When is the best time to go on vacation to Paris? Climatic characteristics of Paris Fashion Week.

Weather in Paris January is very unpredictable. For example, it may rain a little in the morning, and in the evening it will snow and the temperature will drop to sub-zero levels. The air temperature this month ranges from −3°C to +8°C. The lowest temperature recorded by weather forecasters is −13°C, and the highest is +17°C.
There are no heavy snowfalls in the city. The chances of light snow and rain are almost equal. Snowy Paris is a very rare and short-lived phenomenon. If snow does fall, it melts almost immediately. The normal precipitation in January is 55mm. Almost always, the sky is covered with dense gray clouds. The wind can be very chilly. Therefore, when visiting Paris in January, be sure to bring warm clothes, a hat and mittens. And don't forget your umbrella, you'll need it if it suddenly rains.


It gets a little warmer in February. On average, the temperature ranges from +1°C to +12°C. Sometimes the sun appears, but most often it rains, which turns into sleet. Because of this, a mush forms under your feet. Be prepared for this and stock up on warm, waterproof shoes. The monthly precipitation rate is 45mm.
The maximum temperature in February reached +20°C, and the minimum -15°C. But even with high temperatures, it can be very cold in February. The reason for this is the strong wind. So that such weather conditions If you don't want to ruin your walks through the streets of Paris, don't forget about warm jackets.


The Parisian weather in March is still not at all stable. You can expect surprises from her every day. Both long-awaited warming and sudden frosts. But still, in the first month of spring there is a slight warming. The temperature fluctuates around +3°C+15°C. It rains often, but at the same time the amount of sunny days. Why do tourists and the local population, as if after hibernation, fill the cafe tables, and bask in the sun. However, March evenings are quite cool, so it is better to dress in layers. Precipitation falls within 45mm-50mm.


In the second spring month, in Paris there are delicate aromas of fresh grass and the first flowers. Even a little rain can't ruin this wonderful thing. spring mood, which overwhelms everyone who visits the city during this period. The weather in April is simply magnificent.
At the end of the month, the capital is simply unrecognizable. The whole city is simply buried in greenery and flowers, the fountains are starting to work. This is the best month for romantic walks.
The air temperature in April ranges from +7 to +18°C. The average precipitation is 45mm.
When traveling to Paris in April, pack for warm, sunny days and cool evenings, and be aware of sudden rainfalls.


In every season, Paris is charming in its own way, but warm spring days, he is extremely handsome.
The weather in Paris in May is the most comfortable for visiting it. The day becomes much longer, the sun shines until the evening. Picnics are held in the parks, and the open terraces of cafes and restaurants are completely filled with visitors. Even more flowers decorate the city streets. During this period, chestnuts begin to bloom.

The air temperature rises to +18...+23°C during the day, and at night drops to +8°C..+15..°C. The maximum temperature recorded in May was +35°C. Rains during this period are not uncommon. The precipitation rate is 60mm. But the warmer sun compensates for this deficiency.
This month is worth visiting Paris not only because of the wonderful weather, but also because there are many festivals held in May.

IN summer months Paris is crowded with tourists. The weather in summer is sunny, not hot, with westerly winds characteristic of this region. Due to periodic rains, humidity increases, which makes it very comfortable summer days. Most museums, exhibitions, and fairs in the city are extending their opening hours. You can also enjoy soaking up the sandy beach that is set up every summer on the banks of the Seine.


The weather of the first summer month makes everyone happy. It's already summer in the city, but the heat is not yet felt.
The average temperature in June is from +15°C to 25°C, but can rise to a maximum of + 35°C. Also, there are exceptions when the temperature remains around +16°C+18°C. Temperatures can drop quickly in the evening, so be sure to take warm clothes with you. The average precipitation is 50mm.


In July tourist season is in full swing, resulting in higher prices for accommodation, souvenirs, and entrance to some attractions. The average air temperature ranges from +15°C to +30°C. Hot days most attract people to the Seine embankment, where a cool breeze makes it easier to endure the summer heat. Light rain bring freshness to the city. The normal precipitation is 55mm. Sudden downpours are a very common occurrence in Paris.
To protect yourself from the sun while walking, take a hat or cap with you. sunglasses, and an umbrella for unexpected rain.


The last month of summer - great time to visit Paris. Local residents of the city go to seaside resorts, as a result of which the streets, cafes, and transport become free for tourists. The weather is almost the same as in July.
During the day, the air temperature warms up from +18°C to +26°C, sometimes up to +35°C..+40°C, and at night it drops to +15°C..+17°C. The monthly precipitation rate is 48mm.

The beginning of autumn is very favorable time to visit the capital of France. The peak of tourist visits is gradually declining, the city is returning to quiet life.


The air temperature in September is no longer as high as in the summer months. In many ways, the weather in September is similar to May. During the day the temperature rises to +15°C..+20°C, and at night it fluctuates between +7°C..+10°C. But at the end of the month the weather conditions gradually deteriorate. The temperature drops by several degrees, and rains become more frequent - the monthly precipitation rate is 52mm.


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Practical work on the discipline “Doctrine of the atmosphere”

“natural and climatic sketch of the city”


    geographic location of the city (coordinates, climate zone, characteristics of a given climate zone);

The city is located in the centerParis Basin , approximately 65 m above sea level. The borders of Paris are outlined by the boulevardPeripheric - ring highway. Sometimes the territory of Paris is considered to be located to the west of the city.Bois de Boulogne and located in the eastBois de Vincennes . The city's area is 105 km² if these parks are included, and about 87 km² without them. The Seine flows through the city from east to west, the right north bank is dominated by a hillMontmartre . On the left bank, the dominant vertical is the Montparnasse Tower.The geographical position of France is very favorable. She is on equal distance from the equator and the pole between 42.5 degrees. And 51 gr. northern latitude, in the temperate climate zone. In Europe, it also plays an important geographical position and is a “crossroads” through which important trade routes passed already in ancient times. That is why its history is so eventful.


France shares borders with Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. The border between France and Great Britain runs along the English Channel and Pas de Calais, this is the only sea ​​border France. All the rest are overland, and most of the borders are “natural” borders, but more on that later.


The western and northern regions of France are plains (Paris and Aquitaine basins) and lowlands, in the center and east there are mid-altitude mountains (French Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest are the Pyrenees, in the southeast are the Alps. The highest point in France and Europe is Mont Blanc (4807m). Most of the mountains of France are their “natural border” - the Jura separates France from Germany and Switzerland, the Alps from Switzerland And Italy , Pyrenees from Spain.

Large rivers

These are the Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east - part of the Rhine. The Seine rises in the mountains, crosses the plains and flows into the English Channel. The Loire originates in the Massif Central and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. This river is best known for its beautiful scenery and the medieval castles that line its banks. The origins of the Garonne are in the Pyrenees, it flows into Atlantic Ocean. The Rhône begins in the Alps and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

France, or officially the French Republic, is the largest country Foreign Europe. In area (551 thousand sq. km) it is more than twice the size of both Great Britain and Germany. France includes several small islands in the Mediterranean Sea and the Bay of Biscay. The country's population is 53 million. Human. France has “overseas departments and territories”: Guiana (French), the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion, New Caledonia, French Polynesia.

France occupies the extreme western part of the European continent. It can be called a country of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, Rhine and Perinean. The country's maritime borders are longer than its land borders. In the north, France is separated from England by the narrow English Channel and Pas de Calais. In the west it is washed by the waters of the Bay of Biscay of the Atlantic Ocean. And in the south - the Mediterranean Sea. Many sections of the coast, especially in Brittany and Provence, are heavily indented and have many bays convenient for mooring ships.

Climate conditions in France

France is located at an equal distance from both the pole and the equator, which is why the climate of this country is characterized as moderate - it is not too cold and not too hot.

The entire territory of France is divided into three climatic zones: oceanic climate, semi-continental climate and Mediterranean climate; Separately, due to the characteristics of the relief, a mountain climate zone is distinguished.
Oceanic climate predominates in 2/3 of the territory in the entire west of France. Its peculiarity is its softness and relatively high humidity. Winter is warm, summer is cool. Total precipitation is low. The oceanic climate is also divided into three types: Flemish - in the north, with colder winters and rainy summer; Aquitanian - in the southwest, with hotter and drier summers, clear autumns and frequent rains in spring; Parisian - with hotter summers and colder winters.

Semi-continental climate predominates in the east and in valleys protected from westerly winds. It is characterized by hot summers with frequent thunderstorms and cold winters with heavy snowfalls. Temperature fluctuations in July-January exceed 18º.

Climate map of France

Mediterranean climate dominates the Mediterranean coast, protected from the influence of the ocean by mountains. It is characterized by an abundance of sunny days, dry summers and very mild winters. Precipitation in the form of heavy showers occurs in autumn and spring.

Mountain climates are common in the highlands of France. It is characterized by long and cold winter, which becomes more severe with increasing altitude, heavy precipitation, and significant snow drifts.

The mountainous terrain of France is characterized by the so-called French “S”, which, starting in the south of the Vosges in Alsace, descends into the Rhone valley, “touching” the Alps, and bends to the west, continuing with the Northern and Central Pyrenees.


Paris is located in the zonetemperate climate . Average annual temperature is 10.9 °C, the average annual precipitation is 585 mm. The microclimate of Paris, caused by crowding and pollution, is characterized by air temperatures (on average 2 °C above the regional average, the difference can be up to 10 °C), lower humidity, less light during the day and lighter nights.

The hottest day on record in Paris wasAugust 12 2003 , when thermometers rose to 39.3 °C (see alsofr:Canicule europeenne de 2003 ). Lowest temperature ever recordedDecember 10 1879 - −25.6 °C. The most sudden change temperatures within 24 hours -December 31 1978 : Temperature dropped from +12 °C to −10 °C. Strongest wind - 169 km/h, December1999(see also fr:Tempêtes de fin decembre 1999 en Europe ) .


France shares borders with Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra and Spain. The border between France and Great Britain runs along the English Channel and Pas de Calais, this is France's only maritime border. All the rest are overland, and most of the borders are “natural” borders, but more on that later.


The western and northern regions of France are plains (Paris and Aquitaine basins) and low mountains, in the center and east there are medium-high mountains (French Massif Central, Vosges, Jura). In the southwest are the Pyrenees, in the southeast are the Alps. The highest point in France and Europe is Mount Mont Blanc (4807m). Most of the mountains of France are their “natural border” - the Jura separates France from Germany and Switzerland, the Alps from Switzerland andItaly , Pyrenees from Spain.

Large rivers

These are the Seine, Rhone, Loire, Garonne, in the east - part of the Rhine. The Seine rises in the mountains, crosses the plains and flows into the English Channel. The Loire originates in the Massif Central and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. This river is best known for its beautiful scenery and the medieval castles that line its banks. The origins of the Garonne are in the Pyrenees and flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The Rhône begins in the Alps and flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

    what winter, spring, summer, autumn?

in spring Paris is transforming: it turns green and comes to life, the days are not as short as in winter, you can sit in the park or on the embankment, or just walk around the city. Until the end of September you can become witnessesdancing to open air , yes and walk along the Seine It will be much nicer in the warmer months. in autumn However, there is no such sudden change in weather as, for example, in Moscow. Paris dresses in golden foliage for a long time before throwing on a gray winter coat.

In principle, winter in Paris has nothing in common with the Russian winter, but despite the usually above-zero temperatures, it is quite cold here due to the humidity.
I am always colder at +5 in Paris than at -3 in Moscow. But, as they say, there is no bad weather, only bad clothes, so dress warmly :) It snows very rarely in Paris, more often it rains. In general, the dominant color is grey.


    Average monthly

    Average annual

    Absolute maximum

    Absolute minimum

    Average daily variability

    When the average daily air temperature passes through 0 0 C

    When the average daily air temperature passes through 10 0 C

    Amplitude of fluctuations in average monthly temperature

    Absolute amplitude of temperature fluctuations

    Average date of first frost, last

    Average duration of frost-free period

    Average length of the growing season

    air humidity:

    Relative humidity

    Absolute humidity

    What determines the distribution of absolute humidity across an area?

Climate of Paris (1961-1990)
Indicator Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Absolute maximum °C 15,3 20,3 24,7 27,8 30,2 34,4 35,4 39,3 32,7 28,0 20,3 17,1 39,3
Average maximum, °C 6,3 7,9 11,0 14,5 18,1 21,6 23,9 23,6 20,8 16,0 10,1 7,0 15,1
Average temperature, °C 4,2 5,3 7,8 10,6 14,3 17,4 19,6 19,2 16,7 12,7 7,7 5,0 11,7
Average minimum, °C 2,0 2,6 4,5 6,7 10,1 13,2 15,2 14,8 12,6 9,4 5,2 2,9 8,3
Absolute minimum, °C −13,9 −9,8 −8,6 −1,8 2,0 4,2 9,5 8,2 5,8 0,4 −4,2 −25,6 −25,6
Precipitation rate mm 55 45 52 50 62 53 58 46 53 55 57 55 642

Excellent climate all year round for travel. The weather in Paris varies from month to month, because... it is very far from the equator. Comfortable average annual temperature environment during the day +15.9°C, and at night +8.5°C. The city is the capital of the state of France and it is very visited among tourists. Below is the climate and weather in Paris in winter, spring, summer and autumn.

The best months to travel

High season in Paris in September, July, June with excellent weather +21.5°C...+23.6°C. During this period, in the capital, this popular city receives the least amount of rain, approximately 2 days per month, with 34.7 to 52.8 mm of precipitation falling. The number of clear days is from 13 to 14 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Paris are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Paris by month

The most warm weather in Paris by month and in France in general it reaches 23.6°C in August, June, July. At the same time lowest temperatures ambient air temperatures are observed in December, January, February up to 6.8°C. For lovers of night walks, the readings range from 3.8°C to 14.8°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

The rainiest periods are August, June, February when bad weather 4 days, up to 54.3 mm of precipitation falls. For those who do not like humidity, we recommend March, January, July during this period it rains on average only 1 day per month and the monthly precipitation rate is 21.5 mm.

Rest comfort rating

The rating of climate and weather in Paris is calculated by month, taking into account average air temperature, amount of rain and other indicators. Over the year in Paris, the score ranges from 4.2 in December to 5.0 in September, out of five possible.

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
air at night
Rainy days
January +8°C +4.8°C 7 2 days (45.9mm)
February +8.8°C +4.8°C 7 4 days (33.5mm)
March +13.7°C +5°C 12 1 day (21.5mm)
April +16°C +7°C 13 2 days (37.4mm)
May +17.8°C +8°C 12 3 days (54.3mm)
June +22.6°C +12°C 13 4 days (52.8mm)
July +23.6°C +14.8°C 14 2 days (43.0mm)
August +22°C +11.8°C 13 3 days (53.6mm)
September +21.5°C +12°C 13 2 days (34.7mm)
October +17.2°C +11°C 11 2 days (37.2mm)
November +12.4°C +7.2°C 7 2 days (39.0mm)
December +6.8°C +3.8°C 7 3 days (42.4mm)

Number of sunny days

Largest quantity sunny days were observed in August, April, July when 14 clear days. These months have excellent weather in Paris for walks and excursions. There is the least sun in November, January, December when minimum quantity clear days: 7.

At first glance, it may seem that winter Paris is inhospitable and uncomfortable. But this is only the first impression. In fact, in this city the cold season is “warmed” with a festive atmosphere. The French, inspired by the upcoming events, organize many performances and entertainment right on the streets of the city.

The weather in December is quite cool, but sub-zero temperatures are not expected. The thermometer on the streets shows 5-7 degrees. Snow is rare at this time. But rain is quite expected.

January is the coldest, cloudiest and most uncomfortable month of winter in the capital of France. Although temperatures below zero are extremely rare, 2 degrees Celsius is accompanied by frequent showers, light snowfall and high humidity.

In February the temperature is already 5-9 degrees above zero. This period is considered the driest winter month, but rain is a frequent visitor to Paris at this time. Strong gusts of wind will not allow you to walk on the streets for a long time.

Weather in Paris in winter by month:

How to dress in Paris in winter

At the beginning of winter, you should wear a warm sweater, jacket or down jacket. Shoes should be comfortable and waterproof.

We must remember that January is the most “fierce” winter month. A down jacket, warm woolen clothes, fleece pants, socks made from natural fabrics, and several pairs of warm, comfortable winter shoes will definitely come in handy.

Even though February is starting to pamper sunlight several hours, but warm sweaters, cardigans, jeans, a down jacket, and socks should be in the tourist’s suitcase.

Photos of winter Paris

Winter leisure in Paris

In December, the whole of Paris turns into a fairy-tale town. After all, performances and show programs are held on every street and square. All store windows beckon with winter colors and the sweetness of Christmas candies, and near every building the main winter beauty - the Christmas tree - captivates the eye.

It’s worth going to the lobby of the Paris Le Grand hotel, because there is an exhibition of decorative Christmas trees.

Near the City Hall and the Montparnasse train station, the skating rinks are filling up, everyone is skating and warming up with mulled wine and gingerbread. In December, holiday programs, light and laser shows, and performances about the Christmas holiday are held near the Church of Saint-Germain de Paris. The beginning of winter is the time for free entertainment for tourists, because all of it is held in the open air and is available to everyone.

People celebrate Valentine's Day in Paris on a grand scale. The whole city is plunged into a “love” atmosphere: banners with declarations of love are everywhere, kissing couples roam the streets, and street stalls are filled with valentines and chocolate hearts. This month it is definitely recommended to host the Retromobile car exhibition. In February, the Carnaval de Paris takes place in France. On this day, people dress up in carnival costumes and parade around the city. One of the noisiest holidays in February takes place in Chinatown. The Chinese celebrate there New Year. Their area hosts parades, demonstrations, shows and other entertainment for guests.

Winter Paris, although repelling with its inhospitable weather, lures with its mysterious and fabulous atmosphere of holidays, carnivals and street celebrations. During this period, a tourist will be able to visit all museums and galleries without queues and spend a minimum of money on entertainment.

Updated: 07/02/2015

Paris is a city that is beautiful at any time of the year. But, still, when is it better to go to Paris so that the weather doesn’t let you down and it’s not spoiled? More on this later.

Climate and weather in Paris

Paris has a temperate oceanic climate; characterized warm summer and cold winter. It is rare to be unbearably hot or very cold. Rains regularly remind us throughout the year. And although the average annual rainfall in Paris is not so abundant, it is still much more than in other regions of France.

Weather in Paris in summer
Summer in Paris comes in July and lasts until August. During this time average temperature remains on the mark 25°C. Even at night the air temperature is unlikely to drop below. Rains are not a frequent occurrence, although sometimes they can unexpectedly spill and wash off annoying dust from the asphalt. During the summer months there is approximately 60 mm of precipitation. Residents and guests of the city enjoy the sun for more than 8 hours a day.

Weather in Paris in autumn
Yellow autumn lasts from October to December, it is also called the time of change. Paris and its inhabitants are experiencing at this time low temperatures. The first month of autumn is characterized by maximum temperatures in 15°C and as days go by it drops, reaching 10°C. The amount of precipitation remains the same as in the first months of autumn. In October the temperature drops at night up to 8°С. In November the city receives very low levels of sunlight - less than 3 hours per day.

Weather in Paris in winter
very cold. In January maximum temperature amounts to 6°C, and the minimum - 1°C. Snow in the city is a common occurrence. During winter, especially during snowfall, Paris looks truly stunning.

Weather in Paris in spring
The weather is wonderful in spring. Residents of the city believe that spring comes with the first blooming flowers. The temperature gradually rises and reaches the mark 20°C. During this season, the city receives a huge amount of sunlight.

Weather in Paris by month

Air temperature
Average temperature 5°С. Daily maximum 6 - 12°C. Daily minimum 1 - -5°С.

Air temperature
Average temperature 4 - 5°C. Maximum 7 - 14°C. Minimum 1 - -4°С.

Air temperature
Average temperature 5 - 9° C. Maximum 9 - 18°C. Minimum 2 — -2°С.

Air temperature
Average temperature 9 - 12°C. Maximum 13 - 23°С. Minimum 5 - 12°C.

Air temperature
Average temperature 12 - 16°C. Maximum 17 - 26°С. Minimum 8 - 15°C.

Air temperature
Average temperature 16 - 18°C. Maximum 21 - 29°C. Minimum 11 - 14°C.

Air temperature
Average temperature 18 - 30°С. Maximum 23 – 31°С. Minimum 14 - 19°C.

Air temperature
Average temperature 18 - 20°С. Maximum 19 – 31°С. Minimum 9 - 15°C.

Air temperature
Average temperature 14 - 17°C. Maximum 14 - 22°С. Minimum 6 - 16°C.