Free programs for small and medium businesses. Inventory accounting in Excel - a program without macros and programming

On this page you can download a free warehouse program"Info-Enterprise". It differs from the paid versions in that it has somewhat limited functionality, but is quite suitable for beginning entrepreneurs who are not yet ready to purchase a program for product accounting. See what functions are disabled in it below.

The advantage of using free product accounting programs The fact is that you don’t have to look for it, order it, or purchase it. You just need to download it from the site. It is easy to install and easy to learn. It won't work - use educational videos! They are installed along with the program.


This is not a demo version, this is a full version working programm product accounting, but free. It does not contain any restrictions on work, including restrictions on time, date, number of documents, volume of turnover, printing of documents, etc. Its capabilities are consistent with the documentation (except for the functions listed below).

If you currently keep track of goods in other programs, then you do not need to enter everything again. You can transfer reference books from Excel. In addition, if you have installed commodity accounting programs such as “1C: Trade and Warehouse” or “1C: Trade Management”, then you will be able to transfer not only directories, but also most of the entered documents.

Why is it free? What's the catch?

Due to the great competition in the software market, everything more companies are forced to release free products in order to somehow lure potential buyers to their side. And our free warehouse accounting program is no exception to this. Our main calculation is based on the fact that you will like our product, you will get used to it and at some point you will want some kind of greater service, greater opportunities. And then we will offer our paid products.

What features are disabled in the free version?

The program has all the functions for product accounting! Only those that are not needed by small or start-up companies are disabled:
  • Possibility of simultaneous work by several users with a common database over the network.
  • Differentiation of user access rights to different data and areas of work.
  • Database administration tools: optimization tools, logging user actions, etc.
  • You cannot program in a built-in language, modify existing ones or develop your own forms, reports, or change operating principles.
  • The free product accounting program cannot be integrated with our other products for comprehensive enterprise automation.

You can compare the capabilities of the free program and paid versions in more detail at. If you still need any of the listed functions in your work, write to us by email. If you are not alone in this desire, we will include it in one of the next versions.

She is constantly improving

By starting to work in the program now, later you will receive some new functions for product accounting and more conveniences. She herself notifies about the release of new versions and offers to install them. Sometimes these versions contain legislative changes, for example new forms of invoices, payment orders or some other documents.

By downloading the free warehouse program, you will be able to use limited technical support, consisting of consultations on the user forum. And by switching to one of the paid versions, you will be able to use all types of support, including the “Hotline” and the “Remote Support” service. For paid versions it is possible to use the free version after a year.

MyWarehouse is a convenient and easy-to-use Excel-based program, especially in comparison with WMS. No programming skills are required to operate the application - its interface is intuitive for almost every user.

The free trading and warehouse application provides truly unlimited possibilities for optimizing any business processes: with the help of this program they become easier and faster.

Using the warehouse accounting program you can carry out various actions. For example:

  • register receipt and shipment of goods,
  • keep daily records of the shipment and receipt of goods at the warehouse in Excel,
  • carry out regular inventory,
  • print warehouse documents and send them,
  • set up exchange with 1C,
  • receive information about actual stock balances.

This functionality greatly simplifies warehouse management and saves time and labor costs of personnel working in the organization.

The free warehouse program "MyWarehouse" gives maximum opportunities to users without limiting them in working with the usual additional services and tools. You will definitely appreciate how functional the Warehouse program is: in Excel, many of the functions and capabilities that we offer are simply not available. You can receive maximum benefit from automated system accounting, integrating it with electronic and SMS mailing services, as well as with 1C. In addition, any warehouse equipment can be connected to the system.

Warehouse accounting program MoySklad and its advantages

The free program "My Warehouse", which can be downloaded on our website, has big amount benefits. Among them:

  • Ease of use. Anyone can fully use the program, since working with it does not require specific programming or accounting skills. All you need to do is register on the MoySklad service website, download the application and create Accounts every employee.
  • Possibility of access from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. You can download documents created in the application to any tablet, laptop or computer. You can control your warehouse online.
  • Reasonable price. You can download a trial version to test the program for free. For further use of the application, if more than one user works, a subscription fee will be required: you can choose one of the tariffs that is optimal for your business.
  • Qualified technical support. Our company’s specialists will always help in mastering the trading and warehouse program, although you can figure out its functionality on your own - it is intuitive and simple. Service updates occur automatically without additional effort or charge.

Download the free warehouse program MyWarehouse for managing a warehouse in Excel right now and test it in practice. Familiarization with the application during the test period (14 days) is free. Using the demo version, you will learn the basic principles and mechanisms of the program and evaluate how convenient and functional the free warehouse program is. You can also choose a tariff that is optimal for your business.

Let's consider most famous and wherein simple software for warehouse accounting in more detail.

Essentially, this program is most popular for carrying out warehouse accounting. The main advantages of the program include an easy and convenient interface to use.

With its help, you can fully carry out full accounting of products and Money regardless of whether it is a kiosk or a large wholesale warehouse.

For those users who urgently need mobility, a version is available using so-called portable application technology.

Mobile version of the software can be installed not only on a personal computer, but also on removable media.

"Atonex" Warehouse

A simple program and at the same time convenient for full accounting in trade.

She perfect for medium-sized businesses, since in parallel with simplicity it includes the whole required basic functionality, which is important for the implementation of full accounting in trade, namely:

  • inventory control;
  • sales of products;
  • cash register;
  • a set of necessary reports for the necessary analysis financial results, including audit.

Despite being free, there is also a paid version that includes a huge number of various auxiliary functions.

"VVS: Office - Warehouse - Store"

Is very simple and at the same time reliable and flexible software , designed for automation of trade, warehouse and production in general.

Involves minimal effort for the implementation process, and has at an affordable price. It is possible to use a demo version for evaluation purposes.

"OK-Sklad: Warehouse accounting and trade"

The program is designed exclusively for warehouse accounting, therefore distinguished by power and comfort of use.

It contains all the necessary functionality. Speaking in simple words, complex warehouse accounting and the need for a clear understanding of the company’s economics will no longer be problem number one.


The software belongs to the trade and warehouse category, the purpose of which is to exercising full control over the labor activities of a wholesale, retail and other trading company.

The software fully allows not only to carry out, but also to document, without exception, all trade and warehouse operations, including taking into account financial capital and monitor mutual settlements with consumers, as well as maintain all the necessary documents.

Thanks to this program you can easily analyze entrepreneurial activity companies.

"Warehouse accounting of products"

In most cases used for the purpose of maintaining an operational version of warehouse accounting. With its help, you can effortlessly monitor the remaining volume of products and other materials in the warehouse and at the same time generate a corresponding report on the balance for any selected time period.

Accounting is based exclusively on the management of so-called warehouse cards.

"Folio-WinStore. Local version"

Like all previous software, it does not require any special skills or abilities from users. Only enough know the operating principle operating system Windows. As for the set of functions, the list is standard.

"Microinvest Warehouse Pro version"

Under the terminology there is a kind of industry solution, which acts as an automated system of “network” retail units (for example, counter sales or self-service stores), warehouses and even restaurants.

BY answers everyone necessary requirements regarding the movement of product resources within a company or in an entire network that is directly related to commercial or industrial work activities.

"Warehouse +"

Very convenient and at the same time comfortable, which includes most needed features, namely:

  • development of incoming and outgoing documentation;
  • printing of invoices, invoices, invoices and the receipt order itself:
  • carrying out calculations of the cost of sales with the specified coefficients relative to the purchase price.

The program allows you to carry out warehouse accounting without any special skills.

"1c accounting"

Essentially this is universal software, which is aimed at automating both accounting and tax accounting, including the possible preparation of all mandatory reports.

We can say with all confidence that this is a ready-made solution for accounting in a company that maintains any type of labor activity.

Besides, It is possible to keep records individual entrepreneurs , which are on a simplified taxation system.

Standard software for inventory control allows to fully any company, regardless of its type of work activity and form of ownership, can implement an impressive list of solutions.

Using programs can be significantly simplified the work of not only the person in charge, but also the entire accounting department as a whole, whose responsibility is to monthly generate consolidated reports regarding the movement of inventory items.

Each and every program developed to account for products in a warehouse has huge number functions, which are able to assist the responsible person to carry out accounting for each individual unit of goods, namely:

  • keep records regarding receipt of inventory items;
  • keep records regarding product costs;
  • keep records of inventory balances;
  • generate turnover sheets, various internal reports and other documentation;
  • V automatic mode carry out activities regarding the display of balances for each individual product;
  • automatically re-evaluate inventory items, which are directly related to modifications pricing policy companies;
  • keep records regarding defective goods;
  • automatically detect surpluses or shortages of goods and materials;
  • keep records of product margins, including the cost of production;
  • keep records of settlements with direct suppliers and consumers.

Such software can easily integrate with the most modern, which often used in various domestic companies.

Advantages and disadvantages of free versions

Regardless of which free program is used, all of them, without exception, have a huge number of advantages, which are as follows:

If necessary, this list can be continued indefinitely.

If speak about shortcomings free programs, then the following can be distinguished:

  • minimum set of required functions;
  • It may happen that the interface will be entirely in English;
  • lack of any important functional features, for example, it is impossible to print.

Besides, free versions programs can only work in the demo version. In other words, they work only for a limited number of days intended for evaluation, and after that an overpayment must be processed.

In addition, when working with free software, problems may arise with regulatory authorities, since they are often “broken” and do not have a license, which is mandatory for tax inspectors.

Installation of the SuperWarehouse program is presented in this manual.

Modern program WinSprut Pro- This effective tool with a Russian interface that allows you to increase control over commodity and financial transactions of almost any company, regardless of the field of activity.

Features and benefits of the program
Many companies suffer from the fact that storekeepers and managers cannot cope with programs designed for warehouse accounting and record data in a simple spreadsheet, or even on paper.

Undoubtedly quality program warehouse accounting provides much more opportunities for control, however, if employees do not cope with it, think about invoices for a long time and do not want to learn on their own, this can lead to downtime in production and a decrease in company performance.

The WinSprut Pro program was created specifically to solve these problems. The intuitive interface of the program and maximum ease of use allow anyone far from modern technologies. Training to use the program, as a rule, takes no more than 30 minutes, taking into account the minimum level of computer use.

In addition, the system avoids the influence human factor– the WinSprut Pro program blocks errors made by the storekeeper and provides only correct data.

WinSprut Pro program - benefits for all departments of the company.

The program implements a whole list of solutions that provide maximum convenience not only for storekeepers and warehouse managers, but also for other company employees:

Separation of access rights. Company managers can quickly distribute access rights by closing some accounting areas to managers or storekeepers. In addition, each user logs into WinSprut Pro using his personal password, and each operation remains in the program’s memory, so the manager can always view the name of the employee who performed this or that action, as well as the date of any event;
- Simple and intuitive interface. Quick mastery of the program provides benefits not only for management, who will not have to spend time and money on training employees, but also for programmers - company managers and storekeepers will not waste time asking questions about using WinSprut Pro. In addition, the warehouse accounting program requires virtually no maintenance and support;
- Large list of functions. Despite the ease of use, the program includes a wide range of functionality that is not inferior to more complex programs to master.

Accounting for goods in a warehouse using WinSprut Pro is everything you need for any company.

Warehouse accounting in the WinSprut Pro functional program allows you to carry out all the operations that a company may need:
- Detailed accounting of goods in the warehouse, which includes the possibility of using rubles and foreign currency, setting fixed and “floating” prices;
- Automatic price recalculation, which allows you to significantly save time;
- Control over inventories of goods in automatic mode, as well as the distribution of goods in the warehouse by type, cost and other characteristics;
- Registration of purchase and sale of goods to contractors;
- Providing information on current stock of goods and registration full history goods, including the date of receipt, movement;
- Formation of turnover sheets;
- Moving goods through warehouses. The program displays the transfer of goods from one company warehouse to another;
- Possibility of using a ready-made reporting system.

Warehouse accounting in Excel is suitable for any trade or manufacturing organization where it is important to take into account the amount of raw materials and supplies, finished products. For this purpose, the company maintains warehouse records. Large companies, as a rule, purchase ready-made solutions for accounting in in electronic format. Today there are a lot of options available for various areas of activity.

In small enterprises, the movement of goods is controlled on their own. Excel tables can be used for this purpose. Functionality of this instrument quite enough. Let's get acquainted with some of the possibilities and create your own warehouse accounting program in Excel.

At the end of the article you can, which is analyzed and described here.

How to keep inventory records in Excel?

Any custom inventory solution, whether built in-house or purchased, will only work well if the basic rules are followed. If you neglect these principles at the beginning, then the work will become more difficult later.

  1. Fill out the reference books as accurately and thoroughly as possible. If this is a product range, then it is necessary to enter not only the names and quantities. For correct accounting, you will need codes, articles, expiration dates (for individual industries and trade enterprises), etc.
  2. Initial balances are entered in quantitative and monetary terms. It makes sense to take an inventory before filling out the relevant tables.
  3. Maintain chronology in recording transactions. Data on the receipt of products at the warehouse should be entered before the shipment of goods to the buyer.
  4. Don't be disdainful additional information. To draw up a route sheet, the driver needs the shipment date and the name of the customer. For accounting – payment method. Each organization has its own characteristics. A number of data entered into the warehouse accounting program in Excel are useful for statistical reports, accrual wages specialists, etc.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how to maintain inventory records in Excel. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular enterprise, warehouse, and goods. But general recommendations can be made:

  1. To maintain inventory records correctly in Excel, you need to create reference books. They can take 1-3 sheets. This is a directory “Suppliers”, “Buyers”, “Goods accounting points”. In a small organization where there are not many counterparties, directories are not needed. There is no need to draw up a list of points for registering goods if the enterprise has only one warehouse and/or one store.
  2. With a relatively constant list of products, it makes sense to create a product range in the form of a database. Subsequently, receipts, expenses and reports are filled out with references to the nomenclature. The “Nomenclature” sheet may contain the name of the product, product groups, product codes, units of measurement, etc.
  3. Receipt of goods to the warehouse is recorded on the “Receipt” sheet. Disposal – “Expense”. The current state is “Remains” (“Reserve”).
  4. Results, the report is generated using the Pivot Table tool.

To prevent the headers of each warehouse accounting table from running away, it makes sense to fix them. This is done on the “View” tab using the “Freeze Areas” button.

Now, regardless of the number of records, the user will see the column headers.

Excel table “Warehouse accounting”

Let's look at an example of how a warehouse accounting program in Excel should work.

We make “Directories”.

For supplier data:

*The shape may be different.

For customer data:

*Please note: the title bar is frozen. Therefore, you can enter as much data as you like. The column names will be visible.

To audit goods release points:

Let us repeat once again: it makes sense to create such directories if the enterprise is large or medium-sized.

You can make a product nomenclature on a separate sheet:

IN in this example In the table for warehouse accounting we will use drop-down lists. Therefore, we need Directories and Nomenclature: we will make references to them.

Let's give the range of the "Nomenclature" table the name: "Table1". To do this, select the table range and enter the corresponding value in the name field (opposite the formula bar). You also need to assign a name: "Table2" to the range of the table "Suppliers". This will allow you to conveniently refer to their values.

To record receipts and expense transactions fill out two separate sheets.

Making a hat for the “Parish”:

Next stage - automation of table filling! We need to make sure that the user chooses from ready list name of the product, supplier, point of accounting. The supplier code and unit of measure should be displayed automatically. The date, invoice number, quantity and price are entered manually. Excel calculates the cost.

Let's start solving the problem. First, we will format all directories as tables. This is necessary so that something can be added or changed later.

Create a drop-down list for the “Name” column. Select the column (without a header). Go to the “Data” tab - the “Data Check” tool.

In the “Data type” field, select “List”. An additional “Source” field immediately appears. To take the values ​​for the drop-down list from another sheet, use the function: =INDIRECT("item!$A$4:$A$8").

Now, when filling out the first column of the table, you can select the product name from the list.

Automatically in the “Unit” column change." the corresponding value should appear. Let's do it using the VLOOKUP and UND functions (it will suppress the error resulting from the VLOOKUP function when referring to an empty cell in the first column). Formula: .

Using the same principle, we create a drop-down list and autocomplete for the “Supplier” and “Code” columns.

We also create a drop-down list for the “Accounting point” - where the received goods were sent. To fill out the “Cost” column, we use the multiplication formula (= price * quantity).

We create a table “Consumption of goods”.

Drop-down lists are used in the columns “Name”, “Point of registration of shipment, delivery”, “Buyer”. Units of measurement and cost are filled in automatically using formulas.

Let's do " Turnover sheet"("Results").

At the beginning of the period we set zeros, because warehouse accounting is just beginning to be maintained. If it was previously maintained, then this column will contain remainders. Names and units of measurement are taken from the product range.

The “Receipts” and “Shipments” columns are filled in using the SUMIFS function. We calculate the remainders using mathematical operators.

Download the warehouse accounting program ( ready-made example compiled according to the scheme described above).

So the independently compiled program is ready.