The most terrible inhabitants of the ocean depths. The most incredible deep sea fish on earth

Nautical fauna is the kingdom of many millions of living beings. Those who have at least once descended into the depths of the sea were amazed by the enchanting beauty and bizarre forms of the underwater world.

Amazing fish, fabulous algae, creatures that are sometimes difficult to distinguish from plants. For example, sponges. For a long time scientists argued, where to classify them, animals or plants. After all, sponges have no bark, no stomach, no brain, no nerves, no eyes - nothing that makes it possible to immediately say that this is an animal.

photo: Jim McLean


Sponges are primitive multicellular animals that mainly live in the seas and oceans, from the very shore to great depths, clinging to the bottom or to underwater rocks. There are more than 5,000 species of these animals. Most of them are heat-loving animals, but some have adapted to harsh conditions Arctic and Antarctic.

Sponges have a variety of shapes: some look like a ball, others like tubes, and others like glasses. They are not only different shapes, but also have different colors: yellow, orange, red, green, blue, black and others.

The body of the sponge is very uneven, easily tears, crumbles, and everything is penetrated by numerous holes and pores through which water penetrates and brings oxygen and food to the sponges - small planktonic organisms.

photo: Katalin Szomolanyi

Despite the fact that the sponge does not move and cannot even move, it is very tenacious. Sponges don't have many enemies. Their skeleton consists of a large number of needles, which protect the sponges. In addition, if a sponge is divided into many particles, even into cells, it will still connect and live.

During the experiment, two sponges were separated into parts and united into two former sponges, with each part of the sponge uniting with its own. The life expectancy of sponges is different. It is short in freshwater - a few months, in others - up to 2 years, and some of them are long-lived - up to 50 years.


Corals, or more precisely coral polyps, are primitive marine invertebrate animals that belong to the type of coelenterates. The coral polyp itself is a small animal, shaped like a grain of rice covered with tentacles. Each small polyp has its own known skeleton - corallites. When the polyp dies, the connected corallites form a reef on which the polyps settle again, changing generation after generation. This is how reefs grow.

photo: Charlene

Coral colonies amaze with their beauty; sometimes they form real underwater gardens and reefs. There are three types: 1) rocky or limestone, living in colonies and forming coral reefs 2) soft corals 3) horn corals - gorgonians, which are distributed from the polar regions to the equator.

Most corals can be found in the waters of tropical seas, where the water is never colder than + 20 degrees. Therefore, there are no coral reefs in the Black Sea.

Now science knows more than 500 species coral polyps that form reefs. Most corals live in shallow waters and only 16 percent reach depths of 1000m.


Although corals create strong reefs, the polyps themselves are very delicate, vulnerable creatures. Corals lie on the bottom or grow in the form of individual bushes and trees. They come in yellow, red, purple and other colors and reach a height of 2 m and a width of 1.5 m. They need a clean one salt water. Therefore, near the mouths large rivers, which carry a lot of fresh muddy water into the ocean, corals do not live.

Sunlight plays an important role in the life of corals. This is due to the fact that microscopic algae live in the tissues of the polyps, which provide respiration to the coral polyps.

Corals feed on small marine plankton that stick to the animals' tentacles, and then pull prey into the mouth, which is located under the tentacles.

Sometimes the ocean floor rises (for example, after an earthquake), then a coral reef comes to the surface and forms an island. Gradually it is populated by plants and animals. These islands are also inhabited by people. For example, ocean islands.

Starfish, urchins, lilies

All these animals belong to the phylum Echinodermata. They are very different from other types of animals.

Echinoderms live in salt water, so they inhabit only seas and oceans.

Starfish have 5, 6, 7, 8 and even 50 “rays”. At the end of each is a tiny eye that can sense light. Starfish come in bright colors: yellow, orange, red, purple, less often green, blue, gray. Sometimes starfish reach a size of 1 m across, small ones - a few millimeters.

photo: Roy Ellis

Starfish swallow small shellfish whole. When a large mollusk comes across, she hugs it with her “rays” and begins to pull valve after valve off the mollusk. But this is not always possible. The star is able to digest food from the outside, so a 0.2 mm gap is enough for the star to push its stomach in! They are capable of attacking even live fish with their stomachs. The fish swims with the star for some time, gradually digesting it while still alive!

Sea urchins Omnivores, they eat dead fish, small starfish, snails, mollusks, their own relatives and algae. Sometimes hedgehogs settle in granite and basalt rocks, making a small hole for themselves with their incredibly strong jaws.

photo: Ron Wolf

sea ​​lilies- creatures that really look like a flower. They are found on the ocean floor and lead a sedentary lifestyle as adults. There are more than 600 species, most of which are stemless.

Jellyfish- unique marine animals that inhabit all seas and oceans on Earth.

The bodies of most jellyfish are transparent, as they are 97 percent water.

Adult animals do not look like young jellyfish. First, the jellyfish lays eggs, from which larvae emerge, and from them a polyp grows, which resembles an amazing bush. After some time, small jellyfish break away from it and grow into an adult jellyfish.

photo: Mukul Kumar

Jellyfish come in a variety of colors and shapes. Their sizes range from a few millimeters to two and a half meters, and the tentacles sometimes reach 30 m in length. They can be found both on the surface of the sea and on great depth, which sometimes reaches 2000m. Most jellyfish are very beautiful, they seem to be creatures that are not capable of offending. However, jellyfish are active predators. There are special capsules on the tentacles and in the mouth of the jellyfish that paralyze the prey. In the middle of the capsule there is a long coiled “thread”, armed with spikes and a poisonous liquid, which is thrown out when the victim approaches. For example, if a crustacean touches a jellyfish, it will immediately stick to the tentacle and poisonous stinging threads will be inserted into it, paralyzing the crustacean.

photo: Miron Podgorean

Jellyfish venom affects humans differently. Some jellyfish are quite safe, others are dangerous. The latter includes the cross jellyfish, the size of which does not exceed an ordinary five-kopeck coin. On her transparent yellow-green umbrella you can see a dark cross-shaped pattern. Hence the name of this very poisonous jellyfish. Having touched the cross, a person receives a severe burn, then loses consciousness and begins to suffocate. If timely assistance is not provided, a person may die. Jellyfish move thanks to the contraction of a dome-shaped umbrella. In one minute they carry out up to 140 such movements, so they can move quickly. Jellyfish spend most of their time at the surface of the water. In 2002 in the central part Sea of ​​Japan A huge jellyfish was discovered. The size of her umbrella reached more than 3 m in diameter and a weight of 150 kg. Until now, such a giant has not been registered.

Interestingly, jellyfish of this species, measuring 1 m in diameter, began to be found in the thousands. Scientists cannot explain the reasons for their sudden increase. But it is believed that this is due to an increase in water temperature.

photo:Amir Stern

There are also many mammals that inhabit the oceans, seas and fresh water bodies. Some of them, like dolphins, spend their entire lives in water. Others go there mainly to search for food, as otters do. All aquatic animals are excellent swimmers, and some even dive to great depths. The size of land animals is limited by the strength of the limbs that can support the weight. In water, body weight is less than on land, which is why many species of whales have reached enormous sizes in the process of evolution.

photo: Alaska Region U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Four groups of mammals live in the seas and oceans. These are cetaceans (whales and dolphins), pinnipeds (seals, hares and walruses), sirenians (manatees and dugongs) and sea otters. Pinnipeds and sea otters come to land to rest and reproduce, while cetaceans and sirenians spend their entire lives in the water.

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DEEP-SEA ANIMALS, inhabitants of the World Ocean at depths from 200 to 11,022 m (Mariana Trench). There are faunas of the slope (bathial), the ocean floor (abyssal) and oceanic trenches (ultra-abyssal, or hadal, with a depth of more than 6000 m). The ocean floor accounts for about 55% of the Earth's surface and is the largest and least studied biotope. Great depths are characterized by high pressure (increases by 1 atmosphere every 10 m), lack of light, low temperature(2-4 °C), lack of food and a bottom covered with thin silty sediment. Main source nutrients, coming from the upper horizons of the water column - flows of organomineral particles and lumps (“sea snow”), as well as the remains of (pelagic) animals living in the water column (“rain of corpses”); in high latitudes, the sedimentation of phytodetritus plays an important role, especially intense during the period of “blooming” of water (in 3-4 days its flow reaches the bottom, forming a continuous layer up to 3 cm thick). The characteristics of the animal world of great depths are determined by living conditions. Thus, the most striking difference between deep-sea animals is the simplification of their organization and the presence of devices for holding on semi-liquid soil (flat body shape, long limbs - stilts, etc.). Among planktonic organisms there are many transparent forms. Bioluminescence is widely used for illumination and lure of prey (angler fish), camouflage, warning, scaring off or distracting predators (shrimp from the genus Acanthephyra and cuttlefish from the genus Netherotheutis release clouds of luminous liquid as a smoke screen), as well as to attract individuals of the opposite sex (barnacle crustaceans, octopuses of the genus Japetella). There is counter-illumination - “illumination” from below, making the organism invisible in dim lighting from above (in squid, shrimp, fish). Many pelagic crustaceans have a red coloration, which performs a protective function, since the visual organs of deep-sea predators do not perceive red color.

Among large forms living on the bottom are dominated by echinoderms, crustaceans, molluscs, polychaete worms. Maximum species diversity (perhaps even greater than in humid tropical forest) are distinguished by small animals (meiobenthos) with a size of 30-500 microns, among which nematodes and crayfish from the order Harpacticoids dominate. For macrobenthos, there is an increase in species diversity with depth. For example, in the North Atlantic greatest number species of polychaete worms, gastropods and bivalves and cumaceous crayfish occur at a depth of 2000-3000 m.

Below 10,000 m there are foraminifera, scyphoids of the genus Stephanoscyphus, sea anemones of the genus Galatheanthemum, nematodes of the genus Desmoscolex, polychaetes of the subfamily Macellicephalinae, echiurids of the genus Vitjazema, harpacticoids of the genus Bradya, isopods of the genus Macrostylis, amphipods of the genus Hirondella, bivalves of the genus Parayoldiella and Vesicomya, holothurians of the genus Prototrochus. At a depth of 6000-7000 m, long-tailed and lipariform fish live; at a depth of over 8000 m, erroneous fish are noted. Population densities at great depths are usually low, but aggregations of animals are known, for example the holothurian Kolga hyalina in the North Atlantic at a depth of 3800 m. Most deep-sea animals disperse with the help of larvae: either self-feeding (planktotrophic) or possessing a supply of nutrients (lecithotrophic). Floating high above the bottom (sometimes for kilometers), they are transported by deep-sea currents. Some deep-sea animals have developed viviparity and gestation of young. See also Hydrothermal fauna.

Lit.: Belyaev G.M. Deep-sea oceanic trenches and their fauna. M., 1989; Gage I. D., Tyler R. A. Deep-sea biology: a natural history of organisms at the deep-sea floor. Camb., 1991; Ecosystems of the deep ocean / Ed. R. A. Tyler. Amst.; L., 2003.

Almost the entire surface of the Earth has been studied by humans. But the depths of the sea hold mysteries that are revealed gradually. With the advent of opportunities to dive deeper into the abyss, we find unusual deep-sea creatures there. We would like to present some of them to you. Not all of them are beautiful to look at, but they cannot be denied their originality.

Jellyfish Atoll- a rather predatory creature living at a depth where sun rays do not penetrate, let alone divers. Its peculiarity is the ability to glow bright red. This happens when the jellyfish senses danger is approaching.

Blue Angel- a very small creature that can easily fit in the palm of a person. It has an amazing shape and color: it looks like a soaring angel, or a miniature dragon, blue on top and silver underneath. This camouflage helps him protect himself from predators, both in water and in the air. An angel can easily float to the surface of the sea by swallowing an air bubble.

One more thing sea ​​creature- Sponge-harp. As the name suggests, it is shaped like a harp, which clings to sea mud and uses its upper sticky tips to catch small prey.

Funny octopus Dumbo got its name due to its resemblance to the baby elephant from the Disney cartoon, although it is much smaller in size than an earthly mammal. When an octopus swims, it waves its fins, which are exactly like elephant ears. There is very little information about it, since its habitat is very deep.

In the cold depths of the sea oh lives the hairy Yeti crab. Its claws are covered with fur, making it look like a crab. Bigfoot. Living at great depths, where there is no light, made the yeti completely blind.

Strange fashionable fish The batfish lives at a depth of 200 meters. She does not know how to swim, but only moves her shell-covered body along the bottom, using her fin legs to move. She is called a fashionista for the bright red color of her slightly protruding lips, making her look quite funny.

Handsome slug Felimare Picta lives among. What makes it extravagant is its coloring and body shape: rich blue-yellow color body framed by a frill. It does not have its own house (like an ordinary mollusk), because it uses a special remedy for protection - acidic sweat secreted throughout the body. It is unlikely that anyone would want to get involved with such prey.

A mollusk lives in the Atlantic Ocean, which was nicknamed "Flamingo Tongue". He is inseparable from his shell, which he carefully guards with his own body and into which he hides in case of danger.

Seahorses whose bodies are “seated” with many leaves, they are called deciduous dragons. They are one of the best masters of mimicry. The leaves do not interfere at all and do not help it swim; the dragon moves with the help of two small fins.

The oceans are home to several million amazing species. sea ​​creatures. Given this enormous biodiversity, it is not surprising that these sea ​​creatures presented in all possible shapes, colors and sizes. Some of them, especially deep sea inhabitants, look scary and disgusting, but appearance others are simply breathtaking. Today we will take a closer look.

1. Mandarin fish(Synchiropus splendidus)

Found in tropical western waters Pacific Ocean, Mandarin duck is a small coral fish up to 6 cm long, known for its strange shape and beautiful intense coloring.

(Cerianthus Membranaceus)


Lives in various places In subtropical waters, trumpet anemone occurs in many different fluorescent shades and color combinations, making it a popular aquarium animal.

photo: Philippe Pourtallier

3. Flamingo tongue(Cyphoma gibbosa)

A resident of various Caribbean and Atlantic coral reefs, this colorful snail feeds on coral polyps.

4. Blue tang(Paracanthurus hepatus)

photo: Aaron Gilcrease

The fish is famous for its sharp spines on its tail, which are said to resemble a surgeon's scalpels.

5. Mantis crabs(Stomatopoda)


The waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans have become home to mantis crayfish. They are some of the most fascinating and colorful creatures in the sea. These beautiful crustaceans have the most complex eyes in the world.

6. French angel(Pomacanthus paru)

photo: Paul Asman

Native to the western Atlantic Ocean, as well as the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean, french angel- an amazing tropical fish with a dark color, which is perfectly complemented by yellow stripes.

7. Rag-picking seahorse(Phycodurus eques)

photo: Dmytro Kochetov

Discovered in Australian waters, this seahorse is one of the most unusual and fascinating sea creatures. Reaches up to 20 cm in length. He also gets into 25 Most Amazing Sea Creatures.

8. Sea spiders(Pantopoda)

Absolutely unrelated to what we are used to ordinary spiders, sea ​​spiders much simpler in form and function, but almost as common as their land-dwelling namesakes. These tiny marine arthropods come in over 1,300 species and can be found in most parts of the world.

9. Jellyfish flower cap(Olindias formosa)

photo: Josh More

Very rare species, which belongs to the class Hydrozoa, while true jellyfish belong to the class Scyphozoa. The flower cap can be found in the western Pacific Ocean off southern Japan, and has a painful sting.

10. Harlequin crab(Lissocarcinus laevis)

photo: René Cazalens

Among 25 Most Amazing Sea Creatures a stunning harlequin crab that occurs alongside sea anemones and trumpet anemones, near coastlines corals and rocky reefs.

11. Tulle apogon(Pterapogon kauderni)

A wonderful tropical fish with a silver coloration and vertical black stripes. Endangered Species, which is found only in a relatively small area around the island of Banggai in Indonesia.

(Aetobatus narinari)

photo: Xabier Mina

Reaching a width of up to 3 m, spotted bracken is an active swimmer and predator known to feed on invertebrates and small fish.

13. Clownfish(Amphiprion percula)

photo: Jun Ushiki

Bright orange in color with three distinctive white stripes, the clownfish is one of the most recognizable and popular of all reef inhabitants. The fish reaches approximately 11 cm in length.

14. Harlequin shrimp(Hymenocera picta)


Like many other vibrant species in 25 Most Amazing Sea Creatures, the harlequin shrimp is a popular aquarium inhabitant. This species has a white body with large spots. Males are slightly smaller than females.

15. Blue Dragon(Glaucus atlanticus)

Also known as blue glaucus and – poisonous mollusk. Measuring up to 3 cm in length, this curious animal is found in all temperate and tropical waters.

16. Discus fish(Symphysodon)

photo: Vera Le Bail

Originally from the Amazon River, discus fish is one of the most beautiful tropical fish in the world. Due to its distinctive shape and bright colors, it is called the “king of the aquarium”.

17. Venus anemone - sea anemone(Actinoscyphia aurelia)


Venus anemone, named after the Venus flytrap plant due to external resemblance and the feeding mechanism. This sea ​​anemone is a large deep-sea creature that feeds by trapping food in its "trap mouth".

18. Royal starfish(Astropectenarticulatus)

One of the most remarkable representatives of the family, royal starfish is a sea star that most often lives on the middle continental shelf of about 20-30 m in the western Atlantic. It is a carnivore that feeds on shellfish.

19. ClamBerghia coerulescens

photo: Rodrigo Pascual

A species of sea slug that can be found in the Central and Western Mediterranean, as well as the North Atlantic Ocean. This stunningly colorful creature reaches up to 7 cm in length.

20. Zebra lionfish(Pterois volitans)

One of the most iconic tropical fish, a popular delicacy in some parts of the world, but much more prized as an aquarium resident.

21. Long-snouted European seahorse(Hippocampus hippocampus)

Endemic Mediterranean Sea and parts of the North Atlantic, the long-snouted European seahorse is a medium-sized species, up to 13 cm high, that lives in shallow waters. troubled waters, in estuaries or meadows seaweed. An endangered species.

22. Painted triggerfish, or spiny rhinecanth(Rhinecanthus aculeatus)

photo: Joachim S. Müller

25 Most Amazing Sea Creatures presents a wonderful tropical fish, found on reefs in the Indo-Pacific region. The painted triggerfish feeds primarily on reef algae and algae. The fish's diet includes small crustaceans, worms, sea urchins and snails.

23. Green sea turtle(Chelonia mudas)

The green turtle is a large, heavy sea turtle with a wide, smooth shell. Weighing up to 320 kg, the green sea turtle is one of the largest sea ​​turtles in the world.

24. Mollusk Phyllidia Babai

photo: Iain Fraser

A species of nudibranch that is found in several areas of the Pacific Ocean, such as Papua New Guinea, South Korea and Australia.

25. Crown of thorns, or acanthaster(Acanthaster planci)

photo: Joey Jojo

A starfish that is found in the Indo-Pacific region. Despite its beautiful appearance, crown of thorns often considered a pest because large number these creatures pose a significant threat coral reefs, especially the Great Barrier Reef.

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Incredible facts

Oceans cover about 70 percent earth's surface and provide about half of the air we breathe thanks to microscopic phytoplankton.

Despite all this, the oceans remain the biggest mystery. Thus, 95 percent of the world's oceans and 99 percent of the ocean floor remain unexplored.

Here are examples of the most unimaginable creatures that live in the depths of the ocean.

1. Smallmouth macropinna

Smallmouth macropinna(Macropinna microstoma) belongs to a group of deep-sea fish that have developed a unique anatomical structure in order to fit your lifestyle. These fish are extremely fragile, and specimens of the fish that have been collected by fishermen and researchers are deformed due to pressure changes.

Most unique characteristic What makes this fish unique is its soft, transparent head and barrel-shaped eyes. Being usually fixed in an upward direction with green "lens caps" for filtration sunlight, the eyes of the Smallmouth Macropinna can rotate and extend.

In fact, what appear to be eyes are sensory organs. The real eyes are located under the forehead.

2. Bathisaurus

Bathysaurus ferox sounds like a dinosaur, which is not far from the truth. Bathysaurus ferox belongs to the deep-sea lizardheads that live in the tropical and subtropical seas of the world, at a depth of 600-3,500 m. Its length reaches 50-65 cm.

He is considered the deepest living super predator in the world and everything that comes in his way is immediately devoured. Once the jaws of this devilish fish slam shut, it's game over. Even her tongue is lined with razor-sharp fangs.

It is hardly possible to look at her face without shuddering, and it is even more difficult for her to find a mate. But this does not bother this formidable underwater inhabitant too much, since it has both male and female genital organs.

3. Viper fish

The viper fish is one of the most unusual deep-sea fish. Being known as common hauliod(Chauliodus sloani), it is one of the ocean's most ruthless predators. This fish is easily recognized by its large mouth and sharp fang-like teeth. In fact, these fangs are so large that they do not fit in her mouth, curling closer to her eyes.

The viper fish uses its sharp teeth to pierce its prey, swimming towards it at a very high speed. Most of these creatures have a stretchable stomach, which allows them to swallow fish larger than themselves in one sitting. At the end of its spine is a luminous organ that the fish uses to attract its prey.

It lives in tropical and temperate waters in different parts light at a depth of 2,800 m.

4. Deep Sea monkfish

Deep sea monkfish ( Deep Sea Anglerfish) looks like a creature from a science fiction world. It may be one of the ugliest animals on our planet and lives in the most inhospitable environment - the lonely, dark seabed.

There are more than 200 species monkfish, most of which live in the murky depths of the Atlantic and Antarctic oceans.

The monkfish lures its prey with its elongated dorsal spine, curving it around the bait, while the end of the spine glows to attract the unsuspecting fish to its mouth and sharp teeth. Their mouth is so large and their body so flexible that they can swallow prey twice their size.

5. Piglet squid

Known as Helicocranchia Pfefferi, this cute creature is a real outlet after the terrifying toothy fish, which are associated with deep-sea spaces. This species of squid lives about 100 m below the ocean surface. Due to its habitat in the deep ocean, its behavior has not been well studied. These inhabitants are not the fastest swimmers.

Their body is almost completely transparent, with the exception of some cells containing pigments called chromatophores, which give these inhabitants such a charming appearance. They are also known for their luminous organs called photophores, which are located under each eye.

6. Japanese spider crab

The spider crab's leg span reaches 4 meters, with a body width of about 37 cm and a weight of about 20 kg. Japanese spider crabs can live up to 100 years, as do the largest and oldest lobsters.

These subtle inhabitants of the seabed are ocean cleaners, dealing with dead deep-sea inhabitants.

The Japanese crab's eyes are located at the front with two horns between the eyes that shorten with age. As a rule, they live at depths of 150 to 800 m, but most often at a depth of 200 m.

Japanese spider crabs are considered a real delicacy, but lately The catch of these crabs is declining thanks to a program to protect these deep-sea species.

7. Drop fish

This fish lives off the coast of Australia and Tasmania at a depth of about 800 m. Considering the depth of the water in which it swims, the blob fish does not have a swim bladder, like most fish, as it is not very effective under high water pressure. Her skin is made of a gelatinous mass that is slightly denser than water, which allows her to float above the ocean floor without any hassle. The fish grows up to 30 cm in length, feeding mainly sea ​​urchins and shellfish that swim by.

Even though this fish is inedible, it is often caught along with other prey such as lobsters and crabs, putting it at risk of extinction. Distinctive external characteristic fish drop is her unhappy facial expression.

8. Tongue-Eating Woodlice

Surprisingly, the snapper himself does not suffer much from this process, continuing to live and eat after the woodlouse found him permanent place accommodation.

9. Frilled Shark

People have rarely encountered the frilled shark, which prefers to stay in the ocean depths of about 1,500 m below the ocean surface. Considered living fossils Frilled sharks actually share many of the characteristics of ancestors that swam the seas back to the time of the dinosaurs.

Frilled sharks are thought to capture their prey by bending their body and lunging forward like a snake. Its long, flexible jaw allows it to devour its prey whole, while its many small, needle-sharp teeth prevent its prey from escaping. It feeds mainly on cephalopods, as well as bony fish and sharks.

10. Lionfish (or Lionfish)

It is believed that the first lionfish or Pterois, with beautiful colors and large spiny fins, appeared in sea ​​waters on the shores of Florida in the early 90s of the last century. Since then they have spread throughout Caribbean Sea, becoming a real punishment for marine inhabitants.

These fish eat other species, and they seem to eat constantly. They themselves have long poisonous thorns , which protects them from other predators. IN Atlantic Ocean local fish are not familiar with them and do not recognize the danger, and the only species here that can eat them is the lion fish themselves, since they are not only aggressive predators, but also cannibals.

The venom released from their spines makes the bites even more painful, and for those who suffer from heart disease or allergic reactions, it can become fatal.