The procedure for communion in church. Why is Holy Communion needed?

We often hear questions: communion in the Orthodox Church - what it is, how to prepare for it, and why, in fact, it is needed. Since these questions are important and necessary, we decided to give a detailed explanation of this most important Sacrament to those interested in Orthodoxy and beginners, based on the Holy Scriptures.

To maintain the life of the human body, nutrition is necessary: ​​food, drink; as well as treatment if he is sick. The human soul, as a substance of a more subtle organization, needs to be reinforced with special – life-giving spiritual food. How loving mother never leaves his child, but cares and worries about him; Moreover, the Lord does not abandon His creation, but provides for man, sends him an abundance of earthly fruits for food and feeds His faithful children with the most precious, immortal and incorruptible Food: with Himself – His Most Pure Body and Blood, taught to us in the sacrament of Communion.

Communion is a sacrament in which an Orthodox Christian, under the guise of bread and wine, partakes (partakes) of the true Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

Through Communion, a person is most closely united with Christ, becomes involved in Christ for the renewal and strengthening of a person’s spiritual and physical strength and their inheritance of eternal life.

The Lord tells us about the sacrament of Communion :

“I am the Bread of Life. Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and died; The bread that comes down from heaven is such that whoever eats it will not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this Bread will live forever; The bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world” (Gospel of John, chapter 6, v.: 48-51). “Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.” He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My true Flesh is Drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and I in him.” (Gospel of John: ch. 6, v.: 53-56).

Why do you need to take communion?

So, we see that in order to unite with God and have eternal life, we need to receive communion. If a person has blood poisoning, then the only way to save his life is to give him healthy blood. Likewise with the human soul, infected with sin, the only way to save it is a “transfusion” of healthy Blood, which only Christ Himself has. And, as the holy fathers of the church said, after partaking of Communion, “The Blood of Christ flows in our veins,” “we become co-corporeal with Christ.” After all, a diseased and destroyed organ in the human body is replaced by a healthy one through a transplant so that the person can live on.

So in the spiritual sense, the Body of Christ replaces with itself the part of the human soul that is sick with passions and sinful ulcers, nourishes it and gives life: “For we are members of His Body, of His Flesh and of His Bones” (Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians: ch. .5, art. 30). Through Holy Communion, the Lord Himself, in His Most Pure Flesh, enters a person, giving him peace, cleansing from sins, and joy from the close presence of the Lord. In the sacrament of Communion, a Christian tastes the “immortal source”, receives the ability to improve spiritually, to be one of the participants in a blissful and immortal life, which, for a person who reverently partakes of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, begins here on earth, and is the guarantee of his resurrection and eternal life.

The history of the appearance of the Eucharist

The Sacrament of Communion is also called the Eucharist, which translated from Greek means “thanksgiving.” The service at which the sacrament of Communion is celebrated is called the Liturgy (it is performed in the morning, and sometimes at night), which means “public service.” Holy Eucharist (sacrament of Communion) in Orthodox Church is the “Sacrament of the Sacraments,” the heart of the Church, its basis and foundation, because without it the existence of the Church itself is unthinkable.

The Sacrament of the Eucharist was established by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself at His last supper with His disciples - the Last Supper, on the eve of the Savior's Passion on the Cross.

He Himself performed this Sacrament: “And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and broke it, and giving it to the disciples, said, Take, eat: this is My Body. And taking the Cup and thanking (God the Father for His mercy to the human race), he gave it to them (the disciples) and said: drink from it, all of you; for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Gospel of Matthew: ch. 26, v. 26-28)

The Holy Evangelist Luke complements the narrative of the Evangelist Matthew - while teaching the disciples the Holy Bread, the Lord said to them: “... Do this in remembrance of Me.” (Gospel of Luke: 22, vv.:19-20); the same is said in the Gospel of Mark: chapter 14, v. 22-24, in the 1st Epistle to the Corinthians: ch. 11, v.: 23-26.

After the Resurrection of the Savior, the disciples of Christ gathered on the “day of the sun” (now this day is called Sunday and in the church, as before, it is the first day of the week (week)) for the “breaking of bread.” Initially, it was a meal during which the Holy Scriptures were read, psalms were sung, a sermon was preached, and prayer was carried out. Sometimes the meal lasted all night.

Gradually (over time, the communities expanded), from the supper-dinner Eucharist was transformed into a divine service, which in our modern church also starts in the evening: evening service is the first part of the Sunday (or holiday) service, and the morning Liturgy is its second part, during which it is actually performed holy sacrament Eucharist.

How often should you take communion?

The first Christians took communion every Sunday. Nowadays, unfortunately, not many people can approach this Sacrament so often due to various circumstances. On average, it is recommended to take communion at least once a month. Well, or at least every post, of which there are four in a calendar year, which means at least four times a year. But no less than once a year - this is, so to speak, the “very minimum”.

Some people rarely approach the sacrament of Communion, considering themselves unworthy of this holy Sacrament; for others, communion has generally turned into a formality: a tradition, “for show,” or something like that, when people without proper preparation, awareness of the great Sacred and feelings of reverence, or in general, running past, “running in” to take communion.

Actually, a person is not completely worthy, due to the sinfulness of his nature, of this great Sacrament, since all people are sinners, and the Eucharist was given to us by the Lord for this purpose, in order to make us purer in heart and soul and, accordingly, more worthy of this Divine gift. Based on the above, it is better to decide how often to receive communion individually with your confessor or with the priest to whom a person confesses, based on his spiritual age (level).

How to prepare for the sacrament of Communion?

The Holy Fathers of the Church emphasized that those who approach this holy sacrament must be prepared to meet Christ Himself - but how could it be otherwise, since we eat the Body and Blood of the Lord Himself!

Preparation for communion should not be limited to just reading some prayers and abstaining from any food - first of all, readiness for communion is determined by purity of conscience, absence of enmity against neighbors or resentment towards anyone, peace in relations with people: “If you If you bring your gift to the altar and there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar and go, first be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Hebrews from Matt., : Chapter 5, Art. 23-24). An obstacle to communion is grave sins committed by a person, which must be repented of in confession.

Before receiving the Holy Mysteries, an Orthodox Christian tries to spiritually gather and concentrate. You need to prepare yourself for Communion by fasting, which consists of fasting, prayer, and doing good deeds (which, however, a Christian should always do, because “faith without works is dead”). Before receiving communion, a Christian must clear his conscience, and for this, according to the tradition of the Russian Church, he must come to confession to receive forgiveness for his sins.

Everyone who wishes to begin the Sacrament of Communion must first be baptized in Orthodox faith, since through baptism a person becomes a member of the Church and receives the right to receive communion. Secondly, he must clear his conscience, which is facilitated by fasting and prayer. “Let man examine himself, and in this way let him eat of this bread and drink of this cup. For whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord.” (1st Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians: chapter 11, art.: 28-29).

That is, a person must realize that in front of him in the holy Chalice is not ordinary food, not ordinary bread and wine, but the immortal Table of the Lord - the Most Pure Body and Blood of the Lord Himself, the Lord Himself, which one must partake of with the fear of God, reverence and faith. A person’s irreverent attitude towards the Sacrament exposes him to judgment and condemnation. One of the teachers of the Orthodox Church wrote:

“Bread and wine are seen in the cup, and bread and wine are smelled, but the Holy Mysteries are revealed and revealed through their action. Thus, God, hidden by humanity, was revealed.”

This is according to immeasurable love Lord to us, and his boundless mercy, by condescension to
We feel bread and wine in weak human nature.

It must be said that when, feeling his sinfulness, a person does not approach Holy Communion by his own decision, this is an act of pride, since only a priest can deny access to Communion. Contrition from the awareness of one's sinfulness is not an obstacle for a Christian to perceive the Eucharist as a holiday and joy from union with the Lord, because our sins are washed away by the Divine Blood and our sinful ulcers are healed.

And so, we examined what spiritual preparation for the Holy Sacrament consists of. Now let's look at the physical side of this preparation.

When we are expecting a visit from a person who is very important and authoritative for us, we clean our house: sweep, wash, polish. Similar to this, but only many times more carefully, we must prepare our home - the body - to receive the Lord Himself. The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians says:

“...Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?” (St. Paul, 1st epist. to Cor.: 6, 18-19)

The holy apostle likens the human body to a temple - how responsible is this and how can one not prepare one’s body for Communion?

Before communion you must:

  1. . If it's not one of the four posts calendar year, then it is recommended to fast for an average of three days, where seven days are recommended, and for some - at least one day. It is better to decide in advance individually with the priest. During fasting they do not eat food of animal origin, and during strict fasting they do not eat fish - this can also be discussed with the priest. During fasting, one abstains from marital intimate relations.
  2. On the eve of Communion you are supposed to attend an evening service. In different temples different times it begins, usually begins: where at 14.00 o'clock, where - at 15.00 o'clock, at 16.00 o'clock, at 17.00 o'clock - you need to find out this in advance in the church where you plan to go to the evening service.
  3. In the evening, on the eve of Communion, you need to read (in the sense of not just “reading” - as they sometimes say, but, while reading, delve into the meaning of what you read - praying): evening prayers(“Prayers for those coming to sleep”) and three canons: “Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ”, “Canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos” and “Canon of the Guardian Angel”. The Canon for Communion is also read (It is contained in the “Follow-up to Holy Communion”).
  4. After midnight (after 24 hours) they no longer eat or drink anything, since it is customary to begin the Sacrament of Communion on an empty stomach.
  5. In the morning, after the Morning Prayers, they finish reading that they didn’t have time in the evening. (It happens that in the evening they do not read the Canon from “Following to Holy Communion”, but in the morning, after morning prayers read the entire “Following to Holy Communion”).
  6. obligatory, which in some churches is held in the evening after (during) the evening service, in others - in the morning before (during) the liturgy. It is also advisable to clarify this in advance. In which part of the temple confession is held - you can also ask the temple servants.

During Communion

  • After confession, all believers line up (in line to the Chalice you should not talk, but pray) to the solea (the elevation on which the iconostasis stands, protruding significantly forward), to the center of the solea - to the pulpit (at the level of the Royal Doors, with steps).
  • When the Chalice with the Gifts is brought out, immediately make three prostrations in front of the Chalice (touching the forehead to the floor), but not in front of the Chalice itself, so as not to knock it over, but at a distance from it, stand in turn, fold your arms crosswise on your chest ( right hand on top of the left) as a sign of his humility before the Lord.
  • When your turn has come, go up to the Chalice, no longer crossing yourself or bowing (so as not to catch the Chalice), name your full name(Ivan, not Vanya; Natalya, not Natasha, etc.), open your mouth wide and, having accepted Communion, immediately swallow it and kiss the edge of the cup.

  • Then, without talking, go to the table on which there are cups of “warmth” (warm water for drinking Communion, to which a little wine can sometimes be added) and eat a piece of prosphora lying on a plate on the same table. Step aside so as not to disturb other participants.

  • After communion, you need to be there until the end of the liturgy and, only in extremely urgent circumstances, leave the church before the end of the liturgy (venerate the cross brought out by the priest (kiss the cross) and leave the church after closing the Royal Doors.

After Communion

After communion you must:

1) Read “Prayers of Thanksgiving for Holy Communion” (all of the above prayers and canons are in almost any book of “Prayers”).
2) On the day of communion, abstain from marital intimate relations.

In the Eucharist, the Lord cleanses, sanctifies and deifies man. In this Holy Sacrament, the grace of the Holy Spirit transforms bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ and transforms the person receiving communion from one darkened by sins into one enlightened by the Divine light and free from the heavy burden of sins. Having accepted the Mysteries of Christ, we already carry Christ Himself within us. It’s as if we are carrying a cup filled to the brim with Divine grace - if we are careless, we will spill the contents of the cup, and if we stumble and fall, we will lose all its contents. From the moment of Communion, preparation for the next Eucharist should begin and you need to monitor your spiritual state and protect it from sin. And if, due to the weakness of human nature or because of our negligence, we stumbled, fell, sinned again, do not hesitate, rush to the doctor of our souls: repent and confess, receive the sacrament of Holy Communion for the salvation of the soul and eternal life.

It would be more correct if you, dear Masha, yourself approach the clergyman of the temple where you plan to go to Communion (or at least the clergyman of another Orthodox church) and as he blesses (i.e. says, allows) you to do it, you will do so. He will tell you how many prayers to read from the Rule for Communion - sometimes beginners are allowed to read only part of the rule, because... It is not short and may be difficult to read in its entirety at first. But it is better to do all this with the blessing of a clergyman.
After 24 hours on the night before Communion, you cannot eat or drink anything until you receive Communion.


How to fast before communion, can you explain in more detail?


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This is the Sacrament in which, under the guise of bread and wine, an Orthodox Christian partakes (partakes) of the very Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, and through this is mysteriously united with Him, becoming a partaker of eternal life. Comprehension of this Sacrament surpasses human understanding.

This Sacrament is called the Eucharist, which means “thanksgiving.”

How and why was the Sacrament of Communion established?

The Sacrament of Communion was established by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself at the Last Supper with the Apostles on the eve of His suffering. He took bread into His Most Pure hands, blessed it, broke it and divided it to His disciples, saying: “Come, eat: this is My Body” (Matthew 26:26). Then he took a cup of wine, blessed it and, giving it to the disciples, said: “Drink from it, all of you, for this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matthew 26:27-28). Then the Savior gave the apostles, and through them all believers, the commandment to perform this Sacrament until the end of the world in remembrance of His suffering, death and Resurrection for the unity of believers with Him. He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22:19).

Why is it necessary to take communion?

The Lord Himself speaks about the obligatory nature of communion for all who believe in Him: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink. He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me, and I in him” (John 6:53-56).

He who does not partake of the Holy Mysteries deprives himself of the source of life - Christ, and places himself outside of Him. A person who seeks union with God in his life can hope that he will be with Him in eternity.

How to prepare for Communion?

Anyone who wishes to receive communion must have heartfelt repentance, humility, and a firm intention to improve. It takes several days to prepare for the Sacrament of Communion. These days they prepare for Confession, try to pray more and more diligently at home, and abstain from amusements and idle pastimes. Fasting is combined with prayer - bodily abstinence from modest food and marital relations.

On the eve of the day of Communion or in the morning before the Liturgy, you must go to confession and attend the evening service. After midnight, do not eat or drink.

The duration of preparation, the measure of fasting and prayer rules are discussed with the priest. However, no matter how much we prepare for Communion, we cannot adequately prepare. And only looking at the contrite and humble heart, the Lord, out of His love, accepts us into His fellowship.

What prayers should you use to prepare for Communion?

For prayerful preparation for Communion, there is a usual rule, which is found in Orthodox prayer books. It consists of reading three canons: the canon of repentance to the Lord Jesus Christ, the canon of prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, the canon to the Guardian Angel and the Follow-up to Holy Communion, which consists of the canon and prayers. In the evening you should also read prayers for the coming sleep, and in the morning - morning prayers.

With the blessing of the confessor, this prayer rule before Communion can be reduced, increased, or replaced by another.

How to approach Communion?

Before the start of Communion, those receiving communion come closer to the pulpit in advance, so as not to rush later and not create inconvenience to other worshipers. In this case, it is necessary to let the children who receive communion first go ahead. When the Royal Doors open and the deacon comes out with the Holy Chalice with the exclamation: “Come with the fear of God and faith,” you should, if possible, bow to the ground and fold your arms crosswise on your chest (right over left). When approaching the Holy Chalice and in front of the Chalice, do not cross yourself, so as not to accidentally push It. One must approach the Holy Chalice with the fear of God and reverence. Approaching the Chalice, you should clearly pronounce your Christian name given at Baptism, open your lips wide, reverently, with the consciousness of the holiness of the Great Sacrament, accept the Holy Gifts and immediately swallow. Then kiss the base of the Chalice, like the rib of Christ Himself. You cannot touch the Chalice with your hands and kiss the priest’s hand. Then you should go to the table with warmth and wash down Communion so that the holy thing does not remain in your mouth.

How often should you take communion?

Many holy fathers call for communion as often as possible.

Usually believers confess and receive communion during all four multi-day fasts church year, on twelve, great and temple holidays, on Sundays, on their name days and births, spouses - on their wedding day.

The frequency of a Christian's participation in the Sacrament of Communion is determined individually with the blessing of the confessor. More commonly - at least twice a month.

Are we sinners worthy to receive communion often?

Some Christians receive communion extremely rarely, citing their unworthiness as the reason. There is not a single person on earth worthy of Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. No matter how much a person tries to purify himself before God, he will still not be worthy of accepting such a greatest Shrine as the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. God gave people the Holy Mysteries of Christ not according to their dignity, but out of His great mercy and love for His fallen creation. “It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick” (Luke 5:31). A Christian should receive the Holy Gifts not as a reward for his spiritual deeds, but as a Gift Loving Father Heavenly, as a saving means of sanctifying the soul and body.

Is it possible to take communion several times on one day?

Under no circumstances should anyone receive Communion twice on the same day. If the Holy Gifts are given from several Chalice, they can only be received from one.

Everyone receives communion from the same spoon, is it possible to get sick?

There has never been a single case of someone becoming infected through Communion: even when people receive communion in hospital churches, no one ever gets sick. After Communion of believers, the remaining Holy Gifts are consumed by a priest or deacon, but even during epidemics they do not get sick. This greatest sacrament The church, given, among other things, for the healing of soul and body.

Is it possible to kiss the cross after Communion?

After the Liturgy, all those praying venerate the cross: both those who received communion and those who did not.

Is it possible to kiss icons and the priest’s hand after Communion and bow to the ground?

After Communion, before drinking, you should refrain from kissing icons and the priest’s hand, but there is no rule that those receiving communion should not kiss icons or the priest’s hand on this day and not bow to the ground. It is important to keep your tongue, thoughts and heart from all evil.

How to behave on the day of Communion?

The Day of Communion is a special day in the life of a Christian when he is mysteriously united with Christ. On the day of Holy Communion, one should behave reverently and decorously, so as not to offend the shrine with one’s actions. Thank the Lord for the great blessing. These days should be spent as great holidays, devoting them as much as possible to concentration and spiritual work.

Can you take communion on any day?

Communion is given on all days when the Divine Liturgy is served. Liturgy is not served on Friday during Holy Week.

During Lent, services are held according to a special schedule.

Is Communion paid for?

No, in all churches the Sacrament of Communion is always performed free of charge.

Is it possible to receive communion after Unction without Confession?

Unction does not cancel Confession. Confession is needed. Sins that a person is aware of must necessarily be confessed.

Is it possible to replace Communion by drinking Epiphany water with artos (or antidor)?

This is a misconception about the possibility of replacing Communion Epiphany water with artos (or antidor) arose, perhaps, due to the fact that people who have canonical or other obstacles to Communion of the Holy Mysteries are allowed to use for consolation Epiphany water with antidor. However, this cannot be understood as an equivalent replacement. Communion cannot be replaced by anything.

Can an Orthodox Christian take communion in any non-Orthodox church?

No, only in the Orthodox Church.

How to give communion to a one-year-old child?

If the child is not able to remain calmly in the church for the entire service, then he can be brought to the time of Communion.

Is it possible for a child under 7 years old to eat before Communion? Is it possible for sick people to receive communion without an empty stomach?

This issue is resolved individually in consultation with a priest.

Before Communion, small children are given food and drink as needed so as not to harm their nervous system and bodily health. Older children, from the age of 4-5, are gradually accustomed to the usual fasting before Communion and, in general, to an “adult” diet and life.

Adults in some exceptional cases It is blessed to receive communion not on an empty stomach.

Can children under 14 years of age receive communion without Confession?

Only children under 7 years old can receive communion without Confession. From the age of 7, children receive communion after Confession.

Is it possible for a pregnant woman to receive communion?

Can. It is advisable for pregnant women to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ more often, preparing for Communion through repentance, confession, prayer and fasting, which is relaxed for pregnant women.

It is advisable to begin the churching of a child from the moment the parents find out that they will have a child. Even in the womb, the child perceives everything that happens to the mother and around her. At this time, participation in the Sacraments and prayer of parents is very important.

How to give communion to a sick person at home?

The patient's relatives must first agree with the priest about the time of Communion and consult on how to prepare the patient for this Sacrament.

When can you take communion during the week? Lent?

During the period of Great Lent, children receive communion on Saturdays and Sundays, when the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is served. Adults, except Saturday and Sunday, can receive communion on Wednesdays and Fridays, when the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is served. There is no Liturgy on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday during Lent, with the exception of the days of remembrance of certain saints.

Why are infants not given communion at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts?

At the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Chalice contains only blessed wine, and the particles of the Lamb (the Bread transposed into the Body of Christ) are pre-saturated with the Blood of Christ. Since infants, due to their physiology, cannot be given communion with a part of the Body, and there is no Blood in the Chalice, they are not given communion during the Presanctified Liturgy.

Can the laity receive communion during the continuous week? How should they prepare for communion at this time? Can a priest prohibit communion on Easter?

In preparation for communion during the continuous week, it is allowed to eat fast food. At this time, preparation for communion consists of repentance, reconciliation with neighbors and reading the prayer rule for Communion.

Communion on Easter is a goal and joy for everyone Orthodox Christian. The entire Holy Pentecost prepares us for communion on Easter night: “let us be led to repentance, and let us purify our feelings, against which we fight, creating the entrance to fasting: the heart is aware of the hope of grace, not worthless, not walking in them. And the Lamb of God will be carried away by us, in the sacred and luminous night of the Resurrection, for our sake the slaughter brought, the disciple received on the evening of the sacrament, and the darkness destroying ignorance with the light of his resurrection" (stichera on the verse, in meat week In the evening).

Rev. Nicodemus the Holy Mountain says: “those who, although they fast before Easter, do not receive communion on Easter, such people do not celebrate Easter... because these people do not have in themselves the reason and occasion for the holiday, which is the Sweetest Jesus Christ, and do not have that spiritual joy that is born from Divine Communion."

When Christians began to shy away from communion on Holy Week, the fathers of the Trullo Council (the so-called Fifth-Sixth Council) with the 66th canon testified to the original tradition: “from the holy day of the Resurrection of Christ our God until the new week, throughout the entire week, the faithful must holy churches to continually practice psalms and chants and spiritual songs, rejoicing and triumphant in Christ, and listening to the reading of the Divine Scriptures, and enjoying the holy mysteries. For in this way we will be resurrected together with Christ and ascended.”

Thus, communion on Easter, on Holy Week, and in general on continuous weeks is not forbidden to any Orthodox Christian who may be admitted to Holy Communion on other days of the church year.

What are the rules for prayerful preparation for communion?

Volume prayer rule before communion, the canons of the Church are not regulated. For the children of the Russian Orthodox Church, it should be no less than the Rule for Holy Communion available in our prayer books, which includes three psalms, a canon and prayers before communion.

There is, in addition, a pious tradition of reading three canons and an akathist before receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ: the canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ, the canon to the Mother of God, the canon to the Guardian Angel.

Is confession necessary before every communion?

Mandatory confession before communion is not regulated by the canons of the Church. Confession before each communion is a Russian tradition, caused by the extremely rare communion of Christians during the synodal period of the history of the Russian Church.

For those who came for the first time or with serious sins, for new Christians, confession before communion is mandatory, since for them frequent confession and the instructions of the priest have important catechetical and pastoral significance.

Currently “Regular confession should be encouraged, but not every believer should be required to confess without fail before every communion. In agreement with the confessor, for persons who regularly confess and receive communion, who observe church rules and the fasts established by the Church, an individual rhythm of confession and communion can be established,” - Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev).

One of the most important sacraments in Orthodoxy can be called Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ. This is the moment when the believer is united with the Son of God. However, you should know how preparation for communion occurs, especially for those who decide to receive it for the first time (for example, you need to confess, pray, etc.). This is necessary for it to appear the right attitude, awareness of future unity with Christ.

Preparing for confession and communion is not a one-day procedure, so you need to know exactly what to do and when. This is exactly what the article will discuss.

What is the Sacrament of Communion?

Before you figure out where the preparation for communion begins (this is especially important for beginners), you should know what kind of sacrament it is in general. Christ first accepted it and commanded his followers to repeat it. The first communion took place at the Last Supper on the eve of his crucifixion.

Before the sacrament, a divine service is necessarily performed, which is called the Divine Liturgy, or Eucharist, which is translated from Greek as “thanksgiving.” It was this action that Christ performed in the distant past before giving communion to his disciples.

Thus, preparation for communion should include memories of these distant ancient events. All this allows you to tune in to the right mood, which will undoubtedly lead to a deeper acceptance of the Sacrament.

How often should you take communion?

Preparation for communion (especially for those who do it infrequently or for the first time) should include the concept of how many times you can participate in this sacrament. Here you should know that this action is voluntary, so you should in no way force yourself to do it. The main thing is to come to communion with a pure and light heart, when you want to join the Mystery of Christ. Those who are in any doubt should consult a priest.

It is recommended to start communion if you are internally ready for it. That Christian who lives with faith in God can perform this sacrament at every liturgy. If there are still doubts in your heart, but you believe in God and are on this path, then you can receive communion once a week or month. As a last resort during every major post. However, all this must be regular.

It should also be noted that, according to ancient sources, it was advisable to perform communion daily, but it would be good to do it four times a week (Sunday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Those who are just embarking on the path of the Christian faith should know that there is one day in the year - Maundy Thursday (before Easter), when communion is simply necessary, this is a tribute ancient tradition, where it all started. It is also written about in the article above.

Some clergy believe that frequent reception of the sacrament is unacceptable. However, it should immediately be said that, according to canonical laws, they are wrong. Here you need to look very deeply into a person and see how much he really needs this action. In addition, communion should not be mechanical. Therefore, if it is performed frequently, then the layman must constantly keep himself in good shape and be ready to accept the Gifts. Not everyone can do this, so what is described in this article about preparation should happen regularly. Constant prayers, confession and observance of all fasts. The priest should know about all this, since such a life cannot really be hidden.

Prayer rule before communion

So, now let’s take a more specific look at all the points that need to be taken into account before preparing for communion. First of all, it should be noted that home prayer before the Sacrament is very important. In the Orthodox Prayer Book there is a special sequence that is read before communion. This is preparation for communion. The prayers that are read before this, not only at home, but also in church, are also included in the preparation for the Sacrament. It is imperative to attend the service immediately before the Sacrament, but in general it is advisable to do this every day.

  • prayer canon of the Mother of God;
  • penitential canon to Jesus Christ;
  • canon to the Guardian Angel.

Thus, conscious preparation for communion and confession, prayers from pure heart will be able to help the believer understand the importance of the Sacrament and spiritually prepare for this miracle.

Fasting before communion

It is equally important to fast before communion. This is a must. After all, Holy Communion, preparation for which must take place consciously, is a very important rite, and it should not be mechanical, otherwise there will be no benefit from it.

So, those believers who regularly observe multi-day and one-day fasts are entitled only to the so-called liturgical fast. Its meaning is not to eat food or drink from twelve o'clock at night before receiving the Sacrament. This fast continues in the morning (i.e., communion occurs on an empty stomach).

For those parishioners who do not observe any fasts, as well as those who have just joined Orthodoxy, the priest can establish a seven-day or three-day fast before communion. All such nuances should be additionally agreed upon in the church and you should not be afraid to ask about them.

How to behave, what thoughts to avoid before the Sacrament

When preparation for communion begins, one must realize one’s sins in full. But in addition to this, to prevent them from becoming more numerous, you need to refrain from various amusements, for example, visiting the theater or watching TV. Spouses must renounce physical contact the day before communion and on the day of taking it.

Particular attention should be paid to your mood, behavior and thoughts. Make sure not to judge anyone, discard obscene and evil thoughts. Don't give in bad mood, irritation. Free time should be spent in solitude, indulging in reading spiritual books or prayer (as far as possible).

It should be noted that the most important thing for accepting the Holy Gifts of Christ is repentance. A person must sincerely repent of his actions. This is exactly what you need to focus your attention on. Fasting, prayer, reading scriptures are just means to achieve this state. And we need to remember this.

How to prepare for confession

Confession before communion is very important. Make this request to the priest of the church in which you are going to receive the Sacrament. Preparing for communion and confession is a special mindset aimed at correcting one’s sins, one’s bad behavior and unclean thoughts, as well as keeping track of everything that contradicts and violates the Commandments of the Lord. Everything that was found and consciously should be confessed. But remember to be sincere, do not turn the conversation with the priest into simply a formal listing of sins on a list.

So, why is such serious preparation for confession and communion necessary? You should realize your sins in advance in order to know what to tell the priest about. It often happens that a believer comes, but does not know what to say, where to start. You also need to tune in to the fact that the priest is just a guide; the Sacrament of Repentance remains with him and the Lord. Therefore, there is no need to feel embarrassed when talking about your sins. This is necessary to cleanse yourself and continue living freely.

Confession before communion: awareness of sins

So, the preparation for confession and communion is over. But the hardest part is yet to come. When you come to confession, open your heart without waiting for the priest’s questions. Tell us everything that weighs on your soul. Perform this action better in the evening, on the eve of the liturgy, although it would not be a mistake to do this in the morning before it.

If you are going to receive communion for the first time, it is better to confess the day before. This is necessary so that the priest has time to listen to you. If you want to confess in the morning, then choose a day when there are few people. For example, on Sunday there are a lot of parishioners in the church, so the priest will not be able to listen to you in detail. After confessing your sins, you should adhere to the right way and strive with all our might not to commit them in the future, otherwise what was the meaning of this spiritual conversation?

Communion day. What to do?

On the day of communion, you need to follow some rules. As mentioned above, you need to go to the temple on an empty stomach. If you smoke, then you need to abstain from cigarettes until you accept the Gifts of Christ. In church, when the moment comes for them to be taken out, you need to approach the altar, but let the children pass first if they have come, since they receive communion first.

There is no need to be baptized near the Chalice; you just need to bow in advance, crossing your arms over your chest. Before accepting gifts, you need to say your christian name, and then eat them immediately.

What should be done after a person has received communion?

The rules for preparing for communion also include knowledge of what needs to be done after the Sacrament has taken place. Kiss the edge of the Chalice and go to the table with prosphora to eat a piece. Do not leave the church until you kiss the altar cross that the priest will hold.

Also in the temple they read thanksgiving prayers that need to be listened to. As a last resort, you can read them at home yourself. Keep the purity you have received inside your soul. Each time this will happen easier and easier.

What you should know about giving communion to children and the sick

It should be said that young children (up to the age of seven) receive communion without confession. Also, they do not need to prepare the way an adult does (fasting, prayer, repentance). Those infants who have received baptism receive communion on the same day or during the nearest liturgy that follows their baptism.

Exceptions are also made for patients. They don't have to prepare the way they do healthy people, however, if possible, you should at least confess. But if the patient cannot do this, then the priest reads “I believe, Lord, and I confess.” After which he immediately gives communion.

In church practice, parishioners who are temporarily excommunicated from communion, but are on their deathbed or in danger, are not denied the acceptance of the Holy Gifts. However, upon recovery (if this happens), the ban continues to apply.

Who cannot take communion

Preparation for communion for beginners includes knowing who cannot receive it. This will be discussed below:

  • those who have not confessed cannot receive communion (with the exception of children under seven years of age);
  • parishioners who have been excommunicated from receiving the Holy Sacraments also cannot receive communion;
  • those who are insensible;
  • parishioners who are insane and possessed if they blaspheme in their fits (if this does not happen, then you can give communion, but this should not happen every day);
  • spouses who had an intimate life on the eve of receiving the Sacraments;
  • Women who are menstruating cannot receive communion.

A brief reminder for those taking communion and confessing

So, now let’s summarize all the moments that arise when preparing for confession and communion. The reminder will help you not to forget all the steps.

  1. Consciousness of sin.
  2. Repentance is perfect, a special state when you have forgiven everyone and do not feel evil.
  3. Preparing for confession. Here you need to reconsider what sins there may be: in relation to God, loved ones, to yourself (smoking, for example), carnal sins, those that relate to the family (infidelity and the like).
  4. Correct and sincere, without concealment, confession.
  5. Post if necessary.
  6. Prayers.
  7. Direct communion.
  8. Further retention of purity and Christ in the body.

Separately, it is necessary to say about how to behave in church during communion.

  1. Don't be late for the liturgy.
  2. You need to cross yourself when opening the royal doors, then fold your hands crosswise. Approach and move away from the Chalice in the same way.
  3. Approach from the right side, and the left should be free. Don't push.
  4. Communion should take place in turn: bishop, presbyters, deacons, subdeacons, readers, children, adults.
  5. Women must come to the temple without lipstick.
  6. Before accepting the Gifts of Christ, do not forget to say your name.
  7. People do not cross themselves directly before the Chalice.
  8. It happens that the Holy Gifts are given from two or more Chalices. In this case, you should choose one, since receiving communion more than once a day is considered a sin.
  9. At home, after communion, you need to read prayers of thanksgiving, if you did not listen to them in church.

Now, perhaps, you know all the stages that include communion in church and preparation for it. It is very important to approach this consciously, with deep faith in your heart. The most important thing is repentance for your sins, which must be true, and not just in words. But you shouldn’t stop there either. You need to reject sin from life as something alien, understand that it is impossible to live like this, realize that lightness can only come with purity.

In conclusion

So, as we see, preparation for communion is a serious stage before the Sacrament itself. All recommendations must be followed in order to come ready to receive the Gifts of Christ. It is necessary to realize in advance the importance of this moment, which is why more diligent prayer is required. Fasting will help a believer cleanse his body, and confession to a priest will help him cleanse his soul. Conscious preparation for communion and confession will help the parishioner to understand that this Sacrament is not at all one of the many rites, but something deeper. This is a special communication with the Lord, as a result of which the life of a Christian changes dramatically.

However, it should be taken into account (this is important primarily for those parishioners who have just set out on the path of repentance) that it is impossible to fix everything at once. If you have been building up a sinful burden for decades, then you need to get rid of it gradually. And taking communion is the first step on this path.

The Orthodox faith teaches Christians how to confess correctly. This ritual is associated with ancient events, when the Apostle Peter left the bishop’s house and retired into seclusion after realizing his sin before Christ. He denied the Lord and repented for it.

Likewise, each of us needs to realize our sins before the Lord and be able to present them to the priest in order to sincerely repent and receive forgiveness.

To learn how to confess correctly in church, it is necessary to prepare the soul and body, and then we will tell you how to do it.

Before you go to church, try to understand a few things for yourself important points . Especially if you decide to confess for the first time. So, what questions most often arise in a person on the eve of confession?

When can I go to confession?

Confession means a sincere conversation with God through the mediation of a priest. According to church canons, people are attracted to confession from childhood, from the age of seven. Believers confess after the main service, near the lectern. People who decide to be baptized or get married also begin confession before God.

How often should you go to confession?

It depends true desire a person and his personal willingness to speak openly about his sins. When a Christian came to confess for the first time, this does not mean that after that he became sinless. We all sin every day. Therefore, the awareness of our actions lies with us. Some people confess every month, some before major holidays, and some during Orthodox posts and before your birthday. Here The main thing is to understand why I need this, what positive lesson this can teach me in the future.

How to confess, what to say?

Here it is important to address the priest sincerely, without false shame. What does this statement mean? A person who has decided to sincerely repent must not just list what sins he has committed for lately and even more so, immediately look for an excuse for them.

Remember, you came to church not to hide your bad deeds, but to to receive the blessing of the holy father and begin your new, spiritual life.

If you have been wanting to confess for a long time, you can calmly think about what to say to the priest at home in advance. Better yet, write it down on paper. Place the “10 Commandments” in front of you, remember the 7 deadly sins.

Don't forget that anger, adultery, pride, envy, and gluttony are also on this list. This also includes visiting fortune tellers and clairvoyants, watching television programs with inappropriate content.

How should you dress for confession?

The robe should be simple, meeting all the laws of Christianity. For women - a closed blouse, a skirt or dress no higher than the knee, and a headscarf is required. For men - trousers, shirt. Be sure to remove your headdress.

Is it possible to confess at home?

Of course, God hears our prayers everywhere and, as a rule, forgives us in case of true repentance. However in church we can receive that very grace-filled power, which will help us fight temptations in subsequent situations. We are embarking on the path of our spiritual rebirth. And this happens precisely during the Sacrament called confession.

How to confess for the first time?

The first confession, like all subsequent times when you decide to confess in church, requires some preparation.

First, you need to prepare yourself mentally. It would be right if you spend some time alone with yourself, turn to the Lord in prayer. It is also recommended to fast on the eve of confession. Confession is like a medicine that heals both body and soul. A person is spiritually reborn and comes to the Lord through forgiveness. You can start confession without communion, but your faith in the Lord must be unshakable.

Secondly, it is best to agree on the holding of the Sacrament of Confession in advance. On the appointed day, come to the church for the Divine service, and at the end of it, go to the lectern, where confession usually takes place.

  1. Warn the priest that you will be making confession for the first time.
  2. The priest will read opening prayers, which serve as some preparation for the personal repentance of each of those present (there may be several of them).
  3. Next, everyone approaches the lectern where the icon or crucifix is ​​located and bows to the ground.
  4. After this, a personal conversation between the priest and the confessor takes place.
  5. When your turn comes, tell about your sins with sincere repentance, without going into unnecessary details and details.
  6. You can write down on a piece of paper what you would like to say.
  7. Do not be afraid and do not be embarrassed - Confession is given in order to gain God's grace, repent for what you have done and never repeat it again.
  8. At the end of the conversation, the confessor kneels, and the priest covers his head with an epitrachelion - a special fabric - and reads a prayer of permission.
  9. After this, you must kiss the Holy Cross and the Gospel as a sign of love for the Lord.

How to take communion in church?

It is also very important for a modern person to know how to take communion in church, since the Sacrament of Communion in the Holy Chalice connects a Christian with God and strengthens true faith in Him. Communion was established by the Son of God himself. The Bible says that Jesus Christ blessed and divided the bread among His disciples. The apostles accepted the bread as the body of the Lord. Then Jesus divided the wine among the apostles, and they drank it as the blood of the Lord shed for the sins of mankind.

Going to church the night before big holiday or before your name day, you need to know how to properly confess and receive communion. This spiritual sacrament plays the same important role in a person’s life as the rite of wedding or baptism. You are not supposed to take communion without confession because their relationship is very strong. Repentance or confession clears the conscience and makes our soul bright before the eyes of the Lord. That's why communion follows confession.

During confession, it is necessary to sincerely repent and decide to begin a humble, pious life in accordance with all Christian laws and rules. Communion, in turn, sends God's Grace to a person, revives his soul, strengthens his faith and heals his body.

How to prepare for the sacrament of communion?

  1. Before communion it is necessary to pray fervently, read spiritual literature and keep a three-day fast.
  2. The night before, it is recommended to attend the evening service, where you can also make confession.
  3. On the day of communion, you must come to the morning Liturgy.
  4. After singing the Lord's Prayer, the Holy Chalice is brought to the altar.
  5. Children receive communion first, then adults.
  6. You must approach the Chalice very carefully, crossing your arms over your chest (right over left).
  7. Then the believer says his Orthodox name and reverently accepts the Holy Gifts - drinks water or wine from the Chalice.
  8. After which the bottom of the Cup should be kissed.

Living in modern society Everyone should confess and receive communion from time to time Orthodox man who wants to cleanse his soul and draw closer to the Lord.

Communion(Greek κοινωνία (kinonia) - communion; μετάληψις - acceptance) ( - from Greek Εὐχαριστία (eucharist) - thanksgiving) - in which bread and wine are transformed into the true Body and true Blood of our Lord, after which believers consume leaving them behind and into Eternal Life.

In the early Church, communion was also called “kinonia”, ( communication), i.e. communication of people with God and in God, i.e. abiding in His and.

The Savior Himself said: “Whoever eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood has eternal life, and I will resurrect him on the Last Day” (). With these words, the Lord pointed out the need for all Christians to closely unite with Him in the Sacrament of Communion.

Who can a priest not allow to receive Communion?

Those whose sins fall under the Church canons prohibiting communion. The basis for a ban on communion for a certain period may be a grave sin (fornication, murder, theft, witchcraft, renunciation of Christ, obvious heresy, etc.), or a moral state completely incompatible with communion (for example, refusal to reconcile with a repentant offender ).

What is Communion?

Archpriest Evgeny Goryachev

Presenter. What is Communion? Is this a Sacrament? Ritual? Sacrament? Magic or witchcraft?
Father Evgeniy. Good question. speaks to some extent in a language that is very understandable to all people, but up to a certain point. After this moment, the language of conventions, the iconic language, the sacred language begins. The term “Communion,” as well as the synonyms: Eucharist, Holy Gifts, Body and Blood of Christ, refer precisely to this. Returning to your question, I would say that, of course, in history, by people who were not inside the ritual circle, that is, by those who perceived it from the inside, being church members, the Sacrament of the Eucharist was perceived both as a rite, and as magic, and as witchcraft . The famous novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "Resurrection" directly indicates that this is something barbaric: "They eat their God." This is something connected with paganism, with some kind of infernal antiquity, it cannot be perceived modern man. But this, of course, does not relate to this as external people think about it, and from some times Tolstoy became external in relation to the Church, but they perceive it as the Holy Scriptures, and tradition, and the Lord, the Establisher of this Sacrament, teach about it. Jesus Christ. I have already spoken this word - “sacrament”. The Church perceives this as something mysterious, which we cannot fully explain, but simply share the experience of every Christian who absorbs the Holy Gifts in this sacred rite. To put it very briefly, I would say that the Sacraments differ from other commandments of God in that they do not talk about ethics, but about mysticism. They are given to us precisely so that ethics becomes real, not an abstraction that we look at and say: “Yes, it’s beautiful, yes, it’s right, but I can’t do it.” Everyone probably remembers the fresco of the Sistine Chapel “The Creation of Adam”, where the Divine hand reaches out to meet the human hand. So, I would say this: The Sacraments, including Communion, are given by God so that our human weakness receives support in the Divine fortress. God from eternity stretches out his hand in order to support the weak hand of man. And all the Church Sacraments, starting from Baptism and ending with Wedding and Unction - they are addressed precisely to this. God supports us, including through the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Presenter. What does "Body and Blood" mean? What is this – cannibalism?
Father Evgeniy. This may be perceived as such if we proceed from the linguistic context, but if we turn to Biblical history, then we see that the One who established this Sacrament, our Lord Jesus Christ, refers listeners to the most ancient Biblical story: “Your fathers ate manna in the wilderness and died; the bread that I will give you will be yours for eternal life.” “Give us this bread every day,” said the Jews. “I am the bread that came down from heaven,” says the Lord Jesus Christ, “whoever eats my Body and drinks my Blood will have life in himself.” These terms sound: Body and Blood, but whenever we eat meat, no matter whose: pork, beef, venison, rabbit - we always taste dead separateness. And at the Last Supper, not the dead, but the living Christ pointed to the bread and said: “This is my body.” Not dead, but living Christ pointed to the cup of wine and said: “This is my Blood.” What is the essence of the Sacrament? In a way inexplicable to man, the whole living Christ was united with this bread and this wine, therefore we partake not of a dead individual, but of the whole living Christ.

Presenter. Still, why - Communion?
Father Evgeniy. Indeed, this is very interesting. Communion. We see in this word, as it were, two sides: the prefix and, in fact, the root itself, “part,” that is, we join something, become parts of something larger. The Apostle Paul said: “Do you not know that you are fellow members of Christ?” What does it mean? In the usual order of laws, we eat so that what we eat becomes us. If a person is not very picky about the amount of food he eats, then he can use the scale to track how much weight he has gained after sitting at the table. In the Church Sacrament, the order of laws is exactly the opposite. It is not food that becomes us, but we become what we partake of. That’s why we say: “Communion,” we become part of something larger.

Presenter. Can everyone receive communion?
Father Evgeniy. Of course, yes, but for this you need to meet several conditions. Of course, a person must be baptized, because the pass, forgive me for this image, to participation in mystical life For the Church, the pass to the rest of the Sacraments is baptism. The Church cannot admit an unbaptized person to the Sacrament, because this would be violence against him. If he has not expressed his desire to be a Christian, offering him a purely Christian pastime, spiritual mysticism - this will be a violation of his freedom. But, even if a person was baptized in childhood, but has lost faith or perceives Communion as a magical rite, or he has some other motives and considerations in this regard, then the Church reminds that Communion in this case can not only ennoble and heal person, but may be to his detriment. By the way, Judas, a participant in the Last Supper, also took communion, and it is said about him that “Satan entered into him with this piece.” Why? The greatest shrine, which should ennoble, transform, and heal, at the same time becomes for Judas a path to worst life. Because in his heart he already carried the desire to betray the Savior. Priest coming out with Eucharistic chalice, always says the same words: “Approach with the fear of God and faith.” With faith that this is truly the Body and Blood of Christ. And with fear, because you can receive communion not for improvement, not for healing, but for judgment and condemnation.
As for reality, here, it seems to me, the Christian tradition was divided into two unequal camps, and Orthodoxy went in the middle between them. Protestants began to say that Communion should be perceived as a kind of symbol, behind which there is no reality, as a convention. Christ speaks of himself in the Gospel as a door, but we do not perceive him as a door. He speaks of a vine, this does not mean that He is a vine branch. Likewise, Communion is a convention and nothing more. There is another extreme, which perceives this as naturalism of an exaggerated form: this is meat and blood. In this case, it is indeed legitimate to talk about anthropophagy, this is cannibalism in pure form. As I have already said, Orthodoxy chooses the middle path, which does not dare to say that it is only a symbol. This is a symbol, but behind this symbol there is reality. And he does not dare to talk about naturalism, because in this case we partake of dead separateness. I repeat: the living Christ enters a person in order to transform him, but everything depends on the state of the soul in which a person receives communion. Every person can receive Communion if he is baptized, but the fruits of this Communion depend on the moral component of each individual person.

Presenter. If a person is baptized and believes in the truth of the Holy Gifts, are there any additional conditions necessary to receive Holy Communion?
Father Evgeniy. Absolutely right, such conditions are needed. If a person is baptized, and if at the same time he has no doubt that this is the Body and Blood of Christ, the Holy Gifts, the Church still requires additional preparation from him. It consists of attending worship services, reading the Holy Scriptures, and finally, fasting. Why is this necessary? When we sit down at a regular table, at best we read a short prayer, and in the worst case, we simply cross ourselves and eat food, nothing more. But the fact is that no matter how connected the Holy Gifts and any other products are in their substantial form, they are ultimately food. We still say that this is special food, and since it is special, then our preparation for it is expressed in the fact that we tune our soul in a certain way. After all, the body and soul are very closely connected. We receive communion in order to obtain a result in the soul, but before we receive communion, we influence our body and our soul so that the Holy Gifts cause the necessary echo. Not in the sense that this is some kind of magic: if you read so many prayers or fast, and then the grace of the influence of the Holy Gifts will be so and so, but if you did less, there will be less. No, but because we prove to God - as, say, we prove our love to a bride, or our care to a sick mother - we prove to God that we are in awe of this Sacrament. We are afraid to desecrate the gift that God has given us with our unworthiness. Although, of course, a painful perception of the topic of unworthiness should not lead us into the area where a person, due to pseudo-piety, does not receive communion at all. I think that if you perceive Communion as a medicine, then a person, approaching the cup, holds in his mind one simple thought: “I am not worthy, Lord, make me worthy.”

Presenter. How often should you take communion?
Father Evgeniy. If we talk about the church-legal side, then if a person prays, tries to fulfill the commandments, reads the Holy Scriptures, does good deeds, but does not receive communion, then we're talking about only about the greater or lesser degree of his falling away from the fullness of the Church. Because the Lord said: “If you do not receive communion, you will not have My life in you.” If we talk about technical side affairs, then it seems to me that this mood that I spoke about, the desire to meet with God, to meet in order to fulfill the commandment and receive renewal - it must be multiplied by an internal self-disciplining attitude. Why? Because there can be an addiction in this case too, if a person, figuratively speaking, steps into Communion, opening the door with his foot, then he needs to take a break. When he receives communion with trembling and feels that this trembling has not left his soul, he can do this at least every week.

Abbot Peter (Meshcherinov):
The Gospel preaches to us the words of Christ: I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly (). I am the way and the truth and the life (). The Lord, wanting to unite us with Himself, to give us this “life in abundance,” chose for this not some kind of mental-intellectual or aesthetic-cultural method, but the simplest, most natural way for a person - through eating.
Just as food enters us and dissolves in us, penetrates to the last cell of our body, so the Lord wanted to penetrate into us to our very last molecule, to unite with us, to join us, so that we too would fully join Him.
The human mind refuses and is unable to understand terrible depth this action of God; truly, this is the love of Christ, which surpasses all understanding (see).

priest Alexander Torik:
It should be noted that in some cases, usually due to the lack of faith of the priest or those praying, the Lord allows a miracle to happen - bread and wine to become real human flesh and blood (such cases are even provided for in the priestly “Servant” in the instructions for priests, called “Teaching News”, in the section on unforeseen cases).
Usually, after some time, flesh and blood again take on the form of bread and wine, but there is a known exception: in Italy, in the city of Lanciano, Flesh and Blood with miraculous properties, into which bread and wine were transformed, have been preserved for many centuries. Divine Liturgy ().

saint († 1923):
“Take Communion more often and do not say that you are unworthy. If you talk like that, you will never receive communion, because you will never be worthy. Do you think that there is at least one person on earth worthy of receiving the Holy Mysteries? No one deserves this, and if we do receive communion, it is only by the special mercy of God. We are not created for communion, but communion is for us. It is we, sinners, unworthy, weak, who more than anyone else need this saving source... I give you communion often, I proceed from the purpose of introducing you to the Lord, so that you feel how good it is to be with Christ.”

saint righteous John Kronstadt:
It is a disaster for the soul to not partake of the Holy Mysteries for a long time: the soul begins to stink of passions and sins, the power of which increases the longer we wait to receive the Sacrament of Communion.