Presentation on the topic of psychology of balance for a student. Subject

Life requires a person to be able to adapt to a constantly changing environment and regulate his behavior in accordance with it. Every day presents a person with problems that need to be solved. Emotionally stable people calmly accept most changes that happen to them. Such people successfully cope with problems (accidents, illnesses, etc.) because they have psychological balance. It should be noted that any changes in life, even positive ones, force a person to adapt (adapt) to new circumstances and cause a certain tension. A state of tension that occurs in a person under the influence of strong influences, is called stress. The concept and concept of stress was formulated by the Canadian specialist Hans Selye. He defined stress as a set of protective reactions of the body caused by any of the stress factors (changes in life, emotional conflict, fear, physical trauma, etc.).

The effect of these factors accumulates and is summed up. The more of them in a person’s life at a given period, the higher the level of stress. Selye called the totality of the body's defense reactions under stress the general adaptation syndrome. There are three stages of this syndrome: mobilization (anxiety reaction), resistance, exhaustion.

General adaptation syndrome develops as follows. In response to a stressor (stress factor), anxiety arises in the body. This mobilizes the body (mobilization stage) and prepares him for urgent action. The heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, digestion slows down, and blood flows to the muscles. As a result, the short-term capabilities of the body are improved. However, if all these preparations do not come into effect, long-term stay in this state can lead to various disorders in the body (impaired functions of the cardiovascular system, etc.).

At the stage resistance stress is reduced to a lower but more sustainable level. During this period, the body has an increased and long-lasting ability to tolerate the effects of stressors.

If stress levels remain very high for too long, a stage of exhaustion occurs, in which the body's ability to resist stressors decreases. The human condition at this stage is characterized by a decline in physical and spiritual strength.

Stress is not always harmful. Under moderate stress, a person's mind and body function most effectively at optimal levels. High level stress can only remain a positive factor short time(for example, the athlete’s condition before the start).

If stress has a harmful effect on the body and reduces its adaptive capabilities, it is called distress. In a person who has not learned to control his psyche and for a long time Living in a state of severe stress, the likelihood of various diseases increases. Heart disease most often develops, since stress leads to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle narrow, and the amount of oxygen reaching this muscle decreases sharply. Distress disrupts the body's immune mechanisms, which can lead to various diseases.

Different people react to stress differently, but there are general principles stress management, helping to keep stress at bay optimal level and provide the necessary psychological balance.

Here are some of them:

1. The fight against stress begins with developing the belief that only you yourself are responsible for your spiritual and physical well-being.

2. Be optimistic; The source of stress is not the events themselves, but your perception of these events.

3. Regularly engage in physical education and sports; physical exercise provide positive influence not only on physical condition, but also on the human psyche; constant physical activity contributes to the formation of psychological balance and self-confidence; physical exercise is one of the the best ways recovery from a state of severe stress.

4. Set yourself feasible tasks; look at things realistically, don’t expect too much from yourself; understand the limits of your capabilities, do not demand too much from yourself; learn to say “no” if you cannot complete a task.

5. Learn to enjoy life, enjoy your work, how well you do it, and not just what it gives you.

6. Eat right.

7. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a very important role in coping with stress and maintaining health.

Fighting stress is mainly about maintaining one’s psychological balance, since such a person’s spiritual state provides him with good mood, high performance and adequate response to various stressors.


Life requires a person to be able to adapt to a constantly changing environment and regulate his behavior in accordance with it. Every day presents a person with problems that need to be solved. Emotionally stable people calmly accept most changes that happen to them. Such people successfully cope with problems (accidents, illnesses, etc.) because they have psychological balance. It should be noted that any changes in life, even positive ones, force a person to adapt (adapt) to new circumstances and cause a certain tension. The state of tension that occurs in a person under the influence of strong influences is called stress. The concept and concept of stress was formulated by the Canadian specialist Hans Selye. He defined stress as a set of protective reactions of the body caused by any of the stress factors (changes in life, emotional conflict, fear, physical trauma, etc.).

The effect of these factors accumulates and is summed up. The more of them in a person’s life at a given period, the higher the level of stress. Selye called the totality of the body's defense reactions under stress the general adaptation syndrome. There are three stages of this syndrome: mobilization (anxiety reaction), resistance, exhaustion.

General adaptation syndrome develops as follows. In response to a stressor (stress factor), anxiety arises in the body. This mobilizes the body (mobilization stage) and prepares it for urgent action. The heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, digestion slows down, and blood flows to the muscles. As a result, the short-term capabilities of the body are improved. However, if all these preparations do not come into effect, long-term stay in this state can lead to various disorders in the body (impaired functions of the cardiovascular system, etc.).

During the resistance stage, stress is reduced to a lower but more sustainable level. During this period, the body has an increased and long-lasting ability to tolerate the effects of stressors.

If stress levels remain very high for too long, a stage of exhaustion occurs, in which the body's ability to resist stressors decreases. The human condition at this stage is characterized by a decline in physical and spiritual strength.

Stress is not always harmful. Under moderate stress, a person's mind and body function most effectively optimal mode work. A high level of stress can remain a positive factor only for a very short time (for example, the state of an athlete before a race).

If stress has a harmful effect on the body and reduces its adaptive capabilities, it is called distress. A person who has not learned to manage his psyche and lives for a long time in a state of severe stress increases the likelihood of various diseases. Heart disease most often develops, since stress leads to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle narrow, and the amount of oxygen reaching this muscle decreases sharply. Distress disrupts the body's immune mechanisms, which can lead to various diseases.

Different people People react to stress differently, but there are general principles of stress management that help maintain stress at an optimal level and provide the necessary psychological balance.

Here are some of them:

1. The fight against stress begins with developing the belief that only you yourself are responsible for your spiritual and physical well-being.

2. Be optimistic; The source of stress is not the events themselves, but your perception of these events.

3. Regularly engage in physical education and sports; physical exercise has a positive effect not only on the physical condition, but also on the human psyche; constant motor activity promotes the formation of psychological balance and self-confidence; physical exercise is one of the best ways to overcome severe stress.

4. Set yourself feasible tasks; look at things realistically, don’t expect too much from yourself; understand the limits of your capabilities, do not demand too much from yourself; learn to say “no” if you cannot complete a task.

5. Learn to enjoy life, enjoy your work, how well you do it, and not just what it gives you.

6. Eat right.

7. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a very important role in coping with stress and maintaining health.

The fight against stress is mainly about maintaining one’s psychological balance, since such a person’s spiritual state provides him with a good mood, high performance and an adequate response to various stressors.

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Life requires a person to be able to adapt to a constantly changing environment and regulate his behavior in accordance with it. Every day presents a person with problems that need to be solved. Emotionally stable people calmly accept most changes that happen to them. Such people successfully cope with problems (accidents, illnesses, etc.) because they have psychological balance. It should be noted that any changes in life, even positive ones, force a person to adapt (adapt) to new circumstances and cause a certain tension. The state of tension that occurs in a person under the influence of strong influences is called stress. The concept and concept of stress was formulated by the Canadian specialist Hans Selye. He defined stress as a set of protective reactions of the body caused by any of the stress factors (changes in life, emotional conflict, fear, physical trauma, etc.).

The effect of these factors accumulates and is summed up. The more of them in a person’s life at a given period, the higher the level of stress. Selye called the totality of the body's defense reactions under stress the general adaptation syndrome. There are three stages of this syndrome: mobilization (anxiety reaction), resistance, exhaustion.

Stress is not always harmful. Under moderate stress, a person's mind and body function most effectively at optimal levels. A high level of stress can remain a positive factor only for a very short time (for example, the state of an athlete before a race).

If stress has a harmful effect on the body and reduces its adaptive capabilities, it is called distress. A person who has not learned to manage his psyche and lives for a long time in a state of severe stress increases the likelihood of various diseases. Heart disease most often develops, since stress leads to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, and the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle narrow, and the amount of oxygen reaching this muscle decreases sharply. Distress disrupts the body's immune mechanisms, which can lead to various diseases.

Different people react to stress in different ways, but there are general stress management principles that can help you maintain optimal levels of stress and provide the necessary psychological balance.

Here are some of them:

1. The fight against stress begins with developing the belief that only you yourself are responsible for your spiritual and physical well-being.

2. Be an optimist; the source of stress is not the events themselves, but your perception of these events.

3. It is necessary to regularly engage in physical education and sports, physical exercise has a positive effect not only on the physical state, but also on the human psyche, constant physical activity contributes to the formation of psychological balance and self-confidence, physical exercise is one of the best ways to get out of a strong state stress.

4. Set feasible tasks for yourself, look at things realistically, don’t expect too much from yourself, understand the limits of your capabilities, don’t demand too much from yourself, learn to say “no” if you can’t complete some task.

5. Learn to enjoy life, enjoy your work, how well you do it, and not just what it gives you.

6. Eat right.

7. Get enough sleep: Sleep plays a very important role in coping with stress and maintaining health.

The fight against stress is mainly about maintaining one’s psychological balance, since such a person’s spiritual state provides him with a good mood, high performance and an adequate response to various stressors.

Eastern parable Once the students asked the Teacher to imagine the following situation - he is on the edge of a cliff, and below him there is an abyss, on the right is an angry tiger, on the left is a cobra, in front is a sheer cliff... What will he do in this case? The wise teacher’s answer was unexpected, but reasonable: Why would I be there?

REMEMBER: REMEMBER: No one can give you everything you need at any time and without any request on your part. Therefore, the purpose of life is that you yourself must become your own parents and “suppliers” of what you need. For real happy people are only those who successfully master these roles.

You grow up when: 1. You can provide yourself with everything you need. 2. Take responsibility for yourself. 3. You master the ability to live in peace with yourself. 4. You will be able to calmly choose who you would like to share your life with, without fear of becoming dependent on who you choose.

Long-term stressful situation: This is when our attempt to solve a problem only complicates it or becomes a problem itself. This happens when a particular type of behavior continues to be implemented, although the stimulus that brought it to life has long lost its relevance. We are often unable to get rid of nervous tension caused by stress, and this tension is transformed into neurotic behavior.

Physical manifestations of excessive stress: Lack of appetite/overeating Frequent indigestion/heartburn Insomnia Constant feeling Fatigue Excessive sweating Nervous tics Constant biting of nails Headaches Muscle cramps Nausea Difficulty breathing Tearing for no apparent reason Inability to stay in one place for long High blood pressure

Symptoms of stress, manifested at the psychological level: 1. Constant irritability when communicating with other people, causeless anger. 2. Problems with studies (work) and loved ones. 3. Loss of interest in life events and other people. 4. Constantly expecting failure. 5. The feeling that “I am bad.” 6.Difficulty making decisions. 7. Feeling that “my appearance is unattractive” 8. Inability to express true feelings. 9. Feeling that you are a target, an object of hostility from other people. 10. Loss of sense of humor and ability to laugh. 11. “Indifference” (to household chores, appearance, etc.) 12. Fear of the future, of one’s own inadequacy. 13. Feeling that no one can be trusted. 14. Reduced ability to concentrate. 15. Inability to complete one task without quitting it and starting another.

How to get rid of excessive stress: 1.Work no more than 8 hours a day every day. 2. Time for lunch – at least an hour. 3.Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. 4.Cultivate the habit of listening to calm, relaxing music. 5.Develop the habit of slow walking and leisurely talking.

6.Smile more often and be sincerely happy. 7. Play sports. 8. Just break one or two old cups sometimes, throwing them away and getting rid of them negative emotions. 9. Stick to a more rhythmic diet. Eat in moderation. 10.Seek advice from a psychologist or other specialist. How to get rid of excessive stress:

11.Be creative. 12. Focus on the present and overcome the habit of “obsessing” about the past or future. 13.Do not start another job without completing the previous one. 14. Start a new business without fear, otherwise it will seem more difficult than it actually is. 15.Set solvable tasks. How to get rid of excessive stress:

FEELINGS FEAR Love Joy Feelings are personal experience which we gradually accumulate within ourselves. Fear is one of OUR feelings. If you blame others for your fear, you will certainly come to the conclusion that others need to be changed. And this is beyond your power!

1. Be careful with your speech! How Language Creates “Images” When we frame our ideas or experiences with the connective words “but,” “and/a,” and “even if,” they force us to focus on different aspects of the same experiences.

Now imagine what will happen if you expand the frame. Notice how the new perspective expands your experience and understanding of the situation presented. We CAN CHOOSE how to respond: whether to worry about the little fish or acknowledge that big fish food is necessary for survival.

Now let's see what happens if we broaden the perspective a little more. Often people find themselves in the situation of a small or medium fish. They either do not realize, like the first of them, the danger threatening from without, or, like the second, they are so absorbed in the desire for results that they do not notice the approaching crisis.

3. Positive formulation of positive intentions The phrases “avoid stress” or “relax and calm down” are two ways of describing the same internal state. However, they use completely different words. One statement (“avoid stress”) describes something undesirable. The second (“relax and calm down”) describes the desired state.

In order to positively formulate intentions and criteria, it is necessary to ask the following questions: “If you do not want stress (expenses, mistakes, expenses), then what do you want?” Or “What would you gain if you could avoid what you don’t want?”

Negative statement Positive statement Waste of time Fear of failure Unrealistic Too much effort Stupid Too expensive Wise use of available resources Desire to succeed Specific and feasible Easy and quick Wise and knowledgeable Within your means

Exercise “My Resources” Goal: find in yourself those qualities that will help you feel confident during the exam. What can I brag about? How can this help me in the exam? (list those qualities and characteristics that you can be proud of, that you consider your strengths) (opposite each of your strengths write how she can help you during the exam)

IN everyday life Each person experiences different feelings: interest, joy, loneliness, love, sadness, shame, surprise, anger, anxiety, boredom, contempt, melancholy, disgust, irritation, excitement, fear, guilt, hostility, etc. These experiences that arise in a person under the influence general condition body and satisfying its needs is called emotions.

The totality of all a person’s emotions forms him emotional life and defines it individual quality- emotionality. Emotionality- This is a person’s ability to experience different life circumstances differently and respond to them.

A person’s behavior in various life situations largely depends on his emotionality. People experience and express their emotions differently. Two people in the same situation can behave completely differently. Some of these differences are due to the hereditary characteristics of a person, and some are acquired by him in the process of life. Therefore, education plays an important role in developing psychological balance in every person.

Psychological balance- this is a person’s ability to manage his actions and behavior under the influence of emotions of varying strength and quality, to respond adequately (appropriately) to various life circumstances, to be able to find friends and like-minded people, to live in harmony with oneself and others.

In the previous sections of the textbook you became acquainted with dangerous and emergency situations natural character, with measures taken in the country to protect the population from the consequences emergency situations, with recommendations from experts on the rules safe behavior in various situations.

Note that, in addition to knowledge of these rules, each person must have certain spiritual and physical qualities to ensure personal safety: constantly improve their style of behavior in everyday life and in various extreme situations, ensuring his health and well-being, and forming his own healthy lifestyle system.

One of the important directions in this work is education of psychological balance.

It is very important to begin to educate her at your age, when self-awareness, the ability to analyze surrounding phenomena are intensively formed, and interest in abstract problems is growing. At the same time, in the mental sphere, signs of emotional (psychological) instability are often revealed: mood swings for no apparent reason, a combination of increased sensitivity, vulnerability and emphasized swagger and self-confidence. Tendencies to fantasize and make up are revealed; interest in one's appearance increases.

There is a desire to free yourself from the guardianship of adults, a urge to do things your own way in any situation. There are often times when you, in front of others, strive to commit desperate or recklessly courageous acts in order to prove “willpower and courage.” Such actions often end tragically.

The main feature of your age is the contradiction between spiritual and physical health, the desire to become “more mature”, not in accordance with one’s physiological and physical capabilities.

That is why it is so important for you to get acquainted with the main directions of developing psychological balance.

Let's look at some general areas of ensuring psychological balance at your age.

One of them is the ability to overcome shyness and cultivate confidence. Confidence- this is a type of behavior when a person can clearly and intelligibly express his feelings and desires, when he knows what he wants, has own opinion. At the same time, the concept of “confidence” should not be confused with the concept of “self-confidence”. Self-confidence is an unreasonably high assessment of one's capabilities, which has no basis in reality.

Confidence is cultivated taking into account the real capabilities of a person and their correct assessment. This is achieved by understanding the world around us, determining one’s position in it, one’s relationship to a particular person, thing, area of ​​knowledge, and the ability to live in harmony with oneself, with relatives, peers and other people.

Confidence is cultivated in the process of everyday life and is achieved by the ability to overcome various difficulties. To do this, you need to mobilize yourself daily to fulfill your main responsibility - learning. It is necessary to constantly do homework and learn well educational material at school, then you will have confidence in your abilities and capabilities. If you play sports and achieve some success, your self-confidence grows. If you help your parents at home, you gain experience in performing certain jobs - for summer cottage, when renovating an apartment or during everyday household chores, this also increases the feeling of self-confidence and the feeling of being in demand.

When in the eyes of others you are considered good student, a good athlete, a good helper, this increases your importance in your own eyes and adds self-confidence.


    A person’s authority and self-confidence at any age should be established on the basis of useful activities for oneself and others.

The problem of developing self-confidence arises for every person and requires constant training from him. Uncertainty appears when a person lives at odds with himself.

The individuality of each person is made up of many components: age, gender, nationality, religious beliefs, abilities, hobbies and relationships with others. All these factors determine the integrity of the individual. If you are displeased with some aspects of your personality, you need to convince yourself that you are who you are, and you need to learn to feel comfortable in this quality. Respect your qualities that cannot be changed.

To create conditions for psychological balance, it is also required permanent job By self-improvement, development of their mental abilities, acquisition of knowledge and skills for useful activities. It is necessary to improve physically, to increase one’s physical capabilities. You need to build your life so that there is no “empty” space in it when you don’t know what to do. To do this, you need to set yourself feasible tasks every day and achieve them.

Here's an example possible program self-improvement for the day.

I will only deal with those things that I have determined for myself for today, I will not try to solve all my problems at once. I will do what I have planned to the end so as not to return to these problems again.

Today I will definitely do two things that I don’t want to do. And so every day I will force myself to do at least two necessary things that I don’t want to do. I'll do them to exercise my willpower.

For every day I will draw up a behavior program and will strive to carry it out to the end.

When performing it, I will fight haste and indecision, learn to defeat myself and, on this basis, develop respect for myself and my opinion.

Having formed a sense of confidence in a real assessment of one’s capabilities and actions, it is easier to find ways to cultivate psychological balance.

To gain psychological stability at your age, the ability to make friends is also important. When you were little, making friends was not a big deal. Many friends live in the neighborhood, and you shared common games with them. Now maintaining friendship has become more difficult, friendship requires devotion, trust, common interests and values.

If you don't have friends, take a closer look at yourself. What's good about you? If nothing else, then you have to seriously work on yourself before others find this good in you.

In order to have friends, you must first learn to be a friend yourself, learn to talk not only about your own interests, but also about the interests of others, and be a good listener.

To cultivate psychological balance, the ability to build relationships not only with peers, but also with parents, elders and in general with the people around you is of no small importance. To do this, you need to learn to analyze your actions and determine how others feel about your behavior.

When building relationships with people around you, you need to start by assessing them positive aspects, having stopped thinking about your own achievements and desires, emphasizing their significance. When dealing with people, you should always strive to give them what you would like to receive from them. Everyone knows the saying: “And in everything that you want people to do to you, do so to them.”

Finally, another component of psychological balance is the ability to overcome stress. This will be discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs of this chapter.

Test yourself

  1. What should be understood by the concept of psychological balance!
  2. What qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself to increase psychological balance? Justify your answer.
  3. What qualities do you need to cultivate in yourself to make friends? Justify your answer.


Write it down in your safety diary. psychological test, offered to young readers by the Bulgarian magazine “Pogled”, and determine how balanced your character is, i.e. to what extent you have psychological balance. Calculate your points.

Answer and rating

Do you respect friendship?

Does everything new attract you?

Do you prefer old clothes to new ones?

Do you pretend to be happy for no reason?

Did you change more as a child? three times choosing your future profession?

Do you lose confidence when faced with a difficult task?

Do you collect anything?

Do you often change your plans at the last minute?

If you score more than 6 points, you are a balanced person.

From 3 to 6 points: you have a changeable mood and character.

Less than 3 points: you don’t believe in yourself, you need to make friends among your peers.

If your level of psychological balance is low, make a plan for your behavior for every day in order to cultivate the necessary qualities within yourself, to the extent possible.