Keeping aquatic turtles at home. Central Asian tortoise

Before you get yourself quite unusual pet, you should definitely know how to keep a turtle at home. After all, good care is the key to a long and carefree life for a pet, not overshadowed by various diseases. In fact, creating suitable living conditions for a turtle is not difficult, you just need to approach care responsibly and competently.

Choosing a turtle species

Before learning how to keep a turtle at home, decide what type of reptile you will purchase. After all, it may differ somewhat from species to species, therefore, necessary care may also be different. The reptiles presented can be divided into two large type: land and water. They divide because they spend most of their time either in water or on land. Based on this, you need to make your choice. Reptiles should never be kept together different sizes or several males - fights are inevitable. It is worth considering that the species of which are very diverse, are somewhat different from their wild relatives. If you want to purchase several pets at once, it is better to buy reptiles of the same species and age (if they will be kept together). And when there is enough space, and you are able to create several homes at once, you can have different types turtles.

Choosing housing for a turtle

If you have purchased a reptile that lives in water, the question arises - how to keep a turtle in an aquarium? Home improvement is actually a very easy process. You must first choose an aquarium in which even an adult turtle will not feel crowded. It is worth remembering that aquatic reptiles still sometimes like to go onto land, so the aquarium must have a hill that the pet can easily climb onto. The water should be changed promptly to avoid contamination, and the aquarium itself should be cleaned periodically.

Land turtles love space, so choosing a spacious terrarium or enclosure will the best solution. You should not place a land turtle in an aquarium, even if there is some kind of island there. Reptiles are accustomed to spending most of their time on land, so water will be unnecessary for them. It’s better to provide your pet with a spacious home where he can move freely. The presence of soil will be an excellent addition to the overall arrangement of a terrarium or enclosure. The turtle will really like a home where it can move on solid ground.

Do you need a lamp?

Many along with the question " how to keep a turtle at home? wondering if reptiles need an ultraviolet lamp? The answer is clear - it is necessary. She contributes proper development pet, ultraviolet helps strengthen the shell and skeletal system pet. But it should be remembered that staying under too long ultraviolet rays can also harm the reptile. The optimal time is 2-3 hours a day.


Creating bedding is only relevant for land turtles. You need to arrange your pet’s place so that he feels comfortable. You can use moss or dry grass as bedding. You can study the living conditions of a turtle species in nature and, based on this information, create bedding. It is only worth remembering that the soil in the terrarium or enclosure and the bedding must be changed in a timely manner.


As you know, turtles living in water feed mainly on animal food. Land reptiles prefer food plant origin. However, when answering the question “how to keep a turtle at home?” There is no need to go to extremes when planning your diet. It is necessary to create a balanced diet, which will contain both animal and plant foods. Feed your pet fresh lettuce or dandelion leaves. The diet should include meat, both boiled and raw. To obtain vitamins more quickly, you can use various vitamin complexes. It is recommended to add bone meal which promotes the proper development of the pet. In general, when creating a diet for a turtle, include all possible foods. Make sure that food is never left in the feeder. After the food has been in the feeder for more than an hour and a half, it must be removed and the feeder itself must be washed.


Perhaps one of the main aspects of keeping a turtle at home is the temperature of the air or water in which the reptile is located. The structure of the turtle suggests the inability of reptiles to independently regulate body temperature. Turtles are cold-blooded animals, so they are very dependent on temperature. environment. Will need some support elevated temperature using an ordinary incandescent lamp placed in an enclosure or terrarium. Water heating systems are relevant for aquariums. It is worth understanding that a turtle should not be allowed to travel around an apartment or house often. Firstly, you will be able to step on your pet without noticing it due to its small size. Secondly, even the slightest draft of a reptile is enough to catch a cold. Thirdly, there are often cases when pets simply crawled away or climbed somewhere and died without water and food.

After studying all the materials, you should understand how to keep a turtle at home and create it optimal conditions accommodation. Just approach everything responsibly, in no case neglect the hygiene of the animal and its habitat, provide your pet with proper diet. With proper care, some individuals can live for more than thirty years, all this time actively communicating with the owner and delighting him with their presence.

At home, not only land, but also aquatic species of turtles are increasingly kept; accordingly, the food supply for this exotic pet must be selected in accordance with the species characteristics.

Nutritional features of turtles

Depending on the type of food, there are three main subgroups of pet turtles:

  • Carnivorous species in most cases feed on meat, but approximately 10% of the diet must necessarily consist of a variety of plant products. These species include many aquatic turtles, as well as young red-eared and swamp turtles;
  • herbivorous species need to feed on plants and vegetables, as well as fruits, but are occasionally used as food small quantity lean meat products. Such exotics include land Central Asian and Mediterranean species;
  • Omnivorous species eat equal amounts of meat products and basic plant crops. This group is represented by red-footed turtles.

It is necessary to feed pet turtles correctly, since with an incorrectly formulated diet, metabolism is noticeably impaired. The quality of life of the exotic deteriorates, and various diseases associated with the digestive system arise.

Herbivorous turtles

The main daily diet of a herbivorous turtle includes lettuce and cabbage, as well as dandelion leaves and forbs, the amount of which should be about 80% of the total diet.

Also, the main products may include vegetable crops, represented by zucchini, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes, the amount of which can reach 15% of the daily menu. The remaining 5-6% should be bananas, pears and apples, and berry crops.

The following products supplement the basic diet of herbivorous turtles:

  • champignons and other easily digestible types of edible mushrooms;
  • plant crops in the form of sorrel, plantain, coltsfoot, lawn grass, thistle leaves, above-ground parts of clover, peas and timothy, sprouted oats and speedwell;
  • fruits and berries in the form of orange, tangerine, mango, plum, apricot, peach and melon;
  • vegetables in the form of bell peppers, beets, onions, carrot tops, squash and pumpkin, artichoke and horseradish, as well as main legumes;
  • berries in the form of watermelon, strawberries and wild strawberries, raspberries and blackberries.

You also need to supplement your daily diet with bran, raw sunflower seeds, dry yeast and dry seaweed.

Important! Veterinarians and experienced owners of pet turtles recommend using special dry diets intended for feeding land breeds, produced under the well-established brands Wardley, Tetra and Sera.

Once a week, it is imperative to give your domestic exotic a hard-boiled egg, and once every four weeks - garden snails and slugs, or fairly large insects.

Predatory turtles

The main daily diet of a predatory turtle includes low-fat varieties of river and sea ​​fish, including pollock, hake, cod, navaga and perch meat, as well as fresh beef or chicken liver.

Such products are given to domestic exotics approximately once a week. Adult pets eat pieces of fish with the addition of finely crushed ridge. Young individuals need to cut food into fairly small pieces.

Supplements to the main diet of a predatory turtle include the following products:

  • raw seafood, including shelled shrimp, squid, octopus tentacles, mussels and oysters;
  • crab meat, frogs, feed hairless mice or laboratory rats;
  • land snails, large pond snails, apple snails and coil snails;
  • some insects, including beetles, feeding cockroaches, earthworms, mealworms, hairless caterpillars, bloodworms, tubifex and woodlice.

Plant components in the form of aquatic plants, fruits and vegetables, and some types of cabbage are also necessary for domestic turtles to fully develop.

  • beef fatty meat;
  • pork meat;
  • lamb meat;
  • sausage;
  • pates;
  • cheeses of any kind;
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • bakery products.

This is interesting! A very good result is obtained by using special industrial diets for feeding, which can be loose, granular, in the form of tablets or capsules, as well as flakes or fortified sticks.

Omnivorous turtles

The main daily diet of an omnivorous turtle includes plant foods and animal products given in equal volumes. Land omnivorous turtles need to be fed animal food in the form of food mice, baby rats and frogs, insects, snails and slugs, and aquatic ones - fish menu and seafood.

Plant foods for terrestrial exotics include terrestrial plants, vegetable crops, some fruits and vegetables, while aquatic species prefer algae and any other non-poisonous aquatic plants.

What, how and when to feed a turtle

This is interesting! Despite the fact that pet turtles are pets that are quite capable of doing without food products for several days, and sometimes several weeks, to maintain health, they need to be fed not only correctly, but also regularly.

A hungry pet constantly and very actively examines the bottom of the terrarium or aquarium. If the turtle is too long time refuses food, it is very important to show the exotic to a qualified veterinarian.

Among other things, loss of appetite is observed in animals that have recently been acquired or are adapting to unusual living conditions.

It is important to remember that the transfer of exotic foods from one type of diet to another must be done gradually, at least over a couple of weeks.

If one terrarium or aquarium contains several individuals of different ages, then it is imperative to control the feeding process so that all animals receive a sufficient amount of food.

Feeding land turtles

Land species of turtles feed, as a rule, on food of plant origin:

  • cabbage;
  • dandelion and lettuce leaves;
  • fresh carrots;
  • beets;
  • fresh apples and pears;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes.

From time to time it is necessary to supplement the diet of a land turtle with boiled chicken or quail egg. Among other things, such exotics should be given special calcium and vitamin supplements every day. These pets should be fed in moderation to completely eliminate the risk of overfeeding.

This is interesting! Turtles land species They readily eat meat, which must be doused with boiling water and cut into relatively small pieces.

Meat that has not undergone sufficient heat treatment can provoke salmonellosis in exotic meats. A young turtle must be taught to take food from tweezers.

Feeding aquatic turtles

For feeding young turtles aquatic species bloodworms, tubifex, dried daphnia and gammarus are most often used, earthworms, as well as special concentrates that are intended for feeding ordinary aquarium fish.

Large adult turtles require raw or cooked chicken or lean beef. Occasionally, you can feed the aquatic exotic fish fillet of sea fish boiled for a couple of minutes.

Important! The diet of a domestic turtle must necessarily include insects, including mealy bug larvae, domestic cockroaches and various beetles.

Older specimens tolerate plant food well in the form of almost any algae, with the exception of elodea and poisonous limnophila, as well as pond duckweed, thoroughly washed with boiled water. Lettuce leaves or dandelion leaves will also be a worthy replacement for seaweed.

All feed is poured directly into the water. The amount of feed should not be excessive, since uneaten food remains quickly rot in the aquatic environment, making the aquarium space unsuitable for exotic life.

You can periodically give your aquatic turtle live small aquarium fish.. Guppies and swordtails, as well as goldfish, are best suited for these purposes.

DIY turtle food

A very common and easy-to-make treat for pet turtles is a food mixture based on vegetable agar-agar or food gelatin of animal origin.

Such food can not only completely solve the issue of adequately feeding the turtle, but also allows you to make a diet pet as varied, nutritious and healthy as possible.

To prepare, you need to purchase the main ingredients presented:

  • cabbage – 50g;
  • apples – 50g;
  • carrots – 50g;
  • sea ​​fish – 145g;
  • a couple of raw eggs;
  • raw squid – 100g;
  • powdered milk – 150g;
  • gelatin – 30g;
  • clean drinking water– 150ml;
  • “Tetravit” – 20 drops;
  • “Calcium glycerophosphate” – 10 tablets.

Gelatin should be dissolved in water, which will provide the basis for a nutritional mixture, to which all of the above ingredients must be added, as well as crushed Calcium Glycerophosphate and Tetravit tablets.

Important! Pre-grind all components in a meat grinder or blender, then mix thoroughly.

The prepared nutritional mixture must be stored in the refrigerator.. Before giving it to the animal, such food is cut into small cubes and warmed at room temperature. This amount of ingredients is designed to prepare ten full servings for feeding an adult.

The exotic animal arouses interest among children and adults. The land turtle is a top seller. It can be picked up, and the maintenance and care of the animal is minimal.

The most common in Russia is Central Asian. There are 37 varieties in nature. Distributed in Africa.

Central Asian

In nature they hibernate. Small in size - up to 20 cm. The carapace is rounded, yellow-brown. Diet: 90% plant based.


The young of this breed do not survive well when kept at home. Choose an adult. It feeds on earthworms, snails, and plant food. Grows up to 28 cm. The carapace scutes form rings with a dark outer edge.

Coal (red-legged)

Requires high humidity and temperatures from 27 degrees. Grows in captivity up to 55 cm. Food: fruits, vegetables, meat.

Leopard print

A body of water is required. A large turtle grows up to 60 cm. The color of the shell is light brown with dark spots. The diet consists of only grass. Juicy vegetables and fruits are dangerous to health.


Size up to 40 cm. Very beautiful domed shell. On dark shields yellow spots in the shape of stars. The diet contains green parts of plants.

Other types

Purchase and selection

The best-selling breed is the Central Asian. Small in size, does not require special care. Larger turtles are not as easy to keep. They will need a separate large area.

Tips for choosing an animal:

  1. The phase of greatest activity occurs in the morning and evening. Turtles are also most active in the warm summer months. At this time, it is clear that a healthy pet is offered for sale or a sick one.
    Please note:
    • behavior, coordination and activity;
    • no damage;
    • color without strange spots;
    • shell scutes tightly adjacent to each other;
    • body shape;
    • plaque in the mouth, it should not be there, just like viscous saliva;
    • dry nose (discharge indicates illness).
  2. Try to find professional breeders.
  3. Choose a juvenile or adult turtle. The baby will require additional care and is susceptible to diseases.

In summer, you can transport the turtle in a cardboard box filled with paper. In winter, place a heating pad in the carrier.

How to keep a land turtle

The most common mistake that turtle owners make is keeping it on the floor. Possible consequences:

  • colds from drafts and cold coverings;
  • may crawl into a corner and not get out or get stuck under furniture;
  • dust getting into the nose will damage the lungs and respiratory tract;
  • receiving a variety of injuries if, for example, the owner steps on it carelessly.

A specially equipped place of residence is required - a terrarium.


Caring for a land turtle at home begins with arranging the home. A cardboard box is also suitable as a temporary option, but you need to set up a terrarium for your pet:

  1. Sizes from 100 cm in length, 50 in width and 30 in height will allow the animal to move freely and eliminate the possibility of escape.
  2. When arranging, leave plenty of free space. Avoid creating unnecessary barriers.
  3. Install future home V warm place at a height of 20 cm from the floor to protect against drafts.
  4. Leave room for a mini pool or large drinking bowl. The turtle is able to absorb water from the outside. Liquid improves bowel function.

The larger the pet, the larger the size of the terrarium required.

If you choose for your home former aquarium, wash it thoroughly with disinfectant solutions.


Start arranging the terrarium by covering the bottom. Aquarists prefer several options:

The thickness of the layer is from 3 to 15 cm. It changes as it gets dirty.

And also put large flat stones in the terrarium. The turtle will bask on them and grind off its claws.

Do not use sand and small stones as soil; turtles swallow them and get a blockage in their intestines.


Install a special drinking bowl with fresh, warm drinking water in the terrarium. To maintain the temperature of the liquid, place it under a lamp.

For the drinking bowl, take a large, heavy and almost flat container. Low sides will allow easy access to the water, and the weight will prevent it from tipping over. Keep the water level no higher than the middle of your pet's shell.


It is necessary to build a shelter in the habitat of a land turtle. Make it yourself from half a flower pot (box or cardboard) or purchase it at a specialty store.

Place the house in the shade.

Choose washable materials for the house so that if it gets dirty, it can be easily cleaned.


When choosing plants to decorate your terrarium, consult with the seller so as not to accidentally place a poisonous flower.

Place the greens in pots, sprinkle the ground with stones. Protruding roots should not be an obstacle to movement. Do not spray vegetation with pest poisons.

The pet chooses corner areas for rest. Leave them free.

To decorate the terrarium, choose non-hazardous plants, such as aloe, echmea, and guzmania.


Turtles are cold-blooded, so they need to constantly maintain a certain temperature. During the daytime, 35–38 degrees in the light and 25–30 in the shade.

If the temperature drops sharply, the animal may become ill and die.


The desired temperature in the terrarium is achieved using a heating lamp. You can use thermal mats and thermal cords, but be sure to run them through a temperature controller to prevent excessive heat.

Carefully remove the wires so that the turtle does not get to them.


Install 2 lamps in the terrarium:

  1. Incandescent lamp up to 60 Watt. Used for lighting and heating. It is installed in the corner opposite from the house at a height of 20 to 40 cm, depending on the power. Place a large flat stone or ceramic tile under the lamp. Turn on the lights during the day for 8–10 hours. Turn it off at night.
  2. UV lamp. Ensures the absorption of calcium and the production of vitamin D. Without such a lamp, the risk of rickets is high. Installed 40 cm above the terrarium. The rays do not pass through glass.

If the temperature drops significantly at night, install an additional infrared lamp.

Lighting Tips:

  1. Maintain different temperature zones. The pet will choose the most comfortable place itself.
  2. A UV lamp gives the greatest effect to a warmed-up pet.
  3. Light from above with a fluorescent lamp, similar to natural light.
  4. Measure the temperature not on the floor, but at the height of the shell.
  5. The heated area of ​​the terrarium should be larger in size than the pet. Otherwise, the turtle will not warm up completely and will get burns.
  6. The rhythm of day and night is extremely important, try to turn the lights on and off at the same time.

Regular lighting or energy saving lamp does not provide sufficient heat.

How to care for land turtles at home

Care is simple, follow a few rules and the animal will be active and healthy:

  1. Keep your terrarium clean.
  2. Diversify your diet.
  3. Bathe your pet every week.
  4. Watch the claws and beak.
  5. Take walks.


The basis is plant food:

  • 75–80% greens;
  • 20–25% fruits and vegetables.

A portion is half the turtle's body volume.

In warm weather, be sure to provide outdoor plants and wash them thoroughly so as not to infect the turtle with worms. Especially useful for the animal:

  1. Dandelion. All parts of this plant contain vitamin A, which is essential for your pet.
  2. Plantain leaves. The high fiber content helps improve bowel function.
  3. Salad. Your favorite delicacy can also be grown in pots in winter.

And also suitable: clover, leaves of coltsfoot, sorrel, petunia, honey, thistle and rhubarb leaves.

Among vegetables, turtles feed on carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, bell pepper, pumpkin. It is better to grate hard vegetables, give soft ones in pieces.

Feed cabbage with caution. May cause gas formation.

Fruits in large quantities cause bloating, feed them carefully. Better than apples.

Add to food once a week fresh mushrooms and legume sprouts, meets the protein needs of the animal.

Feed the animal from a clean surface so that soil does not get inside. Diet diversity improves health and increases life expectancy. It is convenient to prepare a salad from various herbs, fruits and vegetables. You can store it in the refrigerator, if necessary, reheat it.

Some breeds need to be fed animal products. Such as minced meat.

You cannot give:

  • food from the table;
  • potato;
  • citrus fruits, especially peels;
  • whole eggshell;
  • bread;
  • milk;
  • grasshoppers, locusts;
  • poisonous mushrooms.

Feed young turtles up to two years old daily, adult turtles once every 2-3 days.


A complex of vitamins and minerals can be purchased at pet stores. Follow the instructions on the package. Many people cook everything themselves.

Mineral supplements at home:

  • carbonate;
  • bone meal;
  • ground eggshells;
  • glycerophosphate.

Serving: 100 mg per kilogram of pet's weight.

The necessary vitamins A, B12, D3 must come from natural sources (UV lamp, food).

It is strictly contraindicated to give oil preparations and vitamin D2 to animals.


There will be enough drinking water in the drinking bowl. Change it every day to keep it clean. Don't forget to place it under a lamp to keep it warm.

The turtle drinks through the skin.


Walks in summer time are required. Despite its slowness, a pet can get lost in the grass very quickly. Fence an area where the animal can roam with an enclosure.

Animals get sick from the cold.

Deepen the enclosure into the ground, because turtles dig under the ground.


Clean the terrarium once a week: wash the house, large stones, and driftwood. Clean or replace primer every 2-3 months. Wash the bowl and drinking bowl every day.

Do not wash terrarium items in a shared sink.

Caring for a land turtle during the molting period is low. Do not rub creams or oils into the shell. These actions will not give any effect. If your skin is dry, non-greasy creams for reptiles will help. Apply to dry areas daily for a week. Shedding is usually painless. It is enough to bathe in a weak solution of soda, 1 teaspoon per liter of water. It is carried out no more than twice.

Turtles love swimming. Despite the presence of a drinking bowl, bathe the animal once a week if you use succulent food, and twice if you use dry food. After purchase, carry out water procedures every day for a week, as animals are often dehydrated. Bathing will not only cleanse the shell, but also replenish the body's water balance.

Take a basin and fill it warm water(about 30 degrees) to the middle of the shell. Leave the turtle in the container for 40 minutes. After bathing, dry the animal with a soft towel or napkin.

Bowel movements are completely normal at this time.

Do not release a wet turtle onto the floor.

Trimming claws - important stage care If kept at home, the beak and claws can grow so large that they begin to interfere with movement and feeding. Get yourself some sharp wire cutters. Carry out pruning in the light. Having retreated 2-3 mm from the blood vessels, bite off the excess part. If blood appears, treat the damaged area with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The beak is not cut off, but broken off in small pieces. When the growths fall off, carefully trim the edges with a file. If a vessel is caught and blood appears, contact a veterinary clinic.


Often a turtle lives longer at home than in the wild. The increase in lifespan is due to better conditions life:

  • absence of dangers;
  • fixed temperature conditions;
  • constant availability of food.

The lifespan reaches 40 years.

The veterinarian determines the age by the grooves on the central plates of the shell. Until two years, a groove is formed every three months to six months. In adults, approximately once a year.


Age of turtles ready for mating:

  • females 10–12 years old;
  • males 5–6.

Mating time is from February to August.

Before mating, separate the partners for two weeks. This will increase the male's interest, as will competition in the form of another male.

Maintain the temperature at 25–30 degrees. At lower rates, the male’s sperm will not mature.

The female builds nest holes, usually 2–3, lays up to 6 eggs in each and forgets about the offspring.

Pregnancy lasts 2 months. During and after gestation, the turtle requires increased nutrition.

Place the eggs laid in the hole in the incubator. The soil layer is 18 cm, the temperature is 29–30 degrees. At high temperatures will early development little turtle. He does not get out of the shell and dies.

It takes about two months before hatching.

How to determine gender

Sex determination is possible from the age of 1.5-2 years.

Whether an adult is male or female is determined by the following characteristics:

  1. Body structure. Among the same yearlings, females are clearly larger and more rounded, while the male’s body is more elongated and oval.
  2. Abdomen. Plastron - the lower part of the shell in females is flat or slightly convex, in males it is concave. This feature is due to the gestation of eggs.
  3. Spurs. Leather growths on the thighs of males contribute to fixation on the female during the mating process. The female individual does not have them.
  4. The back of the shell. In males, the tail is curved towards the ground and almost completely covers it. In females the score is almost invisible.
  5. Tail. Is a sexual organ. In females it is thin and short, in males it is long and large.
  6. Cloaca. The female one is shaped like an asterisk and is located close to the shell. Male - longitudinal and closer to the tip of the tail.
  7. Eyes. More often yellow the eye is a sign of a female, and the brown one is a sign of a male.
  8. Behavior. Females are calm, males are aggressive. Only males participate in fights. Males are also characterized by mating dances and attempts to mount the female.

It is impossible to determine the sex by the claws, since their condition depends on the soil. In nature, males have longer and thicker hair, which simplifies the mating process.

Caring for the Cubs

Little turtles are fragile and vulnerable. Several rules will help increase the chances of their survival:

  1. Adults and cubs are kept in separate terrariums to avoid possible injuries caused by adults.
  2. For children, the floor is covered with sawdust. The temperature is maintained the same as for adults. The same goes for lighting.
  3. The cubs are fed with crushed plant food mixed with calcium.


When purchasing an exotic pet, do not forget about the following problems:

  1. Colds from drafts.
  2. Malfunctions digestive system due to ingestion of soil.
  3. Excess vitamins lead to diseases.
  4. Improper maintenance reduces lifespan.


Pet turtles are easily susceptible to various diseases. Most often, owners encounter the following varieties:

You can avoid many diseases if you properly care for your pet.

Consult your veterinarian before treatment.


Regarding hibernation when kept at home, experts have not come to a common opinion. Some aquarists believe that hibernation should be like in nature. Others argue that when kept at home, such wintering is not necessary and even harms the health of the pet if the preparation is not carried out by a specialist.

Preparing for hibernation turtle:

  • refuses food;
  • becomes lethargic;
  • trying to dig into the ground.

Under natural conditions, hibernation occurs in two cases:

  1. Drought. Lack of food.
  2. Cold or excessive heat.

Check the living conditions, feed your pet and adjust the temperature.


The cost of an individual varies from 200 rubles to 150,000 or more per rare species. The refusenik can be found on websites for free.

Prices depend on characteristics:

  • age;
  • rarity of the species.


Turtles are loners. IN natural environment they gather in groups for mating and fighting. Keep turtles together only if there is no other option and they are of the same species and size. But even then conflicts arise. Different breeds demand and various conditions content.

Keep exotic turtles separately.

Can coexist with some iguanas in large vertical terrariums. If you try to make friends with a small reptile, the latter may lose its tail or paws. Turtle secretions are poisonous to snakes.


To help your turtle eat from your hands, feed it while holding the food with your fingertips. Remember, once your pet gets used to this way of eating, it will begin to chase its owner.

Initially, turtles are not very friendly towards people. To wean your animal from biting, pick it up more often without making sudden movements.

Turtles have excellent hearing; when giving food or before bathing, make the same sound and the pet will begin to respond to it.

Animals remember and recognize their owner. They love to watch what is happening in the room.

Feeding habits are quickly formed and daylight hours. Not receiving food at the usual time, the pet will sigh and move its head in disappointment.

What not to do

  1. Color the shell.
  2. Allow it to hibernate.
  3. Give medications without consulting a specialist.
  4. Accommodate a new resident without quarantine for a month.
  5. Allow animals to play with the turtle.
  6. Keep the turtle on the floor.
  7. Leave without a shelter house.
  8. Use fabric, cotton wool, or wool instead of primer.
  9. Place aggressive pets together.
  10. Constantly feed the same thing.
  11. Cat, dog, human food.
  12. Animal food.

The land turtle is one of the most unpretentious pets. In this article I will talk about the types of these reptiles and which of them can be kept at home. I will consider the conditions for keeping pets at home. I’ll figure out how to set up a terrarium for them in an apartment and what to feed them in summer and winter. Description and characteristics of land reptiles.

Domestic land turtles come in different sizes from 10 to 30 cm

The history of the land turtle's life on earth goes back more than 200 million years. Today, more than 50 species of these cold-blooded animals are known, which differ in appearance and size.

  • A durable shell in which reptiles can hide their heads and limbs is the first feature of these animals. It has a very strong shell on its back and belly and serves as a means of protection against dangers in its natural habitat.
  • There are turtles of all sizes throughout the world. There are species whose dimensions do not exceed 10 cm. And there are giants whose mass approaches a ton. Small turtles with sizes of 15-30 cm are usually chosen as pets.
  • Small limbs and a streamlined head shape, which allows them to quickly hide entirely in the shell. The neck is most often short.

About 50 species of turtles are known.

  • Almost all species have a tail, some have a spine at the tip of the tail.
  • Hearing and vision are well developed for obtaining food in natural conditions. The eyes are always directed down to the ground.
  • Instead of teeth, they have a beak, which they use to chew food. There are growths on the beak that replace teeth for these reptiles.
  • The colors can be different - most often these are shades of green and brown.
  • Molting is typical - transparent scales may peel off from the shell from time to time.

During molting, the turtle's scales peel off

live various types turtles up to 200 years old. But the average life time small species dates back 20-30 years.

In their natural habitat they can be found on the African and American continents, as well as in Asian countries and southern Europe. Most often they prefer steppes and deserts, less often found in tropical forests.

Types of turtles

Reptiles are divided primarily according to the type of their coloring:

  1. Leopard print. The weight of these turtles reaches 50 kg. So named due to the obvious spots, similar to the color of a leopard, on a high carapace.

    Leopard tortoise

  2. This is a small turtle with dimensions up to 20 cm. The shell is round with a yellow-brown color. This is the most common type for home keeping.

    Central Asian tortoise

  3. Asian. This turtle has two varieties: depressed (has an average size of up to 30 cm, a reddish-black shell, brown paws and many black spots); brown ( large turtle, having a shell length of up to 50 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg).

    Asian dented turtle

  4. Mediterranean. The size of this turtle is up to 35 cm, its habitat is Europe. The color of the shell is light olive or yellow-brown with dark spots.

    Mediterranean (Greek) turtle

  5. Radiant. The coloring of these reptiles is distinguished by regular yellow lines on the surface of the dark brown shell. Representatives of this species are rare. The dimensions of the shell reach 35-40 cm, and the weight is about 10-13 kg.

    Radiant turtle

The Asian brown turtle is the only turtle that builds a nest for its eggs and protects its future offspring!

Pros and cons of such pets

Keeping a turtle, like any pet, has both pros and cons.

Many animal lovers keep turtles as pets. The advantages of having such an animal at home:

  • Unpretentiousness. Turtles need minimal care - creating their own corner and feeding.
  • Hypoallergenic. Many people want to get a cat or dog, but due to an allergy to wool they cannot do this. There will be no such problems with a turtle - no hair or other problems.
  • Economical. The turtles themselves are very inexpensive; they do not need additional vaccinations or all kinds of accessories. From food, the turtle needs some greens, vegetables and fruits. In the summer, you can pick her some fresh grass and pamper her with strawberries or raspberries.
  • Longevity. Pets live 20-30 years. The owner will not often be upset about the loss of a pet and look for a replacement every couple of years.
  • Safety. The turtle is the calmest and most harmless pet. She will not bite, push or scare either an adult or a child.

Potatoes and all types of citrus fruits are prohibited for turtles!

To some, a turtle may seem like a boring pet, but for others, on the contrary, it will turn out to be a troublesome friend.
  • Boredom and monotony. You can't really run or play with a turtle. You can’t take her with you to frolic on the street or to the lake. Such a pet quickly gets boring, especially for children, and they quickly lose interest in the turtle.
  • Difficulties in treatment. If a turtle gets sick, not all veterinarians can help treat it. Most often you need to go to the capital in search of a professional herpetologist. His services, travel and treatment will most likely cost a pretty penny.
  • Uncleanliness. Turtles often develop fungal diseases or problems with their shell, especially if it is not properly maintained. If you let your turtle wander around the house, you need to be prepared to search for and clean up excrement.
  • Night grinding. Turtles love to move at night, accompanied by scratching sounds. For people with sensitive sleep, this can be a real problem and result in sleepless nights.

Each person chooses an animal according to their spirit and temperament. For homebodies and people who don’t like fuss and loud noises, the turtle is perfect. Also this great option as a first pet for families with children. The child will be happy to watch and care for this unpretentious pet.

Conditions for proper maintenance of a house or apartment

Set up a terrarium for your pet

For a turtle to live comfortably at home, it needs a properly equipped terrarium. Ideal size For a small reptile, a horizontal aquarium of 60 by 40 cm is considered. Special material for turtles is placed at the bottom of the dwelling for easy changing. 2-4 cm of soil is poured onto it (this can be sand, gravel chips, hay or sawdust. You can mix all these options).

The land turtle needs ultraviolet light for the health of the shell and the creation of optimal temperature conditions.

  1. an ordinary incandescent lamp;

Turtles love to bask in the sun, so the ideal daytime temperature would be 30-31 degrees Celsius. An incandescent lamp with a power of 50-60 W, installed at a height of 35-40 cm above the surface of the aquarium, will help to achieve this. At night, the temperature should be lower, so it is important not to forget to turn off the lamps for your pet.

The reptile terrarium must be equipped with a lamp

The ultraviolet lamp is installed at the same height.

When choosing a lamp in a store, you need to clarify that it is needed for a turtle! Reptiles require a special spectrum of UV rays!

To prevent diseases and clean dirt and food debris, the turtle should sometimes be bathed in clean water, to which you can add a little baking soda. It is enough to carry out this procedure once or twice a week.
The claws need to be filed down as needed, otherwise they will interfere with the pet's movement.

What to feed in winter and summer - the secrets of proper nutrition

Pay attention to your pets' diet

You need to feed herbs, vegetables and fruits daily. You can buy ready-made formulas for feeding at a pet store.

Your turtle should always have access to a bowl of clean water!

Preferred diet:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • some cucumbers;
  • any lettuce leaves;
  • greens and herbs (from parsley to plantain);
  • apples;
  • berries;
  • porridge (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal).

Health and illness

Land turtles are susceptible to a number of diseases - examine your pet carefully to notice the first signs

Turtles are susceptible to several diseases:

  1. Ear problems. Due to improper heating, otitis media or inflammation may occur. Most often, this disease is treated only by surgery. A clear symptom is swelling in the ear area.
  2. Pneumonia. It also appears due to hypothermia of the animal. Symptoms include refusal to eat, wheezing, discharge from the nose and mouth, coughing and sneezing.
  3. Kidney failure. It also occurs as a result of improper care and nutrition.
  4. Injuries. This includes limb fractures and shell injuries. Unfortunately, there are often cases when owners step on turtles, or the pets themselves fall and are injured.
  5. Dermatitis, fungus. Spots, peeling and scratching are signs of skin diseases.
  6. Helminths. If they are detected, both the animal and the person need to undergo a course of treatment.

Any of the diseases should be treated only under the supervision of a herpetologist. Self-medication can lead to dire consequences.

The main mistakes in caring for land turtles

Follow the rules of care and then your pet will delight you with its good mood and health

People often buy turtles without thinking about what kind of care they require. The most common mistakes in keeping reptiles:

  1. Lack of a terrarium as such. Unfortunately, most people buy reptiles, forgetting about the arrangement of their habitat. They let them crawl around the house, without providing any temperature control or other comfortable living conditions for the pet.
  2. No UV lamp. Not all owners are aware of the extreme necessity of ultraviolet radiation for the health of their pet. If there is no such lamp, problems arise with the baby’s shell and health.
  3. Cleaning your pet with a stiff brush when shedding. Bathing should not be accompanied by any additional cleaning products or brushes. After bathing, wipe dry with a soft towel.
  4. Keeping several pets in one terrarium. Doing this is strictly prohibited. Two males in the same area or animals of different sizes will definitely start a war for territory.
  5. Washing the terrarium in the sink with kitchen utensils. It’s best to do all the cleaning outside of the kitchen. The use of a kitchen sponge is also undesirable for hygienic purposes. It is better to prepare a separate set of rags and sponges for cleaning the animal’s home, and after this procedure, thoroughly disinfect the sink.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap!

The turtle is a wonderful, unpretentious pet. At proper care and feeding he will delight his owners for many years. Many people love to watch their pet bask in the sun and take it with them to the dacha for a walk on the grass. And for some, arranging a reptile’s place of residence turns into a real hobby. If you don’t want to waste time on walks and constant fussing with the animal, the turtle is best choice for purchase.

Nowadays, it has become very fashionable to keep unusual animals at home, such as turtles. Turtles are divided into land and aquatic. This article will talk about how to care for a land turtle.

Turtles attract attention because they lead a calm and measured lifestyle, without creating unnecessary noise or demanding special attention. They are not carriers of various diseases, and care boils down to providing her with conditions for normal life. Therefore, caring for such a turtle will not be difficult if there are children in the family. Typically, care pet turtle- this is the priority of children, not adults, especially since children grasp everything very quickly and can do it much better than adults. The main thing is to explain everything to them in time; as a rule, once is enough.

Basically, they buy ones that are not very demanding in terms of care. They can grow up to 20cm in length and are characterized by the presence of a small, rounded shell of a yellow-brown hue in combination with brown spots.

To begin with, it shows its activity in the morning and evening hours, and during the day and at night it rests in some kind of shelter. Based on this, we can conclude that for such a turtle it is necessary to create similar conditions.

Twice a year it goes into a state of suspended animation (hibernates), thereby escaping heat, cold and lack of food. This does not mean that she will do this at home, because she has enough food and the temperature is within optimal limits.

Keeping a turtle in a terrarium

Very often, turtle owners make the same grave mistake: they keep it on the floor. This is strictly prohibited, as the following consequences may occur:

  • The turtle can catch a cold, as it needs heating from time to time.
  • Might get an infection.
  • May get injured.

Its habitats are, as it were, no matter what they said.

Dimensions and arrangement of the terrarium

Taking into account the fact that a turtle can grow up to 20cm in length, the dimensions of the terrarium range from 100x50x30cm and no less. It should be spacious enough for the turtle to actively move around. It is not as slow as some people think, and it is impossible to have artificial barriers in the form of sticks or branches in the terrarium - these are all unnecessary.

The bottom of the terrarium is covered with a layer of sand and clay, but you cannot take sand from the yard or a nearby construction site, as it can introduce some kind of “infection.” The simplest, most affordable and reliable option is sawdust purchased at a pet store. They are changed as they become dirty, and the sand should be changed 1-2 times a month.

Temperature and lighting

The temperature regime is maintained by an incandescent lamp with a power of 75 W, installed at a height of 20-30 cm from the bottom of the terrarium. During the daytime, the temperature in the terrarium should be: in the shade +28-30°C, and in the area of ​​the lamp +36-38°C. The terrarium is illuminated with a fluorescent lamp.

The terrarium must have a place for shelter. The shelter is located in the shade, and it can be made from any material, even thick cardboard.

The turtle needs water treatments approximately once a week. To do this, you need to take a vessel slightly larger than a turtle and pour water into it at a temperature of about +25°C and organize a bath. The water should be clean, and its level should reach the turtle’s neck.

Feeding a land turtle

IN summer period makes up greens. This is about 2/3 of the entire menu. These could be:

  • Fresh grass.
  • Various salads.
  • Spinach.

The remaining 1/3 of the diet includes fruits and vegetables. They should be alternated and given after 2-3 feedings.

IN winter period 2/3 of the diet is steamed hay, and the remaining 1/3 is filled fresh fruit and vegetables. Feeding is carried out once a day and, although the turtle may not be given water, a drinking bowl with fresh water should always be present.

It would be useful to remind you that the more varied the diet, the greater the guarantee that the turtle will live long and happily, without any health problems. This can only happen if it is not forgotten over time, and family members, especially children, do not get tired of it.

How to determine the sex of a land turtle