A riddle about a forest dressed in summer. Riddles about the forest

Riddles about the forest

      We want to live in Africa
      Not because we're fat
      We just don't know the place
      Where we could live freely.

      (Answer: Baobab)

      What tree
      grows upside down.

      (Answer: Baobab)

      Green, not a meadow, white, not snow,
      Curly, but without hair.

      (Answer: Birch)

      Sticky buds
      Green leaves.
      With white bark
      It's under the mountain.

      (Answer: Birch)

      Without caring about the weather,
      He walks around in a white sundress,
      And on one of the warm days
      May gives her earrings.

      (Answer: Birch)

      Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
      In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

      (Answer: Birch)

      Alyonka is standing: a green scarf,
      Slim waist and white sundress.

      (Answer: Birch)

      In a white sundress
      She stood in the clearing.
      The tits were flying,
      They sat on their braids.

      (Answer: Birch)

      The pillars stand white,
      Their caps are green.

      (Answer: Birch)

      Girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest.
      The dress is white, the hats are green.

      (Answer: Birches)

      Not water and not land -
      You can't sail away on a boat
      And you can't walk with your feet.

      (Answer: Swamp)

      Not the sea, not the land,
      Ships don't float
      But you can’t walk.

      (Answer: Swamp)

      White sheep run around the candle.

      (Answer: Willow)

      Its spring and summer
      We saw him dressed.
      And in the fall from the poor thing
      All the shirts were torn off.
      But winter snowstorms
      They dressed him in furs.

      (Answer: Tree)

      Many arms, but one leg.

      (Answer: Tree)

      I crawled out of the little barrel,
      Sent roots and grew up,
      I have become tall and mighty,
      I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
      I feed pigs and squirrels -
      It’s okay that my fruit is small.

      (Answer: Oak)

      What is the name of the beauty who is dressed up once a year?

      (Answer: Christmas tree)

      Children love round dance
      Drive around beauties.
      And from year to year she
      He loves to give them a holiday.

      (Answer: Yolka)

      I come with gifts
      I shine with bright lights,
      Elegant, funny,
      On New Year I'm in charge!

      (Answer: Yolka)

      You will always find her in the forest - let's go for a walk and meet her.
      Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, in a summer dress in winter.

      (Answer: Spruce)

      What kind of girl is this?
      Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
      She doesn’t sew anything herself,
      Are there needles all year round?

      (Answer: Spruce)

      In winter and summer - one color.

      (Answer: Spruce, Yolka)

      We're hanging on thin branches
      And we have berets on our heads.
      As soon as the time is right -
      The boar will find us immediately.

      (Answer: Acorns)

      Into a golden ball
      The oak tree hid.

      (Answer: Acorn)

      In this smooth box
      Bronze color
      A small oak tree is hidden
      Next summer.

      (Answer: Acorn)

      Who changes clothes four times a year?

      (Answer: Earth)

      I dropped my curls into the river
      And I was sad about something,
      And what he’s sad about, he doesn’t tell anyone.

      (Answer: Willow)

      In a quiet house
      On a branch,
      The children took shelter from the rain.
      They sit in cramped little rooms,
      From under the shutters
      They look.

      (Answer: Pine Nuts)

      The box is sealed
      And the birch tree is hidden in it -
      With branches. With earrings.
      With white clothes.
      The wind carries the box and leaves it somewhere.

      (Answer: Winged Birch Fruits)

      The hero stands rich,
      Treats all the guys:
      Vanya - strawberries,
      Tanya - bones,
      Mashenka is like a nut,
      Petya - russula,
      Katya - raspberries,
      And Vasya is a twig.

      (Answer: Forest)

      It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
      dies in the fall, comes back to life in the spring.

      (Answer: Forest)

      This city is not simple, it is dense and dense.

      (Answer: Forest)

      Takes from my flower
      The bee has the most delicious honey.
      But they still offend me:
      The thin skin is torn off.

      (Answer: Linden)

      It will fall from a branch into the river -
      And it does not sink, but floats.

      (Answer: Leaf)

      Like pine trees, like fir trees,
      And in winter without needles.

      (Answer: Larch)

      A relative has a Christmas tree
      Non-thorny needles,
      But, unlike the Christmas tree,
      Those needles fall off.

      (Answer: Larch)

      In summer they grow green,
      And in the fall they fall yellow.

      (Answer: Leaves)

      Pa is given from a branch
      Gold coins.

      (Answer: Leaves)

      Soft, not fluffy
      Green, not grass.

      (Answer: Moss)

      In a clearing in the forest
      Curly-haired Vanya is standing,
      The rich man is small
      And he will give you nuts.

      (Answer: Walnut Bush)

      Nobody's scared
      And everything is shaking.

      (Answer: Aspen)

      What kind of tree stands -
      There is no wind, but the leaf is trembling?

      (Answer: Aspen)

      Why do they go to the forest?

      (Answer: On the ground)

      Turned green in spring
      tanned in the summer,
      put it on in the fall
      red corals.

      (Answer: Rowan)

      The dress is lost -
      The red buttons remain.

      (Answer: Rowan)

      Inseparable circle of friends
      Hundreds of hands reach out to the sun.
      And in my hands - a fragrant cargo
      Different beads for different tastes.

      (Answer: Garden)

      I was lying in the light
      Begged into the darkness
      And there is no peace there either:
      How to break out into the light!

      (Answer: Seed)

      On the edge, near the forest.
      There was a mound lined with hay.
      There are a thousand brothers in it.
      They are surrounded by one belt.

      (Answer: Sheaf)

      I have longer needles
      Than the Christmas tree.
      I'm growing very straight
      In height.
      If I'm not on the edge,
      The branches are only on the top of the head.

      (Answer: Pine)

      Everyone is trampling me
      And I am an assistant to everyone along the way.

      (Answer: Path)

      Which tree has babies wearing hats?

      (Answer: At the oak tree)

      He is almost a hundred meters tall:
      It's not easy to climb!
      He was from Australia
      Brought to us in Colchis.
      He has one job -
      Draining the swamp.

      (Answer: Eucalyptus)

      What is it: if you reduce it, there will be more,
      If you add it, will it be less?

      Riddles about the forest play a huge role in raising children. First of all, they broaden the horizons of children, giving them important knowledge about the world around them. Secondly, riddles about the forest instill a love for nature in the younger generation. Thirdly, they teach children to think in images.

      Riddles about the forest for the little ones with answers

      From the age of three or four, children try to independently find answers to adults’ questions.

      And at this time they can be offered quite simple poetic riddles about the forest with answers that rhyme with the penultimate line. For example:

      Squirrels and wolves live in it,

      Oak trees and fir trees grow in it

      Tall - to the skies!

      They call it... (forest).

      The answer is easy to find for those who know how to listen to the end

      You can offer the kids more about the forest, where they will have to rack their brains over the answer, because simply choosing a rhyme will not do. But the names of the fruits that the forest gives to people provide unique clues to the children.

      He's huge and rich
      He will treat all the guys:
      Lucy - strawberries,
      Vitenka - blueberries,
      Tanya is like a nut,
      Vasya - russula,
      Mashenka - raspberries,
      Petya - a twig!

      Such riddles about the forest for children develop the ability to listen to the end of a task. Most children are in a hurry to give an answer without finishing listening to the poems. Therefore, someone will immediately answer that the garden gives the children berries, then the word “russula” will refute the incorrect answers.

      Perhaps a rather witty version will be uttered - that this is a riddle about a store. You can't argue with that, because today in shopping centers You can buy any berries and mushrooms in winter and summer. But hardly a twig!

      Riddles about the forest for children 5-6 years old

      At this age, the children have already clearly understood what happens to trees when But the complexity of the riddles also lies in their imagery. If you imagine the forest as a living creature that can dress and undress independently, then the foliage of the trees will be compared to a green fur coat.

      In the spring he wears a fur coat

      Puts on greenery

      Get it off your shoulders in winter!

      And he throws it to the ground.

      Such a riddle not only teaches you to think logically and apply your knowledge while thinking about answers, but also shows how you can beautifully and figuratively describe the process of foliage growing and dropping from the branches in the fall.

      He wears a fur coat in spring and summer,

      And in winter he stands naked.

      from primary school

      Of course, there are also riddles in which there is not a single clue: neither the names of trees or other plants, fruits, nor the names of animals or birds. Every word is encrypted!

      The palace is open from all sides,

      There are many columns inside,

      There are tents above them,

      Below are carpets of wonderful beauty.

      And there are residents in that palace,

      And you can’t count them, you can’t count them!

      They also live in tents,

      And on columns, on carpets.

      But no one should demand from children an instant answer. The task of such riddles is to gradually understand its meaning.

      1. Why is the forest called a palace? (Huge, luxurious).
      2. What kind of columns are there? (Tall trees).
      3. What does the author of the riddle compare to tents? (Green crowns that intertwine with each other at the top).
      4. Does anyone spread carpets on the ground in the forests? (This is grass that grows in a thick, even layer and resembles carpets from a distance).
      5. What kind of inhabitants live “in tents”? And on the columns? And on carpets?

      This riddle can be used as the “backbone” of a lesson on the world around us, introducing the topic “Forest”.

      Sticky buds
      Green leaves.
      With white bark
      It's under the mountain.

      Answer: Birch

      Without caring about the weather,
      He walks around in a white sundress,
      And on one of the warm days
      May gives her earrings.

      Answer: Birch

      Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
      In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

      Answer: Birch

      Alyonka is standing: a green scarf,
      Slim waist and white sundress.

      Answer: Birch

      In a white sundress
      She stood in the clearing.
      The tits were flying,
      They sat on their braids.

      Answer: Birch

      The pillars stand white,
      Their caps are green.

      Answer: Birch

      Girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest.
      The dress is white, the hats are green.

      Answer: Birches

      Not water and not land -
      You can't sail away on a boat
      And you can't walk with your feet.

      Answer: Swamp

      Not the sea, not the land,
      Ships don't float
      But you can’t walk.

      Answer: Swamp

      White sheep run around the candle.

      Answer: Willow

      Its spring and summer
      We saw him dressed.
      And in the fall from the poor thing
      All the shirts were torn off.
      But winter snowstorms
      They dressed him in furs.

      Answer: Tree

      Many arms, but one leg.

      Answer: Tree

      I crawled out of the little barrel,
      Sent roots and grew up,
      I have become tall and mighty,
      I'm not afraid of thunderstorms or clouds.
      I feed pigs and squirrels -
      It’s okay that my fruit is small.

      Answer: Oak

      What is the name of the beauty who is dressed up once a year?

      Answer: Christmas tree

      Children love round dance
      Drive around beauties.
      And from year to year she
      He loves to give them a holiday.

      Answer: Christmas tree

      I come with gifts
      I shine with bright lights,
      Elegant, funny,
      I'm in charge for the New Year!

      Answer: Christmas tree

      You will always find her in the forest - let's go for a walk and meet her.
      Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, in a summer dress in winter.

      Answer: Spruce

      What kind of girl is this?
      Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,
      She doesn’t sew anything herself,
      Are there needles all year round?

      Answer: Spruce

      In winter and summer - one color.

      Answer: Spruce, Christmas tree

      We're hanging on thin branches
      And we have berets on our heads.
      As soon as the time is right -
      The boar will find us immediately.

      Answer: Acorns

      Into a golden ball
      The oak tree hid.

      Answer: Acorn

      In this smooth box
      Bronze color
      A small oak tree is hidden
      Next summer.

      Answer: Acorn

      Who changes clothes four times a year?

      Answer: Earth

      I dropped my curls into the river
      And I was sad about something,
      And what he’s sad about, he doesn’t tell anyone.

      Answer: Willow

      In a quiet house
      On a branch,
      The children took shelter from the rain.
      They sit in cramped little rooms,
      From under the shutters
      They look.

      Answer: Pine nuts

      The box is sealed
      And the birch tree is hidden in it -
      With branches. With earrings.
      With white clothes.
      The wind carries the box and leaves it somewhere.

      Answer: Birch fruits

      The hero stands rich,
      Treats all the guys:
      Vanya - strawberries,
      Tanya - bones,
      Mashenka is like a nut,
      Petya - russula,
      Katya - raspberries,
      And Vasya is a twig.

      Answer: Forest

      It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
      dies in the fall, comes back to life in the spring.

      Answer: Forest

      This city is not simple, it is dense and dense.

      Answer: Forest

      Takes from my flower
      The bee has the most delicious honey.
      But they still offend me:
      The thin skin is torn off.

      Answer: Linden

      It will fall from a branch into the river -
      And it does not sink, but floats.

      Answer: Leaf

      Like pine trees, like fir trees,
      And in winter without needles.

      Answer: Larch

      A relative has a Christmas tree
      Non-thorny needles,
      But, unlike the Christmas tree,
      Those needles fall off.

      Answer: Larch

      In summer they grow green,
      And in the fall they fall yellow.

      Answer: Leaves

      Pa is given from a branch
      Gold coins.

      Answer: Leaves

      Soft, not fluffy
      Green, not grass.

      Answer: Moss

      In a clearing in the forest
      Curly-haired Vanya is standing,
      The rich man is small
      And he will give you nuts.

      Answer: Walnut bush

      Flora. Forest. Miscellaneous
      About what grows in the forest. Leaves. Nuts. Moss. Acorns. Stump. Grass. Resin. Cones

      The guys have a green friend,
      Cheerful friend, good,
      He will stretch out hundreds of hands to them
      And thousands of palms. (Forest)

      In the spring he dresses, in the fall he undresses. (Forest)

      The house is open on all sides.
      It is covered with a carved roof.
      Come to the green house
      You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

      In a fur coat in the summer, and undressed in the winter. (Forest)

      The hero is worth the rich,
      Treats all the guys:
      Vanya - strawberries,
      Tanya - a bone picker,
      Mashenka is like a nut,
      Petya - russula,
      Katya - raspberries,
      Vasya - a twig. (About what hero we're talking about?) (About the forest)

      The house is open on all sides,
      It is covered with a carved roof.
      Come to the green do,
      You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

      I have a green friend
      Cheerful friend, good.
      He will stretch out hundreds of hands to us
      And thousands of palms. (Forest)

      It is noisy on the mountain, but silent under the mountain. (Forest)

      It's fun in the spring, cool in the summer,
      It dies in the fall and comes back to life in the spring. (Forest)

      Meadow in the forest
      We walk along the carpet with you,
      Nobody wove it.
      He spread himself out
      Lies by the blue river,
      And yellow, and blue, and red. (Meadow)

      Acorn. Acorns
      All the kids are on the branches
      Wearing berets from birth.
      They will fall from the trees -
      They won't find the berets. (Acorn)

      An oak tree hid in a golden ball. (Acorn)

      In this sleek bronze colored box. (Acorn)

      The small oak tree of next summer is hidden. (Acorn)

      She pestered me in the forest; I looked and looked for it, but I couldn’t find it, but I brought it home in my palm. (Thorn)

      Leaves. Tree leaf
      Sits - turns green, flies - turns yellow,
      If it falls, it will turn black. (Tree leaf)

      In autumn they spin around and lie on the ground,
      They don’t get up from the ground and here they rot. (Leaves)

      They grow in the summer and fall off in the fall. (Leaves)

      Pan Panovich fell into the well, did not disturb the water and did not drown himself. (Leaves)

      Pan Panovich fell on the water,
      He didn’t drive away the geese and didn’t drown himself. (Leaves)

      Gold coins fall from a branch. (Autumn leaves)

      The shadow flies on Peter's Day,
      The shadow sat down on a stump, the shadow began to cry:
      -Where is my oak tree?
      where is my head
      where is my fun time! (Autumn leaf)

      I collected gold coins
      And I wanted to buy some sweets,
      But for these, for coins
      They didn't sell me any candy. (Autumn leaves)

      In the silence of autumn groves, golden rain pours. (Leaf fall)

      Yellow boats, red boats
      They went swimming and got cold along the way.
      Huddled near the shore, rocking on the ripples
      Red boats, yellow boats. (Autumn leaves)

      I grow on the body of stones without roots. (Moss)

      Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (Moss)

      I am a swamp plant, they caulk the walls with me. (Moss)

      Not a twig, not a leaf, but growing on a tree. (Moss, sponge)

      Not fire, but light. (Punk)

      In a hanging cradle
      In summer, the resident sleeps in the forest.
      A motley autumn will come -
      It will get on your teeth. (Nut)

      Round, mature, tanned
      Got caught by the teeth.
      Got caught in the teeth
      I couldn't break it all,
      And then under the hammer,
      It crunched once and the side cracked. (Nut)

      Behind the wall is a forest bone bun. (Nut)

      They took the gold and threw the chest away. (Nut)

      A tiny boy in bone clothes. (Nut)

      The green cap is pulled down to the ears. (Nut)

      Little man, bone coat. (Nut)

      Little Ivan - bone caftan. (Nut)

      In a small pot, the porridge is sweet. (Nut)

      Small pot, sweet sponge,
      You can’t break the pot and you can’t get the sponges. (Nut)

      Without breaking the pot, you won’t even eat the porridge. (Nut)

      The more you eat, the more remains. (There are nuts).

      Hanging high, falling low
      It's bitter on the outside, but sweet on the inside. (Nut)

      It grew, it grew,
      It crawled out of the bush,
      It rolled through my hands,
      I felt it on my teeth. (Nut)

      A chest grew on a branch,
      It was padlocked
      But I came across a chest
      A red squirrel's teeth.
      Click-click, click-click,
      And the chest opened. (Nut)

      Although he is not at all fragile,
      And he hid in a shell.
      Look into the middle -
      You will see the core.
      Of all the fruits it is the hardest,
      It's called... (Nut)

      The forest chair cannot be moved from its place. (Stump)

      Cossacks are standing, wearing white caps. (Stump in winter)

      What a wonderful greenhouse -
      The leaf is stored there in winter. (Bud on a tree)

      If our house gets sick,
      He will feel sorry for himself.
      The house will cry bitterly -
      And he will prescribe treatment.
      Only my own tears
      Treat wounds and splinters. (Droplets of resin) (N. Stozhkova)

      What will not be sown? (Grass)

      Both calves and cows are ready to pinch it. (Grass)

      Under the feet of an ant
      Called... (Grass)

      If we grow on spruce,
      We are here, we are in business.
      And on the foreheads of the children
      Nobody needs... (Bumps)

      Here is a mailbox, there are countless letters in it,
      And each one has a fluffy Christmas tree.
      Will deliver immediately to the desired area
      Their wind is the constant forest postman. (Cone) (N. Stozhkova)

      They grow on stumps in the forest,
      Like freckles on your nose.
      Honey mushrooms

      Angry touchy-feely
      Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
      There are a lot of needles
      And not a single thread.

      Yellow and red clothes,
      Each leaf is like a palm.
      In autumn it is brightest.
      Did you guess it? This...

      I was born on a rainy day
      Under the young aspen,
      Round, smooth, beautiful,
      With a thick and straight leg.

      In rich clothes,
      Yes, I'm a bit blind myself.
      Lives without a window
      Without seeing the sun.

      It's green and thick
      He's tall and big
      Sometimes spruce, sometimes oak,
      That is aspen-pine.
      It is full of fruits
      Berries, cones and mushrooms.
      And a well-trodden path
      They walk along it with a basket.

      They walk around in red berets -
      Autumn is brought to the forest in the summer.
      Very friendly sisters,
      They are called...

      Cunning cheat
      Red head.
      The fluffy tail is beautiful!
      And her name is...

      The clubfooted giant
      To avoid falling into a trap,
      Sleeps all winter long,
      He sucks his paw sweetly.

      Both on the hill and under the hill,
      Under the birch and under the fir tree
      Round dances and in a row
      Well done guys are wearing hats.

      Long-horned and horned
      The foresters call it “sokhaty.”
      He jumps straight and at random,
      Large and powerful...

      There are many different trees there,
      Herbs, lichens, bushes,
      Birds, animals, mushrooms and berries,
      And, of course, mosquitoes.
      It's always full of miracles -
      I love walks in...

      Who has a hat without a head,
      What about a foot without a boot?
      At the mushroom

      The owner of the forest
      Wakes up in the spring.
      And in winter, under the blizzard howl
      He sleeps in a snow hut.

      What kind of forest animal is this?
      Stood up like a post under a pine tree
      And stands among the grass -
      Are your ears bigger than your head?

      I stand on a thick leg,
      I stand on a smooth leg,
      Under the brown hat
      With velvet lining.

      Who breaks with a windbreak,
      Reinforced by medical aid?
      Answer me very simply -
      Who sleeps in winter? ...

      In spring and summer
      He catches the wind.
      And the frost struck.
      He stands naked and barefoot.

      Stands high
      Looks far away
      Will become an old lady -
      It will be a hut.

      Grayish, toothy,
      Prowls across the field,
      Looking for calves and lambs.

      The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,
      Lives in the forest, steals chickens from the village.

      In summer and winter in one shirt.
      Fur tree, pine tree

      Curled up into a ball under your feet,
      On the back with three mushrooms,
      Don't stumble, you might fall!
      It's prickly...

      Not a girl - with earrings,
      Not a book, but with leaves...

      In summer, the resident sleeps in the forest.
      A motley autumn will come -
      It will get on your teeth.

      The hero stands rich,
      Treats all the guys:
      Vanya - strawberries,
      Tanya - bones,
      Mashenka is like a nut,
      Petya - russula,
      Katya - raspberries,
      Vasya - a twig!

      My white brother lives in the ice
      And he eats sea fish,
      And I love bee honey
      And wild berries.

      The house is open on all sides,
      It is covered with a carved roof.
      Come to the green house
      You will see miracles in it.

      What kind of animal
      Tell me, brothers,
      Can he get inside himself?

      Gray, scary and toothy
      Caused a commotion.
      All the animals ran away.
      Scared the animals...