UPP: General settings: program settings. Soft starters: the right choice How to configure in the unit

In this article we will talk about the ERP system “Management manufacturing enterprise" When automating manufacturing companies, this product often turns out to be optimal solution, and I have been involved in the implementation of 1C SCP more than once for different organizations.

While working, I noticed that the reviews of this software product practically none. Eat technical documentation, some advice for programmers on solving specific problems in this system, training courses. But for users there is no clear description of the entire system. And very often, before implementing this software product, I have to explain the features, advantages and disadvantages of “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” practically “on my fingers”.

Even on Habré in the ERP section there was still no information about this system. It was this gap that I decided to fill. In addition, I hope that my article will help entrepreneurs and IT specialists at the stage of choosing software for automating a manufacturing enterprise and prepare them for the features that need to be taken into account when implementing this system.

In this review I want to tell you what the UPP ed. system is. 1.3, so that whoever decides to buy and implement it is more aware and more conscious in choosing this expensive product. I will try to give an objective assessment of the system, based on my experience with it and the experience of my clients. This review will help someone make a positive decision regarding the purchase of the program, and someone will decide to abandon it.

In order to understand the features of a software product, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the system, what tasks are set for it.
  2. How capable is this system of performing its assigned tasks?
  3. Identify the pros and cons of the system.
The first thing that is very important to understand: 1C. Managing a manufacturing enterprise is not just an accounting system; during its development, we took into account modern methods enterprise management, and therefore this product is offered for use, including as an ERP system. Further, from the name it follows that this particular product is intended for production-type enterprises. It is from this point of view that I intend to consider the 1C UPP software product.

What is an ERP system?

The ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a corporate information system that is designed to control, record and analyze all types of business processes and solve business problems on an enterprise scale.

Simply put, the ERP system combines all types of accounting that are present in the company. Using ERP systems, information is exchanged and interaction is carried out between different departments, etc. In the case of the ERP system “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, the software product offers the implementation of all these functions for a manufacturing company.

When implementing the “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” product, the developers tried to combine the maximum possible list of functions in the system. If you look at the documents, you can count as many as 15 subsystems. The fact is that in 1C documents are grouped into subsystems:

  • Production management
  • Cost management
  • Procurement management
  • Planning
  • Tax and accounting
  • Wages
  • Personnel accounting, etc.
Those. We tried to include in this system all the functions that may be required for the operation of a manufacturing enterprise. This is exactly how the 1C company positions its ERP system: it already has everything you need to automate any processes without using other software products.

The screenshot I took clearly shows that a very small part of the documents relates directly to production. All other documents are additional subsystems designed to make “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” a universal solution for the work of all departments. I don’t see any point in considering all these possibilities in detail, but it is important that each of the subsystems works efficiently and fully and can solve the needs of a specific business. In this article we will dwell in detail on the block that distinguishes UPP from other 1c - Production Management solutions.

1C UPP: more about the product

The 1C company positions “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” as one of its flagship products. This is a typical configuration from 1C, i.e. the software product is completely produced by 1C itself, and any modifications to the system must be carried out by official partners 1C. UPP is one of the configurations that is constantly supported by 1C; updates are released for it, etc.

For this standard configuration, many modified, so-called industry versions have been created: 1C.Mechanical Engineering, 1C.Meat Processing Plant, 1C.Furniture Production, 1C.Printing, etc.

Industry solutions are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. This usually happens as follows: modifications are made for a specific customer, after which they are “assembled” new version, intended for the selected industry. The modified configuration is named after the industry for which it was written and is sold as a “boxed solution.”

Product cost

In order to work with this configuration, you must purchase the product itself. The recommended price from the 1C company is 186,000 rubles. And the licensing of this software product is carried out according to the general criteria for 1C, i.e. users of other 1C products may not purchase any separate licenses for this system.
Any license, for example, from 1C Accounting or 1C Trade and Warehouse is suitable for this system. Naturally, the cost of licenses for these products is the same.

It is important to understand: for industry solutions, 1C partner companies may require their own separate licenses. And here the price may differ from the basic version.

As when working with other products, licensing is carried out according to one of the options accepted in 1C: for a computer (device) and for a user (connections from any device). I will not go into detail here, since all the information is on the 1C website. You can get acquainted with it at the link: http://v8.1c.ru/enterprise/

A lot has been written about the 1C program itself. I also wrote about this platform, for example, in the article “Why 1C is bad and why 1C programmers are so disliked.” Taking into account the fact that the “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” system operates on the basis of 1C. Enterprise 8.3, all the advantages and disadvantages of the basic software are also present in it.

Let's take a closer look at the configuration

In the book “Production and Operations Management” by R.B. Chase, F.R. Jacobs, N.J. Aquilano, I liked the list of tasks that are posed to ERP systems for a manufacturing enterprise:
  1. Keep records of new orders and promptly inform the production department about them.
  2. Provide the sales department with the opportunity to see the status of the customer’s order at any time.
  3. Provide the purchasing department with the opportunity to see production needs for materials at any time.
  4. Providing the state with data on the company’s performance in a timely manner, i.e. maintain accounting and tax records.
Let's look at each of these points in more detail. For clarity, I will use one of my clients as an example - a sewing enterprise that uses the SCP system and is a classic and visual production model. This enterprise has many different departments: design, engineering, production, fabric and accessories storage department, finished product storage department, management department.

Accounting for new orders in the sales department

Order accounting is an integral part of the work of any sales department. Any order consists of several parts:
  1. Customer accounting (to whom the sale is made);
  2. Accounting for goods (what will be sold to the client).
Buyers (clients) are entered into the directory of Counterparties. Clients can be like individuals, and legal. You can indicate everything in the counterparty card bank details companies, telephone numbers, delivery address and other information necessary for paperwork and sales.

And detailed information about all goods that can be sold is stored in the Nomenclature directory.

A nomenclature is a directory that is designed to store information about goods and services that can be provided to the buyer. And in this system, nomenclature is one of the most complex reference books.

The following can be stored here:

  • Product name
  • Series
  • Photos
  • Technical documentation files
  • Description and almost any other information about the product.
Using these directories, a sales department employee creates a Customer Order document, where he indicates the counterparty and a list of items with prices.

Using the example of sewing production, work on an order is divided into the following stages:

  1. Accept orders and record customer needs.
  2. If necessary, purchase material for the order.
  3. Carry out cutting and then sewing of products.
  4. Conduct inspection (quality control) of goods.
  5. Hand over finished products to the warehouse.
  6. Carry out shipment or delivery to the buyer.
So, the first stage of work has been completed: the Customer Order document has been created, which reflects the client’s data and the goods that he needs. Now we need to transfer the information to production.

Notifying production about new orders

Manufacturing should see new orders as soon as they arrive. The 1C UPP configuration, in general, copes with this task. But a counter-problem arises: production should see only those orders that need to be produced. Those. If the order document specifies goods that are already in stock, production is not interested in such an order, and its appearance in the list of documents available for production can create additional confusion.
Production should see orders immediately after they are received, but only that part of the orders for which products need to be produced.

In order to avoid such problems, 1C developers offer the following solution: based on the buyer’s order, the sales manager must create new document– A production order, which will list the product items that need to be produced.

But this option cannot be called very convenient, since there is one more step in the work, completely dependent on the human factor. Those. After creating an order, the manager may forget to create a production order, make a mistake, and so on. As a result necessary goods will not be delivered to the production plan on time, and the customer will not receive the ordered products on time. Naturally, with full automation of the enterprise, such situations are unacceptable. On the other hand, this problem can be completely solved by creating additional processing.

We have created the following solution for a clothing company. An additional plugin was written that creates a production order automatically based on a certain list of different conditions.

This processing determined whether the required items were in stock. If not, then the next step was to analyze available items in production. If there are no such products or they are scheduled for a date later than specified in the order, a production order is automatically generated.

Conclusion: The system has everything you need to store information about products and customers. It is possible to create an order and transfer it to production. But for full automation The work will still require modification to suit the needs of a particular enterprise.

Status of an order in production

As already mentioned, after an order has entered production, it is necessary to provide the sales department with the opportunity to monitor the status of the order in real time. It is important for the manager of the sales department to know at what stage the work is: whether the ordered goods have already been delivered to work, when it is planned to be completed, etc.

This is implemented in one of two ways:

  1. The sales manager can track at what technological stage the work on the order is: planned, entered into work, at quality control, etc. Thus, a sales specialist can constantly monitor the work on each order and notify the client about deadlines.
  2. A sales period is set for the product, i.e. the date when the list of required items will be produced, will be tested and will be ready for shipment.
The system does not provide the necessary tools to implement the first option. Reports that are available reflect only the status of orders and goods in stock. For production, if it is necessary to implement stage-by-stage notification, modifications will be needed.
Unfortunately, in the second case, there are no ready-made tools for cases when production may change the order completion date. Only the sales department can make any changes to the shipment date, and upwards. Usually the manager can reschedule the shipment for more late date, but production will have to be notified about the possibility of changing the terms of creation of goods manually. Also, if necessary, production cannot postpone the shipment date, even if it becomes possible to complete the order faster.
In the basic configuration, any changes in deadlines and determination of the stage of order fulfillment are carried out manually by employees, as a result, unpredictable human factor. But here improvements will help solve the issue.

So, for sewing production, we created a summary report that showed: which batch of goods (from which orders) is in production, including, the report shows which batch is in cutting, which is in sewing, and so on. Those. we divided production processes into stages, and the report displayed the overall picture - which products from which orders are at which stages of production, which are in queue (indicating the start date of work), which are in quality control, which have been sent to the warehouse.

Initially, this report was created for production workers so that they could monitor their work and make adjustments if necessary. But later we opened the same report to the sales department so that managers could also see the status of a particular order.

Conclusion: The configuration does not provide for automatic data exchange between the sales department and production after the order is submitted for processing. But it is possible to implement similar solutions based on this configuration by creating additional reports and processing.

Communication between production and purchasing department

Very important point– providing production with the necessary materials. At the same time, for correct operation, it is necessary to provide production with everything necessary to fulfill orders and create goods for free sale from the warehouse, and on the other hand, it is necessary that excess materials do not accumulate in the warehouse. Therefore, the supply department must have access to up-to-date information about the amount of materials in the warehouse and current production needs, including a list of materials for orders that are just planned for production.

How this work should happen:

  1. A list of needs is generated.
  2. Based on this list and product specifications, a list of materials necessary for the production of products is formed.
  3. Based on the received list, a procurement plan is formed.
  4. In accordance with the procurement plan, the system generates orders for suppliers.
An important drawback of the system: The purchasing department has no way to see which materials need to be purchased from which suppliers and at what prices. Those. the reports show only the general current production needs, and to obtain more detailed information additional improvements need to be made.
The system has a document called the Procurement Plan. It collects information about needs, i.e. about what needs to be purchased to ensure production and in what quantity, as it should be in a classic MRP system.

MRP (Material Requirements Planning) is an automated planning of the enterprise’s needs for raw materials and supplies for production. Planning is done based on specifications.

Specification (Bill of Material) is a reference book that describes all the parameters of a particular material, its qualities, features, tolerances. For a finished product or “semi-finished product,” the specification indicates what the product consists of.

The production of each product requires certain materials and semi-finished products. Materials can be ordered immediately based on specifications. For semi-finished products, it is necessary to take the next step - to figure out what materials, in turn, this or that semi-finished product consists of. And also add necessary materials to order.

Thus, every finished product in a few steps it is automatically broken down into materials. For example:

The suit consists of trousers, a jacket and packaging (package). Trousers and a jacket are semi-finished products that need to be decomposed into next step, to create a package, the material can be immediately added to purchases. In the second step, the trousers are “divided” into different types of fabric, thread, zipper, and buttons. Likewise, the jacket also consists of different types fabric, thread and buttons. All these materials are added to the purchasing plan.

Now you can proceed to select a supplier for each of the materials and create an order. All of the above stages in the SCP system are not automated, and therefore some modifications will be required to solve the problem. At the same time, the configuration provides the ability to store all requirements, and there is also the ability to collect procurement information. But in the basic version, they all require human intervention, which reduces the level of convenience and reliability. Therefore, external processing will also be very useful here, especially since all the data and access to it are available in the system.

For sewing production, we solved the issue as follows. Based on the report developed for production, as well as information on orders, the need for necessary materials. Next, materials stored in the warehouse were subtracted from this list, and a report was created with the help of which purchases could be made. Suppliers then tell you how quickly they can deliver the materials. And this information is manually entered into the system, on the basis of which sellers will be able to notify customers about the timing of order production.

Accounting and tax reporting in a “box solution”

The typical configuration of “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, as conceived by the developers, should collect all the information necessary for accounting and tax reporting and create all the reporting necessary for the work of the accounting department.
And here this configuration has a very large “Achilles heel”. The fact is that in each document there are three checkboxes:
  • УУ – document on management accounting;
  • BU - the document is subject to accounting;
  • NU – the document goes through tax accounting.

Since documents are not separated into different systems, the human factor comes into play. For example, an employee of the purchasing department or a storekeeper, after receiving materials, posts a receipt document. The material is registered. But if he does not check the BU box, then the accountant does not see the document, and he himself posts the invoice based on the tax invoice received by him. As a result, the document is corrected twice by different authors. And if any errors occur, it will be very difficult to identify the culprit.

How is this problem solved in different cases, I don't know. So far, I have come across options where management agreed with this shortcoming and preferred to rely on employees. The only method of protection against human error that has been implemented is to set the default checkboxes. In principle, in the small and medium-sized businesses with which I usually work, this is really enough.

Integration with other software products and systems

Integration is important stage, which is necessary when automating the work of any company, including production. It is necessary to understand that integration is an expensive process that takes a significant amount of time and effort. Since we are talking about a complex multifunctional ERP system, for high-quality process automation you will need to obtain large number a variety of data from different sources.

If you look at it from a production point of view, you will definitely need to load data on product release dates, semi-finished products and materials into the system. The purchasing department uploads invoices and other invoices into the system. receipt documents. The sales department must upload information about orders and so on. In addition, different situations are possible in production, and it is very important that the system promptly receives information about material consumption, defect rates, rescheduling of production due to some difficulties that arose during the work process, etc.

For example, at a sewing enterprise, integration was carried out with a cutting machine. Integration with any CAD, with the company’s website, or with other solutions is also often required. And this stage of work often takes up to 30% of the budget.
At the same time, without such comprehensive solutions, the use of an EPR system will not be effective; you will not be able to achieve new level control and automation of the enterprise. This is very important to understand.

Any system is only as effective as its weakest link. And if during implementation you refuse to integrate in one case or another, and rely on the human factor, errors will certainly accumulate, and the entire system will become unstable.
For example, if we are talking about designing a new product, then all project documentation should be uploaded from the design system (CAD) to the ERP system automatically. And then, if any questions or difficulties arise, it will always be possible to understand what specific product we are talking about. And designers will be able to make the necessary changes quickly and without errors.

When it comes to production, it is very important to receive information about incoming orders in a timely manner and without errors (for example, from a website or from special form orders) that need to be produced, as well as timely and error-free transmission of information about the materials actually used, which will allow work to continue without downtime.

I already mentioned above that at the sewing enterprise it was necessary to integrate with a cutting machine that cut 36 layers of fabric simultaneously; it was necessary to obtain information about the scraps, the amount of scrap, and distribute this scrap among the cost of the entire batch of products. Accordingly, an add-on was required that directly integrated with the machine so that the system understood the data that came out of it and sent data to the machine in a format that it could understand. In addition, processing was required for the data received from the machine to calculate defects and product costs.

Also, in many other cases, relying on the human factor is unacceptable, since errors, inaccuracies in the system, and untimely entry of information lead to disruptions in work. Therefore, integration is, of course, not a quick and expensive process, but it is necessary to improve the quality of work.

Industry solutions

In addition to the basic configuration of 1C. There are a significant number of industry solutions for SCP. They are created by 1C partner companies based on the basic configuration. Most often, such solutions appear as a result of the implementation of 1C.UPP for some manufacturing enterprise. After that, the modified version of the configuration for a particular industry is slightly modified and offered as a ready-made industry solution to customers.

Now on the 1C website you can find such configurations for almost any industry. But it is very important to understand the following points:

  1. The configuration was modified to suit the needs of a specific enterprise. And there is no guarantee that this approach will be right for your company. For example, dairy production can create cottage cheese and sour cream by weight, or it can package these products in certain containers. It can produce milk, kefir and fermented baked milk, or it can specialize in yoghurts and desserts. Each of these cases will require different modifications. And it’s not a fact that those offered in the basic version from partners will suit you.
  2. Industry configurations are carried out by partner companies on the basis of the main one, while significant changes are made to the configuration itself. Therefore, updates for the basic version of 1C. Soft starters are not suitable for an industry configuration. Users will have to wait until the 1C partner company also updates the industry version.

A few words about 1C. UPP ERP 2.0

There is also a separate 1C configuration. UPP ERP 2.0, to which significant improvements and additions were made necessary to automate the management of a manufacturing enterprise. Those. this configuration is positioned not just as a complete solution, but as a universal solution for a manufacturing enterprise that includes a full-fledged ERP system.

This system is also created on the basis of 1C, the configuration is also comprehensive, not modular. Therefore, all the features of 1C products, in principle, as well as the problems encountered when implementing complex 1C configurations, are also inherent in this system.

On the one hand, version 1C. UPP ERP 2.0 really features an expanded set of functions, primarily related to automation and management issues. But this software product was created relatively recently. And I believe that it is too early to switch to this version due to the fact that it has not yet been fully developed.

It is constantly updated with new features, new reference books, documents, reports, unlike 1C. UPP, to which updates only include corrections of identified bugs and updates to accounting and tax reporting related to changes in legislation.

In addition, the 1C system. UPP ERP 2.0 is much more expensive than the 1C configuration. UPP.

Pros and cons of the 1C UPP system

The system is truly comprehensive and, with appropriate modification, it can perform the functions of managing a production enterprise certain type. It is also important to understand that each industry will require different improvements. If the system was created for sewing clothes, it will not be suitable for a dairy production enterprise. Of course, you can also use industry solutions, but I personally do not recommend using such solutions.

Simply because if the standard configuration of “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” does not suit you in many respects, then industry solutions will not suit you either. In this case, it will be easier to choose another product or actually order individual solution. And if the standard configuration suits you for the most part, then the number of modifications and settings to suit the characteristics of a particular business for a standard solution and an industry-specific one will differ little.

An important disadvantage of the system is the lack of modularity. Those. To solve certain problems, you can create certain processing or reports, “add-ons” to the system. They will work, but at the same time basic solutions will remain inviolable. But if for some purpose you need to make changes to the work of documents or reference books, you will need to make changes to all subsystems that exist in the configuration.

Due to the lack of modularity in this system, it is impossible to make any significant adjustments to accounting or, for example, to work warehouse accounting without significant changes to documents and reference books intended for other departments. They are all connected and work with the same reference books and documents. However, this feature is widely known, as it is inherent in all software products from 1C.

That’s why no one usually makes significant improvements to this system; they try to make do with external processing, reports and other add-ons. Industry solutions are most often just a variation of a set of add-ons that was created for a specific enterprise related to a specified area. And you will still need some modifications, the cost of which differs little from modifications to the basic configuration. But the reliability of a standard solution is always higher than products from partner companies.

Conclusion. If you are satisfied with the basic system configuration, it is best to buy and install it. But at the same time, it is very important that the implementation of the system is carried out by experienced specialists who will be able to not only configure software, but will also make all the necessary improvements for your business, reports, and carry out integration with other software products and systems.

With the right approach, the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management system becomes an excellent tool that will allow you to get high level automating business processes and coordinating the work of different departments of the company.

As a conclusion, I want to give some advice to those who have decided to purchase and implement the program “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 edition 1.3”:
1. Choose a strategy
SCP is a complex and large product that claims to be universal. The product is expensive, and I'm talking here not only about the acquisition cost, but also about the cost of owning the program - qualified specialists are expensive, and there are very few of them. Choose a strategy and determine why you are buying this particular program and how you will use it, what you are going to do with it next.

What are the strategies? One of my clients chose this configuration because “it is the only system that has everything.” This enterprise worked in several systems: 1c, Excel, etc. - they decided to take one system to consolidate accounting.

Another company, which was developing production, wanted to control work in progress - they were worried about accounting for materials in production. This is also a strategy.

2. Consider integration
Integration must be thought through initially in order to assess what financial and time resources will be spent on its implementation. An objective assessment of this fact can influence the decision whether to purchase this program or give preference to another product.
3. Assess the need for SCP in terms of the size of the company
SCP is not suitable for every company. I saw a company that employed 15 people. They somehow “inherited” the SCP system, but at the same time it cost big money, and in the end they never switched to SCP. You must understand that if your company is not sufficiently prepared to work with such a complex product, then it will not have any effect. I do not recommend this configuration for a small company.
4. Assess the need for SCP from an industry perspective
Although 1c writes that UPP is a universal solution, one must understand that it is only suitable for assembly production, which involves assembling one whole product from several parts. For release, for example, building materials, mixtures, this configuration did not work.

The “Manufacturing Enterprise Management” configuration based on the 1C platform is considered one of the largest and most difficult systems to master. It allows the company to control everything that happens business processes, on which its popularity is based. Working with it, as with any other integrated management system, is preceded by installing the software at key workplaces, where employees will subsequently reflect the state of affairs of the company in 1C UPP.

How to install 1C UPP?

Before proceeding with the installation of 1C systems, administrators must download the required version of 1C from the official website or ITS disks. To decide what exactly to download, you need to decide on the type of information base. This can be a file version or client-server. The first is suitable for companies with a small number of 1C users, the second case is the most common, since UPP is a large-scale system and is intended for large enterprises that work specifically with the client-server option.

In any case, we will need to download the 1C platform and the SCP configuration. Make sure that the platform version is suitable for the configuration release. The official website where all updates are posted is users.v8.1c.ru. To download them, you need to purchase a soft starter configuration from 1C. Please remember that only the systems you have purchased are available for download.

After downloading the necessary files, you need to install the platform. This process is quite simple and any administrator can handle it:

Then comes the turn of the archive with the configuration. The process of installing the UPP system is even simpler - you just need to unpack the archive, run the installation file and click “Next” several times. Now you can create new base UPP and work with it after the 1C UPP is configured.

In cases where the number of users exceeds a hundred, the installation process of 1C UPP can take weeks. If established local network and Active Directory is configured, this can be significantly simplified. This mechanism will allow you to use group policies to install software at boot time account Windows. Proper configuration of this functionality will not only allow you to quickly install 1C UPP on hundreds of PCs, but will also make the life of administrators much easier.

It is worth noting that the server must be powerful enough. First, it will have to process commands from all users. And secondly, a huge load will fall on him during the initial installation of the 1C platform for all users. It is always better to have a significant reserve of power than to constantly listen to users’ complaints about 1C “brakes”.

The installation is always followed by setting up 1C UPP for your enterprise. In order to correctly set all the indicators, a thorough audit of business processes in the enterprise is necessary. Few people manage to do this without the involvement of outside professionals. Remember that mistakes at this stage can cause serious damage to further work.

Installation 1C:UPP- creation of at least one information base from the configuration template "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management" (1C:UPP), intended for maintaining records of one or more organizations.

First stage:

Please keep in mind that in order to install the 1C:UPP database, you must first install the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. The platform distribution is included in the delivery of the 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management software product.

The 1C:UPP installation process itself is quite simple, since the program distribution kits come with specialized literature that describes in detail the features of installing 1C:UPP in both file and client server versions. There are at least two client-server options for installing 1C:UPP based on the MS SQL Server DBMS and based on the PostgreSQL DBMS.

  1. PostgreSQL is a free object-relational database management system (DBMS). It is a free alternative to commercial DBMS (such as Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, Informix and Sybase DBMS).
  2. MS Server is a relational database management system (DBMS) developed by Microsoft Corporation. Used to work with small and medium-sized databases to large enterprise-scale databases; competes with other DBMS in this market segment.

Second stage:

Installation 1C:UPP configuration template.

The distribution kit for the full delivery template is located on the same DVD as the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

The 1C:UPP complete delivery template is a set of files necessary for successful creation information base 1C:UPP, among which are the files of the delivery itself, classifiers such as ENAOF, OKOF, OKP, drivers for commercial equipment and other useful information. By default, the template is copied to the C:\Program Files\1cv81\tmplts\1c\Enterprise folder.

Third stage:

But from such a template, 1C:UPP information databases are installed in a conditionally unlimited quantity. You ask why in conditionally unlimited? There is no counter for the number of 1C:UPP databases deployed from the template, but the quantity is still limited by volume hard drive on your computer or server.

When purchasing the 1C: Enterprise program, as a rule, the initial installation of 1C: UPP is carried out by specialists from the company from which you purchased the software product. For our part, we guarantee that when purchasing a program from the NovoeO company free installation of 1C:UPP included in the package of services upon delivery of this software product.

1C UPP provides flexible settings for parameters of any type of accounting, with which you can fully configure the accounting rules in accordance with which the organization operates.

In order to take into account all the nuances, we recommend that at the stage of the pre-project survey, the accounting parameters are fully specified and agreed upon with key users. Firstly, this can serve as a solid basis for building a truly effective system (since regulated accounting has strict rules, and managerial accounting reflects the real state of affairs in the enterprise), and secondly, it will avoid problems with implementation and discrepancies in data between the old And new system accounting.

In this article we will take a detailed look at setting up the parameters of regulated types of accounting – accounting and tax.

Access to setting up accounting parameters

Let’s log in with administrator rights and switch to the “Accounting and Tax Accounting” interface.

Figure 1. Working in the interface with administrator rights

After changing the interface, an additional section “Accounting Settings” will appear in the top menu, in which you need to select the “Accounting Parameters Settings” item.

Figure 2. Settings tab

A window will open in which all parameters available for configuration are logically grouped into sections. Let's take a closer look at the parameters and settings for each section.

Section "Production"

In the “Production” section, the rules for drawing up production documents are indicated:

  • Use assembly specifications only– by activating the parameter, users will be able to set the view to “Assembly”. A disabled flag makes additional specification types available – “Full”, “Node”. If you do not plan to use them, it is better to set the flag to avoid user errors in document preparation.
  • Specification versions– if the flag is enabled, users will be able to specify different versions in an item specification, if disabled, then each specification can have only one version.
  • Use material issue limits– when the flag is turned on, the ability to work with the functionality of limit-fence cards is activated. It is better to uncheck the flag so as not to overload the configuration with redundant, unnecessary functionality when this is not practiced at the enterprise.
  • Use operating time– when the flag is turned on, the ability to set the output type “Working hours” in the “Production report for a shift” is activated. If this is not practiced at the enterprise, it is better to remove the flag so as not to overload the configuration with redundant, unnecessary functionality.

Figure 3. Settings for accounting parameters “Production”

Section "Cost Accounting Mode"

The 1C UPP system provides modes "Advanced Analytics", or "Part accounting"*.

The first of them is better suited for production, because allows you to take into account all production costs and inventories on all accounting accounts separately for regulatory and management accounts. At the same time, users have the opportunity to receive detailed analytics on the movement of items and costs. When selecting this mode, it is not taken into account chronological order entering documents.

The second is more suitable for trading companies, for which it is important to accurately determine the cost of a specific batch and see the gross profit from sales in real time.

Figure 4. Cost accounting mode settings

*Setting the modes is described at the top level, since this is a separate, large topic. For example, in RAUZ you can configure the detailing, and in batch - the order of write-off.

Section "Cost"

This indicates the type of prices at which the cost is taken into account. The information register “Item prices” must first be configured.

Next, check the boxes for management or regulatory accounting separately. Applies if different warehouses of the same company accept different conditions conducting business activities. In this case, total and batch accounting will be maintained for each warehouse separately. When the option is not activated, the calculation is made for the company as a whole, regardless of the specific warehouse.

Figure 5. Cost settings

Section "Methods of cost distribution"

These settings are used in the advanced cost accounting analytics mode.

If you still want to enable this setting, you should set the rules for calculating the base on the “Distribution Base” tab, within the framework of which the distribution base will be calculated, and you will also select a strategy for calculating the share of costs for each type of product depending on the volume of output, sales volume , occurrence of certain raw materials, according to standards, or manually.

You can distribute costs by type of production: for your own products, products of a third-party processor, products from customer-supplied raw materials, for operating time, for individual departments, for a percentage or for a coefficient.

Figure 6. Settings for cost distribution methods

Section "Goods Accounting"

  • Activation of the first group adds the corresponding lines in documents and reference books for accounting according to specified characteristics, as well as for processing transactions with containers.
  • The second group is responsible for the ability to work across several warehouses in the tabular part of the selected document.

Figure 7. “Goods Accounting” settings

Section “Printing, units of measurement”

This section is for setting up appearance printed forms of documents. It is possible to display an additional column with the desired parameter, for example, product code or article, as well as specify the unit of weight and unit of volume for use in the product characteristics.

Figure 8. “Print, units of measurement”

Section "Mutual settlements"

This establishes uniform rules for debt control and bank documents:

  • Way to control days in debt on calendar or weekdays.
  • Posting a document based on registration time– the document will be posted at the same moment when confirmation of the transaction is received from the bank. Preferable when you need to track payments from customers in real time.
  • At the end of the day of registration date In general, it reduces the system load; it can be used when it is not enough to receive payment reports promptly.

Figure 9. Settings for accounting parameters “Mutual settlements”

Section "Settlements with personnel"

The section is intended for setting up filling in the details “Employees” and “Type of wage accrual” in transactions. If you select the “For each employee” option, you will need to fill out these details for each employee. When you select the “Summary...” option, these details are not included in the transactions.

Figure 10. Personnel calculations

Section "Orders"

Here you can configure work with orders.

  • Auto-reservation strategy specifies the procedure for reserving goods based on customer orders.
  • Activation “Indicate orders in the table section” displays an additional column in the receipt and sales documents, which displays the order number.
  • Use internal orders activates the functionality for creating internal orders a separate document with the same name. If the company does not use a system of such orders, it is better to disable the flag so as not to burden users with redundant information.
  • Specify series when making a reservation of goods in warehouses allows you to take into account series (only subject to a reserve for orders indicating the counterparty agreement, in which the attribute “Separate accounting of goods according to buyer orders” is set).
  • Account for customer returns– when the flag is turned on, the weight of ordered goods changes automatically when posting “Return of goods from the buyer”.

Figure 11. “Orders” settings

Section "Orders for production"

The section is intended for setting parameters for working with production orders.

When the flag is enabled "Use production orders" becomes available additional document"Order for production."

Enabling the following flag makes it possible for each order to calculate the requirements for materials and semi-finished products for the production of finished goods.

Closing needs can be implemented in one of two modes:

  • Obviously– using the document “Adjustment of production order”. They are also completely closed when conducting the “Production Report for the Shift”, “Item Assemblage” and “Act on the Provision of Production Services”, if all goods have been released according to the order.
  • Automatic– that is, when dividing materials into the release of goods, as well as when registering it using “Item Assembling”.

Figure 12. Production orders

Section "Retail sales"

Designed to configure retail sales parameters:

  • Possibility of payment by payment cards, bank loans;
  • Sales accounting alcoholic products;
  • The procedure for sending electronic checks to the buyer.

Figure 13. Retail sales

Section "Planning"

This section is intended for setting up planning parameters:

  • Frequency of access to key resources specifies the time interval in which planning is carried out: day, week, decade, month, quarter, half-year, year.
  • Perform shift planning– when activated in specifications and production orders, the shift planning mechanism becomes available.

Figure 14. Scheduling settings

Section "Projects"

Here you can configure accounting in the context of Projects.

  • Keep records of projects– activates additional detail on projects for sales, purchases, cash flows, costs and planning.
  • Use distribution types by project– when the flag is enabled, additional tools are activated for allocating basic costs to projects.
  • Keep track of project costs– activates the posting of indirect costs across projects.
  • Indicate projects in the tabular part of documents– in documents reflecting financial transactions, an additional column “Project” becomes available, in which you can indicate which specific projects costs include.

Figure 15. Settings for accounting parameters “Projects”

Section "Currencies"

Here you can configure the currencies used for accounting*, management and IFRS accounting.

*Regulation currency is the base currency, its exchange rate is always equal to 1 (for the Russian Federation - ruble).

Figure 16. “Currency” accounting parameters settings

Section "VAT"

The section is intended for setting up the numbering and printed forms of invoices. It is possible to indicate the full or full and abbreviated name of the seller, as well as set a separate numbering for invoices for advance payments.

Figure 17. Settings for VAT accounting

Section “VAT in currency”

The section establishes the method for calculating the VAT amount for documents in foreign currency. When choosing the option “By the ruble amount of the document”, the VAT amount will be calculated by multiplying the ruble amount by the VAT rate.

When choosing the option “By currency amount of VAT”, the ruble amount of VAT is calculated by multiplying the currency amount of VAT by the document exchange rate.

Figure 18. Settings for accounting parameters “VAT in currency”

Section "Income Tax"

The income tax is set up for property and services pre-paid under an agreement in foreign currency and the rules for supporting PBU 18/02 when taking into account amount differences when payment is received under agreements in cu. after transfer of ownership.

Figure 19. Settings for accounting parameters “Income tax”

Section "Cash Book"

The section configures options for maintaining cash books: by separate units or the organization as a whole.

When the flag “Use maintenance of cash books by separate divisions” is enabled, the subaccount type “Divisions” will be added to accounts 50.01 and 50.21; when the flag is removed, the subaccount type will be deleted and the process will be possible only for the entire organization as a whole.

Figure 20. “Cash Book” accounting parameters settings

Section "Government contracts"

The section is intended for setting up additional functionality for accounting for payments under government contracts.

When the flag is turned on, it becomes possible to work with objects of the “Government Contracts” subsystem. For a bank account, counterparty agreement and applications for spending funds, you can establish compliance with a government contract.

For Settings for uploading supporting documents the directory for uploading supporting documents when exchanging with the bank is indicated, as well as the maximum size of the supporting document file (MB) and the supporting document archive file (MB).

Figure 21. Accounting settings “Government contracts”

This completes the review of accounting parameters settings in the 1C UPP system. For more detailed information about the system capabilities and configuration rules, you can contact our consultants.

Construction automated system managing the activities of an enterprise based on the 1C:UPP program is a technically complex, multi-stage process that does not tolerate inaccuracies. Each stage of the project requires detailed analysis and careful planning.

Setting up “1C:UPP” can be divided into two parts - technical and analytical.

The technical part includes procedures installing the 1C:UPP program And access rights settings. Let's look at them in order.

Depending on the scale of the enterprise and the nature of the information network construction, the options for installing the soft starter are determined. This can be a single-user license installed on an employee’s computer in a file version, or a large multi-tier system in which the software product, along with SQL supplies, is installed on servers, which, in turn, are provided with access for individual users. In this case, the criteria for the successful functioning of the information system must be met: security, speed, stability, information backup and other necessary technical parameters network and software product.

A clear description of the role for each employee, functional responsibilities and areas of responsibility in the implementation of specific business processes of the enterprise is an integral part effective management enterprise. And therefore, the next element of the initial setup of the soft starter is setting access rights in accordance with user roles.

The program is designed to automate enterprises with up to several thousand employees. These are tens and hundreds of automated jobs. This means that it is important to correctly configure the differentiation of access rights to stored information to ensure the confidentiality of information.

Access rights correspond to user positions or their type of activity, that is, their roles in business processes. However, in individual cases, access may be expanded or reduced. For example, a user can operate with data from certain counterparties, but not have access to similar information from other counterparties. Rights are configured manually or using a set of subsystems.

The setup mode can be individual or group. Individual mode is usually used in enterprises with a small amount employees, each of whom has a unique set of rights. Accordingly, the group configuration mode is designed for multi-user application solutions.

  • The enterprise has built and debugged an IT structure (local area network), which has the necessary indicators for capacity, speed and reliability, corresponding to the boundaries of automation, as well as organizational structure enterprises.
  • The delivery, installation and installation of a 1C software product of a standard configuration was carried out on the enterprise server and at employee workstations in accordance with the licensing policy of the 1C company.
  • A system of user access rights to the software product has been configured.

The next stage of setting up “1C:UPP” is analytical. It includes setting up the system's accounting policy.

Almost any data circulating in the electronic document flow of an enterprise (suppliers and consumers, cash flows and material resources, name of goods, their quantity, prices, names and surnames of employees, positions, telephone numbers, etc.) are critical information for the activities of the entire enterprise within the framework of established business processes. Therefore, before starting accounting in the information base, it is necessary to set up an accounting policy, that is, enter the parameters by which accounting will be kept in the company (for accounting, tax, management, international accounting and payroll). For these purposes, the enterprise must develop and approve documentation regulating the operation of the ERP system. In other words, it must be ensured regulatory readiness of the enterprise.

The main indicators of regulatory readiness are the presence of:

If the enterprise is not ready to deploy an automated system, it is recommended to conduct consulting before setting it up, during which the company’s managers and management will be explained how to organizationally streamline production, management and accounting and reporting processes.

An important factor is also resource readiness of the enterprise. Before you start keeping records in the information base, it is necessary to prepare all future users to work in the ERP system. This preparation includes the following steps:

  • general conceptual theoretical training on structure, tasks and general principles system operation;
  • functional-role theoretical and practical training users on subsystems, processes, functions, operations and features of the system;
  • development of work instructions for users to fulfill official and functional responsibilities in the system.

The human factor should also be taken into account. Employees of the enterprise will be forced to work in a new way, they need to be informed about the upcoming changes. The main task of management is to positively tune the team and help them cope with psychological resistance to change.

Let's summarize: for the correct and successful installation of the soft starter, setting up access rights and accounting policies, you need to:

  • structure business processes of the enterprise;
  • identify factors that critically affect business performance;
  • optimize the processes of production and management activities.

It is worth noting that this article discusses installation and configuration typical software product(excluding modifications). If the enterprise has few functions, then the capabilities of a standard product are quite sufficient for full automation (in some cases there are even more of them than required). In this case, building the system proceeds quickly. If the functionality of the enterprise is quite broad or non-standard, then the 1C:UPP program is modified, additional processing, reports, etc. are written. However, an intermediate, third option is more common: some functions of the standard program are cut at the discretion of the enterprise management, and some, as a rule, the most necessary ones, are modified by the project executors.

We draw the attention of users that when purchasing the program, a certain number of free hours is provided. During these hours, specialists from 1C Business Architect carry out initial setup system (installation of “1C:UPP” and setting up access roles, i.e. technical part). However, if the enterprise has formed and operates accounting policy, these free hours may also include analytical setup of accounting processes in the software product.