Shrimp care. We create the necessary conditions for aquarium shrimp

Unfortunately, it is very rare to find aquarium shrimp in home ponds. This is due to the poor awareness of fish lovers: they think that aquarium shrimp require special, difficult care, that they do not fit well with other types of fish, and that many difficulties will arise in their maintenance. And in vain! Aquarium shrimp are very peaceful creatures, they are friends with different types of fish, and are easy to care for. They are very beautiful and can add color and variety to a home aquarium, giving it some exoticism.

Characteristics of crustaceans and their natural habitats

Aquarium shrimp in nature live in many bodies of water. Moreover, they are so unpretentious that they can live in both fresh and salt water. It should be understood that each type of crustacean has its own deposit. For example, red noses are found in Venezuelan rivers, and fan arthropods live in the freshwater rivers of Panama.

Variety of shrimp in a home aquarium

Thanks to these pets, the water corner in your house or apartment will turn into a real exotic paradise. They have many types and colors, are unpretentious in care, reproduce very easily and quickly, so they can diversify and surprise even the most avid and demanding pet fish lovers. Mostly aquarium shrimp have the following characteristics:

  • The size of the individual varies from 2 to 5 cm (in rare species up to 15cm);
  • Life expectancy – up to 2 years;
  • Colors – yellow, blue, green, cherry, transparent.

A home aquarium containing crustaceans is called a shrimp tank. Basically, it is no different from an aquarium in which fish live. The volume of the shrimp tank should be at least 40 liters (but better than 80 liters). In the case of a smaller aquarium volume, it will be difficult to maintain biobalance, and this will negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the shrimp tank. And if the aquarium is too large, they will simply get lost in the algae thickets.

Aquarium water requirements

Shrimp can be kept either separately from fish or together with some species. For example, aquarium shrimp get along well with goldfish. But you should not introduce crustaceans into an aquarium where there are predatory and aggressive fish: they will simply be eaten.

In addition to heating, each shrimp tank must be equipped fine bubble aerator and safety filter. These precautions are necessary to protect the shrimp fry, which are very small in size (so that they do not get sucked into the filtration system). The aerator must work around the clock, because shrimp require more oxygen than other inhabitants of the aquarium. The water can be changed to fresh once a week (but not more than 40% of total number) and only warm.

There are also these types of aquarium shrimp: rednose shrimp, Amano shrimp, Harlequin shrimp, cardinal shrimp, red crystal and other less known and common ones. They are more demanding in maintenance (for example, the rednose shrimp must swim in salt water to reproduce; the cardinal is not suitable for a beginner because of its whimsical nature). temperature conditions and diet).

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Individuals that live in home aquariums, by nature absolutely omnivorous. They will happily eat small or half-eaten fish, special food or algae. And if there is a shortage of food, the shrimp will eat all the moss growth on the stones and walls of the aquarium (it’s not for nothing that they are called cleaners). The necessary food for crustaceans can be purchased at pet stores.

If crustaceans are kept in a separate aquarium from other fish, you need to buy special food for them in pet stores. Some aquarists give their pets, for variety, pieces of zucchini, eggplant, cabbage or lettuce, and sometimes regular fish food. But do not forget that overfeeding is very harmful for crustaceans. They start to get lazy and stop cleaning the aquarium. How much food does a pet need? Experts recommend giving dry food no more than 1-2 times a week. This dose will be enough for them to live a healthy and fulfilling life for a week.

Feeding time

It is better to feed your pets at the same time. And not so that they have better digestion, but simply so that this process is not spontaneous. Consistent feeding times are key avoiding overeating. The best time to feed is an hour after waking up, when the shrimp wake up and crawl out of their homes. However, this is no longer important and depends on your capabilities.

Keeping shrimp in a fish aquarium

To prevent your shrimp from becoming a tasty treat for other inhabitants of the aquarium, you need to choose the right neighbors for them. They get along very well with small fish. These could be, for example, neons or guppies. Snails can be excellent neighbors for shrimp: they are harmless and unpretentious, just like crustaceans. Dangerous for shrimp There will be the following types of fish:

  • Cichlids;
  • Loaches.

But, according to aquarists, if your aquarium has a variety of shelters from plants and decorative ornaments, even these aggressors will not be a hindrance to the shrimp.

In fact, breeding aquarium shrimp is not as difficult as it seems. The main condition is separate vessel for fry. Otherwise, all the babies will become food for the adult fish that live in home aquarium. Experienced aquarists recommend breeding only those types of shrimp that do not have a larval development phase. After all, such individuals are very similar to their parents: they are very easy to care for and are not picky about their diet (they eat regular food).

Diseases of domestic crustaceans

Also, individuals of arthropods very often exposed to fungal diseases. No matter how clean the aquarium is, no matter how much you fail to comply with all the parameters for caring for crustaceans, there is still a possibility of such a disease occurring. And it sucks all the vital juices out of the individual, poisons the body with toxins and can cause death.

But be that as it may, infected individuals must be urgently placed in a separate vessel, and the water in the aquarium must be changed to fresh and clean. After these manipulations, you should consult a specialist for advice and take all necessary measures.

Aquarium shrimp, unfortunately, are still rare inhabitants of home reservoirs, since the majority of aquarists mistakenly consider them difficult to maintain and breed.

And in vain! The shrimp in the aquarium behave peacefully and get along well with most species of fish and snails, which are traditionally bred by our hobbyists, adding variety, new colors and exoticism, giving the aquatic picture a unique look.

Shrimp can be kept separately, or together with fish and snails

Habitat and characteristics

IN natural environment The aquarium shrimp lives in virtually all bodies of water, both in salt water and fresh water. But you need to understand that any species has its own specific deposit. For example, cute red-nosed shrimp live in Venezuelan rivers. Fanfish can be found in the cool, fresh waters of Panamania, while Amano lives only in the cool mountain streams of East Asia.

Shrimp are crustacean arthropods. However, if we compare them with their marine counterparts, they have jaws, which are responsible not only for motor functions, but also with the help of them the shrimp can hold and capture prey. They have 5 pairs of legs and an exceptionally powerful tail, with the help of which they, in case of a threat from other unfriendly aquatic inhabitants, escape by making sudden movements.

Despite its small size, the aquarium shrimp is distinguished by an excellent sense of smell and touch, possible thanks to the work of movable antennae, which are similar to antennas. The shrimp's eyes rotate, which guarantees it a wide range of vision, and this is what allows it to quickly detect the enemy, as well as find food.

The mouth has a rather complex shape and is composed of 3 jaws that grind food and jaws, with the help of which the shrimp can hold food near the mouth. When moving at the bottom and capturing food, shrimp use other limbs.

The body length of a shrimp depends on their gender and species, but even the most large individuals rarely grow more than eight centimeters.

Aquarium content

Aquarium shrimp will not cause many problems for their owner, and caring for them is no more difficult than the most ordinary fish. But in order for them to delight you with their stunning color and cheerful behavior every day, you need to organize appropriate conditions for them and know some rules. Some species are more demanding and require additional care.

Video “How shrimp behave in an aquarium”

After looking at the photo, watch a video that shows the life of shrimp in an aquarium.

Shrimp can live in both large and small aquariums. It is not difficult to calculate how many individuals can be placed in your aquarium. If you keep and breed small breeds of shrimp, then proceed from the ratio of 1 liter. per one individual. But if you decide to get big ones, then the numbers are slightly different, namely about 3 liters per individual.

The temperature should be between 17-30 degrees. In some cases, it is acceptable to reduce it, but you should know that in this case your charges will become inactive. A sharp or frequent decrease or increase in temperature can affect their health, and if this happens systematically, they will simply die.

Periodic (about once a week) water changes are a prerequisite for the normal functioning of your pets. Before adding water, you need to let it settle and warm up. Adding directly from the tap is not recommended.

Needs supervision from time to time chemical composition water. The main and very important condition is to avoid the presence of copper, which negatively affects the health and well-being of not only fry, but also larger individuals. The water should be hard because when molting, shrimp need elements that are only found in such water.

The equipment is the same as for keeping ordinary fish, i.e. you will need:

  • compressor;
  • filter;
  • lamp.

Vegetation needs attention special attention, especially if there are other inhabitants in the aquarium from which aquarium shrimp can hide in the event of any aggression.

Before populating the aquarium, make sure that the following plants are planted and established in it:

  • Java moss;
  • hornwort;
  • pistia;
  • cladaphora, etc.

Primer for shrimp important point, which deserves special attention. For beginners, we advise not to experiment. It is better to purchase a special one at a pet store. It contains optimally selected components that are equally beneficial for both the shrimp themselves and the plants.


Almost all types of shrimp kept in aquariums have a good appetite and are not particularly picky about food. They eat both fish food and food intended for them with great pleasure. If for some reason you do not have food on hand, there is no need to worry too much, your charges will feast on aquatic vegetation.

If shrimp are kept separately, then feed them only with food that is specialized specifically for them. Nowadays this is not a problem; it is inexpensive, lasts a long time and is sold in almost all pet stores.

However, it should be noted that some fans feed their charges with chopped zucchini, peppers, lettuce and even pasta.

There is no need to overfeed your charges. This does not particularly affect their health, but in this case they become inactive and stop fulfilling their duties in cleaning the aquarium. Many people advise feeding shrimp no more than 2 times a week.


Fish and shrimp look very good, and the compatibility of shrimp with other inhabitants is simply wonderful. They have a friendly character. But this is where the greatest danger lies, primarily for themselves. Very often, aggressive breeds of fish can, if not eat, then pretty much beat up these peace-loving creatures. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

The best option would be to keep shrimp with small fish; the following are ideal:

  • neons;
  • guppies;
  • zebrafish

An excellent option is keeping shrimp with snails. In this case, both of them will remain safe and sound.

Breeds with which shared content dangerous:

  • barb;
  • angelfish;
  • cichlids;
  • swordtails.

However, as many hobbyists say, if there is a lot of vegetation or decorative elements in the aquarium, then you can keep shrimp even with those who are not averse to eating them.

Before you go shopping for these wonderful aquarium inhabitants, you need to know that some of the species mate with each other. The result will be an incomprehensible species that will have a fuzzy color and most likely will not differ in any way. good health, nor the possibility of further normal reproduction. As a result, you need to worry about this in advance and acquire only those species that cannot have offspring. Carefully study or even scan the table we offer, which clearly indicates the compatibility of shrimp.

In this table, a plus means that mating is likely, and a minus means that it is impossible. If a plus and a minus are indicated in one cell at the same time, this means that it has not been studied at present.


In aquarium shrimp, reproduction is absolutely possible, but only if they are kept separately from fish. Otherwise, the latter will feast on the fry with great pleasure. Apart from this, experts advise breeding only those breeds that do not have a larval phase. Since in this case, the emerging fry will be one to one similar to the adult individuals of this species and will eat the same food, and their care will be similar.

However, including shrimps that have a normal larval phase, there is no need for special conditions. Because during reproduction, the female secretes a specific substance that attracts males. When fertilization is complete, a saddle with eggs appears on the back of the female; after a week it moves to the bottom of the abdomen, and after three or four weeks the fry are born.


If you place your charges in an aquarium with crystal clean water and you comply with all the required conditions, it is possible that they will not catch some kind of fungus, which could lead to their death. Fungi that have infected an individual begin to suck out nutrients from it and poison the body with toxins. In addition to fungi, shrimp can also be affected by ordinary viruses, which are also difficult to treat.

If a disease is detected in one of the individuals, it must be immediately isolated. The water in the aquarium changes completely. Next, it is advisable to consult with more experienced aquarists in order to accurately establish the diagnosis, the causes of the disease and what measures need to be taken in relation to other individuals.

After reading the material we offer and looking at the photos, be sure to watch this video, which explains how to keep and breed aquarium shrimp.

The aquarium shrimp is an omnivorous crustacean creature with great endurance. This type inhabitants underwater world so beautiful and graceful that more and more people are breeding it every year. more people. The unique shape and color of the rainbow-colored shrimp make it a favorite in the home aquarium.

How they work

The body of these crustaceans consists of several segments, each of which has its own limbs designed for different types of activities. The first three parts are covered with a shell (it is a kind of protection) and fused to the head. Their limbs are whiskers, jaws and jaws.

The shrimp's mouthparts are very complex and have a fixed size. It consists of 3 pairs of jaws that grind food, and jaws (the first three pairs of thoracic limbs) that hold it at the mouth. To grasp prey and crawl, shrimp use the remaining 5 pairs of thoracic limbs. For swimming and bearing eggs (in females), they have so-called pleopods (abdominal legs). In males, their first pair has degenerated into a copulatory organ.


IN wildlife shrimp can be found in almost all salt and freshwater bodies of water in the world. Moreover, each species of these arthropods has its own place of “birth”. For example, the rednose shrimp lives in the rivers of Venezuela, where there are a large number of deciduous trees. In the waters of the Pacific coast of Panama you can find the American fan species of these crustaceans. And the Amano aquarium shrimp in nature prefers mountains flowing into the Pacific Ocean.

Caring for these inhabitants of the home underwater world is almost the same as for other invertebrate inhabitants. One of the most important rules keeping them in an aquarium requires installing an aerator in it, since they need oxygen for normal life.

Optimal water degrees are from +15 to +30. At the same time, it was noticed that when the temperature drops to 18°C, the aquarium shrimp becomes inactive. But as soon as the water is made warmer, 26-30 degrees, it regains its activity. By the way, with sharp temperature fluctuations, these animals can die.

Aquarium shrimp, the maintenance of which does not require much effort, are unpretentious either in water filtration or in the presence of light. Although both will be necessary for better growth of the plants that these crustaceans feed on. But it is worth considering that they are very sensitive to the chemical composition of the water, and even with a small chlorine content in it, the shrimp will die. For the same reason, it is unacceptable to use air fresheners or other similar sprays in the room where the aquarium is installed.


Aquarium freshwater shrimp are unpretentious in food. They eat everything. Bloodworms, cyclops, aquatic insects, dead plants (such as algae), daphnia and much more are all excellent food for shrimp. Therefore, in the aquarium where they are kept, it is necessary to plant a variety of live plants (pistia, hornwort, they need to be fed no more than once every two days.

Aquarium shrimp: reproduction

The process of breeding these arthropods does not require any effort from humans; nature does everything itself. During the breeding season, the female secretes a special substance, thanks to which the males learn about her “readiness”. The mating process itself occurs quite quickly - no more than a second. It is easy to determine that the female is fertilized - a kind of saddle forms on her back (on different types different color), inside which there is caviar. After some time, it moves under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry are born. They begin to eat their parents' food immediately, so they do not need special care.

Attention! All of the above applies only to some types (for example, special, cherry). Many populations of these arthropods require special care during reproduction.


Aquarium shrimp, the maintenance of which, at first glance, is very simple, can cause a lot of trouble. For example, if you forget to close the aquarium at night, the crustaceans can escape from their home. But on land they are not residents - they die in a matter of minutes.

During transportation, it is necessary to take care of the safety of the shrimp, as they can be injured by the walls of the vessel. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to put any plant in it that they could grab onto in case of emergency.

An increase in water temperature above 30 degrees can negatively affect shrimp. Therefore in summer time year, this parameter must be monitored more carefully, increasing water aeration.

Types of shrimp

Before buying these arthropods for your aquarium, you should understand their species, otherwise problems may arise. For example, an aquarium shrimp, when it becomes an adult, may turn out to be too large or, even worse, a predator.

A beautiful and non-aggressive shrimp with red stripes on a white background. It is very demanding in its maintenance (water pH from 6.2 to 6.8, temperature - up to 26°C, etc.), does not like overfeeding. Due to inbreeding, her body is slightly weaker than other species.

Harlequin. These shrimp are very small (up to 1.2 cm), have a red and white color and are very shy. They are also a little picky about the quality of water - pH from 7.0, temperature from 25°C. Reproduction without larval stage in fresh water. The gestation period is up to a month, after which 10-15 tiny shrimp are born.

Amano. Light green arthropods with a light stripe along the back and brown spots on the sides. They are “aquarium cleaners”, killing harmful algae and other plants. Quite peaceful with many types of fish. IN home breeding there are many problems. For example, to produce offspring, the female is placed in a separate container (30 liters), where the water temperature is kept around 23°C, aeration is provided, and there is a lamp and a sponge filter. It is worth considering that the main condition for the larvae is brackish water and a separate container into which they must be moved 2-3 days after birth.

Red-nosed. This is also a kind of “cleaner” of the reservoir. Such aquarium shrimp, the species of which can be distinguished by their method of movement (they do not run, but swim), can live in both fresh and salted water. Their maximum size is 4 cm. They do not like being kept in a body of water where there are aggressive and predatory species fish They have a rather nice coloring and a nose with a red spot.

Red cherry. This type of shrimp is one of the most popular. This is largely due to their brightly glowing red color and ease of reproduction. Aquarium fish are unpretentious to keep and feel great even when the aquarium contains a huge number of their fellows. Males are about 2 cm long, which is significantly smaller than females (an adult reaches 45 mm).

Shrimp compatibility

Before purchasing these wonderful aquarium inhabitants, it is worth considering that many of the species can mate. The result will be an indeterminate type and color of shrimp, which is generally not a good thing. Therefore, it is worth taking care of this in advance and buying only those species that cannot have common offspring. For a better understanding, we present to you the table “Aquarium Shrimp: Compatibility”.



Red crystal




Red crystal


Where "+" - mating is possible, "-" mating is impossible, "+-" - not studied.

Aquarium shrimp: compatibility with fish

These arthropod creatures are very secret life. Which is not surprising. After all, aquarium shrimp, the types of which are diverse, are very attractive as food for a large number of inhabitants of the home underwater world. In the wild they are a very common food source. IN natural environment these arthropods have a nondescript color, thanks to which they are saved from death. When purchasing a red or bright yellow shrimp for your aquarium, you should prepare for the fact that it will lose its color over time. The reason for this will be her night look life, which she will switch to after some time.

In order to save shrimp from death, it is worth placing them in those aquariums where there are non-aggressive fish with an oral cavity smaller than these arthropods. After all, if they are the right size, then there is almost a 100% guarantee that they will be absorbed. Most dangerous species fish with which shrimp should not be kept together:

  • cockerels;
  • swordtails;
  • angelfish;
  • fighters;
  • bottom fish;
  • platies;
  • gurs;
  • viviparous carp-toothed;
  • Molinesia;
  • cichlids;
  • loaches.


The second main problem is a fungal infection. It can also cause death in crustaceans, as it is capable of sucking out everything nutrients from their body and poison it with their toxic substances.

They affect shrimp and viral infections, which, unlike bacterial ones, are difficult to treat.

Aquarium shrimp are no less popular than fish or aquatic plants. A transparent container with these arthropods will be a wonderful interior decoration, but before you get them, you need to figure out how much care they will require. This will largely depend on the type purchased, so it is better for beginners and experienced owners to purchase different representatives arthropods.

There are different types of aquarium shrimp and difficulty in keeping them, so it’s better to study them better before purchasing.

General description

Although there are many types of aquarium shrimp, they all have common feature- identical body structure. They have a well-developed tail, eyes with a wide viewing angle, and long mustaches that perform the function of touch. Instead of claws, they have three pairs of jaws that perform a motor function. The entire body is covered with a layer of chitin. In addition, females are usually almost one and a half times larger than males.

In all other respects, these arthropods are not similar to each other. They differ in origin and belonging to a particular family, in size, color and habitat. Therefore, there are several types of aquarium shrimp. Some do not require special care, while others can only be kept by an experienced breeder.

Types for beginners

For those who are getting shrimp for the first time, it is better to pay attention to attractive, but unpretentious representatives who will not need to create special living conditions. These include the following varieties:

All these species are non-aggressive and do not cause trouble to their owner.

For experienced breeders

If you have successfully dealt with unpretentious creatures, you can try to get shrimp that require more careful attention. For example, one of these types:

Such decorative shrimps require professional care under the supervision of an experienced aquarist. To maintain them, special soil treatment and installation of a reverse osmosis system are required.

Basic conditions of detention

Shrimp in an aquarium require proper care. To ensure this, even before purchasing arthropods, you need to prepare their home and think about what they will need for a comfortable life in the future.

Choosing an aquarium

For shrimp, you need to choose a container of a suitable volume, where each representative will have about 0.5 liters of water. Of course, some species feel fine in more cramped conditions, but sufficient space will be the key to peaceful coexistence between neighbors.

You need to calculate the volume of the aquarium based on the number of shrimp. For each shrimp 0.5 liters of water

The shape of the container is not of primary importance, but for beginners it will be more convenient to care for a rectangular wide tank that is easy to clean. You also need to remember to close the container with a lid to prevent its inhabitants from jumping out.

The optimal solution would be to start a shrimp tank, that is, a special aquarium where only arthropods will be settled. If fish live in the same container, hunting for small shrimp is inevitable, so they will need a large number of shelters, such as decorations, stones or moss.

Water preparation

Arthropods are more sensitive to water characteristics than fish. They usually do well in temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they will die. If it drops to 15, they will stop reproducing and lose mobility, but there is no mortal threat. The previous behavior is quickly restored when the liquid is brought to normal temperature.

For unpretentious shrimp You can take the most ordinary tap water. It’s even good if it has slightly increased rigidity, since the shrimp will build a shell from the elements included in it when molting. But too hard water will be uncomfortable and will stop reproduction.

Most shrimp do well in water 20-28C

More demanding creatures will need water with a nearly neutral pH and zero hardness. This is achieved by passing the liquid through a reverse osmosis unit. After this, you will need to add special salt to the water for a comfortable life for the shrimp.

Before pouring into the aquarium, the water must settle and reach room temperature. You can change the fluid only once a week, pouring out 1/5 of it and replacing it with fresh one.

Required equipment

As for aquarium equipment, first of all you will need a compressor, since a large number shrimp may lack oxygen.

If there are a lot of shrimp, you definitely need a compressor for the aquarium.

Filtration systems are usually installed in aquariums where both arthropods and fish live, so the shrimper can do without it. But if there are a lot of inhabitants and few plants, then it is still better to purchase an external canister or internal sponge filter. To prevent small shrimp from being sucked in, you will need to put a sponge on the pipe of the device.

Crustaceans need lighting to form daily biological rhythms. In addition, aquarium plants cannot do without light. Fluorescent or LED sources are well suited for this purpose. They will work efficiently and economically, and the water will not heat up.

To maintain the desired temperature you will have to get a heater. It is better if it is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set value. But you can’t always completely trust the device, so sometimes you need to control the temperature it sets using a thermometer.

If the days are hot and the water in the aquarium gets very hot, you will need to install a fan or refrigeration unit that reduces the temperature to acceptable values.

Waste must be removed regularly so that the ammonia released from it does not lead to diseases of the shrimp. To do this, you will have to carefully siphon the soil.

Suitable nutrition

Nutrition is an important point in keeping aquarium shrimp. They eat everything: algae buds, fish food, plant leaves. But they also need to be given boiled vegetables or special food purchased at a pet store. In the latter case, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain calcium, which is necessary for building the shell. Otherwise, the shrimp may begin to eat their own shell.

Frozen brine shrimp is suitable as food for shrimp.

Good choice frozen food made from bloodworms, brine shrimp or even cod meat is considered.

There is no need to feed arthropods more than 1-3 times a week, since they will already eat up the plants in the aquarium, and increased feeding can harm them. In addition, in nature they often go without food for 7-10 days.

Breeding rules

Reproduction occurs when the female reaches sexual maturity. At this time, she begins to secrete enzymes that attract the male. He fertilizes the eggs that appear under her tail, and after 4-6 weeks larvae emerge from them. As soon as they emerge from the eggs, they will immediately be able to feed on their own and, in general, lead a lifestyle characteristic of adults.

But for this process to occur, conditions for mating must be created. The female's achievement of sexual maturity can be accelerated by frequently replacing the water with fresh water. In this case, the shrimp molt faster, preceding the release of pheromones.

Shrimp fry immediately lead an independent lifestyle, like adults

After successful fertilization, you need to be even more careful about the characteristics of the water. Under any unfavorable factors, the female may shed her eggs and a new generation will not appear.

It is worth considering that up to 40 new larvae can appear at a time, but overpopulation usually does not occur, since with a lack of space and food, large individuals begin to feed on small ones, thereby regulating their numbers.

Compatibility with fish

If you don’t want to have a separate shrimp tank, you can add arthropods to snails or small non-aggressive fish. Shrimp get along well with the following species:

  • micro-assessments;

Neon fish can be a good aquarium mate for shrimp

However, even these fish will be interested in their too small neighbors and some of the shrimp will still be eaten. This can be avoided by introducing large enough arthropods to small fish so that they cannot swallow them.

For check-in to be successful, you must adhere to the following rules:

Thus, by taking your time and monitoring the well-being of your new pets, you can successfully place them in a new place of residence.

Common mistakes

Those who decide to keep shrimp for the first time often encounter certain difficulties. Their pets get sick or even die, although it would seem that everything was done correctly: an aquarium was selected, water and food were prepared, everything was purchased necessary equipment.

Aquarium shrimp can get sick and die if the water in the aquarium is too stagnant

The thing is that small arthropods are very sensitive to various components environment. The owner should be aware that the following factors have a detrimental effect on them:

  1. Insufficiently settled water. Fresh liquid, in which microflora has not yet developed, is detrimental to shrimp, so before the first fill, the water should stand in a dark place for several weeks.
  2. Tobacco smoke. If you smoke in a room with an aquarium, aquatic inhabitants will not live long in such conditions. Shrimp are so sensitive to smell that they can be harmed even if you put food in them with an unwashed hand that was holding a cigarette.
  3. Medicines and water stabilizers. Any chemicals that contain the slightest traces of copper have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

Thus, the owner may accidentally make a mistake that will lead to the death of his pets. To prevent this from happening, you need to take responsibility for caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then they will delight you with their beauty and health.

Aquarium shrimp are a decoration for any aquarium. Freshwater aquarium shrimp are also kept in special species aquariums - shrimp tanks. These aquarium inhabitants are rather whimsical creatures that react more strongly to the chemical composition of the water than fish. This article describes some aspects of keeping these inhabitants of freshwater aquariums, caring for them, feeding them and much more.

The bulk of shrimp existing in the world live in salt water, and only a few species are freshwater. These are the types contained in freshwater aquariums along with the fish. An aquarium with a shrimp tank of 40-80 liters is suitable for keeping shrimp. In a smaller volume of water it is more difficult to maintain biobalance, and in a large volume your little inhabitants will get lost among the decorations and decorations. Of course, when keeping shrimp in community aquarium with fish you can and should use a larger volume.

If you decide to keep aquarium shrimp in a jar where fish are already swimming, it is necessary that these fish are not predators, because they will easily mistake them for food and gobble them up with pleasure.

Please note that even large peace-loving fish can swallow your shrimp, so they should be kept with small fish, and your aqua should also contain various plants and other shelters in which the shrimp could retire and hide. When keeping in an aquarium, you should put no more than 1 of them per liter of water, ideally, of course, less, but their size matters here.

The vast majority of aquarium freshwater shrimp feels great with the following water parameters:
- temperature 20-28 degrees. In no case should you allow the temperature to rise above 30 degrees, while lowering it to 15 degrees will not cause them much harm, but will slow down their metabolism, the shrimp will become lethargic, move little and stop reproducing.

The pH of the water should be in the range of 6.5-7.5, i.e. shifted towards the alkaline reaction. Acidic water with a pH below 6.2 will destroy the shrimp's shell (chitin layer). The water must be hard, because... hardness salts serve building material for the chitinous layer of shrimp.

Shrimp are very critical of temperature changes. For example, a strong temperature change can cause stress for fish, and it will simply kill shrimp. Already 7 degrees difference will be fatal.

Remember the main rule - the copper content in the water is lethal for shrimp!

Shrimp are very inquisitive creatures; they crawl into various crevices from which they then cannot get out and die there. Therefore, the following conditions must be provided in the aquarium:

  • Do not use a three-dimensional background, as young and curious individuals can crawl into various crevices between the background and the glass.
  • When using an external filter, place a sponge over the intake tube to prevent shrimp from accidentally getting into it.
  • It is advisable to use internal filters without plastic flasks; it is advisable that the filter sponge be open.

Make sure that the compressor is constantly on in your aquarium (around the clock), as these inhabitants are very sensitive to the oxygen content in the water.

A shrimp, like any crustacean, grows only at the moment of shedding its chitinous cover, i.e. during molting. The old shell becomes tight and she takes it off, leaving her unprotected for some time, so there must be various shelters nearby. You can use stones with large holes as shelters, or you can build one yourself from small-diameter plastic tubes assembled together and decorated on the outside with moss. The old shell should not be thrown out of the aquarium, because... it contains useful substances promoting rapid growth new shell and some shrimp may eat it.

Shrimp eat almost any food; they are omnivorous aquarium orderlies. Despite the fact that specialized food for shrimp is sold, you can safely do without it. They eat food left uneaten by the fish. Shrimp also love rotten ones. organic waste which accumulate on the filter sponge, they happily eat aquarium algae and dead fish; in a word, they are irreplaceable orderlies. On the other hand, hungry shrimp may happily attack a young and tender plant, so be careful before placing one in the aquarium.

Because shrimp eat a lot and defecate a lot, ammonia levels can quickly rise in an overcrowded aquarium, so be sure to do frequent water changes.

Among aquarium shrimp there is a very wide variety of species, each of which differs not only in size and color, but also in its ability to reproduce. At the end of this post we have published photos of some types of shrimp.

The most common species that can be found in aquariums are:



Blue Bee


Red crystal