace (House) for children of arts and culture.

Types of Houses can be:

House of Children's Creativity;

House of Childhood and Youth, Students;

House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

House of Young Naturalists;

House of children's (youth) technical creativity (young technicians);

House of children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

House of artistic creativity (education) of children; Children's House of Culture (Arts).

Club – an association of children and teachers created for the purpose of communication related to political, scientific, artistic, sports or other interests, as well as for recreation and entertainment.

The typology of clubs is varied. Clubs are distinguished by the scale of activity (multi-profile and single-profile); by predominant types of activities (educational, discussion, creative, sports, etc.); by degree of organization (formal and informal).

In the additional education of children, a club can become a type of educational institution, provided that it has long-term, multi-level programs of professional self-determination with adequate methodological support, a unique socio-cultural technology of education and socialization. Thoughtful and purposefully organized activities of the club as a communication of like-minded people, allies, equals and independent, allows you to affirm in an attractive, unobtrusive form the values ​​of education, health, personal freedom, the value of traditions and history, the value of another person, etc.

The most common types of clubs are: Club of young sailors, rivermen, aviators, cosmonauts, parachutists, paratroopers, border guards, radio operators, firefighters, motorists, children's and teenagers', children's ecological (ecological-biological) clubs, young naturalists, children's and youth technical creativity of young technicians, children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), children's and youth physical training.

Station is a specialized institution of additional education, specially equipped for training in specialized programs and conducting observation, research in a certain direction, and also organizes temporary specialized institutions of additional education (camps).

The following types of stations are distinguished:

Station for young naturalists;

Station for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians);

Children's ecological station (ecological-biological);

Station for children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), etc.

Children's park – a type of institution whose main purpose is the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the natural environment, in the territory of a park area.

All other types of institutions of additional education for children, continuing the traditions of the above-mentioned institutions of extracurricular activities (studio, museum, children's camp, etc.) do not differ in integrity and systemic certainty in the status of an educational institution. The programs of these institutions can be characterized as leisure, health, and social support. They can become: a relatively independent module of the educational environment of centers, schools, clubs; branches of the center performing certain functions in achieving the goals of the educational program; form of organization of the educational process (temporary or permanent).

It should also be noted educational complex (UVK) as an association of additional education institutions. The organization of UVK is especially effective for areas remote from the center of modern large cities, as well as for small cities, where UVK play the role of cultural centers for a significant part of the population.

The organic combination of basic education with multidisciplinary additional education in educational complexes creates a real basis for the formation of a completely new type of educational space - a humanistic socio-pedagogical environment that promotes the versatile personal development of each child, the search for ways of self-determination, the emergence of a favorable socio-psychological climate, as in individual children's groups, and at the level of the school community as a whole. At UVK, large teaching teams work according to a unified plan, where, in addition to school teachers, there are specialists in additional education for children and cultural workers.

It should be noted that according to the Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Education” additional education of children and youth can also be carried out at home and in sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions. Thus, Article 235 of Chapter 48 of Section XIII of the Code reads:

“For students who receive general secondary education or special education at home, conditions are created for children and youth to receive additional education at home.

The educational process for obtaining additional education for children and youth at home is organized by an educational institution implementing an educational program for additional education for children and youth at the student’s place of residence (place of stay).

“For students undergoing treatment or rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort or health-improving organizations, conditions are created for children and youth to receive additional education.

The educational process for obtaining additional education for children and youth in sanatorium-resort and health-improving organizations is organized by the educational institution at the location of the sanatorium-resort or health-improving organization or by the sanatorium-resort or health-improving organization.”

Currently, a network of additional education institutions operates in all cities and regional centers of Belarus. the main ones are Palaces and Houses of Creativity for Children and Youth, sports schools, stations for young technicians, naturalists, tourists, children's parks and stadiums, music schools and schools of national arts.

Republican institutions of additional education for children and youth - educational institutions "National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth", "Republican Center for Tourism and Local History", "Republican Ecological and Biological Center", "Republican Center for Technical Creativity" - perform a coordinating function in matters of improving quality additional education for children and youth, create organizational and methodological conditions for the effective development of additional education for children and youth in profiles (directions).

Based on the above-listed features of additional education, we can highlight its functions in a comprehensive school. These include:

1) educational- teaching the child additional
educational programs, obtaining new knowledge;

2) educational- enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer
general education institution, the formation of a cultural environment at school, the definition on this basis of clear moral guidelines, the unobtrusive upbringing of children through their introduction to culture;

3) creative- creation of a flexible system for the realization of individual creative interests of the individual;

4) compensatory- the child’s mastery of new areas of activity that deepen and complement basic (basic) education and create an emotionally significant background for the child to master the content of general education, providing the child with certain guarantees of achieving success in his chosen areas of creative activity;

5) recreational– organization of meaningful leisure as a sphere
restoration of the child’s psychophysical strength;

6) career guidance- formation of sustainable interest in socially significant activities, assistance in determining the child’s life plans, including pre-professional guidance.

At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the child’s various interests, but also helps to choose an institution of additional education, where, through the help of specialists, the discovered abilities can be further developed;

7) integration- creation of a unified educational space for the school;

8) socialization- the child’s mastery of social experience, his acquisition of skills in the reproduction of social connections and personal qualities necessary for life;

9) self-realization- self-determination of the child in socially and culturally significant forms of life, his experience of situations of success, personal self-development.

As practice has shown, teaching children under new additional educational programs has a positive effect on the growth of schoolchildren’s interest in the humanitarian subjects of primary school, and most importantly, it creates the basis for pre-professional training of high school students in a number of areas of arts and crafts.

At the present stage of development of institutions of additional education, their following functions are distinguished::

Social function aimed at satisfying:

a) social demand (requirements of society, formed at the intersection of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (ideas about what their child needs or what is lacking: time commitment, pre-vocational training, education in additional subjects, solving problems of single-parent families, prestige of occupations, health),

c) children's demand (satisfying the needs of cognitive or personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. It should be remembered that children's demand is dynamic, since it changes during the development of the child, as well as depending on age and the corresponding type of leading activity);

d) economic demand (the possibility of earning (basic,
additional, part-time, etc. – for adults and
pre-vocational training – for children);

e) law enforcement demand (prevention of deviant and antisocial, including illegal, behavior of children).

Psychological function is divided into subfunctions:

a) developmental (creation of an educational environment that provides
conditions for the physical and mental development of children: realization of children's interests, acquisition of skills. A child, not having the opportunity to express himself in a family and school environment, can express himself in a pre-school environment both in terms of development, and in terms of self-affirmation, and in terms of self-actualization);

b) compensatory (psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school);

c) relaxation (an opportunity to take a break from the strict regulation of behavior in the family and at school);

d) consulting (for teachers, parents and children).
Educational function assumes:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. objects,
additional to the standard list of educational subjects
educational institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling,
sports sections, choreography, etc. These can also be “school” subjects, if for some reason there are no teachers in these subjects in nearby schools,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) training that satisfies the cognitive interest of a given

e) socializing (communication with peers, self-affirmation,
self-determination, including the opportunity to try oneself in different types of activities, enrichment with social experience, development of the child as an individual, acquisition of the opportunity and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions.

Thus, the specific conditions and functions of additional education for children lie, first of all, in its high degree of variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets their interests and inclinations, choose the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, and choose their circle of contacts and activities. By voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby trust teachers with their valuable asset - free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be an effective developing personality.

3. Classification of additional education institutions. Types of parole and their functioning.

The following types of institutions of additional education are distinguished: Center, school of additional education, Palace (House), club, station, children's park, etc.

TO comprehensive institutions include Houses and Centers for Children's Creativity, Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, Palaces for Children and Students, etc. They can have district, city, regional and republican status. In such institutions, work is carried out in several areas:

· methodological work with children's and youth school public associations and organizations (Belarusian Republican Youth Union, BRPO, etc.);

· Club and studio work aimed at developing students’ creative abilities;

· organizational and mass work aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students.

Other institutions of further education included in this system are special or single-profile, since they have predominantly one direction of educational work. For example:

· Station for Young Naturalists (SUN) – environmental education for schoolchildren;

· technical creativity station (CTS) – development of schoolchildren’s abilities for technical creativity;

· children's and youth sports schools (youth sports schools) – physical education, sports and recreational work, work with gifted children in the field of sports;

· training and production plant (TPK) – labor education, vocational guidance of students, development of skills in a specific specialty in schoolchildren;

· excursion and tourist station and club of young sailors – sports and recreational work; local history work and patriotic education;

· music school (supervised by the cultural department of a city or district) – musical education of students, work with gifted children to develop their vocal and performing abilities;

· art school (supervised by the cultural department of a city or district) – art education for students, work with gifted children to develop their abilities for artistic creativity and other types of schools.

Let's take a closer look at the essence of each type of parole.

Center , as an institution of additional education, is a multidisciplinary and multi-level institution that implements programs in various directions and an educational environment for sociocultural and professional self-determination, personal self-realization.

Center this is an institution whose structure includes a mechanism that ensures the work of branches and coordinates the implementation of their programs that continue or deepen a single educational space. Such branches can be a theater, studio, workshop, station, club, school, museum.

The following types of Centers are distinguished:

ü Center for additional education for children;

ü Center for the development of creativity of children and youth;

ü Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education;

ü Center for children and youth, children's creativity;

ü Children's center (teenage);

ü Center for extracurricular activities;

ü Children's environmental center (health-ecological, ecological-biological);

ü Center for children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

ü Center for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical creativity, young technicians);

ü Marine Children's Center;

ü Center for children's (youth) aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or by type of art);

ü Children's health and educational center (specialized).

School in the system of additional education children is a system of interconnected, successive programs of one profile, allowing students to master (independently choose) one or another level of education. As a rule, such schools solve complex and multi-level tasks of stage-by-stage pre-professional or initial vocational training. Schools are distinguished by the presence of exemplary educational programs focused on basic knowledge, skills, abilities, and a curriculum that takes into account the wishes of children and parents to create electives, organize individual work and consultations; a mandatory system of intermediate and final certification of students with the issuance of a corresponding final document confirming the level of education received.

A school is a type of educational institution whose programs may differ on the following grounds:

Level (corrective, basic, advanced);

Levels of education (primary, basic, vocational);

Profile (physico-mathematical, biological-chemical, humanitarian, etc.).

The following types of schools are distinguished::

ü school in various fields of science and technology;

ü in various types of arts;

ü children's and youth sports (sports and technical, including Olympic reserve).

As noted in the previous topic, institutions of additional education operate not only in the field of education, but also in the field of culture. Institutions of additional education in the field of culture – art schools can be of two types: multidisciplinary and single-disciplinary.

TO multidisciplinary art schools includes a children's art school, in which training is carried out in several different profiles.

TO single-disciplinary art schools include a children's music school, a children's art school, a children's choreography school, a children's theater school, a children's craft school and art schools of other profiles.

The main objectives of the art school are:

ü providing the necessary conditions for the formation of a general culture and artistic development of children and youth, meeting their needs for additional education, developing motivation for creative activity;

ü organization of leisure time for children and youth;

ü search, training and education of talented children and youth;

ü preparation of professionally oriented students for admission to higher educational institutions and educational institutions that provide secondary specialized education in the field of culture.

Art schools can be public or private.

The art school may create branches, which operate on the basis of regulations approved by the art school and must be specified in the art school charter.

In general, schools of additional education for children are characterized by long-term joint creative activity of children and teachers (4-5-year and longer programs), which is represented by joint achievements and traditions, special attributes and symbols, the presence of continuity between levels of education and generations of teachers and students . Schools have their own mentality, fixed by culture and a special style of life.

Palace (House) a self-sufficient institution of additional education for children with a flexible organizational structure, whose work is aimed at ensuring its own educational process, based on the demands of the social environment and its status (city, regional, etc.).

The following types of Palaces are distinguished::

Palace of children's (youth) creativity, creativity of children and youth;

Palace of Students;

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

Palace of Young Naturalists;

Sports Palace for children and youth;

Palace of artistic creativity (education) of children;

Palace (House) for children of arts and culture.

Types of Houses can be:

House of Children's Creativity;

House of Childhood and Youth, Students;

House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

House of Young Naturalists;

House of children's (youth) technical creativity (young technicians);

House of children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

House of artistic creativity (education) of children; Children's House of Culture (Arts).

Club – an association of children and teachers created for the purpose of communication related to political, scientific, artistic, sports or other interests, as well as for recreation and entertainment.

The typology of clubs is varied. Clubs are distinguished by the scale of activity (multi-profile and single-profile); by predominant types of activities (educational, discussion, creative, sports, etc.); by degree of organization (formal and informal).

In the additional education of children, a club can become a type of educational institution, provided that it has long-term, multi-level programs of professional self-determination with adequate methodological support, a unique socio-cultural technology of education and socialization. Thoughtful and purposefully organized activities of the club as a communication of like-minded people, allies, equals and independent, allows you to affirm in an attractive, unobtrusive form the values ​​of education, health, personal freedom, the value of traditions and history, the value of another person, etc.

The most common types of clubs are: Club of young sailors, rivermen, aviators, cosmonauts, parachutists, paratroopers, border guards, radio operators, firefighters, motorists, children's and teenagers', children's ecological (ecological-biological) clubs, young naturalists, children's and youth technical creativity of young technicians, children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), children's and youth physical training.

Station is a specialized institution of additional education, specially equipped for training in specialized programs and conducting observation, research in a certain direction, and also organizes temporary specialized institutions of additional education (camps).

The following types of stations are distinguished:

Station for young naturalists;

Station for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians);

Children's ecological station (ecological-biological);

Station for children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), etc.

Children's park – a type of institution whose main purpose is the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the natural environment, in the territory of a park area.

All other types of institutions of additional education for children, continuing the traditions of the above-mentioned institutions of extracurricular activities (studio, museum, children's camp, etc.) do not differ in integrity and systemic certainty in the status of an educational institution. The programs of these institutions can be characterized as leisure, health, and social support. They can become: a relatively independent module of the educational environment of centers, schools, clubs; branches of the center performing certain functions in achieving the goals of the educational program; form of organization of the educational process (temporary or permanent).

It should also be noted educational complex (UVK) as an association of additional education institutions. The organization of UVK is especially effective for areas remote from the center of modern large cities, as well as for small cities, where UVK play the role of cultural centers for a significant part of the population.

The organic combination of basic education with multidisciplinary additional education in educational complexes creates a real basis for the formation of a completely new type of educational space - a humanistic socio-pedagogical environment that promotes the versatile personal development of each child, the search for ways of self-determination, the emergence of a favorable socio-psychological climate, as in individual children's groups, and at the level of the school community as a whole. At UVK, large teaching teams work according to a unified plan, where, in addition to school teachers, there are specialists in additional education for children and cultural workers.

It should be noted that according to the Code of the Republic of Belarus “On Education” additional education of children and youth can also be carried out at home and in sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions. Thus, Article 235 of Chapter 48 of Section XIII of the Code reads:

“For students who receive general secondary education or special education at home, conditions are created for children and youth to receive additional education at home.

The educational process for obtaining additional education for children and youth at home is organized by an educational institution implementing an educational program for additional education for children and youth at the student’s place of residence (place of stay).

“For students undergoing treatment or rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort or health-improving organizations, conditions are created for children and youth to receive additional education.

The educational process for obtaining additional education for children and youth in sanatorium-resort and health-improving organizations is organized by the educational institution at the location of the sanatorium-resort or health-improving organization or by the sanatorium-resort or health-improving organization.”

Currently, a network of additional education institutions operates in all cities and regional centers of Belarus. the main ones are Palaces and Houses of Creativity for Children and Youth, sports schools, stations for young technicians, naturalists, tourists, children's parks and stadiums, music schools and schools of national arts.

Republican institutions of additional education for children and youth - educational institutions "National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth", "Republican Center for Tourism and Local History", "Republican Ecological and Biological Center", "Republican Center for Technical Creativity" - perform a coordinating function in matters of improving quality additional education for children and youth, create organizational and methodological conditions for the effective development of additional education for children and youth in profiles (directions).


The article examines the possibilities of additional education institutions in raising children. It is emphasized that educational functions contribute to the development of the child’s individual abilities, form motivation for success, and create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual.

  • Differentiation in teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren
  • Studying the terminology system of the specialty sublanguage as a condition for expanding the professional thesaurus of a specialist
  • Prognostic articles: characteristic features, didactic value (based on the material of the English-language press)
  • Formation of the foundations of morality in preschool children with the help of fiction

The relevance of this topic is expressed in the fact that one of the main social institutions that ensures the educational process and the development of children’s individual abilities is determined by the institution of additional education for children. It differs from a general education institution in that students are given the right to choose the type of activity, taking into account the levels of complexity and pace of mastering the educational program of additional education, based on the chosen field of knowledge.

Determining the meaning of the interpretation of the educational process in institutions of additional education for children is facilitated by the research of such authors as: A.G. Asmolova, V.A. Berezina, V.A. Bogovarova, V.A. Gorsky, E.B. Evladova, A.Ya. Zhurkina and others.

Research on the socio-pedagogical potential of additional education institutions (EDI) as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon was based on a set of studies that reveal the essence, content and specifics of the educational process in additional education institutions, carried out by A.K. Brudnova, V.A. Gorsky, A.Ya. Zhurkina, A.V. Zolotareva, S.V. Saltseva, A.I. Shchetinskaya, A.B. Fomina.

The system of additional education for children is a special type of education aimed at the comprehensive development of the intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and professional needs of the child. Children aged 5 to 18 years attend additional education institutions.

The most important feature of additional education is the ability to adapt to the personal needs of the child, reaction to changes in society, to the diversity of educational needs and their changes.

In the system of additional education, students are given the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge in academic subjects, developing the necessary level of qualities, in order to organize their extracurricular creative activities. All work is directed towards the formation of motivation for success in students, the development of their cognitive interest and ability. In the 2003-2004 academic year, in accordance with the educational needs of students and their parents, and the capabilities of schools, the additional education program included clubs, sections, and electives that complement the educational program in academic subjects, as well as with the aim of expanding it.

Presenting a wide choice of areas of activity, organizing creative work in the system of additional education can solve such types of problems as:

  1. To develop the student’s creative abilities and creative activity.
  2. Develop his cognitive interest.
  3. Create motivation for success.
  4. Create conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization.
  5. Create conditions for comprehensive personal development.

Functions of the additional education system in a comprehensive school:

  1. educational (by training the child in an additional educational program, gaining new knowledge);
  2. educational (by enriching and expanding the cultural layer of a general education institution, creating a cultural environment at school, defining on this basis a clear moral guideline, unobtrusively educating children through their involvement in culture);
  3. creative (by creating a flexible system for realizing the individual creative interest of the individual);
  4. compensatory (through the child’s mastery of a new direction of activity, which deepens and complements basic (basic) education and creates an emotionally significant background for the child to master the content of general education, taking into account the provision of certain guarantees to the child for achieving success in his chosen areas of creative activity);
  5. recreational (through the organization of meaningful leisure in the form of an area for restoring the psychophysical strength of the child);
  6. career guidance (through the formation of a sustainable interest in socially significant activities, taking into account assistance in determining the child’s life plans, including pre-professional guidance);
  7. integration (through the creation of one common educational space of the school);
  8. socialization (through the child’s mastery of social experience, taking into account his acquisition of skills for the reproduction of social connections and personal qualities that are necessary for life);
  9. self-realization (through the child’s self-determination in socially and culturally significant forms of life activity, taking into account his experience of a situation of success and personal self-development).

E.V. Golovneva, N.A. Golovnev consider “education as an organized process of a person’s assimilation of universal human values, knowledge and methods of practical activity, achievements of national and world culture.” The use of the educational and developmental potential of universal human values ​​is provided through the implementation of the idea of ​​a personal-humanistic orientation of the teacher’s activity. E.V. Golovneva emphasizes that “for mastering the content of universal spiritual and moral values, there are great opportunities when analyzing the principle of humanization of education and ways of its implementation in modern elementary school.”

The specific conditions and functions of additional education for children are determined, first of all, through the high degree of its variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets their interests and inclinations, choosing the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, choosing their circle of friends and activities. By voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby trust teachers with their valuable asset in the form of free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be in the form of an effective developing personality.

Thus, additional education for children is the most important component of the educational space that has developed in modern Russian society. It is able to most adequately respond to changes in the economic and social situation in the country.

The effectiveness of children's educational upbringing during additional education classes can be significantly increased if a specially organized educational process is used.


  1. Builova L.N. Additional education. Regulatory documents and materials. − M.: Education, 2015. − 320 p.
  2. Voronov V.V. School pedagogy: a new standard. − M.: PO Rossii, 2012. − 288 p.
  3. Golovneva E.V. Theory and methods of education of junior schoolchildren (textbook for students studying in the specialty “050708 – Pedagogy, methods of primary education”) // International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research. ˗ 2014. – No. 3. – Part 2. – 173-175.
  4. Golovneva E.V., Golovneva N.A. Methods of educating junior schoolchildren: A textbook for university students in the field of preparation “050100 – Pedagogical Education”, profile “Primary Education”. – Sterlitamak: SF BashSU, 2013. – 120 p.
  5. Zhukov G.N. General and professional pedagogy. − M.: Alfa-M, Scientific Research Center INFRA-M, 2013. − 448 p.

Social and pedagogical functions contribute to the implementation of educational functions, ensure a more complete fulfillment of goals, including the goals of the social development of children. We consider social and pedagogical functions functions of social support, health improvement, social adaptation, cultural and leisure etc.

Social and pedagogical support is the most important function of the system of additional education for children and ensures the achievement of such results as, for example, children’s mastery of the system of social roles, the formation of their social literacy, activity, stability, and the development of individuality.

Various forms of gaming, subject-practical, organizational, educational and other types of additional education allow the child master social roles in different spheres of life. Family and social roles are mastered during the game;

professional and labor - in the process of training, subject-practical, educational and production activities; political role - through participation in self-government bodies; communicative role - through participation in a variety of leisure programs; the role of the individual in the egosphere - through training, creativity, self-education and other activities.

Considering formation of social literacy as the goal of a child’s social development, it can be assumed that in modern conditions all people need to have a sufficient amount of social literacy (general cultural, political, socio-economic, etc.). In the content of education, one can highlight areas that contribute to the formation of social literacy in children: introducing children to the values ​​​​prevailing in society; implementation of social control (on the part of teachers); ensuring the choice of different types of activities and future profession; distribution of people in society in accordance with their merits, participation in social stratification; investment in future children; influencing a person’s status in society - ensuring the possibility of social mobility; preparation for participation in political life; influencing life positions and type of behavior.

Formation of social activity involves a harmonious combination of such components as self-education, self-development, self-organization, self-education, self-regulation, self-government, in the process of social adaptation and social autonomy of the child. Social adaptation - the active adaptation of an individual to the conditions of the social environment - is successfully solved in the system of additional education for children through their participation in socially significant collective creative, professional, and practical activities. Social autonomy or isolating oneself from the world of people around, understanding the integrity of one’s personality, the social community to which a person belongs, the lifestyle one would like to lead, is carried out through the realization of children’s capabilities in practical actions, the desire to have deep knowledge and skills in at least one areas, a general orientation towards success, taking responsibility for one’s own actions, accumulating one’s own work experience, experience in solving one’s problems. The formation of social activity also contributes to the social self-determination of children, their choice of their role and position in the general system of social relations, which presupposes their inclusion in this system on the basis of formed interests and needs.

Building social sustainability- a new direction in the social development of a child - is necessary today in connection with the changes in our society that have been taking place recently. The transition to a democratic society, the construction of a rule of law state, freedom of enterprise, the dominance in society of universal human values, national interests and many other changes require a new sociality: not the state construction of the human community, but the free construction of interpersonal relationships, determined by the interests and values ​​of the individual himself. Social sustainability is an integrative quality that determines an individual’s internal ability for moral activity and behavior, a high degree of involvement in various types of activities, the effectiveness of participation in leading activities, consciousness and responsibility, and the implementation of personally valuable and socially significant goals. A socially stable person is not influenced by an antisocial environment. It can be assumed that additional education of children can participate in the formation of social stability of the individual through the implementation communication functions(creating conditions for self-determination in the system of social relations), social protection, assistance and support(creating conditions for legal, social, economic and other guarantees for the child), health improvement(creating conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle, etc.).

The idea of ​​social and pedagogical support of a person in an educational institution allows us to consider it as a process containing a set of purposeful pedagogical actions that help a person understand the emerging life situation and ensure his self-development based on reflection of what is happening (M. I. Rozhkov). Social and pedagogical support is always personalized, even if the teacher works with a group of children, and is aimed at stimulating the child’s independence in solving problems that arise. Social and pedagogical support in situations of social choice is of particular importance.

Under function social support for children We understand the creation of a targeted system of practical, social, political, legal, psychological, pedagogical, economic and other social protective measures that provide normal conditions for the physical, mental, spiritual and moral formation and development of children, preventing infringement of their rights and human dignity. In table 4 shows options for implementing the function of social support for children in the system of additional education for children.

Table 4

Options for social support for children in the system of additional education for children

In practice, most often there are different options for integrating areas of social support for children. For example, introduction children's scholarship systems, which are awarded to students who have successfully mastered the program material in one or more areas of activity, who are creative in their work, and who actively participate in the public affairs of their team and the school. You can give another example of a complex socio-psychological support and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents. Its content includes the following types of activities: psychological counseling of children and parents on problems of decreased motivation to learn, difficulties in learning activities, relationships with parents, negative behavior of adolescents; conducting trainings for teenage children aimed at developing responsible, confident behavior and effective interpersonal communication skills; training of teaching staff on issues of social support for adolescents 1 .

Health improvement for children conditions of additional education presupposes the formation of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of physical, psychological, and physiological health. Children's health improvement can be organized in different ways (Table 5).

Table 5

Options for organizing children’s health in the system of additional education for children

1 Zolotareva A.V. Additional education of children: Theory and methodology of social and pedagogical activities. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004.

Implementation social adaptation functions children involves creating conditions for the child’s activities to master relatively stable environmental conditions, solve recurring typical problems that arise in the process of social interaction, and adapt to the conditions of the social environment. At the same time, children acquire a variety of social experience in practical, creative, research, social, and innovative activities; experience of communication, victories, disappointments, successes and failures. We can give a set of social roles that children can “try on” in the conditions of additional education: student, trainee, teacher, organizer, actor, artist, journalist, reporter, member of the production team, craftsman (of different profiles: seamstress, embroiderer, radio technician, etc. ), fashion model, mass performer, designer, storyteller, dancer, member of a creative team, partner, teaching assistant, lecturer, agitator, entertainer, presenter, etc.

One of the leading functions of additional education for children is considered to be cultural and leisure. Its implementation involves creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality in his free time through communication: exchange of information, experience, knowledge, skills, assessments, judgments, thoughts, results of activities; participation in informal social processes and structures based on common interest; relieving individual and group tensions, restoring, compensating, balancing forces. It is distinguished by freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity, and initiative of both the individual child and individual social groups of children. Options for organizing cultural and leisure activities are presented in Table. 6.

Table 6

Options for organizing cultural and leisure activities in the system of additional education for children

Thus, we see that in cultural and leisure activities there is wide integrability and variability: this activity can take place both individually and collectively; it is based on the activity of the individual, aimed at choosing options for realizing the goals of communication, entertainment, recreation, and creativity.

Functions in the system of additional education for children are most often not implemented separately from each other; there is an integration of content, and therefore functions. There can be many options for integrating functions, for example, integration of training and education (patriotic education of children in the process of teaching folk crafts), integration of training and development (development of strong-willed personality traits in the process of learning martial arts), integration of development and social support (social support and development gifted children), etc.

The key idea of ​​the modern education system is the idea of ​​development associated with the creation of new practices of teaching and education.

Let us consider what “development” is in general and “development of social and pedagogical functions” in particular.

Development is a fundamental philosophical and scientific concept.

Dictionaries give different interpretations of this concept, each of which has its own emphasis and complements each other. The most widely used definitions of this concept are:

“Development is an irreversible, directed, natural change in matter and consciousness, their universal property; as a result of development, a new qualitative state of an object arises - its composition or structure.” (131, p. 1097). That is, development changes the object (in our case, the institution of additional education for children, teachers, children and parents), the composition and content of the activity.

“Development is an irreversible, directed, natural change in material and ideal objects.” (162, p. 561).

“Development is a process of natural change, transition from one state to another, more perfect; transition from an old qualitative state to a new qualitative state, from simple to complex, from lower to higher.” (106, p. 558). That is, development is based on the process of creating and mastering innovation.

“Development is an evolution, a change leading to a new state of the subject of development, an increase in its social value.” (180, p. 135). This definition emphasizes the subjective nature of the development of social subjects, its identity with self-development, and the connection between development processes and social values.

Based on these concepts, let us specify the concept of “development” in relation to the object of our research:

  • - development is qualitative changes, i.e. a changed system with new properties more efficiently performs its functions or acquires new ones that were not characteristic of it before;
  • - an object can develop, acquiring subjective functions, i.e. the institution itself sets the goals of its activities, determines the ways to achieve them, etc., the organization becomes a subject;
  • - development is always associated with the creation and development of innovations;
  • - the development of an educational institution is associated with changes in the social order, because this entails changes in the educational process.

Thus, the development of the social and pedagogical functions of an institution of additional education for children is a process of changing the goals, objectives, content, technologies for organizing a specific area of ​​activity under the influence of external and internal factors, resulting in improvement, leading to the achievement of new results of education, upbringing and development children, to a new qualitative state of the institution’s activities, which corresponds to the social order of the state, the individual, and the family.

It is advisable to reveal the content of the model of socio-pedagogical activities of an institution of additional education for children by describing the identified socio-pedagogical functions: educational, educational (socio-educational), career guidance, recreational and health, socio-cultural, socialization, social protection and adaptation, since this approach allows us to demonstrate it most clearly.

All identified functions are closely interrelated. Within each function, there is also a certain relationship and interdependence between the goal, objectives, focus, specific content, forms, methods of implementation, final results, and development prospects.

Educational function enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in 1992, which interprets education as a process of training and education in the interests of the individual, society and the state, accompanied by the achievement of certain educational levels. We consider the concept of “education” in two ways: as a result of the learning process, expressed in the system of knowledge, skills and abilities formed in students, as well as attitudes towards nature and social life; as a process of development and improvement of the existing system of knowledge throughout life in accordance with changing living conditions.

Based on the above, the educational function is to improve all the physical, spiritual, moral, and intellectual powers of the student and is aimed at involving the child in activities. It is especially effectively implemented in the educational process, when learning uses a variety of forms of organizing cognitive activity, which creates conditions for play, mental, and work activity and allows the entire complex of human mental processes to be included in the work.

One of the main tasks of the institution of additional education for children is not just to transfer knowledge, but to develop valuable mental qualities in students, teach them to learn independently, develop the ability to self-learn and reveal their abilities. As the famous psychologist S.L. wrote. Rubinstein: “The development of a person... is the development of his abilities, and the development of a person’s abilities is what constitutes development as such.” (126, p.221) Ample opportunities for developing abilities are provided by classes in various clubs, study groups and interest groups. Everyone is accepted into institutions of additional education for children, so in the learning process it is necessary to take into account the personality characteristics of each child. This is facilitated by the use of various teaching methods, the implementation of requirements for students depending on their capabilities, needs and level of development, which is possible subject to a comprehensive study of the child.

Learning as a social process is a leading factor in personal development. In the process of life, learning and development interact with each other: learning leads to development, and development expands the possibilities of learning, which entails the development of cognitive interest and abilities, which inevitably contributes to the need to acquire new knowledge about the world around us. Teaching is the core of public education. It has always existed in the actual practice of relationships between adults and children and “as a social phenomenon there is a purposeful, organized, systematic transfer to the older generation and assimilation by the younger generation of experience in social relations, social consciousness, culture and productive labor, knowledge about active transformation and environmental protection” .(84, p.23).

During the study, students' requests for educational services were identified, in accordance with which educational departments were formed: artistic creativity, linguistic, environmental and biological, scientific and humanitarian, sports and recreational, technical creativity, arts and crafts.

Number of students

Number of students



Wind instruments

Ecology tourism

Choir, vocals


Foreign languages

Musical instruments

Decorative and applied

Traditional Russian culture

Early development of preschool children



Natural science

Beauty and health

Particular attention in institutions of additional education for children is given to taking into account the differences between the level of development of abilities in children of the same age group and, accordingly, the individual characteristics of children’s development - in terms of the pace of learning, the breadth, depth and complexity of the content of activities, which is reflected in such principles of developing educational programs for study groups and children's groups, such as: differentiation, individualization, variability, as well as the principle of developing children's creative abilities.

In accordance with the individual characteristics of children, in the curricula of institutions of additional education for children, it is possible to distinguish subjects that develop personality, which are aimed at obtaining information on a subject of interest and the formation of basic knowledge, skills and abilities in a certain field of knowledge, for joint and independent activities in the field of leisure. These items are sold under such programs as:

programs for accelerated development of abilities for children with increased abilities, who are ahead of their peers in development and show increased interest or ability in a chosen type of activity, while demonstrating a high pace of learning and development (groups of “highest skill”, express courses);

less strenuous educational programs that are offered to children experiencing difficulties both in educational areas and with various physical and mental disabilities. The task of these programs is to provide the child with a “situation of success”, a comfortable development environment, to facilitate the choice of an individual trajectory in learning and development (adaptive programs in standard educational subjects);

integrative programs, the content of which consists of knowledge from various fields of science, technology, and culture. These programs contribute to the formation of a holistic worldview and the diversified development of children by combining the educational, educational and developmental capabilities of different academic subjects. Such programs are implemented in clubs and studios.

standard educational ones, which expand knowledge in school subjects or, conversely, are less intense, remedial training courses (Foreign languages, Stylistics, Fine arts, Ecology);

cognitive, which provide knowledge from areas beyond the school curriculum (Versification, History of Russian costume, Old Russian literature, Homeland studies);

scientific research, which develop abilities in scientific activity, form research skills, and provide individual development of abilities (Mathematical laboratory, Physical phenomena, Chemistry for those entering universities);

integrated training courses that implement interdisciplinary connections (Early development of preschool children).

The following forms of analysis of the final result of the implementation of the educational function in the system of additional education for children are used: observations during training with recording of results; conducting control tests of knowledge, analysis, generalization and discussion of learning results; holding open classes with their subsequent discussion; final conference; In addition, specific methods for assessing the state of development of students and their progress in the process of training and education in an institution of additional education for children are being developed and tested, the dynamics of such development indicators as curiosity, cognitive interest, etc. are being monitored.

Prospects for improving the educational function lie in updating the content, forms and methods of additional education for children, in creating a new generation of educational programs for study groups and children's groups, which will increase the possibility of choosing individual paths for the development of children and will allow the idea of ​​personalized learning to be realized. It is also obvious that there is a need to introduce into practice a methodology for a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical examination of children, which will make it possible to create an individual development program for each child, taking into account the level of his physical, mental, intellectual, and creative development. The main forms of socio-pedagogical support for children's development are: individual approach, differentiation of learning, socio-pedagogical support for the child and family.

The educational function is characterized by consistency and comprehensiveness, since the learning process is continuous, each person continues to improve the level of his education throughout his life.

The most characteristic features of the educational function in the system of additional education are that it:

It is not connected with certain regulations established by compulsory education in other educational institutions, but is based on voluntariness, initiative, and independence of the students themselves in the process of additional education.

ensures more complete satisfaction of the diverse individual educational needs and interests, requests and preferences of students.

relies on a wider (than in other educational institutions) arsenal of means, forms and methods of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities.

continues, complements and deepens the information and knowledge acquired in other educational institutions.

Thus, the institution of additional education for children performs an educational function, providing the right to satisfy their educational needs to all children, in accordance with their abilities, capabilities, needs and health status.

We identify the educational function (social and educational) of institutions of additional education for children as independent, following the logic of recent research by A.V. Mudrik (94) and consists in ensuring the targeted influence of all structures of the institution on the behavior and activities of students. Social education is carried out in specially created organizations, in our case - an institution of additional education for children and “represents the systematic creation of conditions for the purposeful development and value orientation of a person” (94, p. 91). These conditions, according to A.V. Mudrik, are created during the “interaction of individual, group and social subjects in three interconnected and at the same time relatively autonomous processes in content, forms, methods and style of interaction: organization of human social experience, education, individual assistance person." (Ibid.).

When organizing an education system, it is necessary to focus on the real processes of development of the child’s personality and take into account the need to transform him into a subject of the social development of public relations. The educational process “should be based on the personal activity of the student, and all the art of the educator should be reduced only to directing and regulating this activity” (L.S. Vygotsky) (40). The purpose of education is to instill humanity, humanity, decency, i.e. high morality.

“Education is a social process in the broadest sense. It educates everything: people, things, phenomena, but above all and most of all - people. Of these, parents and teachers come first. With the entire complex world of the surrounding reality, the child enters into an infinite number of relationships, each of which invariably develops, intertwines with other relationships, and is complicated by the physical and moral growth of the child himself... To direct this development and guide it is the task of the educator.” (85, vol. 5, p. 14)

The humanistic nature of education presupposes the implementation of an educational function in each educational lesson and the creation of an educational environment in an institution aimed at the spiritual development of the personality of each student. The educational function of an institution of additional education for children is a multifaceted phenomenon. It is based on the fact that education is the management of the process of personal development. It can be viewed through the prism of the content, methods and forms of teaching, because the educational function is included in all parts of the institution’s activities and is manifested in the relationship and interaction of teachers and students. Thus, in essence, the educational function is woven into all the social and pedagogical activities of the institution of additional education for children.

Consequently, the educational function of an institution of additional education for children is a complex education designed to integrate all the necessary socio-pedagogical conditions in a specific educational process, ensuring the development of the child’s personality in accordance with the goals of education.

Based on these provisions, educational work in the Central Children's and Youth Center is built, uniting more than 500 educational groups, sections, studios, children's groups, in which children study who have the opportunity to satisfy their diverse interests that lie outside the main educational activity and independently solve social problems: choose, try, change the type of activity, find yourself.

The content of the educational function in the Center for Youth and Youth Education is determined by the “Native Origins” program, within the framework of which a study is conducted on the topic: “The influence of Russian culture on the formation of a student’s personality.” The program lays out the sequence of formation of children’s personal qualities, their development of ethnic and aesthetic views and beliefs. The program is used by all teachers as a recommendation for action. Its goal is to educate children using traditional Russian culture, to introduce them to the history and culture of their homeland; getting to know the life, customs, and traditions of your ancestors; development of new educational technologies that promote personal development and prepare students for meaningful activities in the future. Educational work at the Center for Youth and Youth Education is aimed at developing a respectful attitude towards folk traditions and culture, and at nurturing love for one’s Fatherland.

In the field of educational work with children, the work of clubs is used, in which children and parents form associations of different ages on a voluntary basis, in which they independently solve social problems. Among them is the family club "Moscow Old-Timer", whose program of activities includes: studying the historical past of Moscow; practical classes on mastering Russian arts and crafts; collection of materials on local history, excursions around Moscow. A museum of Russian material culture has been created at the CDYuT. The deep emotional impression that a child receives from contact with folk culture has a significant impact on his spiritual, intellectual and moral development.

We see prospects for improving the educational function of institutions of additional education for children in strengthening the joint work of teachers of secondary schools and additional education teachers, in strengthening social ties in the microdistrict. This will create optimal conditions for the development of the student’s personality and expand the social and educational space.

The systematic, purposeful implementation of the educational function of an institution of additional education for children produces positive results, as evidenced by the dynamics of growth in the level of education of students, the study of which was carried out according to the methodology proposed in the collection. "Management at school." (168, pp. 79-84)

Academic year

Level of education

Raising children in the system of additional education becomes real if additional education programs meet the needs of children, take into account the real possibilities of satisfying them, help the child determine his moral position, and stimulate self-education and self-development.

The sociocultural function is a complex multi-level social phenomenon and is considered one of the most important socio-pedagogical functions of institutions of additional education for children. This function reflects the goals and objectives of the institution of additional education in the field of culture and leisure, determines the ways and methods of its implementation in a particular institution, closely interacts with other functions, solves a number of social issues and is implemented by students in their free time, when they receive emotional relief, restore physical and spiritual strength, assimilate additional information and expand their horizons in order to subsequently fruitfully master school programs.

The sociocultural function is implemented in a program-targeted mode:

  • - Cultural and leisure programs (such as “Girls’ get-togethers”, “Folk monthly holidays”, “Sports family”, etc.) develop and satisfy the cultural-educational, cultural-creative and recreational-health needs and interests of children, form social activity a personality capable of transforming the surrounding reality and itself. They fill free time with positive content, are as close as possible to the needs and interests of children, are attractive, interesting, entertaining, provide an opportunity to relax, and relieve loneliness. On average, more than 100 cultural and leisure programs are implemented at the Center for Youth and Youth Education per year.
  • - Cultural and educational programs (“Aesthetics of Ancient Rus'”, “Objective world of Russian culture”, “Spiritual and moral traditions of the Russian people”, etc.) are aimed at the formation of the basic culture of the individual, introducing it to the values ​​of global and national culture, assimilation of cultural norms , values ​​and patterns of behavior in society.
  • - Programs that develop artistic talent ("Lace-making", "Sacred singing", "Classical ballet", etc.). Their goal is the development of individual creative imagination, observation, fantasy; creation of psychological, artistic, applied, social conditions for the manifestation of children's creative talent.
  • - Comprehensive programs for the activities of interest clubs: “Moscow Old-Timer”, “Family Leisure”, “Communication Grammar”, etc.

Sociocultural programs and activities are implemented at several levels: within study groups; within the department; at the level of institution, district; at the city level, at the international level.

In the system of additional education for children, the sociocultural function is characterized by the fact that it:

It is purposeful, thoughtful and is carried out in children’s free time, proceeds both individually and collectively;

is distinguished by freedom of choice of leisure activities and programs related to recreation, self-development, communication, health improvement, based on voluntariness, activity, initiative of both an individual child and various groups;

is determined by regional characteristics and traditions and is characterized by a variety of activities of children based on artistic, technical, everyday and other interests;

contributes to solving regional problems in historical, cultural, environmental, socio-psychological, religious and other areas common to various social groups;

helps in solving life issues and problems of families, children, adolescents, and also creates a favorable environment for the meaningful organization of leisure time and the manifestation of socio-cultural activity and initiative of children;

promotes children's knowledge of culture and art through creative activity and the formation of cultural knowledge, spiritual culture of the younger generation through communication with other people, develops the experience of creative activity of children and adolescents.

Consequently, the sociocultural function, being an integral part of the model of social and pedagogical activity, is carried out in organized and unorganized, collective and individual, traditional and non-traditional forms through the creation of a wide network of diverse educational groups, children's groups through a system of individual family choice and design of forms and methods spending free time, alternative home leisure activities. Like any other, sociocultural function is carried out on a voluntary basis, taking into account the diverse interests, hobbies and needs of children.

The prospect for further development of the socio-cultural function of an institution of additional education for children is the development and implementation of a comprehensive Program of socio-cultural activities of the institution, one of the priority areas of which will be the preservation and development of children's artistic creativity based on the national and cultural characteristics of the region.

“The system of additional education performs not only educational functions (training and upbringing), but also social ones. The free nature of this type of education is one of the main guarantees of the implementation of the principle of equality of educational opportunities. The population reacts very sensitively to this, primarily its low-income and socially less protected layers." (35, p.9).

The function of socialization is extremely significant, since in the process of socialization the student acquires the qualities necessary for him to live in society, masters activities, communication, assimilates norms of behavior and social experience accumulated by previous generations, and actively reproduces the system of social connections. According to A.V. Mudrik: “Socialization is the development of a person throughout his life in interaction with the environment in the process of assimilation of social norms and cultural values, as well as self-development and self-realization in the society to which he belongs” (94). Socialization is a continuous process, since a person constantly interacts with society. In contrast, education is a continuous process, because it is systematically carried out in certain organizations.

Students are offered specialized, integrated and comprehensive training programs that contribute to the acquisition of qualities necessary for life in society and which are developed by teachers of the Center for Youth and Youth Education, taking into account the capabilities and needs of students (“I live among people”, “Know yourself”, Club “Grammar of Communication” and etc.). Socialization programs set the goal of developing positive social experience in children, mastering social roles, and the ability to participate in any activity by communicating with different people.

An analysis of the activities of a specific institution of additional education - CDYUT "Bibirevo" - showed that in order to expand the range of activities and ensure self-expression and self-determination of students, the teaching staff is working to create multidisciplinary training. The joint work of the Center on a contractual basis on cooperation with 28 schools in the district to update the content of education also contributes to solving this problem.

Based on the fact that socialization is the result of the interaction of the individual and the environment, one of the prospects for improving the function of socialization is the creation of an educational environment in the microdistrict, the study of the social and pedagogical functions of various institutions and organizations (educational, medical, law enforcement, sports, cultural and leisure), the development joint activity programs.

The features of the socialization function are that it is aimed at: creating conditions for self-affirmation of the individual in the team and society, taking into account his capabilities; the development of the child’s essential powers, the formation in him of a person capable of social creativity; providing conditions for self-expression and self-determination; providing assistance to children who have difficulty entering the world.

To determine the results of this function, specific methods have been developed and tested at the Center for Children and Youth Education (assessing the social situation of development, the child’s readiness for life in society and family, the comfort of the learning environment), which have shown that such an institution can effectively use the inevitably arising social connections, since it has more (than other educational institutions of society), opportunities to create conditions for a more intensive process of socialization of the emerging personality, ensuring social protection and children's rights.

In this regard, the subject of attention of teachers of the additional education system has become the real process of socialization of the individual in all its complexity and multifactorial nature, tracing the various stages of a person’s social routes from preschool age to entering independent life.

The socialization function is closely interconnected with other socio-pedagogical functions. Taken together, they act as leading, directing and determining principles of socialization of children and adolescents, their active involvement in the process of comprehensive knowledge of the reality around them, mastering a profession, skills of individual and collective work, mastering the experience of older generations, and introducing them to the enduring values ​​of global and national culture.

The function of social protection of institutions of additional education for children is implemented in a system of measures that ensure the satisfaction of needs that support the life of the student. This function is based on a set of the following guarantees (which are provided to children for normal development and existence by an additional education institution) - free educational, leisure, information services, free provision of rest for children during the holiday period, organization of pre-vocational training. Today, “the educational system itself has acquired distinct functions of social protection for the student, as well as the teacher, both in the sense of his life support, protection from the destructive influences of the environment, and in the sense of preparation for harsh market conditions, competition, a criminalized and socially unstable environment.” (54, p. 9)

In an institution of additional education for children, the social protection of the child is carried out by all categories of teaching staff, from the administration to the teacher.

Problems of the child and family force the institution of additional education for children and the teacher to become a real protector of children. The ability of teachers to see and understand, their respectful tone, and friendliness towards children have great influence, form positive motives in them, affirm the vitality of the child, which becomes a shield for him from negative emotions and reactions of the environment.

The function of social protection is a system of measures that protect the child, giving the right to a full life, education and recreation, taking into account the age interests and needs of students.

Social protection, according to V. Lisovsky (146, part 2, p. 188), can be considered as: social protection of the formation and development of the individual, which is formed in accordance with objective laws, stages of development in which a certain set of problems is solved; social protection of the environment for the formation and development of personality; legal protection of children's rights; targeted social protection of disadvantaged groups of children.

The content of the social protection function consists of programs that provide for the education and upbringing of children with developmental disabilities (correctional courses for lagging children); early vocational training programs that will help you find a field of application after leaving school ("Russian Artel", "Young Farmer", etc.); vacation and summer recreation programs for children.

To improve the social protection function today it is necessary:

implementation of measures to improve the social environment, form healthy relationships in society and family, provide conditions for the social development of the individual;

affirmation in practice of high moral values ​​and attitudes, neutralization of negative phenomena in children and adults;

combining the efforts of all social institutions of society in the matter of education, eliminating disunity.

A study of the implementation of this function showed that social protection and adaptation of young people to changing living conditions in institutions of additional education is successful, since social and pedagogical models of activity and lifestyle can be actively introduced in them, because the traditions, style and methods of work of these institutions take into account the peculiarities as much as possible society. The consequence of this is that children accumulate experience in social behavior, the foundations of culture, conscious choice of profession, ensure spiritual and physical growth, and receive qualified assistance in various aspects of social life. The adaptation mechanism that develops in the process of socialization of an individual becomes the basis of his behavior and involves not only providing assistance to the individual himself, but also his activity, awareness of his social status.

The function of social adaptation today is of particular importance, since it is extremely important to prepare children for a new reality, for entering into life in new socio-economic conditions. Moreover, cooking does not mean adapting them to inclusion in relationships, but means teaching them to perform a socially significant task, raising a person capable of social creativity. After all, social adaptation is “a type of interaction between an individual and a social group with the social environment, during which the requirements and expectations of its participants are coordinated” (162, p. 12).

To improve the function of social adaptation, it is necessary to coordinate the activities of the institution of additional education for children with social norms and goals of society, because “The most important condition for successful adaptation is the optimal combination of adaptive and adaptive activities, varying depending on specific situations, i.e., the correct determination of how, to what extent and whether adaptation is possible and necessary to everything.” (162, p.12). The basis of this is the inclusion of students in creative activities, continuous exchange with the social environment, contributing to the renewal of both the environment and the individual.

Social adaptation of children studying in institutions of additional education, their overcoming of a psychological barrier and the formation of a socially oriented consciousness in them upon entering adulthood usually take place without stressful situations, since the entire system of work of these institutions is aimed at the development of personality.

The result of social adaptation is the ability of students to make independent choices from a wide range of opportunities provided by life.

Let us highlight the following stages of social adaptation, which the work of the institution of additional education for children is focused on:

Stage I is the period when a child enters a secondary school. Here, an additional education institution helps preschool children adapt to new living conditions in a group, developing and implementing programs for early social adaptation of children 4-6 years old.

Stage II is the stage of school life. During this period, correctional and rehabilitation programs are offered that help students develop abilities, establish themselves in a team, experience various emotions in the school environment, learn to respect themselves and others, defend or give up their positions.

Stage III - the period of finishing school. Here, the institution of additional education for children solves the problems of support and professional guidance for graduates, developing special programs that help young men and women overcome psychological barriers when entering adult life in society and family, determine their place in it and make the right choice of activity profile, prepare for the reality of our days.

The content of the social adaptation function consists of programs for the implementation of self-affirmation, for establishing interaction with the environment, for establishing an active personal position, for awareness of one’s status and behavior (Club for high school students “Mirror”, programs: “Safe behavior”, “Human life experience”, etc. .). A special group consists of programs for the rehabilitation and adaptation of disabled children to modern society, which help them overcome their complexes and be in demand in society ("Integrated Children's Theater", "Russian Arts and Crafts").

Social adaptation programs are built on the use of a system of active, dialogue forms of education, thanks to which children learn: to reason, to defend their opinions; conduct discussions on various topics; cope with life tasks and real situations; make independent decisions in unusual situations.

The real results of social adaptation are analyzed using pedagogical diagnostics, specific methods for assessing the condition of children and participant observation.

The prospect for the development of this function is the introduction into practice of the institution of additional education for children of individual correctional social adaptation programs for each child.

Closely related to the previous one is the career guidance function, which is characterized by the fact that during the classes, students develop a stable interest in socially significant activities, which during the classes is consolidated by the development of skills and abilities of operational actions in the field of certain professions.

Today, problems of life and professional self-determination become problems of survival in the labor market. School education does not guarantee the graduate either a job or continued education at a university, which confronts the child and his family with the problem of early choice of profession. In the system of additional education for children, a unique opportunity is created for early professional training of schoolchildren; there are favorable conditions for a child to try himself in various types of activities, actively search for his own business in life, which will meet the needs, interests and abilities of his personality.

Organizing early vocational training for children in additional education institutions means focusing the content of education on the real problems and needs of society, supporting children and youth.

Thus, the implementation of the career guidance function allows:

carry out social protection of the younger generation, clarifying the promising field of activity and the place of application of the student’s efforts;

prepare for a conscious choice of profession, for life and teach how to independently navigate the world of professions;

predict the success of professional training and development of a young person;

make wide use of acquired professional knowledge and skills;

determine the maturity of professional qualities and “test yourself” in professional and practical activities; gradually develop the qualities necessary for the chosen profession.

During the study, we had a need to study the problem of vocational training, the attitude of parents, teachers and children towards it. The survey showed that 97.6% of parents and 82.5% of teachers believe that vocational training should begin at the age of 13-14.

Opinions about what specialties are needed are ambiguous: 48.2% believe that it is necessary to focus on economic specialties; 37.9% - in a specialty using a computer; 29% - in specialties that are needed in everyday life and in family life. Today CDYuT provides vocational training in 11 areas.

Labor activity is the basis for the development of a teenager’s personality, so it is very important for him to make the right choice of profession that corresponds to his individual capabilities and abilities. The institution of additional education for children provides students with the opportunity to try themselves in a certain field of activity. In this direction, we distinguish two stages: diagnostic, including socio-psychological research aimed at determining the characteristics of the individual and her professional intentions; professionally oriented, i.e. the actual choice of a training profile and the conscious acquisition of primary professional skills.

In the curricula of institutions of additional education for children, one can highlight subjects that teach students creative, constructive work, which give children information about applied activities; equip them with skills and abilities in the chosen profile, prepare students for a future independent life and carry a certain career guidance load.

students are introduced to a specific professional field ("Young Vegetable Grower", "Arts and Crafts", "Clothing Design", etc.);

a young specialist is being formed, whose qualifications are confirmed by a certificate or certificate (“Book-writing workshop”, “Russian artel”, Home nurse”, etc.);

students’ personal interests are realized and professional skills are acquired (“Sports rock and roll”, “Pop singing”, etc.)

Indicators of the success of the implementation of the career guidance function are: the number of students actually involved in mastering professional skills and receiving career guidance training, as well as the number of graduates who continued their studies or began working in the chosen profile.

The prospect of improving the career guidance function is to increase the areas that have access to preparing students for professional activities.

The recreational and health-improving function of an institution of additional education for children is usually implemented during the holiday period when organizing their travel to other regions to specialized and educational camps to use the rest in the interests of the development of the personality of each child.

The recreational and health function is determined by the need to create conditions for preserving the child’s health and developing a healthy lifestyle. Essentially, this function consists of developing and implementing a variety of sports, entertainment, and health programs for various categories of children in order to restore the strength expended in the learning process, eliminate tension and, at the same time, provide a developmental impact. This function is aimed at replenishing spent energy, restoring and strengthening health, satisfying interests, introducing sociocultural values, developing work skills, developing creative potential and including new social connections and relationships in the system.

In its content, the recreational and health function is closely related to the leisure function, as it is focused on active, organized, collective leisure based on voluntary communication, play activities, including excursions, competitions and the implementation of weekend programs. The variety of forms and methods of physical education, new approaches to organizing sports activities are of great health value. The Center for Youth and Youth Sports has identified requests for sports and fitness programs:

Much attention is paid not only to forms of work aimed at physical development and improvement, but also to methods for developing positive social qualities of an individual - courage, endurance, courage. The advantage of this function is to attract children of any age to sports, as evidenced by the following data on the Center for Youth and Youth Sports:

The recreational and health function is characterized by consistency, since concern for organizing a healthy lifestyle, active recreation, and creating conditions for preserving the health of the child permeates the content of pedagogical activities in all areas. But this function is especially actively implemented during the holiday period, when children travel outside their region, participate in hikes, expeditions, specialized camps and training camps.

The implementation of the recreational and health function helps to create conditions for each child to fully enjoy their vacation time, which is used to continue educational work with children. Thus, our research showed that in 1997, 8 hikes were held at the Center for Youth and Youth Education, in which 120 people took part, 7 specialized camps (440 people), 2 sports camps (40 people) and 2 sanatorium camps (130 people) were organized.

Prospects for the development of the recreational and health function: creation of a comprehensive program for the activities of the institution “For a healthy lifestyle”; advanced training of teachers on child health issues; conducting a psychological and pedagogical examination of all educational programs before their inclusion in the educational process in order to prevent harm to the physical and mental health of children; development of psychological and pedagogical requirements for the design and implementation of original programs for additional education for children; involving medical workers in jointly solving the problem of children’s health, compiling health monitoring.

Thus, having revealed a certain set of elements according to the identified functions (goal, general orientation, specific content, final result, form of its assessment and prospects for improvement), we obtain a differentiated description of the content of the model of social and pedagogical activity of a specific institution of additional education for children. The set of functions in the model of social and pedagogical activity is determined on the basis of their significance, which depends on the team of children, teachers, social order, financial costs, target setting of the activity, and the priority of content at the present stage. All the functions we have identified are interconnected. All of the above confirms that the social and pedagogical functions of the institution of additional education for children are closely interconnected. The acquired knowledge in specific subjects is the basis for the formation of a worldview, professional interests, mental and emotional development of children.

Purposeful creative activity to implement social and pedagogical functions brings tangible results: interest in learning increases, the number of children and the number of study groups increases annually; High motivation for parents' participation in the affairs of institutions of additional education for children has been created.

  • 1. Taking into account the conditions of society, changing the social order, updating the goals and content of the activities of the institution of additional education for children made it possible to clarify the composition of its social and pedagogical functions and determine the ways of their development, including:
    • - humanistic orientation of the institution’s activities: updating the content of additional education for children - developing modified training programs, education in accordance with new goals, developing comprehensive programs, introducing new disciplines, etc.
    • - democratization of the educational process: changing the position of the student in the educational process, cooperation between teachers, children and parents, high level of motivation, comfortable conditions, the right to freely choose the content and form of education.
    • - the need to adjust the activities of the institution in connection with the development of market relations, which place increased demands on the qualities of the younger generation.
    • - mastering and developing new forms, methods, technologies of training and education that contribute to the development of socially significant qualities of the student’s personality.
    • - studying the child’s personality, which will allow creating individual development programs.
    • - preparing the teaching staff to work in new conditions.

Thus, a natural change in the goals, objectives, content, forms, methods, technologies of organizing social and pedagogical activities leads to the achievement of qualitatively new results in the education, upbringing, and development of children and adolescents.

2. The feasibility of developing social and pedagogical functions in institutions of additional education for children at the present stage is confirmed by a number of advantages, such as: the possibility of prompt social assistance to the population and early correction and rehabilitation of the child at all age levels; coordination of work with the family through the efforts of specialists and creative intelligentsia, who themselves are residents of the microdistrict and know its social problems; promoting the development of infrastructure of auxiliary institutions, allowing the educational structure to merge more closely with society and strengthen ties with the institution of the family; identifying trends in the socialization process at the present stage, identifying positive and negative opportunities in the development of institutions of additional education for children; promoting the targeted formation of a socio-cultural living environment in the microdistrict by combining the activities of various educational institutions and other social institutions of the microdistrict into a single system; creating conditions for the revival of folk arts and crafts based on national traditions.