How to find a lost item - conspiracy. A strong conspiracy to return an item

Surely it has happened to everyone that the keys they were just holding in their hands disappeared somewhere, and within a small room a book was suddenly lost, or their favorite shoes mysteriously disappeared from the closet, waiting for their season. How to find a lost item in such circumstances? Is it possible to make your own search easier, and what is the reason for such misunderstandings?

How to find a missing item?

A rational approach in serious matters is the most winning tactic. Therefore, when searching for a missing item, the main rule is to let go of panic and think about the situation soberly. You need to analyze as clearly as possible the last moments when you saw or held the item you were looking for. What circumstances accompanied this moment? What did you do? What was happening around?

If something has disappeared within the house, you can breathe a sigh of relief: sooner or later you will be able to find it, although sometimes the sooner the better. Your search can be guided by several principles. Inspect the expected zones of the location of the object, according to its belonging to them, or, on the contrary, rely on intuition. For example, relax and think where you could put this thing purely mechanically, without controlling yourself. Most often, it is precisely such spontaneous actions that lead to the fact that the object is subsequently lost, and the memory does not want to explain where exactly this happened and how.

The whole problem is that a person is used to performing several actions at the same time. While the brain is processing the main task, for example, talking on the phone, the hands are moving something from place to place mindlessly. Side effects are not tracked by consciousness, and as a result are rarely imprinted in memory. And in order to fish them out from the depths of the subconscious, you have to again perform a distracting maneuver.

If your item goes missing outside the home, the likelihood of finding it is significantly reduced. This is especially true for valuable items: wallets, keys, etc. Even if a stranger accidentally sees them, there is no guarantee that he will honestly admit them and give them back. However, it's worth a try. The most effective in this regard are posts on social networks that all friends and acquaintances can transfer to their page (repost), as a result of which more people will see them.

The text must indicate at least the approximate location and time of the loss. If locality small, you can even advertise on the radio. It is also recommended to post a notice in the expected place of loss. In addition, “lost and found” boards are gaining popularity on social media: communities where lost and found items are posted. Perhaps your city also has something similar.

How to find a lost item at home?

The easiest way to help find lost items is, of course, general cleaning. However, it is worth noting that it must be carried out exactly in the part of the apartment where the item is expected to be found, since otherwise the search will drag on for several days. Moreover, small elements may require a thorough review of every corner, all papers folded into a common pile, etc. painstaking and lengthy actions. However, this does not always work. What to do in such a situation?

Psychologists advise turning your attention away from the task at hand if thoughts about it have been swirling around in the subconscious for too long. This reduces the chances of successfully completing the task, because breaks are needed everywhere. And if we take into account the energy field of each object, then after prolonged exposure to it with the power of thought, it begins to reflect all the messages, as a result of which it becomes simply impossible to detect the loss.

Therefore, during searches, it is necessary to take a break, be distracted for half an hour or an hour. In this state, when you are not preoccupied with the location of a specific object, it is easiest to suddenly catch the right thought, which will tell you in which direction to search.

6 ways to find something you forgot where you put it

It happens that no amount of analytical reasoning helps in searching for a particular item. In such situations, it is not difficult to agree with the version of Domovoy’s pranks. Whether it’s his doing or not, a few old search methods won’t be superfluous. What if what you are looking for will actually be found?

  1. If the Brownie is really rowdy, you need to appease him: put a glass of milk with honey on the threshold, put any bun or cheesecake, a piece of cake or other sweetness. According to ancient beliefs, this spirit is very fond of flour and confectionery products, especially if they homemade. In extreme cases, even refined sugar or butter. After which you need to clap your hands, look around, and invite the Brownie to play with the thing, but then be sure to return it to the owners.
  2. Perhaps a harmless house spirit has nothing to do with the disappearance. Then you can try the following methods: tie a personal towel or handkerchief to the leg of the chair that you use most often, making exactly 1 knot for this. Then you need to be distracted by any other task: even start cleaning, even just turn on a movie. It is important to relax your attention and, after a short break, begin your search again. They should turn out to be more successful. The same effect can be achieved if you place the glass or cup that you use most actively upside down on the table.
  3. It is impossible to exclude the possibility that the item was lost in a certain “spatial pocket” of your home. Then finding it may require a little more effort than in previous cases. For example, you buy a purple candle without any decoration in a store, place it on the table in front of you in the evening and light it. Looking at its flame, you need to visualize the image of the lost thing: either it will “call” itself, or the candle will tell you the direction in which to look. It’s worth focusing on which side the melted wax flows down.
  4. A method similar to the previous one also involves interaction with fire: broken dry branches of wormwood, lavender and motherwort are poured into a copper bowl. The herbs are then moistened with alcohol and set on fire. Walking around the apartment with a bowl in your hand, fuming all the corners and walls with smoke, you need to imagine the loss as clearly as possible, mentally calling on it. If the thing does not respond, you should go in the direction where the smoke will flow. You can also pick up a ball of yarn and walk around the house with it, constantly twisting the thread in your fingers and feeling how it extends towards the lost item.
  5. Searching with a pendulum is considered quite effective. To do this, you can use a ready-made device or build it yourself by hanging any small load on a soft thread. As in the previous versions, holding the pendulum by the upper end, you need to walk around the apartment with it, mentally calling out the loss. Where the load begins to actively rotate, there is a high probability of finding what you are looking for.
  6. The last method will require you to wait some time, during which the thing itself should respond to energy impulses on your part. You need to take a thread the length of which is equal to your height, then fold it 10 times and tie 3 knots on it. on equal distance from each other. This should be done in the evening, since the thread is removed under the pillow on which you sleep. And in the morning you should resume your search, relying on the information received at night.

And if none of the methods discussed above were able to help you find your lost item, let it go. Probably, something from above decided that you really don’t need this item. After all, everything in life happens only according to the correct scenario, even if at a particular moment it seems that this event is negative.

How often do we lose objects dear to our hearts or things we really need! The most amazing thing is that sometimes this happens within the walls of our own apartment. If you have already searched all the possible places where the “lost thing” could be located, we suggest turning to the methods of folk magic. Today we have special conspiracies on our agenda to find a lost item.

We ask the brownie for help

Let’s start with, perhaps, the easiest ways to find the loss, and if they don’t work, then we’ll move on to the “heavy artillery.” Very often, when an object disappears that you know for sure is at home, it is believed that a brownie took it to play with. Therefore, the first method that is worth trying is to ask the drummer to return the “toy” back. To do this, you need to walk around the apartment, clapping your hands and saying: “Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!”

Another variation of this ritual: take any scarf, tie it around the leg of a chair, and then say loudly: “Devil-devil, play and give it back again!”

There is also a more serious conspiracy to detect the loss with the help of a “house keeper.” Have to take wool thread red, cut a small piece from it, and then tie it to the leg of any table, and then say the magic words:

“Grandfather Brownie, don’t joke with me! Return the lost thing (name of the item), and take a treat in return!”

The magic text is pronounced four times, facing all cardinal directions in turn. After the ritual, be sure to leave cookies or sweets somewhere in the corner for the home spirit, and also place a glass of milk nearby.

Instant Ritual

If you are thinking about how to find a lost item in the house in 5 minutes with a real conspiracy, it is better to turn your attention to the following ritual. It will take a minimum of time, and you won’t even have to say anything. Just while searching, turn upside down the first cup or glass that comes to hand. After this, the “lost” should be found within a few minutes.

The magic of visualization

Mental visualization can work real miracles. If you have a good imagination, instead of casting a spell to find a lost item at work or at home, try to “pull” it to yourself with the magic of visualization. Sit in a comfortable position, relax as much as possible, and now imagine that a silver luminous thread connects you to the loss. Imagine that you are holding a ball in your hands and winding a thread around it, and the “lost” thing, along with the thread, is getting closer and closer to you. When the thread is wound around the ball, open your eyes, forget about the loss for a while and go about your daily business - very soon it will catch your eye.

Inducing a “prophetic” dream

If you don’t know how to find a lost item and have no idea whether it’s lost at home or not, you can try the following ritual, which also uses visualization. Besides a good imagination, you will also need a spool of red thread. Before going to bed, you need to cut a thread from it exactly as long as yours. personal growth, then fold it in three and mentally imagine the object you want to find. After this, the thread is folded seven more times, and then two small knots are tied onto it.

You need to hide this thread under the pillow, get ready for bed and read the plot mentally or out loud to find a lost item in a dream. The words of the spell can be anything: you can address the “lost” person, mentally talk to her, or you can ask the Higher Powers to help you in your search. In any case, if you asked well, this night you should see in a dream the place where the item you need lies.

Ritual with a purple candle

To find a missing item in a room, you can perform a ritual with a candle purple. As soon as midnight comes, place a candle in the center of the room, tightly close the windows and doors, light the flame, sit on the floor near the candle and mentally imagine what your “lost” looks like, and then read a simple spell to find the lost thing:

“Everything that has disappeared will return to me. And the goods I lost will return! Amen!"

Repeat this phrase until a small puddle of wax flows from the candle onto the floor. It is the wax that gets on the floor that will tell you in which direction to look for the loss.

Looking for at work

How to find a lost item at work? The spell and ritual with a purple candle can theoretically be used in the workplace, provided that your actions do not scare your colleagues or receive a scolding from your superiors. If you can’t perform a candle ritual, try the method with a scarf. On your lunch break, go to the store and buy a new handkerchief.

Back on workplace, hold it tightly in your left hand, close your eyes and mentally imagine the object of your search. When you imagine the “lost thing” in all its details and its image becomes as vivid as possible, sharply open your eyes and quickly tie a knot in the corner of the scarf, saying out loud the name of the item you are looking for. Very soon the thing should be found. Just remember to untie the knot when the loss is found, otherwise you may lose it again.

Searches outside the home

If your search within the walls of your apartment is unsuccessful, and you cannot rule out the possibility that you lost the item somewhere else, try the following ritual, which requires a glass of milk and a box of matches. It is best to carry out the ceremony alone, so that no one interferes at the most inopportune moment.

So, you need to get comfortable, take the box, light one match and, while it burns, mentally imagine the lost item. When it goes out, use the burnt end to draw a cross on your left palm. Sit for half an hour in complete silence, mentally going through all the places where you could have left your “lost item”. As soon as thirty minutes have passed, take a glass of milk, wash the cross from your palm with milk, reading the plot to find a lost item outside the house:

“My loss will be found, it will soon return to my hands! Amen!"

You need to repeat the magic phrase four times. After this, wipe your hand with a piece of any natural fabric and wait for the result, which should appear in a maximum of two to three days, or even earlier. You will either stumble upon the missing item yourself, or someone will bring it to you, or you will have an epiphany about a specific place that is worth looking.

Looking on the street

It also happens that we forget gloves, a scarf, mobile phone, keys or other object, distracted by a conversation with someone or just thinking. If you lose something valuable on the street, there is a high risk that one of the passers-by has already picked up your property. But don't worry, all is not lost yet. Remember where you saw your “lost” last time, come to this place and, mentally imagining the search object, cast a spell to find a lost thing on the street:

“Whoever finds what is mine, let him return it to me.
And if he stole it, so that he would suffer and suffer,
I didn’t know peace until I gave it back!
It will be as I say. Amen!"

Very soon the person who picked up your item will make himself known, for example, by posting an ad in a group dedicated to your area in social network. So don’t forget to follow the thematic community, or even better, post your missing ad - maybe the finder will respond in the comments.

If there is a theft

If you know for sure that someone could borrow your item for a while without asking or simply steal it, go to church, buy a thin candle there, and then walk around your entire apartment with a burning candle, saying:

“Let whoever took it lose a hundred times more! May the unscrupulous thief have no peace until my thing is returned to its place! Let hunger and poverty torment the unscrupulous thief! But I just find luck, and I’ll find the thing sooner! Amen!"

After you complete the tour, place the candle in a corner, let it burn out, and carefully wrap the remaining wax in a piece of natural fabric and hide it in a secluded place. You can read this plot to find a lost item at work, if, of course, you are sure that one of your unceremonious colleagues is to blame for the loss.

There is another ritual that allows you to return stolen property. To carry out this ritual, you need an old chair that you wouldn’t mind throwing away. The chair must be wiped of dust with a cloth, then one leg should be broken off from it, and the chair itself should be taken out to staircase, and plan the leg at home sharp knife. Place the resulting wood chips on top of each other in the shape of a fire and read the plot over them three times:

“Whoever asks strongly will always be heard. My thing is lost, stolen by an evil thief. If the thief does not return the item (name of the item) soon, then the devil will take him to himself!”

After reading, wait until midnight and take the chair and the wood chips to the trash.

We hope that the folk methods presented in our article will help you return something dear to your heart. And if you confidently use the cards of Maria Lenormand, you can use this deck instead of spells.

We all often lose something we need at home - keys, documents, flash drives, jewelry and a lot of other things. The search takes a lot of time and effort. It seems as if the whole house is already upside down, and there has been no loss. Let's try to find the lost item in your home together.

If you drop and consequently lose something small, use a vacuum cleaner to search:
  1. Remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Put on and secure a nylon sock to the vacuum cleaner tube.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power.
  4. Carefully go through the tube over all the places where the lost item could have fallen.
  5. If you are lucky enough to find something missing, remove it from the surface of the sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.
If the loss is not found or its size does not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner to search, do not give up. First of all, calm down, concentrate, stop being nervous and running around the house in a panic. Carefully inspect with fresh eyes the places where the missing item is likely to be located. It often happens that the object we need lies right in front of our eyes, but we don’t notice it. If your gaze is still not caught on anything, move on to the next part of our search. Close your eyes and try to remember where you last saw the missing item. For example, you lost your keys: imagine step by step how you get the right key, open the door with it, enter the house, lock the lock from the inside, take off your shoes, put the keys on the nightstand (hang it on a hook, take it with you to the kitchen, throw it on the sofa - it depends depending on the situation). Introduced? Now open your eyes and go look for the loss in the place where it is supposed to be. If it’s not there either, don’t stop searching. Let's move on to traditional methods, the most interesting of them is the appeal to the brownie. It is believed that he is the owner of your home and lost things are under his control. If you can’t find something that was literally in your hands a minute ago, the brownie decided to joke with you. Stop searching and say: “Brownie, brownie, play around and give it back!” For some reason, after this phrase, most of the lost things are never found. Don't believe me? Check it out, it won't hurt.

If none of the above helped you, but you are still firmly convinced that the loss is somewhere in the house, use the last method, which works in 100% of cases. Get started general cleaning! As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone - the house will shine with cleanliness, and everything that was lost in Lately– will be found.

No matter how collected and attentive a person is, there comes a moment when the desired item or money suddenly disappears from sight. An inflated state and stress do not allow you to quickly find the loss. Is there a ritual or spell to find a lost item? Let's look at the most effective ways, with which you can make your search easier.

Where to begin

Before you begin magical methods, you need to calm down and put your thoughts in order. You can't fuss over little things higher power, so it’s worth trying to figure out the problem yourself. Often objects may lie in the same place, but something was thrown on top of them or an animal lay down on top of them.

Experts advise remembering everything possible options, where the person was last seen missing. The room is mentally divided into several sectors and each of them is thoroughly searched. Mindlessly running from one room of the house to another will not bring results, but will make the state even more tense.

Often items can be taken by loved ones and put in the wrong place. It is worth clarifying all the details and finding the culprits of the problem. Sometimes people don't notice the loss that's right under their noses. There are known cases of hours-long searches and the discovery of lost items in an unexpected sector.


Our ancestors believed that a word addressed to God will always help in any matter. Before using a spell for a lost item, we recommend using proven methods. Prayers are a form of meditation that calms and puts you in the right background.

The ritual is carried out alone and without extraneous sound stimuli. We recommend turning off music, TV or computer. It is better to begin all requests with the words “Our Father” or “I Believe.” After thoughts are in order, insight can immediately occur and the person remembers where the sought-after object is located.

If a miracle does not happen, then you need to turn to your guardian angel and the saint whose name they bear for help. Heavenly intermediaries are always nearby, so they can help with a problem. Prayer in case of loss or loss to the martyr John the Warrior is also a proven method of our ancestors and guarantees the return of the item.

With candles

Fire has always been a very strong element, which has both destructive and creative powers. Most ancient rituals were always performed with flames. Tamed energy helps a person in his endeavors.

For the ritual you need to buy a thick purple candle. To protect yourself from magical kickback, you need to leave the change to the seller or give it to the poor as alms. The activities are carried out in solitude and complete silence.

They stand in the middle of the room and light a fire with a match. Take the object in both hands and carefully peer into the flame. Mentally they turn to the missing thing, urging it to show itself. Most often, a vision appears that helps determine which part of the house to look in.

If visualization does not produce results, then we recommend turning your attention to wax. Whichever side the substance flows from is where it is worth going. Pointing to the wall suggests that the loss may be in the next room.

On the brownie

How to find traces of a missing item? Since pagan times, the custom has remained in such cases to contact the keeper of the house. It is believed that the spirit loves to joke with a person, so it often hides necessary items. To take the trouble out of your eyes, you need to ask the brownie correctly.

Tied to a chair leg wool thread or a cotton scarf. In order for the owner to pay attention, you need to clap your hands three times. Then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced loudly several times.

“Brownie, brownie, stop joking! Play and give it back!”

Turn a cup or glass upside down on the table. If the mischievous person hid the item himself, he will immediately return it. If lost for other reasons, the spirit will help you find it. Sometimes the search was made easier by a gift - a saucer of milk and seven yellow coins. For the ritual to work, you must leave the house for a short time.

On a spider

The pagan Slavs considered the insect to be the guardian of the home, so it was forbidden to kill it. They did not touch the bug that had climbed in, but only swept away the cobwebs. It was believed that the little bug was the spirit of the home and family wealth, the destruction of which could lead to negative consequences.

If a person has lost any things, then you need to find a spider and lightly blow on the net. As soon as the insect appears, ask three times to find what you are looking for. It is important to explain exactly what you are looking for, otherwise the custodian may not understand.

The spirit will open its eyes and indicate the place where the lost item is located. After the problem has been resolved, you must not forget to thank the assistant. To do this, they approach the web, blow on it and bow three times at the waist.

Method of the Siberian healer

What to do if the search did not bring results? We recommend using Natalia Stepanova’s method. She suggests going to the place where you last saw or held the lost item. You need to visually imagine the object in detail and mentally call to yourself.

The Siberian healer advises making the evil spirits calm down and threatening them with fire and water. To do this, you need to do a general cleaning in the morning, thoroughly wash the windows, doors, especially the handles. Then prepare:

  • metal bowl;
  • holy water;
  • matches.

Place the container in front of you on the table and pour the liquid. They take out one stick at a time from the box, set it on fire and throw the burnt ones into a bowl. During actions, you need to read the words of the conspiracy.

“The devil makes jokes, he creates confusion, he’s a master at jokes. Stop! Turn around yourself and return the loss. My word is strong. Amen."

After the last light is thrown into the water, you need to stand up and cross yourself to all cardinal directions. Liquid with cinders is poured outside the house. In gratitude for the found item, you need to light three candles near the icon of the guardian angel.


If a person is sure that he lost an item not on the street, then we recommend using the ancient method. To do this you will need a strong red thread and Golden ring. Unwind a string of no more than 50 cm, on which the decoration is tied.

To understand that the “oracle” is ready to work, you need to ask any simple question. Movement along the lateral perimeter indicates negation, and from top to bottom indicates affirmation. Lost items are gradually being searched throughout the house, going around every corner.

If for some reason the pendulum begins to give inadequate answers, then a cleansing ritual must be performed. The ring is placed in a container of sacred water with the addition of a pinch of salt. Three are installed around church candles, lit from one match. The items are left until the flame burns out.

Ritual to remove the hassle

Often things are not lost, but become invisible to mere mortals. These are tricks evil spirits or the jokes of novice sorcerers. A light spell puts a magical veil over the eyes and hides the necessary objects. A proven ritual will help you get rid of it.

To find the item, you need to wash your face three times. blessed water. After that, they go to where the loss was last time. Overshadow the brow sign of the cross and repeat the words of the conspiracy.

"God help me! Remove from your eyes the scales brought on by the unclean. Amen."

The prayer works almost instantly, and the item is exactly where it was left. If it didn’t work out the first time, we recommend repeating the ritual after an hour. During this time, the energy spent during the search period will be replenished.

On a ball of thread

Finding objects using sheep's yarn is ancient rite, which is still working. For the effect to be noticeable, you need to choose the right material. The color or thickness of the threads does not play a role here, because all the power is only in the mutton hair.

You need to stand on the threshold of the room in which the lost item was last seen. If you forget the exact location in the house, then you will have to repeat it for all rooms.

The threads are taken into left hand, and the end is wound on forefinger right Next, they call up a mental image of the missing person, with vivid details. After the visualization has strengthened, they throw the ball on the floor and read the words of any known prayer.

The fallen yarn is slightly pulled towards itself. In the place where she stopped, we need to look for the loss. Sometimes the stolen item was found by the marks left by the ball. It is important to carefully monitor the actions and record any symbols.

If this method does not want to work, then this may mean improperly prepared raw materials. Remember that only natural sheep's wool, gathered into threads, can indicate true path. Even small inclusions of other materials instantly render the component unusable.

Find out the thief

With the help of magical rituals, you can find a stolen item and identify the thief. For witchcraft you will need three fresh sunflower flowers. They are placed under the pillow at night and mentally call out to the robber. In a dream, the face of the criminal will be revealed or signs by which they will be recognized.

In the morning, before going to work, they knock on the doorframe three times. front door with the blunt end of a broom. In the evening, repeat the action and fumigate with aromatic herbs in the house. They light a candle, sit next to it and look at the flame for a long time, calling for the missing person to return.

According to sorcerers, three rituals are enough to accurately determine the culprit of the crime. Under the influence of magic, he brings the stolen item back. If it is someone close to you, then he tries to do it very discreetly.

On knives

Theft was not uncommon in human society, but in modern world has acquired colossal proportions. Being in a burglarized apartment, people get very upset and nervous. There is a way to punish the offender and force him to return the lost property.

After this, the object is wrapped in a red rag and placed under your pillow. At night there will be a vision with the face or signs of a criminal. In order for the stolen property to be returned, the ritual must be repeated within three days. All this time the thief will not find a place for himself and will be tormented by fears.

Things to remember

Magic helps make life easier, but you shouldn’t use it for trifles. The use of witchcraft will be relevant only when the comfort or safety of a person depends on the missing thing. There's no point in looking for abandoned socks.

Remember that both white and black rituals and conspiracies always require sacrifice. Beginners do not know about this feature, so after some time problems begin. Light magicians advise giving alms to the poor before taking action.

You cannot use all of the above remedies at once on one day. Even the simplest ritual draws a lot of energy from the body. It will take some time to recover. The recommended period is one day.

Rituals and conspiracies have always been an integral part human life. To ensure that the search for the missing item was quickly completed, time-tested words and actions were used. Our recommendations will help you find the most suitable method for any case.

The thing was just in your hands, and now it has disappeared? It's probably somewhere nearby, and you just don't see it missing. Things are missing? Most likely, you are very upset and cannot concentrate your eyes on her. How to find a lost item in the house?

To find what is missing, you need to stop and calm down. Running around the house and bustle are not your helpers. You need to remember all the events over the last hour. Memory - good helper. You just need to rewind your memories. Remember where you last saw the thing you needed and when you used it? What did you do then and where did you go?

Can you tell your family about what happened, especially its youngest members, maybe they were the reason? If it doesn't help, don't despair. There are many other ways.

Try to disconnect from the search and sit down. Try not to think about anything else. If time permits, you can drink a cup of tea or coffee. There is a high probability that you will remember where the missing item is. The memory itself will restore everything. Switching to rest is a great way to search.

How to find “lost” documents?

Every time lost documents are a serious stress, because restoring them will require time and money.

You need to start your search from the place where you usually store documents.

It happens that you simply did not notice them. Therefore, review each leaf.

Interview family members. Surely someone took them and did not return them to their place.

As it tells me personal experience, documents are best stored in folders with big amount files so that every document is visible.

How did our ancestors search for the missing thing?

How did our grandmothers search for lost things? In the old days, people believed that a brownie could take something away. Therefore, they tied a handkerchief to the leg of a chair and asked the brownie to return what was lost. Sometimes they turned to the devil and also asked to return the item. The method is reliable - what was missing was soon discovered.

You can take an empty glass or cup and turn it over.

Or you can gently call and persuade the thing to be found. During searches, you can pronounce the name of the thing.

If you have a good imagination, you can imagine that a silver thread connects you with the missing item. Mentally wind the thread into a ball and bring the thing closer to you.

You can fold a thread seven times your height and make three knots. When you go to bed, put it under your pillow. It was believed that in a dream you will definitely find a lost thing. And in the morning you will go to the indicated place and see the loss.

Our grandmothers fumigated the house with wormwood, lavender and motherwort. After such a ritual, the thing literally “came” into one’s hands.

It was believed that spiders could not be killed because they were the guardians of home and wealth. Each hut had a web with a live spider. If there is a spider in your house, and you are not afraid of it, then you can blow on it and ask to find what you lost.

If the motto of your home is cleanliness and no cobwebs, then you can use a pendulum. Walk with him throughout the house. In the place where the missing item is located, the pendulum will begin to rotate.

How to find something using magic?

You can use the method of spiritualism using a purple candle. You need to light it in the center of the room.

Mentally imagine the missing item. Look where the wax flows - in this direction the thing will be.

You can turn to the universe. For the ritual to work, it must be performed alone and in silence. To do this, you need to write the name of the thing on a piece of paper and describe it in detail. Place the sheet in a visible place. The lost item will appear on its own in the near future.

Nothing helped you find your lost item? Then you need to start spring cleaning! Firstly, this is a sure way to distract yourself and put things in order in the house, and secondly, it is a proven way to find not only the missing item, but also many others that you have already forgotten about! This may be the longest and most labor-intensive method, but it is approved by all housewives.

You should never despair, because if the loss occurs in the house, then it will probably be found. You need to be patient.