1c retail work with pre-orders video. Basic functionality of Internet support

The instructions were prepared in the 1C: Retail program version 2.2, so if you have a different version, the interface may differ.

Step-by-step instructions on how to pay for goods in 1C: Retail 2.2

Step 1 . To get started, launch the “1C: Retail” program

When you enter the program, the menu of the cashier's workplace (RMK) is displayed. Study the menu of the cashier's workplace.

Rice. 1. Workplace cashier

The cashier's workplace consists of 9 sections:

– carrying out all operations for the sale and return of goods.

Opening shift - a work shift opens to register sales.

Report without cancellation- making an X-report, a list of current sales data without closing a shift.

Summary report- generates a report on retail sales (form KM - 7).

Closing a shift- making a Z-report, a list of sales data for the entire shift, plus closing the shift.

Setting up the RMK– setting up retail equipment, additional rights for cashiers, editing the display of goods in the sales interface, etc.

Execute exchange- data exchange from the central information base with subordinates is carried out. This button is only available when setting up a distributed infobase for workspaces.

Close- exit from the cashier's workplace menu to the manager's work mode.

Shutdown- cashier's workplace and exit from the program.

Knowing the purpose of each button, we can proceed to selling the product.

Step 2. Opening a shift

In the RMK, click open shift. Afterwards, the program will display a corresponding notification.

Step 3. Sales registration

Click sales registration. The cashier's workplace interface will open.

Rice. 2. Sales registration

Step 4. Adding a product

Add using the “Search” button in the top menu. Or by right-clicking in the tabular part of the products and selecting the “Add” command.

Rice. 3. Search for a product through the menu

Rice. 4. Adding a product through the tabular section

Add a product by double-clicking the left mouse button.

Step 5. Enter the price

After selecting a product, enter the cost per unit in the window that appears. Then press "Enter".

Rice. 5. Entering the price of the product

Rice. 6. Entering the price of the product

Step 6. Select a payment method

Select the payment method “Cash” or “Payment”. map" and click on the corresponding button.

Rice. 7. Payment method

When paying by Cash, enter the amount received from the client. The program will automatically calculate the change.

Rice. 8. Payment in cash

After entering the received cash Click on the “Enter” button, the system will process the payment and issue a cash receipt.

When choosing the payment method “Pay. card", two options are possible:

1. If the terminal is connected to a computer, then the system will transfer payment control to the acquiring terminal. The buyer makes standard payment by card.

2. If the terminal is not connected to the computer (standalone), then after selecting the payment type, the “Operation Authorization” window will appear. To make a payment, click on the “Enter” button. Next, the system will display a window asking whether the operation was successful.

Rice. 10. Payment by payment card

If the operation was successful, confirm it by clicking on the “Yes” button. The system will process the payment and issue a cash receipt.

If something doesn’t work out for you, contact technical support.


Added the ability to use fractional quantities for non-weight items in discount settings and in documents. For example, to register the sale of 3.5 meters of tape or fabric. To do this, you need to set the "Allow fractional quantities" setting (Administration - Item settings - General settings) and for the desired item item, select the “Fractional quantity” checkbox.


1. Added functionality for automatically returning funds to a payment card if it is impossible to clear a check for technical reasons.
2. In RMK, the ability to select packaging in the form of editing a line has been added when registering a sale. To do this, you need to set the “Select packaging for sale” setting in the “RMK Settings” directory.
3. The principle of operation has been changed additional right"Allow editing a typed receipt." If the user has set this right, he can make any changes to the composition of the check. If the right is not established, then:
The user cannot change the nomenclature in the product line in the RMK by selecting from the directory.
The quantity can only be increased and only in the last line of the check.
4. In the “Buyer’s Order” document, a printed form “Invoice for payment” has been added.
5. The “Invalid” attribute has been added to the “Acquiring Terminals” directory. Terminals that have this flag installed cannot be used to process payments with a payment card.
6. In accordance with changes in Government resolution Russian Federation dated December 26, 2011 No. 1137 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2017 No. 981), the printed forms “Invoice” and “Universal Transfer Document” were changed. Printed forms can be called from the documents “Sale of goods”, “Return of goods from supplier” and “Transfer of goods between organizations”.
7. Added the “Settlements with clients” setting (Administration - Sales), which allows you to conduct mutual settlements by client for partial payments: accepting advances or selling in installments to a retail buyer, as well as when selling in small wholesale.


In the customer survey form, the address and telephone number are entered using the standard entry form contact information.


In the document "Consumable cash order" when specifying the operation "Deposit of DS to the Bank", the printed forms "Transport note for the bag" and "Invoice for the bag" have been changed. The printed forms now generate a QR code containing information about the printed form data on the collection of funds.

Used "1C: Library of connected equipment", version

The type of connected equipment "KKM Offline" has been renamed "Offline equipment".
New version format 2.3 (file exchange settings have been simplified, the ability to upload orders to cash registers).
A new type of offline equipment "Price Checker" is supported (driver "1C: Offline Equipment", exchange via Web service).
For the "1C:Evotor KKM Offline" driver, a modification was made to generate a request for sending a price list to the "Evotor" smart terminal to comply new scheme goods.
ATTENTION: as of November 1, 2017, the Evotor cloud service stops processing requests containing an incorrect product schema.

The list of supplied drivers has been changed

Added new driver"KKS:KKT with data transfer to the OFD (54-FZ)" version developed by the KKS company. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.1" and supports work with cash register equipment with the function of transferring data to the OFD according to the FDD version "1.0".
The ATOL:KKT driver with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ) 9.x has been updated to version developed by ATOL. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.2" and supports work with cash register equipment with the function of transferring data to the OFD according to the FDD version "1.0.5".
- Fixed driver crash in Windows XP.
ATTENTION: The driver architecture has been changed from single-component to two-component. The main driver package is installed from the manufacturer's website.
The driver "SHTRIKH-M:KKT with data transfer to OFD (54-FZ)", version 4.14.626 developed by the company "SHTRIKH-M", has been updated. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.2" and supports the operation of "Cashboard with data transfer" in accordance with FDF version "1.0.5".
The new driver "Version-T: KKT K1-F with data transfer to the OFD (54-FZ)" developed by the company "Version-T" has been updated. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.2" and supports work with cash register equipment with the function of transferring data to the OFD according to the FDD version "1.0.5".
- Added support for working in x64 client application 1C under Windows.
The driver "GAZPROMBANK: Acquiring system driver", developed by Gazcardservice, has been updated to version The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.2".
The driver "1C: Sberbank Acquiring Terminals" has been updated to version
- Added support for working in x32/x64 client application 1C under Linux.
The driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" and "1C: Barcode Scanner (COM)" have been updated to version
Bugs fixed:
- 00068691: Error in the form of inability to press Enter when a scanner is connected in keyboard mode, subject to an increased timeout (200+).
- 00069343: A bug in which the case component of text characters is ignored when running on Linux.
The "ERFID: RFID Reader" driver, developed by the "ERFID" company, has been updated to version
The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 2.2".

Bugs fixed

00130843: Error in retrieving settings for the Evotor smart terminal in the web client.
- 00130657: Error loading data from an open shift (KKM Offline: Atol, Shtrikh-M).
- 00130530: When an acquiring transaction is canceled unexpectedly, a message about the payment status is not displayed.
- 00131324: Error loading data on retail sales reports from the Evotor cloud if incorrect closed shift at the terminal, separated by large number working days.

Used "1C: EGAIS Integration Library", version

Request to receive a barcode of an excise stamp by series and stamp number

Queries in EGAIS implemented in the form of reports:

History of movements between registers

History of movements according to form 2

Information about the organization as of a specific date

Unprocessed TTN

Number of checks processed

Remains of alcoholic beverages

Exchange panel with EGAIS

Control of duplicate sales of excise stamps

New documents EGAIS Check and EGAIS Return Check, used to reflect transactions of opening containers and non-cash sales (returns) of legal entities. person for final consumption

New exchange protocol with EGAIS, implemented through the BSP "Working with Files" subsystem

The processing statuses of exchange documents with EGAIS have been expanded

Used "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems", version

Version 2.4.3 is a development of edition 2.4 of the 1C product: Library of standard subsystems.

The library includes two new subsystems: Accounting Control and Document Movement Report.

Subsystem Report on document movements designed for quick analysis and “repair” of any emergency situation associated with errors in the program itself, third-party modifications or input errors. Using the report, you can view all registers in which a document is posted, or select records in a specific register. From it you can also go to the records of the register of interest (so that later, for example, by disabling selection by registrar, you can analyze all its records). Most standard functions are available in the report (such as filtering, sorting, grouping, auto-sum of cells, printing, sending by mail, etc.) with the exception of the ability to save your own report options and include them in report distribution.

The Document Movement Report subsystem requires the implementation of the Report Options and Plug-in Commands subsystems.

Subsystem Accounting control allows you to control the correctness of information base data according to various criteria, display identified problems for various categories users in the form of a report, and also correct some found problems automatically. Examples of identified problems: violation of referential integrity, negative balances in accumulation registers, failure in numbering of invoices, etc. The subsystem provides a report with information about identified problems for various categories of users: for example, if this is a month-closing operation, then errors are checked and corrected by a user who is competent in month-closing matters; if this is a check for broken links, then testing and correction carried out by the administrator, etc.

The subsystem includes a number of standard checks (checking referential integrity, predefined elements, empty required details, etc.), and in addition, it provides the application developer with the opportunity to implement their own arbitrary check rules in the built-in language. The Accounting Control subsystem requires the presence of implemented Report Options subsystems, and is integrated with the Configuration Update subsystem.

The Accounting Control subsystem is published in an introductory form (in the final version, design solutions, user and program interface of the subsystem will be changed).

New features and changes

Contact information

In the contact information of organizations, partners and other program objects, it is possible to enter addresses with a post office box (PO Box), military unit(military unit) and post office (po). This allows you to print such addresses, for example, on postal envelopes.

To increase the information content, a sign has been added to the list of Countries of the World (section Directories), which determines whether the country is a member of the Eurasian economic union(http://www.eaeunion.org/). At the same time, rarely used commands have been moved to the More menu.

The convenience of working with program forms has been improved, when in rare cases, as a result of a failure during data synchronization or logical errors in importing data from other systems, the values ​​in the contact information fields (addresses, phone numbers, etc.) were damaged. If previously forms with damaged contact information could not be opened, now the program automatically tries to restore the correct value of the contact information, and then you can continue working with the form. If necessary, you can also manually adjust the restored values ​​in the contact information fields.

Data exchange

Simplified setup of data synchronization in EnterpriseData version 1.5 format via catalog, FTP resource and via email: At the first stage of configuration, it is no longer necessary to specify the prefix of the receiver infobase.

Sending SMS

The list of SMS providers available for selection has been expanded: the SMS4B provider has been added (section Administration – Organizer – SMS sending settings).

Performance Evaluation

To evaluate the performance of the program, a new Performance Evaluation report is provided. It allows you to analyze the performance of the program in terms of key operations, users, and also compare the performance of the program in different periods.

Using the Key Operation Profiles directory, you can configure the key operations to be tracked, set the target time and priority for each of them. These settings affect the Performance Score report.

Implemented the import of time measurements that were previously uploaded through the export of time measurements. This can be useful when you need to analyze performance measurements of a system without access to the system itself.

The structure of the Time Measurements information register has been changed. In this case, previously accumulated register entries are not automatically converted. It is recommended to transfer measurements for the period of interest using the Time Measurements Transfer processing.

Used "1C: Electronic Document Management Library", version

Version 1.3.9 is a development of edition 1.3 "1C: Library of Electronic Documents 8", which is designed to ensure the exchange electronic documents in application solutions developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform version and higher.

Used "1C: Library of Internet user support", version

Version 2.2.2 is intended for developing configurations that are designed to work on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform version and higher. For the library to work, the configuration must have a built-in library of standard subsystems (BSS) version no lower than 2.4.2.

New features and changes

Basic functionality of Internet support

The behavior of the "Connect to servers in the *1c.eu domain zone" setting has been changed. Starting from platform version, the ExternalResourcesMode platform setting value is used to obtain the domain zone.

Working with counterparties

The library includes a new subsystem "Working with counterparties".

Key Features:

Obtaining the values ​​of the counterparty details by according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and USRIP;

Obtaining the details of the Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund, Pension Fund;

Dossier of the counterparty;

Obtaining information about inspections of counterparties by government agencies;

Checking the details of counterparties in the Federal Tax Service.

For a detailed description of the subsystem, see the documentation for implementing and configuring the library (http://its.1c.ru/db/uisldoc).


If, when updating the configuration version, an update of the “News Feeds” directory from the “Standard Values” layout is used, then it is necessary to refill this layout using the external processing “NewsUploadingStandardData.epf”, which is part of the library.

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