Scenario of a business game for preschool teachers on the topic: “Kaleidoscope of professions.” Progress of the psychologist's event for kindergarten teachers

N. Pletenchuk, MBDOU No. 506 combined type “Sun”, Novosibirsk

Game, as we know, is a type of activity that allows a person to express himself and improve himself. This also applies to the business game. At a teacher's meeting, where only reports, reports, lectures are given, or at a theoretical seminar, as practice shows, listeners most likely will not perceive even 50% of the necessary information. It's a different matter if you include a business game in them. Work experience shows: adults enthusiastically play children's games and take part in business games with great pleasure.

Business games allow you to:

  • more effectively train teachers in new forms, methods and techniques of working with children;
  • determine the psychological mood of teachers, their attitude towards work and children, the potential of their knowledge and skills;
  • correct certain shortcomings in the work of teachers;
  • create conditions for the exchange of teaching experience;
  • provide assistance to beginning educators in organizing the educational process.
  • bring teachers together by uniting them in a single rhythm and direction of work.

So, a business game brings teachers together, but at the same time it evokes in them a sense of competition, a desire to show their individual qualities, non-standard statements and solutions to problems. Therefore, the task of the senior educator is to use such business games that will direct the efforts of teachers in the right direction, unite them in an effort to acquire new knowledge and skills, improve professional qualities, and use in practice those acquired in the process business games knowledge and skills.

Teachers, raising their professional level, turn to studying theoretical foundations, and modern methodological literature is sufficient for this. But during the business game, teachers get double more information, which aims them at a deeper study of it. The activities of educators during business games can be classified as creative and exploratory, which can create a situation of success that stimulates a creative attitude to work. I would like to offer options for new games that I came up with myself based on familiar games.


Conducted with a group of teachers working with children 2-7 years old

The goal and objectives of the game. To become interested in new forms and methods of working with children in physical education; promote creative growth; to teach educators, narrow specialists, and additional education teachers to interact in the process of mastering new forms and methods of working with children, as well as the ability to select literature and material; to acquaint educators with how to diversify the work with parents in the physical education of children.

Equipment. Skittles and balls of red, green, blue (12 pieces each), task cards, a box of waste material, colored cardboard.

Progress of the game

The presenter introduces the rules of the game to teachers. They are divided into three teams at will, each choosing the color of balls and pins. Team members take turns knocking down pins with balls from a distance of 4-5 m. If they knock down pins of their own color, they get 1 point, if they knock down pins of a different color, 0 points. The number of pins of the same color knocked down determines the number of the card with theoretical and practical tasks.

Tasks and questions of the first card

  • List outdoor games with a ball.
  • Define outdoor game.
  • Prepare a consultation for parents on the topic “Hardening at home.”
  • Using scrap material, make an unconventional stepping machine.
  • Draw a diagram “Increasing the power load on the muscles of children in different age groups.”
  • How long does a physical education lesson last in the middle group?
  • What new forms of work in physical education do you know?
  • Make a rough plan for a physical education lesson in a mixed group (senior and pre-school age).

Tasks and questions of the second card

  • Name the types of walking used in kindergarten.
  • From the presented methodological literature, select the one that will help you compose long-term plan in physical culture.
  • Develop a complex of morning exercises for children of senior preschool age using dance movements.
  • From waste material (lids from plastic bottles) make a simulator for the feet and palms.
  • What relaxation exercises can be used at the end of a physical education session?
  • Create a new outdoor game using a morphological box.
  • Do I need insurance when doing exercises on a track?

Tasks and questions of the third card

  • On the topics “We are future athletes”, “I want to grow up healthy!” make a plan for excursions for the quarter.
  • List outdoor games with running.
  • Solve the crossword puzzle “Physical education of preschool children.”
  • Define the word “hypodynamia”.
  • Show how to correctly perform the Hatha Yoga exercises “Lion”, “Lotus”, “Cat” (pay attention to breathing).

Note. Hatha yoga is an ancient Indian system of maintaining the body in optimal physical condition. Literal translation of the word hatha- power, fury, violence, necessity, effort. The goal of Hatha Yoga is to bring the body into a state of complete health, so that the body does not become a burden for spiritual development. The practice of Hatha yoga consists mainly of performing asanas, static poses. Special attention focuses on flexibility and tone of the spine. Unique feature Hatha yoga is an exercise that stimulates the hormonal glands and provides massage internal organs. Stimulating the hormonal system helps maintain balanced emotions and promotes a more optimistic outlook on life. In addition to physical exercise Hatka Yoga includes methods of cleansing the internal organs and establishes principles proper nutrition . Hatha yoga is working with consciousness through the body. Hatha yoga classes prevent many diseases and help get rid of existing ones. Hatha yoga sharpens the mind and helps concentrate attention, allowing you to control your actions and manifestations, from the bodily to the control of consciousness. Hatha yoga is consciousness-oriented. It consists of three components: special physical exercises (asanas), breathing exercises (prana), and work with consciousness in the form of concentration (meditative techniques). From the point of view of modern medicine, Hatha Yoga can be called “psychophysical gymnastics.” Hatha yoga considers the human physical body as a tool for working with the mind in order to achieve harmony in the internal state and external health. Therefore, during classes, a person must definitely relax, discard all extraneous thoughts and focus only on his own body and the processes occurring inside it. In the Hatha Yoga system, much attention is paid to health, and therefore the beauty of the body. Many exercises are aimed at cleansing and strengthening, increasing its flexibility with the help of specially selected asanas. When performing asanas, attention is focused inside the body. The main recommendation for practicing Hatha yoga is regularity and systematic practice. Moderation must be observed, especially at the initial stage, when it is difficult to adequately assess one’s strengths and capabilities. Most people are accustomed to consumer relations like buying things in a supermarket: if they wanted it, they bought it right away. This does not work with Hatha yoga, so many people, having started, quickly “cool down.” It is necessary from the very beginning, when learning Hatha Yoga, to listen to your body, to show interest in what is really happening in your life dimension, what and how and under the influence of what changes, i.e. You need to be sensitive to yourself and everything that surrounds you. This is very important due to the peculiarities of practicing Hatha yoga in our climate, since the body sometimes reacts very violently to seasonal changes (changes in daylight hours, etc.), and if you do not feel this at the moment, this does not mean that this is not the case. For example, it has been established that muscle stretching occurs best in the spring - early summer, and power asanas are better mastered and worked out in the winter, etc. The question comes down, in the end, to awakening genuine interest in oneself and the world, the desire to understand one’s own essence during studies, in order to later come to the conviction of the need for change and changes, and urgent ones, because life, as we know, is short. On the other hand, you must clearly understand that the sincerity of your intentions in practicing Hatha yoga plays an important role. After all, on the path of yoga one must be prepared for both difficult trials and disappointments. It’s not for nothing that yoga, like love, is compared to fire; Indeed, it helps us rise, become stronger, and feel the joy of life.

  • Name the hardening methods.
  • How much weight should a sandbag be for throwing distances for older children?
  • Make a plan for morning exercises in senior group using symbols (sketchy man).

Tasks and questions of the fourth card

  • List the objects with which you can perform strength gymnastics in kindergarten.
  • Build a chain of words in the required order (sleep, outdoor play, physical education, individual work on physical education, physical education holiday, hardening, morning exercises, competition, walk, etc.).
  • Make attributes for the outdoor game “Colored Lanterns”.
  • Come up with options for complicating the outdoor game “Sunshine and Rain”.
  • Choose exercises that can be used to develop flexibility (“Frog”, “Planes”, “Soldier”, “Clock”, “Bridge”, “Cat”, etc.).
  • List physical education exercises using jumping and demonstrate one of them.
  • List gaming methods and techniques for developing strength and endurance.
  • Make a card with a diagram of the sequence of analysis of physical education classes with children in the preparatory group for school.

The number of questions can be increased or decreased, it depends on how much time is allocated for the business game.

At the end of the game, the theoretical preparedness of the teams is summed up and teachers who have clearly demonstrated their creative abilities are rewarded with prizes.


The goal and objectives of the game. Expand and generalize knowledge on the topic “Game as the main activity of preschoolers”; clarify knowledge about types of games, forms, methods and techniques of working with children; through game modeling, create conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative; raise awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in order to improve the quality of their professional work; introduce new methodological literature on the game.

Equipment. Wall alphabet with pockets for tasks, where instead of the letters Ъ, ь, ы, Ё, й there are faces-emotions, all other letters have a decoding (for example, A - gambling, B - fast, C - harmful, G - grandiose game and etc., and during the game the teachers will give definitions of what kind of games these are, how they understand it.)

Cards of red, blue, green (at least 10 pieces of each color) - they indicate letters and tasks for each team and guests. Task strips arranged in pockets (33 pieces). A wall tablet where statements by prominent personalities about the game will be attached. An easel, a pointer, two bells, two boxes of waste material. Poster information that will serve as a hint during the game. Thematic newspapers “It’s good when the game starts in the morning”, which were created by children, teachers and parents (poems, drawings, stories, fairy tales, collages, etc.). Projects of role-playing games on paper (cobwebs).

Progress of the game


It's good when in the morning

The game begins!

Laughter, fun, running around,

When the kids are playing.

You'll envy the kids:

Both girls and boys.

Adults want to play

Yes, you need to observe moderation.

But today is a special day,

We gathered for a reason.

Both in adults and in adults,

The game begins!

Hanging here in front of you

"Game Alphabet"!

Understand the rules of the game

Remember what for what!

Don't be bored, don't be lazy

And join our game.

Well, friends, it's time to meet

Teams "Bukvar" and "ABC"!

Music sounds, teams enter the hall and sit down at the tables.


To evaluate the teams,

The jury needs to be invited.

So as not to lose count of us

The counting commission must be chosen.

Well, let's begin!

Rules of the game. The jury evaluates teams on a three-point scale for all tasks performed. Teams take turns answering questions and presenting completed tasks. The time for completing tasks (depending on complexity) is from 1 to 5 minutes. Guests have the right to participate in the game. The choice of tasks for the guests is made by the host. Each team can include from 6 to 12 teachers.

Progress of the game

Brainstorming (warm-up). Teams need to look carefully at the game alphabet and combine the letters into pairs based on associations, opposite or similar. Name at least three pairs. The facilitator’s assistant arranges color cards with tasks for the pairs of letters determined by the teams. Team "Bukvar" - red cards, team "ABC" - green, guests and fans - blue cards. The team that is ready to answer first notifies the leader with a bell, which gives the right to choose a game task, i.e. another letter.

  1. First exercise: the "ABC" command - find the opposite meaning, the "ABC" command - find a similar meaning. The teams name the pairs, the assistant arranges the cards.
  2. Second task performed on the basis of homework. Each participant must find out what definitions the game was given famous people. Teams read out the definitions one by one, listening carefully to each other and not repeating themselves. The facilitator's assistant attaches statements to the tablet. Each team must come up with its own definition of the game and read it out. 1 minute is given for this. While the team is preparing, the guests select definition words: what games starting with the letter Ш can be (for example, scrupulous, sparing, generous) - and explain what kind of games they are.
  3. Reveal the stages of formation of a role-playing game, which prepare the child for a collective game: the “ABC” team according to E. Kravtsova, the “Bukvar” team according to D. Elkonin.
  4. Making figurative and noise toys. Presentation of a figurative toy

poem, song, dance, facial expressions, pantomime, image, etc. Sounding out a poem using homemade noise toys made from waste material. Time to make toys is 5 minutes.

The "Bukvar" team is offered the poem "Frogs."

On a green edge -

qua-qua-qua! -

The frogs have gathered, the frogs are sitting -


“Catching flies - yum-yum-yum! -

Very tasty for us, for us, for us!

And then jump through puddles -


Oh, cheerful little frogs,

you froggy people!

Team "ABC" is offered the poem "Rain".

The trees swayed, the grass rustled -

Sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha!

The trees sang, the foliage began to play -

La-la-la, la-la-la!

And a loud thunder rolled across the sky -


And drops dripped, they sang a soft song -


Here on the roof, on the glass -


On my porch -


More and more, more and more fun for the frogs!

Hee hee hee! Yes ha ha ha! What a beauty!

Game “Chamomile” with spectators “What does a child learn in the game?”(distribute daisy petals and markers to all interested guests, after completing the task, place the daisies on the carpet and read out what knowledge, skills and abilities the child receives during the game).

Presentation of toys by teams.

5. Fragment of a lesson using the conceptual position “The child’s right to play.”

Basis - homework. 8-10 minutes are allotted for showing fragments of classes. Assignment for guests and fans: “On the game alphabet you see faces-emotions. Which one do you like best? (Merry.) To make your mood just as cheerful, listen to the teachers’ anthem.”

Don't spin the colorful globe,

You won't find it there

That country, a huge country,

Which we sing about.

Every day is filled with laughter

Surprise, beauty,

With understanding and attention,

Amazing game.

And everyone is rushing to this country

And the kids are in a hurry.

Their moms and dads

They bring you here by the hand.

In this most cheerful country,

They are greeted with a new fairy tale.

This country is always in my heart

It's called "Kindergarten"!

6. Playing with pencils.

Leading. Attention! Here are the symbols you need to match as best as possible more games(tabletop-printed, mobile, intellectual, role-playing, etc.), suitable for the selected symbols, for example, games for the “circle” symbol - “Circle Trap”, round dance games, printed board game “Fractions”, etc. 3 minutes are allotted for preparation.

Teams make choices. While the teams are busy, the guests answer the question: how do role-playing games differ from theatrical ones?

7. Presentation of projects of role-playing games “Steamboat”, “Hospital” (cobwebs, albums with photographs, children's drawings, etc.).

8. Blitz survey.

Blitz survey for the Bukvar team

  • Actions of a child with a toy. (Game.)
  • What are the names of the games in which children make the most of their knowledge and thinking abilities? (Intellectual games.)
  • Name any environmental game. (Which tree is which leaf from?)
  • What role-playing game involves a sailor, captain, and cook? (Steamboat.)
  • Who is the author of this saying “Play is childhood, and childhood is play”? (V.A.Nedospasova.)
  • What two worlds did J. Piaget talk about in his discovery? (World children and the world of adults.)
  • What are the names of games in which a child makes a doll speak and perform various actions, while acting in two ways, that is, for himself and for the doll? (Director's games.)
  • What are the names of objects that replace a child's toy? (Substitute items.)
  • Does an older preschooler need more space or toys when playing? (In space.)

Blitz survey for the ABC team

  • What is it called favorite activity children with toys? (Game.)
  • Who is the author of the statement “We do not play because we are children. But childhood itself was given to us so that we could play”? (Karl Grosse is a German psychologist.)
  • Name any outdoor game with a ball. (Trap around the circle.)
  • What role-playing game involves a makeup artist, a hairdresser, a client, and a cashier. (Salon.)
  • What are the names of games during which children can, without adult intervention, come up with game plots, assign roles, and change the playing environment? (Independent.)
  • Who believed that “play is the sphere of children’s suffering, which is on the other side of pleasure”? (Sigmund Freud.)
  • How many stages of development of role-playing play, according to Kravtsova, should a child go through in order to be ready for collective play? (Five stages.)
  • What is the "heart of the game"? (Role.)
  • In what games do children escape into a world where all their childhood dreams come true? (Creative.)

Assignment to both teams

Compose words from the letters marked on the “Game Alphabet” with color cards; the letters can be repeated. Try to create words related to the topic “Game”.


The goal and objectives of the game. To become interested in new forms and methods of working with children in the development of emotions and aesthetic taste; include beginning teachers in creative work; raise awareness of the need to get acquainted with the experience of other kindergartens in order to improve the quality of their professional work; learn how to structure your speech using the “Speech Guide”; become more active in solving pedagogical situations.

Equipment. One lotto cards for each team with numbers from 1 to 12. A bag of barrels (you can use plastic packaging from chocolate eggs, and put a task or question inside each one), chips. Two flat magpie models with inserted tail feathers.

Progress of the game

The presenter (senior teacher) introduces the rules of the game. Teachers are divided into two teams (optional) or four (according to the age characteristics of the children). The teams are given lotto cards. Game centers are selected:

  • Game center(teams “Veselushka” and “Smeshinka”, which participate in the game).
  • Center "Handmade"(design of material invented by team members).
  • Center "Jury"(assess the work of the teams, sums up).
  • Center musical accompaniment (musical director).

The presenter takes out the barrels and names the task numbers. Teams designate them with chips on their lotto cards. The team that completes all the numbers on its card faster and gets more points wins.

6 1 4 9
2 3 5 7
4 12 10
1 12 3 8
5 7 11
4 2 6 9

Mom came for Katya early. The girl ran up to her mother with admiring eyes: “Mommy! Come get me later! We make gifts for kids! These make such beautiful gifts! I'm not finished yet." “What nonsense! What gifts! Aunt Tanya is waiting for us. Get ready immediately! - Mom snapped. The young teacher Anna Sergeevna cautiously suggested: “Maybe you should wait for Katyusha a little, because she tried so hard. She does it best, neatly and beautifully.” To which my mother sharply replied: “I don’t have time, but you’d better persuade her to get ready to go home quickly.” Exercise. Assess the mother’s position and offer your own solution to the situation. Assess the teacher’s position and offer your own solution to the situation.

Tasks for the game


The goal and objectives of the game. Learn to be free in judgments and arguments and specify your answers; teach beginning educators to express their opinions, defend their point of view, be able to listen to colleagues and treat their opinions correctly; invite topics for business discussion; provide conditions for the manifestation of creative initiative.

Equipment. Masks white and black on sticks. A ball of thread is white and black.

Progress of the game

The presenter invites everyone to stand in a circle, while he himself remains in the center. He hands the balls over to the teachers, and they decide which one to take. By passing a black or white ball of thread to each other, teachers determine their mood and feelings and keep either a white or black thread. When the last players have the balls, it turns out to be a cobweb. It is laid flat on the floor. At the end of the business game, this procedure is repeated again and the webs are compared, determining which threads have increased. As a rule, at the end of the game there are always more white threads. A topic for discussion is given.

First option. It is better for educators to sit in a semicircle, as the mask is passed from one to another, and it is easier for the presenter to follow the progress of the discussion. First, only the white mask is handed over, and the positive aspects declared topic. Then a black mask is passed around and each participant finds something negative in it. At the end of the discussion, the presenter summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.

Second option. All participants are divided into two teams and play only for a white or black mask. At the end of the discussion, the presenter summarizes the statements and draws a conclusion.


The purpose and objectives of the games. These games are best used at the Council of Teachers, when they report on what work they have done for summer period or how you prepared for the start of the school year.


Teachers are invited to choose one colored circle with a diameter of 8-10 cm (primary colors are used, as well as contrasting ones - black and white). In this way, you can determine the teachers’ mood and see what colors they like (this is also necessary in order to take into account color shades when decorating hallways, etc.). On each bead circle, invite everyone to write briefly about their achievements. Then all the “beads” are strung on a braid and decorated with this garland on the wall in the teacher’s office, where everyone can get acquainted with the achievements of their colleagues in their free time. This form of mini-reports allows you to save time on the council of teachers and disseminate best practices.


Similar to the game "Beads", only at the end you get a huge bouquet. On each flower, educators write down the methods, methods, techniques, methods and technologies that they successfully use.


It is carried out in the form of an oral journal, when educators, one after another, share interesting techniques, methods or forms of working with children. You can also conduct mini-reports that begin with one phrase: “And in our group...” or “We do this...”.


Held at the Council of Teachers “Environmental Education of Preschool Children”

The goal and objectives of the game. Help beginning educators in organizing the educational process aimed at familiarizing themselves with new methods, forms and techniques of working with children in environmental education; maintain a businesslike atmosphere throughout the game; clarify and consolidate teachers’ knowledge on this topic; teach the use of tests, questionnaires, test conversations, block sections when diagnosing children’s knowledge of ecology.

Equipment. Phones cut out of colored cardboard with questions written on them. Five toy phones. A musical toy with various children's melodies. Samples of tests, test conversations, block sections with children on environmental education. Questionnaires to determine skills and knowledge on this topic for educators.

Progress of the game

The presenter announces the start of the game and invites the head of the preschool educational institution to telephone No. 1; to phone number 2 of the senior teacher; to telephone number 3 of the ecologist; to phone number 4, the senior nurse; to phone number 5 of the educational psychologist. To save time and direct the game in the right direction, telephones with ready-made questions are distributed. You can offer to ask questions on behalf of parents, grandparents, teachers primary school, children, teachers, etc.

Questions for phone number 1

  • Are children in kindergarten taught about ecology? From what age? What environmental programs are implemented in your preschool? (Elementary school teacher.)
  • Is there a “Young Ecologist” club in kindergarten? And how to sign up there? (Child.)
  • Nowadays, the design method is widely used in kindergartens. Do you use this method in environmental education of children? (Colleague from a neighboring kindergarten.)

Questions for phone number 2

  • Is there a special lesson in kindergarten where they teach to love nature? Who is conducting it? From what age? (Parent.)
  • What diagnostic cards will help determine children's knowledge of ecology? (Teacher.)
  • Do you think that conducting experiments with plants develops callousness in children? Will this lead to children breaking trees, picking off leaves, etc.? (Grandfather.)
  • What methods and techniques are used in kindergarten to educate the principles of environmental culture? ? (Teacher.)
  • Which new one? methodological literature Would you recommend using it in environmental education for young and middle-aged children? (Teacher.)

Questions for phone number 3

  • What is ecology and environmental education of children? (Dad.)
  • There is a “Bird Pillar” on the territory of the kindergarten. What is it used for? (Beginner teacher.)
  • What new forms of work with parents can be used on environmental education? What experiments with sand, magnet, air can be carried out with older children? (Teacher.)

Questions for phone number 4

  • Will my grandson get poisoned by poisonous plants or mushrooms while walking on the kindergarten grounds? (Grandmother.)
  • I've heard about such a method as herbal medicine. Tell us more about it. Is it used in kindergarten? ? (Colleague from another kindergarten.)
  • My son is allergic to some houseplants. Will the plants in the group harm my baby? (Mother.)

Questions for phone number 5

  • My daughter is afraid of bugs, spiders, frogs and worms. Please advise how to overcome fear? (Mother.)
  • Which animal is best to buy to instill in a child feelings of empathy, love and care? (Grandmother.)
  • I want to have a kitten, but my mother doesn’t allow it. How can you persuade her? (Child.)

A similar business game can be played at the final council of teachers on graduating children to school. In this case, teachers of graduating classes and specialized specialists will answer the questions.


Conducted at the Council of Teachers “Development of speech in preschool children through play”

The goal and objectives of the game. Ensure a creative and business-like attitude throughout the business game; support the initiative of advanced teachers; clarify and consolidate knowledge on this topic; increase the level by introducing and teaching a new method of speech development; introduce educators to a new game that can be played with children using other parameters.

Equipment. A circle with a diameter of 60-80 cm, divided by seven axes. On each axis there is a chip of its own color (the color of the rainbow). Each axis is divided into four levels. Chips (you can use large, colored buttons) move freely on axes, determining the level of play.

——— venue

——— time of year

——— number of participants

——— age of children

——— material

——— type of game

——— the basis of the plot

substitute items, homemade toys, store-bought toys, intellectual and educational games.

theatrical, role-playing, didactic, moving.

fairy tale, story, song, poem.

Progress of the game

The presenter introduces teachers to the topic and rules of the game. He suggests dividing into three or four teams. Each team includes an additional player from narrow specialists (teachers-speech therapists, educational psychologist, music director, etc.). Each team chooses a player who, blindfolded, moves the pieces along the playing field, thereby selecting the axis levels for the upcoming game.

Tasks can be like this

  • Make a rough summary of a lesson on speech development.
  • Come up with a new speech game.
  • Plan a rough entertainment plan.

Teams, having chosen a task within 5-8 minutes, come up with their own version and present it in turn. For example, an option for creating a new speech game:

street (sports ground)

winter (first walk)

number of participants (7-11 children)

  • Practice clear pronunciation of the sound “Z”.
  • Learn to come up with simple quatrains based on the rhymes “bunny - arrogant, bunny - know-it-all.”
  • Teach children to improvise by changing the plot of the game (hares hiding from the wolf, hare competitions, hare school, etc.).
  • Involve inactive children with low speech activity in speech play.
  • Activate vocabulary children.

Approximate course of the game

Invite the children to make a hare out of snow and put ice on their eyes, nose and mouth. Come up with a name for him and an improvised costume (pieces of fabric, old glasses, any waste material). Ask the children how they can play with a snow hare, where he lives, what kind of favorite dish, what kind of character, what can happen to him, etc. (try to interview every player, and especially children with low speech activity). After listening to all the options, choose a plot for the game (for example, the hare became arrogant). Together with the children, come up with a teaser about a hare, based on the rhyme “bunny - arrogant, bunny - know-it-all.”

The bunny thought he was a know-it-all

And the stupid bunny became arrogant.

Bunny, bunny, you are arrogant!

You're not a know-it-all!

Choose adjectives (what the hare was like), verbs (what he did, where he went, who he was friends with, etc.). Let the children participate in the distribution of the roles of the hare's friends (Katya has an orange fur coat, which means she will be a fox or a squirrel; Alyosha is very kind, which means she will be a kind bear, etc.). Encourage children to explain their choices. Try putting on an impromptu performance with a snow hare. And then offer to call the kids and show them an impromptu theatrical performance “Once upon a time there was a hare.”

Interesting options are compiled and placed in the kindergarten’s pedagogical treasury, which can be used by both young professionals and experienced teachers.

Another version of the game "Seven"

The same playing field with rainbow chips. Each color of the chip represents a question or task. There are four different questions or tasks on each axis. The game will need to start from the “Start” sector.


Conducted at the medical-pedagogical meeting “The influence of play techniques and the developmental environment on the adaptation of children 2-3 years old.”

The goal and objectives of the game. Introduce new games and gaming techniques; clarify what part of the day is best to use them; teach to diversify the developmental environment of the group for better adaptation of children.

Equipment. Five squares (5x5 cm) blue and red (to use more teachers in the game, it is most effective to use two to four such sets). On each square there is a game corresponding to the regime segment. On the reverse side of each blue square are recommendations for organizing a developmental environment in a group, and each red square - recommendations for working with parents during the adaptation period. Samples of development environment options (sketches on paper, photographs).

Progress of the game

Lay out the squares on the table and offer to lay out the games and gaming techniques in the following order:

  • games, gaming techniques used during reception children(“Vertical laces”, “Tyopa has come”, “Let’s go to the house”, “Funny swing”, “Roll-y-dolls Bim and Bom are going to build a house”, “Clap and slap”, “Fingers are playing”, “Hurry up, my friend, join us in circle”, “We’ll go for mushrooms”, etc.);
  • games, game techniques used when washing(“Fish in the water”, “Let’s blow soap bubbles”, “Flow, flow, trickle!”, “Hands clap, clap, slippers on the water”, “Catch some water in your palm!”, “Come on, nose, wash yourself!” ", "Hello, droplet!", "Vodichka-sister", "Visiting the blue droplet", etc. .:
  • games, play techniques used while feeding children(“Kashka, porridge, you’re delicious for us”, “Yum-yum, it’s very tasty for us”, “Come on, take a spoon!”, “ Drink compote, but don’t spill it on your shirt,” etc.);
  • games, play techniques used during nap time

(“Listen to the song”, “Bai-bai, sleep, I’ll rock you”, “Katya is sleeping”, “Vanka-vstanka, you need to sleep”, “The nose is sleeping, and the eyes are sleeping, the hands want to sleep too””, “The music will sound , and our baby will sleep”, etc.);

  • games, play techniques used while dressing and while walking

(“Our legs ran”, “Stop and watch!”, “The cat wants to play”, “Lelya was getting ready”, “Bear, let’s go for a walk!”, “Hat and fur coat”, “Masha the Confused”, “Let’s go to the horse”, “Let’s release the ball”, “Ribbons on a branch”, etc.).

It is very valuable for novice educators that, by turning over the blue squares, they can read recommendations for creating a developmental environment in the group, and the red ones - recommendations for working with parents.

Marina Vladimirovna Morozova

Business game with preschool teachers



Using game uniform interaction to identify the level of competence of teachers on health issues, age characteristics preschool children in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


To intensify the mental activity of teachers;

Creating a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team;

Develop the ability to work in a team;

Identify the level of competence of teachers in given areas.


TV; a bag with objects (a su-jok ball, a pillow with grass, an audio disc, a lemon, soap bubbles, a book with fairy tales, a glove, a flower); a wooden barrel with small barrels (from lotto) inside with numbers; handouts for teams (sheets with crossword puzzles, proverbs and sayings, pictures with a balloon).


Leading: Good afternoon Hello, dear colleagues! Today I want to invite you to participate in a business game called (slide number 1) “I can do everything and I can do everything.” The name was not chosen by chance, since these words characterize our chosen profession. Introductory word: (parable) (slide number 2) “Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They thought for a long time what a person should be like. One of the gods said: “A person must be strong,” another said: “A person must be healthy,” the third said: “A person must be smart.” But one of the gods said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing a person has - his health. They began to think and decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - for high mountains. Where do you think the gods hid their health?

One of the gods said: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.”

(slide number 3) This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods! This means that health turns out to be hidden in me, and in each of us, and in every child. And taking care of health is the most important work of educators.

I invite you to play

And solve problems.

To remember something, repeat it,

What we don’t know, learn.

(Before we start the game, we need to split into two teams.)

Leading: To create an atmosphere of trust and comfort, I suggest that you set yourself up for positive cooperation and first conduct the greeting exercise “Joyful Meeting”.

Progress of the exercise:

Do you know how foreigners greet? Foreigners greet like this: (slide number 4) Europeans shake hands when they meet each other, Ethiopians touch their cheeks, Africans rub their noses. I invite all participants in the game (guests can also join) to say hello to the neighbor on the left in European style, and to the neighbor on the right like Ethiopians. Well done!

So here we go.

(slide number 5)


Team members should continue the proverbs about health:

TEAM No. 1

Where is health... (there is beauty)

IN healthy body– (healthy mind)

Move more... (you'll live longer)

Take care again, ... (and health from a young age)

Eat garlic and onions - ... (the disease will not take you)

TEAM No. 2

You will be healthy - ... (you will get everything)

You will ruin your health... (you can't buy new)

He who chews for a long time... (lives long)

It’s easy to get sick, ... (to be cured is difficult)

Health is fine - ... (thanks to exercise)

(slide number 6)


You need to take an object out of the bag and answer:

“What health-saving technology does it reflect?”

1) su-jok ball – su-jok therapy

2) a pad with grass - herbal medicine

3) audio CD – music therapy

4) lemon – aromatherapy

5) soap bubbles - breathing exercises

6) a book with fairy tales - fairytale therapy

7) glove – finger gymnastics

8) flower – color therapy.

(slide No. 7 and No. 8)


Crossword No. 1


5. The most important thing in a person’s life.

6. A person’s ability to overcome external resistance or resist it due to muscle tension.


1. Cyclic movement carried out through alternate movements of the arms and legs.

2. The main type of movement that a child masters after learning to crawl.

3. The leading type of activity in the preschool educational institution.

4. The ability to cope with any motor task that arises.

Crossword No. 2


3. An exercise that promotes the development of the eye and precision of movements.

6. Motor activity (in one word).


1. Immunity, the body’s resistance to infectious diseases.

2. Fast, with repulsion, movement of the body.

4. A state of rest or active activity, leading to restoration of strength and performance.

5. The main type of movement that a child masters after he learns to walk confidently.

(slide number 9)


One team is invited to demonstrate two original finger games, the second - two original physical education minutes.

Leading: We work not only with children, but also with parents.

(slide number 10)


Name the forms of work with parents on the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

(teams take turns calling out who is bigger)

Example:Parent meetings with the participation of honey. employee;

Joint sports holidays and entertainment;

Website of a kindergarten (group);


Health Library;

Open days;

Health information corners;

Thematic exhibitions;

Joint walks and excursions;

Roundtable meetings;

Questioning parents and other forms of work.

(slide number 11)


Participants in the game take out barrels with numbers and answer the questions:

1. The daily duration of children’s walks is at least…

(3 – 4 hours)

2. What needs to be done in the middle of the lesson?

(physical education minute)

3. How many times a week are physical education classes conducted for children aged 3-7 years?

(3 times a week)

4. What is the duration of classes in the senior group?

5. How many minutes is the break between classes?

(at least 10 minutes)

6. How long does sleep last for children 1.5 – 3 years old?

(at least 3 hours)

7. What is the duration of classes in the middle group?

8. Name the main types of movement

(walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing)

And I would like to finish our business game with the “Balloon” exercise.

(slide number 12)

Exercise "Balloon"

(about the value of health for humans)

In the picture you see balloon which flies above the ground. Draw the little man in the balloon basket. It's you. The sun is shining brightly around you, the sky is blue. Write which 9 values ​​are so important to you that you would take them with you on a trip (for example, money, health, family, work, love, etc.). Now imagine that your balloon has begun to descend and is threatening to fall soon. You need to get rid of ballast to go up. Dump the ballast, that is, cross out 3 (and then 3 more) words from the list. What did you leave on the list?

Everyone reads out their life values ​​in a circle. The head of the creative team writes them down on the board. If the words are repeated, then the head of the creative team gives pluses. Then the ranking of life values ​​is determined by the number of advantages and importance for those present. For example, 1st place - health, 2nd place - family, etc.


Enter Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother. The following dialogue takes place between them:

Grandma, grandma, why do you have such a wrinkled face:

This is because I did not like to wash my face in the mornings and evenings, my granddaughter.

Grandma, why are your teeth so yellow?

Because I didn’t clean them and smoked, just like your grandfather.

Grandma, grandma, why are your eyes so dull?

Because I didn’t like to eat carrots, my granddaughter.

Grandma, grandma, why are you trembling and walking slowly?

This is because, my baby, I didn’t do exercises in the morning.

This is our setup today.

(slide number 13)

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  • “Sunny Key” script for the New Year’s party (matinee) in kindergarten

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  • Place the gifts in boxes. Didactic game

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  • The main method of teaching preschoolers in kindergarten is play. While playing, the baby learns about the world, goodness and justice. Children also really need and benefit from fairy tales. And if you combine games and fairy tales, you get a simply magical combination! Let's combine and play fairy tales!

  • Have you noticed that the imprint of a leaf on paper looks like a drawn tree? Some are short, with a thin stem, and some are long, reaching upward. It is very easy to draw such trees using dry leaves, and the result is impressive! Try it too.

  • The game contains 4 pictures depicting the seasons, and cut cards with signs of the seasons. We download and cut the cut ones. The child is asked to sort the signs of spring, summer, autumn and winter into places. To add variety to the game, you can print out any pictures that are somehow related to the seasons and use them in the game.

  • Card index of poems-riddles "Road signs" and much more.

  • Riddles about school for preschoolers (with answers)

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  • It's summer outside and it's summer inside too, no matter what the weather is. And little ladybugs are also happy about the warmth and sun and are looking forward to it. Let such a bright ladybug settle in your home, but you don’t need to take it from the street, we’ll make this insect with our own hands.

  • Many animals live around us, but most people have only seen stray dogs and cats just walking on the street. Wild animals They are very careful and even hiding in the forest it is not always possible to notice them. Forest inhabitants have a good sense of smell and can smell you from several kilometers away. They will not show themselves because they are afraid of humans. But you can always see animal tracks in the snow, wet ground or sand.

  • Ozeretsky tests for the development of a child’s motor skills (tests of motor talent)

    To find out how developed your child’s motor skills are, try performing Ozeretsky’s “motor talent tests” with him. The tasks can be completed with children from the age of five. But before you offer tasks to children, study them thoroughly yourself and try to complete them. These tasks can diagnose preparation for school, and can be used as educational didactic games.

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    We must not forget that kindergartens also work in the summer and teachers, accordingly, need a work plan. On this page we have collected notes on long-term and calendar-thematic plans for the summer in kindergarten under the “From Birth to School” program, Veraxa.

  • Correctional course program “Speech practice”

    Speech practice plays an important role in the implementation of basic goals primary education, contribute social adaptation and personality development of a child with musculoskeletal disorders. Timely acquisition correct speech is one of the main conditions for the formation of a child’s full-fledged personality, harmonious psychophysical development, successful learning him at school.

  • Spring comes and brings with it drops, delicate colors, and warmth. The spring holiday always creates a joyful mood in the soul, because winter is finally giving up its rights and warm days are about to come. How can you create the same joyful mood for children in kindergarten? Of course, carry out spring holiday and be sure to decorate the hall. How? We'll give you some ideas.

  • DIY stands and boxes for Easter eggs using templates

    Here we will collect different templates for stands and boxes for Easter colored eggs. Some have master classes with step by step instructions, click on the pictures and the master class will open.

  • An easy-to-make and interesting in technique and content postcard for Easter, with its constant attributes - the Easter bunny, painted eggs and birds.

  • We have already shown you how to make origami tulips, and today there will be a master class on making another craft - voluminous paper tulips. In fact, all the parts will be flat, but when glued together they will create the impression of volume.

  • Volumetric spring basket made of colored paper

    Let's make a spring basket from colored paper together. This is a very simple craft and is suitable for activities with kindergarten children or for self-execution primary school students.

  • Folder about Victory Day on May 9th for kindergarten

    Victory Day is one of the most grandiose holidays in Russia. Glory to the heroes who snatched victory from the enemy! We will never forget them. But our children, they know little about that war. Many grandfathers and great-grandfathers - witnesses of the bloody events who could tell about the Great Patriotic War in the first person - are no longer alive. Our children should know about the war and, just like us, they should remember. How to tell your child what Victory Day is? How can parents do this in such a way that the child finds it interesting, so that it sticks in his memory. About this in the folder - moving. We print it out, arrange it or hang it in the parents’ corner.

  • If your little student is already more or less good at reading two- and multi-compound words, you can move on with him to reading simple sentences. But, we agree that it is very boring to read banal phrases like “Mom is my mother.” How can you make the process of learning to read more fun? What game would you like to come up with so that the child himself is interested in learning to read.

  • Mnemonics is a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity by forming additional associations. One of the techniques of mnemonics is the construction of mnemonic tables in which the words that need to be remembered are drawn in the same order as in the text. The main “secret” of mnemonic tables is very simple. When a child connects several visual images in his imagination, the brain records this relationship and later, when recalling one of the images of this association, the brain reproduces all previously connected images.

  • You can make a bouquet of delicate lilies for your loved ones with your own hands, either in summer or in winter. And they will have a soul, because these flowers are made according to the pattern of a palm - maybe a child’s, or maybe an adult’s. Easy to make and easy to give. Just like that, for no reason :)

  • There are so many colors in the world, and now we are not talking about the colors of the rainbow, but about those beautiful and fragrant, wonderful and colorful creations of nature. But it’s not only nature that is such a handicraft. We ourselves can make beautiful flowers with our own hands. All you need is a little colored paper and patience. Today we will make delicate white daffodils with a yellow center.

  • A postcard with voluminous daisies for March 8 is very beautiful, but it requires a lot of patience. It takes a lot of time to make 11 daisies with your own hands. If you have enough time and patience, feel free to make this card. Mothers, grandmothers and sisters will be very happy with such a gift. In fact, there is nothing complicated in making such a card, just take a long time to cut out and trim each petal. And if you try to cut several at once, the time will, of course, be reduced, but you will end up with less neat flowers.

  • What kind of flowers did we offer you to make with your own hands? These are flowers made from colored papers for notes, and flowers from napkins, and many flowers made from colored paper - flat and three-dimensional. And here is another option for beautiful paper flowers for your dear mother - hyacinths. They look very wonderful and elegant, and making them yourself is as easy as shelling pears. Watch the master class and repeat!

  • DIY 3D postcard "Meadow with flowers" for March 8

    This 3D postcard with a whole meadow of beautiful flowers will delight mothers, grandmothers and sisters on March 8 if it is presented to them as a hand-made gift. It looks like a delight! And making it according to our master class is very simple even for a child. For such a voluminous paper postcard you will only need a sheet of cardboard, colored paper, scissors and glue, and this is available in every home where children live.

  • Postcard for March 8th for mom “hand with a bouquet”

    On March 8 - International Women's Day, it is customary to give flowers. But what to do if the first spring flowers have not yet bloomed, and you don’t have the money to buy them at a flower shop? Of course, make flowers out of paper! On 7guru we have many master classes on the topic “how to make flowers for your mother with your own hands,” but this is the first time we’ve published the MK of a bouquet together with your own hands. Yes, yes. Your hand will also be present in this craft, and it will be imprinted on it for the entire shelf life of the postcard.

  • Sometimes you want to do something with your own hands, especially on the eve of the New Year, but there is no time for it... Don’t be upset, some of the most beautiful things can be made quickly and easily from scrap materials. For example, this Christmas tree made of paper. Print out the template, pick up the scissors, and when you cut it out, decorate the tree with beads, glitter or buttons.

  • When you, parents and educators, were very young, there was not such a variety of educational and entertaining material for children. Murzilka magazine, which was published once a month, and maybe a couple more similar ones. How exciting it was to unravel the tangled paths, find differences in pictures and look for someone’s shadow. Nowadays everything is simpler, and on our website you can find thousands of such interesting and exciting, at the same time educational, tasks for your children. Here is one of the selections...

  • New Year's decorations for windows (stencils and templates)

    What would New Year be without decorations on the windows! When you walk past such decorated windows, you get a feeling of celebration. Even if your soul is sad, you remember that the new year is coming soon, and the sadness goes away. How interesting it is to look at these pictures cut out of white paper on the windows. They contain the warmth of hands that carefully carved fanciful pictures with a sharp blade. Such piercings on windows surprise and delight the eye. But you can please yourself and those around you. Start decorating your window now. You don't need expensive garlands for this, just print out the embroidery, cut it out and stick it to the window. Warmth to you and your home!

  • Penguin applique made from colored paper using a template

    A simple application for children "Penguin". Essentially, this is an application from geometric shapes, and since the main figure used in this little penguin is a heart, it is also suitable for recognizing your warm feelings in New Year's holiday. In theory, this application is made from a template. But if necessary, you can print our template and cut out the appliqué parts using it.

  • Cleaning the room: arrange it on the shelves. Didactic game

    In fact, this is the same didactic game “Name it in one word,” but in a slightly more complicated version. The child is required not only to name a group of similar objects (primarily by purpose), but also to collect the disparate objects into a group from the pictures and arrange them on the right shelves.

  • Goal: Differentiation and automation of sounds in words.

    Material: plot picture with 2 hedgehogs holding umbrella handles (without top); top of umbrellas with pictures of differentiable sounds.

    Progress of the game: the child is asked to: select umbrellas with one sound for one hedgehog, and umbrellas for the other with another sound (the umbrellas are laid out mixed up on the table).

  • Comprehensive thematic planning (middle group - 4-5 years) according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education "From birth to school"

    Here you can download and modify for your group a summary of complex thematic planning for teachers of the middle group of kindergarten (4-5 years old) according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, compiled according to the program "From birth to school"

    For any disease, do not diagnose and treat it yourself; you must consult a specialist doctor.
    Cover images educational literature are presented on the pages of the site solely as illustrative material (Article 1274, paragraph 1, part four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation)

Intellectual game for teachers

“Game is the leading activity”

Prepared by: educational psychologist Chabin A.A.

March 2015

Intellectual game with teachers on the topic: “Game is the leading activity”


1. Systematize the knowledge of teachers on issues of formation play activity in children.

2. Formation of positive communication skills among teachers, the ability to work in a team.


1. Improve the pedagogical skills of educators.

2. To improve the methodological level of teachers in organizing various types of games.

Participants: preschool teachers

Rules of the game: all participants are divided into 2 teams, each team chooses a captain. Preparation time for the competition: 1-3 minutes. The jury evaluates each competition and sums up the overall result.

Progress of the game:

We invite you to play

And solve problems

To remember something, repeat it,

What we don’t know, learn.

No. 1 “Greeting” (2-3min)

Come up with a team name and motto, greetings and wishes to the opposing team

No. 2 “Warm-up”

1 team

1. What attributes are used in Russian folk games (stick, handkerchief, ball, toy)
2. Main role V folk game? (driving))
3. Why do you need a counting rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)
4. Where are Russian folk games used? (in organizing holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)

2nd team
1. Where does the speech material for folk games come from?

(from folklore)
2. What is the signal to action in a folk game? (word)

3.What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)

4. What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (courage, agility, endurance)

And of course, let’s remember Russian folk tales:

1 team

1. In the name of which fish can you cast spells? (Pikes.) 2 What new type of transport did Emelya invent? (Stove.)
3. Who helped Ivan Tsarevich get the firebird? (Gray wolf.)
4. What number is most often found in fairy tales? (Three.)
5. Who broke the tower? (Bear.)

6. What should you say when you find yourself in front of Baba Yaga’s hut? (“Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front towards me.”)

2nd team

1- What birds helped Baba Yaga? (geese-swans.)
2- What do you need to shout in an open field for a heroic horse to gallop? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic Kaurka, stand in front of me, like
leaf in front of the grass.")
3- What rivers flow in fairy tales? (Dairy.)
4- Which new way Was fishing invented by the fox? (On a wolf's tail.)
5- Without whom would the turnip not be pulled? (Without mouse.)
6- What can happen if you don’t listen to your sister during a walk?
(You can become a little goat.)

No. 3 Since children are constantly required to know traffic rules, we will check how much the teachers themselves know the traffic rules.

For 1 team:

What signs can be indicated by the following words:
1. “Hurray! Lessons have been cancelled!” (Careful, children!)
2. “Sleep, my joy, sleep.” (Sound signal is prohibited.)
3. “Don’t walk on the piano.” (Pedestrian crossing).

Each team is given one task.
Task for the 1st team.
6 people got off the bus. Three of them crossed the road at the pedestrian crossing, two went around the front of the bus, and one remained at the stop. How many people acted in accordance with the traffic rules?

(One. You have to wait until the bus leaves the stop and only then cross the street.)

For 2nd team:

1. “The Treasure of Leopold the Cat.” (Men at work).

2. “Tri-colored balls.” (Traffic light regulation).
3. “Winds and miles running into the distance. You sit down and just pedal.” (Bike Lane).
Task for the 2nd team.
The wolf was driving towards the fox in a car on the left side of the road. He was stopped by a traffic police inspector and ordered to pay a fine. What rule did the wolf break?

(The vehicle is allowed to drive on the road while keeping to the right).

#4 Intelligent

Questions for 1 team

1. Name games aimed at developing visual-figurative thinking for a 4-year-old child

A) theatrical games

B) director's games

C) games with cut pictures, consisting of 3-4 parts

D) plot-based games

Correct answer: Games with cut pictures, consisting of 3-4 parts

2. age of the child meeting the 2nd crisis (3 years)

3.What is the form of education for children in preschool educational institutions? (activity, game)

Questions for team 2

1. The main mechanism of the didactic game, which sets the entire game in motion, is:

A) pedagogical leadership

B) game rule

B) game action

D) didactic task

Correct answer: Didactic task

2. Name the age of the child who meets his first crisis (crisis of 1 year)

3. The most effective type of activity that contributes to the development of children’s creative activity is activity ... (labor)

No. 5 Cinquain is a poem, consisting of five lines in which a person expresses his attitude to the problem, we suggest you write a syncwine about the game.

The order of writing a syncwine:

The first line is one keyword that defines the content of the syncwine.

The second line contains two adjectives characterizing this sentence.

The third term is three verbs showing the action of the concept.

Fourth line - short sentence, in which the author expresses his attitude.

The fifth line is one word, usually a noun, through which a person expresses his feelings and associations associated with a given concept.

For example


Children's fun

Play, communicate, have fun

What children cannot develop without


Dear jury, while the participants are completing the task, summarize the results of the previous rounds.

While the players are composing our syncwine, the respected jury can count the points.

1 team

Overslept for work;

- on the manager's carpet;

- puts the children to bed, but the children do not obey;

2nd team

- you persuade your child to eat;

- you cross the road with your pupils; ;
- you learned that your salary has been significantly increased

No. 7 “Professionals”. (3 min.)

Practical situations are offered to the teams for discussion. Maximum score - 3 points for each situation

Task for the first team:
The teacher invited all parents to a parent-teacher meeting, posting information about this on the group stand. Two people came. The teacher is unhappy. The parent meeting had to be postponed. How can you explain what happened? What to do next?

Task for the second team

The child temporarily does not attend the nursery because he is constantly sick. Upon returning, the mother finds that their locker is occupied by another child. Mom begins to find out and make claims against the teacher. How should a teacher behave in this situation? What can be done to avoid conflict?

No. 8 Ball relay

Goal: team building.

Two teams stand in two lines, feet shoulder-width apart. Pass the ball low between the legs to each other, then the last player makes an overhead pass forward. The player in front runs to the end of the team and passes the ball along the chain forward, the player standing in front receives the ball and runs to the end of the team and passes the ball along the chain to the front, and so on until the team captain has the ball.

No. 9 You need to come up with a rhyme at the beginning of the sentence:

“So that children can sleep sweetly...

We need to turn on the music."

“Onions, garlic - this is a miracle... .

Oh, they’re afraid of a cold.”

“So as not to suffer from a cough...

We need to breathe properly."

“One bean and two beans...

We massage the palm."

“To be brave at school too

Keep the answer on the board...

We need to answer questions more often in kindergarten.”

"Bright color and bright light...

Increases immunity."

“The fragrant aroma of herbs...

Your sleep will improve a hundredfold."

“We slept during the day and woke up,

We stretched, smiled...

We raised our arms and legs,

Much healthier"

Now, all the competitions are over, the knowledge of the teachers has been increased, the creative skills have been improved, the teachers showed off their knowledge, they were busy with physical education classes, and now our jury will sum up the results and tell us whose team won, and we’ll play a little.

Unity game “Shanghai people”.

Target: group cohesion, building trust.(4 min). (In the free space of the hall.)

Instructions: “Stand in line and hold hands. The first in the line carefully twists around its axis and pulls the others along with it until a “spiral” is formed.” In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group to carefully squat down at the end of their movement

“Once upon a time there lived a sage who knew everything. One man wanted to prove that the sage did not know everything. Holding a butterfly in his palms, he asked: “Tell me, sage, which butterfly is in my hands: dead or alive?” And he himself thinks: “He will say If she’s alive, I’ll kill her; if she’s dead, I’ll release her.” The sage, after thinking, replied: “Everything is in your hands.” WE TOOK this parable for a reason. After all, everything is really in our hands, don’t be afraid to create, look for something new, learn the unknown. Thanks for your participation! All the best!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolyok"

“Eco-Quest” with teachers from kindergartens “Skazka”, “Topolek”


April 2017.

"Environmental education of preschool children"

Target: to intensify the mental activity of preschool teachers;

consolidation of teachers’ knowledge on the topic of environmental education of preschool children; team building; establishing an emotional favorable environment in the teaching environment of a preschool institution.


Hello dear colleagues! I am glad to welcome you to the eco-quest

Quest translated from English as “challenge, search, game” - this is a game during which participants go through a series of obstacles to achieve a goal.

And I invite you to take part in such a game, and the topic of our today's quest is"Environmental education of preschool children"

Please welcome our players, and our competent jury will evaluate the results of our game:


There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

Warm-up: “Rain in the forest.”

Goal: overcome anxiety of participants;

Teachers stand in a circle one after another - they turn into trees in the forest. The psychologist reads the text, the teachers perform the actions.

The sun was shining in the forest, and all the trees stretched their branches towards it. Suddenly a strong wind blew and began to sway the trees in different directions. But the trees are held tightly by their roots, they stand steadily, they just sway. The wind brought rain clouds, and the trees felt the first, gentle drops of rain. The rain is falling harder and harder. The trees began to feel sorry for each other, to protect from strong blows rain with its branches. But then the sun appeared again. The trees were happy, shook off the extra drops of rain, and again stretched out their branches to the sun. The trees felt freshness, vigor and joy of life inside them

1. task (“Ecological basket”)

A set of questions for each team, answer more questions in 2 minutes:

1st team

* Which bird has the longest tongue?(At the woodpecker)

*Who are called deciduous plants?(Hares born in autumn)

* Animal Science.(Zoology)

* Who is an ichthyologist?(Scientist studying fish)

* What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers?(Oak)

* What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year?(Photo hunt)

2nd team

* What kind of bird is called the Forest Rooster?(Caercaillie)

* What does the “crying” of a birch tree in spring mean?(Sap flow)

* Plant Science.(Botany)

* Why is larch called the “good tree”?(Doesn't hurt)

* Herb for 99 diseases.(St. John's wort)

* Is the penguin a bird or an animal?(Bird)

2.Theoretical part

1st team

1.What do you understand by the term “ecology”? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word “ecology” itself is derived from the Greek “ekos” “house” and “logos” - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is the science “about the relationships of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment")

2. How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education for preschool children be formulated?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practically active attitude towards environment and to your health)

3. Who, in your opinion, bears the main burden and responsibility in the environmental education of children?

(On a teacher who, not limiting himself to direct educational activities, introduces elements of environmental education into all types of children’s activities)

4. Conditions necessary for environmental education of children?

(Ecological room, corner of nature in a group, area)

5. Forms of organization with children for environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, educational activities, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

2nd team

1.Name the main components that environmental culture includes.

(Ecological knowledge and skills, ecological thinking; value orientations; environmentally sound behavior)

2.Name practical methods of environmental education for preschool children.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

3.Please complete the sentence: “In order for environmental education and upbringing to bring the greatest effect and benefit in the development of children, it should become...”

(Environmental education should become an integral part of the entire educational process and be included in alltypes of activities : direct educational activities, walks, routine moments, games)

4. By definition, tell me what it is: purposeful, systematic, active perception by children of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. In environmental education, this technique is leading. (Observation)

5.Name 3 objects inanimate nature, who is being monitored at the preschool educational institution. (Clouds, wind, sun)

3. Game "Fauna".

Each team is given the task of depicting two animals using gestures, facial expressions, and movements. The opposing team guesses which animal was depicted.

4.Pedagogical tasks (situations)

Each team is given the text of a pedagogical situation on the topic of environmental education. The task of each team is to improvise and play out a skit, demonstrate how they should have acted, what to say, and play out the decision.

1st team

At the kindergarten site, the girls play shop and replenish the assortment of “products” by picking off plants: yellow acacia pods - “beans”, chamomile heads - “sweets”, etc. Irina Petrovna came up and praised: “Well done! Well thought out!”

Name the teacher's mistakes. What would you do in this situation?

2nd team

Seryozha covers something in his palm, looks in and smiles tenderly. Olga Ivanovna turns to the baby: “What do you have there? Show me! Ugh! Give it up now!” A small one falls from the palm of your hand onto the asphalt. furry caterpillar. Someone's foot mercilessly stepped on her.

Name the teacher's mistakes. What would you do in this situation?

1st team

A girl brought a kitten to kindergarten. The teacher responded: “Why did you bring such a goner? Throw it away now! “The girl is crying and begs to leave the kitten.

*Your actions?

2nd team

An incident occurred in kindergarten: a group of children saw a grasshopper, shouted “locust,” jumped, and played with it. One child crushed a grasshopper with his foot in front of the others. The children are perplexed.

*What is your reaction to children’s actions?

5. “How plants and animals predict the weather.”

I remind you of the beginning of signs of future weather in the behavior of plants and animals, and you finish the line.

1st team

1. The spider intensively weaves a web - (to dry weather).

2. It’s already warming up on the road - (before the rain).

3. Swifts, swallows fly low - (foreshadow rain).

4. When bird cherry blossoms - (to cold, frost).

2nd team

1. If the grass is dry in the morning - (expect rain in the evening).

2. A lot of sap flows from the birch tree - (for a rainy summer).

3. In the morning, the woodlouse blossomed and remained open all day - (for good weather).

4. Flowers before the rain - (smell stronger).

5. Musical kaleidoscope.

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of a song in which they appear:

1st team

· Chamomiles, forest

2nd team

· birds, birch,

6. Sports competition “Nalivaika”

Dear players, in front of you are empty bottles with measuring divisions, a syringe and a bowl of water.

Assignment: each participant, in turn, must run up to draw water into a syringe and pour it into a bottle; the team that fills the bottle with water to the 200 ml mark the fastest wins.
7. “Ecological road signs”

Dear players, you need to come up with and draw two original environmental road signs on whatman paper.

This is where our meeting ended, I hope that the topic of our game was useful and interesting for you.

I wish everyone creative success in such an important and necessary work for children!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolyok"

Business game for teachers



teacher - psychologist Chabin A.A.

December 2016.

Business game for teachers


Goal: To intensify the activities of teachers, to facilitate the acquisition of experience in the joint work of the teaching staff; observe the culture of speech and tact; searching for new ways of behavior in contacts with parents.

Progress of the game:


Hello, dear colleagues, we are glad to see you at our business game “Scrabble”

Participants are invited: teachers of the kindergarten “Luchik” and teachers of the kindergarten “Topolyok”.

Dear participants, we present to you our competent jury.

Dear jury, please listen to the criteria for evaluating participants:

0 points – participants failed to complete the task

1 point – participants did not give a complete answer

2 points – participants gave a complete answer


Dear participants, before we start our game, let's do a little warm-up.


Healthy person - successful person! I invite you to do a fun warm-up with me.

In the morning the gander got up on his paws and got ready to exercise.
He looked to the right, to the left, and made bold turns.
I pinched a little fluff and splashed into the water with a running start!
Sparrow stretched, straightened, and perked up.
He nodded his head three times and winked with his right eye.
He spread his paws to the sides and walked along the perch.
He took a walk and sat down, sang his song: Chik-tweet-tweet-tweet...


Dear colleagues, the task is “Shifters”. Children do not always know how to clearly express their thoughts, so in any case you must learn to understand them.

You need to guess the name of a famous film or a proverb using the “reversal”.

Assignment to the 1st team

Vasily Ivanovich remains at work - “Ivan Vasilyevich is changing his profession.”

Sad adults - “Cheerful guys.”

The louder you stand, you won’t get any closer. “The quieter you drive, the further you’ll get.”

Task 2-team

The cry of the rams - "The Silence of the Lambs."

A man on a cart is heavier for a gelding - “A woman with a cart is lighter for a mare.”

There are not only boys in the symphony orchestra - “There are only girls in jazz.”

2. Task.

In order to be known and appreciated for your professional qualities, you must be able to present yourself in some way.

Exercise “Announcement” in the form of a presentation.

Within 5 minutes, each team must create a brief announcement of their services that reflects their professional uniqueness and includes something that another specialist cannot offer. This announcement is then read out to everyone. We can ask any questions about the content of the ad in order to make sure whether this service is really worth using.


Exercises to develop teacher communication skills.

Exercise 1 “Who is this mask?”

Target: Develop the ability to make an impression in accordance with the chosen image.

I invite the teams to act out and show images of their parents.

  1. “Shirt is a guy”, “Eternally dissatisfied”,
  2. “Doubting”, “Interesting”...

4 Task.

1. Choose the most suitable proverbs and sayings and justify why this particular proverb fits this statement.

  1. team

A kindergarten teacher is:

a) “A good horse will carry everyone”

b) “Without a queen, bees are lost babies”

c) “And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.”

Working with parents means:

a) “The paper is not purchased, the letter is homemade”

b) “In good times to speak, in bad times to remain silent”

c) “According to the method of walking”

2nd team

Raising children means:

a) “Serve for seven years, served seven turns, and even those are gone.”

b) “If it grinds, everything will be flour”

c) “The governor is strong by the order.”

Educating children means:

a) “What goes around comes around”

b) “If there was a thread, we’d get to the ball”

c) “To go on the road - weave five bast shoes”

5.Task: “Guessing Game”

I ask the players of each team words in turn. In 30 seconds, team members try to explain the given word to the other team without pronouncing it (gestures and facial expressions are allowed), the other team needs to guess what they are trying to show them.

The jury awards one point for correct answers.

Words for the first team - physical education, music lesson.

Words for the second team - quiet time, children draw.


Exercise “Hedgehog and Elephant”

The purpose of the game is to indirectly demonstrate to participants their usual way of interacting with other people.

Participants choose a pair from the opposite team, take one sheet of paper and a marker between them and begin to complete the task.


7. Task


Teachers of 1st team:

Teachers have 2 teams:

Task 8 Pedagogical situation

  1. team

In the garden, older children and their parents were given the task of making bird feeders. Children with excitement and joy show and tell how they made the feeder, some with their dad, some with their uncle, some with their grandfather. Only 5-year-old Anton sat and quietly watched everyone. One of the girls turned to him: “And you, why didn’t you bring the feeder? You don’t feel sorry for the birds!” And Anton replied: “Mom works all the time, she has no time, but I don’t have a dad!” All the children laughed.

What are your actions?


Preparations for the New Year are underway in the garden. The Christmas tree in the music room has already been decorated. The New Year's holiday is going on happily and cheerfully, but then 6-year-old Kira comes up to the teacher and asks:

“- Anna Ivanovna, why did they cut down the Christmas tree, because you can’t break or destroy trees. After all, after the holiday you’ll throw it away.”

What are your actions?

Leading: Our business game has come to an end, and while our jury is summing up the results, I invite you to play a fun game.

Game exercise "Siamese twins"

“Get into pairs, stand shoulder to shoulder, put one arm around each other’s waist, right leg Place it next to your partner’s left leg. Now you are conjoined twins: two heads, three legs, one torso, and two arms. On my command, you must complete certain tasks: walk around the hall, sit down, stand up, jump, clap your hands, etc.” In addition, twins can “grow together” not only with their legs, but with their backs, heads, etc.

Summing up the results of the game, rewarding the participants.

Let us remember the Japanese proverb: “A bad owner grows weeds, a good owner grows rice.” The smart one cultivates the soil, the far-sighted one educates the worker.” Let's raise a worthy generation. Good luck to you! Thanks for your participation!


MBDOU "Kindergarten "Topolyok"

Business game for teachers

"The Path to Success"


teacher - psychologist Chabin A.A.

October 2016.

Game for teachers for Teacher's Day"The Path to Success"


1. Development of communication, organizational and creative abilities, which are the foundation professional activities preschool teacher.

2. Creating conditions for professional self-improvement and self-reflection of teachers;

3. Stimulation cognitive interest and creativity of teachers.

Progress of the game:

The topic of our meeting"The Path to Success" Therefore, we propose to build the work in the form of a business game.

Please welcome our players, and our competent jury will evaluate the results of our game:

The competition is assessed using a 3-point system.

Division into two teams
1 task: come up with a team name, a motto (according to the theme of the game) and choose a captain.

Greeting "Relationships"

Goal: development of the participants’ imagination, expansion of the possibility of bodily expression, mood on the topic of the training.

  • Presenter: Start walking around the room. Now I will offer you to say hello in different ways, and you, moving from one training participant to another, will have to do this.
  • First, greet your colleagues with a smile or a friendly nod.
  • Now you need to stop, shake the other person's hand or put yours on the shoulder.
  • Now imagine that all the people who are here have recently offended you greatly. As you walk past them, express all your feelings to them.
  • Now imagine that each participant is leading a large dog on a rope.
  • Finally, when greeting others, express your real mood.

Task 2: “Guessing Game”

I ask you questions, you answer them in fast pace one by one.
1st team

1.- What attributes are used in Russian folk games? (stick, handkerchief, ball, toy)
2.- The main role in the folk game? (driving)
3.- What determines the entire course of the game, regulates the actions and behavior of children? (rules of the game)
4.- Why do you need a counting rhyme in the game? (to choose a driver)
5.- Where are Russian folk games used? (in organizing holidays, matinees, entertainment, walks)
6.- What physical qualities are brought up in Russian folk games? (courage, agility, endurance)
7.- Where does the speech material for folk games come from? (from folklore)
8.- What is the signal for action in a folk game? (word)
Let's remember Russian folk tales:
9.In the name of which fish can you cast spells? (Pikes.)
10.What new type of transport was invented by Emelya? (Stove.)
11. K For the speed of reaction and correct answer, players are given a token.

12. Flowers of what culture did the ladies of the French queen use as decoration in their hair?




Apple trees

13.Which birds have “kindergartens” for kids? (In penguins)

14. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)

15. An animal walking on its own. (Cat.)

16. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare.)

2nd team
1. What woke up Finist, the Clear Falcon, from his witchcraft sleep? (A comb, a feather taken out of hair, a burning tear.)
2.Who broke the tower? (Bear.)
3.Which number is most often found in fairy tales? (Three.)
4. What should you say when you find yourself in front of Baba Yaga’s hut? (“Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and with your front towards me.”)
5.What does Baba Yaga fly on? (In a mortar and on a broom.)
6.What birds helped Baba Yaga? (geese-swans.)
7. What do you need to shout in an open field for a heroic horse to gallop? (“Sivka-Burka, prophetic Kaurka, stand in front of me, like
leaf in front of the grass.")
8.What rivers flow in fairy tales? (Dairy.)
9.What new method of fishing did the fox invent? (On a wolf's tail.)
10. Without whom would the turnip not have been pulled? (Without mouse.)

11.What can happen if you don’t listen to your sister during a walk?
(You can become a little goat.)

12.Morning silver on the grass. (Dew.)

13.What is more valuable in the desert than a diamond? (Water.)

14. Which island itself speaks about its size? (Yamal.)

15.When are hands a pronoun? (When they are you-we-you)

16.What can at the same time; stand and walk, hang and walk, walk and lie? (Watch)

3. Task "Wits"


Teachers of 1st team:

1.The tape was cut in six places. How many parts did you get? (Seven parts)

2. Grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse pulled out a turnip. How many eyes saw her? (Twelve.)

3.Nastya put three spoons of sugar in the tea and drank one glass. Katya used four spoons of sugar and drank two glasses. Who had sweeter tea? (Nastya, since she has three spoons in her glass, and Katya has two spoons of sugar.)

4.Mom knitted three scarves for her children (one scarf for each) and three mittens. How many mittens does she have left to knit? (Three mittens, so she had three children.)

5. Four boys and two girls rolled one snowball each and made snowmen. How many carrots for the nose and coals for the eyes did the teacher bring them? (If each snowman consists of three lumps, then the teacher brought two carrots and four coals.)

Teachers have 2 teams:

1. There are 10 spoons of honey in a barrel. How many children can taste this honey? (note that it does not say how much honey each child will receive).

2. Sister and brother received 4 apples. My sister ate 3 apples, my brother ate 2 apples. Who has more apples left? (from the one who ate less).

3. One apple was divided equally between 2 girls, and the second apple was divided equally between 4 boys. Which child got the most?

4. It was snowing at 12 o’clock at night. Could it be sunny in a few days at the same time?

5. My sister is 4 years old, my brother is 6 years old. How old will your brother be when your sister turns 6? (2 years will pass, therefore, my brother will be 8 years old).


1st team
- overslept for work;
-on the manager’s carpet;
- puts the children to bed, but the children do not obey;
-unexpectedly, while walking, it began to rain heavily;
-during a walk, you noticed an angry dog ​​on the property;
2nd team

You persuade the child to eat;
-you are crossing the road with your pupils;
-the fire alarm went off in the kindergarten;
-end of the working day, no one comes for the child;
- you learned that your salary has been significantly increased.
Game: “We are a team!”

Goal: team building.

The group completes tasks quickly and accurately.

Instructions: Using all players, build the following figures:

1st team

  • square;
  • triangle;
  • circle;

2nd team

  • rhombus;
  • corner;
  • letter;

4.task “Thinking”

Participants are given multiple choice questions and must mark the correct answer.

For each correct solution 1 point is given.

In early age groups, the use of the verbal method in speech development classes is accompanied by:

Answer options:

a) logorhythmic techniques;

b) variety of wording of the question;

c) introducing the necessary symbols;

d) mysterious, fairy-tale tone, slow tempo and multiple repetitions;

e) an interesting tone, the use of problematic situations, a fast pace.

2. At what age do children not only perceive the actions of heroes? literary works, but also understand the motives for these actions?

Answer options:

a) 1 - 2.5 years;

b) 2.5 - 3 years;

c) 3 - 4.5 years;

d) 4.5 - 5.5 years;

e) 5.5 - 7 years.

3. The main form of organized systematic teaching of physical exercises to young children is...

Answer options:

a) outdoor game;

b) morning exercises;

c) physical education session;

d) morning walk;

d) physical education activity.

4. What visual movements does a child master during the second year of life?

Answer options:

a) basic form-building movements;

b) does not master any movements;

c) various drawing movements of a tool nature;

d) variable use of shaping movements;

d) all answers are incorrect.

Mark the correct answer to the question

1. Didactic games and exercises with young children contribute...

Answer options:

a) consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities, development of mental processes;

b) receiving a comprehensive education;

c) development of cognitive activity and mental processes;

d) formation of collective skills in performing developmental tasks;

e) enriching the dictionary with new terms.

2. Sensory education of young children as the basis of mathematical education is...

Answer options:

a) the development of the child’s processes of perception and ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world;

b) a purposeful pedagogical process aimed at the formation of sensory cognition and improvement of sensations and perceptions;

c) the totality of knowledge and skills formed during their assimilation of perceptual actions;

d) a specially organized pedagogical process aimed at developing a system of knowledge and skills, methods of mental activity and the development of cognitive activity of children;

e) quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in the child’s mental activity associated with age, enrichment of experience and under the influence of educational influences.

3. During physical education classes with young children, compliance with the following loads is monitored:

Answer options:

a) emotional, spiritual and moral;

b) psychological, physical;

c) intellectual, physical;
d) psychological, biological;

e) electrostatic, physical.

4. The methodological principle of ensuring active speech practice for young children is based on the proposition that speech development occurs only...

Answer options:

a) based on innate language abilities;

b) during the game;

c) in the process of communication;

d) in the process of development of intelligence;

e) in the process of the child’s objective activity.

5. task “Self-knowledge”

Exercise “Hedgehog and Elephant”

The purpose of the game is to indirectly demonstrate to the participants their usual way of interacting with other people, to bring up for discussion the rules of interaction, its retention, and the features of the position during interaction.

The group is divided in half. Both groups receive hidden instructions from the coach. Then the participants choose a pair from the opposite group, take one sheet of paper and a marker for both of them and begin to complete the task.


For team No. 1: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker between two of you with your partner, draw a hedgehog on a common sheet of paper in 2 minutes. Once again - you can’t talk!”

For team No. 2: “Your task is to silently, holding one marker between two of you with your partner, draw an elephant on a common sheet of paper in 2 minutes. Once again - you can’t talk!”

TEST: “Geometric Shapes”

In front of you on the easels are geometric figures:






Look at them very carefully. Try to feel them as you feel yourself. Which of the figures is closer or dearer to you? About which of the figures can you say: “That’s definitely me.” Go to the easel with the chosen figure.

The chosen figure represents you. Now I will read what your choice says.

So let's begin:


Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve completion of the work - this is what true Squares are famous for.

Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field.

Square loves established order once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its own time.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life; he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events.


A temporary form of personality that can be worn by other stable figures during certain periods of life.

These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position.

Therefore, the leading qualities of a rectangle are curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and courage.

They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new.


This shape symbolizes leadership.

The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal.

Triangles - energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them.

They are ambitious and pragmatic, they know how to show their importance to senior management own work and the work of their subordinates.

The strong need to be right and control the state of affairs makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing and competing with others.


The most benevolent of the five figures.

He has high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, and respond emotionally to the experiences of another person.

The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as its own.

He is happy when everyone gets along with each other.

Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will be the first to give in.

He strives to find commonality even in opposing points of view.


A figure symbolizing creativity.

Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new and original on this basis is what Zigzags like.

They are never satisfied with the way things are done now or have been done in the past.

Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, most excitable of all five figures.

When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world!

Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to captivate many.

Now, all the competitions are over, creative skills have been improved, teachers have shown off their knowledge, and now our jury will sum up the results and tell us whose team won.


Studying the Federal State Standard preschool education confronts teachers with the need to analyze a large volume of theoretical and legal literature.

For educational purposes, the most successful form of methodological work with the teaching staff is training and business games, because It is in the course of such work, according to Ya.M. Belchikov, that “there is not a mechanical accumulation of information, but an active deobjectification of some sphere of human reality.”

Target: activating the mental activity of teachers in knowledge of the basic provisions and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education; creating conditions conducive to the development of creative and imaginative thinking.

Materials: projector, music with the sound of the sea, the sound of the wind

Dear colleagues! One day you and I went on a sea voyage. Suddenly the ship crashed and we found ourselves on a desert island. The senior teacher only managed to grab the suitcase with the federal state standard.

We had to sit on an island, with only sand and palm trees around. We decided to warm up a little.

Introductory stage

1. Exercise “Ordinal counting” »

Everyone sits in a circle, one person says “one” and look at any participant in the game, the one he looked at says “two”, etc.

2. Exercise “You and I are alike”

The participant throwing the ball to another must name the psychological quality that unites him with the person to whom he is throwing the ball. At the same time, he begins his phrase with the words: “I think you and I are united by...”, and names this quality, for example: “You and I are equally sociable”; “I think we can both be a little blunt.” The one who receives the ball answers: “I agree” if he really agrees, or: “I’ll think about it” if he does not agree. The one who received the ball continues the exercise, passing the ball to someone else, and so on until everyone receives the ball.

Leading.“Suddenly a storm hit the island, the sand was like a wall - you couldn’t see anything! (The presenter lifts the participants, blindfolds them, and spins them around.) Teachers walk around, they can’t say anything - so that dust doesn’t get into their mouths ( there is a rule not to speak). It's bad! They began to grope their way, looking for a friend ( thus, the leader pushes the participants together and forms teams).

And so on our island two tribes were formed - one on one side of the island, the second on the other. Suddenly, out of nowhere, black kids come running, look so pitifully and say: “Educators, teach us, educate us!” What to do - such is our recognition!

They began to settle down, each to set up its own kindergarten.

The presenter distributes materials: two Jungian sandboxes, pebbles, natural materials, animal figurines, etc.

Assignment to participants: give a name to your tribe - kindergarten, structure the space on the tray, etc. Next, the teams present their creativity.

Leading. You have built the building and territory. But perhaps they managed to run wild on the island during this time. Now the teams will compete in professional skills. For each correct answer in the quiz, the team receives additional building materials that we will need later.

Quiz game

You must choose the correct answer.

1. In junior preschool age The role-playing game is characterized by:

  • carrying out play actions (rolling a car, feeding a doll);
  • plot development phase: children can invent, combine and develop the plot of the game based on personal experience;
  • objective actions (knock with a spoon, open lids).

2. Leading activities of children from 1 year to 7 years:

  • role-playing game;
  • personal communication with adults;
  • educational activities;
  • there is no right answer.

3. The parent asks to recommend a game to develop the child’s volition (will). Choose the correct option:

  • Joint role-playing game between an adult and a child;
  • Individual role-playing game (child alone with toys);
  • Joint role-playing game with peers;
  • The game does not affect the development of arbitrariness.

4. Name the area of ​​development and education of children that is missing according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

a) social and communicative development;

b) speech development;

c) artistic and aesthetic development;

d) physical development.

Answer: cognitive development

5. What is the DO Standard aimed at?

a) formation of knowledge, skills and abilities;

b) formation of integrative personality qualities;

c) targets for preschool education;

6. What are the goals of preschool education?

a) these are social and psychological characteristics of the child’s possible achievements at the stage of completing preschool education;

b) this is the knowledge and skills that the pupil must master, such as: writing, counting, reading skills;

c) these are the teacher’s achievements, assessed as certificates, prizes, and victories in competitions.

7. Eliminate unnecessary things

Educational environment according to Federal State Educational Standards:

  1. guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils;
  2. ensures the emotional and moral well-being of pupils;
  3. promotes the professional development of teaching staff;
  4. creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;
  5. assessed by diagnosing specific achievements of students;
  6. ensures its openness and motivating character.

8. According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the parent:

  1. becomes an active participant in the educational process;
  2. excluded from the educational process;
  3. there is no right answer.

Leading. We see that they have not lost their professional skills. You have built a kindergarten, now it’s time to organize a subject-spatial development environment.

Game "Developmental environment"

Exercise: arrange the kindergarten premises in such a way that the developing subject-spatial environment complies with the Standard


The presenter distributes available materials (natural materials, various building materials, small toys, etc.).

Teachers are given visual material as support. (see Appendix 1), which presents a list of requirements for the subject-spatial environment. The teacher’s task is to structure and present the created environment in accordance with the requirements.

Leading. Now you don't have to worry about educational process children, because they have real professionals next to them! This, dear colleagues, is where our unusual adventure ends. Let's stand in a circle and share our impressions of today's event: what you liked about the group work, what was difficult, what was interesting.


  1. Methodological work in preschool educational institutions. Effective forms and methods: method. Benefit / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova. – M.: Iris-press, 2008. – 192 p. (s – 4-8, 21, 24-26, 29, 30, 34-36, 47-51).
  2. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.
  3. Personality and profession: psychological support and accompaniment: textbook. manual for universities / Mitina L.M., Yu.A. Korelyakov, G.V. Shavyrina. – M.: Academy, 2005.
  4. Energy of business training. Guide to warm-ups. A manual for a practicing business coach / Zh. Zavyalova, E. Farba, E. Cadenillas-Nechaeva, electronic edition.