Social and pedagogical conditions for organizing leisure activities for young people. Leisure social institutions in the socialization of adolescents

The bulk of modern youth prefers entertainment, often passive, less often active. Only a small part devotes their free time to education, knowledge and self-development.

The sphere of youth leisure has its own characteristics. The leisure of young people differs significantly from the leisure of others age groups due to its specific spiritual and physical needs and its inherent socio-psychological characteristics. Such features include increased emotional and physical mobility, dynamic mood swings, visual and intellectual sensitivity. Young people are attracted to everything new and unknown. Specific features of youth include the predominance of search activity

Specific features of youth include:

1. The predominance of her search, creative and experimental activity. Young people are more prone to gaming activities that capture the entire psyche and provide a constant flow of emotions. New sensations, and has difficulty adapting to monotonous, specialized activities. Gaming activity is universal; it attracts people of almost all ages and social status. Interest in gaming activities among young people is quite pronounced. The range of these interests is wide and diverse: participation in television and newspaper quizzes, competitions; computer games; sports. The phenomenon of the game gives rise to a huge, incredibly fast-growing world into which young people are immersed recklessly. In today's difficult socio-economic conditions, the world of gaming has a serious impact on young people. This world provides young people with an interruption from everyday life. As they lose orientation towards work and other values, young people go into play and move into space virtual worlds. Numerous observations of the practice of preparing and conducting youth cultural and leisure events indicate that their success largely depends on the inclusion in their structures of game blocks that stimulate young people’s desire for competition, improvisation and ingenuity.

2. Other features of youth leisure include the uniqueness of its environment. The parental environment, as a rule, is not a priority center for youth leisure activities. The vast majority of young people prefer to spend their free time outside the home, in the company of peers. When it comes to solving serious life problems, young people willingly accept the advice and instructions of their parents, but in the area of ​​specific leisure interests, that is, when choosing forms of behavior, friends, books, clothes, they behave independently. This feature of youth was accurately noticed and described by I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada: “..for young people, “being in company” is a burning need, one of the faculties of the school of life, one of the forms of self-affirmation!.. With all the importance and power of socialization young man in the educational and industrial community, with all the need for meaningful activities in leisure time, with all the scale of the growth of the “free time industry” - tourism, sports, library and club business - with all this, young people stubbornly “get lost” in the company of their peers. This means that communication in a youth group is a form of leisure that a young person needs organically.” Desire to communicate with peers, is explained by the enormous need of young people for emotional contacts. His can be considered How:

Prerequisite human life and society;

The source of creative transformation of an individual into a personality;

Form of transfer of knowledge and social experience;

The starting point of a person’s self-awareness;

Regulator of people's behavior in society;

Independent view activities;

A notable feature of youth leisure activities has become a pronounced desire for psychological comfort in communication, the desire to acquire certain skills in communicating with people of different socio-psychological backgrounds.

Communication among young people in leisure activities satisfies, first of all, their following needs:

Need for emotional contact, empathy is satisfied, as a rule, in small, primary groups (family, group of friends, informal youth association).

The need for information forms the second type of youth communication. Communication in an information group is organized, as a rule, around “erudites”, individuals who have certain information that others do not have and which is of value to these others.

The need to combine efforts for joint actions arises not only in the production and economic sphere, but also in the leisure sphere of activity.

All variety forms of communication youth in leisure activities can be classified according to the following main features:

By time (short-term, periodic, systematic);

By nature (passive, active);

According to the direction of contacts (direct and indirect).

Youth leisure implies a person’s free choice of leisure activities. It is a necessary and integral element of a person’s lifestyle. Therefore, leisure is always considered as the realization of individual interests related to recreation, self-development, self-realization, communication, health improvement, etc. This is the social role of leisure.

In modern cultural and leisure institutions, it is necessary to overcome the consumer attitude towards leisure, which is inherent in many people who believe that Someone, but not themselves, should provide them with a meaningful way to spend their free time. Consequently, the effectiveness of using youth leisure largely depends on the person himself, on his personal culture, interests, etc. Human activity in free time is determined by its objective conditions, environment, material security, a network of cultural and leisure institutions, etc.

Based on sociological studies of target orientations and mechanisms for meeting the needs of young people in the field of leisure, the following were identified: youth leisure strategies:

· "utility"(participation in charity events, socially useful activities, etc.),

· “take everything from life, or go out while you’re young”(visiting discos, playing extreme sports, etc.),

· “search for the meaning of life, or search for paths to the future”(sports, music, participation in amateur performances, etc.),

· "rest"(watching TV shows, listening to music, etc.),

· “at least do something to occupy your leisure time”(walking without specific goals, “get-togethers”),

· "care"(using alcohol, drugs to relieve stress, avoid solving problems, etc.),

· "shocking"(membership in informal youth associations, etc.),

· "escape from loneliness"(passion for the Internet, visiting cafes and discos, public events, etc.),

· "prestige"(enthusiasm modern types sports, visiting “advanced” clubs, discos, etc.).

The identified strategies differ in the goals formed by young people in relation to the leisure space and the means of achieving them. This explains the compliance with the strategies of certain types of leisure activities filled with certain content, and the presence of connections between these types (they are united by a common orienting focus on satisfying certain needs). However, it is noted that the distinction between the selected strategies is somewhat arbitrary, because the boundaries between them are blurred, meaning strategies can overlap to meet the diverse needs of young people.

3. Requirements for organizing and conducting leisure time for youth

1. First of all, you need to approach it as to a means of education and self-education of a person, the formation of a comprehensively, harmoniously developed personality. When choosing and organizing certain classes and forms of leisure activities, it is necessary to take into account their educational significance and clearly understand what personality traits they will help to form or consolidate in a person.

2. The second requirement for organizing youth leisure is that it undoubtedly should be varied, interesting, entertaining and unobtrusive. Both the content and the form of the proposed activities and entertainment are important, which should meet the needs and interests of young people and be organically perceived by boys and girls. Most convenient forms for this purpose have already been developed by life - amateur associations and interest clubs. What is attractive about these clubs? They are first and foremost multidisciplinary: political, sports, tourism, health, nature lovers, scientific and technical creativity, readers, amateur songs, collectors, book lovers, weekenders, young families, etc. Cluba relatively small association of people sharing a common interest or activity. It is a school of education, education and communication. People come to the club who want to master specific occupation, leisure “qualification”. Some clubs and amateur associations even organize appropriate forms of training.

Youth leisure, as if taking over the baton of teenage leisure, consolidates, and in many ways instills in a young person such habits and skills that will then completely determine his attitude towards free time. It is at this stage of a person’s life that an individual style of leisure and recreation is developed, the first experience of organizing free time is accumulated, and an attachment to certain activities arises. In young years, the very principle of organizing and spending free time is determined - creative or uncreative. One will be attracted by travel, another by fishing, a third by invention, a fourth by light entertainment...

In order to socialize the younger generation, a special system of institutions has been created. This is, first of all - kindergartens and schools. In addition, there are naturally formed institutions and organizations, the functioning of which is aimed at the “inclusion” of individuals into society. This cultural and leisure institutions, sports complexes, scientific and technical centers etc., functioning in the sphere of leisure, with the expansion of the boundaries of which the socializing impact on children, adolescents and young people increases.

However, leisure in itself is not an indicator of values. The most important thing is the nature of its use, the degree of its social saturation. Leisure can be a powerful stimulus for personal development. This is where its progressive capabilities lie. But leisure can turn into a force that cripples the personality, deforms consciousness and behavior, and leads to limitation spiritual world and even to such manifestations of associativity such as drunkenness, drug addiction, prostitution, crime.

In this regard, it becomes particularly relevant the question of the relationship between the directed process of socialization and the quantitatively predominant spontaneous influence on the individual. Unfortunately, most often the socializing influence on children, adolescents and young people is random, poorly organized into a coherent system in various fields activities - in the family, at school, in leisure institutions. Occasional visits to the cinema, theater, exhibitions, selection of literature to read and music to listen to can be casual. The environment and activities carried out in this group may be random. And it's good if random selection successful, otherwise it entails the introduction of children, adolescents and young people to associative phenomena.

The resolution of this contradiction lies in the purposeful formative activities of various social institutions, focused on the formation of a correspondence between personally significant and socially significant, on the formation of universal human values ​​of the younger generation. A special role in solving these problems is given to family, school and leisure institutions.

Family, being the source of the initial development of human natural properties, where the basis for the development of human potentials itself is formed, as well as specific roles and relationships in macro- and microgroups, could have a significant impact on the formation and development of the younger generation.

Of great importance in the socialization of children, adolescents and youth is school, where at various stages in the education program included items that facilitate this process. In some schools, the optional subjects taught are “human studies”, “fundamentals of ethics and aesthetics”, “rhetoric”, “ethics and psychology” family relations"and others that contribute to the development of a person. This process is enhanced by the “introduction” of special educational television programs into schools, but all this is completely insufficient for the full socialization of students. More active socialization of schoolchildren is carried out through the system extracurricular activities. Thus, all secondary school students are covered by lectures and conversations on moral, ethical, environmental, art history and other topics.

An important place in the scope of school work on the socialization of students is occupied by mass events. In-school evenings, conversations, debates on various issues, weeks of music, children's books and other events contribute to the social formation and development of students.

The above largely contributes to the process of socialization of the younger generation in a school environment. However, extracurricular activities are not compulsory for schoolchildren and therefore do not cover all students. In addition, this activity does not use the full variety of forms and methods of work, it is not always purposeful, episodic and does not have a mass character due to the poor equipment of the school and the lack of specialists to carry out the process of socialization of children, adolescents and youth.

An important and effective factor in the socialization of children, adolescents and youth is leisure establishment, which by its nature is a multifunctional and mobile institution, capable of combining and actively using all social institutions that have a socializing effect on the individual. It is the application of the forces of creative unions and organizations that determines the variety of forms and means of influence of a leisure institution on children, adolescents and youth.

The ability to incorporate the functions of all social institutions that contribute to the formation and development of the younger generation makes the work of leisure institutions attractive, interesting and meaningful, and this, in turn, helps to attract schoolchildren to them. Leisure institution gives the opportunity to the broad masses of schoolchildren to develop their creative abilities and opens up ways for personal self-realization. In their higher forms leisure activities serve the purposes of education, enlightenment and self-education of the younger generation. Moreover, these problems are solved in a leisure institution in a unique way, in a limited combination with cultural recreation and reasonable entertainment. This causes a favorable psychological mood and facilitates the process of socialization of the younger generation.

Leisure activities are based on the principle of interest. If a visitor is not interested in a leisure facility, he will not go there. This obliges them to take into account the specific interests and requests of their visitors, shape them, direct them to the right direction and build your work taking them into account. Directed interest creates a favorable psychological attitude among visitors and makes the socialization process more effective. Leisure activities are based on this basis.

However, in modern socio-economic conditions, when children's leisure is unacceptably commercialized and inclusion in the sphere of activity of leisure institutions due to the lack of material resources becomes the lot of a select few, there is no need to talk about the scale of their sphere of influence.

As a result, a vacuum is created in society in the sphere of socialization of the younger generation. But nature, as we know, does not tolerate emptiness and is increasingly and to a greater extent The street turns into a source of social information, defining its own norms of behavior, forming a kind of “code of morality,” dictating its own conditions for social formation and survival. Ultimately, the street is increasingly turning into one of the most effective means of socializing the younger generation. And, as a result, there is an unbridled increase in child crime and a passionate desire of children to get rich, without putting in any physical or intellectual effort.

In the context of an increasing trend towards reducing public investment in the development of children’s and youth leisure institutions, based on the premise of the harmfulness of “pulling away” the child’s personality across departments and spheres of influence, and also based on international experience organization of children's leisure, it seems advisable to concentrate material resources, human resources and the main leisure activities of children, adolescents and youth in kindergartens and educational institutions. As a result, all children, adolescents and young men (girls) without exception will be involved in the orbit of pedagogically oriented cultural and leisure activities.

Thus, in parallel with the general system, there may be a special or additional system that ensures the socialization of the younger generation in the field of leisure. That is, there may be two types of models of socialization of children, adolescents and youth in the sphere of leisure - general and special, each with its own content.


1. Distinguish the concepts of “leisure” and “free time”. Name the main distinctive features.

2. What functions does leisure perform in the educational process?

3. Name the specific features of youth leisure.

4. Analyze the principles of organizing leisure activities.

5. Explain how you understand the statement: “I am never as busy as in my free time.”

Practical tasks:

1) Create a daily routine for a first-grader, an 8th-grade student, and a school graduate (11th-grade student). What are the main differences? What elements in a person’s daily routine are mandatory and do not depend on age?

2) Compose a questionnaire for high school students to identify the most preferred types and forms of leisure activities.

3) Write an essay (mini-essay) on the topic: “My free time or my leisure time.”

4) Prepare your own report on the origins of leisure activities. Make up ideas about leisure in different historical eras.

5) Analyze and describe the structure of family leisure for your family members. Determine your family's cultural values. What is the educational value of family leisure?

Literature for self-education:

1. Zharkov, A.D. Club on national holidays / A.D. Zharkov. – M.: Profizdat, 1983. – 80 p.

2. Azarova, R.N. Pedagogical model of organizing leisure time for studying youth / R.N. Azarova // Pedagogy. – 2005 .– No. 1 .– P. 27 – 32.

3. Panukalina, O. Specifics of leisure of modern youth / O. Panukalina // Higher education in Russia. – 2007.– No. 11.– p. 124 – 128.

4. Stebikhova, Yu.A. The role of youth leisure in the formation of personality and in the prevention of deviant behavior / Yu.A. Stebikhova // Politics and Society. –- 2007 .– No. 7 .– P. 59 – 62.

5. Zborovsky, G.E.Sociology of leisure and sociology of culture: search for relationships / G.E. Zborovsky // Sociological studies. – 2006 .– No. 12 .– P. 56 – 63 .

6. Leisure culture / V.M. Picha, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, V.; edited by V.M. Grigorieva. – Kyiv: Publishing house at Kyiv. state Univ., 1990. – 237 p.

7. Galperina, T.I. Directing cultural and leisure programs in the work of a tourist animation manager: textbook. allowance / T.I. Galperin; Russian International Academy of Tourism. – M.: Sov. sport, 2006. – 168 p.

8. Kedyarova, R.N. Social, pedagogical and psychological support for children during leisure time / R.N. Kedyarova // Problems of recovery. – 2003 .– No. 1.– p. 10 – 18 .

9. Rogacheva, O.V. D educational activities as a means of pedagogical correction of schoolchildren’s personality development / O.V. Rogacheva // Social-pedagogical work. – 2004 .– No. 6 .– p.22 – 36 .

10. Kruk, E.S. Social and pedagogical support for orphan teenagers in the process of organizing their leisure time / E.S. Kruk // Social-pedagogical work. – 2004. – No. 6.– p. 98–105.

11. Smargovich, I. L. Cultural and leisure industry: essence and content / I. L. Smargovich // Newsletter of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Art. – 2007 .– No. 8 .– p.109 – 115 .

12. Vashneva, V.I. Formation healthy image life of teenagers in the leisure sphere / V.I. Vashneva // Social pedagogical work. – 2007 .– No. 6 .– p.28 – 32 .

13. Vashneva, V.I. Organization of children's and youth leisure as a condition successful socialization/ V.I. Vashneva // Problems of recovery. – 2007.– No. 3. – p. 10 – 15.

14. Biryukova, T.P. The role of sociocultural activities in organizing leisure time for youth / T.P. Biryukova // Social pedagogical work. – 2007. – No. 5 .- p. 8 – 12.

15. Vashneva, V.I. Leisure of teenagers as a sphere of social pedagogical activity/ V.I. Vashneva // Social pedagogical work. – 2007.– No. 4.– p. 52 – 57.

16. Rogacheva, O.V. Characteristics of components of leisure activities of junior schoolchildren / O.V. Rogacheva // Bulletin of the Belarusian State University of Culture and Art. – 2006. – No. 6. – c. 94 – 98.

17. How to work with the class. Games, competitions, attractions, fun, jokes at leisure // Homeroom teacher. – 2004. – No. 7. – c. 90 – 107

18. Makarova, E.A. On increasing the educational potential of disco as a form of organizing youth leisure / E.A. Makarova, I.G. Novik // Social pedagogical work. – 2006. – No. 10. – c. 9 – 14 .

19. Skobeltsyna, E. “School of life, or thank you, no” program for organizing alternative leisure time for schoolchildren / E. Skobeltsyna, E. Bashlay, L. Sirotkin // Educational work at school. – 2006. – No. 3. – c. 88 – 92.

20. Kovaleva, O.N. Organization of leisure time in study group/ HE. Kovaleva // Specialist. – 2006. – No. 3. – p. 24 – 25.

21. Shikun, A.I. Incentives for technical creativity of adolescents in the field of leisure / A.I. Shikun // Pazashkolnae vyhavanne. – 2006. – No. 2. – c. 8 – 12 .

22. Kurylenko, N.S. Cultural and leisure activities as a means of education. Formation of skills for creating creative programs, holidays, Olympiads / N.S. Kurylenko, V.V. Taps // People's Asveta. – 2005. – No. 12. – c. 35 – 39.

For a long time in Russian social science, young people were not considered as an independent, separate group. The identification of such a group did not fit into existing ideas about the class structure of society, and contradicted the official ideological doctrine of socio-political unity.

The first definition of the concept of “youth” was given in 1968 by V.T. Lisovsky: “Youth is a generation of people going through the stage of socialization, assimilating, and more mature age have already mastered educational, professional, cultural and other social functions.

Not much later, a more complete definition was given by I.S. Kon: “Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of the aggregate age characteristics, characteristics of social status and conditioned by the topic or other socio-psychological properties. Youth as a certain phase, stage life cycle biologically universal, but its specific age range, associated social status and socio-psychological characteristics are of a socio-historical nature and depend on the social system, culture and the patterns of socialization inherent in a given society.”

Youth is the path to the future, it is chosen by the person himself. Choosing the future, planning it, is a characteristic feature young. He would not be so attractive if a person knew in advance what would happen to him tomorrow, in a month, in a year.

IN developmental psychology youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the formation social status personality. The consciousness of a young person has a special sensitivity, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, critical thinking and the desire to give one’s own assessment develop. various phenomena, search for argumentation, original thinking. At the same time, at this age some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation still remain. This is due to the fact that during the period of active activity the young man faces restrictions; he is not fully included in the system of social relations.

Hence in the behavior of young people amazing combination contradictory qualities and traits: the desire for identification and isolation, conformism and negativism, imitation and denial of generally accepted norms, the desire for communication and care, detachment from the outside world. The instability and inconsistency of youth consciousness influence many forms of behavior and activity of the individual. The consciousness of young people is determined by several objective circumstances:

  • 1. B modern conditions The process of socialization itself became more complex and lengthened, and accordingly the criteria for social maturity became different. They are determined not only by entering an independent working life, but also by completing education, obtaining a profession, real political and civil rights, and material independence from parents. The action of these factors is not simultaneous and unambiguous in different social groups, therefore the assimilation by a young person of the system of social roles of adults turns out to be contradictory. He can be responsible and serious in one area and feel like a teenager in another.
  • 2. The formation of social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many independent factors: family, school, work collective, media, youth organizations and spontaneous groups. This multiplicity of socialization mechanisms is not a rigid system; each of these mechanisms performs its own specific functions in personality development.

Youth is the time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true life path leading to success, which will allow them to realize their abilities and talents to the maximum. This is a period associated with a painfully difficult process of self-knowledge, finding one’s own “I”. A person needs to determine the boundaries of his real capabilities, understand what he is capable of, and establish himself in society. However, on the other hand, at the same time he needs to form an idea of ​​the world around him, systematize value orientations, as well as political, moral and aesthetic views. Life confronts a young man with the need to take a number of major decisions in conditions of lack of life experience. This is the choice of a profession, the choice of a life partner, the choice of friends. It's just not full list problems, the solution of which largely shapes the way of subsequent life.

Characteristics young people have a desire for everything new and unusual, an interest in technology, a desire to be on an equal footing with adults, a desire for active work. It is during adolescence that much of what was habitual and already established in a teenager breaks down. This applies to almost all aspects of his life and activities. The character undergoes especially noticeable changes educational activities. In adolescence, the basics of science begin to be mastered. This requires changing the usual forms of work and thinking, new organization attention, memorization techniques.

In close connection with the formation of moral beliefs, young people develop moral ideals. This makes them significantly different from younger schoolchildren. Ideals in adolescents come in two main forms. In a teenager younger age The ideal is the image of a specific person, in whom he sees the embodiment of qualities that he highly values. With age, a young person experiences a noticeable “movement” from images of close people to images of people with whom he does not directly communicate. Young people are beginning to make higher demands on their ideal. In this regard, they begin to realize that those around them, even those who are very loved and respected by them, are for the most part ordinary people, good and worthy of respect, but are not the ideal embodiment of the human personality. Therefore, at this age, the search for an ideal outside of close family relationships acquires special development.

In the development of young people’s knowledge of the surrounding reality, a moment comes when the object of knowledge becomes a person, his inner world.

Analysis of the practice of educating young people increasingly convinces that efficient organization educational process in educational institutions is unthinkable without a deep study by those working with youth of the system of value orientations of young people, which guides them in their lives, both in a specific individual action and in life principles.

Insufficient knowledge by subjects influencing youth of the features of the spiritual world of the younger generation, the inability to take into account in pedagogical activities the patterns of personality formation identified by psychological science, significantly weakens educational process, causes an internal rejection by young people of valuable social moral principles.

The most intensive formation of value orientations and other personality substructures, as proven by psychological science, occurs in adolescence. It is in adolescence (16 - 18 years old) that in the need-motivational sphere, the individual’s awareness of the expansion of his capabilities and motivational forces increases, and a structural restructuring of this sphere, including value orientations, occurs. It is rightly believed that a youthful dream is most important factor formation of value orientations of the individual. It creates numerous “projective situations” in which a person develops his attitude towards the values ​​existing in the culture.

What values ​​do young people of adolescence prefer? What motivates actions and behavior? What is it striving for? These are issues that are very relevant and significant for society. It is known that if young people’s answers to these questions coincide with social progress, they determine social and professional activity and act as driving forces development and formation of personality. In those cases when such answers (and therefore views and attitudes) run counter to moral standards, they demoralize young people, direct their behavior in an asocial direction, and criminalize them.

But the situation in which modern youth finds itself is ambiguous. On the one hand, the political and social conditions of Russian reality have significantly expanded the life opportunities of a young person; on the other hand, growing up occurs in a situation of instability of society as a whole and a protracted crisis of habitual norms and values, expressed in the absence of norms of behavior and clearly structured normative models.

The best way for a young person to adapt to society is to give him the opportunity to feel significant, useful, and exceptional in his own way. Self-realization for young people is the manifestation of their talents, capabilities, a painless search for themselves, even if this happens by trial and error. It is possible to make this process as less painful as possible with the help of cultural and leisure institutions.

Cultural and leisure institutions in working with young people must follow the principles of competition, mutual respect, trust and attention of participants to each other, an individual approach and unity of individual interests. In cultural and leisure institutions all conditions are created for the removal of certain psychological stress, intellectual, psychological, pedagogical, educational and developmental qualities of the individual are revealed, initiative and independence are liberated.

When creating conditions for youth recreation in a cultural and leisure institution, organizers need to take into account the working conditions for a full range of leisure services through entertainment, restoration of physical and spiritual strength, contributing to the formation of a person’s leisure culture. At the same time, cultural institutions must comply with the requirements of the social customer. At the heart of its work, a cultural and leisure institution should focus on achieving the following goals:

  • - meeting the needs of all demographic groups of the population, regardless of their level of preparedness for active leisure activities;
  • - providing a set of activities that provides each of the club’s visitors with a full opportunity to implement leisure activities;
  • - revitalization of the activities of all existing public service institutions by developing and staging high-quality programs on their basis that are in demand among the population.
  • - cultural and entertainment programs with the active involvement of visitors in the theatrical performance;
  • - outdoor games and entertainment that allow equal participation of trained and unprepared, untrained people of all ages;
  • - recreational activities to regulate physical and mental stress, which balance the general condition of a person and his well-being; logical and business games, simulating conflict and problematic situations, familiar and interesting to all visitors;
  • - attractions, developing dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, reaction;
  • - leisure ceremonies and rituals, communication, dancing.

The ideology of a cultural and leisure institution in working with youth is the principles of humanism, social justice, education and upbringing. The main task is to give young people the opportunity to realize and feel that they are not the dregs of society, that they are people, individuals needed by the Fatherland, that everyone has a future.

Leisure is an activity in free time outside the sphere of social and everyday labor, thanks to which an individual restores his ability to work and develops in himself mainly those skills and abilities that cannot be improved in the sphere labor activity. Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, difficult idleness, and at the same time an activity not according to the principle: “I do what I want,” but this is an activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that one sets for oneself. Human. Assimilation cultural values, learning new things, amateur work, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his free time. All these activities will indicate the achieved level of youth leisure culture. The social well-being of a young man and his satisfaction with his free time largely depend on the ability to direct his activities during leisure hours to achieve generally significant goals, implement his life program, develop and improve his essential powers.

Specific features of youth include the predominance of search, creative and experimental activity. Young people are more prone to gaming activities that capture the entire psyche and provide a constant flow of emotions. Gaming activity is universal; it attracts people of almost all ages and social status.

Every person is capable of creativity. Any activity can be creative if it captivates and absorbs the best mental strength and abilities of a person. Creativity includes: arts and crafts, artistic and technical types of leisure creativity. Decorative and applied arts include:

Handicrafts, sawing, burning, chasing, growing home flowers, culinary creativity.

The artistic form of creativity includes: occupation literary activity, folklore, painting, composing music, songs, participation in amateur performances (stage creativity). Technical creativity involves: -invention, design, innovation. The most convenient forms have been developed by life, where every young person can express himself and his initiative; these are amateur associations and interest clubs. Interest clubs are multidisciplinary. Among them there are: political, sports, tourist, health clubs, clubs for nature lovers, scientific and technical creativity, reading clubs, amateur and art songs, clubs for collectors, book lovers, weekend clubs, young families and others.

Of course, both the content and the form of the proposed activities and entertainment are important here, which should meet the needs and interests of young people and be organically perceived by boys and girls. A club is a relatively small association of activities that share a common interest. It is a school of study, education and communication. Young people come to the club who want to master a certain activity or leisure “qualification” to perfection. A hobby club is also a skillful educator. Maybe this is the main criterion of his activity. The fact is that each of the members of this association strives to bring their knowledge and skills to the people. Interest in an activity turns into interest in people. A young man, coming to the club, learns something, and, having acquired knowledge and skills, does not want to leave, because he has truly become friends with people. He is bound by a special atmosphere of equality, goodwill and initiative.

What kind of leisure should a young man have in order for him to become the most effective means self-expression.

In our opinion, the leisure time of every young person should be educational and varied.

Many young people have a favorite thing, something they love and know how to do most in their free time. In this case, he naturally needs to continue to master his favorite activity and deepen his knowledge in the area of ​​interest. Over time, he will probably be able to achieve good results in this area, not to mention the fact that he will simply enjoy doing what he loves.

IN lately young people are increasingly attracted musical art. The music can be anything - classical, popular, folk, hip-hop or ultra modern - “progressive”. The core element in the domestic youth culture turned out to satisfy musical and entertainment needs.

Young people who are interested in painting visit Hermitages, plein air museums, and express their thoughts through the brush.

Among today's youth there are film lovers. Detective, horror film, thriller, action, comedy or melodrama - you can take away something useful from every quality film. This may simply be a set of certain factors, various emotions (horror, joy, sadness, misunderstanding), or there may be deep reflections that change the point of view, changing the worldview.

One of the most popular ways of spending leisure time among young people is martial arts. They concentrate external beauty and aesthetics of movements; focus on a healthy lifestyle; physical and spiritual improvement.

The study of value orientations and life priorities of modern youth is very relevant, since it makes it possible to find out the degree of their adaptation to new social conditions and innovative potential. The processes that capture the value consciousness of young people are of particular importance, because they represent the immediate future of these societies

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Kaluga State Pedagogical

University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky

Institute of Social Relations

Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth


Organization of leisure activities for youth


Kaluga 2010


Chapter I. Theoretical aspects sociological analysis of youth leisure

1.1 The concept of leisure, free time

1.2 Functions, tasks and features of leisure

1.3 Leisure social institutions

Chapter II. Peculiarities of leisure time for young people

2.1 Leisure preferences various types young people

2.2 Sociological study of leisure preferences of young people in the city of Kaluga




Currently, the sociocultural situation is characterized by a number of negative processes that have emerged in the sphere of spiritual life - the loss of spiritual and moral guidelines, alienation from culture and art of children, youth and adults, a significant reduction in the financial security of cultural institutions, including the activities of modern cultural and leisure centers.

The transition to market relations necessitates the constant enrichment of the content of the activities of cultural institutions, methods of its implementation and the search for new leisure technologies.

Organization of various forms of leisure and recreation, creation of conditions for complete self-realization in the field of leisure.

One of the pressing problems of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions on the way to solving this problem is the organization of leisure for young people. Unfortunately, due to the socio-economic difficulties of society, the large number of unemployed, the lack of an adequate number of cultural institutions and insufficient attention to the organization of youth leisure on the part of local authorities and cultural and leisure institutions, the development of non-institutional forms of youth leisure is taking place. Free time is one of the important means of shaping the personality of a young person. It directly affects his production and labor sphere of activity, because in conditions of free time, recreational and recovery processes occur most favorably, relieving intense physical and mental stress. The use of free time by young people is a kind of indicator of their culture, the range of spiritual needs and interests of a particular young person or social group.

Being part of free time, leisure attracts young people with its unregulated and voluntary choice of its various forms, democracy, emotional overtones, and the ability to combine non-physical and intellectual activities, creative and contemplative, production and play. For a significant part of young people, social institutions of leisure are the leading areas of socio-cultural integration and personal self-realization. However, all these advantages of leisure activities have not yet become an asset, a habitual attribute of the lifestyle of young people.

The practice of youth leisure shows that the most attractive forms for young people are music, dancing, games, talk shows, KVN, however, it is not always cultural - leisure centers build their work based on the interests of young people. It is necessary not only to know today’s cultural needs of young people and to anticipate their changes, but also to be able to quickly respond to them, to be able to offer new forms and types of leisure activities.

Improving leisure activities is a pressing problem today. And its solution must be actively pursued in all directions: improving the economic mechanism, developing concepts for cultural institutions in new conditions, the content of activities, planning and management of leisure institutions.

Thus, modern stage development of cultural and leisure institutions is characterized by a transition from criticism of the existing situation to constructive solutions.

Interest in youth problems is constant and stable character in domestic philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy.

Social and philosophical problems of youth as an important social group of society are reflected in the studies of S.N. Ikonnikova, I.M. Ilyinsky, I.S. Kopa, V.T. Lisovsky and others. A significant contribution to the study of youth leisure was made by G.A. Prudensky, B.A. Trushin, V.D. Petrushev, V.N. Pimenova, A.A. Gordon, E.V. Sokolov, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada. Close to the problem we are studying are works on self-development and self-realization of the individual in the sphere of leisure (A.I. Belyaeva, A.S. Kargin, T.I. Baklanova), on issues of personality psychology (G.M. Andreeva, A.V. Petrovsky etc.). IN scientific analysis to the theory and practice of cultural and leisure activities, a significant contribution was made by Yu.A. Streltsov, A.D. Zharkov, V.M. Chizhikov, V.A. Kovsharov, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov.

The purpose of the work is to study the features of organizing youth leisure in the conditions of cultural and leisure centers and highlight practical recommendations for its improvement.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the essence and functions of youth leisure.

2. Consider socio-cultural technologies of youth leisure.

3. Identify the leisure preferences of different types of young people.

4. Define sociological research leisure preferences of young people in the city of Kaluga.

Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of sociological analysis of youth leisure

1.1 The concept of leisure, free time

Leisure is the part of non-working time that remains with a person after fulfilling immutable non-production duties (moving to and from work, sleeping, eating, and other types of household self-service). Leisure activities , can be divided into several interrelated groups. The first of them includes study and self-education in the broad sense of the word, i.e. various forms of individual and collective cultural development: visiting public entertainment events and museums, reading books and periodicals, listening to the radio and watching television programs. Another, most intensively developing group in the leisure structure is represented by various forms of amateur and social activities: amateur activities and interests (hobbies), physical education and sports, tourism and excursions, etc. Communication with people occupies an important place in the sphere of leisure. other people: activities and games with children, friendly meetings (at home, in a cafe, at relaxation evenings, etc.). Part of the leisure time is spent on passive recreation. Socialist society is fighting to oust various “anti-culture” phenomena (alcoholism, antisocial behavior, etc.) from the sphere of leisure.

The fruitful use of leisure by a person is an important task of society, because when he carries out the process of his leisure communication with art, technology, sports, nature, as well as with other people, it is important that he does it rationally, productively and creatively.

So what is leisure? There is still no generally accepted definition of this concept. Moreover, in specialized literature leisure has a wide variety of definitions and interpretations.

Leisure is often identified with free time (F.S. Makhov, A.T. Kurakin, V.V. Fatyanov, etc.), with extracurricular time (L.K. Balyasnaya, T.V. Sorokina, etc.) .). But is it possible to equate free time with leisure? No, because everyone has free time, but not everyone has leisure. There are many interpretations of the word "leisure". Leisure is an activity, a relationship, a state of mind. The multiplicity of approaches complicates attempts to understand what leisure means.

Leisure can combine both rest and work. Most leisure time in modern society is spent different types recreation, although the concept of “leisure” also includes such activities as continuing education, community work on a voluntary basis.

The definition of leisure falls into four main groups.

Leisure as contemplation associated with a high level of culture and intelligence; it is a state of mind and soul. In this concept, leisure is usually viewed in terms of the efficiency with which a person does something.

Leisure as an activity is usually characterized as activities not related to work. This definition of leisure includes self-actualization values.

Leisure, like free time, is a time of choice. This time can be used in a variety of ways, and it can be used for work-related or non-work related activities. Leisure is considered as time when a person does things that are not his responsibility.

Leisure integrates the three previous concepts, blurs the line between “work” and “non-work” and evaluates leisure in terms that describe human behavior. Includes the concepts of time and relationship to time.

Max Kaplan believes that leisure is much more than just free time or a list of activities aimed at recovery. Leisure should be understood as a central element of culture, with deep and complex connections with general problems of work, family, politics.

Leisure is a fertile ground for youth to test fundamental human needs. In the process of leisure, it is much easier for a student to form a respectful attitude towards himself; even personal shortcomings can be overcome through leisure activities.

Leisure helps relieve stress and minor worries. The special value of leisure is that it can help a student realize the best that is in him.