106th Airborne Division special department. Airborne divisions

Emblem: it is based on the symbolism of the coat of arms of Tula, where the division is stationed, and ancient mythology, according to which the centaur combines power and intelligence, courage and cunning of man and animal.

April 26, 1944 is considered the division's birthday; the 106th Guards Red Banner Order of Kutuzov II degree airborne division was formed at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War - in 1944.

On January 15, 1944, by order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, a guards airborne division was formed on the basis of airborne units stationed near Moscow in the settlements of Vostryakovo, Vnukovo and Stupino.

In August 1944, the division was redeployed to Starye Dorogi, Mogilev Region, and became part of the 38th Corps of the 9th Guards Army.

The Great Patriotic War was approaching its victorious conclusion, but the enemy was still strong, and its defeat required enormous efforts of the entire Soviet people.

On January 20, 1945, the unit redeployed and by February 26 concentrated east of Budapest. In February 1945, the 9th Guards Army, which included the 106th Guards Rifle Division, was brought into active service.

In March 1945, the unit received the task of reaching the initial positions for the offensive in the Versheg-Bu-Dakesi-Fat-Bichke area.

On March 16, after a 60-minute preliminary artillery preparation, which began at 14.30, the guards went on the attack and by 16.00 captured the first trench, at 18.00 they broke into the second trench, over the rest of the day they advanced 4-7 km, capturing the town of Cecbereni, a forest the massif to the north and the settlement of Kopolnopusta. The offensive continued. By March 18, having crossed the Sharviz and Gaya rivers, the formation captured the city of Mor with an attack from all units.

For breaking through the fortified defense line and capturing the city of Mor, all personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on April 26, 1945, the division was awarded its first order - the Order of Kutuzov, II degree.

On March 25, the division marched to the Be-cons-Sontlaszlo-Fenyera area and on the morning of March 26 began bypassing the city of Papa from the north with the task of capturing the city in cooperation with other parts of the corps.

For the military actions to capture the city of Papa, the entire personnel of the unit received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Motherland saluted the winners on March 26.

On March 29, the division launched a decisive offensive and captured Reb-Cheleg, Nitzig, Arkahati, Ureygnui-falu, Chalad, Rebtsesemere, Rebsekafora, and by 16.00 of the same day reached the line Ivan, Felshemag, Paytoshkil, Porladone.

On March 30, 1945, pursuing the enemy, the division crossed the Austro-Hungarian border. The 38th Guards Rifle Corps, which included the division, was withdrawn to the second echelon, since battles for Vienna were imminent and reserves were needed.

On April 13, Soviet troops completely captured the city of Vienna, and the formation went on the offensive, and on April 15, 1945, St. Pelken was taken. On this day, the capital again saluted the winners.

For the military actions, all personnel received gratitude; active participants in the battles for Vienna were awarded the medal “For the Capture of Vienna” established at that time. The 38th Guards Corps received the honorary name “Vienna”, and part of it was awarded a second order - the Order of the Red Banner.

On April 16, 1945, continuing hostilities, the division captured the city of Wilhelmsburg. Continuous fighting continued until April 25. By the end of this day, the units were withdrawn from the battle and concentrated in full force on the outskirts of Vienna.

On May 5, the division was alerted and marched to the area of ​​Fribritz, Hindodorf, the forest southwest of Fribritz and the Austro-Czechoslovak border and relieved the 107th Infantry Division. Having come into contact with the enemy, on May 8 she crossed the border of Czechoslovakia and immediately captured the city of Znojmo. All personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Motherland once again saluted the liberating soldiers.

On May 9, all units continued combat operations to pursue the enemy. It was necessary to force him to capitulate. The division marched, pursuing the enemy, and in three days fought 80-90 km. At 12.00 on May 11, 1945, the advance detachment of the 355th Guards. rifle regiment and 211th Guards. artillery regiment reached the river. Vlatva and 3.5 km northeast of the village of Oleshnya met with units of the 5th American Tank Army.

The Great Patriotic War ended for the soldiers of the formation. During the period of hostilities, the guards destroyed and captured 64 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, as well as 316 tanks and self-propelled guns, guns of various calibers - 971, vehicles - 6371, railway cars - 3600, aircraft - 29, and a large number of warehouses with military equipment . About 6,100 km were covered with fighting.

In total, 7,401 people in the division were awarded government awards during combat operations. It should be added that many of the recipients had two or three military awards, and three paratroopers of the formation were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for courage and heroism. This title was received by Guard Sergeant Major N.S. Rybakov, Guard Junior Lieutenant V.T. Polyakov, Guard Senior Lieutenant V.P. Selishchev.

By the spring of 1946, the entire formation was redeployed to its homeland and began planned combat training under the Airborne Forces program.

Since 1957, the division's guardsmen-paratroopers have participated in ensuring the landing of spacecraft (the meeting of Belka, Strelka and Chernushka; the meeting at the landing site of Gagarin, Titov, Nikolaev and Popovich).

In 1958, the division's soldiers parachuted in experimental tactical exercises in the difficult climatic conditions of the Arctic. The tasks of capturing and holding an important area were practiced. The paratroopers showed examples of high field training, courage and hardening.

In the post-war years, the division became a kind of training ground for the development of new types of equipment and weapons entering the Airborne Forces.

1973 January 5th. For the first time in the world, a crew consisting of Major L. Zuev and Lieutenant A. Margelov, the youngest son of Airborne Forces commander V. F. Margelov, was landed inside the BMD-1 on parachute-platform vehicles. The combat vehicle was dropped from the An-12 and descended on five domes. This system for landing the BMD-1 together with the crew was called “Centaur”.

1976 January 23. The parachute-jet system "Reactavr" (jet centaur) was successfully tested. Instead of the five domes of the Centaur, one dome was installed on the Reactaur. The landing speed of the new system is four times higher. This greatly reduced the vulnerability of military equipment in flight. The new equipment was tested by L. Shcherbakov and A. Margelov. In February 1997, they were awarded the title of Hero of Russia for this feat.

1979 February.106th Guards The airborne division took part in exercises in Mongolia. The exercises took place in difficult conditions: a bare, rocky desert with a temperature difference between day and night of 20-30°C. On the day of landing, wind gusts reached 40 m/s.

1981 September 4-12. Exercises of troops and fleet forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR on the territory of the Belarusian and Baltic military districts and in the Baltic Sea under the code name "West-81". The 106th Guards took part in them. airborne division.

The major exercises “Rhodope”, which were held on the territory of Bulgaria, “Dnepr”, “Autumn-88” became a good school of courage for the personnel.

More than 70 percent of the division's officers and warrant officers participated in combat operations in Afghanistan.

Since February 1988, a most difficult and dramatic period began in the history of the division, when it began operations called “special tasks” in Tbilisi, in the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia.

1988 February 29 The 137th Parachute Regiment (commanded by Lieutenant Colonel V. Khatskevich) of the 106th Airborne Division landed at an airfield near Baku. Having marched to Sumgayit, he immediately began to complete the task. He restored the state border, took control of government institutions, stopped violence, and neutralized gangster groups. In early April, the regiment returned to its permanent location - Ryazan.

1988 November 22-23. The 106th Airborne Division and the 119th Airborne Division of the 7th Airborne Division landed in Baku, and the 234th Airborne Division of the 76th Airborne Division landed in Kirovabad. The Airborne Forces group in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagarno-Karabakh, through coordinated actions, stopped the bloody clashes in the city of Kirovabad, on the border with Nagorno-Karabakh and on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

1990 January 12-20. A group of airborne troops (units of the 106th, 76th and 98th airborne divisions, 56th and 38th airborne brigades) took control of the situation in Baku, Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh. State administrations were restored in Azerbaijan and Armenia, and the state border of the USSR.

1990, and yun. A group of airborne troops (units 76, 106 airborne divisions, 56th airborne brigade, 387th separate parachute regiment took control of the situation in the cities of Fergana, Osh, Andijan, Jalal-Abad, occupied Kara-Suu , mountain roads and passes throughout the conflict territory, prevented massacres, arson, destruction, and looting.

By order of the USSR Ministry of Defense dated July 11, 1990, the division was awarded the Pennant of the USSR Minister of Defense "For courage and military valor."

1992 was the year of the first experience in our history of paratroopers operating in difficult international conditions.

1992 March. N Based on a resolution of the UN Security Council and a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Russian 554th separate infantry battalion of 900 people (commander Colonel V. Loginov) was sent to Eastern Slavonia (former Yugoslavia) to resolve the Serbo-Croatian conflict. The battalion was formed on the basis of the 76th and 106th airborne divisions, 36th and 37th airborne brigades. This marked the beginning of the participation of Russian military contingents in UN peacekeeping operations to maintain peace.
The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was established.

1992, June. The 137th airborne division of the 106th Airborne Division under the command of Colonel A. Kobelev was introduced into Bendery. Goal: to ensure the implementation of the agreement on the separation of opposing forces in Transnistria, reached in Moscow between the conflicting parties.

In August 1992, paratroopers of the 51st Parachute Regiment of the 106th Airborne Division carried out an unprecedented operation to evacuate personnel from the Russian Embassy in Kabul and foreign diplomats from war-torn Afghanistan.

From October 31 to November 28, 1992, on the basis of the division, a consolidated regiment was formed and sent to North Ossetia under the command of Guard Colonel E.Yu. Savilov. to ensure peace and separation of conflicting parties. He landed in Vladikavkaz and within a day the paratroopers took up positions on the border of Ingushetia and Chechnya and the Ordzhonikidzevskaya-Sernovodsk line. With their decisive and quick actions, they accomplished something unprecedented - they were able to prevent a large-scale war on the territory of the Russian state.

From November 27, 1994 to April 1995, military personnel of the division took part in a special mission in Chechnya. Many paratroopers were awarded orders and medals, and five of them were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 1999, the 106th Airborne Division was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense for courage, military valor, and high performance in combat training. All parachute regiments of the formation were awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense "For courage and military valor." The artillery regiment of the division has rich traditions, on the banner of which there are five military orders for courage, bravery and fortitude shown during the Great Patriotic War.

2000, February 20. The 2715 km ski trek of the guardsmen of the 119th airborne division of the 106th airborne division was completed. During the transition, the paratroopers gave 60 concerts, more than 50 lessons in courage - demonstration performances in hand-to-hand combat, and paid military honors to 60 mass graves and burials in places of military glory. The crossing is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and the 70th anniversary of the Airborne Forces.

The participation of the 106th Airborne Division in key events taking place in the country, the highest professionalism and level of combat training forced people to talk about it both in Russia and abroad. Foreign military delegations from the USA, France, Germany, Canada, Finland, China, and Korea repeatedly arrived in the division on friendly visits; military attaches and military specialists from many countries of the world. It should be noted that reviews of the level of combat training, professionalism and courage of soldiers and officers were very high.

The new Chechen war did not bypass the division. All military personnel of the unit participating in the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the Chechen Republic coped with the task with dignity and honor. 283 of them were nominated for government awards for courage and exemplary performance of combat missions. The high title of Hero of Russia in the division was awarded to ten servicemen. In August 2005, the division's unit received the first samples of new equipment: the BMD-4 Bakhcha. 2006, June 24. In Ryazan, at the location of the 137th Guards Parachute Regiment, a ceremony was held to hand over ten new BMD-4 to the crews. The receipt of this batch, for the first time for the Airborne Forces, made it possible to equip the parachute company with the latest equipment. The solemn ritual, in which the divisional commander of the 106th Guards Airborne Division, Major General A. Serdyukov, took part, was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Service charter. Division units:

  • 51st Guards Parachute Landing Red Banner Order of Suvorov Regiment named after Dmitry Donskoy
  • 137th Guards Parachute Landing Kuban Cossack Order of the Red Star Regiment
  • 1182nd Guards Artillery Novgorod Red Banner Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky and Alexander Nevsky Regiment
  • 173rd Separate Guards Reconnaissance Company
  • 322nd Separate Guards Engineer Battalion
  • 107th separate guards anti-aircraft missile and artillery division (it is planned to deploy a regiment on the basis of the division)
  • 731st Separate Guards Signal Battalion
  • 970th separate airborne support company
  • 43rd separate repair and restoration battalion
  • 1060th separate logistics battalion
  • 110th separate military transport aviation squadron
  • 4050th Military Hospital (airmobile)
  • 1883rd courier-postal communication station
  • testing ground (Dubrovichi village, Ryazan region).

Organizationally, the division consisted of three regiments. The 51st Guards Parachute Regiment, over ten special units and the division headquarters are located in the hero city of Tula, the 137th Guards Parachute Regiment (which fought in Chechnya) and several more units - in the Ryazan region, the artillery regiment of the Moscow region (Naro -Fominsk).
The chronicle of glorious deeds is written by paratroopers in their daily lives. The guards-paratroopers of the formation made a significant contribution to the history of the Fatherland, the army, and the airborne forces. So it was, is and will be.

  • All division commanders:

    • Guard Major General (1943-1944)
    • Guard Major General (1944-1946)
    • Guard Major General (1946-1947)
    • Guard Major General (1947-1949)
    • Guard Colonel (1949-1951)
    • Guard Major General (1951-1955)
    • Guard Major General (1955-1960)
    • Guard Major General (1960-1961)
    • Guard Colonel

Full name: 106th Guards Order of Kutuzov 2nd Class Airborne Division
Formation date: 09/01/1939 directive No. D-0054/42-1
Disbandment date: 12/21/2005 order of the Ministry of Defense No. 00324-81
Annual holiday: April 24
Predecessors: Predecessor 1
Predecessor 2
Successors: Heir 1
Heir 2
Awards: Order of the Red Banner, 08/04/1944 order of the Ministry of Defense No. 00263
Order of Kutuzov 2nd degree, 05/02/1945 order of the Ministry of Defense No. 005681)
Certificate of honor of the CPSU Central Committee, 04/02/1970, resolution of the CPSU Central Committee No. 56
Commanders: 1943-1944, Guard Major General Alexander Fedorovich Kazankin
1944-1946, Guard Major General Konstantin Nikolaevich Vindushev
1946-1947, Guard Major General Ivan Nikitich Konev
1947-49, Guard Major General Kopychko Afanasy Romanovich
1949-1951, Guard Colonel Epanshin Alexander Dmitrievich
1951-1955, Guard Major General Alexander Akimovich Gerasimov
1955-1960, Guard Major General Alexander Andreevich Koreshchenko
1960-1961, Guard Major General Tankaev Magamet Tankaevich
1960-1964, guard colonel Kurochkin Konstantin Yakovlevich
1964-1969, Guard Major General Potapov Yuri Mikhailovich
1969-1972, Guard Major General Alexander Ivanovich Prytkov
1972-1976, Guard Major General Anatoly Mikhailovich Dobrovolsky
1976-1980, Guard Major General Evgeniy Nikolaevich Podkolzin
1980-1984, Guard Major General Filatov Gennady Vasilievich
1984-1988, Guard Major General Serdechny Fedor Ivanovich
1988-1991, Guard Major General Alexander Ivanovich Lebed
1991-1993, Guard Major General Alexander Petrovich Kolmakov
Significant dates: 1st significant date
3rd significant date


On January 15, 1944, by order of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, a guards division was formed on the basis of airborne units stationed near Moscow in the settlements of Vostryakovo, Vnukovo and Stupino. In August of the same year, the formation was redeployed to the city of Starye Dorogi, Mogilev Region, and became part of the 38th Corps of the 9th Guards Army. On January 20, 1945, the unit arrived in Hungary, and by February 26 it was concentrated east of the city of Budapest. In February, the army was brought into active service, and in March it received the task of reaching the initial positions for the offensive. On the sixteenth, after artillery barrage, the guards rose together to attack,
in an hour and a half they captured the first trench, after three and a half they broke into the second, and over the rest of the day they advanced 4-7 km, capturing the city of Chek-beren, the forest to the north of it and the settlement of Kopolnopusta . By March 18, having crossed the Sharviz and Gaya rivers, the formation liberated the city of Mor on the move. For capturing the city, the personnel received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and on April 26 the division was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, II degree. Since then, this date has been a holiday of the part.
On the twenty-fifth, the division made a march, beginning to bypass the city of Papa with the task of capturing it in cooperation with other parts of the corps. For the liberation of the city, the Pope’s personnel again received the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and the Motherland saluted the winners. On the twenty-ninth, the division launched a decisive offensive, capturing seven settlements. On the thirtieth, pursuing the enemy, the formation crossed the Austro-Hungarian border. On April 15, the division captured the city of St. Pölten. On this day, the capital again saluted the liberating soldiers. The personnel received gratitude, and some were awarded the second Order of the Red Banner. On the sixteenth, continuing the fighting, the formation entered Wilhelmsburg.
On May 5, the division marched to the area of ​​the Austro-Czechoslovak border, and, having come into contact with the enemy, entered Czechoslovakia, immediately capturing the city of Znojmo. Gratitude was received, the Motherland saluted the winners. On May 9, the division, pursuing the enemy, made a march, and in three days it fought up to 90 kilometers.
On May 11, 1945, the advance detachment reached the Vltava River, and three kilometers northeast of the village of Oleshnya met with units of the 5th American Tank Army. During the Great Patriotic War, the division's guards destroyed and captured 64 thousand enemy soldiers and officers, 316 tanks and self-propelled guns, 6,370 vehicles, 3,600 railway cars, 29 aircraft, 970 guns of various calibers, a large number of warehouses with military equipment . 6100 kilometers were traveled without problems. In total, 7,400 people were awarded government awards during the fighting. Three guardsmen received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.


In 1946, the unit relocated to its homeland and began training under the Airborne Forces program. More than fifty times the division represented the Airborne Forces at military parades in Moscow. In 1958, the unit's soldiers parachuted into experimental tactical exercises in the Arctic. The paratroopers showed examples of high field training and hardening. Large-scale joint exercises “Rhodope”, “Dnepr”, “Zapad-81”, “Autumn-88” became a school of courage for the personnel. With their courage, the paratroopers showed: the spirit of a division is a material thing. The division was and remains a training ground for the development of equipment and weapons for the Airborne Forces. Thus, in 1973, at the Slobodka parachute track near Tula, for the first time in the world, a landing of a crew inside a combat vehicle was carried out. In honor of this event, the connection’s emblem is decorated with an image of a Centaur. This was the name of the landing system. Behind the shoulders of warriors are training in Mongolia. The flight took place at high altitude, with several refueling stops. When landing on a stone desert, the wind speed reached 40 meters per second. It was a real battle: they fought the cruelty of nature with the physical and psychological hardening of the paratrooper. Ten long years of the Afghan war became an important part of the division's history. More than 70 percent of officers and warrant officers of that time traveled the hard roads of this sultry country. Many were awarded military awards. Many internationalist warriors are still in service today.


In 1988, a most difficult and dramatic period began in the history of the division, when it began operations called “special government assignments” in the republics of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The division's soldiers took part in establishing constitutional order in Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. The tasks were completed by the guards with honor. In 1990, the division was awarded the pennant of the Minister of Defense. The personnel of the unit took part in resolving the bloody conflict in Transnistria. In 1992, the division's paratroopers began the process of gaining experience in operating in difficult international conditions. By decision of the UN Security Council, in the interests of resolving the Serbo-Croatian conflict, a contingent of peacekeeping forces formed on the basis of the formation was sent to Eastern Slovenia. For five and a half years, Tula paratroopers carried out peacekeeping missions in Yugoslavia with dignity and honor. In 1992, soldiers of the formation carried out an unprecedented operation to evacuate personnel of the Russian embassy in Kabul and foreign diplomats from Afghanistan. In the same year, a combined regiment under the command of Guard Colonel E. Savilov went to North Ossetia to ensure peace and separate the conflicting parties, and prevented a large-scale war there.


At the end of 1994, the Russian leadership decided to conduct a military operation on the territory of the Republic of Chechnya aimed at eliminating illegal armed groups. In accordance with the assigned task, he was formed and sent to the consolidated regiment of the division, which took part in hostilities from November 1994 to May 1995. Having carried out a raid in the direction of Mozdok-Grozny, by December 31 the regiment blocked Dudayev's lair from the west. From January 1 to March 9, battles were fought in the city with the destruction of the enemy and the capture of buildings. The experience gained here was not in vain during the capture of the bridgehead on the eastern bank of the Argun River and the encirclement of the cities of Argun and Gudermes. From 1998 to 1999, the division carried out peacekeeping tasks in the zone of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. For courage and military valor, the division was awarded the pennant of the Ministry of Defense.
The next Chechen war also did not bypass the division. During the counter-terrorism operation, which began in September 1999 in Dagestan, the guards-paratroopers of the formation carry out combat missions with dignity and honor. To this day, regimental and battalion tactical groups defend state interests in inaccessible mountainous and wooded areas, occupying a strategically important position not far from the Argun Gorge, along which mercenary detachments stretch from the passes.
In Chechnya, chosen as a place of intervention by international terrorists from dozens of countries around the world, the division’s soldiers, during reconnaissance and search operations, destroy bandits, liquidate caches of weapons and ammunition, ammunition and food .
Since 1994, more than 2 thousand paratroopers have been awarded government awards. Twenty-two guardsmen were awarded the high title of Hero of Russia. In the units there are memorial plaques where the names of the victims are immortalized. Monuments to paratroopers in the 51st and 119th Guards Parachute Regiments, the chapel in the 137th is a tribute to their memory and heroism.


Despite the fact that the division’s soldiers constantly carry out one after another special tasks of the Government, they never stop combat training and constantly improve their professional skills. Classes on fire training and driving combat vehicles are systematically conducted, and airborne training is honed.


The participation of the 106th Guards Airborne Division in key events taking place in the country and the highest professionalism of its soldiers forced people to talk about it not only in Russia, and made it possible to represent the Airborne Forces at the international level. In recent years alone, Tula paratroopers have received military delegations from the USA and Great Britain, France and Germany, Canada and Italy, Finland and Poland, China and Korea, other states, military attaches and specialists from other countries. Constructive relationships have been established with local authorities and enterprises of all forms of ownership. Particularly fruitful and mutually useful cooperation has developed with employees of enterprises of the military-industrial complex. The paratroopers know the combat qualities of weapons developed and produced by Tula craftsmen and appreciate them. One of the main prospects for further increasing the landing force will be equipping the troops with the latest Tula weapons. The connection has a glorious past, and what has been achieved has not been lost. With their courage, warriors daily prove their commitment to the military glory of their ancestors. The soldiers of the Tula division made a significant contribution to the history of the Airborne Forces and the entire Fatherland. Cherishing the honor of their native division, they proudly bear the high and honorable title of guardsman-paratrooper.

A ceremonial event dedicated to the awarding of the honorary name “Tula” to the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov division took place on Victory Square in the hero city of Tula on September 11. A REGNUM correspondent was informed about this by the press service of the government of the Tula region.

The celebrations were attended by the Governor of the Tula Region Vladimir Gruzdev, the First Deputy Governor of the Tula Region - Chairman of the Government of the Tula Region Yuri Andrianov, the Federal Inspector in the Tula Region Anatoly Simonov, the Chairman of the Tula Regional Duma Sergei Kharitonov, the Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Andrei Kholzakov, the commander of the 106th Guards. Airborne Division Pavel Kirsi, head of Tula Yuri Tskipuri, head of the Tula administration Evgeny Avilov, war and labor veterans, city residents.

The ceremony was opened by Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Andrei Kholzakov. He read out the Decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin on awarding the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov division the honorary name “Tula”, which in part states: “For mass heroism and courage, fortitude and courage shown by the division’s personnel in combat operations to protect Fatherland and state interests in armed conflicts, and taking into account its merits in peacetime, I decree: to assign the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division the honorary name “Tula” and henceforth to call it: 106th Guards Airborne Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division" .

The formation of the 106th Guards Airborne Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Division was formed in 1944, since then the traditions have been preserved and enhanced by all subsequent generations of guards paratroopers, making a worthy contribution to maintaining the defense capability of the Armed Forces. The division's personnel participated in all wars and military conflicts, performing combat missions both on the territory of our country and abroad. Governor Vladimir Gruzdev noted that the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to assign the name “Tula” to the division is a historical event for the region.

“For most of its journey, the division is located on the territory of the hero city of Tula. We, Tula residents, residents of the region, are proud that the 106th Airborne Division is deployed on the heroic land of Tula,” emphasized Vladimir Gruzdev. The head of the region wished the military personnel a peaceful sky and success in their service.

Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Andrei Kholzakov, also on behalf of the commander of the Military Council, congratulated the division on being given the name “Tula”. “All personnel will have to prove that they rightfully bear this honorary name. The command sees you as one of the best reunions that will achieve the highest successes,” Lieutenant General addressed the military personnel.

The ceremony participants were also addressed by the commander of the 106th Guards. Airborne Division Pavel Kirsi, veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Then the event participants laid fresh flowers at the Eternal Flame and honored the memory of those who fell on the battlefields with a minute of silence. The personnel of the division's honor guard company followed in a solemn march. The ceremony ended with taking a photo with the banner as a souvenir.

Then, at the Klokovo airfield, demonstration performances by military personnel of the reconnaissance company of the 106th Guards Airborne Division in special training took place. The celebrations were attended by Vladimir Gruzdev, special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, advisor-mentor to the government of the Tula region, president of the Association of Polar Explorers Artur Chilingarov, chairman of the Tula Regional Duma Sergei Kharitonov, deputy commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Andrei Kholzakov, commander 106 Guards Airborne Division Pavel Kirsi, head of the Tula Ministry of Defense Yuri Tskipuri, war and labor veterans, city residents. The paratroopers demonstrated hand-to-hand combat techniques, lowering military personnel from two MI-8 helicopters on cables, and allegedly destroying the enemy. In addition, 20 military paratroopers of the 309 TsFPiV Airborne Forces landed from a height of 1.5 thousand meters. Vladimir Gruzdev and Andrey Kholzakov congratulated the paratroopers and presented them with commemorative medals.

“Residents of the Tula region are proud of the renowned 106th Guards Airborne Division of Tula, serving in which is prestigious and honorable,” emphasized Vladimir Gruzdev. Artur Chilingarov reported that next spring, servicemen of the reconnaissance company of the 106th Guards Airborne Tula Division plan to take part in landing at the North Pole. Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces Andrei Kholzakov highly appreciated the level of combat training of the military personnel of the Tula division and congratulated them on conferring the honorary name “Tula” on the division. The celebrations continued with a festive concert.


Already this year, the 106th Airborne Division will receive the latest weapons. This was announced today by the commander of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Shamanov, who arrived in Tula to hand over the banner of the formation to the new division commander. “Next year a reconnaissance battalion will be deployed in the division,” Shamanov said. “Controlled parachutes are already arriving, and just recently, during exercises in the Belgorod region, paratroopers performed special tasks. The Ryazan regiment will receive BMD-4M vehicles this year. This formation will be the first in the Airborne Forces, as the base regiment of the Ryazan School, to be transferred to new types of equipment. The process will take place in parallel in the Tula regiment. Artillery will receive new systems. The Polet automated control system for troops and weapons is currently being implemented.


During a tactical exercise with the Tula formation of the Airborne Forces, ATVs were landed for the first time.
After landing, the airborne units marched to the areas of intended action. Troop control was carried out using Andromeda-D automated control systems.
Currently, paratroopers deployed to the Pskov region are conducting maneuverable defense in the area of ​​the Strugi Krasnye training ground. Military personnel practice defensive actions without the support of army aviation helicopters. According to legend, paratroopers carry out assigned tasks behind enemy lines, where the use of helicopters is impossible.
The day before, there was also a landing at the Kislovo landing site in the Pskov region. In 30 minutes, more than 20 Il-76 military transport aircraft dropped about 2 thousand military personnel and more than 30 units of combat and special equipment from the Tula Airborne Forces.
The paratroopers assembled and crossed the water barrier using standard equipment. Then, having captured the airfield and destroyed a mock enemy camp there, they made a 100-km march to the Strugi Krasnye training ground area.
A four-day tactical exercise with units of the Tula Airborne Forces in the Ryazan and Pskov regions will be completed by the end of the current day.
The exercise is led by Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces, Major General Alexey Ragozin.
Directorate of Press Service and Information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


The Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) are planning to conduct three major exercises in Russia this fall.
Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Andrei Kholzakov, stated this on the air of the Life Sound radio station.
“We are finishing the year with a command and staff exercise with the 106th Tula Division - the exercise will be held at the end of September, immediately after the Army 2016 forum, and in October we are planning two regimental tactical exercises - one in Pskov with the 104th Parachute -an airborne regiment and one in Ivanovo with the 217th parachute regiment,” he said.
According to Kholzakov, the Airborne Forces have conducted many exercises this year, and now “all that remains is to complete the (training) period.”


At the Dubrovichi training ground in the Ryazan region, the active phase of the command and staff exercise with the 106th Airborne Division of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) ended with the live firing stage of the battalion tactical group.
During live firing, carried out both during the day and at night, the paratroopers hit over 1,000 targets, using more than 1,5 thousand ammunition for arming BMD-2 airborne combat vehicles and Nona self-propelled artillery guns.
To hit targets simulating armored vehicles and tanks of a mock enemy, the paratroopers used hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers, firing more than 150 grenades from them.
A large-scale command-staff exercise with the Tula Airborne Forces unit, led by Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Andrei Kholzakov, will end on September 30 with the return of command and control bodies and units to their permanent deployment points.
The exercise is being conducted on the territory of three constituent entities of the Russian Federation, about 3.5 thousand military personnel are involved, and 350 units of weapons, military and special equipment are involved.
During the exercise, the combat training of the paratroopers was assessed by representatives of the Military Inspectorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.


A solemn ceremony of handing over the BMD-4M to the Guards Parachute Regiment of the 106th Guards Airborne Division took place in Ryazan.
In his speech, expressing words of gratitude to the creators of the new generation combat vehicle, Airborne Forces Commander Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov said: “This is the result of the work of a huge team of the military-industrial complex. Not a single country in the world, not a single armed force, much less not a single airborne force, has such a combat vehicle. We are proud that this combat vehicle has entered our service.”
“This vehicle is capable of firing at a range of up to 7 km and fighting the most modern tanks at a distance of up to 5 km. This is a maneuverable, high-speed, floating, landing vehicle. Its combat module is unique. The vehicle has a navigation system,” the Airborne Forces commander emphasized, characterizing the capabilities of the BMD-4M.

Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


On December 24, 2016, a solemn ceremony took place in Ryazan to transfer the second battalion set of new BMD-4M airborne combat vehicles to the 137th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 106th Guards Airborne Division of the Russian Airborne Forces. The first battalion kit was handed over in September 2016.
“In the future, the Airborne Forces will continue to be equipped with the same battalion sets of BMD-4M. Next year, two battalion sets will go into service with the 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade, which is stationed in the city of Ulyanovsk,” said Colonel General Andrei Serdyukov.
Original taken from http://altyn73.livejournal.com in BMD-4M in Ryazan.