Fabulous day of summer leisure in a dhow. Summer fun in kindergarten outdoors

The entertainment takes place on the kindergarten playground.

Scenario of educational entertainment for older preschoolers

Scenario of educational entertainment in the senior, preparatory group preschool educational institution

Entertainment scenario in kindergarten « Electric current»

Goal: to teach children how to properly use electrical appliances. Equipment: electric train for travel, paintings depicting a power plant, factory, city, electric constructor, socket and plug for display, illustrations, electric train doll.

Scenario for a holiday on the theme “Mushrooms” in kindergarten for older preschoolers

Scenario for preschool educational institution. Leisure "Signor Fly Agaric"

Lesovichok comes to visit the children.

Lesovichok. Hello guys! I came to you to invite you to my wonderful forest to pick berries and mushrooms. Do you like picking mushrooms and berries?

Scenario of the event on the topic “ Proper nutrition» for kindergarten

Scenario for older preschoolers “Let's talk about nutrition”

1st child

Hello people,

Happiness to you, joy,

Stay healthy until old age!

Raising a Question for Discussion

Mathematical KVN in the senior, preparatory group

Entertainment scenario for senior and preparatory groups

KVN "Mathematics is fun." Scenario

Members of two teams stand opposite each other. Teams come up with (or call previously composed) their names - “Schitariki” and “Pochemuchki”. Team captains are selected.

Scenario for a summer holiday in a senior preparatory group. Visiting a fairy tale

Summer fun scenario for older preschoolers

Scenario for preschool educational institution. Holiday “Visiting a Fairy Tale”

It takes place on the verandas and playground of the kindergarten, divided into sectors. In each sector, the attributes correspond to a specific fairy tale. Near the houses there are presenters - heroes of fairy tales. These roles are played by educators. All children are divided into groups.

Scenario for a summer holiday for older preschoolers. Summer is a glorious time

Summer holiday at the preschool educational institution. Scenario

The scenario is built in the form of an entertaining journey through the stations.

Scenario “Summer is a glorious time” for older children preschool age in kindergarten.

Duration of the holiday: 40 minutes

1 commentNeptune's holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Scenario for a summer holiday for older preschoolers

Holiday "King Neptune". Scenario

The action takes place in an open area of ​​a kindergarten, decorated with flags, stars, and portraits of cartoon characters. In the center of the site there is one large inflatable pool and many small ones.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the senior, preparatory group

Summer holiday in kindergarten. Scenario

Entertainment script for preschool educational institutions. Holiday "Hello, June!"

Preliminary work: reading and learning works of oral folk art, poems about flowers; walk in the forest.

Summer Birthday Day in the junior and middle groups

Entertainment scenario for children 3-5 years old “Birthday”

The hall needs to be decorated with balloons, flowers, and flags.

Children, dressed up, enter the hall. They are greeted by the Hostess (teacher) in a Russian folk sundress.

Entertainment in kindergarten for children 3-5 years old in summer

Summer fun for the younger and middle groups

Scenarios for summer holidays in the junior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions

Fun on the water “Let's swim!”

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten, where there is one painted and several inflatable pools, around which children sit on benches. There are towels and dry clothes nearby. All the action is accompanied by cheerful music.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the junior and middle groups of preschool educational institutions

Scenario for summer fun in kindergarten

Holiday "Hello, summer!" Scenario

It takes place in the open area of ​​the kindergarten.

Hello, golden sun,

Hello, the sky is blue.

Summer holiday on the street “Bows and Balloons Day”

Target: Ensure optimal motor activity for children during the holiday. Promote the active involvement of children in the process game program. Create a joyful mood in children.

Host: Hello, guys! It's a holiday again in our kindergarten. Look around how our kindergarten has come to life and blossomed. It was decorated with the greenery of trees, grass, flowers and bright sunshine, and what beautiful areas in our garden. Look at how smart you came today, how many bows and butterflies flew with you. And the sun will hear your laughter, see how cheerful, perky, fast and dexterous you are.

Happy holiday

We've all gathered

Come on, friends, let's have fun!

Let's harden ourselves in the summer

Let's play sports

Let's relax in the summer

Let's swim and sunbathe!

All summer, summer. Where is it, let’s all call him together.

And let's sing a song together.

“Let’s go to the garden for raspberries”

Children (all children with the leader call summer):

Come, come, summer,

Summer is hot

We will sing and dance,

It's fun to play together.

Kikimora comes out

Kikimora: Hello guys, that’s what you called me, here I am Summer - Red.

Presenter: For some reason I don’t recognize you. Guys, I don't think this is summer. Look, it's all green with frogs. Summer came to us with daisies and sunshine. He played with us, had fun, sang songs.

Kikimora: just think, they surprised me, I can do everything too, sing, dance, play. Do you want me to play with you?

But first I want to check on you.

Presenter: Of course, our guys love to play.


Can you clap your hands?

How about stomping your feet?

What about clapping and stomping?

How about moving your ears?

What about jumping?

Well done!

Well, I see you can do this.

Do you know how to dance?

Host: Our guys learned this summer dance. We'll show it to you now. This dance has magic words. Remember Kikimora “KOO-KOO-KOO CHI-CHI”

Dance "Cu-Chi-Chi"

Kikimora: Oh, how I liked it. Here I am looking at all of you. You are so funny, kind and beautiful. And I decided, I confess to you guys, I’m not summer at all. You probably guessed who I am?

Children: Kikimora

Kikimora: Guys, can I go with you to look for summer.

Presenter: Stay with us and have fun.

Shapoklyak comes in

Shapoklyak: Hello, kids!

Girls and boys!

There are so many of you!

What are you doing here?

There's so much noise everywhere. So I decided to look into your kindergarten.

Presenter: Hello, hello Shapoklyak! You came to us just in time for the holiday.

Shapoklyak: For a holiday? And at the holiday they have fun, jump, run and joke. Do you know how?

Host: We can’t sit still, we love to have fun. We are not too lazy to play and sing.

Come up with a game for the guys.

Shapoklyak: I know a lot of games, but here’s one I really like. We walk around each other.

Game “Walk in circles after each other”

In an even circle, one after another.

We are going step by step.

Everything that Shapoklyak will show.

Stop, we will execute.

Shapoklyak: (shows) “watch”, “frog”, “clubfooted bear”, “monkey”.

Host: It’s a very interesting game, we haven’t played one like it before. Shapoklyak, when you came to see us, did you happen to see summer?

Shapoklyak: I saw summer, it’s very close here, I need to call it and sing a song out loud.

Host: Well, we know how to do this very well. Guys, let's call summer again and sing a song.

Children (all children with the leader are called summer):

Come, come, summer,

Summer is hot

We will sing and dance,

It's fun to play together.

“This is what our summer is like”

Summer is coming, in your hands is a basket of flowers, soft toys (bunny, bear, fox, goose) and a mirror.

Summer: Hello guys. I heard you calling me, dispersed the clouds, and the breeze brought me here. Do you like summer? And with what? (children answer)

Summer: Yes, in the warm summer you can play outside all day, swim in the river, sunbathe in the sun.

Look with me, guests have come to you and want to play a game with you.

Summer is playing. He takes toys out of the basket. (Whenever possible, children imitate the gait of an animal.) Lastly, he takes out the mirror. And begins to show sunbeams.

Presenter: Dear Summer, our guys know the song about sunbeams. Now we will all sing together.

"Sunny bunnies"

Summer: You sing well, but you know how to dance.

The game-dance “Hugging” is carried out

Children dance to the music. The music stops and the kids hug in different ways(twos, threes, legs, ears, etc.)

Presenter: Summer, look how beautiful our guys are today, all wearing bows. Let us choose the most beautiful ones today at our holiday.

There is a costume show.

Balloons are distributed

Host: Dear warm Ural summer, we still have one surprise for you.

Now we will all shout hurray together and release balloons into the summer sky.

Summer says goodbye to children.

Description of material : This scenario will be of interest to music directors of preschool educational institutions, preschool teachers. The content of the entertainment includes relay races, competitions, comic tasks corresponding to the capabilities of children of senior preschool age, poems and songs about summer, and dance. The holiday is held on the sports ground, on the street.

Target: Activate children's recreation, bring joy, create the need for daily motor activity. Pay attention to the gender development of children. Charge children with positive emotions.


1. Continue introducing children to the season - summer.

2. Continue to develop in children a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

3. Induce a feeling of joy in children during the holiday.

4. Consolidating children’s knowledge about gender development..

5. Strengthen children’s motor skills in conditions of emotional communication with peers.

6. Develop endurance, dexterity, spatial orientation.

7. Cultivate attention, determination, and a sense of camaraderie.

Attributes: gymnastic sticks, 2 bows, 2 pairs of large sneakers, 2 soccer balls, 2 goals, 2 scarves, artificial bananas, balloons, 2 easels, markers, costumes: clown and magician, 3 water containers with lids, knitting needle, crust, pipe , snake, candy for treats, tape recorder, CDs with funny music. Progress of entertainment:

Leading: Summer, summer! Hello summer!

Everything is warmed by your warmth!

Everyone is wearing panama hats and caps,

Kindergarten has made us strong friends!

We love going to kindergarten!

It's interesting for everyone to be here!

We walk and play

And we study nature!

Happy holiday to everyone, everyone! Hooray!

Congratulations kids!(Bogdanova Olga Vladimirovna)

Today in kindergarten, on an ordinary summer day, we will celebrate a holiday of laughter and fun. First, let's remember the poems about the most fun time of the year - summer.

Child: Summer, summer has come to us!

It became dry and warm.

Straight along the path

The feet walk barefoot.(V. Berestov)

Child: Why is there so much light?

Why is it suddenly so warm?

Because it's summer

It came to us for the whole summer.

That's why every day

It's getting longer every day.(I. Maznin)

Child: Good summer! Good summer!

How much heat there is in it And how much light there is in it!

Summer is knocking on our windows in the morning:

Get up, kids!

I will wash you all with river water

And I will warm you with the sun! Grow quickly!(N. Polyakova)

Leading: Well, now let’s all stand in a circle and sing a song about summer.

The song "We live in the hearts of summer." From the cartoon "The Invisible Hat"

We are visiting summer,

We live in a land of wonders

Where are flowers of any color,

Where are flowers of any color,

Where the forest is full of raspberries.

We read books together

We run towards the river.

And we laugh at the lazy ones,

And we laugh at the lazy

So that everyone around can hear!

The sparkles of dawn are dancing

On trees and bushes.

We are visiting summer,

We are living away from summer!

And it is visiting us!

Visiting us!(Words by M. Plyatskovsky)

Leading: Well, when it warms up, we welcome the guest of our holiday, the most cheerful and playful clown Smeshinka.

Clown: Hello guys, I am very glad to attend your holiday, hang out and play. You love fairy tales, and you know the heroes of fairy tales, now we will check it.

Word game "Name the fairy tale characters correctly"

Baba - byaka,

Brother - little goat

Vasilisa - Stupid

Heat - Fly

Bunny - Jumping

Serpent - Gavrilych

Elena – Ugly

Ivanushk - Dobryachok

Koschey - Fearless

Tiny – Pea

Chicken – White

Frog - Baltushka

Mouse - Marfushka

Sister – Gulenushka

Sivka – Murka

Princess – Toad

Clown: Well done guys, you did a good job, you named all the fairy tale characters correctly. Now please tell me what games you like to play, girls first.

The girls name their favorite games.

Clown: Now name the boys’ favorite games.

The boys name their favorite games.

Clown: Okay, I understand everything, let’s check how you like to play.

Game “Classes” (for boys)

Rules of the game: Boys must jump over gymnastic poles on the floor on one leg without touching them with their feet. While moving forward in jumps, hold the bow on your head with your hands.

Clown: Well done boys, you did a good job, now let's look at the girls.

Game "Football" (for girls)

Rules of the game: The girls kick the ball and kick it into the goal. The girls have big sneakers on their feet.

Clown: Hereyes fun! It was a real mess.

Leading: Girls play in classes, boys play football

And now we will all play together.

Let's find out how smart and funny we are.

A game of imagination and reasoning.

Rules of the game: The presenter pronounces a comic text, the children listen and perform movements according to the text.

Leading: Hey girls, open your arms,

Let's sit on the floor like in an apartment.

And now everyone stood up together,

Hands removed to the belt,

Everyone step to the right,

Everyone step to the left

You are all like queens!

Leading: Hey boys, let's cross our legs

And let's jump on the spot,

And hands up and down.

Let's clap for everyone for an encore,

And then sneeze together!

Now you need to laugh!

Leading: Everything is now on shoulders arms,

So that no melancholy or boredom

Right foot forward

And then vice versa!

Leading: Everyone sat down on the floor together,

They turned around, stood up, sat down,

It's like we're on a carousel!

Leading: Now listen to the command:

Grab yourself by the ears

And tongues out,

And wider elbows,

And then together

Let's jump on the spot!

Leading: Well, they turned out to be real monkeys!

Clown: Well, let's continue our celebration and fun.

Game - competition "Collect bananas".

Rules of the game: Children are divided into two teams (boys and girls) and compete to see who can collect bananas from a rope faster and more, blindfolded.

Relay in pairs "Basilio the Cat and Alice the Fox".

Relay rules: Children are paired (boy and girl). Pairs are divided into two teams. The cat is blindfolded, the fox jumps on one leg to a landmark and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.

The game is a competition "Dodgers".

Rules of the game: Children are paired (boy and girl). Sneakers are put on one foot and a ball is tied to the other. With a sneaker you need to crush the enemy’s ball and protect your own. The larger team that bursts the balloons wins.

Artist competition "Jolly Monkey".

Competition rules: Children are divided into two teams (boys and girls). Children take turns drawing the monkey with their eyes closed.

Clown: Well done guys, we have some fun monkeys. We had a lot of fun and games today. You deserve a holiday gift. We pronounce the magic spell “Crabli - cribli turn around, and a wizard will appear.”

The magician appears and shows the children tricks.

1 focus "Magic water". Three jars of water, the jars are closed with lids. The magician takes the jars one by one, cracks the water in the jars, the water becomes colored (blue, red, green).The secret of the trick: The bottom of the lid is painted with gouache; when the magician cracks water in the jar, the bottom is painted with paint.

2nd trick "Magic Ball". Magician takes balloon and a long knitting needle. Passes the knitting needle through the ball, the ball does not burst.The secret of the trick: Adhesive tape is glued to the ball, the knitting needle is passed from those sides where the adhesive tape is glued.

3 focus "Live snake". There is a snake in the box, there is a pipe on the box, the magician starts playing the pipe, the snake rises out of the box.The secret of the trick: During the game, the magician slowly twists the fishing line tied to the pipe and the snake.

When the snake crawls out of the box completely, the magician takes out candy for the children from the box.

Leading: Guys, let's thank the clown for such a wonderful holiday, and the magician for the wonderful tricks and treats.

Clown: Finally, I invite all the guys to a fun dance.

Song and dance "Little Ducklings".

They want to be like walking ducklings

You can shake off your tail and go off into long journey

And set off on a long journey, shouting “quack-quack.”

And nature is good, and the weather is good,

No, it’s not in vain that the soul sings, not in vain, not in vain.

Even the fat hippopotamus, the clumsy hippopotamus

Keeps up with the ducklings, grunts "quack-quack"

For a moment it is necessary


We are ducklings now

And so wonderful

To live in the world.

They want to be like cheerful ducklings,

They want to be similar not in vain, not in vain.

Even grandparents, having lost eighty years,

The ducklings shout “quack-quack” after them.

Together the sun, the river, the house are circling in a mischievous dance,

It’s not in vain that they spin around in a mischievous dance.

A clumsy hippopotamus, he won’t understand anything,

But he diligently sings “quack-quack-quack-quack.”

They want to be like dancing ducklings

They want to be similar not in vain, not in vain.

Repeat everything after me, every single figure,

Every single figure, quack-quack-quack-quack.

Easier to dance in no in the world, there is no better dance in the world,

His secret was revealed to you for a reason, not in vain.

Look, hippopotamus, clumsy hippopotamus,

Here he dances, here he gives! quack-quack-quack-quack.(Words by Yu. Entin)

Leading: Children, don't be shy

Smile more often.

And so cheerful

Stay forever!

This is where our holiday ended.


Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Child Development Center, kindergarten No. 19 “Nest”

Ishim, Tyumen region.

Summer holiday scenario

"Airplane Show"


music director

MADO CRR d/s No. 19 “Nest”

Ishim, Tyumen region.

Summer is an amazing time! Playing with sand and water, sunbathing, walking barefoot on the grass, and dousing with water brings so much joy to a child. How can we make the lives of children during this period meaningful, educational and interesting? How to organize children's activities so that this time becomes unforgettable for them? An interesting and varied organization of children's activities in the summer helps to solve these issues.

Musical directors have to show maximum imagination and ingenuity in order to hold a holiday on fresh air for all age groups of kindergarten. After all, you need to take into account age characteristics children, equipment capabilities, number of game attributes, etc. Based on many years of work experience, I concluded that a summer holiday should be a surprise! We prepare quite carefully for all kinds of matinees and concerts throughout the year, and in the summer, dear colleagues, holidays should take place without special preparation!

The proposed event scenarios can be combined into the “Holidays without preparation” cycle. I hope they will help teachers in organizing a summer health campaign for preschool institutions.

Target: To promote the active involvement of children in the process of the game program.

Attributes : Paper airplanes, a large inflatable ball, a frog costume for an adult, duck hats 4 pcs.

Children are on the central playground of the kindergarten. Cheerful music sounds, the presenter welcomes everyone present.

Ved: Summer again, summer again,

A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​light!

All the meadows are dressed in flowers,

Children love our summer!

Ved: Guys, do you like to travel? How great it is to travel in the summer! Do you want to take part in an unusual flight? First we'll play interesting game“Who (what) flies?” As soon as you hear the names of flying objects or birds, shout the word “Flies”, and if the objects cannot fly, shout the word “No”.

Game "Who flies?"

Helicopter? Martin? Kite? TV?

Rocket? Airplane? Crow? Penguin? Mosquito? Balloon?

Magic carpet? Stork? Book? Skydiver? Etc.

Ved: Well done, guys! Do you want to know what we'll be flying on today? Then listen carefully to the riddle:

Flies like an arrow

Buzzing like a bee.

Floats boldly in the sky,

Overtaking birds in flight.

Man controls it

What is this?


Ved: Great! Let's turn into real pilots? Stand in small circles - these are our airfields, spread your wings! Motor!

Children: There is a motor!

Each group forms its own circle. You can gradually turn down the volume of the music so that children know when to stop.

Game "Pilots at the Airfield"

Ved: Great flight ! Guys, do you like fairy tales? Name your favorite fairy tale characters.

Which fairy-tale heroes flew in their fairy tales? What did they fly?

Today, only here, flying from warm countries- frog traveler! Meet us! She flew to us on hot air balloon!

To the children's song “I'm flying,” the Frog flies in, plays with the children with an inflatable ball, the children throw the ball back to her.

Frog: I am a jumping frog,

I'll play with you


Tell me, who are you?

The frog meets the children, shakes hands with each one, then invites everyone to say their name in chorus. First girls, then boys.

Frog: Guys, do you remember the cartoon about me, where I really wanted to fly! I held the stick with my mouth, and the geese flew high above the seas and fields and carried me! You probably also want to fly? Now I'll think of something!

The frog calls 4 teachers, “turns” them into geese, and puts on hats and masks. Children are formed into 2 teams, teachers carry their team on sticks, one person at a time, whoever is faster.

Words - transformations: Stomp your foot, turn around, (name of the teacher) turn into a goose! The teacher should scream and flap his wings.

Game "Frog - Traveler"

Frog: We had so much fun! I have gifts for you!

Gives paper airplanes to children.

Game "Fastest Airplane"

This game can be played in group areas of the kindergarten, between children in their own group.

The frog says goodbye to the children and flies away in a balloon.

Ved: Our holiday has come to an end, but summer does not end, summer continues, it is in full swing, which means there will still be a lot of holidays. Now fly to your areas!

Summer holiday scenario

"Visiting July and July"

Cheerful, brightly dressed characters, July and July, invite children to the central playground of the kindergarten.

July: Come have some fun,

play, have fun!

Julya: We invite all girls

And boys - naughty boys!

July: Summer doesn't end, summer continues,

The children's holiday begins again!

Sonorous songs are flying around!

The kids are all smiles today!

Children sing the song “The world is like a colorful meadow”

July: My name is July, and this is my older brother July! We - summer months. Do you know how many months there are in a year? What are they called?

Children say the names of the months.

July: Guys, how are you? How do you live here?

Speech game with the show “How are you living?”

How are you living? How do you sleep? How are you running?

How are you swimming? How do you snore? How are you shaking?

How are you growing? How do you eat? How do you sing?

How are you being naughty? How are you sitting? How are you living?

Children answer all questions: “That’s it!” and show with movements.

July: We start summer gaming entertainment program! Let's dance, solve riddles, play and have fun! I am an aspiring poet!

But I can’t figure out the ending to the phrases for my poems, what should I do?

July: Don’t worry, look how smart and savvy the guys are. They can handle it easily! Now I’ll start saying a sentence, and you’ll try to come up with an ending for it.

Ra-ra-ra, ra-ra-ra, the heat has arrived,

Ra-ra-ra, Ra-ra-ra, the sun from the very ....... morning,

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, in the forest I’ll find a berry………..

Di-di-di, di-di-di, the summer rains are pouring,

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, the sun is shining in the…….heaven,

You-you-you, you-you-you, flowers grew in the field.

July: And wonderful daisies grew in our kindergarten! Yes, here they are!

Puts daisy hats on children.

Game “The fastest daisy”

Game like "Take a chair"

The teachers show, then the children play.

July: Oh, how fun they played, but didn’t dance yet,

Come out quickly and start dancing together!

Dance game"Find a Pair"

For the 1st part of the music, the children dance cheerfully one at a time, the presenters show the movements, for the 2nd part they choose a couple and dance a slow dance.

July: Children, do you like to be photographed? Who loves the most?

Game "Who am I?"

The posters have ovals cut out for faces.

1 poster with matryoshka. Guiding questions:

This is a toy;

She has many sisters;

She is wearing a headscarf and a bright dress.

2 poster with a monkey. Questions for the child:

It's a little animal;

Lives in the jungle;

Performs in the circus;

Makes faces;

Loves bananas.

3 poster with Christmas tree. Questions:

You will always find her in the forest,

You'll go for a walk and you'll meet

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress.

4 poster with a hedgehog. Questions:

This is a small animal;

He lives in the forest;

Carries apples on his back;

Looks like a ball.

July: we got some wonderful photos!

July: Guys, it’s so hot today, it hasn’t rained for a long time! Don't you miss him? Let's call him! Just friendly, loud and fun!

Game "Rain"

It’s raining, it’s raining more, (shake your hands at the top)

We'll give you the grounds, (make a cup with your hands)

We'll give you a spoon, (show the movement of the spoon)

Sip a little

Whoever gets caught in the rain (threaten)

Let's dance with the rain!

July and Julyka splash children with water from plastic bottles, everyone is happy, squealing, running, laughing.

July: How great, how fun it is to run in the warm summer rain!

July: we really want to treat you all to our fruits that ripen in the summer!

You can make a riddle about an apple or other treat.

Handing out apples to children. The holiday is over, everyone says goodbye until we meet again.

Final dance to show off the heroes.

You can use the duckling dance, funny exercises, etc.