Review of Kipling's fairy tale “Where did armadillos come from? Review of Kipling's fairy tale "Where did the armadillos come from" What proverbs fit Kipling's fairy tale "Where did the armadillos come from"

Dear boy, I will again tell you a fairy tale about Distant and Ancient Times. Then there lived the Thorny Hedgehog. He lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate snails and various things. And he had a friend, the Slow Turtle, who also lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate various varieties and green salad. Everything was going well, wasn't it, dear boy?

But at the same time, in the Distant and Ancient Time, the Painted Jaguar lived on the muddy Amazon River. He ate everything he could catch. If you fail to catch a monkey, it will eat a frog or a cockroach. And if there are no frogs or cockroaches, he goes to his mother Jaguar, so that she explains to him how to catch turtles and hedgehogs.

Gracefully waving her graceful tail, his mother often instructed him:

If, son, you find a Hedgehog, quickly throw it into the water. The hedgehog will turn around on its own in the water. And if you find a Turtle, scratch it out of its shell with your paw.

And everything went well, my dear boy.

It was a beautiful night on the muddy Amazon River. The Painted Jaguar saw that under the trunk of a fallen tree, the Thorn-Thorned Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle were sitting side by side. They could not escape, and so the Thorn-Thorn Hedgehog curled up into a ball, because otherwise he would not have been a Hedgehog, and the Slow Turtle pulled her legs and head under her shell, because she was a Turtle.

Everything went as it should, my dear boy, didn’t it?

Listen to me carefully! - said the Painted Jaguar. - What I want to tell you is for you great importance. My mother taught me that if I see a Hedgehog, I should throw it into the water, and then it will turn around on its own, and if I see a Turtle, I should scratch it out of its shell with my paw. But which of you is the Turtle, and which of you is the Hedgehog - I swear by my spots, I don’t know!

Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe your mother told you that when you turn the Turtle around, you must scratch it out of the water, and when you catch the Hedgehog, you must throw it right onto its shell?

Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Slow Turtle. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe she told you that when you wet a Hedgehog with water, you must scratch it with your paw, and when you meet a Turtle, you must remove its shell so that it can turn around?

This is hardly true! - said the Painted Jaguar, but was still a little taken aback. - Please, repeat again what you said just now. And, if possible, more clearly.

When you scratch the water with your claws, pour it in and turn it around with the Hedgehog,” said the Thorny Hedgehog. - Remember this well, because it is very important.

But,” said the Slow Turtle, “when you scratch the water out of the Hedgehog, you must pour this water on the Turtle.” Don't you know this too?

Your confusion even made the spots on my back hurt! - said the Painted Jaguar. - I’m not asking for your advice, I’m just asking which one of you is the Hedgehog and which one is the Turtle.

“I won’t tell,” answered the Hedgehog. - But, if you want, please try to scratch me out of my shell.

Yeah! - said the Painted Jaguar. - Now I see that you are a Turtle. You thought I wouldn't guess. And I guessed it.

And the Jaguar slammed his paw as hard as he could on the Hedgehog, just at the moment when the Hedgehog curled up into a ball. And of course, the sharp spines of the Hedgehog stuck into the Jaguar’s paw. This would, perhaps, be nothing, but, unfortunately, the Jaguar threw the Hedgehog far, far into the forest with a blow of his paw and could not find him in the bushes, since it was very dark. Then he put his paw in his mouth, but this made the needles prick even more. Because of the pain, he could not speak for a long time, and when he spoke, he said:

Now I see that it was not a Turtle at all. But how do I know if it's a turtle?

And he scratched the back of his head with the paw that had not been harmed by the Hedgehog’s thorns.

“I am the Turtle,” admitted Leisurely. - Your mother taught you correctly. She said that you should scratch me out of the shell with your paw. It's right. Well, get down to business!

Just now you said that she said one thing, and now you say that she said something else! - said the Jaguar, sucking thorns from his paw.

You say that I say that she said something else! - said the Turtle. - What of this? After all, if, as you say, I said that she said what I said, then it turns out that I said what she said. And if you think that she said that you should turn me around with your paw, and not throw me into the water along with my shell, I have nothing to do with it, do I?

But just now you yourself said that I should scratch you out of your shell with my paw,” said the Painted Jaguar.

Think carefully and you will understand that I never said this. “I was just saying that your mother said that you should rip off my shell with your claws,” said Leisurely.

What will happen if I rip off your shell? - Jaguar asked carefully and sniffed the air.

I don’t know, because no one has torn off my shell yet, but I’m telling you the truth: if you want to watch me swim away from you, please throw me into the water.

I do not trust you! - said the Painted Jaguar. “My mother said one thing, and you said that she said something else, and now everything is so mixed up for me that I don’t know where my tail is, where my head is.” And now you said simple words which I understand and this is what confuses me the most. Mom taught me to throw one of you into the water, and since you say that you want to go into the water, it’s clear that you don’t want to go into the water. So jump in muddy water Amazon rivers. Alive!

Okay, I'll jump, but know: your mother will be very unhappy. Please don't tell her I didn't tell you what she said...

If you say one more word about what my mother said!.. - the Jaguar cried, but did not have time to finish, because the turtle, as if nothing had happened, dived into the muddy water of the Amazon River. She swam underwater for a long time and swam ashore, where the Thorn-Thorned Hedgehog was waiting for her.

We almost died! - said Hedgehog. - I don’t like this Painted Jaguar. What did you tell him about yourself?

I told him the truth. I honestly told him that I was a Turtle, but he didn’t believe me, made me jump into the water and was very surprised to see that I was really a Turtle. Now he went to complain to his mother. Can you hear?

Among the bushes and trees, above the muddy Amazon River, one could hear the Jaguar roaring and calling Jaguar's mother to him. And she came.

/ - Oh, son, son! - she spoke, gracefully waving her graceful tail. “You seemed to be doing something you shouldn’t have done.”

I met one little animal over the river and wanted to scratch it out from under its shell; She herself said that she wanted this, and now my whole paw is full of splinters!

Oh, son, son! - said the mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - From these splinters that dug into your paw, I see that it was a Hedgehog. You should have thrown him into the water.

I threw another animal into the water. He said his name was Turtle, but I didn't believe him. It turns out that it really was the Turtle. She dove into the water, into the muddy Amazon River, and I never saw her again. And so I was left hungry and I think that we need to move from here to other places. Here, on the muddy Amazon River, all the animals are so smart. Poor me, I can’t cope with them.

Oh, son, son! - said his mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - Listen carefully and remember what I say. The hedgehog curls up into a ball, and its spines stick out in all directions. By this sign you will always recognize a Hedgehog.

I don’t like this old woman, oh how I don’t! - said the Thorny Hedgehog. -What else will she tell him?

But the Turtle cannot curl up,” continued the Jaguar, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - The turtle pulls its head and legs under its shell. By this sign you will always recognize the Turtle.

I don’t like this old woman, oh how I don’t like her! - said the Slow Turtle. - Even the Painted Jaguar will not forget this simple lesson. Oh, Thorny Thorn, what a pity that you don’t know how to swim!

Stop worrying about me,” said Thorn-Thorn. “You’re missing something too.” Think: how wonderful it would be if you could curl up into a ball! Oh, what trouble we are in! Listen to what Jaguar says!

And the Painted Jaguar sat over the muddy Amazon River, sucked thorns from his paw and muttered to himself:

Who will curl up in a ball?

He's called Hedgehog.

Who will swim in the water?

He is reputed to be a turtle.

He will never forget this, even after the rain on Thursday,” said Hedgehog. - Support my chin, Unhurried, - I want to learn to swim. This may come in handy later.

With pleasure! - said the Turtle. And she supported Thorn by the chin while Thorn floundered in the muddy Amazon River.

It will come out of you excellent swimmer! - she said to Hedgehog. “And now, be so kind as to undo the laces on my back that are holding my shell together, and I’ll try to curl up into a ball.”

The Thorny Hedgehog untied the laces on the Turtle’s back, and the Turtle began to squirm and squirm so much that she finally managed to bend a little - not completely, but just a little.

Very good! - said Hedgehog. - But enough, no more. Your face even turned blue. Now please hold me in the water one more time! I'll try to swim sideways. You said it was very easy.

And the Hedgehog started swimming again. This was his second lesson. The turtle swam next to him.

Very good! - she said. - A little more, and you will swim no worse than Keith. And now, be so kind as to undo the laces in my shell by two more holes, I’ll try to lean forward. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised!

Very good! - exclaimed the Hedgehog, all wet after swimming in the muddy Amazon River. - You curl up so well - just like my brothers and sisters. Two holes you say? Okay, just don't puff so loudly, otherwise the Painted Jaguar will hear. Be brave! When you finish, I will try to dive and stay under water longer. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! But how the shields on your shell have shifted! Before they were side by side, but now they are one on top of the other.

“That’s because I’m curling up,” said the Turtle. - Yes, and a change has happened to you. Before you looked like a chestnut nut, but now you have become like a fir cone. All the spines stuck together and became scales.

Really? - Hedgehog exclaimed. - This is because I got wet in the water. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised!

So until the morning they helped each other, and when the sun rose high above the earth, they sat down to rest and dry themselves. And, looking at each other, they noticed that they were completely different from themselves.

Then they had breakfast, and the Turtle said:

Dear Hedgehog, I am no longer the same as I was yesterday. But I think that now I will be able to amuse the Jaguar properly.

I just wanted to say the same thing, word for word! - exclaimed the Hedgehog. “In my opinion, scales are better than any thorns, and besides, I can swim now.” The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! Let's go and find him.

Soon they found the Jaguar. He was still fiddling with his injured paw. When they appeared before him, he was so surprised that he began to back away and somersaulted three times over his own tail.

Good morning! - said the Thorny Hedgehog. - How is your mother’s priceless health?

“Thank you, she is in good health,” replied the Jaguar. - But please don’t punish me, I don’t remember your names well.

Oh, how unkind you are! - said Hedgehog. - After all, just yesterday you tried to scratch me out of my shell.

But yesterday you had no shell - yesterday you were covered in needles. Who should know this if not me? Look at my paw!

Only yesterday,” said the Turtle, “you told me to throw myself into the water so that I would drown in the muddy Amazon River, but today you don’t even want to know me.” That's how rude and forgetful you are!

Have you forgotten what your mother said? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - After all, she clearly told you:

Who will curl up in a ball?

He is reputed to be a turtle.

Who will swim in the water?

He's called Hedgehog.

Then they both curled up into balls and went for a ride around the Jaguar - they rolled, rolled, rolled... Even his eyes began to spin, like the wheels of a cart.

He ran away and called his mother.

“Mom,” he said, “there are some unprecedented new animals in the forest!” You said about one that he doesn’t know how to swim, but he swims. You said about the other one that he doesn’t know how to curl up, but he curls up. And it seems they shared clothes. Before, one was smooth and the other prickly, but now they are both covered in scales. Besides, they are spinning and spinning and spinning so much that my head is spinning.

Oh, son, son! - said Jaguar's mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - A Hedgehog is a Hedgehog, and what should it be if not a Hedgehog? A turtle is a turtle, and will always remain a turtle!

But this is not a Hedgehog at all! And not Turtle at all! It's a little Hedgehog and a little Turtle, but I don't know what it's called.

Nonsense! - said Jaguar's mother. - Everyone should have their own name. I will call this beast Armadillo until a real name is found for him. And if I were you, I would leave him alone.

Jaguar did as he was told; He especially faithfully followed his mother’s instructions - to leave this beast alone. But the most amazing thing is, dear boy, that on the muddy Amazon River, from that very day to this day, the Thorny Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle are still called the Armadillo. Of course, there are still Hedgehogs and Turtles in other places (I have them in my garden too), but the best, smartest of them are vintage Jerzy and the Turtles, covered with scutes like fir cones, the same ones that in the Distant Days lived on the muddy banks of the Amazon - they are always called Armadillos, because they are so intelligent.

What else do you need, dear boy? Everything worked out great, didn’t it?

Additional translation:

1. The first armadillos

2. How armadillos appeared

Dear boy, I will again tell you a fairy tale about Distant and Ancient Times. Then there lived the Thorny Hedgehog. He lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate snails and various things. And he had a friend, the Slow Turtle, who also lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate various varieties and green salad. Everything was going well, wasn't it, dear boy?
But at the same time, in the Distant and Ancient Time, the Painted Jaguar lived on the muddy Amazon River. He ate everything he could catch. If you fail to catch a deer, it will eat the monkey; If you fail to catch a monkey, it will eat a frog or a cockroach. And if there are no frogs or cockroaches, he goes to his mother Jaguar, so that she can explain to him how to catch turtles and hedgehogs. Gracefully waving her graceful tail, his mother often instructed him:
- If, son, you find a Hedgehog, quickly throw it into the water. The hedgehog will turn around on its own in the water. And if you find a Turtle, scratch it out of its shell with your paw.
And everything went well, my dear boy.
It was a beautiful night on the muddy Amazon River. The Painted Jaguar saw that under the trunk of a fallen tree, the Thorny Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle were sitting side by side. They could not escape, and so the Thorny Hedgehog curled up into a ball, because otherwise he would not have been a Hedgehog, and the Slow Turtle pulled her legs and head under her shell, because she was a Turtle.
Everything went as it should, my dear boy, didn’t it?
- Listen to me carefully! - said the Painted Jaguar. “What I want to tell you is of great importance to you.” My mother taught me that if I see a Hedgehog, I should throw it into the water, and then it will turn around on its own, and if I see a Turtle, I should scratch it out of its shell with my paw. But which of you is the Turtle, and which of you is the Hedgehog - I swear by my spots, I don’t know!
- Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe your mother told you that when you turn the Turtle around, you must scratch it out of the water, and when you catch the Hedgehog, you must throw it right onto the shell? - Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Slow Turtle. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe she told you that when you wet a Hedgehog with water, you must scratch it with your paw, and when you meet a Turtle, you must remove its shell so that it can turn around?
- This is hardly true! - said the Painted Jaguar, but was still a little taken aback. - Please, repeat again what you just said. And, if possible, more clearly.
“When you scratch the water with your claws, pour it in and turn it around with the Hedgehog,” said the Thorny Hedgehog. - Remember this well, because it is very important.
“But,” said the Slow Turtle, “when you scratch the water out of the Hedgehog, you must pour this water on the Turtle.” Don't you know this too?
“Your confusion even made the spots on my back hurt!” - said the Painted Jaguar. “I’m not asking for your advice, I’m just asking which one of you is the Hedgehog and which one is the Turtle.”
“I won’t tell,” answered the Hedgehog. “But, if you want, please, try to scratch me out of my shell.” “Aha!” - said the Painted Jaguar. - Now I see that you are a Turtle. You thought I wouldn't guess. And I guessed it.
And the Jaguar slammed his paw as hard as he could on the Hedgehog just at the moment when the Hedgehog curled up into a ball. And, of course, the sharp spines of the Hedgehog stuck into the Jaguar’s paw. This would, perhaps, be nothing, but, unfortunately, the Jaguar threw the Hedgehog far, far into the forest with a blow of his paw and could not find him in the bushes, since it was very dark. Then he put his paw in his mouth, but this made the needles prick even more. Because of the pain, he could not speak for a long time, and when he spoke, he said:
“Now I see that it was not a Turtle at all.” But how do I know if it's a turtle?
And he scratched the back of his head with the paw that had not been harmed by the Hedgehog’s thorns.
“I am the Turtle,” admitted Slowly. “Your mother taught you correctly.” She said that you should scratch me out of the shell with your paw. It's right. Well, get down to business!
- Just now you said that she said one thing, and now you say that she said something else! - said the Jaguar, sucking thorns from his paw.
“You say that I say that she said something else,” said the Turtle. - So what of this? After all, if, as you say, I said that she said what I said, then it turns out that I said what she said. And if you think that she said that you should turn me around with your paw, and not throw me into the water along with my shell, I have nothing to do with it, do I?
“But you yourself just said that I should scratch you out of your shell with my paw,” said the Painted Jaguar.
- Think carefully, and you will understand that I never said this. “I was just saying that your mother said that you should rip off my shell with your claws,” said Leisurely.
- What will happen if I rip off your shell? — Jaguar asked cautiously and sniffed the air.
“I don’t know, because no one has torn off my shell yet, but I’m telling you the truth: if you want to watch me swim away from you, please throw me into the water.”

- I do not trust you! - said the Painted Jaguar. “My mother said one thing, and you said that she said something else, and now everything is so mixed up for me that I don’t know where my tail is, where my head is.” And now you said simple words that I understand, and this confuses me the most. Mom taught me to throw one of you into the water, and since you say that you want to go into the water, it’s clear that you don’t want to go into the water. So jump into the muddy water of the Amazon River. Alive!

- Okay, I’ll jump, but know: your mother will be very unhappy. Please don't tell her I didn't tell you what she said...
- If you say one more word about what my mother said!..exclaimed the Jaguar, but did not have time to finish, because the Turtle, as if nothing had happened, dived into the muddy water of the Amazon River.
She swam under the water for a long time and swam to the shore, where the Thorn-Thorned Hedgehog was waiting for her.
- We almost died! - said the Hedgehog. “I don’t like this Painted Jaguar.” What did you tell him about yourself?
- I told him the truth. I honestly told him that I was a Turtle, but he didn’t believe me, made me jump into the water and was very surprised to see that I was really a Turtle. Now he went to complain to his mother. Can you hear?
One could hear the Jaguar roaring among the bushes and trees above the muddy Amazon River and calling Jaguar's mother to him. And she came.

- Oh, son, son! - she spoke, gracefully waving her graceful tail. “You seemed to be doing something you shouldn’t have done.”
Here is the entire story of Jaguar, Hedgehog, Turtle and Armadillo, all at once. You can rotate the drawing in any direction. The turtle is learning to bend over, and therefore the scales on its back have parted. The turtle stands on the Hedgehog, who is waiting for his turn to learn to swim. This Hedgehog is a Japanese hedgehog; the fact is that when I wanted to draw a picture, I did not find our own hedgehogs in my garden. (It was afternoon, and they had gone to sleep under the dahlias.) The Spotted Jaguar looks out from above; The Jaguar carefully bandaged his fleshy paw; after all, he pricked himself, trying to scratch the Hedgehog from under its thorns. He is very amazed to see what the Turtle is doing; his paw hurts. A creature with a strange snout and small eyes, over which the spotted Jaguar is trying to climb over; it is the Armadillo; The Turtle and the Hedgehog will turn into such Armadillos after they stop their exercises. This is a magical picture; That's partly why I didn't draw a mustache on the Jaguar's face. The other reason I didn't do this is because his mustache hasn't grown out yet. Mother Jaguar loved to call her son Uvalny.
“I met one little animal over the river and wanted to scratch it out from under its shell; She herself said that she wanted this, and now my whole paw is full of splinters!
- Oh, son, son! - said the mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - From these splinters that dug into your paw, I see that it was a Hedgehog. You should have thrown him into the water.
— I threw another animal into the water. He said his name was Turtle, but I didn't believe him. It turns out that it really was the Turtle. She dove into the water, into the muddy Amazon River, and I never saw her again. And so I was left hungry and I think that we need to move from here to other places. Here, on the muddy Amazon River, all the animals are so smart. Poor me, I can’t cope with them.
- Oh, son, son! - said his mother, waving her graceful tail gracefully. - Listen carefully and remember what I say. The hedgehog curls up into a ball, and its spines stick out in all directions. By this sign you will always recognize a Hedgehog.
“I don’t like this old woman, oh, how I don’t like it!” - said Thorny Hedgehog. -What else will she tell him?
“But the Turtle cannot curl up,” continued the Jaguar, gracefully waving her graceful tail. — The turtle pulls its head and legs under its shell. By this sign you will always recognize the Turtle.
“I don’t like this old woman, oh, how I don’t like it!” - said the Slow Turtle. “Even the Painted Jaguar will not forget such a simple lesson.” Oh, Thorny Thorn, what a pity that you don’t know how to swim!
“Stop worrying about me,” replied Thorn-Thorn. “You’re missing something too.” Think: how wonderful it would be if you could curl up into a ball! Oh, what trouble we are in! Listen to what Jaguar says!
The Painted Jaguar sat over the muddy Amazon River, sucked thorns from his paw and muttered to himself:
Who will curl up in a ball?
He's called Hedgehog.
Who will swim in the water?
He is reputed to be a turtle.
“He will never forget this, even after the rain on Thursday,” said the Hedgehog. - Support my chin, Unhurried, - I want to learn to swim. This may come in handy later.
- With pleasure! - said the Turtle.
And she supported Thorn by the chin while Thorn floundered in the muddy Amazon River.
- You will make an excellent swimmer! - she said to Hedgehog. “And now, be so kind as to undo the laces on my back that are holding my shell together, and I’ll try to curl up into a ball.”
The Thorny Hedgehog loosened the laces on the Turtle's back, and the Turtle began to struggle and writhe so hard that she finally managed to bend a little - not completely, but just a little.
- Very good! - said the Hedgehog. - But enough, no more. Your face even turned blue. Now please hold me in the water one more time! I'll try to swim sideways. You said it was very easy.
And the Hedgehog will start swimming again. This was his second lesson. The turtle swam next to him.
- Very good! - she said. - A little more, and you will swim as well as Keith. And now, be so kind as to undo the laces on my shell by two more holes, I will try to lean forward. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! - Very good! - exclaimed the Hedgehog, all wet after swimming in the muddy Amazon River. “You curl up so well—just like my brothers and sisters.” Two holes you say? Okay, just don't puff so loudly, otherwise the Painted Jaguar will hear. Be brave! When you finish, I will try to dive and stay under water longer. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! But how the shields on your shell have shifted! Before they were side by side, but now they are one on top of the other.
“That’s because I’m curling up,” said the Turtle. - Yes, and a change has happened to you. Before you looked like a chestnut nut, but now you have become like a fir cone. All the spines stuck together and became scales. “Really?” - exclaimed the Hedgehog. “That’s because I got wet in the water.” The Painted Jaguar will be surprised!
So until the morning they helped each other, and when the sun rose high above the earth, they sat down to rest and dry themselves. And, looking at each other, they noticed that they were completely different from themselves.
Then they had breakfast, and the Turtle said:
- Dear Hedgehog, I am no longer the same as I was yesterday. But I think that now I will be able to amuse the Jaguar properly.
- I just wanted to say the same thing, word for word! - exclaimed the Hedgehog. “In my opinion, scales are better than any thorns, and besides, I can swim now.” The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! Let's go and find him.
Soon they found the Jaguar. He was still fiddling with his injured paw. When they appeared before him, he was so surprised that he began to back away and somersaulted three times over his own tail.
- Good morning! - said Thorny Hedgehog. — How is your mother’s priceless health?
“Thank you, she is in good health,” replied the Jaguar. - But please don’t punish me, I don’t remember your names well.
- Oh, how unkind you are! - said the Hedgehog. - Just yesterday you tried to scratch me out of my shell...
“But yesterday you didn’t have a shell—yesterday you were covered in needles.” Who should know this if not me? Look at my paw!
“Only yesterday,” said the Turtle, “you told me to throw myself into the water so that I would drown in the muddy Amazon River, but today you don’t even want to know me.” That's how rude and forgetful you are!
-Have you forgotten what your mother told you? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - After all, she clearly told you:
Who will curl up in a ball?
He is reputed to be a turtle.
Who will swim in the water?
He's called Hedgehog.
Then they both curled up into balls and went for a ride around the Jaguar, rolling, rolling, rolling... Even his eyes began to spin, like wheels in a cart.
He ran away and called his mother.
“Mom,” he said, “there are some unprecedented new animals in the forest!” You said about one that he doesn’t know how to swim, but he swims. You said about the other one that he doesn’t know how to curl up, but he curls up. And it seems they shared clothes. Before, one was smooth and the other prickly, but now they are both covered in scales. Besides, they are spinning and spinning and spinning so much that my head is spinning.
- Oh, son, son! - said Jaguar's mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - A Hedgehog is a Hedgehog, and what should it be if not a Hedgehog? A turtle is a turtle and will always remain a turtle!
- But this is not a Hedgehog at all! And not Turtle at all! It's a little Hedgehog and a little Turtle, but I don't know what it's called.
- Nonsense! - Mother said to Jaguar. - Everyone should have their own name. I will call this beast Armadillo until a real name is found for him. And if I were you, I would leave him alone.
Jaguar did as he was told; He especially faithfully followed his mother’s instructions to leave this beast alone. But the most amazing thing is, dear boy, that on the muddy Amazon River, from that very day to this day, the Thorny Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle are still called the Armadillo. Of course, in other places there are still Hedgehogs and Turtles (I have them in my garden too), but the best, smartest of them are the old Hedgehogs and Turtles, covered with scutes like fir cones, the same ones that lived in the Distant Days on the muddy banks of the Amazon - they are always called Armadillos, because they are so intelligent.
What else do you need, dear boy? Everything worked out great for you, isn’t it?

On the distant Amazon
I've never been.
Only "Don" and "Magdalene"
fast ships,
Only "Don" and "Magdalene"
They walk there on the sea.
From Liverpool Harbor
Always on Thursdays
The ships set sail
To distant shores.
They are sailing to Brazil
And I want to go to Brazil
To distant shores!
You'll never find
In our northern forests
Long-tailed jaguars,
Armored turtles.
But in sunny Brazil,
my Brazil,
Such abundance
Unseen animals!
Will I see Brazil?
Will I see Brazil?
Until my old age?

Dear boy, I will again tell you a fairy tale about Distant and Ancient Times. Then there lived the Thorny Hedgehog. He lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate snails and various things. And he had a friend, the Slow Turtle, who also lived on the muddy Amazon River, ate various varieties and green salad. Everything was going well, wasn't it, dear boy?

But at the same time, in the Distant and Ancient Time, the Painted Jaguar lived on the muddy Amazon River. He ate everything he could catch. If you fail to catch a monkey, it will eat a frog or a cockroach. And if there are no frogs or cockroaches, he goes to his mother Jaguar, so that she explains to him how to catch turtles and hedgehogs.

Gracefully waving her graceful tail, his mother often instructed him:

- If, son, you find a Hedgehog, quickly throw it into the water. The hedgehog will turn around on its own in the water. And if you find a Turtle, scratch it out of its shell with your paw.

And everything went well, my dear boy.

It was a beautiful night on the muddy Amazon River. The Painted Jaguar saw that under the trunk of a fallen tree, the Thorn-Thorned Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle were sitting side by side. They could not escape, and so the Thorn-Thorn Hedgehog curled up into a ball, because otherwise he would not have been a Hedgehog, and the Slow Turtle pulled her legs and head under her shell, because she was a Turtle.

Everything went as it should, my dear boy, didn’t it?

- Listen to me carefully! - said the Painted Jaguar. “What I want to tell you is of great importance to you.” My mother taught me that if I see a Hedgehog, I should throw it into the water, and then it will turn around on its own, and if I see a Turtle, I should scratch it out of its shell with my paw. But which of you is the Turtle, and which of you is the Hedgehog - I swear by my spots, I don’t know!

- Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe your mother told you that when you turn the Turtle around, you must scratch it out of the water, and when you catch the Hedgehog, you must throw it right onto its shell?

- Do you remember well what your mother told you? - asked the Slow Turtle. - Have you made a mistake? Maybe she told you that when you wet a Hedgehog with water, you must scratch it with your paw, and when you meet a Turtle, you must remove its shell so that it can turn around?

- This is hardly true! - said the Painted Jaguar, but was still a little taken aback. - Please, repeat again what you just said. And, if possible, more clearly.

“When you scratch the water with your claws, pour it in and turn it around with the Hedgehog,” said the Thorny Hedgehog. - Remember this well, because it is very important.

But,” said the Slow Turtle, “when you scratch the water out of the Hedgehog, you must pour this water on the Turtle.” Don't you know this too?

“Your confusion even made the spots on my back hurt!” - said the Painted Jaguar. - I’m not asking for your advice, I’m just asking which one of you is the Hedgehog and which one is the Turtle.

“I won’t tell,” answered the Hedgehog. “But if you want, please try to scratch me out of my shell.”

- Yeah! - said the Painted Jaguar. - Now I see that you are a Turtle. You thought I wouldn't guess. And I guessed it.

And the Jaguar slammed his paw as hard as he could on the Hedgehog, just at the moment when the Hedgehog curled up into a ball. And of course, the sharp spines of the Hedgehog stuck into the Jaguar’s paw. This would, perhaps, be nothing, but, unfortunately, the Jaguar threw the Hedgehog far, far into the forest with a blow of his paw and could not find him in the bushes, since it was very dark. Then he put his paw in his mouth, but this made the needles prick even more. Because of the pain, he could not speak for a long time, and when he spoke, he said:

“Now I see that it was not a Turtle at all.” But how do I know if it's a turtle?

And he scratched the back of his head with the paw that had not been harmed by the Hedgehog’s thorns.

“I am the Turtle,” admitted Slowly. “Your mother taught you correctly.” She said that you should scratch me out of the shell with your paw. It's right. Well, get down to business!

- Just now you said that she said one thing, and now you say that she said something else! - said the Jaguar, sucking thorns from his paw.

- You say that I say that she said something else! - said the Turtle. - So what of this? After all, if, as you say, I said that she said what I said, then it turns out that I said what she said. And if you think that she said that you should turn me around with your paw, and not throw me into the water along with my shell, I have nothing to do with it, do I?

“But you yourself just said that I should scratch you out of your shell with my paw,” said the Painted Jaguar.

- Think carefully, and you will understand that I never said this. “I was just saying that your mother said that you should rip off my shell with your claws,” said Leisurely.

- What will happen if I rip off your shell? — Jaguar asked cautiously and sniffed the air.

“I don’t know, because no one has torn off my shell yet, but I’m telling you the truth: if you want to watch me swim away from you, please throw me into the water.”

- I do not trust you! - said the Painted Jaguar. “My mother said one thing, and you said that she said something else, and now everything is so mixed up for me that I don’t know where my tail is, where my head is.” And now you said simple words that I understand, and this confuses me the most. Mom taught me to throw one of you into the water, and since you say that you want to go into the water, it’s clear that you don’t want to go into the water. So jump into the muddy water of the Amazon River. Alive!

- Okay, I’ll jump, but know: your mother will be very unhappy. Please don't tell her I didn't tell you what she said...

“If you say one more word about what my mother said!..” the Jaguar cried, but did not have time to finish, because the turtle, as if nothing had happened, dived into the muddy water of the Amazon River. She swam underwater for a long time and swam ashore, where the Thorn-Thorned Hedgehog was waiting for her.

- We almost died! - said the Hedgehog. “I don’t like this Painted Jaguar.” What did you tell him about yourself?

I told him the truth. I honestly told him that I was a Turtle, but he didn’t believe me, made me jump into the water and was very surprised to see that I was really a Turtle. Now he went to complain to his mother. Can you hear?

Among the bushes and trees, above the muddy Amazon River, one could hear the Jaguar roaring and calling Jaguar's mother to him. And she came.

/ - Oh, son, son! - she spoke, gracefully waving her graceful tail. “You seemed to be doing something you shouldn’t have done.”

“I met one little animal over the river and wanted to scratch it out from under its shell; She herself said that she wanted this, and now my whole paw is full of splinters!

- Oh, son, son! - said the mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - From these splinters that dug into your paw, I see that it was a Hedgehog. You should have thrown him into the water.

— I threw another animal into the water. He said his name was Turtle, but I didn't believe him. It turns out that it really was the Turtle. She dove into the water, into the muddy Amazon River, and I never saw her again. And so I was left hungry and I think that we need to move from here to other places. Here, on the muddy Amazon River, all the animals are so smart. Poor me, I can’t cope with them.

- Oh, son, son! - said his mother, waving her graceful tail gracefully. - Listen carefully and remember what I say. The hedgehog curls up into a ball, and its spines stick out in all directions. By this sign you will always recognize a Hedgehog.

“I don’t like this old woman, oh, how I don’t like it!” - said the Thorny Hedgehog. -What else will she tell him?

“But the Turtle cannot curl up,” continued the Jaguar, gracefully waving her graceful tail. — The turtle pulls its head and legs under its shell. By this sign you will always recognize the Turtle.

“I don’t like this old woman, oh, how I don’t like it!” - said the Slow Turtle. “Even the Painted Jaguar will not forget such a simple lesson.” Oh, Thorny Thorn, what a pity that you don’t know how to swim!

“Stop worrying about me,” replied Thorn-Thorn. “You’re missing something too.” Think: how wonderful it would be if you could curl up into a ball! Oh, what trouble we are in! Listen to what Jaguar says!

And the Painted Jaguar sat over the muddy Amazon River, sucked thorns from his paw and muttered to himself:

Who will curl up in a ball?

He's called Hedgehog.

Who will swim in the water?

He is reputed to be a turtle.

“He will never forget this, even after the rain on Thursday,” said the Hedgehog. - Support my chin, Unhurried, - I want to learn to swim. This may come in handy later.

- With pleasure! - said the Turtle. And she supported Thorn by the chin while Thorn floundered in the muddy Amazon River.

- You will make an excellent swimmer! - she said to the Hedgehog. “And now, be so kind as to undo the laces on my back that are holding my shell together, and I’ll try to curl up into a ball.”

The Thorny Hedgehog untied the laces on the Turtle’s back, and the Turtle began to squirm and squirm so much that she finally managed to bend a little - not completely, but just a little.

- Very good! - said the Hedgehog. - But enough, no more. Your face even turned blue. Now please hold me in the water one more time! I'll try to swim sideways. You said it was very easy.

And the Hedgehog started swimming again. This was his second lesson. The turtle swam next to him.

- Very good! - she said. - A little more, and you will swim as well as Keith. And now, be so kind as to undo the laces in my shell by two more holes, I’ll try to lean forward. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised!

- Very good! - exclaimed the Hedgehog, all wet after swimming in the muddy Amazon River. “You curl up so well—just like my brothers and sisters.” Two holes you say? Okay, just don't puff so loudly, otherwise the Painted Jaguar will hear. Be brave! When you finish, I will try to dive and stay under water longer. You say it's very easy. The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! But how the shields on your shell have shifted! Before they were side by side, but now they are one on top of the other.

“That’s because I’m curling up,” said the Turtle. - Yes, and a change has happened to you. Before you looked like a chestnut nut, but now you have become like a fir cone. All the spines stuck together and became scales.

- Really? - Hedgehog exclaimed. “That’s because I got wet in the water.” The Painted Jaguar will be surprised!

So until the morning they helped each other, and when the sun rose high above the earth, they sat down to rest and dry themselves. And, looking at each other, they noticed that they were completely different from themselves.

Then they had breakfast, and the Turtle said:

- Dear Hedgehog, I am no longer the same as I was yesterday. But I think that now I will be able to amuse the Jaguar properly.

“I just wanted to say the same thing, word for word!” - exclaimed the Hedgehog. “In my opinion, scales are better than any thorns, and besides, I can swim now.” The Painted Jaguar will be surprised! Let's go and find him.

Soon they found the Jaguar. He was still fiddling with his injured paw. When they appeared before him, he was so surprised that he began to back away and somersaulted three times over his own tail.

- Good morning! - said the Thorny Hedgehog. — How is your mother’s priceless health?

“Thank you, she is in good health,” replied the Jaguar. - But please don’t punish me, I don’t remember your names well.

- Oh, how unkind you are! - said the Hedgehog. “After all, just yesterday you tried to scratch me out of my shell.”

“But yesterday you didn’t have a shell—yesterday you were covered in needles.” Who should know this if not me? Look at my paw!

“Only yesterday,” said the Turtle, “you told me to throw myself into the water so that I would drown in the muddy Amazon River, but today you don’t even want to know me.” That's how rude and forgetful you are!

-Have you forgotten what your mother said? - asked the Thorny Hedgehog. - After all, she clearly told you:

Who will curl up in a ball?

He is reputed to be a turtle.

Who will swim in the water?

He's called Hedgehog.

Then they both curled up into balls and went for a ride around the Jaguar - they rolled, rolled, rolled... Even his eyes began to spin, like the wheels of a cart.

He ran away and called his mother.

“Mom,” he said, there are some unprecedented new animals in the forest! You said about one that he doesn’t know how to swim, but he swims. You said about the other one that he doesn’t know how to curl up, but he curls up. And it seems they shared clothes. Before, one was smooth and the other prickly, but now they are both covered in scales. Besides, they are spinning and spinning and spinning so much that my head is spinning.

- Oh, son, son! - said Jaguar's mother, gracefully waving her graceful tail. - A Hedgehog is a Hedgehog, and what should it be if not a Hedgehog? A turtle is a turtle, and will always remain a turtle!

- But this is not a Hedgehog at all! And not Turtle at all! It’s a little Hedgehog and a little Turtle, but I don’t know what it’s called.

- Nonsense! - said Jaguar's mother. - Everyone should have their own name. I will call this beast Armadillo until a real name is found for him. And if I were you, I would leave him alone.

Jaguar did as he was told; He especially faithfully followed his mother’s instructions to leave this beast alone. But the most amazing thing is, dear boy, that on the muddy Amazon River, from that very day to this day, the Thorny Hedgehog and the Slow Turtle are still called the Armadillo. Of course, there are still Hedgehogs and Turtles in other places (I have them in my garden too), but the best, smartest of them are the old Hedgehogs and Turtles, covered with scutes like fir cones, the same ones from the Distant Days lived on the muddy banks of the Amazon - they are always called Armadillos, because they are so intelligent.

What else do you need, dear boy? Everything worked out great, didn’t it?

The main characters of Rudyard Kipling's fairy tale "Where Armadillos Come From" are the Hedgehog, the Turtle and the stupid Leopard. These animals lived on the Amazon River. The Leopard was young, and his mother taught him how to deal with the Hedgehog and the Turtle if he caught them. She said that the Hedgehog must be thrown into the water so that it unwinds from the ball, and the Turtle must be scratched out of its shell.

One day, the young Leopard caught the Hedgehog and the Turtle by surprise, and they could not hide from him. The Leopard said that he knows how to deal with them, but he does not know which of them is the Hedgehog and which is the Turtle. Then the Hedgehog and the Turtle began to confuse the stupid Leopard, and the Hedgehog called himself the Turtle. The Leopard hit the Hedgehog with its paw to break the shell, as his mother taught him, but only injured himself on the needles. And he threw the Turtle into the water, thinking that she was the Hedgehog. The turtle swam away.

Later, the mother explained to the Leopard how to recognize the Hedgehog and the Turtle. She said that the hedgehog curls up into a ball, and the Turtle can swim. The Hedgehog and the Turtle heard these explanations, and they came up with tricky way, how to trick the stupid Leopard again.

The Hedgehog asked the Turtle to teach him to swim, and the Turtle asked the Hedgehog to loosen the laces of her shell and tried to curl up into a ball. Having learned to perform such tricks, the Hedgehog and the Turtle found the Leopard and asked him to determine which of them was which. At the same time, they both curled up into a ball in front of the Leopard and both swam perfectly.

The discouraged Leopard went to his mother and told her about strange beasts who can curl up into a ball like hedgehogs and swim like turtles. The mother thought and advised her son never to touch these animals. She named them Armadillos. This is how Armadillos appeared on the banks of the Amazon.

That's how it is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​Kipling's fairy tale “Where the Armadillos Came From” is that the weak can defeat the strong if they manage to confuse him and mislead him. The Hedgehog and the Turtle managed to confuse the stupid Leopard and escaped from his paws and teeth.

Kipling's fairy tale “Where Armadillos Come From” teaches you to be smart and quick-witted, never get lost in critical situations, and always find a solution to a problem.

In the fairy tale, I liked the Hedgehog and the Turtle, who turned out to be smart enough to deceive the strong but narrow-minded Leopard.

What proverbs fit Kipling’s tale “Where the Armadillos Come From”?

One mind is good, but two are better.
Reason will defeat force.
Ingenuity is the sister of intelligence.

It was a long time ago, my dear boy. Once upon a time there lived a Keith. He swam in the sea and ate fish. He ate bream, and ruff, and beluga, and stellate sturgeon, and herring, and the herring aunt, and the little raft, and her sister, and the nimble, fast spinning eel. Whatever fish comes across, it will eat it. He opens his mouth, ah, and he’s done!

So in the end, in the whole sea, only the Fish survived, and that Little Stickleback. It was a cunning Fish. She floated next to Keith, right next to his right ear, slightly behind so that he could not swallow it. That was the only way she was saved. But then he stood on his tail and said:

- I am hungry!

And the little cunning Fish said to him in a small cunning voice:

“Have you tried Man, noble and generous Mammal?”

“No,” Keith answered. -What does it taste like?

“Very tasty,” said Rybka. — Tasty, but a little prickly.

“Well, then bring me about half a dozen of them here,” said Keith and hit the water with his tail so much that the whole sea was covered with foam.

- One is enough for you to start! - said Little Stickleback. - Swim to forty degrees northern latitude and to the fiftieth degree of western longitude (these words are magical), and you will see a raft in the middle of the sea. A sailor is sitting on a raft. His ship sank. The only clothes he has on are blue canvas pants and suspenders (don’t forget about those suspenders, my boy!) yes hunting knife. But I must tell you in all honesty that this man is very resourceful-smart-and-brave.

Keith ran as fast as he could. He swam, swam and swam where he was told: to the fortieth degree of northern latitude and the fiftieth degree of western longitude. He sees, and it’s true: in the middle of the sea there is a raft, on the raft there is a Sailor, and no one else. The Sailor is wearing blue canvas pants and suspenders (look, my dear, don’t forget about the suspenders!) and a hunting knife at the side of his belt, and nothing else. The Sailor is sitting on a raft, with his legs dangling in the water. (His Mom let him dangle his bare feet in the water, otherwise he wouldn't have dangled because he was very resourceful-smart-and-brave.)

Keith's mouth opened wider and wider and opened almost all the way to his tail. The whale swallowed the Sailor, and his raft, and his blue canvas trousers, and his suspenders (please don’t forget your suspenders, my dear!), and even his hunting knife.

Everything fell into that warm and dark closet called Keith's stomach. Keith licked his lips - like that! - and turned on his tail three times.

But as soon as the Sailor, very resourceful-smart-and-brave, found himself in a dark and warm closet, which is called the stomach of the Whale, he began to somersault, kick, bite, kick, pound, thresh, clap, stomp, knock, strum and so on A trepak danced in an inappropriate place, making Keith feel completely unwell. (I hope you haven't forgotten about your suspenders?)

And he said to Little Stickleback:

- Not to my liking Man, not to my taste. It gives me hiccups. What to do?

“Well, tell him to jump out,” advised Little Stickleback.

Keith shouted into his own mouth:

- Hey, you, come out! And make sure you behave yourself. You're making me have hiccups.

“Well, no,” said the Sailor, “I’m fine here too!” Now, if you take me to my native shores, to the white cliffs of England, then I’ll probably think about whether I should go out or stay.

And he stamped his feet even more strongly.

“There’s nothing to do, take him home,” said the cunning Fish to the Whale. - After all, I told you that he is very resourceful-smart-and-brave.

Keith obeyed and set off. He swam, and swam, and swam, working all the way with his tail and two fins, although he was greatly hindered by hiccups.

Finally the white cliffs of England appeared in the distance. The whale swam to the very shore and began to open its mouth - wider, and wider, and wider, and wider - and said to the Man:

- It's time to go out. Transfer. Nearest stations: Winchester, Ashuelot, Nashua, Keene on the way to the town of Fitchburg.

He just said: “Fitch!” — the Sailor jumped out of his mouth. This Sailor was indeed very resourceful, smart, and brave. Sitting in Keith's stomach, he wasted no time: he split his raft into thin pieces with a knife, folded them crosswise and tied them tightly with suspenders (now you understand why you should not have forgotten about the suspenders!), and he got a lattice, with which he blocked Keith's throat. At the same time he said magic words. You have not heard these words, and I will be happy to tell them to you. He said:

I put up a grate

I shut Keith's throat.

With these words, he jumped onto the shore, onto small pebbles, and walked towards his Mother, who allowed him to walk on the water barefoot. Then he got married, and began to live and live, and was very happy. Keith also got married and was also very happy. But from that day on and forever and ever there was a lattice in his throat that he could neither swallow nor spit out. Because of this grille, only small fish fell into his throat. That is why nowadays Whales no longer swallow people. They don't even swallow little boys and little girls.

And the cunning Fish swam away and hid in the mud, under the very threshold of the Equator. She thought Keith was angry and was afraid to appear in front of him.