Playing field for the activity game. Board game "Activity": rules

Have you ever tried to show with gestures how an alarm clock works? How about drawing a synchrophasotron on a piece of paper? And all this in a minute... Unusual wishes, isn't it? But we are not looking for easy ways and will try to do something similar! Today on the Pink Sofa is the descriptive drawing board game Activity.

A large custom box with an image of an artist drawing something terrible, a gentleman scratching himself and a lady who has an idea in her mind and is trying to express it to others. The caption reads: "Over five million games sold." There are no nature defenders on them - just how many trees have been cut down. Creepy...

Organizer for five decks of cards, with compartments for hourglasses and chips. All this is covered with a colorful playing field and rules in Russian. Let's take a closer look at what a hectare of forest was converted to.

A motley path runs from the starting square to the finishing square - on 49 segments of a kind of snake, three types of pictures are drawn against a background of one of six colors. On the right there are three spaces for decks of cards.

There are a great many cards in the game - 440 pieces, and each contains 6 tasks. There are numbers on the backs of the cards, which, according to the publisher, characterize the difficulty of the tasks: the higher the number, the more difficult it will be for players to solve the task assigned to them. The authors immediately suggest that we disagree with them in this classification - we will follow the recommendation.

Four wooden chips of different colors - each team will receive its own mascot and will advance it to the finish line. The hourglass measures the minute of time in which players must complete the task assigned to them.

Let's guess the unguessable.

First, you need to break into teams consisting of at least two players - preferably one is brainy and the other is emotional. Then it will be more fun.

This is approximately how my volunteer assistants are sitting in the photo. Give each team a stack of pieces of paper, a pencil stub, and seat the players of each team opposite each other.

Place the chips in the starting position, divide the stacks of cards and mix them in accordance with the numbers on the backs. Then place them on the playing field in the designated areas. Place the hourglass next to the most bug-eyed player.

Let's start with...

One of the players of the first team (performer) takes one card from any pile in such a way that the member of his team sitting opposite does not see this card. Then you need to look at the position of the chip on the track and select a line on the map that matches the icon with the “snake” sector on which the team’s chip is currently located.

In the first round, you can choose any task.

If this is an image of a drawing, then you need to draw what is written on the card and show it to the player of your team sitting opposite. His task is to guess what is indicated on the card. After answering, the card must be shown to everyone so that it is clear whether the answer is correct or not.

Everything is obvious here - Nyonin’s favorite building material for an individual nest. It turns out that the task is completed, and the team piece moves forward by the number of sectors indicated on the back of the card with the task.

That is, into three divisions. Please note that everything is given a minute, and players from other teams are vigilantly monitoring the allotted time. If you managed to meet the one-minute period and solved the task, move along the track. If not, pass the turn to the next team while everyone else laughs.

And here’s another thing - if someone else’s chip is already on the cell, then feel free to move it one space back - how lucky you are and how unlucky they are...

If the team is lucky enough to find themselves on a square with a pantomime, then the performer needs to do everything using gestures and improvised objects so that his teammate guesses what is indicated on the task card.

This is what Nyonya thinks a thermos looks like. Yeah... Personally, I imagined him differently...

The third option is to explain in words, without naming the object, what it is.

For example: an electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere, manifested by a bright flash of light and thunder.

- « It was torn apart by someone who ate too much popcorn and was holding confetti in his hands!»

You definitely won’t get anything for such an answer, but if you say “lightning”, you will bring the team some victory points.

By the way, if you break the rules, you will lose the right to move amidst whistles and hoots, and universal shame will fall on the heads of the players of your team.

There is also an “open round” - it occurs when the word is colored red. This is the only chance for all teams to participate at the same time, guessing the performer’s task.

Traditionally: when you reach the finish line, you drink champagne (cocktail, tea, milk, curdled milk, etc.) and look with a devastating gaze at your opponents, crying with burning tears.

Having a good laugh.

« Well, posers, screw it off, the review is over, not only did you win, but now you’re demanding a new game...»

An excellent and easy game to have fun. It all depends on the mood of the players, so take Activities off the shelf in moments of “universal happiness and fraternization.” In this case, you will have a lot of fun, both with your family and with your friends and acquaintances. A lot of emotions, laughter, excitement - my friends played the compact version all night outdoors and only came to their senses in the morning.

There are no tactics, no strategy, no need to “boil” your brains, calculating the stock price ten moves ahead - this is a game for relaxation and emotions, which can be put on a par with the game Dixit and which is suitable for any company of cheerful people.

« Come on, I'm going, I'm going. And Nyonya sits all tense with bulging eyes - is this indigestion or what? Factory watchman? And who would have thought...»

Before purchasing, be sure to try the board game in the Igroved store, whose sellers will provide qualified advice in the selection and selection of the product you are interested in.

"Activity" is a game for communication. It is based on the exchange of ideas between players. The game uses all the usual forms of communication: facial expressions, verbal and graphic descriptions. The game becomes more difficult as it progresses, and who will be the winner can only be determined at the last moment. The game can be played by 2, 3, or 4 teams with a minimum of 2 players per team. Rules for the game for three players are given below.

Playing field

The chips begin their movement across the playing field. There are 49 game cells on the field, and special cells marked with numbers 3, 4, 5, where cards with the corresponding number are placed. Each field has its own color scheme with a special symbol. The color scheme indicates what topic is to be presented, and the symbol on it shows the specific form of communication that the drawings in the center of the field demonstrate (Drawing, Explaining and Pantomime).


The number on a card with a number indicates the difficulty of a particular card. Cards numbered 3 are the easiest, cards numbered 4 are more complex, and as for cards numbered 5, these are the cards with the maximum difficulty. Although, we are sure that all this is quite subjective. The drawings that are presented on the cards are colored and with special symbols. All these colors and symbols correspond to the colors and symbols on the playing field. The color background indicates what theme should be presented. This means that if the players of one of the teams find themselves on a field that is colored yellow and has a “Drawing” symbol on it, then this topic must be selected on the map, then drawn. If the theme color is red, then it should be "Open Round". But we'll talk about this a little later!


The hourglass lasts for one minute. After the player looks at the card and remembers the word, the clock turns over and the countdown begins. The team must give the correct answer within one minute. The other team must keep an eye on the hourglass. If a team guesses the correct answer before one minute has elapsed, the team piece will move the number of steps indicated by the number on the back of the card. If the team fails, then the chips of this team remain standing and the turn of the move passes to the other team. The player chooses a card of any complexity and the game continues.


Players are divided into teams with an equal number of players on each team. Each team must consist of at least two players (special rules for three-player games are given below). Each team places its piece on the initial playing field (let's call it START). The decks of cards are shuffled and placed face down on their designated spaces on the playing field, according to digital instructions!


The game starts with the first player of the first team. He takes the top card from any deck (3, 4 or 5) so that none of his team members can see it. When the game has already begun, the player must present the topic that is prescribed to him by the card, and when the game starts, when the chips of all players are on the initial field, each player has the opportunity to first choose the topic that interests him. The “Executor” has only 10 seconds to complete this task. If he fails, then the turn of the move goes to the other team. The turn will continue until the players of one of the teams correctly guess the word within the allotted seconds. If the game does not play “Open Round”, then the player who started first shows this card to all players of the other team so that they can check the correct answer of the opposing team. The “performer” does not have to tell the players of his team exactly the topic, but must explain it in such a way that they can guess about it. The “Performer” must always follow the following rules, which will help his team know what exactly is written inside the card.

Do-it-yourself activities? All you need is some good card templates. + A4 paper, several sheets of loose white cardboard, PVA glue (you can take a regular pencil), a stationery knife or blade, and a set of laminating film. Download templates, edit images in a photo editor and .

By the way, just recently I found a complete set of cards for the game Activity (all 50 cards). You can print cards not only on a color, but also on a black and white printer. To make the cards last as long as possible, do a simple lamination. Lamination film can be purchased at any office supply store. So, board game Activity download cards for printing.

Board game Activity download cards for free

Download and print a complete set of cards for the game in excellent quality. Format – pdf, number of pages – 44, color cards. The set also includes a playing field (print on 4 a4 sheets) + covers for cards. Checked: no viruses.

"Activity" is the most popular board game not only among young people, but also among older people. Despite this, you can find people who do not know the rules. But no one wants to feel like an outcast in a company just because life has never provided the opportunity to play in “Activity”. We will describe the rules of the game below. If you read everything carefully, you can surprise your friends with your intelligence.

The meaning of the game

If you have never seen “Activity”, then you probably have a vague idea of ​​what you should do as a participant. It's actually simple. Activity has a board with squares, like many board games. Teams compete, and if they win, their piece moves, and if they are unsuccessful, their piece remains in place. The rules of the game "Activity" are simple: you need to explain the word using words, facial expressions and gestures, as well as a drawing. The team whose chip reaches the finish line the fastest wins.

“Activity” is something between the beloved “Crocodile”, “Contact” and “Hat”. But the process is more exciting, since the game is a team game, which means there is a competitive element.


The rules of the game “Activity” are clear even to a child. If a team lands on a square of the field where the meaning of a word must be explained without using speech, then it will have to be shown with gestures. But there are many nuances here. In addition to the fact that a person does not have the right to open his mouth and make any sounds, he is also limited in how exactly he will demonstrate the task. The rules of the game prohibit showing words by letters and numbers. That is, you cannot write words in the air with your finger, and your fingers cannot be used to point to objects that are in the room or outside it. If you're showing a tabletop, you can't just point to the table. But how to get out? But this is not written in the rules. Each person decides for himself. You can jump, run, actively gesticulate, and also help yourself with facial expressions. The team's task at this time is to guess the word. Unlike “Crocodile,” here you don’t have to be afraid that your friends, joking, will deliberately “pull the rubber” to watch a funny pantomime. In Activity, time for demonstrating words is limited.


One of the methods of guessing, which is prescribed in the rules of the Activity game, is an explanation using words. Many people like this option more than active pantomime. But, as in the previous task, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Cognate words cannot be used for explanation. And it is precisely with this point that problems arise. Very few people know how to consciously control their speech, and therefore words that should not be spoken often come out of their mouths. In this case, the turn passes to the other team.

In unfamiliar companies, there is another unwritten rule. More often than not, one player explains the word to his team, but in an open round, everyone can guess. So the amendment is that concepts need to be described using generally known facts, and not personal memories. For example, you cannot explain a word like this: “Remember, in the third grade you did dancing, so what kind?” Not many people know such personal information.


Considering the rules of the board game "Activity", you can find a third way to explain the word. And this will be drawing. When a player stands on the corresponding square on the playing field, he must explain the word using a pencil and a piece of paper. Again, there are a few taboos here. Naturally, you cannot write words. Yes, in fact, it is generally prohibited to depict even individual letters of the alphabet. What then is possible? Draw objects that are written on the card. But not every company has professional artists. This is the whole point of the game. It's funny to watch how a person who picked up a pencil for the first time in five years tries to portray a wild boar. But if you can draw animals with grief in half, then what about more complex concepts? Break the drawings into several parts. Let's look at the example of the word "sailor". The first part of the word can be depicted as the sea, and the second - in the form of walking legs. Putting these two parts together is definitely easier than drawing this concept as a whole. By the way, using mathematical symbols is not prohibited.

Why do we need an hourglass?

The rules of the game "Activity" (original) say that all actions with which players show words are performed for a time. And to make it more convenient to measure it, you simply cannot do without additional devices. The hourglass lasts for a minute. It is during this time that the player must have time to show his word.

True, you still have to time it. When all the teams are at the starting line, someone needs to start. The daredevil pulls out a card and must explain the word in 10 seconds. Only after this the team enters the game. And it is clear that measuring 10 seconds on an hourglass is not an easy task.

Why are cards needed?

In order not to get confused and confused, clear rules of the “Activity” game were invented. Everything is possible thanks to cards. What do they look like? They are somewhat similar to ordinary ones, although there are many differences. Cards for the game "Activity" do not have a boring one-color back, they are equipped with numbers. This is not a serial number. The number on the map shows its difficulty. The player must soberly assess his strength in one or another method of explanation and choose the appropriate option for himself. There are only three difficulty levels. The easiest cards are marked with the number 3, the most difficult ones with the number 5. 4 is an intermediate level. For example, the player does not know how to draw, but he needs to explain the word in this particular way. Then he can make his task easier and pull out a card with the number three. But if you need the word “tell”, and a person knows that he is good at this, he can take the cardboard that is marked with the number 5.

There are tasks on the back of the card. There are only 6 of them. It is not up to the player to decide which word to tell. The number is taken from the playing field.

How many players can participate

There are many variations of the Activity game. But they are all united by the general rules of the game. “Activity Travel”, a children’s version of the game, “Activity for Adults”, “Activity Code Word”, the list goes on for a long time. How many players can take part? It is most interesting to play when there are many people on the team. But a lot is a flexible concept. 10 people are two teams of 5 people, and this is an ideal option. Actually, “Activity” was invented as a game for a large company. But it is not always possible to recruit 10 people. The minimum number of players is three people. This allows the family to spend the evening making jokes together. For three people the rules will be non-standard. In this case there will be no commands. Each person plays for himself. But 4 people can already split into two teams. In this case, the game is already going according to all the rules.

How the round goes

Let's try to give a clear explanation of the rules of the "Activity" game. All participants are divided into two teams. The right to make the first move can be played in different ways, for example, by tossing a coin or deciding this issue by drawing lots. The winning team chooses one candidate, and this person explains any word from any card in 10 seconds. The way a person expresses himself is at the discretion of the player. If his team guesses the word, then it goes forward. The number of squares you need to advance can be easily determined by looking at the back of the card. Now it’s the other team’s turn to do the same actions. After everyone has successfully completed the start, the game begins. Each of the team members, in strict order, demonstrates the word in the way that is depicted on the cell of the playing field where the chip is located. The task number on the card must be looked for there. But you can choose the complexity of the card yourself. Some people think that others, on the contrary, always procrastinate on difficult tasks. The chip moves across the field by the number of cells that is drawn on the back of the shirt. But you can only move if the team guesses the word. But if the players did not understand their friend’s vague explanations, the chip will remain in place. The team that reaches the finish line first wins.

Rules of children's game

As an attentive reader may have already noticed, all Activity games are very similar. The tasks and their complexity change. But the methods of explanation remain unchanged. How then do the rules of the Activity game for children differ from the adult version? In words. In the children's version there are no complex concepts that sometimes seem like an impossible task to show to an adult. All concepts written on the cards will be familiar to the child. Or you can find a game in which pictures are shown instead of words. In this case, preschoolers who do not yet know how to read will be able to take part in the general fun. Why, then, is such a game needed where the child will not be able to learn new words, but will operate with already known concepts? By showing animals, birds and surrounding objects, children train their imagination, logic and acting skills.

The rules of the game in "Activity" (original) are clearly regulated, but, as in all games, there are some loopholes that will help a person who knows them win. For example, in a "rules match" where both teams have the opportunity to guess the same word, a player may deliberately take the easiest card.

If parents play with children, then perhaps the time for demonstrating a particular task should be increased. Therefore, you can turn the hourglass over twice. Then even the kids' team will have a chance to win.

It is not always possible to explain a complex word in a minute. This task will seem easier if you break the concept into parts. It would be simply impossible to explain hydroelectric power in one word. It is worth breaking this concept into three parts: showing water, electricity and the station. Team members will be able to connect these words.

"Activity" is a game for communication. It is based on the exchange of ideas between players. The game uses all the usual forms of communication: facial expressions, verbal and graphic descriptions. The game becomes more difficult as it progresses, and who will be the winner can only be determined at the last moment. The game can be played by 2, 3, or 4 teams with a minimum of 2 players per team. Rules for the game for three players are given below.

Playing field

The chips begin their movement across the playing field. There are 49 game cells on the field, and special cells marked with numbers 3, 4, 5, where cards with the corresponding number are placed. Each field has its own color scheme with a special symbol. The color scheme indicates what topic is to be presented, and the symbol on it shows the specific form of communication that the drawings in the center of the field demonstrate (Drawing, Explaining and Pantomime).


The number on a card with a number indicates the difficulty of a particular card. Cards numbered 3 are the easiest, cards numbered 4 are more complex, and as for cards numbered 5, these are the cards with the maximum difficulty. Although, we are sure that all this is quite subjective. The drawings that are presented on the cards are colored and with special symbols. All these colors and symbols correspond to the colors and symbols on the playing field. The color background indicates what theme should be presented. This means that if the players of one of the teams find themselves on a field that is colored yellow and has a “Drawing” symbol on it, then this topic must be selected on the map, then drawn. If the theme color is red, then it should be "Open Round". But we'll talk about this a little later!


The hourglass lasts for one minute. After the player looks at the card and remembers the word, the clock turns over and the countdown begins. The team must give the correct answer within one minute. The other team must keep an eye on the hourglass. If a team guesses the correct answer before one minute has elapsed, the team piece will move the number of steps indicated by the number on the back of the card. If the team fails, then the chips of this team remain standing and the turn of the move passes to the other team. The player chooses a card of any complexity and the game continues.


Players are divided into teams with an equal number of players on each team. Each team must consist of at least two players (special rules for three-player games are given below). Each team places its piece on the initial playing field (let's call it START). The decks of cards are shuffled and placed face down on their designated spaces on the playing field, according to digital instructions!


The game starts with the first player of the first team. He takes the top card from any deck (3, 4 or 5) so that none of his team members can see it. When the game has already begun, the player must present the topic that is prescribed to him by the card, and when the game starts, when the chips of all players are on the initial field, each player has the opportunity to first choose the topic that interests him. The “Executor” has only 10 seconds to complete this task. If he fails, then the turn of the move goes to the other team. The turn will continue until the players of one of the teams correctly guess the word within the allotted seconds. If the game does not play “Open Round”, then the player who started first shows this card to all players of the other team so that they can check the correct answer of the opposing team. The “performer” does not have to tell the players of his team exactly the topic, but must explain it in such a way that they can guess about it. The “Performer” must always follow the following rules, which will help his team know what exactly is written inside the card.