Complex sentences with different types of connections. Conjunctive and non-conjunctive subordination in a complex sentence

A subordinate relationship is a relationship between the parts of a complex sentence or phrase in which one part is the control one, and the second is subordinate to it. Based on this, we will analyze the types of subordinating connections in phrases and sentences. For clarity, each of the above cases will be considered with an example.

Types of subordinating connections in phrases

There are only three of them. These are coordination, control and adjacency.


Gender, number and case of the main word in this type of connection are consistent with the dependent word.

Examples: beautiful flower, another world, ninth day.

As you can see, this type of connection is typical for phrases where the noun is the main word, and the adjective, participle or ordinal number is the dependent word. Also, a possessive pronoun can act as a dependent word, for example, in the phrase “our souls.” The type of subordinating connection here will be agreement.


The main word in management makes the secondary word dependent by means of case. The combinations of parts of speech here can be quite varied: verb and noun, participle or gerund and noun, noun and noun, numeral and noun.

Examples: sitting on a bench, those who know the truth, entering the room, a clay bowl, ten sailors.

In GIA and Unified State Examination tasks, students are often faced with the task of changing the type of phrase from control to coordination or vice versa. Without understanding the material, a graduate may make a mistake. The task is actually quite simple. To do this, it is enough to know the types of subordinating connections and be able to use them.

The classic version of the task is a connection of two nouns. For example, “corn porridge.” The subordinating word must be changed into an adjective. Then it comes out " corn porridge“, accordingly, no other types of subordinating connections, except coordination, are suitable here. This means that everything was done correctly.

If it is necessary to change the connection from agreement to control, then we change the adjective to a noun and put it in a certain case in relation to the main word. So, from a “strawberry cocktail” you get a “strawberry cocktail”.


In this case, the main word is connected with the dependent word solely in meaning. Such a connection is between a verb and an adverb, a verb and a gerund, a verb and a verb, a verb and an adjective or an adverb of comparative degree.

Examples: “smile happily”, “speaks while sobbing”, “I can swim”, “be smarter”, “it has become worse”.

It is quite simple to determine this connection: the dependent word does not and cannot have case and gender. This can be an infinitive, a gerund, comparative degrees of an adjective and an adverb.

We looked at all types of subordinating connections in a phrase. Now let's move on to a complex sentence.

Subordinating connection in a sentence

Types of subordinating connections in a complex sentence can be distinguished when there are several subordinate clauses. They connect to the main clause in different ways. For this reason, it can be noted that the subordination relationship, the types of which we will analyze, can be expressed in different ways depending on the nature of the subordination.

Consistent submission

With this type of connection, subordinate clauses come into subordination to each other sequentially. This sentence pattern resembles a nesting doll.

Example. I asked a friend for a guitar who was helping me put on a show where we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

The stem of the main sentence here is “I asked.” The subordinate clause that enters into a subordinating relationship with it has the stem “which helped to arrange.” From this sentence comes another subordinate clause, subordinate to it - “we played Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.”

Parallel subordination

This is a type of complex sentence in which several subordinate clauses are subordinate to one main clause, but at the same time to different words.

Example. In that park where lilacs bloom magnificently in spring, I was walking with a friend whose image seemed cute to you.

The main sentence sounds like this: “I was walking in that park with a friend.” It has a built-in subordinate clause “where lilacs bloom magnificently in spring.” It obeys the phrase “in that park.” From him we ask the question “in what?” Another subordinate clause - “whose image seemed cute to you” - is built from the word “familiar”. We ask him the question “which one?”

Thus, we see that subordinate clauses are connected by a subordinating relationship with one main sentence, but at the same time with different parts of it.

Homogeneous Subordination

Subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination are associated with one main clause. They refer to the same word and answer the same question.

Example. They guessed that their action would have consequences, that it was better to abandon the idea and let everything be as it was.

The main sentence is “they guessed.” From him we ask the question “about what?” Both subordinate clauses answer this question. In addition, both the first and second subordinate clauses are connected to the main sentence using the predicate “guessed.” From this we conclude that the sentence is with homogeneous subordination.

All the examples given refer to sentences where there is a subordinating connection, the types of which we have discussed. This information will be necessary for everyone who is going to take exams in the Russian language, especially the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, where there are a number of tasks to test such knowledge. It is important to remember that without understanding how phrases and sentences are constructed, it is impossible to fully master literate speech. Any person who wants to learn how to write without errors needs to know this.

Subordinating connection

Subordination, or subordinating connection- the relationship of syntactic inequality between words in a phrase and a sentence, as well as between the predicative parts of a complex sentence.

In this connection, one of the components (words or sentences) acts as main, the other - like dependent.

The linguistic concept of “subordination” is preceded by a more ancient concept - “hypotaxis”.

Features of subordinating communication

To distinguish between coordinating and subordinating connections, A. M. Peshkovsky proposed a criterion of reversibility. Submission is characterized irreversible relations between the parts of the connection: one part cannot be put in place of another without damaging the overall content. However, this criterion is not considered decisive.

The significant difference between a subordinating connection (according to S. O. Kartsevsky) is that it functionally close to the dialogical unity of the informative (question-answer) type, firstly, and predominantly has pronominal nature of means of expression, secondly.

Subordination in phrases and simple sentences

Types of subordinating connections in phrases and sentences:

  • coordination
  • adjacency

Subordination in a complex sentence

The subordinating connection between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence is made using subordinating conjunctions or allied (relative) words. A complex sentence with such a connection is called a complex sentence. The independent part in it is called main part, and dependent - subordinate clause.

Types of subordinating connection in a complex sentence:

  • allied subordination
    - subordination of sentences using conjunctions.
    I don't want the world to know my mysterious story(Lermontov).
  • relative subordination
    - subordination of sentences using allied (relative) words.
    The moment came when I realized the full value of these words(Goncharov).
  • indirect interrogative submission(interrogative-relative, relative-interrogative)
    - subordination with the help of interrogative-relative pronouns and adverbs connecting the subordinate clause with the main one, in which the member of the sentence explained by the subordinate clause is expressed by a verb or a noun with the meaning of a statement, perception, mental activity, feeling, internal state.
    At first I couldn’t realize what exactly it was(Korolenko).
  • sequential submission (inclusion)
    - subordination, in which the first subordinate clause refers to the main part, the second subordinate clause - to the first subordinate clause, the third subordinate clause - to, the second subordinate clause, etc.
    I hope that this book says quite clearly that I was not shy about writing the truth when I wanted to.(Bitter).
  • mutual submission
    - mutual dependence of the predicative parts of a complex sentence, in which the main and subordinate clauses are not distinguished; relations between parts are expressed by lexical-syntactic means.
    Before Chichikov had time to look around, he was already grabbed by the arm by the governor(Gogol).
  • parallel subordination (subordination)



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See what a “Subordinate relationship” is in other dictionaries:

    The connection between two syntactically unequal words in a phrase and a sentence: one of them acts as the main word, the other as the dependent one. New textbook, implementation of the plan, answer correctly. see coordination, control, adjacency; IN… …

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During exams, school graduates are given tasks to determine the type of connection in the text. Many people have difficulty doing this, although it is not that difficult.

A complex connection in sentences or phrases is a sentence (phrase) in which one of the parts is subordinate to the other. When carefully studying the rules of subordinating relationships, many examples are given independently.

There are only three types of subordination - coordination, adjacency and control.

  • Coordination.

The dominant word is a noun, and participles, adjectives, possessive pronouns or ordinal numerators are dependent words, i.e. subordinate, consistent. Cases, gender and numbers change following the main word.

For example: our dacha, an open book, the first warrior. In the first phrase, the pronoun acts as a predicative word, and the type of subordinating connection will be agreement.

  • Control.

The predicative word changes from the dominant one in the case. Parts of speech are very diverse. You can find familiar combinations: adjectives and nouns, participles (gerunds) and nouns, verbs and nouns, numerals and nouns, even nouns and nouns.

Example: watch a movie, death threats, pea soup, five stars.

During final exams, applicants are often faced with the task of changing the type of communication from coordination to management or vice versa. Typically, two nouns are examples. The above is split pea soup. To change a phrase, you need to transform one noun into an adjective, so you get pea soup. To convert back, you need to turn the adjective into a noun. For example, a silk dress will become a silk dress.

  • Adjacency.

In adjacency, the dominant word is connected with the dependent word only logically, that is, in meaning. Typically, the following parts of speech have this type of connection: verb and verb, verb and adverb, verb and gerund, adjective or participle, verb and degree of comparison in an adverb. Feature adjacency is that the dependent word has no case and gender.

For example: it’s sad to watch, he says laughing, I can’t fly, to be kinder, it was better.

There are several types of subordinating connections in complex sentence. There is one main simple clause and several subordinate clauses. The subordination of phrases differs from each other, so it is not always easy to distinguish them.

  • Consistent submission.

In this case, the main phrase comes first, and the dependent ones obey it sequentially one after another.

For example. She looked at the guy from whom she once asked for a lecture, but he didn’t write it down either.

The main clause here is “She looked”, the first subordinate clause is “from whom she asked for a lecture”, and the second subordinate clause is “he did not write down”.

  • Parallel subordination.

This is a subordination in which subordinate clauses depend on one main one, but on its different parts speech.

For example. That evening, which smelled wonderfully of bird cherry, he told his son about the moments when he and his mother met.

The main thing here is “That evening he told his son about the moments.” The first subordinate clause answers the question: “What evening?” And the answer immediately follows: “Which smelled wonderfully of bird cherry.” Another dependent phrase sentence poses the question: “About what moments?”, the answer will be: “When he and his mother met.”

You need to know: what it is, examples of it in the literature.

From this we can see that there is a main sentence and two subordinate clauses, which depend on different words.

  • Homogeneous submission.

This method of subordinating communication has a peculiarity. With such subordination, predicative sentences answer the same question and depend on the same part of speech.

For example. She knew that it couldn't get any better and that it was better for her to leave forever.

The main thing: “She knew.” The first subordinate clause answers the question - did you know about what? That it won't get any better. The second subordinate clause also answers the question “About what?”, the answer is that it is better for her to leave forever.

After analyzing the text, it turns out that it is complex with a homogeneous method of subordination.

  • Subordination is allied.

This is a way of subordination using conjunctions and allied words.

For example. She didn't know she was being watched.

The dominant phrase “She didn’t know,” the subordinate clause, answers the question “About what?” The answer will be “That she is being watched.”

  • Indirect interrogative submission.

Subordinate clauses answer the main question using relative interrogative adverbs or pronouns. The main idea of ​​a predicative sentence is expressed using a verb or noun that describes a state or feeling.

For example. She didn't know how much it hurt. The main one is “She didn’t know.” The subordinate clause “how painful it was” answers the question “I didn’t know about what?”

  • Subordination.

Subordinate and main clauses are dependent on each other, and main idea expressed using lexico-syntactic means.

She had not yet laid out her things when she was surrounded by children.

The dominant thing is that she didn’t put things away. It answers the question “what happened” (she was surrounded by children).

Knowing the principles of constructing complex sentences is important for every Russian person, especially for schoolchildren before final exams. You don’t carry knowledge behind your back, and it’s nice to talk to a competent person.

The subordinating connection in a complex sentence has several types. By the presence or absence of analogy with the types of subordinating connections in the phrase and simple sentence there is reason to distinguish between two types of subordinating connections in complex sentences: 1) a connection similar to connections in a phrase and a simple sentence; 2) a connection that is not similar to the connections in a phrase and a simple sentence.
A subordinating relationship of the first kind is further subdivided according to what type of connection it is similar to. For a subordinate connection in a complex sentence, the most significant sign is predictability ~ unpredictability. Accordingly, the following are highlighted:
  1. a predictive subordinating connection, similar to the connection between a word and its spreading form of the word, determined by the properties of the main word;
  2. a non-predictive subordinating relationship, similar to the connection between the predicative center of a sentence and its non-constitutive situational distributors - determinants. Wed: He was waiting for the director to come. - When the director came, they went to the workshop. In the first sentence, the subordinate clause is in a subordinate connection with the word wait, the categorical properties of which explain both its very presence in this word and the nature of its design; in the second sentence, the subordinate part is in a subordinate connection with the predicative center of the main part, and the very fact of the presence of the subordinate part and the nature of its design (not motivated by anything in the main part) are determined by the semantic relationships that are established between the subordinate and main parts.


  1. A9. Offer. Types of sentences according to the number of grammatical bases. Types of complex sentences by means of connecting parts. Complex sentences with different types of connections.
  3. 28. Complex sentence. Means and methods of expressing relationships between parts of a complex sentence. Coordinating, subordinating and non-union connections.
  5. Types of subordinating connections in phrases: coordination, control, adjacency, their characteristics, types, difficult cases.
  6. § 11. Sentences combining non-union, coordinating and subordinating connections of predicative links.
  8. In the sections “Subordinate connections of words and phrases”, “Simple sentence”, “Syntax of word form”
  9. Complex sentence as a unit of syntax. Place of a complex sentence in the syntactic system. Structural and semantic features of a complex sentence.
  10. Principles of classification of complex sentences. Structural and semantic characteristics of types of complex sentences. The place of complex sentences with connecting and gradational conjunctions in the complex sentence system. Question about complex sentences with explanatory conjunctions.

Complex sentence- this is a sentence that contains at least two grammatical bases (at least two simple sentences) and represents a semantic and grammatical unity, formalized intonationally.

For example: Ahead of us, a brown, clayey bank descended steeply, and behind us a wide grove darkened.

Simple sentences within a complex sentence do not have intonation and semantic completeness and are called predicative parts (constructions) of a complex sentence.

Complex sentence is closely related to the simple sentence, but differs from it both structurally and in the nature of the message.

Therefore, determine complex sentence- this means, first of all, to identify the features that distinguish it from a simple sentence.

The structural difference is obvious: a complex sentence is a grammatically formed combination of sentences (parts), somehow adapted to each other, whereas a simple sentence is a unit functioning outside of such a combination(hence its definition as a simple sentence). As part of a complex sentence, its parts are characterized by grammatical and intonation interconnectedness, as well as interdependence of content. In communicative terms, the difference between simple and complex sentences comes down to the difference in the volume of messages they convey.

A simple unextended sentence reports one single situation.

For example: The boy writes; The girl is reading; It's getting dark; Winter has come; We have guests; I'm having fun.

Complex sentence reports about several situations and the relationships between them or (a specific case) about one situation and the attitude towards it on the part of its participants or the speaker.

For example: The boy writes and the girl reads; When the boy writes, the girl reads; He doubts that you will like this book; I'm afraid that my arrival will not please anyone.

Thus, complex sentence- this is an integral syntactic unit, which is a grammatically formed combination of sentences and functions as a message about two or more situations and the relationships between them.

Depending on the way simple sentences are connected as part of a complex All complex sentences are divided into two main types: non-union (communication is carried out only with the help of intonation) and allied (communication is carried out not only with the help of intonation, but also with the help of special means connections: conjunctions and allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs).

Conjunctive sentences are divided into compound and complex sentences.

In complex sentences, simple sentences are connected by coordinating conjunctions and, a, but, or, then... then etc. Parts of a complex sentence are, as a rule, equal in meaning.

In complex sentences, simple sentences are connected by subordinating conjunctions what, so, how, if, since, although etc. and allied words which, whose, where, where etc., which express different meanings dependencies: cause, effect, purpose, condition etc.

As part of a complex sentence, the main and subordinate clauses (or, what is the same, the main and subordinate parts) are distinguished.

Subordinate clause the part of a complex sentence that contains a subordinating conjunction or a conjunctive pronominal word is called; The main sentence is that part of a complex sentence to which the subordinate clause is attached (or correlated).

In the schemes of non-union and complex sentences, simple sentences are indicated by square brackets, the main sentence in the complex is also indicated, and subordinate clauses are enclosed in parentheses. The diagrams indicate means of communication and punctuation marks.

For example:

1) Seagulls circled over the lake, two or three longboats were visible in the distance.

, . – non-union complex sentence (BSP).

2)The driver slammed the door and the car sped off.

AND . – complex sentence (CSS).

3) I knew that in the morning my mother would go to the field to reap rye.

, (What...). – complex sentence (SPP).

A special group of complex sentences consists of sentences with different types communications.

For example: Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.(Leonardo da Vinci). This is a complex sentence with composition and subordination.

The scheme of this sentence: , (which...), and , (which...).

Coordinating and subordinating connections in a complex sentence are not identical to coordinating and subordinating connections in a phrase and a simple sentence.

Main Differences boil down to the following.

In a complex sentence, a sharp line cannot always be drawn between composition and subordination: in many cases, the same relationship can be formalized by both a coordinating and a subordinating conjunction.

Composition And subordination of the proposalth - these are such ways of detecting the semantic relations existing between them, of which one (essay) conveys these relations in a less dismembered form, and the other (subordination) in a more differentiated form. In other words, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions differ primarily in their revealing (formalizing) capabilities.

So, for example, if, in a subordinating relationship, concessional, cause- or conditional-effect relationships receive a specialized, unambiguous expression with the help of conjunctions although, because if, then when composing, all these meanings can be formalized by the same connecting conjunction and.

For example: You can be an excellent doctor - and at the same time not know people at all(Chekhov); You came - and it was light, the winter dream was blown away, and spring began to hum in the forest(Block); Winter is like a magnificent funeral. Leave your home outside, Add some currants to the twilight, Douse with wine - that’s kutya(Parsnip); We didn’t bother with the child - and he doesn’t know music(V. Meyerhold).

Similarly, adversative conjunctions A And But may form concessionary relations: The boy was small, but he spoke and behaved with dignity(Trifonov); He's a celebrity, but he's a simple soul(Chekhov); conditional: My enthusiasm may cool, and then everything is lost(Aksakov); investigative: I know you are saying all this in irritation, and therefore I am not angry with you(Chekhov); comparative: You should laugh until you drop at my antics, and you are on guard(Chekhov).

When prompted, disjunctive conjunctions can formalize a conditional meaning, within the framework of a subordinating connection, expressed by the conjunction if (not)... then: You get married or I'll curse you(Fluff.); Either you get dressed now, or I'll go alone(Letters); One of two things: either he takes her away, act energetically, or give her a divorce(L. Tolstoy). Precisely because, by the nature of the relationships expressed, composition and the subordination of sentences are not sharply opposed to each other, close interaction is revealed between them.

2)The coordinating connection in a complex sentence is independent ; in a simple sentence it is associated with the expression of the relation of syntactic homogeneity. Another difference is also significant: in a simple sentence, the composition serves only the purpose of expanding and complicating the message; in a complex sentence, composition is one of two types of syntactic connections that organize such a sentence itself.

3) Composition and subordination relate differently to non-unionism.

The essay is close to non-union. The revealing (formalizing) possibilities of composition, compared with the possibilities of subordination, are weaker, and from this point of view, composition is not only not equivalent to subordination, but is also much further away from it than from non-union.

An essay is both a syntactic and a lexical method of communication: the relationship that arises between sentences on the basis of their semantic interaction with each other, as already noted, does not receive an unambiguous expression here, but is characterized only in the most general and undifferentiated form.

Further specification and narrowing of this meaning is carried out in the same way as with non-union - based on the general semantics of the connected sentences or (where possible) on certain lexical indicators: particles, introductory words, demonstrative and anaphoric pronouns and pronominal phrases. In some cases, differentiating functions are assumed by the relationships between types, tense forms and inclinations.

Thus, the conditional consequential meaning in sentences with the conjunction And appears more clearly when combining forms imperative mood(usually, but not necessarily, perfective verbs) in the first sentence with forms of other moods or with forms of the present-future tense - in the second: Experience consistency in good deeds, and then just call the person virtuous(Griboyedov, correspondence).

If coordinating conjunctions easily and naturally combine with lexical means of communication, forming unstable conjunctions with them ( and so, here and, well and, and therefore, and therefore, and therefore, therefore and, and therefore, and means, and therefore, therefore and, and then, then and, and under that condition etc.), then subordinating conjunctions themselves quite clearly differentiate the semantic relationships between sentences.

4) At the same time the subordinating relationship in a complex sentence is less clear than in the phrase. It often happens that some component of the meaning that is created by the interaction of sentences as part of a complex remains outside the revealing capabilities of the subordinating conjunction, counteracting its meaning or, on the contrary, enriching it in one way or another.

So, for example, in complex sentences with the conjunction When, if there is a message about emotional reactions or states in the main sentence, elements of causal meaning appear with greater or lesser force against the background of the actual temporary meaning: The poor teacher covered his face with his hands when he heard about such an act of his former students.(Gogol); [Masha:] I am worried and offended by rudeness, I suffer when I see that a person is not subtle enough, soft enough, kind enough(Chekhov); The native, ocher-painted train station appeared. My heart sank sweetly when I heard the ringing of the station bell(Belov).

If the content subordinate clause assessed from the point of view of necessity or desirability, the temporary meaning is complicated by the target: Sweet things like this are said when they want to justify their indifference(Chekhov). In other cases, with an alliance When comparative values ​​are found ( No one has ever gotten up when I was completely ready. (Aksakov) or inconsistencies ( What kind of groom is there when he’s just afraid to come?(Dostovsky).

The third type of connection in a complex sentence is often distinguished non-union connection .

However, with the exception of one particular case, when the relations between non-conjunct sentences (conditional) are expressed by a completely definite relationship of predicate forms ( If I didn’t invite him, he would be offended; If a true friend had been nearby, the trouble would not have happened), non-union is not a grammatical connection.

Therefore, the distinction between composition and subordination in relation to non-union is impossible, although in semantic terms a very definite correlation is established between different types of non-union, complex and complex sentences.

So, for example, by the nature of the relations, combinations of sentences are very close to the sphere of subordination, of which one occupies the position of an object distributor within the other ( I hear someone knocking somewhere), or characterizes what is reported in another sentence, from the point of view of certain accompanying circumstances ( What snow there was, I was walking!, i.e. (when I was walking)). The relations that develop between sentences during non-union can receive ungrammatical expression with the help of certain, in varying degrees specialized elements of vocabulary: pronominal words, particles, introductory words and adverbs, which are like aids are also used in complex sentences of conjunctive types, especially complex ones.

The combination of two or more sentences into one complex sentence is accompanied by their formal, modal, intonation and content adaptation to each other. Sentences that are parts of a complex sentence do not have intonation, and often substantive (informative) completeness; Such completeness characterizes the entire complex sentence as a whole.

As part of a complex sentence, the modal characteristics of the combined sentences undergo significant changes:

firstly, here they enter into various interactions objectively modal values parts, and as a result of these interactions a new modal meaning is formed, which relates to the plane of reality or unreality the entire message contained in the complex sentence as a whole;

secondly, in the formation of the modal characteristics of a complex sentence they can take active participation conjunctions (primarily subordinating ones), which make their own adjustments to the modal meanings of both parts of a complex sentence and their combination with each other;

thirdly, and finally, in a complex sentence, in contrast to a simple one, a close connection and dependence of objective-modal meanings and those subjective-modal meanings, which are very often contained in the conjunctions themselves and in their analogues, is revealed.

A feature of sentences that are part of a complex sentence may be the incompleteness of one of them (usually not the first), due to the tendency to non-repetition in a complex sentence of those semantic components that are common to both of its parts. Mutual adaptation of sentences when combined into a complex sentence can manifest itself in the order of words, mutual restrictions on types, forms of tense and mood, and in restrictions on the target setting of the message. As part of a complex sentence, the main part may have an open syntactic position for the subordinate clause. In this case, the main part also has special means to indicate this position; such means are demonstrative pronominal words. The types and methods of formal adaptation of sentences when combined into a complex syntactic unit are considered when describing specific types of complex sentences.