Forms of work with youth. Forms and methods of work of club-type cultural institutions

Technologies of social work with adolescents and young people use individual, group and community methods (classical grouping of methods proposed by M. Richmond).

Individual social work is a direction, type of practice used when working with individuals and families in solving their psychological, interpersonal, socio-economic problems through personal interaction with the client. The main form of the individual method of social work with adolescents and young people is providing assistance and counseling to young people (one-time or on a prolonged basis), or individual counseling in crisis situations. During individual interaction with the client, assistance is provided in establishing contacts with social departments (their representatives) and services, doctors, lawyers, police, courts and prisons, coordinating their activities in social work with youth.

Group social work- a method used to provide assistance to a client (development of his physical and spiritual potential, formation of socially approved behavior, etc.) through the transfer of group experience. The main technology used is controlled therapeutic discussion. The method is focused on working with deviant street youth groups in order to involve them in socially useful and socially controlled activities. The most important prerequisite for successful group work is the establishment of trusting relationships with the families of young people and various structures involved in the process of upbringing, education and socialization of “difficult” teenagers (school, internal affairs bodies, etc.). Group social work is implemented mainly in the forms of club and circle activities: it involves the formation of a stable composition of young people, the presence of a certain interaction space (room, gym, etc.) and a fixed time. Group programs include gaming elements, sports and cultural events. Great importance is given to the reasonable and humanistic use of young people’s free time.

Community social work represents the integration of all methods of social work in solving the problem of a young person’s awareness of the close dependence and interdependence of personal and social problems. Social work on a community scale is aimed at cooperating the activities of relevant institutions to meet the needs of clients, expand and stimulate the existing aspirations, expectations and interests of young people. Community social work with youth is designed to maximize the establishment and maintenance of social connections, the involvement of residents and institutions of a specific territory (for example, a microdistrict) in solving acute youth problems. This method is implemented in the immediate living space of young people and adolescents, but the interests of the residents of the given territory (district) must also be taken into account.

Along with traditional (listed above) methods of social work with children, adolescents and youth, new ones are also being formed, which include, for example, “ mobile social work" Its principle is to establish trusting relationships and solidary interaction with the aim of actively penetrating the world of young people prone to crime. The emergence of the method is associated with the need to influence and control some of the youth who are not inclined to contact either youth centers or authorities social protection and at the same time predisposed to the manifestation of deviant behavior and aggressiveness. As a rule, this category includes representatives of various youth subcultures.

Exacerbation social problems of the younger generation in all countries of the world has led to the spread of such a form of mobile social work as social work on the street. Here, work with youth moves from various departments and institutions directly to the streets, to groups of deviant youth. Street social work occurs in a wide variety of forms: providing opportunities for alternative leisure time; organization of sporting events that represent controlled forms of aggression (preventive measures); the work of so-called “love buses” at train stations where young prostitutes and drug addicts gather; as well as other forms of street social work for adolescents and youth.

It is important to note: if the general hierarchy of methods of social work with the population as a whole is a sequence of individual, group and community methods, then a feature of social work with youth is the “inversion” of the pyramid, which is based on mobile social work, which unites the entire set of methods. The primary impact (primary contact) is on the living space of young people; social work is carried out at the community level. Since young people tend to be formed on the principle of group interests, the establishment of trusting and solidary relationships between a social worker and young people is carried out at the group level, at which the mechanism of the group method of social work is activated. And only at the last stage does the possibility of an individual method arise—consulting and providing specific assistance.

The features of social technologies for helping young people are related to the specifics of their social status. On the one hand, young people need support from the state, since family resources may be insufficient. On the other hand, any assistance to young people should be repayable or be accompanied by socially acceptable conditions, since young people are potentially the most economically active.

It is necessary to enrich existing social practice with Western experience in the use of flexible innovative social technologies, where extensive experience has been accumulated in working with marginalized groups of youth, their gradual resocialization, including through work with difficult teenagers or street children, as well as in social enterprises.

Thus, in developed countries today two main strategies for social protection of the younger generation are being implemented: 1) “neoconservative” - state assistance only to the least protected categories of youth with strict regulation of the spending of funds by recipients of assistance (USA, Canada); 2) recognition of the state’s responsibility for the successful entry into public relations of all youth and, accordingly, the implementation of long-term programs aimed at social protection and support of all representatives of the youth population (some countries of Central and Northern Europe).

Main differences between formation and implementation options social policy and social work with youth in foreign countries are determined by:

1. The degree of intervention of the state, government and municipal bodies: from minimal (for example, the USA) to comprehensive “paternalistic guardianship” (Sweden).

2. The choice of approaches to the social protection of the younger generation at one or another stage of national socio-economic development, as well as the evolution of views on the role of youth in this development.

3. Direct the economic capabilities of states and municipalities to social programs financial resources for adolescents and youth, allocate budgetary allocations.

The main focus of activities to improve social work with youth should be paid to the development of legislative support for the social protection of youth, both in the field of organizing relevant services that guarantee the realization of rights and development young man, and in the field of prevention negative influence for youth environment characterized by harshness, violence, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.;

Due to the underdevelopment of civil society in Russia, priority in creating social services for youth should be given to state structures with simultaneous support for public formations and youth initiatives (currently, the activities of children's and youth associations cover a small number of young people, and the so-called civil initiatives are everything more efforts undertaken by single enthusiasts).

We can talk about two models of social work with youth – integrative and deficit. Integrative model is social work in a broad sense, which should contribute to the socialization of young people. In this aspect, social work practically correlates with such type of activity as social pedagogy.

The implementation of this model is possible only through a state-public cost mechanism, which involves the allocation of significant financial, as well as human and material resources. However, due to the excessively large amount of funds that must be allocated for the full implementation of this type of social work, most countries with market economy elects deficit model development of social work, focused primarily on socially vulnerable segments of the population, risk groups, disabled and lonely people, as well as children and adolescents.

According to the materials of the "Collection regulatory documents for labor tariffs for employees of the youth affairs system”, there is the following structure of social services:

Center for Social psychological assistance youth– provision of medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance to young people experiencing crises, in conflict situations in micro- and macro-environments, prevention and prevention of deviant, delinquent and suicidal behavior in this category of the population. It is assumed that the center consists of two departments:

1) department of social and legal assistance (shelter, hotel, school of sociotherapy, career guidance office, industrial complex, cultural and sports complex, labor exchange, decision bureau, legal advice);

2) department of psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance (diagnostic and psychological center, advisory center for parents, advisory center for students, anonymous reception room, crisis hospital, lecture hall and leisure center).

Youth Information Center – provision of information and methodological services to executive authorities on youth affairs, organizations and institutions working with youth, and various groups of young people. To solve legal, communication, personal, professional, leisure, educational, housing and other problems of youth, the center analyzes information about the processes occurring in the youth environment and the information needs of the youth themselves.

Center for the resocialization of minors and youth returning from prison – advisory, socio-legal, career guidance and psychological assistance to young people who find themselves in a maladjusted state.

Counseling Center for Adolescents and Youth – provision of qualified, emergency, anonymous, free psychological assistance by telephone. Main tasks of the center:

– ensuring the availability and timeliness of qualified socio-psychological assistance to adolescents and young people, regardless of their social status and places of residence;

– assistance to subscribers experiencing current conflicts and in other traumatic situations, updating their creative, intellectual, personal, spiritual and physical resources to overcome a crisis;

– conducting psychological telephone consultations with children, adolescents, youth, parents and educators on psychological problems of socialization and personality development of a young person;

– information consultation of subscribers in order to establish their connection with other social services and specialists (psychotherapists, psychologists, teachers, sex therapists, lawyers, social workers, etc.);

– identifying sentiments, conflict situations And " pain points» in the youth environment, current trends.

Shelter for teenagers – provision of temporary (everyday, psychological, emotional) living conditions for a minor who is alienated for objective or subjective reasons from favorable conditions for personal development in the family, educational institution, or society.

Youth problems, with all their specificity, cannot be solved in isolation from the system of family support, education and healthcare, public order, the development of culture, sports and tourism.

A comparative analysis of the organization of activities of social services for youth with foreign analogues allows us to conclude that the main attention in social work with youth should be paid to:

– development of legislative support for the social protection of youth, both in the field of organizing appropriate services that guarantee the realization of the rights and development of a young person, and in the field of preventing the negative impact on youth of an environment characterized by harshness, violence, the spread of alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.;

– due to the underdevelopment of civil society in Russia, priority in creating social services for youth should be given to state structures with simultaneous support for public formations and youth initiatives (currently, the activities of children’s and youth associations cover a small number of young people, and the so-called civil initiatives are still an effort undertaken by lone enthusiasts).

In social work with youth, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of male socialization associated with the manifestation of aggression. In this aspect, the experience of organizing activities to “sublimate” aggression among young people, i.e., transforming it into an expedient and controlled adaptive form, deserves attention. The most unexpected solutions are possible here - from organizing sections for “difficult” teenagers to studying martial arts techniques, organizing American football or rugby teams.

Another important area of ​​social work with youth is supporting girls and young women who find themselves in crisis situations. This activity is carried out mainly through shelter homes, whose workers are called upon to intervene in a timely manner in a crisis situation and create new forms of social work. Not only women victims of violence, but also their children can stay in such shelters. Men are absolutely not allowed here. The activities of such women's shelters are carried out in conditions of anonymity and self-government.

Currently, the most common forms of social work with youth in Russia are social rehabilitation and consultation centers for adolescents and young people, as well as emergency psychological help lines. Their list and subordination are spelled out in sufficient detail in Federal law Russian Federation“On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and juvenile delinquency” (No. 120 Federal Law of June 24, 1999) and relevant by-laws.

Emergency psychological and social assistance telephone numbers(“helplines”) are organized on the basis of specialized state or municipal institutions. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approved guidelines and a standard provision on such centers, which summarizes the experience of operating “helplines” in various cities of our country and abroad. The specificity of the problems with which young people turn to the helpline has led to the creation of specialized emergency psychological assistance services for adolescents and young people (“hotlines” on issues of HIV/AIDS, drugs, etc.). Phone numbers are usually easy to remember, information about them is available anywhere, because... This information is posted not only in all educational institutions, clubs, stadiums, but also in transport and on the streets.

Social work with youth is carried out within the framework of an integrated approach.

The role of the social educator in working with informal groups is very important. A necessary condition the teacher enters into trusting and contact relationships with group members. Since it is not easy to establish such relationships, in order to increase the effectiveness of interaction, methods of indirect interaction (through reference persons) should be used; contact primarily with participants occupying antagonistic positions in the group (in order to change their needs, motives, interests, orientations, value orientations, etc.).

It is important to take into account that each group resists and even takes countermeasures to those educational influences that are aimed at suppressing its activities or destroying its structure. There cannot be universal recommendations in this case; it is obvious that the support should be the positive that exists in this group, in its individual members.

To neutralize the activities of an already established group of teenagers, experts advise:

  • 1. identify the most authoritative persons; study their orientation, interests and inclinations, the roles in which they act in various types of activities (educational, gaming, sports, work, etc.);
  • 2. exercise constant control over their behavior and, if possible, include them in socially significant activities, in some cases involve them in leadership work on a voluntary basis;
  • 3. work with group leaders, encouraging them to open up and change their views, positions, and behavior; carry out educational work with group members in order to separate them from the leader and neutralize his influence;
  • 4. find ways to debunk leaders in the eyes of teenagers, undermine their authority;
  • 5. gradually introduce positively oriented teenagers into the group with the goal of destroying the group from within. Official groups can be regrouped for this purpose.

For the most efficient work A social educator not just with young people, but with teenagers who are members of informal youth associations, needs different ways, methods and means of influence. IN modern conditions When working with teenagers, social and pedagogical work with informal youth associations is extremely necessary. The theoretical data under consideration give us the opportunity to identify a system of funds to provide support and assistance to teenagers from informal youth associations. When studying the characteristics of informal youth associations, one should find out and identify: - whether there is a hierarchical ladder; - who is the leader; - composition of informal youth associations; - the degree of influence of the leader on other “informals”; - the direction of informal youth associations and more.

In order to find out ways to solve a particular problem, a system of diagnostic techniques should be carried out: - tests to identify aggressiveness and communication. This test is carried out in informal youth associations to find out how aggressive teenagers are “informal” towards society in order to understand teenagers and their problems. A conversation is also held with the aim of expanding knowledge about teenagers, their problems, their prospects and plans for the future; this conversation is an attempt to “dig” a little deeper.

A teacher working with teenagers, first of all, must remember the need for an individual approach to each group member, a differentiated approach to each group. Banning a group can only provoke illegal actions by teenagers. It is important to understand the problems that concern the children, try to help solve them, convince them that they are mistaken, showing the true values ​​of domestic and foreign culture. Need to find with these teenagers mutual language, find ways to create conditions for their self-expression and self-realization.

Thus, we can highlight the main forms and methods of working with informal youth:

  • - involving them in sports, art or other socially useful activities;
  • - introduction of a social worker into the group for the purpose of correction and control over their actions;
  • - individual approach to each member of the group;
  • - constantly communicate with children and help them positively resolve difficult situations in order to prevent their involvement in various informal associations and organizations;
  • - bringing to criminal or administrative liability persons who create an antisocial environment and impose antisocial behavior on children;
  • - carrying out socially significant and administrative measures to prevent and spread drug addiction and drunkenness among adolescents;
  • - organization and implementation of measures to prevent deviant behavior among children and adolescents in the family and educational institutions;
  • - holding in educational institution lectures and conversations about the essence of antisocial formations, movements and youth subcultures.

In modern conditions, it is very important for a social work specialist to work together with parents and teachers. He found ways to interact with children in unorganized (informal) structures. The strategy is based on adults showing sincere, genuine interest in what lives and breathes, on what principles communication is based in a particular group, and what value a teenager sees when participating in such associations. The absence of condemnation and criticism from adults makes teenagers more open in communication. A social teacher who has managed to find contact with such children can subsequently use the strongest, positive aspects of the teenagers’ activities and gradually attract them to participate in organized activities. An important area in the work of a social work specialist is working with “informal” parents: studying families, creating parental assets together with teachers, conducting lectures on raising children in the family. These areas are very important in a specialist’s work with “informals”. But at this stage we cannot limit ourselves to these areas alone, and therefore scientists have developed recommendations for a social work specialist working with informal youth associations.

Ideological work needs adequate development and implementation
into the existing educational system of the educational institution, each component of which requires ideological, ideological updating and content.

Of no small importance for organizing effective propaganda of state ideology in educational institutions are the improvement
and updating the forms and methods of ideological work. The development and application of new forms and methods should be carried out taking into account the characteristics and problems of the educational institution and region. This is a continuous process consisting of stages corresponding to age characteristics.

A study of the practice of ideological work in educational institutions shows that the most effective are the following forms of ideological
and educational work.

Civil forum. This is a form of discussion of issues that can advance student youth to a new level of civic participation in solving important problems of the region and country, and involve them in the political process. In many political issues, both modern and historical in nature, they help a young person understand more deeply and thoroughly conversations on political topics. Political conversations concern broad general political problems, which is reflected in the topic of the conversation, highlight some political events associated with significant dates, and orient young people towards a more in-depth study of any contemporary events.

One of the available ways to introduce students to the history of their country and its culture is to organize activities patriotic club.

Propaganda brigade– a form of political and moral education. Main
in performances - this is modernity, accuracy, sharpness of the performed sketches, couplets, skits that encourage young people not to remain indifferent,
and actively participate in the life of society.

Historical excursion- this is a role-playing game playback of an episode
from the past, the main goal of which is to learn a lesson for the future for one’s own life.

An active form of ideological work with students and students to develop their social and civic position is open department. Participants mentally imagine that there is a pulpit in front of them,
with which you can say your word to the whole world, express your opinion about the essence of modern social, political, economic events. At the same time, a young man can choose any role for himself: politician, deputy, head of an educational institution, enterprise, as well as speak on his own behalf.

Memory Watch– a series of events aimed at fostering patriotism and respect for heroic deeds their compatriots: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, internationalist soldiers.

Action "Public Opinion" is carried out with the aim of forming in pupils and students an idea of ​​the diversity of points of view of citizens on social problems and situations, developing awareness in one’s own analysis of problems
and developing the ability to relate one’s point of view to the opinions of others.

Civic-patriotic education of youth is recognized by the state as key to ensuring sustainable political, socio-economic development and national security Belarusian state.

Special attention in the implementation of this direction is devoted to work
to instill in students respect for the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus (coat of arms, flag, anthem). Solving this problem is facilitated by holding competitions for the best corner state symbols; events dedicated to state, national, professional and other holidays, memorable dates; development of traditions of educational institutions (symbols, chronicles, museum of the history of educational institutions, information stands about the best and famous graduates, etc.), organization of meetings, round tables, conferences, Internet forums with the participation of government and public figures, representatives of authorities government controlled, deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, war veterans
and labor, etc. (see appendix 8, 9).

In the educational process of general secondary education institutions, electronic learning tools are actively used:

· electronic educational publication “Belarus in the Great Patriotic War»;

· electronic educational resource “Awards of the Second World War”;

· electronic teaching aids"Minsk ghetto", " Brest Fortress- pages of history";

· Digital catalogue"Heroes Soviet Union: partisans and underground fighters of Belarus.”

In the civic and patriotic education of students, the funds and exhibitions of museums of educational institutions are also used, the experience of the best museums is generalized and promoted, and open educational events are held on their basis.

The optimal forms of ideological and educational work in this direction are the following activities:

· actions “Raising patriots of Belarus”, “We won!”, dedicated to the celebration of the anniversaries of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from the Nazi invaders and Victory Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War;

· campaigns “Kvitney, Belarus!”, “I love you, Belarus!”, dedicated to the celebration of Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus;

· competitions “We are citizens of Belarus”, “My small Motherland”, dedicated to the Constitution Day of the Republic of Belarus;

· “Star Trek to the places of military and labor glory of the Belarusian people”;

· decades of civil-patriotic affairs “We keep simple names in our memory”;

· competition of projects “100 ideas for Belarus”, etc.;

· events dedicated to Conscript Day, Remembrance Day of Internationalist Soldiers, Defenders of the Fatherland and Armed Forces Day of the Republic of Belarus, Victory Day, Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus;

· actions “Little Heroes of the Great War”, “Letter from the Front”;

· flash mob “Holiday in the city”, etc.

In order to develop a healthy lifestyle in children and students
and in accordance with the State Program for the Development of Physical Culture
and sports in the Republic of Belarus for 2011–2015 (approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated March 24, 2011 No. 372)
In all educational institutions, it has become a practice to carry out events aimed at popularizing mass physical education and sports, strengthening and preserving the health of the younger generation: the campaigns “Healthy I - Healthy Country!”, “Belarus Against Tobacco”, “No Smoking!”, Youth Marathon “ Formula of the Future: Youth + Health", winter and summer Universiade, year-round sports and athletics competition, common health days, etc.

Particular attention in ideological work with students and students is paid to the use of information resources. Availability in educational institutions developed system of mass communication(own newspapers, television, radio, Internet site, etc.) provides students with much greater opportunities to master modern information technologies, allows them to gain skills in creating, processing and disseminating information, its value selection and analysis, creates the preconditions for effective formation of information culture of youth.

In order to improve the activities of educational institutions in developing an information culture among students and young people, developing students’ independent critical thinking in relation to
to funds mass media, developing lasting immunity against the manipulative influence of the media, acquiring positive experience in working with the printed and electronic press, educational institutions have intensified activities to prepare students for life in the information society, their training basics psychological protection from the destructive influence of mass media.

In accordance with by order of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko dated October 13, 2009 No. 10/189 in institutions higher education, primarily in Minsk, a project to create a network is being implemented interuniversity student video channel"University-TV". The main objectives of the video channel are to cover events taking place in the community of higher education institutions, to promote ideological and educational work within the framework of the state youth policy. The broadcast of the video channel consists of the following sections: “Announcements of events in the Higher Educational Institution”; “Events of higher education institutions”; "Student News"; “Cubric about youth creativity” (exhibitions, youth subcultures); "Work, education"; "Sport"; "Social advertising, charity."

One of effective forms ideological work in educational institutions is work of outreach groups, which actively attract representatives of government authorities, teaching staff, and other teaching staff to conduct uniform information days (every third Thursday of the month), educational (supervisory) and weekly information hours.

Currently, all educational institutions in the country have fairly high-speed communication channels with the Internet and their own official websites. An active form is the work of specialists from departments (departments) of educational work with youth to create their own pages on the websites of educational institutions, where a variety of information and methodological materials are widely posted.

To implement youth policy in the field of education, science and entrepreneurship, institutions of higher education are creating student business incubators, student initiative funds, events are organized and carried out to popularize entrepreneurship among young people as a behavioral model and life strategy (festival competitions: “Leader of the Year”, “Student of the Year”, aimed at identifying youth leaders; tournaments, promotions, competition of projects for the development of positive socially significant youth initiatives that correspond to the directions of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus).

One of the areas of ideological work in educational institutions is the moral education of pupils and students. Its goal is to form
Students and students have moral qualities: morality, collectivism, hard work, respect for traditions and social norms. It is aimed at the individual mastering the basic components of culture, creative
and proactive attitude to work and social life, to develop skills interpersonal communication and the priority of universal human values.

One example of an active form of educational work is volunteering. This is one of the youngest and most modern types of socially useful activities, based on the initiative of the students themselves, aimed at developing connections with organizations in need.
in help. The existence of international volunteer programs, camps, festivals, and the opportunity to participate in them is one of the incentives for active
and productive volunteer activities. Volunteering is not just a socially useful, but also a socially significant activity that allows students
and student youth to gain experience interacting with government agencies management, public and religious organizations, improve professional skills, transform the living environment, realize subjective spiritual needs.

For development purposes creative potential students and students, manifestations of vocal, artistic, and dancing abilities are carried out Republican festivals of creativity.

It has become traditional to hold the republican competition “ART-Vakatsii” artistic creativity students of vocational and technical institutions
and secondary specialized education. This competition is held in three stages and includes: a republican review-competition of artistic groups and individual performers; Republican competition of contemporary digital creativity “Art Portal”; Republican competition of scripts for cultural and leisure events for students “CREON”.

Interesting shape ideological work is the Republican Exhibition of Contemporary Visual Creativity of Students of Higher Education Institutions “ART_ACADEMYA”. Creative student groups take part in the exhibition: amateur associations, design studios, photography studios, arts and crafts and artistic creativity.

To form family-moral values ​​and traditions among modern youth, a culture of relationships in the family, activities are being carried out to create and develop the activities of young family schools, Healthy Family clubs, aimed at creating a positive image of a young family and family-moral values ​​among students. and ethics of family relations.

Innovative forms of youth education in this direction are of particular importance, as they strengthen personal motivation to preserve and improve health. Example similar shape is the student project “Festival of New Opportunities “POSITIVE VISION””, which became the winner of the Small Grants Program of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Its motto is “A healthy family is the future of the country.” This festival offers an alternative view on the formation of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle among students.

In order to improve the quality of work of student (student) self-government bodies, the study of students’ interests has become a practice in order to find ways to individually support each and provide assistance in overcoming problems that arise in the team; ongoing training is organized for the asset and teachers on organizing work with the asset; work is being done to form a positive public opinion about the activities of self-government with the involvement of interested parent and teaching communities.

The training system for student self-government leaders covers various methods and forms that make it possible to increase the effectiveness of developing an individual’s civic competencies, and includes: master classes on generating creative ideas and creating projects; training seminars; creative PR laboratories; participation in international, republican, regional, city student programs, forums, projects. To involve students
into the system public relations, ensuring the active participation of young people in the development of social, public and economic potentials of the Republic of Belarus, searching and implementing effective solutions for the socio-economic development of the city, higher education institutions in Minsk are actively participating in the project "Minsk Shift: Leader of the Year", implemented by the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus together with the Youth Affairs Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

It should be emphasized that in order to increase the effectiveness of ideological
and the educational process in educational institutions, the creative development of new forms and methods of work that correspond to the time and new needs of children and youth is necessary; a psychological and pedagogical innovative search is needed. It should be carried out on the basis of studying the interests, motives, creative abilities of students, personality characteristics and educational activities student, identifying the level of development of personal and social identity, formation value guidelines, activity of a young man’s life position. When organizing ideological work with a student
and students also need to show initiative and creativity.

Related information.

Forms of leisure are a kind of types, options for organizing cultural leisure, characterized by design features, goals, objectives and content, types and forms of activity of its participants, as well as the place and time of the event.

Acceptable forms of organizing cultural leisure are active forms of involving youth in cultural leisure activities based on the initiative and practical participation of everyone. In the practice of cultural institutions, various types of organizing cultural leisure for youth have developed, which can be summarized in the following organizational forms:

· organization of activities of club formations (clubs of interests and amateur associations, creative groups;

· organization of cultural and leisure events.

Organization of activities of interest clubs.

Club - public organization, uniting people for the purpose of communication based on joint scientific, artistic and other interests; a voluntary association of youth with a specific purpose, functioning on a voluntary basis; a community of people with common interests united in an organization or association.

The variety of clubs is very wide: intellectual, political, sports, entertainment, etc.,

Organization of activities of creative teams.

A creative team is a voluntary association of lovers of musical, choreographic, theatrical and other genres of artistic creativity, based on a community of interests and joint creative activities that contribute to the development of the talents of its participants, the development and creation of cultural values.

Participation in creative groups is carried out in free time from study and represents one of the forms of active social, cultural and leisure activities.

Creative groups - ensembles, clubs, studios, sections, clubs

The repertoire of creative groups is one of the leading educational factors, the formation of which takes into account the following tasks:

o contribute to the formation and development of citizenship and patriotism among young people;

o develop respect for national history, traditions and culture of the people;

o to introduce to the achievements of domestic and world artistic culture;

o contribute to the formation of a multicultural and tolerant personality;

o develop cultural horizons

Organization of cultural and leisure events.

Work on organizing leisure time as an active form of extracurricular activities involves the inclusion of young people in the preparation and conduct of cultural and leisure events. Young people and creative groups actively participate in the organization, preparation, development and holding of cultural and sports events.

Cultural events:

· official and ceremonial meetings;

· concert;

· show programs;

· theatrical performances;

· folklore holidays;

· competitions and festivals;

· theatrical processions;

· Creative meetings with outstanding cultural and artistic figures.

· Dance evenings, etc.

For young people, leisure programs of an exclusively recreational nature are of greatest interest, which allow them to relieve fatigue, stress, nervous tension, disconnect from all everyday worries. And therefore, such forms as small theatrical performances with a dance and competition program found a response among young people. These forms of leisure contribute to obtaining a charge of vivacity and positive emotions.

One of the most common types of leisure activities, recreation, and entertainment among young people is the disco.

“Disco” (Greek diskos - disk and theke - storage) is one of the most popular forms of leisure activities among modern youth. The main purpose of the disco is dancing using recordings of modern music. Equipped according to all the rules, the discotheque has the perfect sound-playing equipment, light-music systems, etc., and the head of the music programs - a disc jockey (DJ). “Disc jockey” or “DJ” (DJ) - Disc jockey, MC, disco host, the one who puts on records and spins them in different directions to achieve sounds and rhythms. The mood of the audience depends on his musical taste.

IN modern world disco in most cases is part of an extensive show business system that pursues both commercial and ideological goals to distract young people from political, social and serious cultural problems. I would like to note that disco is defined as a form of organizing leisure time.

Disco is a form of leisure that brings together people of various specialties, inclinations, and talents based on interest in music and art. The purpose of discos is the moral and aesthetic education of young people using effective technical means. Disco is a creative laboratory in which a synthesis of various genres of art is carried out; a small “institute for sociological research”, where the tastes and needs of young people are studied through questionnaires, surveys, and direct dialogue; “design and construction bureau”, where a wide variety of technical devices are conceived, designed and manufactured.

Promotions (flash mobs) are also very popular. Flash mob (flash mob, flash mob) (from the English flashmob; flash - flash; instant, moment; mob - crowd; translated as “flash of the crowd” or “instant crowd”) is a pre-planned mass action in which large group people (mobbers) suddenly appears in a public place, for several minutes performs pre-agreed actions (according to a prepared script) and then at the same time quickly disperses in different directions, as if nothing had happened. Main principle: “Flash mob is beyond politics and economics.” Flash mobs cannot be carried out as advertising or socio-political events.

Intellectual games also find their interest among young people.

An intellectual game is a type of game based on the players’ use of their intellect (from the Latin intellectus - understanding, knowledge) or erudition (from the Latin eruditio - learning, knowledge; deep comprehensive knowledge, broad awareness). Intellectual games are often built in the form of a quiz: as a rule, in such games participants are required to answer questions from various fields life and areas of knowledge.

In our country, show programs have become one of the popular forms of organizing leisure time. Having received, thanks to television, millions of fans of all ages, they have widely entered the practice of cultural institutions and youth clubs. Young people actively participate in various shows programs. Talk show (from the English talk - to talk) is a type of show in which participants discuss topics proposed by the presenter. As a rule, there are spectators present who are given the opportunity to ask a question or express their opinion.

game show is a type of show based on a game played according to certain rules.

concert show is a type of show program based on a particularly bright, spectacular concert (gala concert).

dance show is a type of show program based on the use of choreography.

sports show - a type of show based on the demonstration of a sport.

Fashion show (from English Fashion - style, fashion) - fashion show, display fashionable clothes; fashion theater performance, etc.

Various festivals and competitions are also an integral part of the leisure life of young people, this is especially true for youth creative groups, clubs, circles, as well as individuals interested in various areas of youth leisure subcultures. The festival may include not only a competition, but also other entertainment (excursion, concert, etc.) program for its participants and spectators.

KVN, no new form, but still remains relevant for the youth environment. Young people actively take part in KVN. KVN (Club of Cheerful and Resourceful) - popular humorous games in which teams of various groups (universities, educational institutions, classes, etc.) compete in humorous answers to given questions, improvisations on given topics, acting out pre-prepared scenes, etc.

Today, in our time of information, computers and computer networks, and modern equipment, young people are becoming increasingly interested in “industrial” types of leisure games associated with the use of slot machines and computers. Creation of a modern slot machine hall. These games require certain skills, computer literacy, new information and knowledge.

Parlor games are team games, psychological turn-based role-playing games with a detective plot. This is an option for holding a holiday for small groups of participants (from 10 to 30 people). As a stand-alone event or as part of a Party, a parlor game allows participants to have an interesting and unusual time.

It cannot be said that all of the above forms are new in modern youth leisure. Most of them existed before, but over time their content changed due to changing interests of young people, the emergence of new youth subcultures and the growth of technological progress. As noted by I.V. Nosov, despite the conservatism of traditions, when they are passed on from generation to generation, there are always unlimited opportunities for maneuvering their content. This is manifested in the removal of some of the obsolete elements or the replenishment of this heritage with new materials that are more appropriate to the prevailing conditions. The simplification of the types of youth leisure activities and the primitivization of their content, the inability to spend leisure time in an organized manner, can be explained by the underdevelopment of the leisure infrastructure, as well as the lack of sufficient resources for the majority of young people material resources. This can be confirmed by the results of the study by Yu.R. Vishnevsky and L. Ya Rubina, who testify that, for example, the level of students’ spending on leisure activities correlates quite closely with the degree of satisfaction with their free time. Moreover, researchers have documented a direct connection between the amount of money spent on leisure activities and satisfaction with them.

The Internet as a type of leisure activity is organized not only at home, but also in various computer clubs and Internet cafes. At the same time, the functioning of such enterprises in the field of youth leisure is associated with a number of problems. Thus, during an expert survey of the leading specialist of the department of organization of educational work of the Department of Education and Science Krasnodar region The results of raids on computer clubs in Krasnodar in September and November 2002 were discussed. During an interview with an expert, concerns were raised about the “detrimental effect of excessive involvement in computer games of dubious content on the psyche of a young person.”

Modern forms of work with high school students and youth also include:

* Health activities, which include tourism, conversations with medical specialists, preventive measures;

* Relaxation evenings (themed discos, holiday evenings, evenings of communication and dating, youth balls);

* Debate clubs, talk shows, briefings, scientific and moral conferences, communal gatherings;

* Meetings with interesting people, built in various forms- conversations, “dark” programs based on plots television programs. Meetings with WWII and Afghanistan veterans, meetings with the founders and participants of youth associations to exchange work experience are widely practiced;

* Concerts and festivals, competitions with the participation of creative youth and amateur youth groups, exhibitions of works by young artists, poets, and aspiring writers. Staging youth plays and musicals, shows with the participation of young performers and groups.