Denis Simachev marital status. Denis Simachev - creative Russian designer

IN Russian Federation great multitude talented people in completely different fields, including art, architecture, sculpture and even fashion. One of these outstanding personalities is designer Denis Simachev. He is known to the world for his unique collections men's and women's clothing that are not similar to the work of other fashion designers.

Biographical information

The now famous artist and fashion designer was born in Moscow in June 1974. Despite the fact that Denis Simachev was brought up in a military family, he entered the College of Arts and Graphic Design (Moscow). Later, fate brings him to the Spanish Pivot Point Academy, and then to the Yu. Grymov Studio, where he becomes a specialist in the field of advertising.

In parallel with the studio, Denis manages to get another education at the Moscow Textile Academy in the field of shoe and clothing design.

He received his first award in 1999, when an international shoe exhibition was held. In the same year, Denis Simachev took an honorable first place and became the best among young designers at the “Step into the Future” competition.

Then new achievements: reaching the final round of a competition called the Smirnoff International Fashion Awards, which was held in Hong Kong, where the public saw his “Quasi-Future Eternity” collection.

Climbing the career ladder

In 2001, Denis Simachev decided to create his own company under his own name Denis Simachev. Literally a year later, viewers saw a new collection at a famous fashion show.

Interestingly, already in 2006 a boutique opened in Moscow, which sold items exclusively trademark Denis Simachev. The following year, Simachev received an offer to develop a design for the Atov DSS snowboard, and from that moment his cooperation with sports companies began.

The designer first showed his collection in the capital of the Russian Federation in 2009.

Denis Simachev was invited as a co-host to Channel One to lead a project related to fashion trends. In August 2011, he became the host of the “Fashionable Verdict”, known to viewers.

Every year at Fashion Weeks in spanish city In Milan, Simachev's collections participate in prestigious fashion shows. It is noteworthy that in the clothes and shoes designed by Denis, there is a focus on national motifs.

Prizes and awards

Denis Simachev, whose clothes are already worn almost all over the world, has been repeatedly awarded prizes and awards for his talent and achievements in the field of fashion. So, in addition to winning the “Step into the Future” competition, he was awarded a prize at the “Youth Podium” competition, which was held in Moscow.

In 2005, in the same Moscow, Simachev received the Astra Award in two categories at once: “Designer of the Year” and “Menswear Designer”. A year later, the famous GQ magazine recognized Denis as the best designer in the country.


Once in an interview, Denis said that producing clothes was not part of his plans, but after Hong Kong the process of serious development began. He began to receive job offers, and he himself began to think about Russian models, imbued with patriotic motives. This became his personal style, which gained quite a lot of fans.

What does Denis Simachev release? Clothing sold under his brand includes items for men and women of different styles and styles, as well as accessories, shoes, etc.

Tracksuits especially stand out against the general background. They combine convenience, fashionable design and colorful prints: Russian floral patterns, images of nesting dolls, Khokhloma patterns, etc.


Denis Simachev brought T-shirts into a separate fashion column - bright, colorful, with explicit inscriptions in Russian and understandable, for the most part, only to Russian people. They immediately attract the attention of others, so wearing a T-shirt from the Denis Simachеv brand is impossible to go unnoticed.

The most famous inscriptions on his T-shirts: “I am not the sea, I don’t care”, “Our everything is oil”, “PRET” and many others. There were even products with a portrait of the current president Russian state, as well as with famous cartoon characters.

The collections feature a harmonious combination of different shades, practicality, affordable prices and ease of wearing. The sweatshirts are also created with the same sense of style. All products of the Russian brand combine brightness, creativity, love for folk traditions and at the same time glamorous.

Bar and boutique

The Russian designer's clothes and shoes became so famous among fashionistas that he came up with the idea of ​​opening a boutique to sell his brand's products - a so-called mono-brand store. In this case, it was also decided to act unusually and combine a boutique with a bar. So, in a common building, one floor, the first, was occupied by a bar, and the second by a store.

This location led to the store more customers who, after shopping, settled down at a table in a cozy cafe. Here gourmet dishes are created with taste and served in fusion style, which attracts even discerning gourmets. Thanks to the efforts of the entire team and Simachev himself, both establishments quickly became popular.

There are probably no people who don’t know who Denis Simachev is. This handsome, charming, talented designer filled his stylish things fashion boutiques, TV screens and Clothing from Denis Simachev has a number of individual characteristics that distinguish it from other brands.

Facts from life

The talented designer Denis Simachev was born in Moscow on June 12, 1974. His father and mother worked in the military sphere. Since childhood, Denis has been interested in shoes and fashion trends. He has several educational diplomas in this field:

  • a document confirming graduation from the College of Arts and Graphic Design in the capital - Moscow;
  • diploma from the famous Pivot Point Academy in Spain;
  • in addition, from the famous Studio;
  • diploma from the prestigious Moscow State Textile Academy.

The history of Simachev’s creative path

The beginning was made in early childhood. Since 1988, Denis Simachev has been pursuing his education in the field of fashion. And since 1999, he has received first prizes and awards for his creative work. He was noted at the international fashion shoe exhibition MosShoes, in the competition for aspiring young designers under the meaningful title “Step into the Future”, and he also showed his worth at the Youth Podium competition and the international gathering Smirnoff International Fashion Awards. In Hong Kong, Denis Simachev, whose clothes were highly appreciated by the jury, received many prizes and awards.

Since 2001, the designer started his own business:

  1. He opened the company Denis Simachev.
  2. Then the designer’s first show at Fashion Week Pret-a-portrer took place.

Our hero’s boutique of the same name has been operating in Moscow since 2006. Denis Simachev, whose clothes began to gain more and more popularity, collaborated in 2007 with the famous company Atom Racing. He designed snowboard designs. The first individual show of his entire clothing collection took place in Moscow.

Denis Simachev actively participated in media projects such as “City Slickers”, “Fashionable Sentence” (Channel One). This designer is known far beyond the borders of Russia and other countries post-Soviet space. He regularly participates in fashion shows in Milan, Paris and so on.

General description of clothing from Simachev

Fashion from Denis Simachev is more street style. The style of the clothes he creates is quite flashy. Thus, the designer actively uses prints with a Russian slant and symbols of the USSR. Often there are T-shirts with images of Putin, oil themes, and hats under old hats with earflaps. The theme of Khokhloma and Gzhel is used. Many of the designer's opponents in the fashion industry are skeptical about such techniques. Denis Simachev, whose T-shirts are especially often criticized and have quite interesting view, challenges the world around us.

Lingerie from Simachev

The hero of our article models not only clothes, but also bed sheets. Denis Simachev also decorates it with his traditional Russian-inspired patterns. The collection is also in a “boyish” style. It depicts inscriptions such as “The boy said, the boy did”, “Hallow”, “I screwed up and threw it away”, “Beautiful”, “Oil”, “Nothing Svyatova”, “Im princesses”, “Good bye may love good” bai" with characteristic designs. This is a sailor style, black and white tones, silhouettes of a wolf, mermaid, parrot, crown and other prints inherent to the designer.

Lingerie is distinguished by its creativity, quality of materials, brightness and a certain audacity. These inscriptions and drawings are considered by many to be witty. The specific material from which the linen is made is biomatin (a type cotton fabric, is considered progress in the textile industry). Such bed linen will be appreciated by modern youth and not only. As always, Denis does not deviate from his patriotic theme.

Kitschness from Denis is the highlight of the brand

Clothes from Simachev are easily recognizable. His catchy accents on the theme of the USSR and some elements of Russian culture are an indispensable attribute of his fashion collections. Although not everyone accepts Simachev as a real fashion guru, designer and fashion designer, justifying this by the fact that, in principle, nothing new is created, but elements of the past are used, nevertheless, he has formed his own circle of admirers. And it is not limited to citizens of our fatherland. Denis Simachev creates suits, T-shirts and other clothes, bed linen for those people who are not afraid to stand out from the crowd.

In addition to working in the fashion industry, our hero is also involved in other business. He opened his own bar, the design of which was developed by Denis himself. The establishment operates successfully and constantly attracts a large audience of young people. The walls are decorated with scarf paintings, the interior has exclusive elements.

In addition, Simachev created a community for non-professional DJs, which Denis himself is. In this club, amateurs can show their creativity, learn something new, show their talent and just have a good time.

Brand pricing policy

What is the price of clothes from Simachev? Who can afford it? Denis categorically refuses affordable prices. He believes that cost is an indicator of the status of a brand, its significance among buyers and fashion arbiters. Therefore, a thing from this designer can be purchased by those people who are able to pay several hundred euros (at least) for a T-shirt, for example. The minimum price for clothing is 500 euros. Nevertheless, Simachev claims that he has no shortage of clients. “Golden Youth” is happy to buy fashionable clothes from the designer.

However, in recent years a separate line from Denis was created, which has affordable prices: jeans from 200 euros, T-shirts from 70 euros. Thus, the designer wanted to give the opportunity to put on his branded items to a wider circle of the population.

Denis Simachev was born into a Moscow family of hereditary military men. Being a very obedient child, he did everything his parents said, right up to graduation from school. Creative circles and studios bore fruit: young Simachev flatly refused to pursue a military career and entered the Textile Academy. When he graduated in 1999, the name of Denis Simachev in a matter of months became a symbol of success - his T-shirts, jeans and jackets, made conscientiously and with a sense of humor, immediately became popular. Simachev depicts on them either Vladimir Putin, or Khokhloma patterns, or returns to Soviet symbolism. His things are adored by both “real boys” and young girls who boldly combine leather jackets from the Denis Simachеv brand with their favorite outfits from Chanel, Louboutin, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga. Together with the store on Stoleshnikov Lane, Denis opened a bar, which became a real center of attraction for the tireless party-goers of Moscow. On top of that, he created Low Budget Family, a company of non-professional DJs, which includes himself. Member of the Snob project since April 2009.


“I have two pseudonyms. Loser is a DJ pseudonym, and on all tours I am DJ Loser. And another pseudonym, Ahmed, appeared here in the bar. I was asked questions on our blog, and someone addressed me and asked “Ahmed” a question. Since then that’s what they call me.”

The city where I live



Where was he born?

“I was born in Moscow, on Mazutka, this is the criminal name for the area near the Cosmos hotel. Officially, 32 thieves in law lived there at that time. Therefore, everything revolved around boyish concepts. And all the guys “in the area” know this name.”

Who was born to

“I was born into an old Moscow military family. Muscovite in the fifth generation. Basically, everyone in the family was military, starting from the security officers of the times of the revolution, everyone served: in the First World War, in the Second, in cold war. KGB, FSB - these structures were directly related to our family. And I was always being prepared for the fact that I would have to become at least a general. My dad, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Simachev, taught me from childhood to call him simply a military man, and that’s what I say. Mom, Lyudmila Georgievna Simacheva, worked as an English and Russian teacher.”

Where and what did you study?

Where and how did you work?

“I didn’t work anywhere before creating the Denis Simachеv brand. IN work book, which was given to me in 2000, when I created my company, it says: “lead designer.”

What did you do?

An ironic T-shirt with Putin in Thai style in a frame of flowers impressed everyone.

“It seems to me that for the first time in for a long time made people think about patriotism at a time when it was completely unfashionable.”

First created and invented

A bar and store of the same name in one room in Moscow.

“When we thought about having a bar downstairs and a store upstairs, many people said that this was wrong, stupid, and a deliberately failed project. But the experiment was a success."

Successful projects

“Low Budget Family is a DJ crew that I gathered around me from non-professional DJs. We received the Night Light Award for it as best project year. Our family includes six DJs: DJ Luzer is me, DJ OneDollar is the art director of our bar Sergei Oranzh, DJ IGO-GO is the art director of the Solyanka club Igor Kompaniets, DJ HotDog is the photographer Lesha Kiselev, DJ Sister is a Japanese scholar. by profession Masha Pirumova, sister of Andrei Pirumov, and, of course, DJ E.Bak - owner of the designer furniture store Zhenya Bakaev. Nobody knew us, but we promoted ourselves so competently that we have the whole year booked and only our price, which is quite high, restrains the excitement.”

Known for…

He makes the best T-shirts and the best parties in Moscow - before, everyone tried to get into his club in the showroom at the Arma factory, now the Simachev bar-shop is packed to capacity.

“It is always very difficult to answer the question of what you are famous for. It’s like when learning English - what I can and what I can’t. It’s more interesting for me to hear it from others.”

I'm interested

“I’m interested in observing what is happening, and maybe fashion is an opportunity to transform my observations into some kind of product that can be sold and earn money from it for a living.”

I love

“Cheerful people, I love people smiling around me, I love solving unsolvable problems, I love life - for what it is, and for the fact that it is so interesting.”

Well, I don't like it

"Envy. Stupidity really pisses me off, it irritates me. I don't like it ugly people, but this concerns not physics, but the ugliness of the inner soul - I have nothing to take from such a person. And I don’t like situations where I need to communicate with such people.”

Favorite drink:“I don’t know what it’s called correctly - it’s a green liqueur with vodka. But we all call it “Lado-4”. Lado is the name of our main bar manager. One day he made me this drink. And we ordered it all the time: “Okay, four!” That’s how they started calling this cocktail.”

Favorite dish:"Pizza. Margarita classic. It’s hard to spoil it.”


“So that everyone leaves me behind - but this is an unrealistic thing. Moreover, I myself am constantly acquiring some kind of projects, responsibilities, and things to do.”


“Wife Natasha, daughter Sonya, 8 years old. For me, this is a fortress that the public knows nothing about. But it allows me to escape from everyone, and take refuge, and be filled with some strength so that I can dare again.”

And in general…

“I want to make everyone brothers and sisters and somehow help everyone solve their problems.”

When they told me thirteen years ago that a daughter would be born, I already knew who I was waiting for - Sofia Simacheva. I remember the first time I held her in my arms and immediately almost left the maternity hospital with her.

Our relations have been built on great mutual interest since the days of diapers and sleepless nights. I have always admired one thing about her: she early childhood she perceived everything calmly, without horror and without delight, as if she had already seen everything - swam, knew.

We went to the circus, I was happy like a child, and she showed composure even towards elephants in the dance. I had and still have a strong feeling that this child is constantly teaching something. I always designed and sewed outfits for her; at school they even nicknamed her “Simachev D.” because of the branded painting on clothes (Denis Simachev).

My daughter treats my profession as a designer with sympathy: well, yes, it’s hard work, your fate, dad, is not easy. Even the Khokhloma simafon was mercilessly covered with a cover depicting cartoons.

And yet, Sonya is very creative, but in a completely different direction from me. At the age of five she came and said that she would be a director. And nothing has changed since then. We tell her: “Maybe you want to become an actress?”, and she repeats her opinion: “If it helps me become a director, then let’s do it.”

Sonya studies at a school with an acting bent on Arbat, participates in productions of examination plays - last time she got the philosophical role of the Light Forces, but she is interested in being not on stage, but behind it. Once we were at Mosfilm, she saw the director’s chair. I say: let's buy it. And then for the first time I saw childish delight on her face.

So it stands in our apartment - a holy art object - a reminder of Sonya’s grandiose plans to conquer the world film industry. We have a tradition - we go to the movies, where we take a big bucket of popcorn. It seems to me that I have already visited all the cinemas in Moscow and watched all the cartoons of the last decade.

Sonya is always involved in organizing our trip: the choice of film and show is in her power. Complex discussions about cinema have not yet developed: everything is very short with her - whether she liked it or not. But my daughter often wonders how they filmed it all? If she doesn't give up directing and wants to study in Los Angeles, I'll have to agree with this choice.

I teach her to make decisions on her own and take responsibility for them. Sonya does whatever she wants, but at the same time she has clear internal boundaries. If she one day says that she is going to hang out at my bar, I will not prohibit her, although this is not the most pleasant situation for me.

My daughter sometimes amazes me with her workaholism - I didn’t have even a tenth of what she has: she will never go to bed until she finishes everything. In general, she and I are very similar - we worry everything inside and it’s difficult to get anything out of us. Sonya has entered adolescence, but so far the transition has been painless.

She told me in the summer that she liked a boy. I accepted this news with joy. On the contrary, I worry if someone doesn’t pay attention to her. I tell her: you are very beautiful and they are afraid of you, that’s how the world works. But for now she lives in hers.

Sonya is very kind, which is very rare for today's children - she does not judge anyone, does not hold a grudge, and does not participate in intrigues. Recently she came up to me and stunned me with a request: “Dad, I have never seen you angry and screaming, I want to know what you are like.” In the thirteen years of her life, Sonya and I never quarreled, I never raised my voice at her.

Russian designer and fashion designer, creator and owner of the brand DENIS SIMACHЁV, co-owner of a famous bar in the center of the capital, holder of a patent for “Khokhloma” painting.

Denis Nikolaevich Simachev born in the summer of 1974 in Moscow, in the family of a military man and a teacher of English and Russian languages. Almost all of his relatives were professional soldiers since the First World War. Future Denis Simachev was scheduled by the hour and minute, but he categorically refused to study at the KGB School and serve in the army. Despite the fact that his family called him the “lost artist,” Denis Simachev entered the fashion industry and became famous overnight.

The creative path of Denis Simachev

He devoted ten years of his life to education - Denis graduated art school and College of Arts and Graphic Design in Moscow. For two years he studied at the Pivot Point Academy in Spain to become a hair stylist and for a year he was an advertising student in the studio of Yuri Grymov. In 1994 Denis Simachev entered the Moscow State Textile Academy and soon became a certified specialist in the field of clothing and footwear design.

Our art education system is still the same, but the basis for a clothing designer is, of course, necessary. So I am a professional applied artist, which I studied from the age of eight to twenty-five. In fact, my education is a gift and investment in me from my parents, which means that they also indirectly invested their strength and resources into my current business.

On account Denis Simachev victories in countless competitions for young designers and participation in the Smirnoff Fashion Award show, in which he presented his “Quasi-Future Eternity” collection. In 1999, he received the MosShoes international shoe exhibition award in the Avant-Garde category.

In 2001, the DENIS SIMACHЁV company was opened, and a year later, fans of the fashion industry could watch a show of clothes from Denis Simachev at Fusion Week Ready-to-wear. The designer prefers to demonstrate his collections abroad, explaining that the fashion industry in Russia is far from perfect. Every year, clothes from the DENIS SIMACHЁV brand can be seen at Milan Fashion Week.

Milan is a 100% business city for the fashion industry. People go to Paris to see the collections. As they say, fashion is born in London, then seen in Paris, and sold in Milan. I just came to a place where you can make money.

In addition to the boutique on Stoleshnikov Lane, Denis Simachev opened a bar and created the Low Budget project, which includes a team of non-professional DJs. He patented his trademark - “Khokhloma” painting and focuses on Soviet symbols in absolutely all his collections.

Denis Simachev is also going to engage in the art of cinematography, assembling an international team for this. His plans include a custom car service, an analogue of the famous American show “Pimp Your Ride,” and cooperation with brands that produce snowboards.

The designer painted Rosenlew refrigerators, Room gallery furniture, iPhones, cars and Leica cameras to resemble Khokhloma. Denis Simachev became the first international fashion personality to publicly declare that it was fashionable to be Russian.

It seems to me that for the first time in a long time I made people think about patriotism - at a time when it was completely unfashionable. “There is no Prophet in his Fatherland” - I didn’t come up with this phrase. Russia does not like those who are from Russia, and with great love looks to the West.

The designer considers Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin significant people in the domestic fashion business:

The whole world was buzzing about the sense of lines and proportions that Zaitsev demonstrated in the late 1960s. This was a real breakthrough; Zaitsev was not yet a master, but was young, and also fantastically hardworking. All these stories with the first light industry exhibitions in 1968-1969 could greatly change the balance of power in the global fashion industry, change attitudes towards Russian and Soviet fashion. But something went wrong, it didn’t work out. If he had stuck to his line to the end, we would have lived in a completely different era.

It became known that fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev temporarily left the post of host of the show “Fashionable Sentence” on Channel One, and his place was taken by Denis Simachev. Programs with his participation could be seen from August 22 to 26.

Personal life of Denis Simachev

Denis Simachev prefers not to dwell on the topic of family, as he calls home the place that allows him to escape from everyone and recharge himself with energy to continue creating. His wife's name is Natalia, and daughters Sonya ten years. The girl is already interested in fashion and draws sketches.