How to take a demon out of a person. Prayers from evil spirits: comments

When they came to the people, a man came up to Him and, kneeling before Him, said: Lord! have mercy on my son; On new moons he goes berserk and suffers greatly, for he often throws himself into fire and often into water. I brought him to Your disciples, and they could not heal him. And Jesus rebuked him, and the demon came out of him; and the boy was healed at that hour. Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why couldn’t we drive him out?” Jesus said to them: Because of your unbelief; For truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you; this race is driven out only by prayer and fasting.

This is an excerpt from the Gospel that tells how the Savior’s disciples were unable to cast out a demon. What fasting and prayer did Jesus teach his disciples about? - Unceasing inner prayer and regular fasting - not only abstinence from food, but also abstinence from all our feelings from everything that is not beneficial for the soul.

How to cast out a demon from yourself? Everything is extremely simple. As our Savior, Jesus Christ, commanded: " Expulsion is possible only through fasting and prayer"Many books and websites describe various rituals, but one ritual of exorcism will not work, even if it is performed by an experienced priest. A person can harbor many unclean spirits, and in order to cleanse himself of this spiritual infection, a lot of effort will be required.

In Orthodoxy there is special service- reprimand against demons and diseases. It will be good if you can visit her periodically. You need to pray at home several times a day. Most effective way- read and listen to the Gospel or Psalter. It will also be good to watch and listen to the recording of the lecture. Don't expect quick results. Even if you are very at a young age, to achieve a noticeable effect in spiritual cleansing it will take a period of one to three years. If you are over 30-40 years old, you will have to be patient for five years or more. And if you have also sinned considerably, then the term increases even more.

Demons enter as a result of personal sins or are sent by sorcerers. In any case, you will have to cleanse yourself. The process will be long and should take place against the background of physical fasting and periodic abstinence from food of animal origin.

Therefore, in order not to become a victim of demons, you need to regularly fast physically and spiritually and pray unceasingly. Yes, the Lord be with us!

All about religion and faith - “how to cast out a demon from a person at home, prayer” with detailed description and photographs.

When darkness falls on the world, it is the turn of the phenomenon evil spirits- drums, demons, vampires, brownies, witches, ghosts, poltergeists and other dark entities.

Anyone who gets in the way of evil spirits at the time of their rampant will not fare well, unless this person reads a prayer that casts out evil spirits.

What can dark forces do other than scare? Much. Devilish incarnations can penetrate homes, feed on human energy, inhabit the body of weak-spirited people, attract failure, drive them crazy, and even kill!

How to avoid demonic appearance in your father’s house and protect yourself forever from interference in the fate of evil spirits? Protective prayer, which puts a block on a person, his home, from otherworldly forces, which they cannot destroy.

Protection by prayer from evil spirits: reading rules

Orthodox Christians who believe in the power of prayer know that the text of the prayer from the “power of the devil” should always be carried with you. Many people memorize it, but, unfortunately, most people, when they personally encounter black forces, lose the power of speech and the ability to think - all attempts to remember what they have learned instantly fail.

But if you carry the sacred text with you constantly, you can protect yourself from evil spirits. As a last resort, you can read it from a piece of paper in order to give yourself confidence in a difficult situation.

Rule 1: We carry the text of the prayer against evil spirits with us.

The prayer texts were written by our distant ancestors, therefore the speech style and words of the text are presented in the Old Slavonic church manner. Reinterpret the prayer (adapt it to modern language) is prohibited, since the connection and power of words prayed for generations may be lost.

Rule 2. We read the text in the original form in which it is presented. For “lazy people,” information sources offer listening to prayers recorded on disk or online. But the effect of such an action will be minimized, since the prayer is spoken for the person - there is no significant emotional component of the holy text.

Rule 3. The prayer must be read, not listened to! When carrying out the expulsion of demons by prayer from your monastery or the body of a “possessed” person, you should have protective symbols of faith: pectoral cross IR, icons, crucifix, holy water. With weak protection, demonic spawn can shamelessly attach themselves to a person performing a prayer, and then he will no longer be able to help either others or himself.

Rule 4. The presence of protective Orthodox symbols. A prayer to expel raging demons can take away a lot of vital energy from the person doing it. Therefore, rituals of cleansing the house from filth or expelling the entities that have settled in should be carried out no more than once a week. It is advisable that this be done by an experienced clergyman who specializes in the fight against demonism.

Rule 5. Take care of your vital energy. Bring in specialists. For example, get into consecrated by the priest the house of evil spirits is much more complicated.

Prayers used in rituals for liberation from demons

Evil spirits are capable of attacking, plotting, possessing people and making them possessed. To protect themselves, the Orthodox people have come up with a huge number of prayers against demons. The most famous: prayer to Seraphim, at the place of Sarov’s hermitage (from the Sarovka River), prayer from the attacks of demons of the elder Pansophius of Athos, daily prayer Jesus about preventing the wiles of the devil.

To free oneself from demons or from the evil eye, the prayer of Mary of Egypt is read to the child on the icons of the Mother of God: Svensko-Pecherskaya, “Deliverer”, Konevskaya, etc. The prayer is read slowly, slowly, clearly pronouncing each syllable, so that the words, like stones, repel the attacks of an angry person demon

With the blessing of the confessor assigned to the person, a prayer is read to the martyr Cyprian. There are legends that Cyprian was at first a powerful black magician, but then, having converted to Christianity, he did not hesitate to burn all his occult literature.

Many years later, Cyprian accepted the rank of bishop, after which he was executed as a henchman of the Christian faith that was objectionable to the ruling emperors. Prayers to the Holy Martyr are read daily to provide impenetrable protection from the machinations of dark forces.

After cleansing the home, comfort and joy reign in the family, all squabbles and quarrels provoked by evil spirits disappear like an old bad dream.

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers from evil spirits: comments

Comments - 2,

When I started dating my future husband, the brownie constantly strangled me at night, it felt like he was kicking me out of the house. When this happened the first time, I thought I was imagining it. But when this began to repeat itself with enviable frequency, they called a priest to illuminate the house. After the whole procedure, he gave me a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov and told me to read it every day before going to bed. Since then, thank God, no one else has strangled me for 12 years.

My mother has hated me since childhood; my late grandfather did not allow me to have an abortion, that is, to kill me. As far as I can remember, she always drank very heavily, reproaches and humiliations, drunken scuffles and obscenities, while beating her mother and father, they drank together. But she artificially made me an outcast, although I’m not evil and not a fool, but I hate it and that’s it.

Prayer from demons - how to get rid of the evil spirits living inside a person

Prayer from demons can protect a person who has become a victim of evil spirits. If demons appear to you, evil spirits live in your home, or you suspect that demons have settled inside you, prayers that drive out dark forces are described below.

In what cases is a prayer from demons read?

Even though modern man surrounds no less modern world, in which there is almost no room left for legends and ancient traditions, demons still exist. They can appear to a person, live in his house and even occupy his body.

There are no barriers for demons. Neither thick walls nor reliable door locks will stop them. Only prayer from demons can stop evil spirits and drive them back to hell. Prayer can protect from any evil and evil spirits. It is no coincidence that the latter cannot be in places where prayers are often heard. It is believed that it does not happen in churches and monasteries. However, there are known cases such as Padre Pio’s struggle with Satan in his own cell, and many also believe in the existence of a church demon, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

In order to expel evil spirits from the house, you should stock up on holy water, an icon and church candles. Sprinkle walls, windows, doors and corners with holy water, circle them with candles, and carry the icon with you during this process. Church incense is also suitable, which can be used to fumigate a room. Evil spirits are also afraid of wormwood smoke. While you are doing this cleansing of your home, you should read any of the prayers that cast out demons. They are listed below.

If you encounter evil spirits, keep in mind that they can not only scare you, but also seriously harm you. Demons are capable of many things, and a meeting with them can end in either a slight fright or fatal. Knowledgeable people It is often recommended to carry prayers against demons with you, written down on a piece of paper. It is possible to memorize one of the texts below, but many simply lose the ability to think clearly when faced with a real evil spirits. Where can I meet her? Almost anywhere, for example, in a deserted place on the street, usually in the dark.

By the way, if you managed to see devils or other unclean entities, most likely they wished for it - evil spirits love to scare people. Perhaps you have the rudiments of clairvoyance and are able to see more than other people. In any case, do not look too closely at the horned figures, read the prayer from demons and believe that it will save you.

Obsession- a separate and extremely complex case. There are several options for getting rid of this problem - casting out demons from yourself, performing the ritual described below for another person, or getting help from a church, which has its own nuances.

What prayers should be read against demons?

So, how to get rid of demons if they have not yet possessed a person? The prayers described below are read during the expulsion of demons from the house or during a chance meeting with evil spirits for protection from it. By the way, apartments often become housing for her, especially those in which murders or suicides have occurred. Evil spirits also love the houses of binge alcoholics and drug addicts, apartments in which they often make trouble and sin in other ways. If you happen to have housing with otherworldly residents, you should expel them. Evil spirits will encourage suicide, drunkenness, and scandals. There will be no peaceful life with such neighbors.

One of the prayers that cast out demons is the “Our Father.” It can be read in any situation, it is universal. You can also read for protection and expulsion of evil spirits “May God rise again”, Jesus prayer, prayer to the Guardian Angel, prayer to Saint Cyprian and many others sacred texts, which can protect against evil spirits. There are also little-known, but very powerful prayers aimed specifically at protection from evil spirits.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel from demons and other representatives of the population of hell

Special prayer for protection from any evil spirits

Prayer from the machinations of demons and devils

These prayers can be read anytime, anywhere when you need protection. During sprinkling or fumigation of the home, they can also be read. Their main purpose is to drive away evil spirits, to prevent them from frightening a believer, and to prevent them from causing the harm that they are capable of.

How to cast a demon out of yourself

It is known that priests usually carry out the exorcism of demons, and for this they must obtain permission from the church diocese. But with the help of special prayers, the expulsion of demons from a person becomes possible at home. In any case, they will not be able to harm, and if it is not possible to drive away the dark entity, you can repeat the ritual, ask for help from another person - it is believed that it is easier to reprimand someone than yourself, you can also turn to church.

By the way, about the church - the demon sitting inside a person may not allow him to cross the threshold of the temple, because such entities experience serious discomfort in holy places. While reading the exorcising prayer, you must be alone - otherwise the entity may move into another person and leave you. The presence of icons, candles or incense is not required, but it is worth wearing a pectoral cross.

So, how to cast out a demon from yourself? This prayer is read during the manifestation of the activity of the evil spirit sitting within you. If you have the willpower to understand that a demon is forcing you to drink alcohol, be aggressive, or engage in other obscene activities, read this text:

You need to read the prayer until you feel better. While reading, you will feel resistance to the dark entity that has taken over your body, but willpower and faith in the help of the Lord can deliver you from demons, demons and devils. You can also read prayer to Saint Seraphim of Sarov, it also helps well against evil spirits and dark witchcraft. After expelling dark entities, protection should be put in place, but always Orthodox, with the help of prayers.

Prayers to cast out demons from another person

How to drive a demon out of yourself is quite clear - stay alone, wait for its manifestation and read a prayer until it becomes easier. But not everyone has the willpower to fight the dark forces on their own. And not every person is capable of exorcism. This requires strong nerves, unshakable faith in the help of the Lord and the desire to selflessly help your neighbor. You will also need an icon of the Savior, which is placed in front of the demoniac.

In general, there are many requirements for an exorcist. He should not have a zero in his date of birth. He must be older than that, whom he scolds, and the name of the scolder must be different, not the same as that of the patient. There should not be a woman who is menstruating or a baby in the exorcist's house. He must be baptized, wear a cross on his body, and fast for nine days before the ceremony.

It is impossible to cast out evil spirits with this deduction on the waxing moon, or on the week when there are birthdays, weddings or christenings in the family of the exorcist or the possessed. When reading, you should not make mistakes, confuse words and stop until you reach the end. This is a very long prayer, but it is considered the most powerful. During the reading, the possessed person must sit on a chair in front of the icon. In especially severe cases, he is tied up. It is advisable not to keep sharp or cutting objects near the patient; he may have a seizure, during which people suffering from attacks from evil spirits do not control themselves very well.

So, the text of the prayer for obsession:

In general, there are many prayers from demons. It is quite possible to choose the right one for any situation - from protection from evil spirits that have arisen on your way or in the house, to expelling the demon sitting inside a person on your own.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas It is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.


    The rite of exorcism, the expulsion of the Devil from a person, is a prayer service in which a priest reads over a person possessed by a demon, powerful prayer exorcising the demon. The so-called “group proofreadings”, in which everyone can attend, appeared quite late, and are still a very controversial phenomenon. To perform the rite of exorcism, the priest must have a special blessing from the ruling bishop. All people living on earth are influenced by both light and dark forces. However, each person has his own “immunity” to the influence of demons.

    The Orthodox prayer of exorcism over a person is read only when all the signs of demonic possession are on his face: he falls into a riot, speaks in someone else’s voices during attacks, is afraid of holy water and other shrines, begins to scream and swear obscenely in church, cannot take Holy Communion and participate in other church sacraments. Fortunately, real obsession is a fairly rare phenomenon; cases of so-called hysteria, when people pretend to be possessed, are much more common. Therefore, only an experienced confessor can determine whether exorcism prayers are needed in each specific case.

    The Power of Exorcism Prayers to Banish Evil Spirits

    The first mention of exorcism exists in the Gospel. As we remember, Christ cast out demons from the sick and ordered them to move into a herd of pigs, after which the pigs threw themselves off a cliff. It should be noted that, although the prayers casting out demons are read by a priest, only the Lord Himself can free a person through the prayers of those who believe in Him. Orthodox Church categorically does not bless you to do proofreading at home on your own or to go to various magicians and sorcerers for this purpose - this can lead to disastrous consequences. There are home prayers that protect from demons, in which we ask the Lord, Mother of God, and various saints to deliver us from the snares of the devil, but they have nothing to do with exorcism prayers.

    Independent prayers from demons

    At home, special prayers that protect against attacks by demons can be read exclusively with the blessing of a priest. IN everyday life they are protected from the devil’s machinations by the prayers Our Father, May God rise again, Psalm 90, Archangel Michael, your Guardian Angel, the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia. It is worth remembering that demons are afraid of any mention of the name of God, church Sacraments, therefore regular morning and evening prayers, confession and communion for Orthodox man are sufficient protection from demons. It is also good to drink a sip of holy water every morning.

    Listen to the video of a prayer to drive out the Devil from a person

    Text of a powerful exorcism prayer in Latin

    The text of a strong prayer to drive out the Devil in Russian

    We cast out you, the spirit of all uncleanness, every power of Satan, every hostile encroacher of hell, every legion, every congregation and sect of the devil, in the name and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ, be uprooted and flee from the Church of God, from souls created in the image of God and by the precious blood of the Lamb redeemed. You no longer dare, most cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God and tear away God’s chosen ones and scatter them like wheat. The Almighty God commands you, with whom you still want to be equal in your great pride; Who wants to save all people and lead them to the knowledge of the truth. God the Father commands you; God the Son commands you; God the Holy Spirit commands you. The greatness of Christ commands you, eternal God The words of the incarnate One, Who, for the sake of the salvation of our race, fallen through your envy, humbled Himself and was obedient even to death; Who set His Church on a strong rock and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against Her, for He Himself would remain with Her until the end of the age. The mystery of the Cross and all the mysteries of the Christian faith commands you. commands you high Mother of God Virgin Mary, Who struck your most arrogant head from the first moment of Her immaculate conception in Her humility. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles commands you. The blood of the martyrs and all holy men and women commands you pious intercession. Therefore, we adjure you, cursed serpent and legion of the devil, by the living God, the true God, the holy God, the God who so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life: stop deceiving people. and pour out upon them the poison of eternal damnation; stop harming the Church and putting Her freedom in chains.

    Be gone, Satan, inventor and master of all lies, enemy of human salvation. Make room for Christ, in whom you will not find anything you have done; make room for the One, Holy, Ecumenical and Apostolic Church, purchased by Christ at the price of His Blood. Bow down under the almighty Hand of God; tremble and run when we call on the holy and scary name Jesus, from whom hell trembles, to whom the Powers, Powers and Authorities of heaven humbly worship, to whom the Cherubim and Seraphim continually sing the glory, crying: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts.

    Let's pray. God of heaven, God of earth, God of angels, God of archangels, God of patriarchs, God of prophets, God of apostles, God of martyrs, God of confessors, God of virgins, God who has the power to grant life after death and rest after labor, for there is no other God but You , and it cannot be otherwise, for You are the Creator of everything visible and invisible, and Your kingdom will have no end: humbly before the greatness of Your glory, we pray that You would deign to free us by Your power from all possession of the spirits of hell, from their snares, from deceptions and wickedness and keep us safe and sound. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Obsession can happen to any person: as a rule, such unpleasant events occur after strong experiences. In the old days they said that a person was “weak” and therefore the devil took possession of his soul.

    Nowadays they say differently. If unpleasant symptoms the question should be asked: “Why does my psyche react this way to stress?” Demons, evil spirits and black birds of curses live in ourselves, and not in Tartarus. Obsession is a consequence caused by complexes. However, in most cases, ordinary spells to exorcise the devil help.

    Prayer to exorcise the devil

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I conjure you, Devil(e), by our Lord Jesus and his holy mother. I conjure you, Devil(e), by John the Baptist, I conjure you, Devil(e), by all heavenly powers: Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Oriel and Raphael and all the holy angels. I conjure you, Devil(e), by the holy archangels Peter and Paul, I conjure you, Devil(e), with the holy martyrs Demetrius and George. I conjure you, Devil(e), by the holy prophets Moses (Samoel). I conjure you, Devil(e), by the holy hierarchs John Chrysostom, Vasily, Gregory, Nicholas. I conjure you, Devil(e), by the holy patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Methodius. I conjure you, O Devil, by Mary, mother of Christ. I conjure you, Devil(e), by the power of the spoken word and life-giving cross Lord I conjure you, Devil(e), by Saint Sisinius, who has been given the power to expel you. May you have neither power nor strength over the servant of God (...) from this day. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Prayer to exorcise the devil

    Lord, Holy Father! Almighty God is eternal. Throw the Devil into the abyss from the servant of God (name). From the head, from the hair, from the top, from the crown, from the forehead, from the face, from the ears, from the nostrils, from the lips, from the tongue, from the sublingual, from the chest, from the heart, from all bodies, from the bones, from the veins, from the brain, from the thought, from the voice, from all its deeds. From youth, from all accomplishments - let it go into the ground. May the power of Christ, the son of God, abide in him! He abides in worship and praise of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I conjure you, devil, by raising Lazarus. I conjure you, devil, who walked on the sea and tamed its waves. I conjure you, the devil, the holy angels, and those who showed the greatness of their miracles and gave them power and strength. May they heal this illness (name) in every person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! I conjure you, devil, by the Lord God Almighty. I conjure you, O devil, by the power of your word you created heaven and earth and the sea and the life in them. I conjure you, devil, by the power of exhaling the spirit! His name is great and scary. I conjure you, devil, in the name of the one who commanded the pestilence to spread decay not above the statute. May the Lord come to judge the world and you, the devil. I conjure you, devil, who preached the resurrection from the dead. I conjure you, O devil, who went out onto Mount Sinai and appeared to Moses in the bush of fire. I conjure you, devil, in the name of the Lord God, I conjure you, devil, who has not brought down fire from heaven, I conjure you, devil, in the name of Sodom and Gomorrah, cities of the wicked. I conjure you, the devil, who created the sky and the foot of the earth with your feet, I conjure you, the devil, who ordered the sea to dry up its sources. I conjure you, devil, by the will of the coming from heaven to earth with a trumpet voice. I conjure you, the devil, sitting on the throne, great and terrible! A river of fire flows before him, and in it sinful souls wash away their sins. I conjure you, devil, in the name of the great and terrible - go, devil, into the river of fire from (name). Holy, holy, holy, our Lord. Blessed be the Lord!

    Prayer to Saint Sisinius

    If there is evil, then there are Heroes who defeat this evil, and one of such heroes is Sisiny. In our time, his name is associated only with the gift of expelling fevers, but in the early apocryphal texts “The Legend of Jeremiah the Bulgarian priest” Sisinius is a hero who is able to heal not only colds, but also resist the very bearer of evil - the devil. Sisiny is described as a valiant warrior, on horseback, with a sword and shield, he is strong in spirit and generous. Manuscripts with legends about Sisinius's expulsion of devils date back to the beginning of the 16th century. Anyone can banish illnesses by casting spells.

    How to cast out the devil with prayer

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Saint Sisinius came to the iron pillar and said to his sister: “Open the pillar for me, my sister, so that I can enter.” She answered him: “I can’t, because I’m afraid that the devil will penetrate through the threshold and devour my children, that’s why I created the pillar so that the gate would be stronger.” But Sisinius said to her: “Open the doors to me, I conjure you by the living God.” She opened the gate for him, and the devil entered the courtyard, hiding under the hoof of Sisinius’s horse, grabbed the youths, devoured them and ran away. Melentina cried out in a great voice: “O my brother by blood, you came and destroyed me, the devil devoured me last hope- my children! Then Saint Sisinius jumped on his horse and grabbed the devil and said to him: “I will not have mercy, devil, unless you vomit my sister’s children.” The devil said to him: “Have mercy on me, Saint Sisinius, I will vomit the children and make them even more alive than they were.” And he vomited and did. And Saint Sisinius said to him: “Tell me what your life is*, devil”? And the devil said to him: “I am the one who is called the devil, a mentor and miracle worker to all evil.” But I swear to you, Saint Sisinius, that I will flee on your behalf, and my fruits and my servants, and the servants of my servants, may they not have honor from the servant of God (name), who calls out your name" He fled without looking back from Sisinius, as well as from the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    Ritual to exorcise the devil

    To drive out the devil you need to hang a large mirror on the wall (or just lean it against it). In addition to the mirror, you will need a church candle for a spell on the mirror. Wait until the full moon falls on Sunday. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, from twelve to three in the morning, go to the mirror, light a candle, hold it in front of you and say the spell to the mirror three times:

    Deliver me, Lord, from the seduction of the godless and evil-cunning Antichrist who is coming, and hide me from his snares in the hidden desert of Your salvation. Grant me, Lord, the strength and courage to firmly confess Your holy name, so that I will not retreat from fear for the sake of the devil, and may not renounce You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night to cry and cry for my sins, and have mercy on me, Lord, at the hour of Your Last Judgment. Amen.

    Then put out the candle, wrap its remnant in a white cotton rag, put it under your mattress, make sure that the bundle does not disappear from there.

    Metal from the devil

    In terms of protection against evil spirits, the power of silver has no equal. Crosses worn on the body must be consecrated in church. If a rash or various skin diseases appear at the place where the cross comes into contact with the human body, it means that the person is corrupted and has the mark of the devil on him. It is possible that the chain on which the cross is located constantly breaks. This is also an indicator that you are being influenced by witchcraft.

    Silver Power:

    • Silver water strengthens the heart. It helps with poor urination and hemorrhoids. Silver water also eliminates bad smell sweat To prepare silver water, you need to pour spring water into a glass or clay container and put silver coin for a period of at least three days. You can take 150 ml of silver water 3 times a day. Drinking silver water is good for heart problems.
    • If you hold pure silver in your mouth, it will quench your thirst.
    • Women wear sacred silver earrings in their ears to prevent noise in their heads.
    • Wedding silver rings placed in a font for children suffering from jaundice and thin eyes.
    • A patient suffering from jaundice takes baths in which several small silver coins are placed. No silver items should be placed in the coffin of the deceased.

    Remember church stories- women - witches, backing away, trying to enter the doors of the sacred place, growling and groaning, rolling their eyes, in front of the icons. They cannot pull themselves together and do not see anything around them - something possessed is rushing around inside, trying to break out. This is the true truth, such a phenomenon exists. It is impossible to play a possessed state (unless by professional actors), and it is not necessary. Standing next to such a person is scary, because you don’t know what to expect. People who have a demon inside them cannot stand the church, and even talking about it are afraid of the clergy. Believers are sure that by damaging the brain, the demon subjugates it to its will.

    How to find out if a person is a demon

    Very often, a possessed person is mistaken for a patient. But mental illness and obsession are different concepts. Mental illness is a mental illness associated with disorders nervous system and disruptions in brain function. A mentally ill person cannot control his actions, cannot exist normally in society, is in constant anxiety or excitement, which sooner or later develops into neurasthenia, a completely earthly disease. A mentally unbalanced person is characterized by frequent mood swings, from tears to causeless laughter, while a schizophrenic person’s life is full of colorful hallucinations.

    Possession (considered one of the types of damage) is complete submission to otherworldly will, temporary oblivion, disconnection from reality for a short period of time.

    The scientific name for obsession is cacodemonia. Overly vulnerable, impressionable people who easily succumb to moral pressure from not only demons, but also people can fall under the influence of evil spirits. You can get an unwanted “settler” in places with black energy, damn houses or cemeteries. The weaker your protective aura, the greater your chances of becoming a demon's slave.

    Having entered a “trance”, a person forgets himself, begins to see something that is not there, behaves unconventionally, speaks in someone else’s voice (women usually speak in a man’s bass voice). The possessed person howls, hisses, uses foul language, sometimes threatens, and usually does not remember anything when he comes to his senses.

    Science, again, has found an explanation for this behavior, and linked it to nervous disorder in combination with an epileptic fit or split personality (an official disease), which makes you fall out of reality. But is this really so? It is known that this condition is not amenable to traditional medical treatment.

    In life there is a place for both miracles and dark ones, mysterious phenomena, from which frost goes down the skin. The essence penetrates the body gradually, and at first, no obvious changes occur in the life of the unfortunate person.

    If you think your friend, spouse or sister is obsessive, the first behavior to look for is:

    • A person loses weight very quickly (can reach dystrophy), eats little;
    • There is a slight clouding of the lens, without a decrease in vision;
    • Redness is noticeable on the skin from holy water; the person categorically refuses to drink water;
    • Insomnia occurs more and more often, and in short moments of oblivion nightmares torment you;
    • Lethargy, apathy, drowsiness - become commonplace, sometimes the reaction is sharply opposite - energy and strength are in full swing;
    • The skin turns grey.

    The possessed person notices that:

    • Frequent headaches;
    • There are voices inside your head that tell you to do something. Most often unacceptable, shameful things;
    • There are bursts of enormous strength or sudden weakness, slight intoxication, cold chills;
    • There is a strong feeling that someone is sitting inside the body.

    What to do if close person speaks in a wild voice and shows all the signs of obsession? Do not laugh at him under any circumstances; agree unconditionally with all his words. Sometimes the words turn into strange animal sounds, and sometimes they are heard foreign languages(despite the fact that the patient did not teach them). If a possessed person holds a pack of salt in his hands, and after 15-20 minutes it turns black in a hot frying pan, it means that the evil spirit has control of the mind and body. The flame of the church candle in the room of the possessed man smokes and flickers.

    Remember that the exorcism of demons is carried out only by a priest who will consecrate the home with a cross, sprinkle the corners with sacred water, and read the saving prayer as needed. Best place for exile - a church temple. The evil eye, damage, spells - all this is a great sin, so you should not get involved in dark affairs. Leave this to people who know how to read cleansing prayers, because in some situations it takes more than one or two hours to expel an unclean spirit. There are spells in both Russian and Latin, but if you perform the ritual incorrectly, you can make the situation worse. The lack of holy orders and experience can lead to disastrous consequences, including the rapid death of the possessed. The maximum you can do is pray to the Lord and bow to the icons. Place sacred icons and crosses in the house, despite the patient’s rejection and denial of God. Faith in God will help you cope with trouble.

    The term "exorcism" comes from the Greek word meaning "to conjure", "to bind by oath." This is an act whose purpose is to expel demons (one or more) from the body of a creature possessed by them. The role of the latter can be not only a person, but also an animal, and sometimes an inanimate object. For example, a German painting from the 15th century (Martin Schongauer's circle) depicts Mary Magdalene, as well as John the Evangelist, who expels poison from a cup of wine with a blessing. The poison then comes out of her in the form of a snake. It is known that in ancient times there were Gallic rituals of expelling a demon, such as exorcism of water, oil, salt, etc. Apparently, they were also aimed at purifying material substances, which, perhaps, were then used for various ritual and sacral purposes.

    Since ancient times, the expulsion of demons, like the fight against the devil in general, was thought of in spatial categories. That is, the devil had to be driven out of territory that did not belong to him. He had to leave the "vessel of the body" so that God could enter there.

    Features of rituals used on different occasions

    The ritual varies depending on how possessed the sufferer is. In mild cases, for example when we're talking about for an illness attributed to a demon, a blessing is sufficient. Exorcism in this case is practically identified with Christian prayer for recovery. A ritual in the proper sense of the word is resorted to if an unclean spirit completely takes possession of the sufferer’s body, including his tongue. An exorcist, having a conversation with a person’s body, believes that he is talking with a demon. This ritual is applied not only to the possessed. Exorcism in Western Church(and later also in the Roman Catholic) was a necessary part of the baptismal rite. It was believed that the latter not only brings a person into the church, but also expels the devil from his soul, replacing him with Christ.

    Is it necessary to say the text out loud?

    Reprimands with prayers are not always pronounced out loud and require ritual accompaniment. In ancient times there was a belief that written rituals were also effective. In this case, the corresponding text was simply tied around the neck of the possessed person, and thus the demons were expelled. However, this method, apparently, was not considered reliable. This is confirmed by the Gallic “Life of St. Eugendes” written around 520. It says that a girl possessed by a ferocious demon is forced into large quantities texts of exorcisms on the neck. However, the devil does not want to come out of it. On the contrary, he mockingly remarks to the participant in the action that he will not be expelled even if he hangs all the Alexandrian manuscripts on the “vessel” that he took possession of. An order is needed from the monk Yura Evgend. After Evgend writes an exorcism letter, the demon-possessed girl is freed from the power of the evil spirit.

    Who invented the ritual of exorcism?

    According to legend, the inventor of the art of commanding demons is Solomon. From Jewish legends we learn that he could control the demons Lilin, Ruhin and Shedim, and could even make them dance in front of him.

    Describes the exorcism that Eleazar, his compatriot, performed in the presence of Vespasian: the exorcist applied to the nostrils of the demoniac magic ring and with the help of spells mentioning the name of Solomon, he pulled out the demon through the nostrils. The possessed man fell, and in order to show Vespasian that the demon had come out, Eleazar ordered the unclean spirit to turn over the cup of water.

    Jesus himself is considered the first exorcist in the Christian religion. Once he expelled a “legion” of unclean spirits from a possessed man. They entered the pigs and then rushed into the sea. However, he also did the opposite - he allowed Satan to enter the body of Judas. At the Last Supper, he served a piece to Iscariot, and after that Satan entered into him.

    Note that although the text of the exorcism is addressed directly to the demon being cast out, it ultimately addresses Christ. It is Jesus, strictly speaking, who is the only exorcist, since it is believed to be impossible to expel a demon without his intervention. Exorcists also sometimes resort to the help of another higher authority (not counting Christ) - the Virgin Mary.

    Duration of the ritual

    The duration of the ritual may vary. The demon sometimes immediately leaves the possessed. However, a case is described when his exile lasted for two whole years. The possessed person, as a rule, “falls dead” after performing the ritual, and sometimes actually dies. In the 10th century Irish text The Voyage of Saint Brendan, one of the saint's companions, at the instigation of a demon, commits a theft. The saint drives out the unclean spirit. He appears to those present. After this, the monk dies, and the angels take his soul to heaven.

    Means of expulsion

    Reprimands with prayers, as well as various relics, can be used as a means of expelling demons. In a medieval legend, for example, hairs from the beard of St. Vincentia. They were wrapped in a neckerchief. Many tools can be used when performing an exorcism. Words of prayer are just one way. For example, the instrument of exorcism may be the tomb of a saint. Her proximity is believed to make demons flee. Thus, any sacred objects can be used. Although prayer (for example, the prayer of exorcism in Latin) is still the main means. Without it, it is difficult to carry out the ritual.

    Negotiations between a demon and an exorcist

    Often, expelling demons turns into a dialogue with them. Communication between an exorcist and an unclean spirit can sometimes be very long. During the dialogue, an agreement is concluded on mutually acceptable terms. In this case, the spirits of demons often bargain pettyly, and the exorcist sometimes (in naive legends) tries to use the knowledge of the devil for his own purposes. For example, he can find out about the afterlife fate of a deceased person by performing an exorcism. The words of the devil are, of course, not something that should be blindly believed, however, some manage to extract the truth from the evil one.

    During the dialogue, it is important to stipulate under what circumstances, when and where it will come out. For example, a certain medieval exorcist, before exorcising an evil spirit, found out from him where and when he intended to leave the body of the possessed person. He told him that this would happen today in the house of St. Margaritas.

    Particularly important is the question of where exactly the demon will come out. After all, when it’s wrong given conditions it can leave only part of the victim’s body and settle, for example, in the throat, hand, etc. Subsequently, it can again occupy the abandoned place. It is believed that a perfectly performed ritual is one in which the demon is sent straight to hell, from where he can no longer return to earth, since hell, according to the Apostle Peter, is a place of imprisonment where she awaits the final judgment. However, getting him to go there is especially difficult. The contractual process in this place often stalls. The demons even bargain with Christ himself about where to go. In the Gospel they ask permission to move into a herd of pigs, which Jesus allows them.

    Banished St. Francis of Paulana, the demon intended to exit through the eyes of the possessed woman. However, he was forced to take a different path. As a result of the skillful actions of the saint, the demon found himself captured in a prudently prepared vessel. Thus another exorcism was carried out.

    Sometimes dialogue may lack strong emotional overtones. The unclean spirit refrains from groaning, but sets a condition for exit or asks the exorcist a treacherous question that must be answered correctly. For example, when Abba Apollonius was performing an exorcism, the demon told him that he would come out, but only if he told him who the sheep were and who the goats were spoken of in the Gospel. This question is a trap, which, however, Apollonius successfully avoided. He answered him that goats are unrighteous (including Abba himself, since he is subject to many sins), and only God knows who the sheep are. It is clear that in this case the demon was testing Apollonius with pride. However, the latter's answer was perfect. He demonstrated complete humility - the best weapon against evil spirits.

    Features of the Lutheran rite

    The rite of exorcism, for all its apparent elaborateness, often includes personal aspects that are determined by the exorcist’s idea of ​​the devil and the bizarre relationship he develops with the demon. When in the 16th century Luther made a kind of revolution in the practice of exorcism, abandoning all ritual components, with the exception of prayer (which he also understood extra-ritually - as a purely internal process), he proceeded from his personal ideas about the devil. The ritual of exorcism, according to Luther, flatters the pride and pride of the evil spirit, if at the same time a solemn spell is pronounced to expel the demon. Therefore, he only strengthens power. Therefore, the exorcist, according to Luther, must abandon the ritual. Only contempt and prayer should be his tools. After all, Jesus himself casts out the devil, not an exorcist. He will do this whenever he wishes, without being guided by human rituals. The description of Luther's exorcism shows how he resorted to contempt (the second weapon) after the first, that is, prayer, did not help. When a demon-possessed girl was brought to him, Luther, laying right hand on her head and began to pray. He explained to those around him that the prayer would last until God heard him. However, reading it didn't help. Considering that prayer only pleases the pride of the evil spirit, Luther retreated from the girl and then kicked her (of course, at that moment he saw in her only the incarnation of a demon). After this, Luther began to mock Satan. The expulsion of demons (exorcism) was completed. The girl was taken to her homeland, and Luther was informed that she was no longer tormented by an evil spirit.

    Protestants, without denying the need for the ritual of exorcism itself, contrasted exorcism with the idea of ​​the internal struggle of each person with the devil. Luther's followers considered the ritual of exorcism a type of witchcraft, an indulgence of the devil. J. Hawker Osnaburg, in his treatise in which he opposes exorcists (it can be read in the collection “Theater of Devils”), argues that the very use of prayer and holy words when performing a ritual is sinful.

    The need to purify the exorcist himself

    The reflexivity that is inherent in the problematic of demonology (after all, the demon is, after all, inside the person himself), also manifests itself in the topic of exorcism. The person who carries it out has to heal himself. The difficult task for the exorcist is his own cleansing.

    If you intend to drive out the devil yourself, think about whether you have enough spiritual and physical strength to do this, as well as the courage to confront him. evil spirit. Will you be afraid of what you might see when you start casting the spell? Even strong in spirit they do not always withstand what happens when demons are expelled from a person. For some, this ritual may even turn out to be fatal: the psyche and life will change irreversibly.

    The patient should be treated with special care. During the ritual, it is necessary to suppress pride in your soul, forget about disgust and pride. The only important thing now is to help the human soul, to be able to free it from the oppression of the demon. A body under the control of an unclean person can do terrible things. The healer must humbly ask God for help. However, the worst thing is possible consequences ritual. A person can be healed, but there is a chance that he will die. Therefore, it is necessary to understand all the responsibility and be aware of your strengths. Note that the church very rarely gives permission to perform this ritual.

    IN difficult cases the ritual must be repeated several times. The spell you cast to exorcise a demon may not work immediately. It is possible that the unclean spirit will leave the body after a few weeks or even months. The spell you cast or in any other language is not a guarantee that the evil spirit will leave its victim. Exorcism is a complex ritual. Below we will describe the main stages of its implementation. However, first of all, you should make sure that the person is truly possessed by the devil. There are a number of signs by which this can be determined.

    How can you find out that you are demons?

    He can speak ancient languages ​​or modern foreign languages ​​that he did not know before. In addition, he may have or abilities. Sometimes a person knows something that he should not know. An important sign is that the possessed person is afraid of everything sacred: church symbols, the cross. He may also engage in sacrilege and blasphemy. Note that symptoms of obsession are often just signs of diseases such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Tourette's syndrome, hysteria, or other mental disorders. However, the opposite is also possible. Real exorcism, which has a powerful spiritual basis, is capable of expelling demons masquerading as split personality, psychosis, hysteria, manic syndrome, paranoia, and aggressive schizophrenia.

    Stages of the ritual

    First of all, you need to find out about the path through which the unclean spirit entered the victim. Then you should find out the name of the one who allowed the demon to enter God's creation. Next, prayers are read over the patient. This could be (chapter 14 and 16), the Creed, or the Lord's Prayer. It is necessary to hold the person while performing the ritual. Sometimes you may even need ropes for this.

    After reading the prayers, sprinkling with holy water follows. Next comes communication with the demon who has entered the human body. This dangerous moment: If the unclean one wins, he will remain. Theology is a favorite topic of conversation for demons. They may be trying to lure the exorcist into a logical trap. A good knowledge of religious literature, as well as submission to God's will and complete humility, can help you. In case of victory, the demon will ask about how and where to go out. He may start bargaining and also ask to leave him. Be firm in your intentions.

    The final stage is reading a special spell to expel the demon in Russian or any other language. The language itself is not that important. The spell to exorcise a demon in Latin is also very popular. What is more important is what meaning is put into the spell. The text of the spell is given below.

    “We cast out you, the spirit of all uncleanness, every power of Satan, every hostile encroacher of hell, every legion, every assembly and sect of the devil, in the name and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ, uproot and flee from the Church of God, from souls created in the image of God and with the precious blood Lamb of the redeemed. You no longer dare, most cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God and tear away God’s chosen ones and scatter them like wheat. The Almighty God commands you, with whom you still want to be equal in your great pride; who wants to save all people and bring them to the knowledge of the truth. God the Son commands you; God the Son commands you; God the Holy Spirit commands you. The greatness of Christ, the eternal God of the Word incarnate, commands you, who, for the sake of the salvation of our race, fallen through your envy, humbled himself and was obedient even to death; who built his church on a strong rock and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, for he himself would remain with it until the end of time. The mystery of the cross and all the mysteries of the Christian faith commands you to nobility. The high Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you, who struck your most arrogant head from the first moment of her immaculate conception in her humility. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles commands you. The blood of the martyrs and all holy men and women commands you pious intercession.”

    The ritual will be easier if you use Christian relics. They will help you exorcise the demon. It is also important that the possessed person understands what is happening to him and, if possible, helps the exorcist.