The best part of the airborne forces. Airborne Forces - elite troops, or the loud glory of the past? Special unit Sayeret Matkal, Israel

Serve in the Airborne Forces prestigious and honorable, and the desire of the guys to get into these elite troops is becoming more and more evident. How to get into service in the Airborne Forces, what is needed for this, we will analyze in detail.

Airborne Troops

Airborne Forces motto: “Nobody but us”

March of the paratroopers. Watch the video... Parade on Victory Day 2014. Paratroopers are walking along Red Square, walking airborne special forces. Landing of 1,500 people with D-10 parachutes from Il-76 aircraft. Landing of equipment. The parade pace is 120 steps per minute. Look! This is the Airborne Forces!

Many people are breathtaking when the paratroopers walk across Red Square. The faces of the guys, in whose eyes every step they take reflects pride in the troops, whose representatives they are walking along the Main Square of the Motherland. They visited the Sky under the canopies of parachutes, underwent exercises, many of them participated in combat operations, protecting the interests and security of the Motherland. Serving Russia, serving one’s Motherland is worthy of everyone’s honor, because behind this stands security and a peaceful Sky above the heads of family and friends.

Airborne troops consist of formations, units and subunits of parachute, tank, artillery... engineering troops, communications... squadron... Everything is in the Airborne Forces. The Airborne Forces are the reserve of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Armed Forces and the basis of mobile rapid reaction forces. And there are no impossible tasks where there are Airborne Troops.

I want to serve in the Airborne Forces

More and more often we hear from guys: “I want to serve in the Airborne Forces. What is needed for this? How to get into service in the Airborne Forces." Good desire and good questions.

You need to prepare for service in the Airborne Forces.

Preference is given not only to the strong, but also to the smart.

1. Study, get an education. If you, having received higher education If you are conscripted, the military registration and enlistment office will offer you to either serve a year of conscription or two years of contract. What do you think the guys choose? Yes! Mostly they go to serve under a contract.

2. Sports development. The main thing is running 3-5 km in the morning. The crossbar is a pull-up with a normal grip, not a reverse grip. The snatch pull-up is all about speed, while the power pull-up is all about the need and work on the inverted bar. Hang on the bar with a normal grip and work your feet up to the bar. Push-ups from the floor on your hands, on your fists and on your fingers. Push-ups on parallel bars.

Swim, play volleyball, basketball, football. This is all physical development.

3. At all commissions at the military registration and enlistment office, declare your desire. And if you didn’t have time to declare at the medical commissions, go to the military registration and enlistment office in the conscription department and say that you want to serve in the Airborne Forces. Talk and convince until they put a mark on your record card.

If there is an airborne unit in the city, go to the commander, be able to prove to him your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces. Be brave from the very beginning, and if you receive an attitude (this is the basis for the military registration and enlistment office for conscription in certain part), it will be just great.

4. If you serve in the Airborne Forces, you need to be ready for landing. Go skydiving. Three independent parachute jumps is the third sports category, it is assigned to everyone after the third jump.

During the period of service in the Airborne Forces, according to the mandatory program, all paratroopers make 12 parachute jumps. Now parachute systems in all airborne formations and units.

5. Health. Train your heart by running and swimming. Height 175 - 190 cm, weight 75 - 90 kg... These are the standards for admission to skydiving. Those with low weight are not accepted into the Airborne Forces.

Service in the Airborne Forces is interesting, and if you have physical training, it will be easier to get involved... And after serving military service, many guys continue to serve under a contract. 70% contract workers, 30% conscripts. According to the contract, after training, sergeants are placed in positions that officers previously held. So, guys, study, get an education, try military service, and if you want to stay in the Airborne Forces, then there are two ways - contract service or the Airborne School in Ryazan.

They say that you become real paratroopers after

People are not born paratroopers, they become paratroopers.

How to get into service in the Airborne Forces

There is a desire to serve in the Airborne Forces. How to get into service in the Airborne Forces...?

The very first thing you need to do is declare your desire to the Military Registration Office. Now many guys themselves come to the Military Commissariat, to the conscription department, and ask to be drafted into the Airborne Forces. They put a mark in their personal file: desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.

Throughout Russia there are Regional branches of the Union of Russian Paratroopers. You need to find your department and show up there, indicating your desires and intentions. The Union of Paratroopers works jointly with military registration and enlistment offices with pre-conscription youth, and there is an opportunity to attend military sports training camps. From here, too, a direct entry into service in the Airborne Forces, maybe even in a certain military unit.

I give information on regional offices Union of Russian Paratroopers. I took it from the website of the Union of Russian Paratroopers.

Do you want to serve in the Airborne Forces? Look for ways, show character. You are men!

File in PDF format. Spin the wheel and watch.

Where do they serve in the Airborne Forces?

To the question where they serve in the Airborne Forces, I’ll answer briefly.

The Airborne Forces include:

4 divisions - 7th in Novorossiysk, 76th in Pskov, 98th in Ivanovo, 106th in Tula;

31st Air Assault Brigade in Ulyanovsk

The 45th separate special-purpose regiment was formed in February 1994 on the basis of 218 and 901 separate special-purpose battalions. Location: Kubinka, Moscow region.

By the end of 2015, the 345th Separate Airborne Brigade will be formed in Voronezh. This

The Airborne Forces Training Center is located in Omsk.

7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain) Division- airborne connection Soviet Army and Russian Armed Forces. Formed October 15, 1948.


  • 108th Guards Air Assault Kuban Cossack Order of the Red Star Regiment (Novorossiysk)
  • 247th Guards Air Assault Caucasian Cossack Regiment. (Stavropol)
  • 1141st Guards Artillery Regiment (Anapa)
  • 3rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment
  • 743rd Separate Guards Signal Battalion
  • 629th separate engineer battalion (Starotitarovskaya station, Krasnodar Territory)
  • 1681st separate logistics battalion (Novorossiysk)
  • 32nd separate medical detachment

76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Assault Division (76 guards dshd, before March 1, 1943 157th Rifle Division)- the oldest existing airborne formation of the Russian Armed Forces.

Formed on September 1, 1939. Stationed in the city of Pskov, hence the nickname “Pskovskaya”, one of the air assault regiments is located in the suburban village of Cherekha.

  • management (headquarters)
  • 104th Guards Air Assault Red Banner Regiment of the Order of Peter the Great
  • 234th Guards Air Assault Black Sea Order of Kutuzov 3rd degree Regiment named after Alexander Nevsky
  • 237th Guards Parachute Landing Torun Red Banner Regiment (disbanded in 2001). The regiment can be deployed after receiving an order, replenished with assigned personnel.
  • 1140th Guards Artillery Twice Red Banner Regiment
  • 4th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (formerly 165th Separate Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Division)
  • 656th Guards Separate Engineer-Sapper Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 3rd Class Battalion
  • 728th Guards Separate Signal Battalion
  • 7th Guards Separate Repair and Reconstruction Battalion
  • 3996th military hospital (airmobile). All personnel have parachute training, from 3 jumps.
  • 242nd separate military transport aviation squadron (An-2, An-3). Serves for direct airborne training of unit personnel without the involvement of the Russian Air Force VTA
  • 1682nd Guards Separate Material Support Battalion
  • 175th Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company
  • 968th Guards Separate Airborne Support Company
  • separate RCBZ company
  • commandant company

98th Guards Svir Red Banner Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Airborne Division- airborne formation consisting ofArmed Forces USSR and Russia.

Composition in 2012

  • 98th Guards Airborne Division (Ivanovo) 217th Guards Parachute Regiment (Ivanovo)
  • 331st Guards Parachute Regiment (Kostroma)
  • 1065th Guards Red Banner Artillery Regiment (Kostroma)
  • 5th Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (formerly 318th Separate Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile and Artillery Division; Ivanovo)
  • 243rd separate military transport aviation squadron (Ivanovo)
  • 36th separate medical detachment (airmobile) (Ivanovo)
  • 674th Separate Guards Signal Battalion (Ivanovo)
  • 661st separate engineer battalion (Ivanovo)
  • 15th separate repair and restoration battalion (Ivanovo)
  • 1683rd separate logistics battalion (Ivanovo)
  • 969th separate airborne support company (Ivanovo)
  • 215th separate guards reconnaissance company (Ivanovo)
  • 728th courier-postal communication station (Ivanovo)
  • educational and training complex (Pesochnoe, Yaroslavl region).

106th Guards Airborne Order of Kutuzov Red Banner Division -VDV connection Armed Forces of the USSR, and then - Russian Federation. Units of the division are stationed in Tula, Ryazan and Naro-Fominsk, the division headquarters is in Tula.

Composition of the division in 2009:

  • 51st Guards Parachute Landing Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment named after Dmitry Donskoy
  • 137th Guards Parachute Landing Order of the Red Star Regiment
  • 1182nd Guards Artillery Novgorod Red Banner Order of Suvorov 3rd degree, Kutuzov 3rd degree, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd degree and Alexander Nevsky Regiment (Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region)
  • 173rd Guards Separate Reconnaissance Company
  • 388th Separate Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 731st Separate Guards Signal Battalion
  • 970th separate airborne support company
  • 43rd Guards Separate Repair and Reconstruction Battalion
  • 1060th separate logistics battalion
  • 39th separate medical detachment (airmobile)
  • 1883rd courier-postal communication station
  • 1st Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment (formerly 107th Separate Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile and Artillery Division (military unit 71298, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region)

Information on airborne divisions - source Wikipedia

The Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation are a separate branch of the Russian armed forces, located in the reserve of the Commander-in-Chief of the country and directly subordinate to the Commander of the Airborne Forces. This position is currently held (since October 2016) by Colonel General Serdyukov.

The purpose of the airborne troops is to operate behind enemy lines, carry out deep raids, capture important enemy targets, bridgeheads, disrupt enemy communications and enemy control, and carry out sabotage behind enemy lines. The Airborne Forces were created primarily as effective tool offensive war. To cover the enemy and operate in his rear, the Airborne Forces can use airborne landings - both parachute and landing.

The airborne troops are rightfully considered the elite of the armed forces of the Russian Federation. In order to get into this branch of the military, candidates must meet very high criteria. First of all, this concerns physical health and psychological stability. And this is natural: paratroopers carry out their tasks behind enemy lines, without the support of their main forces, the supply of ammunition and the evacuation of the wounded.

The Soviet Airborne Forces were created in the 30s, further development This type of troops was rapid: by the beginning of the war, five airborne corps were deployed in the USSR, each with a strength of 10 thousand people. The USSR Airborne Forces played an important role in the victory over the Nazi invaders. Paratroopers actively participated in the Afghan War. The Russian Airborne Forces were officially created on May 12, 1992, they went through both Chechen campaigns, and participated in the war with Georgia in 2008.

The flag of the Airborne Forces is a blue cloth with a green stripe at the bottom. In its center there is an image of a golden open parachute and two aircraft of the same color. The flag was officially approved in 2004.

In addition to the flag, there is also an emblem of this branch of the military. This is a golden-colored flaming grenade with two wings. There is also a medium and large Airborne Forces emblem. The middle emblem depicts double headed eagle with a crown on his head and a shield with St. George the Victorious in the center. In one paw the eagle holds a sword, and in the other - a flaming airborne grenade. On big emblem Grenada is placed on a blue heraldic shield framed by an oak wreath. At its top there is a double-headed eagle.

In addition to the emblem and flag of the Airborne Forces, there is also the motto of the Airborne Forces: “Nobody but us.” The paratroopers even have their own heavenly patron - Saint Elijah.

Professional holiday of paratroopers - Airborne Forces Day. It is celebrated on August 2. On this day in 1930, a unit was parachuted for the first time to carry out a combat mission. On August 2, Airborne Forces Day is celebrated not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

The Russian airborne troops are armed with both common species military equipment, as well as samples developed specifically for this type of troops, taking into account the specifics of its tasks.

It is difficult to name the exact number of the Russian Airborne Forces, this information is secret. However, according to unofficial data obtained from Russian Ministry defense, it is about 45 thousand soldiers. Foreign estimates of the number of this type of troops are somewhat more modest - 36 thousand people.

History of the creation of the Airborne Forces

The homeland of the Airborne Forces is the Soviet Union. It was in the USSR that the first airborne unit was created, this happened in 1930. First, a small detachment appeared, which was part of a regular rifle division. On August 2, the first parachute landing was successfully carried out during exercises at the training ground near Voronezh.

However, the first use of parachute landing in military affairs occurred even earlier, in 1929. During the siege of the Tajik city of Garm by anti-Soviet rebels, a detachment of Red Army soldiers was dropped there by parachute, which allowed as soon as possible release the settlement.

Two years later, a special purpose brigade was formed on the basis of the detachment, and in 1938 it was renamed the 201st Airborne Brigade. In 1932, by decision of the Revolutionary Military Council, special-purpose aviation battalions were created; in 1933, their number reached 29. They were part of the Air Force, and their main task was to disorganize the enemy rear and carry out sabotage.

It should be noted that the development of airborne troops in the Soviet Union was very stormy and rapid. No expense was spared on them. In the 30s, the country was experiencing a real parachute boom; parachute jumping towers stood at almost every stadium.

During the exercises of the Kyiv Military District in 1935, a mass parachute landing was practiced for the first time. The following year, an even more massive landing was carried out in the Belarusian Military District. Foreign military observers invited to the exercises were amazed by the scale of the landings and the skill of the Soviet paratroopers.

Before the start of the war, airborne corps were created in the USSR, each of them included up to 10 thousand soldiers. In April 1941, by order of the Soviet military leadership, five airborne corps were deployed in the western regions of the country; after the German attack (in August 1941), the formation of another five airborne corps began. A few days before the German invasion (June 12), the Directorate of Airborne Forces was created, and in September 1941, paratrooper units were removed from the subordination of front commanders. Each airborne corps was a very formidable force: in addition to well-trained personnel, it was armed with artillery and light amphibious tanks.

In addition to the airborne corps, the Red Army also included mobile airborne brigades (five units), reserve airborne regiments (five units) and educational institutions that trained paratroopers.

The Airborne Forces made a significant contribution to the victory over the Nazi invaders. The airborne units played a particularly important role in the initial—the most difficult—period of the war. Despite the fact that airborne troops are designed to conduct offensive operations and have a minimum of heavy weapons (compared to other branches of the military), at the beginning of the war, paratroopers were often used to “patch holes”: in defense, to eliminate sudden German breakthroughs, to unblocking the surrounded Soviet troops. Because of this practice, paratroopers suffered unreasonably high losses, and the effectiveness of their use decreased. Often, the preparation of landing operations left much to be desired.

Air airborne units took part in the defense of Moscow, as well as in the subsequent counter-offensive. The 4th Airborne Corps was airborne in the winter of 1942 during the Vyazemsk landing operation. In 1943, during the crossing of the Dnieper, two airborne brigade. Another major landing operation was carried out in Manchuria in August 1945. During its course, 4 thousand soldiers were landed by landing.

In October 1944, the Soviet Airborne Forces were transformed into a separate guards unit. airborne army, and in December of the same year - to the 9th Guards Army. Airborne divisions turned into ordinary rifle divisions. At the end of the war, paratroopers took part in the liberation of Budapest, Prague, and Vienna. The 9th Guards Army ended its glorious military journey on the Elbe.

In 1946, airborne units were introduced into the Ground Forces and were subordinate to the country's Minister of Defense.

In 1956, Soviet paratroopers took part in the suppression of the Hungarian uprising, and in the mid-60s they played a key role in pacifying another country that wanted to leave the socialist camp - Czechoslovakia.

After the end of the war, the world entered an era of confrontation between two superpowers - the USSR and the USA. The plans of the Soviet leadership were by no means limited only to defense, so the airborne troops developed especially actively during this period. The emphasis was placed on increasing the firepower of the Airborne Forces. For this purpose, a whole range of airborne equipment was developed, including armored vehicles, artillery systems, road transport. The fleet of military transport aircraft was significantly increased. In the 70s, wide-body heavy-duty transport aircraft were created, making it possible to transport not only personnel, but also heavy military equipment. By the end of the 80s, the state of the USSR military transport aviation was such that it could ensure the parachute drop of almost 75% of the Airborne Forces personnel in one flight.

At the end of the 60s it was created new look units that are part of the Airborne Forces - air assault units (ASH). They were not much different from the rest of the Airborne Forces, but were subordinate to the command of groups of troops, armies or corps. The reason for the creation of the DShCh was a change in the tactical plans that Soviet strategists were preparing in the event of a full-scale war. After the start of the conflict, they planned to “break” the enemy’s defenses with the help of massive landings landed in the immediate rear of the enemy.

In the mid-80s, the USSR Ground Forces included 14 air assault brigades, 20 battalions and 22 separate air assault regiments.

In 1979, the war began in Afghanistan, and the Soviet Airborne Forces took part in it active participation. During this conflict, the paratroopers had to engage in counter-guerrilla warfare; of course, there was no talk of any parachute landing. Personnel were delivered to the site of combat operations using armored vehicles or vehicles; landing from helicopters was used less frequently.

Paratroopers were often used to provide security at numerous outposts and checkpoints scattered throughout the country. Typically, airborne units performed tasks more suitable for motorized rifle units.

It should be noted that in Afghanistan, the paratroopers used military equipment of the ground forces, which was more suitable for the harsh conditions of this country than their own. Also, airborne units in Afghanistan were reinforced with additional artillery and tank units.

After the collapse of the USSR, the division of its armed forces began. These processes also affected the paratroopers. They were able to finally divide the Airborne Forces only in 1992, after which the Russian Airborne Forces were created. They included all the units that were located on the territory of the RSFSR, as well as part of the divisions and brigades that were previously located in other republics of the USSR.

In 1993, the Russian Airborne Forces included six divisions, six air assault brigades and two regiments. In 1994, in Kubinka near Moscow, on the basis of two battalions, the 45th special regiment was created appointments of the Airborne Forces(the so-called airborne special forces).

The 90s became a serious test for the Russian airborne troops (as well as for the entire army). The number of airborne forces was seriously reduced, some units were disbanded, and the paratroopers became subordinate Ground Forces. Army aviation was transferred to the air force, which significantly worsened the mobility of the airborne forces.

The Russian Airborne Forces took part in both Chechen campaigns, in 2008, paratroopers were involved in the Ossetian conflict. The Airborne Forces have repeatedly taken part in peacekeeping operations (for example, in former Yugoslavia). Airborne units regularly participate in international exercises; they guard Russian military bases abroad (Kyrgyzstan).

Structure and composition of the airborne troops of the Russian Federation

Currently, the Russian Airborne Forces consist of command structures, combat units and units, as well as various institutions that provide them.

Structurally, the Airborne Forces have three main components:

  • Airborne. It includes all airborne units.
  • Air assault. Consists of air assault units.
  • Mountain. It includes air assault units designed to operate in mountainous areas.

Currently, the Russian Airborne Forces include four divisions, as well as separate brigades and shelves. Airborne troops, composition:

  • 76th Guards Air Assault Division, stationed in Pskov.
  • 98th Guards Airborne Division, located in Ivanovo.
  • 7th Guards Air Assault (Mountain) Division, stationed in Novorossiysk.
  • 106th Guards Airborne Division - Tula.

Airborne regiments and brigades:

  • 11th Separate Guards Airborne Brigade, headquartered in the city of Ulan-Ude.
  • 45th separate guards special purpose brigade (Moscow).
  • 56th Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. Place of deployment - the city of Kamyshin.
  • 31st Separate Guards Air Assault Brigade. Located in Ulyanovsk.
  • 83rd Separate Guards Airborne Brigade. Location: Ussuriysk.
  • 38th Separate Guards Airborne Communications Regiment. Located in the Moscow region, in the village of Medvezhye Ozera.

In 2013, the creation of the 345th Air Assault Brigade in Voronezh was officially announced, but then the formation of the unit was postponed to more late date(2017 or 2019). There is information that in 2019, an airborne assault battalion will be deployed on the territory of the Crimean Peninsula, and in the future, on its basis, a regiment of the 7th Airborne Assault Division, which is currently deployed in Novorossiysk, will be formed.

In addition to combat units, the Russian Airborne Forces also include educational institutions that train personnel for the Airborne Forces. The main and most famous of them is the Ryazan Higher Airborne command school, which also trains officers for the Russian Airborne Forces. Also, the structure of this type of troops includes two Suvorov School(in Tula and Ulyanovsk), Omsk cadet corps and 242nd training center, located in Omsk.

Armament and equipment of the Russian Airborne Forces

The airborne troops of the Russian Federation use both combined arms equipment and models that were created specifically for this type of troops. Most types of weapons and military equipment of the Airborne Forces were developed and manufactured back in Soviet period, but there are also more modern samples created in modern times.

The most popular types of airborne armored vehicles are currently combat vehicles landing BMD-1 (about 100 units) and BMD-2M (about 1 thousand units). Both of these vehicles were produced in the Soviet Union (BMD-1 in 1968, BMD-2 in 1985). They can be used for landing both by landing and by parachute. These are reliable vehicles that have been tested in many armed conflicts, but they are clearly outdated, both morally and physically. Even representatives of senior management Russian army., which was put into service in 2004. However, its production is slow; today there are 30 BMP-4 units and 12 BMP-4M units in service.

Airborne units also have small quantity armored personnel carriers BTR-82A and BTR-82AM (12 pieces), as well as the Soviet BTR-80. The most numerous armored personnel carrier currently used by the Russian Airborne Forces is the tracked BTR-D (more than 700 units). It was put into service in 1974 and is very outdated. It should be replaced by the BTR-MDM “Rakushka”, but so far its production is moving very slowly: today there are from 12 to 30 in combat units (according to different sources) "Shells".

The anti-tank weapons of the Airborne Forces are represented by the 2S25 Sprut-SD self-propelled anti-tank gun (36 units), the BTR-RD Robot self-propelled anti-tank systems (more than 100 units) and a wide range of different ATGMs: Metis, Fagot, Konkurs and "Cornet".

The Russian Airborne Forces are armed with self-propelled and towed artillery: the Nona self-propelled gun (250 units and several hundred more units in storage), the D-30 howitzer (150 units), and the Nona-M1 mortars (50 units) and "Tray" (150 units).

Means air defense Airborne forces consist of portable missile systems(various modifications of “Igla” and “Verba”), as well as the short-range air defense system “Strela”. Special attention should be paid to the latest Russian MANPADS“Verba”, which was only recently put into service and is now put into trial operation in only a few units of the Russian Armed Forces, including the 98th Airborne Division.

Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns are also in service in the Airborne Forces. artillery installations Soviet-made BTR-ZD “Skrezhet” (150 units) and ZU-23-2 towed anti-aircraft artillery mounts.

IN recent years The Airborne Forces began to receive new models of automotive equipment, of which the Tiger armored car, the A-1 all-terrain vehicle and the KAMAZ-43501 truck should be noted.

The airborne troops are sufficiently equipped with communication, control and electronic warfare systems. Among them it should be noted modern Russian developments: electronic warfare systems "Leer-2" and "Leer-3", "Infauna", control system for air defense systems "Barnaul", automated systems command and control of Andromeda-D and Polet-K troops.

The Airborne Forces are armed with a wide range of small arms, which includes both Soviet designs and newer Russian developments. The latter include the Yarygin pistol, PMM and the PSS silent pistol. The main personal weapon of the fighters remains the Soviet AK-74 assault rifle, but deliveries to the troops of the more advanced AK-74M have already begun. To carry out sabotage missions, paratroopers can use the silent machine gun "Val "Orlan-10" Russian production. The exact number of Orlans in service with the Airborne Forces is unknown.

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Each element is assigned a number of special functions, which, in general, guarantee full-fledged defense capability. But, as in most other structures, there are privileged, elite units where every fighter dreams of getting into.

The army fulfills its duties not only in the military, but also in peacetime, because she must be in good shape all the time.

The classic version of this rather large industry is divided into:

  • naval;
  • air force;
  • land.

Especially developed countries, such as the Russian Federation, also have space forces.

Special elite troops do not belong to the public division. Getting there is considered prestigious, not only due to the mass of advantages for employees, but the very status of such a soldier will say a lot about him, even to a civilian.

What does “elite” mean when it comes to troops?

This stable concept is not thoroughly understood by everyone. The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the name “Russian Elite Troops” is something incredibly terrifying and powerful. These are the most experienced masters of their craft, professional warriors. But it's not that simple.

Being a completely journalistic name, it has no legislative basis and is not secured in any way at all. A popular expression that has taken on prohibitive national scale and nothing more.

Therefore, it is impossible to call it elite by singling out any single structure of the armed forces. There is no single evaluation criterion by which to determine the status of specific troops.

In fact, based on the fact that the expression was invented by the people, the rating of warriors who are considered supposedly elite is chosen by the same population of the state.

Surveys of this kind are conducted primarily to identify the most combat-ready unit. Additionally, elite status is granted to troops who demonstrate heroic deeds or highly professional skills during missions various kinds from the state.

In this article we will look at the generally accepted list of elite troops, and how likely it is to get there.


The department, which emerged thanks to the internal traditions of the country, has existed since the founding of the notorious 9th Department of State Security of the USSR.

Nowadays, conscript soldiers are recruited there. The most prestigious division of this industry is considered Presidential Regiment, which annually includes 240 conscripts according to a very strict selection principle. It is not enough to have excellent physical fitness and the appearance of the average Slav, but if you are under 180 cm tall, your path there is already closed.

Among novice military personnel who plan to devote their lives to serving the security of the Motherland, getting into the Presidential Regiment means opening a “green path” to the SOP of the Russian Federation, and this is nothing less than the protection of the most significant person in the country - its guarantor.

Space Force

The possibility of non-contact armed confrontation has become practically a necessity in the 21st century. The Space Force is the crown of evolution on at the moment and is developing every hour. The key role of this industry is to protect the territory of the state entrusted to the unit from space attack using nuclear warheads or other innovative weapons.

Serving in the space forces is not just prestigious - it is big step into a future that will surely be as endless as space. But how safe it is depends directly on the specialists who serve there. Why not warriors? Because there is no educational institution in Russia that prepares people for service in the Space Forces. Personnel are recruited there from the most prestigious technical universities of the Federation.


The previously mentioned troops are not as wildly popular as the Marines among conscripts and military professionals. The Russian Navy is the most combat-ready and lethal unit of the entire structure. On given time it consists of five fleets:

  • Northern;
  • Pacific;
  • Caspian;
  • Black Sea;
  • Baltic.

To get into their ranks, you must successfully pass two stages of verification on a competitive basis:

  1. During the distribution at the military registration and enlistment office, undergo a special selection into the ranks of recruits for the naval forces.
  2. To prove yourself during service in the navy from the best side as a strong-willed, decisive and strong person with excellent physical health and developed body, be prepared to make morally difficult decisions.

It is at the second stage that most recruits are eliminated, because not everyone can handle the enormous physical and psychological stress.

In the elite branches of the military and special forces, the requirements for recruits - both physical and otherwise - are at the highest level. high level. To get into special forces units, you need to have a certain set of qualities, which would be a good idea to cultivate in yourself even before you reach conscription age or the opportunity to join the army.

The Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation are one of those branches of the military where they know better than anyone about traditions, morality and physical strength. Vasily Filippovich Margelov - the legendary founder of the airborne troops, "BATYA" - as the paratroopers themselves call him - founded the winged infantry at the dawn of basic principles and standards for those who aspired to serve in an army capable of marching across Europe in a week.

In addition to general physical “strength,” a potential “Marine” must have: height from 175 cm, weight up to 80 kg, not be registered with psychiatric, drug treatment and other dispensaries both at the place of registration and at the place of residence, and it is also advisable to have one from sports categories. Availability rule sporting achievements He also works in the Airborne Forces, however, according to established tradition, it is in the Marine Corps that conscript athletes are given increased attention and are assigned the most important tasks.

“The essence of this tactic is that the conscript athlete does not need to be inspired and instilled with a sense of responsibility and discipline. Athletes who have serious achievements, as a rule, are already disciplined people and they do not need additional motivation in this regard,” Viktor Kalanchin, deputy head of the draft commission of one of the capital’s military registration and enlistment offices, said in an interview with Zvezda.

Also, it is in the Marine Corps that special attention is paid to conscripts who have certain technical knowledge: radio engineering, electronics, computing devices. Such qualities help to prepare for a military specialty directly during military service and will subsequently provide serious assistance when entering service under a contract.

As for the physical requirements necessary for service in the Russian Marine Corps, everything is simple - excellent health according to category A, the ability to do at least 10-12 pull-ups and the absence of chronic diseases. The rest, according to the military, will be consistently and diligently taught to the conscript.

Special Forces

People performing special tasks are subject to special requirements. It should be remembered, however, that special forces, whatever it may be, is not combined arms training, but hard and daily work, which not everyone can cope with. However, it is with the offer to serve in special forces that conscripts are “approached” precisely after, or even during, service in the airborne troops or marine corps.

In any case, according to military commissars, the percentage of conscripts from these types of troops into special forces is the highest. The rules of standard training (both physical and psychological) do not work in special forces. Here, every soldier is made into a universal soldier, capable of doing everything and doing it well.

Running, pull-ups, grueling forced marches at distances three times greater than usual in the army - all this is present in abundance in the training of a special forces soldier. However, special forces are different from special forces, and each special forces unit has its own specifics.

Special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff and FSB special forces among special units stand apart: 20, or even 30 pull-ups, 30 push-ups, running a thousand meters in three minutes - this is far from full list what you need to do to begin to be considered as a candidate for service in the best special forces units in Russia.

Andrei Vasiliev, an instructor of one of the Moscow rapid reaction units, said in an interview with Zvezda that physical activity- this is the most insignificant thing that people who want to serve in special forces will have to face:

“In reconnaissance, in addition to endurance and physical fitness The mind is also important. Therefore, analytical thinking, the ability to quickly make certain decisions that will allow you to effectively complete a task is no less important than, for example, physical strength. The main attention in such things is paid to people who, before serving in the army, received a higher education in some technical specialty. I know for sure that such people have been and are being shown increased attention.

One of the most serious tests for those who want to test their physical and psychological abilities may be an exam for the right to wear a “maroon” beret. It is this insignia of the special forces of the internal troops that is the best proof of the “professional suitability” of a fighter. Not everyone passes the grueling test, which includes an almost marathon forced march, an obstacle course, and hand-to-hand combat with an instructor.

According to statistics, only 20-30% of examinees pass the test. Contrary to popular belief, the exam for the right to wear a “maroon” beret does not end with physical activity.

The basics of shooting skills against the background of severe fatigue, the basics of storming a building using special equipment, high-speed shooting - all this is included in the mandatory list of tests for those who want to devote their lives to special forces. The set of rules, both for army units and for special forces units, says one thing - service for the benefit of the Fatherland is not a vacation.

This is hard, difficult and truly masculine work, requiring absolute physical health and serious mental abilities. It is the combination of these qualities that allows yesterday’s ordinary guys to join the elite troops, and those who have served or are serving to improve their professional skills and move up the ladder of military service.

Dmitry Yurov

Airborne Forces - airborne troops- These are one of the most prestigious troops of the Russian Federation. Having heard that a serviceman is serving in the airborne forces, great respect immediately, automatically grows for this person. After all, if you delve into the very essence of the profession, you can safely say that these people are the real defenders and patriots of their state.

It is the paratroopers who are the first to be sent by air to fight the enemy in his rear. Besides, Airborne Forces Rapid reaction troops can form the basis of mobile forces. Suffice it to remember that Airborne troops originated during the Great Patriotic War, made an overwhelming contribution to the victory, and it will immediately become clear why they are so prestigious and respected.

If a young man decides to connect his life with the army, then the choice is in favor airborne troops deserves great respect. Today, the most famous and famous educational institution for training excellent paratrooper specialists is the world-famous Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces. This is a higher institution that produces real officers.

Also, there is a “242 training center”, which is currently located in the cities of Omsk and Ishim. It also specializes in training quality professionals in their field.

Airborne Forces are a complex science

What are future officers taught in these military institutions? Of course, we will not list all the disciplines; we will focus on the most important skills that young people acquire. Some of the key subjects are: tactics and strategy of combat, shooting, military equipment.

Cadets are taught not only theory, but also practice. Field trips to exercises are a mandatory training process. Of course, cadets learn to jump from a parachute, learn to survive in difficult conditions, fight in rural and urban areas, master the skills of combat with edged weapons, and learn the basics of controlling air force equipment. In addition to combat, they are trained to repair military equipment, so that in any situation the military man can prepare and operate any combat unit, from a tank to a fighter. Great attention is paid physical training cadets. No wonder the fighters from airborne troops Civilians associate them with powerful and strong people, and that is what they are.

One American general in the second half of the 20th century said: - “Give me a company of Russian paratroopers and we will take over the whole world!”

It's not just strength that matters here.

In addition to military disciplines, great attention is paid to standard humanitarian and mathematical disciplines, foreign languages ​​and computer classes. The cadets are even taught ballroom dancing, etiquette, and manners. Therefore, the officers come out comprehensively developed people and are well versed not only in military tactics and military equipment, but are also cultured and well-read people.

Based on this, we can safely say that the officers Airborne Forces– these are truly people who should inspire awe and respect from everyone.

Blue berets only on the front line

The “winged infantry” has its own day on the calendar - August 2, the day when colleagues and classmates meet and remember their service and training. And there is something to remember, because how many bright and unforgettable pages were brought by the airborne troops into our glorious history and how many more of these pages will be written by them!

The Blue Berets are always at the forefront, ahead of the rest. They are where the greatest danger is, where strength and courage are required. These are people who command respect both from pensioners and veterans, and from young people.