Denis Simachev children. Egor Simachev: biography, career, personal life

IN Russian Federation great multitude talented people in completely different fields, including art, architecture, sculpture and even fashion. One of these outstanding personalities is designer Denis Simachev. He is known to the world for his unique collections male and women's clothing, which are not similar to the work of other fashion designers.

Biographical information

The now famous artist and fashion designer was born in Moscow in June 1974. Despite the fact that Denis Simachev was brought up in a military family, he entered the College of Arts and Graphic Design (Moscow). Later, fate brings him to the Spanish Pivot Point Academy, and then to the Yu. Grymov Studio, where he becomes a specialist in the field of advertising.

In parallel with the studio, Denis manages to get another education at the Moscow Textile Academy in the field of shoe and clothing design.

He received his first award in 1999, when an international shoe exhibition was held. In the same year, Denis Simachev took an honorable first place and became the best among young designers at the “Step into the Future” competition.

Then new achievements: reaching the final round of a competition called the Smirnoff International Fashion Awards, which took place in Hong Kong, where the public saw his “Quasi-Future Eternity” collection.

Climbing the career ladder

In 2001, Denis Simachev decided to create his own company under his own name Denis Simachev. Literally a year later, viewers saw a new collection at a famous fashion show.

Interestingly, already in 2006 a boutique opened in Moscow, which sold items exclusively trademark Denis Simachev. The following year, Simachev received an offer to develop a design for the Atov DSS snowboard, and from that moment his collaboration with sports companies began.

The designer first showed his collection in the capital of the Russian Federation in 2009.

Denis Simachev was invited as a co-host to Channel One to lead a project related to fashion trends. In August 2011, he became the host of the “Fashionable Verdict”, known to viewers.

Every year at Fashion Weeks in spanish city In Milan, Simachev's collections participate in prestigious fashion shows. It is noteworthy that in the clothes and shoes designed by Denis, there is a focus on national motifs.

Prizes and awards

Denis Simachev, whose clothes are already worn almost all over the world, has been repeatedly awarded prizes and awards for his talent and achievements in the field of fashion. So, in addition to winning the “Step into the Future” competition, he was awarded a prize at the “Youth Podium” competition, which was held in Moscow.

In 2005, in the same Moscow, Simachev received the Astra Award in two categories at once: “Designer of the Year” and “Menswear Designer”. A year later, the famous GQ magazine recognized Denis as the best designer in the country.


Once in an interview, Denis said that producing clothes was not part of his plans, but after Hong Kong, the process of serious development began. He began to receive job offers, and he himself began to think about Russian models, imbued with patriotic motives. This became his personal style, which gained quite a lot of fans.

What does Denis Simachev release? Clothing sold under his brand includes items for men and women of different styles and styles, as well as accessories, shoes, etc.

Tracksuits especially stand out against the general background. They combine convenience, fashionable design and colorful prints: Russian floral patterns, images of nesting dolls, Khokhloma patterns, etc.


Denis Simachev brought T-shirts into a separate fashion column - bright, colorful, with explicit inscriptions in Russian and understandable, for the most part, only to Russian people. They immediately attract the attention of others, so wearing a T-shirt from the Denis Simachеv brand is impossible to go unnoticed.

The most famous inscriptions on his T-shirts: “I am not the sea, I don’t care”, “Our everything is oil”, “PRET” and many others. There were even products with a portrait of the current president Russian state, as well as with famous cartoon characters.

The collections feature a harmonious combination of different shades, practicality, affordable prices and ease of wearing. The sweatshirts are also created with the same sense of style. All products of the Russian brand combine brightness, creativity, love for folk traditions and at the same time glamorous.

Bar and boutique

Clothes and shoes Russian designer gained such great popularity among fashionistas that he came up with the idea of ​​opening a boutique to sell products of his brand - the so-called mono-brand store. In this case, it was also decided to act unusually and combine a boutique with a bar. So, in a common building, one floor, the first, was occupied by a bar, and the second by a store.

This location led to the store large quantity customers who, after shopping, settled down at a table in a cozy cafe. Here gourmet dishes are created with taste and served in fusion style, which attracts even discerning gourmets. Thanks to the efforts of the entire team and Simachev himself, both establishments quickly became popular.

Fashion designer Date of birth June 12 (Gemini) 1974 (44) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @denissimachev

The path to your cherished dream is always difficult and thorny. About it famous designer Denis Simachev knows firsthand. It would seem that the future young man, born into a family of hereditary military men, was a foregone conclusion from birth, but Denis found the strength to follow his own path through life. And only incredible determination, perseverance and faith in his calling helped him achieve real success, become one of the most popular fashion designers in the country, a winner of many awards, a truly successful person.

Biography of Denis Simachev

The future famous designer was born in 1974 in Moscow. His parents hoped that he would follow in his father’s footsteps and become a military man, but Denis himself had a completely different view of his own future. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, he refused to enter the KGB School and preferred to study fine arts.

It took Denis ten whole years to study. In Russia, the fashion industry is not the most developed industry, so the aspiring fashion designer had to literally gather knowledge bit by bit. After graduation art school and college, Denis went to Spain to learn the basics of style at Pivot Point. Simachev spent another two years in the studio of Yuri Grymov, and then entered the Moscow State Academic Theater named after. A. N. Kosygina, choosing the direction “Clothing and footwear design”.

Just two years after completing his studies, Denis creates the Denis Simachеv brand, and already next year demonstrates the first line of clothing. First time connoisseurs high fashion We got acquainted with the designer’s work in 2002 at Fashion Week Pret-a-porter. The first successes inspired the author so much that starting next year, not a single fashion week in Milan was complete without a collection of branded clothing from Denis Simachev.

But it is not at all in the nature of millionaire Denis Simachev to stop there. In 2006, the first capital boutique “Denis Simachеv” opened. And then a bar opens and the Low Budget Family project is launched - talented amateur DJs become members of this “family”. Around the same time, Simachev’s trademark was stylization of Khokhloma painting. For Simachev, Russian motifs serve as a constant source of inspiration and he actively uses them in his work.

The active designer did not ignore such a profitable industry as television. For some time he took part in the “City Slickers” project on Channel One, acted as the host of “Fashionable Sentence”, and was also a participant in the fifth season of the “Russian Top Model” project.

Box office designer Simachev mixes records in his own bar depending on his mood. And the music for his shows is written by composer Vdovin. Nothing opportunistic - just personal. Long-term acquaintance obliges. At the request of magazine, two friends talked about topics not far from music and fashion, and also touched on the problem of fainting from lack of sleep and shameful steps on the path to fame.

Vdovin. Basically, I wanted to talk about art.
Simachev. And I wanted to grind for business. We have a problem with two points in St. Petersburg - I took this opportunity to solve it.
Vdovin. Although, on the other hand, when everyone talks about art, it doesn’t get any better... How do you feel about St. Petersburg?
Simachev. Negative. Thank God you are here, Igoryan. Thanks to this circumstance, the city wins. A very beautiful city when compared to you.
Vdovin. Do you love Moscow?
Simachev. I don't like it either. Busy city. Too much money, people, cars. Too much. And I love it when you go out and know everyone, and everyone knows you.


Vdovin. What kind of jury did you say it was?
Simachev. Yes, they judged yesterday. "Admiralty Needle". Competition for young designers. By the way, it’s very cool not connected with the city.
Vdovin. Straight or homosexual?
Simachev. Mostly homosexuals. Both women and men.
Vdovin. Homosexual girls?!
Simachev. Let's call them gays: “homosexual” is some kind of criminal name. I received great pleasure from what was happening, because before this I had not slept for two days. And while looking at the one hundred and eighteenth collection, I realized that I was losing consciousness. And you need to look convincingly at collections - they are different, they do not add up to one story - you need to write them down, give comments to what you see. If I fell asleep, it would look like I didn't respect the competition or the people who invited me. But I found the strength to see it to the end, completed the mission - and, in my opinion, this was yesterday’s most serious breakthrough.
Vdovin. Do you like any of the designers?
Simachev. I liked some of the names. I would like to promote young guys. Black Label – I have a strong association. "A Clockwork Orange"
Vdovin. It feels like I’ve heard these names somewhere before.
Simachev. That's why I liked them. When in an absolutely incomprehensible list I saw a name that somehow impressed me and gave me an idea, I highlighted it and gave it good marks. Of course, it's not very professional, but I didn't remember a single look. Here are the names before your eyes. And a huge number of students. More interesting thing: The jury was international, and my assessments were very different from “theirs.” At some point I realized: it looks like I don’t understand something.
Vdovin. And what did you feel?
Simachev. Not understanding anything is one of the highest levels of Eastern religions. Although I wouldn’t say that I became enlightened.
Vdovin. How do you like the models?
Simachev. To be honest, I expected more from the models. One hundred and fifty people took part - on the Milan scale, well, you can give it a C, a solid one. Strange.


Simachev. Which Russian designers do you know?
Vdovin. Besides you... I know one other girl. Vika Gazinskaya. I met her recently.
Simachev. Let's call her!!!
Vdovin. Let's! (Dials number.)
Simachev. I just don’t know many people from the Russian fashion industry who produce something you can wear. Well, only Igor Vdovin, but I don’t know anyone else.
Vdovin(explains): Doesn't pick up the phone. Apparently, Vika doesn’t need this. She needs it less than we do.
Simachev. I don't think she needs anything at all. Although I actively drink it now. For example, we appeared together on the cover of one publication. I am there in the background, a shadow shareholder. With two small Russian flags. Those who understand Chinese painting will have something to think about!
Vdovin. Are you ashamed of the actions you took to become a star?
Simachev. I can tell you, Igoryanich: at the beginning of my career there were a couple of scary moments. But they harden. Like steel. Nietzsche! Is it really interesting that he ate his own shit before he died?
Vdovin. I think yes.
Simachev. He probably became enlightened, like I did yesterday in the jury.
Vdovin. Do you remember about the shit clothing project?..
Simachev. I remember. By the way, it was a good project.

Denis Simachev
Designer, fashion designer. The owner of Denis Simachev Bar, where a panopticon of things is collected and where he himself periodically stands behind the DJ console under the name DJ Looser. Shown abroad more often than in Russia, yet he knows what the Russian theme is. Loves intelligence with a dose of kitsch. This winter he offers bow ties instead of ties, as well as bright political prints: “The boy said it, the boy did it” and “I love organized crime groups.”

Igor Vdovin
Musician, composer. Author of soundtracks for the films "Tin", "Garpastum", "Sword Bearer", "Goddess: How I Loved". Recorded the albums Light Music for Millions and Gamma. He also writes music for flamethrower shows and Denis Simachev shows. At least twice he dropped out of the Mussorgsky School. Practices martial arts.

There are probably no people who don’t know who Denis Simachev is. This handsome, charming, talented designer filled his stylish things fashion boutiques, TV screens and Clothing from Denis Simachev has a number of individual characteristics that distinguish it from other brands.

Facts from life

The talented designer Denis Simachev was born in Moscow on June 12, 1974. His father and mother worked in the military sphere. Since childhood, Denis has been interested in shoes and fashion trends. He has several educational diplomas in this field:

  • a document confirming graduation from the College of Arts and Graphic Design in the capital - Moscow;
  • diploma from the famous Pivot Point Academy in Spain;
  • in addition, from the famous Studio;
  • diploma from the prestigious Moscow State Textile Academy.

The history of Simachev’s creative path

The beginning was made back in early childhood. Since 1988, Denis Simachev has been pursuing his education in the field of fashion. And since 1999, he has received first prizes and awards for his creative work. He was noted at the international fashion shoe exhibition MosShoes, in the competition for aspiring young designers under the meaningful title “Step into the Future”, and he also showed his worth at the Youth Podium competition and the international gathering Smirnoff International Fashion Awards. In Hong Kong, Denis Simachev, whose clothes were highly appreciated by the jury, received many prizes and awards.

Since 2001, the designer started his own business:

  1. He opened the company Denis Simachev.
  2. Then the designer’s first show at Fashion Week Pret-a-portrer took place.

Our hero’s boutique of the same name has been operating in Moscow since 2006. Denis Simachev, whose clothes began to gain more and more popularity, collaborated in 2007 with the famous company Atom Racing. He designed snowboard designs. The first individual show of his entire clothing collection took place in Moscow.

Denis Simachev actively participated in media projects such as “City Slickers”, “Fashionable Sentence” (Channel One). This designer is known far beyond the borders of Russia and other countries post-Soviet space. He regularly participates in fashion shows in Milan, Paris and so on.

General description of clothing from Simachev

Fashion from Denis Simachev is more street style. The style of the clothes he creates is quite flashy. Thus, the designer actively uses prints with a Russian slant and symbols of the USSR. Often there are T-shirts with images of Putin, oil themes, and hats under old hats with earflaps. The theme of Khokhloma and Gzhel is used. Many of the designer's opponents in the fashion industry are skeptical about such techniques. Denis Simachev, whose T-shirts are especially often criticized and have quite interesting view, challenges the world around us.

Lingerie from Simachev

The hero of our article models not only clothes, but also bed sheets. Denis Simachev also decorates it with his traditional patterns of Russian influence. The collection also has a “boyish” style. It depicts such inscriptions as “The boy said, the boy did”, “Hallow”, “I screwed up and threw it away”, “Beautiful”, “Oil”, “Nothing Svyatova”, “Im princesses”, “Good bye may love good” bai" with characteristic designs. This is a sailor style, black and white tones, silhouettes of a wolf, mermaid, parrot, crown and other prints inherent to the designer.

Lingerie is distinguished by its creativity, quality of materials, brightness and a certain audacity. These inscriptions and drawings are considered by many to be witty. The specific material from which the linen is made is biomatin (a type cotton fabric, is considered progress in the textile industry). Such bed linen will be appreciated by modern youth and not only. As always, Denis does not deviate from his patriotic theme.

Kitschness from Denis is the highlight of the brand

Clothes from Simachev are easily recognizable. His catchy accents on the theme of the USSR and some elements of Russian culture are an indispensable attribute of his fashion collections. Although not everyone accepts Simachev as a real fashion guru, designer and fashion designer, justifying this by the fact that, in principle, nothing new is created, but elements of the past are used, nevertheless, he has formed his own circle of admirers. And it is not limited to citizens of our fatherland. Denis Simachev creates suits, T-shirts and other clothes, bed linen for those people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

Our hero, in addition to working in the fashion industry, is also involved in other business. He opened his own bar, the design of which was developed by Denis himself. The establishment operates successfully and constantly attracts a large audience of young people. The walls are decorated with scarf paintings, the interior has exclusive elements.

In addition, Simachev created a community for non-professional DJs, which Denis himself is. In this club, amateurs can show their creativity, learn something new, show their talent and just have a good time.

Brand pricing policy

What is the price of clothes from Simachev? Who can afford it? Denis categorically refuses affordable prices. He believes that cost is an indicator of the status of a brand, its significance among buyers and fashion arbiters. Therefore, a thing from this designer can be purchased by those people who are able to pay several hundred euros (at least) for a T-shirt, for example. The minimum price for clothing is 500 euros. Nevertheless, Simachev claims that he has no shortage of clients. “Golden Youth” is happy to buy fashionable clothes from the designer.

However, in last years a separate line from Denis was created, which has affordable prices: jeans from 200 euros, T-shirts from 70 euros. Thus, the designer wanted to give the opportunity to put on his branded items to a wider range of people.

Denis Nikolaevich Simachev(June 12, Moscow, USSR) - Russian fashion designer, artist. Laureate of Russian and international competitions in the field of fashion.


Denis Simachev was born on June 12, 1974 in Moscow, into a military family. Since 1988 he studied at the College of Arts and Graphic Design in Moscow. In 1991, Denis entered the Pivot Point Academy in Spain. From 1994 to 1995 he studied at the Yuri Grymov Studio, where he received a diploma in advertising. At the same time, in 1994, Simachev entered the Moscow State Textile Academy, which he graduated in 1999 and received a diploma in “Clothing and Footwear Design.”

In 1999, Denis received his first awards as a fashion designer. He receives his first one at the international shoe exhibition “MosShoes”. In the same year, Simachev took first place in the “Step into the Future” competition for young designers, received awards at the “Youth Podium” competition in Moscow and reached the finals of the “Smirnoff International Fashion Awards” competition in Hong Kong, where he exhibited his collection "Quasi-Future Eternity".

In 2001, Denis opened his own company “Denis Simachеv”, and in 2002 the first show of the collection took place as part of “Fashion Week Pret-a-porter”.

In 2006, the first mono-brand boutique “Denis Simachеv” opened in Moscow, on Stoleshnikov Lane.

In 2007, Denis collaborated with sports companies (in particular Atom Racing) and participated in the development of the design for the Atom DSS snowboard.

In 2009, the first show of the entire “Denis Simachеv” collection was held in Moscow.

Denis Simachev was for some time a co-host of the night broadcast of Channel One as part of a television project