Tom Felton is a talented musician and actor. Malfoy Draco - the role that made him famous

Draco Malfoy- A blond Hogwarts student with cold gray eyes and a pale, pointed face. Slytherin. The family was associated with the Dark Arts.

Date of birth: June 5.
Wand: Hawthorn and Unicorn Hair, 10 inches, bouncy.
Faculty at Hogwarts: Slytherin.
Parents: sorceress mother, sorcerer father.

Draco Malfoy grew up as the only child of Malfoy Manor, a magnificent mansion in Walshire that had belonged to his family for many centuries. From the moment he spoke, Draco clearly understood that he was three times special: as a wizard, as a pureblood, as a Malfoy.

Draco was raised to feel regret for the Dark Lord's failure to take over the magical community, and was carefully reminded that these feelings should not go beyond a narrow family circle and their close friends, “otherwise daddy might get in trouble.” As a child, Draco was mostly surrounded by the children of his father's pureblood friends, the former Death Eaters, and consequently arrives at Hogwarts with a small gang that includes Theodore Nott and Vincent Crabbe.

Like everyone else Harry Potter's age, Draco had heard stories about the Boy Who Lived. Many different assumptions have been made over the years: how Harry survived, what caused Voldemort’s death. One of the most persistent versions is that Harry himself was a great dark wizard. The fact that he had been removed from the wizarding community only seemed to support this view, and Draco's father, the cunning Lucius Malfoy, was one of those who was quite willing to support this theory. It was common to think that he, Lucius, might be on his way to a second chance at world domination if Potter turned out to be another, greater, pure-blooded wizard. Thus, in the knowledge that he would not dare to disappoint his father, and in the hope that he could convey home interesting news, Draco Malfoy extends his hand to Harry when he realizes who he met on the Hogwarts Express. Harry's refusal to shake Draco's hand to seal the friendship and the fact that he has already become friends with Ron Weasley, whose family is unacceptable to the Malfoys, turns Draco against Harry once and for all. Draco clearly understands that the wild hopes of the former Death Eaters that Harry Potter is even more powerful than Voldemort are completely unfounded, and their mutual enmity convinces him of this point of view.

Most of Draco's behavior at school was modeled after the most impressive man he knew, his father. He behaved coldly and contemptuously towards everyone except his immediate circle. She found a second henchman (the first was Crabbe) on the train to school. Malfoy then uses Crabbe and Goyle as bodyguards during his six years at school.

Draco's feelings for Harry were to a greater extent, caused by envy. Despite the fact that he never aspired to fame, Harry was undoubtedly the most talked about and respected person in the school, and this naturally infuriated Draco, who, in turn, believed that he ranks almost royal position in wizard society. Moreover, Harry was the most talented in flying: the only skill that Malfoy was going to outshine all the other first years. The fact that the Potions professor, Snape, had a soft spot for Malfoy and despised Harry was little compensation.

Draco wanted to embarrass Harry in front of others, so he resorted to various sneaky tricks: lying to the press, making and wearing offensive badges, trying to attack from behind, and dressing up as one of the Dementors (whom Harry feared). However, there were also times when Malfoy was humiliated by Harry, particularly on the Quidditch pitch. He would never forget the shame of being turned into a ferret by his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Although many people thought that Harry Potter, former witness the rise of the Dark Lord, was a liar and a dreamer, Draco Malfoy was one of the few who knew that Harry was telling the truth. His own father felt the burn of the dark mark and poisoned himself to reunite with the Dark Lord, to see Harry and Voldemort duel in the graveyard.

The discussion of these events at the Malfoy mansion gave rise to conflicting feelings in Draco. On the one hand, he was excited by the secret knowledge that Voldemort had been reborn and former glory family will return. On the other hand, quiet discussions about Harry sneaking away from the Dark Lord again caused Draco to have new attacks of anger and envy. While the Death Eaters hated Potter because he was the embodiment of the resistance, Draco was still a schoolboy. Even though they were on opposite sides, Draco was jealous of Harry. He encouraged himself by imagining Voldemort's triumph, his family being honored under the new regime, and himself being honored at Hogwarts as the important and impressive son of the Dark Lord's second-in-command.

Draco's school life improved in his fifth year. Although he is forbidden to discuss at Hogwarts what he heard at home, Draco was content with small victories: he was a prefect (and Harry was not), Dolores Umbridge, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, hates Harry as much as he does. Draco became a member of Umbridge's inspection squad and tried to uncover Harry and other desperate students who had secretly created a forbidden organization, Dumbledore's Army, and were training there. However, in a moment of triumph, when Draco had Harry and his companions cornered and when it seemed that Harry was about to be expelled from the school, Harry manages to slip away again. To make matters worse, Harry managed to foil Lucius Malfoy's attempt to kill him, and Draco's father was captured and sent to Azkaban.

Draco's world is destroyed. Nothing remained of what he and his father believed in their moments of power: his father was taken from his home and imprisoned in a distant prison for wizards, guarded by dementors. Lucius has been Draco's hero and idol since birth. Now he and his mother were outcasts among the Death Eaters. Lucius fell in the eyes of an angry Voldemort.

Draco's life had been protected up to this point; he was a privileged, if troubled, boy, confident in his status and with a head full of everyday worries. Now his father is gone, and his mother is worried and afraid. He himself had to take responsibility for the family.

The worst is yet to come: Voldemort seeks to punish Lucius even more for unsuccessful attempt captures Harry and demands that Draco complete the task, and if he fails, he must pay with his life. Draco must kill Albus Dumbledore. And how - Voldemort remained silent. This was left to Draco's choice. Narcissa believes that her son will not cope.

Angered by what happened to his father, Draco became a Death Eater and agreed to fulfill the Dark Lord's demands. At this early stage, full of desire for revenge and to win Voldemort's favor back to his father, Draco barely understood what he was being asked to do. All he knew was that Dumbledore embodied everything his father hated. Draco managed to quite easily convince himself, his thoughts, that the world would be a better place without the headmaster of Hogwarts.

Imagining himself to be a true Death Eater, Draco set out for Hogwarts with an insurmountable sense of purpose. However, he gradually discovered that his task was much more difficult than he had imagined, and after he accidentally maimed two random people, and not Dumbledore, Draco began to get nervous. With his family and himself under threat, Draco began to succumb to the pressure. All his life he had idolized a father who promoted violence and was not afraid to use it himself, and now that Draco had discovered an aversion to murder, he felt it was unforgivable. But even understanding all this, he could not free himself from his father's influence: he repeatedly refused the help of Severus Snape because he was afraid that he would try to steal his "glory".

Voldemort and Snape underestimated Draco. He proved capable of occlumency (the magical art of fending off attempts to read minds), which was essential to the work he carried out. After two assassination attempts on Dumbledore's life failed, Draco carried out his ingenious plan to bring an entire group of Death Eaters into Hogwarts, which actually resulted in Dumbledore's death, although not by Draco's hand.

Even when faced with a weak and unarmed Dumbledore, Draco was unable to deliver the killing blow because, despite himself, he was touched by Dumbledore's kindness and pity for his would-be murderer. Snape covered for Draco by lying to Voldemort that Draco had lowered his wand before his arrival at the astronomy tower. Snape emphasized Draco's skill in leading the Death Eaters into the school and cornering Dumbledore, where Snape killed him.

Soon after, Lucius was released from Azkaban and the family was allowed to return to Malfoy Manor. However, they now have a bad reputation. From dreaming of the highest status at the time of Voldemort's second coming, the Malfoys found themselves at the very bottom of the Death Eaters, weaklings and failures towards whom Voldemort was mocking and contemptuous.

Draco had changed, but he still showed contradictory traits in his actions throughout the remainder of the war between Voldemort and those who tried to stop him. Although Draco had still not given up hope of his family's return to their former high positions, remorse led him to try, half-heartedly but as was possible under the circumstances, to save Harry from Voldemort when the boy was captured and taken to Malfoy Manor. However, during the final battle at Hogwarts, Malfoy made another attempt to capture Harry and regain his parents' status and possibly their lives. Whether he might actually have betrayed Harry is debatable; I suspect that, like his attempt on Dumbledore's life, he would have again remembered that killing is much more difficult in practice than in theory.

Draco survived Voldemort's siege of Hogwarts because Harry and Ron saved his life. After the battle, his father again avoided prison, as he assisted in the capture of other Death Eaters who were in hiding.

These events changed Draco's life forever. His beliefs with which he grew up were destroyed in the most terrible way: he felt horror and despair, saw his parents suffer for their loyalty, and witnessed how everything his family believed in crumbled. He understood people he hated, such as Dumbledore (who offered him help and kindness) and Harry Potter (who gave him life). After the events of the second wizarding war, Lucius discovered that he loving son refused to follow the ideas of pureblood.

Draco married younger sister classmate from Slytherin. Astroria Greengrass, who had gone through a similar (though less brutal) transformation of pure blood ideals to a more tolerant attitude towards life, caused something of a disappointment in Lucius and Narcissa. They had high hopes for the girl, whose family belonged to the "sacred 28", but since Astoria refused to impress upon their grandson, Scorpius, that Muggles were real crooks, family gatherings were often tense.

At the beginning of the story, Draco was a typical bully. With unshakable faith in him high status, which came from his pureblood parents, he initially offered Harry friendship, thinking that he was obliged to agree. His family's wealth contrasts with the Weasleys' poverty - this is also a source of Draco's pride, although the purity of the Weasleys' blood is identical to his own.

Everyone recognizes Draco because everyone knows someone like him. The belief in their own superiority can be annoying, funny or intimidating, depending on the circumstances in which you meet such people. Draco provokes all of these feelings in Harry, Ron and Hermione at one time or another.

My British editor doubted that Draco was all that good at Occlumency, which Harry (despite his Patronus-casting abilities) was never good at. I argued that this fits perfectly with Draco's character, with the fact that he easily turns off emotions, separates and denies important parts of himself. Dumbledore tells Harry at the end of Order of the Phoenix that it is an integral part of his humanity that he can feel pain. With Draco, I tried to show that denying pain and suppressing internal conflict can only lead to damage to the personality, which has a much greater chance of causing harm to other people.

Draco does not realize that he is becoming the true master of the Elder Wand. And it was good that he did not understand this, partly because the Dark Lord, who was well versed in Legilimency, would have killed him in a heartbeat if Draco himself had even the slightest hint of right, but also because, despite his manifestations of conscience, he remains an easy prey for all the temptations he has been taught to admire - including cruelty and power.

I feel sorry for Draco just as much as I feel sorry for Dudley. Growing up in the Malfoy family, as well as the Dursley family, is a very devastating experience, and Draco has to go through terrible experiences that are a direct result of his family's twisted principles. However, the Malfoys have one virtue that justifies them: they love each other. Draco is motivated by fear not only for himself, but also for his parents, to whom something might happen, while Narcissa risks everything when she lies to Voldemort at the end of Deathly Hallows that Harry is dead, just to get to her son. .

Despite all this, Draco remains a questionable personality. moral principles throughout all seven books, and I often noted how nervous I was being surrounded by the many girls who were attracted to this particular character (though I'm not downplaying the appeal of Tom Felton, who played Draco flawlessly in the films, while, ironically, he is perhaps the most nicest person in the world). Draco has the dark charm of an anti-hero. Girls tend to romanticize such people. All this put me in a difficult position - I poured cold common sense on the hot dreams of the readers, rather sternly explaining to them that under the cover of all these malicious ridicule and prejudices there was no hidden heart of gold, and no, he and Harry were not destined to become best friends as a result .

I imagined that Draco could grow into an improved version of his father: independent, rich, without the need to work, Draco lives with his wife and son in the Malfoy estate. In his hobby, I rather see confirmation of his dual nature. A collection of dark artifacts tells the story of his family, although he keeps them behind glass cases and does not use them. However, his strange interest in alchemical manuscripts, which he never uses to create the philosopher's stone, hints that he desires something beyond wealth - perhaps even that he wants to become a better person. I really hope that he will raise Scorpius to be a much kinder and more tolerant Malfoy, not the same as he was in his youth.

Draco had many options for his last name until I settled on "Malfoy". IN different times in early drafts he was Smart, Spinks, or Spungin. His name comes from the constellation Draco, and yet the core of his wand is unicorn hair. This is symbolic. After all, I still risk fueling the fantasy that there is something indestructibly good in Draco’s heart. Tags:

Summary: Meet Draco Malfoy. Arrogant, proud, cunning, self-confident. Slytherin. A Slytherin, of course. Rich, pureblood, with his own mind... Draco is the very embodiment of the ideal Slytherin student. Add to this an influential family, a good talent for flying, and he will appear before you in all his glory. If it weren't for Harry Potter, Draco would be the king of the school. Sometimes that's what happens.

Name: Draco Malfoy. "Draco" in Latin means "snake" or "dragon", while "Malfoy" in French means "one who cannot be trusted". "Malfoy" also comes from the Latin "maleficus" - "doing evil." In the Middle Ages, this word (malefica) was used to describe witches, and their villainous acts were called maleficia. Malfoi means "treachery" in French.

Parents: Being the only child in the family, Draco is always surrounded by the attention of his parents. While his father Lucius (his name echoes the name of Satan - Lucifer) was used to sometimes demanding the impossible from his son, his mother Narcissa (her name came from the name of a young man from Greek myth, who was in love with himself - Narcissus) loves and spoils his son. An example of this is that she constantly sends him various sweets from home. Lucius is one of Voldemort's followers and a Death Eater. He defected to the “side of good” after the fall of the Lord, and now occupies a prestigious post in the Ministry of Magic.

Eye Color: Piercing blue (or silver-gray).

Hair color: colorless white (although I think there is still that yellowish tint).

Special features:

1. pale boy with a pointed face

2. ability to appear in the most unexpected places

3. Hates Harry Potter and the entire Gryffindor house

4. loves to make fun of Ron, Neville, Harry and Hermione

5. hates mudbloods.

6. is always in the company of Crabbe and Goyle.

Clothing style: Slytherin house uniform (seasonally), black and dark blue jumpers, black trousers.

Summer clothing style: black robe with the Slytherin house emblem. Underneath the robe is a T-shirt.

Pets: eagle owl.

Sports: he is fond of Quidditch; since his second year at Hogwarts, Draco has been playing on the faculty Quidditch team. Hermione Granger assumed he had bought himself a seat, but he was indeed a good flyer. Draco is a Seeker, just like Harry. This further fuels the rivalry between them.

Studied: Slytherin Faculty. For the ambitious and ambitious. This is the best department of the school because its students become the most powerful magicians and witches in the magical community. The Slytherin symbol is a sleek silver snake, and the house color is green. The head of Slytherin is Potions Master Severus Snape. They say that many people dream of getting into Slytherin. And it’s not surprising, since only the most respected wizards emerge from this great faculty!

Favorite lesson: Potions

Friends: Best friends Draco is Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Their fathers are also Death Eaters, like Lucius. Crabbe and Goyle are impressive in size but rather stupid, and serve as bodyguards for Draco, who is much smaller than them.

Today we will talk about the actor who played the hated Draco Malfoy in the popular series of films called “Harry Potter”. We can safely say that without such a bright anti-hero, Potter himself would not seem such a kind and sweet boy wizard.

"Harry Potter"

A series of stories about Harry Potter is the work of the talented British writer JK Rowling. The books tell about the adventures and growth of a little wizard. His parents died a long time ago at the hands of the evil and powerful wizard Voldemort. All powerful magicians feel that only this boy with a scar on his forehead can resist universal evil.

Character Draco Malfoy

Do you know who Draco Malfoy is? You probably know the name of the actor, because now Tom Felton is very famous all over the world. Draco Malfoy is a fictional character from magical world. He is an anti-hero who does dirty tricks on the main wizard, Harry. In JK Rowling's books, he appears in the first chapters. This role in the entire epic is quite large and significant. If we describe the character’s appearance, we should say that he is tall and thin, his hair is white as snow, and his gaze is cold and piercing, like a needle - this is not an exaggeration at all, because this is exactly how D. Rowling describes him. Even though Malfoy is a character dark side, he has a lot of fans and admirers who watch exciting Potter films just for him. Why is this so? The fact is that many people like attractive and cold personalities.

Did you manage to Tom Felton show what kind of actor he is? He turned out Malfoy very well, as thousands of fans around the world say. But do they know everything? full story Draco's life? The boy was born into the family of a sorceress (housewife) and a Death Eater, who is also the head of the board of trustees at Hogwarts. It should also be noted that the boy is considered a purebred wizard because both parents are magicians. At the same time, some of Harry's friends are considered half-breeds, since one of the parents was a Muggle - a simple person.

Biography of Tom Felton

Who is stronger in Tom Felton's soul - the actor, Malfoy? Let's try to figure this out based on their biography of the young and talented actor. Who is the one who so flawlessly got used to the role and gave himself the middle name Malfoy? The actor's real name is Thomas Andrew Felton. The boy was born in September 1987 in the capital of England. Besides being a great actor, Thomas also sings. His film debut occurred after a small role in the comedy “Thieves,” but, as we all know, real recognition and love of millions came to Felton after his role in “Harry Potter.”
Today Tom lives in the USA. He has three brothers - Chris, Jonathan and Ashley. Volume - youngest child in the family. From the age of seven he was a member of the church choir, and then sang in three more choirs. Since the age of 11, he has been very interested in fishing.


A talented actor, Malfoy, singer - are these all Thomas's roles? No one knows this, because he can still surprise everyone with his next talent. Since childhood, he showed inclinations in singing and acting. At the age of 10, he played his first role, which was given to him by a friend of his parents who worked at a film studio. His real stage career began after starring in a series of films dedicated to the adventures of Harry Potter.

In 2006, he decided to devote himself to the fishing business, and wanted to enter higher education. educational institution. However, after the premiere of the film "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" in an interview, he said that he decided to put aside his hobby and devote himself exclusively to acting.

So what kind of actor is he? He turned out to be a great Malfoy, but will Felton become a victim of his successful role? Not really. He has already starred in a number of films (“Anna and the King”, “The Vanished Man”, “13 Hours”, “The Apparition”), in which he showed that the role of Malfoy did not stick to him, and he can transform into different, sometimes opposite, images.

Began his acting career in early age and almost immediately won world fame, having received a large role in the Harry Potter film series (Draco Malfoy). The actor's name became associated with blond hair and the evil mockery of a schoolboy in a robe. Having played in eight films about the adventures of wizards, Tom Felton continues to actively act, releases several albums of original songs and devotes a lot of time to sports.

Actor biography

Tom Felton was born in London in 1987. The family has four children, Tom is the youngest. Since childhood, the boy showed great talent for singing and acting, and also fell in love with fishing. Tom was in four school choirs at once.

The boy's parents took him to the agency after the advice of a close family friend who worked as an actress. In his first casting for filming in advertising, Tom beat out more than four hundred children and got the role.

First roles

Just two weeks after his stay at the film studio, Tom Felton began filming the film “Thieves.” It showed a family of little people who lived next to people in the same house.

The next significant work in his acting career became the role of the teacher’s son in the popular film “Anna and the King” with Jodie Foster. In the story, a mother and son move to Thailand so that the woman can teach the king’s family English.

Draco Malfoy

The most popular role played by the actor is Malfoy Draco. The hero's family comes from ancient family and supports the main negative character - Lord Voldemort. For eight films, Tom Felton played Draco Malfoy, growing up and changing along with his hero.

Already after the first film, Tom Felton's believable performance was noted - small children were scared of "Draco Malfoy" when they met him on the street. And fans of the film even showed aggression towards Felton - the young actor played the role of a negative character so convincingly. Over time, Malfoy Draco became one of the favorite characters, whose fate the audience followed with the same attention and participation as Harry Potter himself.

Other creativity

Tom Felton continues to actively act, mainly in horror films and science fiction films. The young actor who played Malfoy portrayed Draco's arrogance and arrogance so wonderfully that such roles have now become his role.

Felton released 2 music albums for sale in online stores in 2008. They went out to limited quantities and were successfully sold out. Despite the lack of professional skills in playing the guitar, Tom Felton's songs are listened to with pleasure by both his fans and people unfamiliar with his acting work.

Personal life

During the filming of the Harry Potter films, Tom Felton was repeatedly credited with romantic relationship with a work colleague, Emma Watson, but they were connected only by close friendship.

Since 2008, Tom Felton has been dating Jade Olivia Gordon, whom he met during the filming of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Jade worked as a stunt coordinator, and they began chatting in the dressing room where the actor spent so much time. Malfoy was blond, unlike Tom Felton, who had to do more than dye his hair brown hair, but also laid with various gels.

IN free time the actor devotes a lot of time to sports - basketball, roller skating, skating, swimming, tennis. Tom Felton still loves fishing and is also a football fan. Despite large number completely different films in which the actor starred, Malfoy Draco remains his most famous role.