Gosha Kutsenko - biography, information, personal life. Secretive Gosha Kutsenko and his actresses Kutsenko family

Gosha Kutsenko is a fairly famous film actor. He has appeared in a large number of films in which he plays courageous heroes. The man also tried his hand at directing. He made several films that became a new word in Russian cinema.

The actor plays the guitar well. He often performs in nightclubs, impressing with his mastery musical instrument and vocal abilities.

The man was in a relationship with beautiful women twice. Only the last lover managed to drag the man down the aisle. He is raising two little daughters. The actor does not forget his eldest daughter Polina, who is already an adult.

After the release of the first film with the participation of the star, many film lovers began to become interested in the artist. Currently, it is no secret information about his height, weight, and age. It is reliably known how old Gosha Kutsenko is. Currently, the artist has crossed the 50-year mark. But many fans believe that the man looks several years younger than his biological age.

Gosha Kutsenko, whose photos in his youth and now allow one to see a courageous man, has a height of 184 centimeters. The star weighs about 80 kg. He often visits gyms where he maintains his physical fitness.

Biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The biography and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are amazing and attractive. They are able to interest any person.

A baby was born into the Kutsenko family in the late 60s of the last century. He was named Yuri at birth. In this way, the boy’s parents honored the first person on planet Earth to travel into space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. Father, Georgy Pavlovich, led the industry producing radio components in the Zaporozhye region. Mother, Svetlana Vasilievna Kutsenko, worked as a radiologist at the hospital.

At the age of 5, our hero moves with his parents to another Ukrainian city. It is Lvov who considers the guy to be his family. IN school years Yura studied well. He especially liked mathematics. But the guy didn’t like literature, since he had to recite poems, and this clearly showed a speech defect. Kutsenko could not pronounce the sound r.

Yuri attended music school and learned to play the guitar quite well. But the guy didn’t dare to sing yet.

Having received a school certificate, our hero becomes a student at the Polytechnic Institute in his native Lviv on the first try. But he was unable to complete his education, as he was drafted into armed forces Soviet Union. For 2 years the young man was a signalman. Although he was offered to become a military man, the future actor refused.

In the late 80s, the Russian film star moved with his family to the capital of the Soviet Union. In the early 90s, the guy studies at the Moscow Art Theater School. The selection committee was captivated by the artist’s originality. He withstood all the difficulties with honor. In order not to show his burr, the guy uses his home name. It is called Gosha. Oleg Tabakov enrolls our hero among the students. The future star soon corrected all his speech defects. He became one of the best students on the course.

After graduating from the theater institute, he gets a job in one of the capital's theaters. Talented actor played many of the most various roles. He quickly gained fans.

Filmography: films starring Gosha Kutsenko

Kutsenko began acting in films back in student years. His debut film was “The Man from Alpha Team.” Many years have passed since then. The artist is invited by the best film directors. His heroes are courageous. The best works Gosha, according to his fans, is his work in “The Countess de Monsoreau”, “Antikiller”, “Special Forces”, “The Turkish Gambit” and many others. Kutsenko sometimes acts from a humorous perspective. The actor showed his talent in “Carrot Love,” where pop singer Kristina Orbakaite became his partner. Despite Kutsenko's statements that he is stopping acting in films, his filmography is still expanding. Recently, movie lovers could see Gosha’s work in “President’s Vacation.” And currently he is filming “The Balkan Frontier”.

The actor dubbed several foreign films. He gave his voice to courageous characters. Potanya speaks in the artist’s voice in the cartoon “Three Heroes. Knight's move."

Our hero also tried himself as a director. He made two films: “If You Love” and “The Doctor,” which were appreciated by critics and viewers. The artist wrote scripts for several films.

The man often participates in various show programs in which he judges the contestants.

Kutsenko is also involved in music. He often performs with his own band. Currently, Gosha has released several music albums.

Twice our hero lost his head from love. The first wife never became official, despite the birth of her daughter. The actor is still happy in his second marriage. He is raising two small daughters.

Family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko

The family and personal life of Gosha Kutsenko are topics that the artist can answer endlessly.

The popular film actor has three daughters. The first one was given to him by his first lover. And the next two were born in Kutsenko’s second marriage. He loves all his daughters. Gosha also has a godson, who was born into the family of one of the artist’s friends.

The father held leadership positions. He worked in Ukraine for many years. In 1988, the man began working in the Soviet government. In the difficult 90s, the star’s father began to engage in business. But it was unsuccessful. Recently, a man passed away and was buried in one of the capital’s cemeteries.

Mom had a great influence on the boy's development. She worked in a hospital all her life. Currently, the woman is helping to raise two little granddaughters, the youngest of whom is so similar to her.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Polina

In the difficult 90s, the artist became a father for the first time. But this did not prompt the official registration of relations with common-law wife Maria Poroshina. Shortly after this, the common-law spouses separated, but the star of “The Turkish Gambit” did not stop participating in the child’s life.

Gosha Kutsenko’s daughter, Polina, studied well at school. The girl received an artistic education. She graduated from the Shchukin School. Currently, Polina actively plays in one of the capital's theaters and acts in films.

Recently, at one of the events, a girl appeared with her father. They performed the song together, showing excellent vocal abilities. But nothing is known about Polina’s personal life. She carefully avoids this side of life in her interviews.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Evgenia

In 2014, our hero became a father for the second time. He treated and still cares about the baby, who is so similar to his beloved wife. Zhenya was born in one of the capital's hospitals. The star father himself was present at the birth.

Gosha Kutsenko’s daughter Evgenia recently celebrated her fourth birthday. She, according to the actor, will become an actress or singer. Now the girl is engaged in singing and dancing. She draws well and tries to read books.

Zhenya helps her mother raise her younger sister. She loves to walk with dad and write funny stories, some of which can be read on her mom’s Instagram.

Daughter of Gosha Kutsenko - Svetlana

Our hero named his youngest daughter, born in mid-2017, in honor of his beloved mother, Sveta. The girl looks like her grandmother. The actor himself assures that sometimes the manner of his mother is manifested in his daughter’s behavior.

Gosha Kutsenko’s daughter, Svetlana, recently celebrated her first birthday. Baby got it large number gifts. Many friends of the girl's parents were present at the celebration.

The baby loves to play with her sister, grandmother and mother. It is not yet possible to determine who the baby will be. But it is clear that she will become a good person.

Gosha Kutsenko's ex-wife - Maria Poroshina

On the set of one of his films, the popular film actor met a girl, Masha. She immediately attracted the man's attention. The romance quickly turned into a relationship. At first, the lovers decided to live in a civil marriage without officially registering the relationship. They worked and relaxed together, enjoying each other. But after the birth of their daughter, the actors decided to separate.

Gosha Kutsenko’s ex-wife, Maria Poroshina, never interfered with her daughter’s communication with her father. She saved with ex-husband friendly relations.

The acting career of the actress was quite successful. She plays and acts in films a lot. Maria recently received a prestigious award for her many years of creative activity.

Gosha Kutsenko's wife - Irina Skrinichenko

In 2005, at one of the social events the star of “The Turkish Gambit” met a girl who attracted him with her beauty. The artist says that he saw bottomless eyes and disappeared. Didn't stop him big difference aged. Gosha began to look after Ira. And only after some time did she respond to his advances.

In 2012, the lovers officially registered their marriage. The young wife of Gosha Kutsenko, Irina Skrinichenko, is quite successful model. She appeared in several films. Currently, Irina is taking care of the house and raising her little daughters. But the girl finds time to participate in fashion shows, leaving the daughters in the care of their grandmother.

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko

Instagram and Wikipedia Gosha Kutsenko allows you to fully get acquainted with the life and creative path of the actor.

Wikipedia tells in sufficient detail about the youth of our hero. But about childhood, superficial information is given. Here you can find a list of films in which a man has ever starred. The films in which he acted as director and producer are listed. On the page you can learn a little about the actor’s personal life. The artist's wives and children are listed here.

Kutsenko’s Instagram fills the Wikipedia gap. Here you can see photographs of the actor both on stage and in cinema, and in everyday life. Gosha spends a lot of time with his beloved wife and daughters, as can be judged from the photographs posted on the page. The star talks about her life without hiding anything. Gosha wants everyone to know that he is incredibly happy.

To be fair, it must be said that even then he was not Yuri. His parents, who named him after the first cosmonaut, began to call their son Gosha. And he liked it: he didn’t have to pronounce that angry and unyielding “r.”

A guy with an extraordinary appearance, a slight Ukrainian accent and a burry “r” came to the Moscow Art Theater School as an adult - he ran away from his third year at the Polytechnic, and the master of the course, Oleg Tabakov, liked him.

His acting debut took place during his student years. However, Gosha will not be the most noticeable and sought-after actor for a long time - until he stars in Antikiller. Then the country will begin to rock its new hero in its arms.


And while he was a simple charming guy, and not a celebrity with a fan club numbering half the country, he was loved most of all by the equally simple and unknown Masha Poroshina.

Their romance began easily and quickly. The lovers moved in and lived together for five years. When the girl became pregnant, Gosha liked another woman.

Maria found out about the betrayal a month after Polina was born. But the former lovers kept the reason for the divorce secret for many years. Imagine the surprise of their friends when loving, sincere Masha infant she suddenly left Gosha in her arms.


Then he admitted more than once that he regretted breaking up with Maria, and if he had been given free rein, he would have acted differently, he would not have let his impulsive, upset, beloved one go anywhere.

Years later and having started a family, Maria admits that if she were older, maybe she would have done everything differently too. But then the girl was a young maximalist and was guided by her beloved Shakespeare. Love in her understanding could only be like that of Romeo and Juliet. Or - none.


Gosha suffered and suffered, kept his personal life secret, and remained for a long time eligible bachelor. Only about 15 years later he married again - to fashion model actress Irina Skrinichenko. The wedding was not magnificent: Irina’s mother was called as a witness, and they themselves signed modestly.

Not much is known about life with Irina. Gosha himself admitted several times in his interviews that he works a lot and hardly sees his wife and children. He told the story that one day they went on vacation together for the first time - Gosha, Ira and their first, already three-year-old daughter Zhenya.

This week, according to the actor, was very strange: seeing Irina and Zhenya every day, waking up and falling asleep next to loved ones, having breakfast with them and going to dinner...


In 2017, the couple had another daughter. Kutsenko does not like to talk about her, as well as other details of his personal life. But he began to talk a little more about Zhenya.

Kutsenko believes the best profession for girls - the acting profession, and the acting profession - for women.

The actor told reporters that his daughter once came to see him at a performance. He was worried how she would react to his hero and whether she would see him as a dad. But everything went smoothly: little Zhenya understood everything and didn’t say a word. And at the end I even came out with my dad to bow.

Kutsenko believes that the best profession for girls is the acting profession, and the acting profession is for women. He admitted that he wants to see his three daughters become actresses in the future. Polina, daughter from her first marriage (to Maria Poroshina), has already agreed with her dad and is fulfilling his dream by studying at the theater.

Mummy in tattoos (1991)

Hammer and Sickle (1994)

Under the sign of Scorpio (1995)

8 and a half dollars (1999)

Antikiller (2002)

Gosha Kutsenko, real name - Yuri Georgievich Kutsenko. Born on May 20, 1967 in Zaporozhye. Russian actor, singer, director, screenwriter, producer. Honored Artist of Russia (2013).

Father - Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry.

Mother - Svetlana Vasilyevna Kutsenko (nee Nazimova), radiologist.

My paternal grandmother was an opera singer.

Soon after his birth, the family moved to Lviv. He graduated from Lviv school No. 56 (now LUGG). After school I entered Lviv polytechnic institute, but did not finish his studies and was drafted into the Soviet Army.

After demobilization in 1988, the family moved to Moscow - the father was appointed Deputy Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR.

In the capital, he entered MIREA. Two years later he entered the Moscow Art Theater School, from which he graduated in 1992. Kutsenko lisped a lot and when entering the Moscow Art Theater School, he introduced himself as Gosha, not Yuri. Subsequently, he corrected the diction defect, but kept his acting pseudonym.

According to Kutsenko, due to his external similarity with, in his youth he pretended to be his son. Later in the film “Narrow Bridge” the actors played the roles of father and son.

Since 2008, he began working at the theater. Mossovet, among his works: Khlestakov - N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General” (dir. Nina Chusova); Actor - V. Allen “God” (dir. Viktor Shamirov); Monk - A. Manzoni “The Betrothed” (dir. Viktor Shamirov); Evgeny - V. Derkho, E. Krause “Exercises in Beauty” (dir. Viktor Shamirov).

He played in the play “The Game of Truth” directed by Viktor Shamirov, together with Irina Apeksimova, Dmitry Maryanov, Konstantin Yushkevich.

He is often invited to the jury of the KVN Major League.

The rock band, whose lead singer was once Gosha Kutsenko, was called “Lamb-97”. The first performances began with this group.

In 2004, he became friends with the ideologist and creator of the TOKiO group, Yaroslav Maly, and starred in two video clips of the group: “Moscow” and “I am a Star.”

In 2004, the tandem “Gosha Kutsenko & Anatomy of Soul” was born, which laid the foundation for the start of musical activity famous actor, lasted four years. During this time, the musicians gave several dozen concerts in different cities Russia and took part in major festivals “Invasion”, “Emmaus”, “Old New Rock” and others. Songs from that period were included in the soundtracks of the films “Mars”, “The Fourth Wish”, “Kings Can Do Anything”, “Savages”. A video clip was shot for the song “Drops”.

In 2008, Kutsenko united a new team around himself talented musicians and began rehearsals and studio recording. The result was a work that combined several musical directions. Gosha Kutsenko’s debut album “My World”, released by Mazai Communications in 2010, was presented in Moscow on the eve of the actor’s birthday - May 19 at the Gusyatnikoff restaurant.

He believes that music is a source of energy that gives an artist the opportunity to feel forever young, although many do not take his songwriting seriously.

Gosha Kutsenko - Such love

In 2010, the actor played main role in the video “Magician” of the group “King and the Jester”, as well as in the video of the group “Casta” “Hot time”.

In 2012, the single “I want to break the dishes” by Gosha Kutsenko and the group “Chi-Li” was released.

In November 2014, at the “Artist” club, Gosha presented his new album “Music”, where he spoke from the stage about his understanding of the current situation in Ukraine and his desire to leave cinema.

Muse - favorite music group Gosha Kutsenko, and his favorite song is “Space Dementia”.

He became widely known for his roles in the films “Mom, Don’t Cry”, “Antikiller”, “This is What Happens to Me”, “Carrot Love”, “Savages”, “Daring Days”, “Kings Can Do Anything”, “Exercises in beautiful."

Spontaneity, simplicity and sincerity brought him the love of the audience. He is called a sex symbol and a brutal macho, and his bald head is one of the most famous in the country.

Gosha Kutsenko in the film "Antikiller"

In May 2015, he announced the names of stations on the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line of the Moscow Metro.

Plays in the Central musical academic theater Russian Army"Pola Negri"

In 2016 he announced that he was completing acting career and plans to engage in directing activities. Then he said that “I would be happy to give up acting, which ruins people.” Before this, Kutsenko tried his hand as a film director - but his debut work “Doctor” was not successful at Kinotavr.

But despite the above statement, he continued filming.

In 2018, a social drama directed by Bogdan Drobyazko was released. « Ambulance» , in which the actor played the main character - ambulance driver Konstantin Kulygin, who begins to demonstrate the wonders of diagnostics and medical art on calls, saving a lot human lives. It turns out that Kulygin is a talented doctor who was unfairly deprived of his license. Kulygin's task is to restore his good name and return to the profession.

Gosha Kutsenko admitted: “My mother was a radiologist, and as a child I was cutting between X-ray guns, doctors and patients. I have boundless respect for people in this profession. And when my friends suggested that I play a doctor, and an ambiguous doctor with difficult fate, I thought that this was a true continuation of the course of events in my life... For an artist, probably the most important thing is for the audience to believe him. Therefore, I would like that in simple times, when I’m walking down the street one day, someone would come up to me and say: “Doctor, help.”

Gosha Kutsenko in the TV series "Emergency"

Socio-political position of Gosha Kutsenko

From 2008 to 2013 he was a member ruling party « United Russia“, however, during the 2011 Parliamentary elections he voted for the Yabloko party, and during the 2012 Presidential elections he starred in an election video and voted for a self-nominated candidate.

He held the Georgian authorities responsible for the war in South Ossetia 2008 and organized a charity concert, the money raised at which was donated to the restoration of Tskhinval.

He was part of the campaign headquarters of Sergei Sobyanin during the 2013 Moscow mayoral elections.

He spoke out against the criminal prosecution of Sergei Udaltsov and Alexei Navalny.

Supported the Drug Free City Foundation.

In 2014, Kutsenko was a guest at the forum of the Seliger youth agency. Called for an end to the war in eastern Ukraine.

Gosha Kutsenko - Alone with everyone

Gosha Kutsenko's height: 184 centimeters.

Personal life of Gosha Kutsenko:

First wife ( civil marriage) - were not officially married; their daughter Polina Kutsenko was born in 1996. Polina also became an actress.

The second wife is Irina Mikhailovna Skrinichenko (born June 11, 1980), fashion model of the Fashion Group agency, acted in films. On June 23, 2014, the couple had a daughter, Evgenia.

Filmography of Gosha Kutsenko:

1991 - Man from Team Alpha
1991 - Mummy from a suitcase
1993 - Dreams - tailor Shtokman
1993 - Children of the cast iron gods - Fedor
1993 - Against all odds
1994 - Nocturne for drum and motorcycle
1994 - Rat Funeral - new priest (priest)
1995 - Under the sign of Scorpio - Maxim Peshkov
1996 - Funny things - family matters
1997 - Countess de Monsoreau - Claude, Duc de Chevreuse
1998 - Stop
1998 - Mom, don’t worry - Arthur
1999 - The Good and the Bad - Alexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 - Zigzag
1999 - Eight and a half dollars - Indian
2000 - 33 square meters(Series “Seconds decide everything”) - Yuri Georgievich, teacher at MSTU. Bauman, Andrey Zvezdunov's physics tutor
2001 - April - Arthur
2002 - Mixer
2002 - Road
2002 - Antikiller - Major Korenev, Lis
2002 - Loneliness of Blood - Vladimir
2002 - On the Move - guest
2002 - Special Forces - Sharaf Rashdi
2002 - The investigation is being conducted by the Experts. Pound of gold - Smurin
2003 - Criminal tango - policeman
2003 - Kidnapping - “Hedgehog”
2003 - Golden Age - Prince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 - Antikiller 2: Anti-terror - Major Korenev, Lis
2003 - The Fourth Wish - Morozov
2004 - Night Watch - Ignat
2004 - Mars - Boris Nikitin
2005 - Lethal force-6: “Cape of Good Hope” - Rybakov
2005 - Narrow Bridge
2005 - Hunting for red deer - Luchkov
2005 - Yesenin - Yakov Blumkin
2005 - Garpastum - Alexander Blok
2005 - Death of an Empire - Gibson
2005 - Turkish Gambit - Ismail Bey
2005 - From 180 and above - Alik
2005 - Last weekend - Crazy
2005 - Mom, don’t worry 2 - Arthur
2005 - Day Watch - Ignat
2006 - Savages - Ay-Yay
2006 - Tin - naked man
2007 - Love-Carrot - Andrey Golubev
2007 - Paragraph 78 - Goodwin
2007 - Paragraph 78. Film two - Goodwin
2007 - Daring days - captain of Tortuga
2007 - Gloss
2008 - Kings can do anything - Max Shalnov, journalist
2008 - Indigo - Vadim Sukhanov
2008 - Thirteen months
2008 - Love-Carrot 2 - Andrey Golubev
2009 - Inhabited Island - underground fighter Vepr
2009 - Gift - Russian general
2009 - Antikiller D.K. - Major Korenev, Lis
2009 - Book of Masters - Kashchei the Immortal
2010 - Jerk
2010 - Diamond Arm-2 - Lyolik
2010 - The Irony of Love - General
2010 - Compensation - Sergey Mikhailovich Maltsev
2011 - Love-Carrot 3 - Andrey Golubev
2011 - Fairy tale. Yes - Kulturnik Stump
2011 - Tour
2011 - Phantom - Matvey
2011 - Manipulator

2011 - Yolki 2 - actor dressed in a “dragon” costume
2011 - My boyfriend is an angel - Professor Volyntsev
2012 - Suicides - Mitus
2012 - August. Eighth - George
2012 - That Carloson! - Novitsky
2012 - Moms (short story “Operation March 8”) - father
- Artyom
2012 - Gentlemen, good luck! - Connecting rod
2013 - Conversation - Boris
2013 - Courier from “Paradise” - Egor Glazunov
2013 - Treasures of O.K. - Ivan the Terrible, caretaker of the Syuyumbike tower
2013 - Yolki 3 - Professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2013 - Game of Truth - Tolya
2013-2014 - Non-format - Roman Arsenyev, actor and presenter
2013 - Studio 17 - Gosha Kutsenko
2013 - Invisibles - Gosha, invisible
2014 - Unreal love
2014 - Star - cameo
2014 - Raiders - Nikolai Alexandrovich
2015-2017 - The Last Cop - Alexey Divov, police captain
2015 - Country OZ - Novel
2015 - Sniper: Hero of the Resistance - Nikolai Volokhov, sergeant, sniper
2015 - Londongrad. Know ours! - Sanya Khanin, writer, author of the bestseller “The Ural Breakdown”
2015 - Horoscope for luck - Nikolai Vasilievich, head of an advertising agency
2015 - Doctor - Yuri Mikhailovich Maltsev, neurosurgeon
2016 - Yolki 5 - Andrey
2017 - About love. For adults only - Lesha
2017 - Graphomafia - Sizukhin
2017 - Time to live, time to die (short film) - Kutsenko
2018 - House arrest
2018 - - Konstantin Kulygin, ambulance driver
2018 - Presidential Vacation - the President in makeup
2018 - Reserve - Markov, animator
2018 - Mistresses

2019 - - Alexander Polyakov, neurosurgeon
2019 - Tell the truth
2019 - Goalkeeper of the Galaxy

Dubbing by Gosha Kutsenko:

1994 - Hammer and Sickle - Evdokim Kuznetsov (Alexey Serebryakov)
2003 - Oldboy - Lee Woo-jin (Yoo Ji-tae)
2006 - Forest Tale - RJ (Bruce Willis)
2008 - Wanted - Mr. X (David O'Hara)
2009 - Bugay - Bugay (Pablo Echarri)
2011 - Happy Feet 2 - Mumble (Elijah Wood)
2011 - Phantom - Matvey (voicing his hero)
2014 - Lego. Movie - Bruce Wayne/Batman (Will Arnett)

Voiced by Gosha Kutsenko:

2013 - Return of Buratino - bear
2014 - Alice knows what to do! (Episode 11) - Zdob
2015 - Three heroes. Knight's move - Potanya

Directed by Gosha Kutsenko:

2012 - Son
2015 - Doctor

Scripts by Gosha Kutsenko:

2009 - Antikiller D.K: Love without memory
2011 - Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2013 - Game of truth
2015 - Doctor

Producer works of Gosha Kutsenko:

2006 - Savages
2011 - Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2012 - Son
2013 - Game of truth
2018 - Balkan Line, The

Discography of Gosha Kutsenko:

Gosha Kutsenko at a photo shoot

Gosha Kutsenko is a Russian filmmaker, director, producer and screenwriter. In 2013 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He became famous thanks to such films as “Antikiller”, “Savages”, “Mama Don’t Cry”, “Exercises in Beauty”, “Night Watch”.

Happy and carefree childhood

Gosha Kutsenko was born on May 20, 1967 in Zaporozhye (Ukraine). The parents of the future celebrity had nothing to do with filmmaking: his father worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry, his mother was a doctor in a hospital.

But Gosha once had hair...

Gosha's parents paid him a lot of attention. The guy studied well and rarely received even a B. The only problematic subject was chemistry. The boy combined school with sports. After studying, Kutsenko attended the wrestling section. By the way, Gosha often got into all sorts of fights and showdowns. Kutsenko studied in Zaporozhye for several years, and then moved to Lviv because of his father’s work. There he entered the Polytechnic Institute, but did not have time to complete his studies because he was called to serve his homeland.

The actor himself has said more than once that his childhood was incredibly happy. However, he realized this already as a mature man.

Life in Moscow

In 1988, Gosha’s dad became Deputy Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR. The whole family was forced to move to Moscow. In the capital, Gosha entered the Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation. After some time, the student realized that he wanted to become a theater actor. That’s how he came up with the idea of ​​entering the Moscow Art Theater School.. The parents were, to put it mildly, “shocked” by such a wonderful choice of their son. My father immediately called the theater dean’s office and demanded that they not dare hire such a “burring idiot.” But even such threats from his father did not prevent Gosha from passing all the exams with excellent marks, which allowed him to begin training as an aspiring actor.

First works

Kutsenko received his first role in the film three years later (in 1991) after the start of his studies. Then he played in one episode of the film “The Man from Team Alpha.” After a short period of time, the actor, together with his classmates, starred in the title role of the film “Mummy from a Suitcase.” In 1992, Gosha graduated from the university, but he did not expect that he would soon be disappointed. Theaters simply did not want to hire novice filmmakers. Kutsenko continued to play minor roles in films. Thus, he starred in the parable “Children of the Cast Iron Gods”, the crime film “Nocturne for Drum and Motorcycle”, as well as the drama “Hammer and Sickle”.

Still from the movie “Hammer and Sickle”

In 1995, the actor was invited to television. He began hosting a program called “Party Zone” on the TV-6 channel. However, the future celebrity became tired of this type of activity after two years. Gosha began to feel depressed. For 40 days he sat at home and did absolutely nothing except play computer games.

The glory of "Antikiller"

Kutsenko in the film "Antikiller"

Popularity came to George completely unexpectedly. The action film of his friend Kostya Murzenko “April”, where Kutsenko played the main role, almost no one noticed. But in 2002, Yegor Konchalovsky, thanks to his “Antikiller,” made Gosha a real star.

Many famous actors played in the film. Kutsenko in this film was entrusted with the role of a former criminal investigation officer nicknamed “Fox”. This character was far from a positive hero. He was released to begin to implement his rules and laws into reality. Gosha's performance was noted by several famous critics, and the film collected quite an impressive amount at the box office.

Popularity, recognition and latest films

After the film "Antikiller" Kutsenko became a real celebrity. Gaucher immediately received several tempting offers that he could not refuse. The actor starred in the 2002 thriller “Loneliness of Blood” and the film “The Road.” He also tried himself in the image of the killer Smurov in the series “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts.” By the way, Gosha has repeatedly noted that he does not like to act in TV series and made exceptions only a few times.

Still from the film “Loneliness of Blood”

Well, then one of the main films in the actor’s career came out. We are talking about a 2004 blockbuster called “Night Watch”. Despite the fact that in this film Kutsenko played a minor role - an elegant seductive wig, his image was noticed and highlighted and was well appreciated by both critics and viewers.

After this, the actor starred in the TV series “Yesenin” in 2005, where he got the role of the poet’s killer.

In 2006, Kutsenko played the main role in the adventure comedy “Savages”, which grossed 1 million 600 thousand dollars at the box office (with a budget of 800 thousand). Well, in 2007, Kutsenko appeared together with Kristina Orbakaite in another comedy called “Carrot Love,” which literally won the audience’s sympathy.

Gosha Kutsenko as a savage

Almost everything latest movies, where Gosha Kutsenko starred, belong to the comedy genre. For example, in 2012 he played in the films “Gentlemen, Good Luck!” and “That Carlson!”, and in 2014 appeared in the film “Unreal Love”, the plot of which is based on the lives of Moscow beauties who conquer men’s hearts.

Gosha in the film "Gentlemen, Good Luck!"

Personal life

In his third year of study at the university in Moscow, Gosha met Maria Porshina. She was also an actress and had just entered the studio school. Soon the couple got married and had a daughter, Polina.

Maria Porshina - the first wife of Gosha Kutsenko

After 5 years, the couple separated, but remained close friends. Maria and Gosha claim that their past relationships do not interfere with their work.

Gosha’s next girlfriend was Irina Skrinichenko, with whom he signed in 2012. A magnificent wedding the couple did not arrange it. On June 23, 2014, Gosha and Irina had a daughter, Evgenia.

Gosha Kutsenko in the company of his wife Irina Skrinichenko (photo)


  • 2006, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Villain” (film “From 180 and Above”).
  • 2007, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Comedy Role” (film “Savages”).
  • 2008, “MTV-Russia”, “Best Comedy Role” (film “Love-Carrots”).


1995 Under the sign of ScorpioMaxim Peshkov
1997 Countess de MonsoreauClaude, Duke of Chevreuse
1998 Mom, don't worryArthur
1999 The good and the badAlexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 Eight and a half dollarsIndian
2001 AprilArthur
2002 AntikillerMajor Korenev, Lis
2002 On the moveguest
2002 Special ForcesSharaf Rashdi
2002 The investigation is being conducted by the Experts. Pound of goldSmurin
2003 Criminal tangopoliceman
2003 Kidnapping"Hedgehog"
2003 Golden agePrince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 Antikiller 2: AntiterrorMajor Korenev, Lis
2004 Night watchIgnat
2004 MarsBoris Nikitin
2005 Killing Power 6: "Cape of Good Hope"Rybakov
2005 Hunting for wapitiLuchkov
2005 YeseninYakov Blyumkin
2005 HarpastumAlexander Blok
2005 Death of an EmpireGibson
2005 Turkish GambitIsmail Bey
2005 From 180 and aboveAlik
2005 Last weekendMad
2005 Mom, don't worry 2Arthur
2005 Day watchIgnat
2006 SavagesAi-Yai
2006 Tinnaked man
2007 Love is a carrotAndrey Golubev
2007 Paragraph 78Goodwin
2007 Paragraph 78. Film twoGoodwin
2007 Daring daysCaptain of the Tortuga
2008 Kings can do anythingMax Shalnov, journalist
2008 IndigoVadim Sukhanov
2008 Carrot Love 2Andrey Golubev
2009 Inhabited islandunderground worker Vepr
2009 PresentRussian general
2009 Antikiller D.K.Major Korenev, Lis
2009 Book of MastersKashchei the Immortal
2010 The irony of lovegeneral
2011 Carrot Love 3Andrey Golubev
2011 Fairy tale. EatStump-cultivator
2011 2011 - PhantomMatvey
2011 Christmas trees 2actor dressed in a dragon costume
2012 August. EighthGeorgiy
2012 That's Carloson!Novitsky
2013 Fir trees 3Professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2014 Gena ConcreteGena Concrete

Interview with Gosha Kutsenko (video)

Actor Gosha Kutsenko (Gosha Kutsenko) today - personal life, actor’s wives, children
Find out all about Gosha Kutsenko Height: 1.84 m. Weight: 83 kg. Date of birth: May 20, 1967. Place of birth: Zaporozhye, USSR (Ukraine). Russian actor, singer, director, screenwriter, producer. Honored Artist of Russia (2013). Spouse: Irina Skrinichenko. Best films Gosha Kutsenko:“Turkish Gambit”, “Moms”, “Exercises in beauty”, “This is what is happening to me”. Best TV seriesGoshi Kutsenko: Yesenin, Londongrad. Know ours, Turkish Gambit, Manhunt, Death of the Empire actor

Gosha Kutsenko on Twitter: twitter.com/Goshakutsenko
Gosha Kutsenko on Instagram: instagram.com/goshakutsenko

kutsenko.ru - official website of Gosha Kutsenko
Widely known thanks to roles in films "Mom, don't worry", "Antikiller", “This is what’s happening to me”, "Love-carrot", "Savages", "Daring Days", "Kings can do anything", "Exercises in beauty".

Gosha Kutsenko - photo

The first common-law husband and father of her daughter was the iconic and incredibly charismatic actor Gosha Kutsenko. At that time he was a third-year student at the Moscow Art Theater, older than Maria for six years. But this did not stop young people from falling in love, moving in together and having a child. This marriage lasted five years and resulted in the daughter Polina, a copy of her father. Maria says she respects her very much ex-husband and I am happy that for some period of my life I was his family. The actors managed to maintain such friendly relations that they act in films together without any problems. And Gosha admitted not so long ago that he really regrets that breakup.

45-year-old Gosha Kutsenko unexpectedly announced in an interview with one of the glossy magazines that he again said goodbye to his bachelor status and got married! Who is she - the chosen one of the popular actor?

Gosha Kutsenko married model Irina Skrinichenko - photo

“I have news. I got married!- he happily said in an interview with OK! Gosha Kutsenko. His chosen one was 32-year-old fashion model and actress Irina Skrinichenko. The couple's relationship has lasted for about 10 years. They first started talking about their wedding in 2010, when the actor confirmed that he had proposed marriage to his beloved. She agreed and began planning the wedding. However, the cherished celebration never took place. The couple began to be seen less and less often together. There were rumors that Gosha and Irina decided to temporarily live separately. What caused this is unknown.
In 2011, Kutsenko was accused of having an affair with singer Irina Zabiyaka (lead singer of the group “Chi-Li”). Gosha even gave her a ring, which some media mistook for an engagement ring. When it became known that Irina was expecting a child, there was no talk about them romantic relationships with Kutsenko it became even more. True, there was no evidence that the couple was dating, other than their rare joint appearances.
Read also:

For the sake of Irina Zabiyaka, Gosha Kutsenko became blonde
* Gosha Kutsenko is getting married!

At the end of this summer, the paparazzi photographed Gosha Kutsenko in the company of Irina Skrinichenko. The couple was having fun in a restaurant with friends. Apparently, by that time the lovers had gotten back together. And the other day they got married. Kutsenko did not disclose the details of the celebration.

Let us remember that this was the second marriage for the actor. Before that, he was married to his colleague Maria Poroshina. They have a 16-year-old daughter, Polina.


Born in Zaporozhye (Ukrainian SSR) in the family of Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko, who worked at the Ministry of Radio Industry, and radiologist Svetlana Vasilyevna Kutsenko (nee Nazimova). My paternal grandmother was an opera singer.

Then he and his family moved to Lviv. He graduated from Lviv school No. 56 (now LUGG). He entered the Lvov Polytechnic Institute, but did not finish his studies and was drafted into the Soviet Army.

In 1988 he moved to Moscow. Entered MIREA. Two years later he entered the Moscow Art Theater School (graduated in 1992). Works at the theater. Mossovet. Invited to the jury of the KVN Major League.

IN lately participates in the play “The Game of Truth” directed by Viktor Shamirov, together with Irina Apeksimova, Dmitry Maryanov, Konstantin Yushkevich.

Personal life
First wife - Maria Poroshina, were not officially married.
Daughter - Polina Kutsenko(born 1996).

Second Wife— Irina Mikhailovna Skrinichenko(born June 11, 1980) - fashion model of the Fashion Group agency, acted in films.
Daughter - Evgenia(born June 23, 2014).

Daughter - Svetlana Kutsenko(born 2017)

Films with the participation of actor Gosha Kutsenko - Wikipedia

Filmography - movie roles
1991 - Man from Team Alpha
1991 - Mummy from a suitcase
1993 - Dreams - tailor Shtokman
1993 - Children of the cast iron gods - Fedor
1993 - Against all odds
1994 - Nocturne for drum and motorcycle
1994 - Rat Funeral - new priest (priest)
1995 - Under the sign of Scorpio - Maxim Peshkov
1996 - Funny things - family matters
1997 - Countess de Monsoreau - Claude, Duc de Chevreuse
1998 - Stop
1998 - Mom, don't worry - Arthur
1999 - The Good and the Bad - Alexey Ivanovich Zhukov, criminal businessman
1999 - Zigzag
1999 - Eight and a half dollars - Indian
2000 - 33 square meters (Series “Seconds decide everything”) - Yuri Georgievich, teacher at MSTU. Bauman, Andrey Zvezdunov's physics tutor
2001 - April - Arthur
2002 - Mixer
2002 - Road
2002 - Antikiller - Major Korenev, Lis
2002 - Loneliness of Blood - Vladimir
2002 - On the Move - guest
2002 - Special Forces - Sharaf Rashdi
2002 - The investigation is conducted by the Experts. Pound of gold - Smurin
2003 - Criminal tango - policeman
2003 - Kidnapping - “Hedgehog”
2003 - Golden Age - Prince of Wales, later King George IV
2003 - Antikiller 2: Anti-terror - Major Korenev, Lis
2003 - The Fourth Wish - Morozov
2004 - Night Watch - Ignat
2004 - Mars - Boris Nikitin
2005 - Lethal force-6: “Cape of Good Hope” - Rybakov
2005 - Narrow Bridge
2005 - Hunting for red deer - Luchkov
2005 - Yesenin - Yakov Blumkin
2005 - Garpastum - Alexander Blok
2005 - Death of an Empire - Gibson
2005 - Turkish Gambit - Ismail Bey
2005 - From 180 and above - Alik
2005 - Last weekend - Crazy
2005 - Mom, don't worry 2 - Arthur
2005 - Day Watch - Ignat
2006 - Savages - Ay-Yay
2006 - Tin - naked man
2007 - Carrot Love - Andrey Golubev
2007 - Paragraph 78 - Goodwin
2007 - Paragraph 78. Film two - Goodwin
2007 - Daring days - captain of Tortuga
2007 - Gloss
2008 - Kings can do anything - Max Shalnov, journalist
2008 - Indigo - Vadim Sukhanov
2008 - Thirteen months
2008 - Carrot Love 2 - Andrey Golubev / Gleb Golubev
2009 - Inhabited Island - underground fighter Vepr
2009 - Gift - Russian general
2009 - Antikiller D.K. - Major Korenev, Lis
2009 - Book of Masters - Kashchei the Immortal
2010 - Jerk
2010 - Diamond Arm-2 - Lyolik
2010 - The Irony of Love - General
2010 - Compensation - Sergey Mikhailovich Maltsev
2011 - Carrot Love 3 - Andrey Golubev
2011 - Fairy tale. Yes - Stump-cultivator
2011 - Tour
2011 - Phantom - Matvey
2011 - Manipulator

2011 - Yolki 2 - actor in a “dragon” costume
2011 - My boyfriend is an angel - Professor Volyntsev
2012 - Suicides - Mitus
2012 - August. Eighth - actor Georgy (cameo)
2012 - That Carloson! — Novitsky
2012 - Moms (short story “Operation March 8”) - father
— Artyom
2012 — Gentlemen, good luck! — Connecting rod
2013 - Conversation - Boris
2013 - Courier from "Paradise" - Egor Glazunov
2013 - Treasures of O.K. — Ivan the Terrible, caretaker of the Syuyumbike tower
2013 — Fir trees 3— Professor Andrey Nikolaevich
2013 - Game of Truth - Tolya
2013 - Raiders - Nikolai Alexandrovich
2013 - Unreal love
2014 - Neformat - Roman Arsenyev
2014 - Gena Beton - Gena Beton
2014 - Entertaining ethology - Novel
2014 - Pola Negri - Ernst Lubitsch
2015 - Londongrad - Sanya Khanin
2015 — Sniper: Resistance Hero— Volokhov
2015 — The last man t — Alexey Divov

* 2015 - Land of Oz - Novel
* 2015 - Depth - Leonid / Strelok
* 2015 - Graphomafia
* 2016 - Doctor - Yum
* 2016 — Fir trees 5

1994 - Hammer and Sickle - Evdokim Kuznetsov (Alexey Serebryakov)
2003 - Oldboy - Lee Woo-jin (Yoo Ji-tae)
2006 - Forest Tale - RJ (Bruce Willis)
2008 - Wanted - Mr. X (David O'Hara)
2009 - Bugai - Bugai (Pablo Echarri)
2011 - Happy Feet 2 - Mumble (Elijah Wood)
2011 - Phantom - Matvey (voicing his hero)
2014 - Lego. Movie - Bruce Wayne / Batman (Will Arnett)

Voice acting
2013 - Return of Pinocchio - the bear
2014 - Alice knows what to do! (Episode 11) — Zdob
2015 - Three heroes. Knight's move - Potanya

2009 - Antikiller D.K: Love without memory
2011 — Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2013 - Game of truth

2006 - Savages
2011 — Exercises in beauty
2012 - This is what happens to me
2013 - Game of truth
Gosha Kutsenko from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Musical activities

Kutsenko at the presentation of his album “My World” in Rostov-on-Don, 2011
The rock band, whose lead singer was once Gosha Kutsenko, was called “Lamb-97”. The first performances began with this group.

In 2004, he became friends with the ideologist and creator of the TOKiO group, Yaroslav Maly, and starred in two video clips of the group: “Moscow” and “I am a Star.”

In 2004, the tandem “Gosha Kutsenko & Anatomy of Soul” was born, which, laying the foundation for the beginning of the musical activity of the famous actor, lasted four years. During this time, the musicians gave several dozen concerts in different cities of Russia and took part in major festivals “Invasion”, “Emmaus”, “Old New Rock” and others. Songs from that period were included in the soundtracks of the films “Mars”, “The Fourth Wish”, “Kings Can Do Anything”, “Savages”. A video clip was shot for the song “Drops”.

In 2008, Kutsenko united a new team of talented musicians around himself and began rehearsals and studio recording. The result was a work that combined several musical directions. Gosha Kutsenko’s debut album “My World”, released by Mazai Communications in 2010, was presented in Moscow on the eve of the actor’s birthday - May 19 at the Gusyatnikoff restaurant.

In 2010, the actor played the main role in the video “Magician” by the group “King and the Jester”, as well as in the video of the group “Casta” “Hot Time”.

In 2012, the single “I want to break the dishes” by Gosha Kutsenko and the group “Chi-Li” was released.

In November 2014, at the “Artist” club, Gosha presented his new album “Music”, where he spoke from the stage about his understanding of the current situation in Ukraine and his desire to leave cinema.

Parents: Svetlana Kutsenko, Georgy Pavlovich Kutsenko

Gosha's children Kutsenko: Polina Kutsenko. Daughter - Evgenia (born June 23, 2014). Daughter - Svetlana Kutsenko (born 2017)

Party: United Russia

View free photo biography and personal life of actor Gosha Kutsenko website. Everything about Gosha Kutsenko, theater and film actor, is available on mobile phones online.