Planning meeting, operational meeting, operational meeting. Organization, holding

Planners, briefings and meetings are an integral part of the working day of almost every employee. Sooner or later, a manager is faced with the need to independently conduct a daily planning meeting. But as often happens, no one really teaches this. Therefore, the question often arises: how to conduct a planning meeting?

Goals of the planning meeting

The first thing you need to do is determine the goals that you want to achieve by holding a planning meeting. As a rule, the main goal of such meetings is to create a single information space among all employees, as a result of achieving higher and more coherent work. Planning meetings help solve the following problems:

  1. Setting goals and objectives for the team;
  2. Finishing general information to the entire team;
  3. Solving general issues;
  4. Motivation and involvement of staff;
  5. Employee training through the transfer of best practices;

Agree, achieving such goals is of great interest to any manager. This is why the practice of planning meetings is so widespread in business. But achieving effectiveness from meetings is not so easy; it is important to adhere to a clearly defined action plan and prepare for each planning meeting.

Planning meeting plan

So, we have determined that the meeting is an important and useful thing, but in order not to turn this tool into another useless torture of subordinates, the manager should approach the preparation of the planning meeting with all seriousness. Previously, we discussed the goals of the meeting; the manager’s task, depending on the goal, is to draw up a plan for holding the meeting. Naturally, the meeting for sellers and for TOP managers will be radically different from each other. Although the structure itself will be approximately the same.

Very important points When conducting any meeting, give subordinates the opportunity to speak as quickly as possible. It is advisable to involve as many planning meeting participants as possible from the first minutes. This will help set up the team.

Secrets of planning meeting success

The most important! To make a meeting interesting, you must prepare for it. The success of a meeting depends on several important factors:

  1. Information component. The information presented at the meeting should be useful and interesting. If the information is boring and monotonous, then do it interesting way supply of information. Remove boring and unhelpful information;
  2. Emotional component. Even the most interesting topic may be ruined by incorrect feeding. Remember your university teachers; at some lectures the entire audience is asleep, while at others it is completely sold out.
  3. The leader who conducts the meeting. The more authoritative the presenter, the better the audience perceives him. If your authority is not high, carefully work on points 1 and 2.

Rules for holding a planning meeting

Late employees

Someone always tries to be late for a meeting. Such employees are highly destructive and must be fought desperately. I would like to ask you to agree in advance with all team members what we do with those who are late. There are several examples: a latecomer brings coffee or fruit to everyone, a latecomer tells a joke, a latecomer sings a song, etc. The most important thing is that everyone knows the rules and everyone follows them. If the rule is thought out and accepted by the team, then you will reduce lateness to a minimum.

Same meeting time

It is very important to maintain a clear meeting schedule. There is nothing worse than unscheduled meetings; it disrupts the plans of subordinates and does not allow them to prepare properly. The attitude towards such meetings is initially negative, which is not conducive to working.

Any meeting must be notified in advance; it is best not to change the dates and times of meetings unless necessary.

Don't delay meetings

It is very important to follow the timing; if you have determined that the meeting should not last more than 30 minutes, then keep your word. The longer the meeting, the less effective it is. If you need to resolve complex issues and require long time to work out the details, then create working groups of competent employees. Often most of the meeting is spent working on organizational issues, and most of the listeners drop out of the dialogue altogether.

Only the presenter speaks

I often observe a situation where employees are afraid of their boss and as a result the meeting turns into a monologue of a dictator. As a rule, all this happens in deathly silence, and tension is felt in the air. A directive management style is not appropriate at meetings; it contradicts the essence of this event. Ideally, all participants should speak at the planning meeting.

Discussion of private issues

Sometimes one of the planning meeting participants may try to use this event to resolve his private issue. For an employee, raising a question publicly is usually beneficial. This approach can turn the meeting into a farce. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately stop such manipulations and set a time for resolving private issues.

Impact of the meeting on work

Everything that you agreed on at the meeting must be carried out on your part. If there is no control, employees will quickly adapt and stop following your orders.

How to check the effectiveness of a meeting

The effectiveness of a meeting is fairly easy to test. Ask your subordinates what happened at the meeting? 5 minutes after the meeting, 3 hours later and the next day. The answers to these questions provide feedback to the planning meeting organizer. If there is a lot of information, force employees to take notes. But everyone should record information in any case.

How to conduct planning sessions and meetings

Systematic holding of monthly planning meetings, weekly meetings and daily meetings is the most important tool for the development of the sales department and the organization as a whole. And an integral part of a self-developing sales department - after describing business processes and putting the business on autopilot.

What are the benefits of holding planning sessions and meetings?

? The manager takes part in operational management. He is aware of all current events of the organization, knows about important events and innovations.

? The manager learns about problems in a timely manner sales department and adjusts solution options. In practice, a manager often becomes aware of problems when they have already gained momentum and caused serious damage.

? All employees set goals for themselves for a day, a week, a month. The implementation of goals is monitored. This prevents all employees of the organization from NOT developing. Monthly progress is important.

? Each employee can make a suggestion to develop the company, increase sales, improve service.

Employees can be motivated to suggest innovations and changes. For example, pay 30% of profit (or potential profit) for the first month of implementation - if management considers the innovation significant and brings it to life. Using this technology, many large companies, such as DeLL with the IdeaStorm service and Sberbank, were able to earn millions in additional profit, reduce costs and significantly improve the quality of customer service.

At Sberbank, the collector suggested removing the check-in at the office after collections, which was intended for filling out the Internal Collection Book. Now you can fill it out once a week. Thus, thousands of collectors saved one trip per day, reducing costs for this procedure. The innovative collector received more than 300,000 rubles.

? Reports are provided in a timely manner about the company's activities. The manager keeps his finger on the pulse: controls sales volumes, the number of new clients, sales volumes for new and old clients, the development of advertising and other budgets, accounting reports; promotion through new sales channels, new products and services. Plus gets feedback for an increase or decrease in any indicators. For example, why were sales down 11% from last month, or why did they attract 28% more new customers this month?

This allows:

Timely identify current problems and outline a plan for solving them, appoint those responsible for the implementation of the plan and a control point (deadline);

Promptly adjust sales plans;

Summarize the results of the month, week and compare with the results of previous periods, analyze the reasons for changes;

Rally the team, reward the winners, hold motivating meetings;

Outline strategic development activities;

Do budgeting and draw up a payment schedule.

1. Morning meetings

Morning planning meetings are necessary in the sales department: managers, as a rule, have difficulty getting going and take a long time to get into work. The first one and a half to two hours of working time are spent on morning conversations, smoke breaks, tea and coffee, and checking email. And two hours in an eight-hour working day means three months a year in which employees do not work, but receive money for them.

Step 1. Who conducts the planning meetings

As a rule, the head of the sales department, but the general or commercial director can be involved.

Step 2. How long does the morning meeting last?

The time for the planning meeting should be strictly regulated - 10–20 minutes, no more. This is enough to “turn on” managers and set them up for productive work. It is important not to drag out the planning meeting for an hour. To resolve tactical issues, it is necessary to hold a general planning meeting once a week.

Any objections from managers like: “I have no time for planning meetings now, work is on fire. Why waste time?" – must be stopped immediately. When organizing business processes, you and your employees look from different positions: managers - from the position of “we need to close the client faster”, you - from the position of making the system work like a clock. Moreover, 15 minutes is unlikely to lead to the loss of a client or the failure of a deal, especially at the beginning of the day. It is important to implement morning meetings as a ritual and never miss them. After 21–30 days, everyone will get used to the fact that this is an integral part of the working day, and will not sabotage the process. It is important not to allow a single day of interruption from the first day of implementation.

Step 3 What issues are discussed at the morning meeting?

Approving plans and setting goals for today. In addition, a work log with a list of calls and a report on the sales plan for the previous day are provided. Plus, managers report on the achievement of the goals they set for themselves yesterday - they answer questions about what exactly the goals were, what was achieved and what did not work, what help is needed. Each manager sets a goal for the current day - all of them are entered into small table, which all managers and the head of the department have access to. Example goals: “to put the pressure on the client of ABC LLC, confirm payments for three key clients, arrange a meeting with a new promising client.”

Goals can be divided into three categories:

1) goals for clients for the day;

2) payment goals;

3) work with accounts receivable.

Step 4. Fill out the table(Table 5.12)

Table 5.12 Daily plan

First task department head - check the reports.

Second task– enter a list of goals set by managers. It is important that they set their own goals.

Step 5 Skype meetings

Modern means of communication allow planning meetings to be held remotely, for example via Skype. The CEO can attend the morning planning meeting from anywhere in the world and set additional tasks sales department After your employees get used to daily meetings, you can completely transfer this process to Skype mode. Basically this technology applicable to other planning meetings, if you have established traditions of holding them, regulations are written down and all employees know what documents they must submit to the planning meeting and what questions need to be answered.

2. How to conduct weekly meetings

1.2. When:

1.3. Who conducts:

1.4. Who is present:

1.5. Issues discussed:

1.6. Required documents:

2. Procedure.

2.1. First, we announce the agenda.

2.2. A brief report on the results for the week.

2.4. Defining and adjusting plans.

2.5. Setting specific goals for the next week.

2.6. Listening to employee suggestions.

2.7. What reports and documents are placed on the manager’s desk.

3. Minutes of the meeting.

(To be filled out by the secretary.)

3. Example “Regulations for weekly meetings”

1. Purpose, time, participants, documents.

1.1 Purpose:

Analyze the implementation of sales plans from the beginning of the month and expected sales at the end;

Check the completion of previously assigned tasks, assign new tasks or reschedule existing ones;

Identify current problems and write them down step by step plans their decisions, write brief instructions, appoint those responsible for the implementation of the plan and a control point (deadline);

Monitor the completion of tasks from last week;

Announce important events and innovations in the company.

1.2 When it is carried out:

Every Monday from 10:00 to 11:30.

1.3 Who conducts:

Executive Director or (if absent) CEO.

1.4 Who is present:

General Director (if necessary).

Executive Director (Development Manager).

Financial Director (Chief Accountant).

Sales managers.


1.5 Issues discussed:

It is important to write down a list of standard issues discussed and always go through them. All questions can be divided into two categories:

Regular – those that are discussed according to the regulations;

Development issues - according to the plan (agenda) of the meeting.

It is necessary to allocate a certain time for each issue and during this interval have time to develop a solution, write an action plan and appoint someone responsible. Although strategic issues can be discussed for a long time. In this case, the main thing is not to forget about the goals of the meeting and bring the issue to a decision. This is much better than raising a dozen questions and not bringing any of them to a logical conclusion.

Four to six issues can be discussed at the meeting. More difficult for perception and active work.

1.6 Required documents:

All reports are provided in printed form and stored electronically for shared access.

The accountant provides:

Sales report for the week and from the beginning of the month.

Head of Sales Department:

Sales report for each manager.

A diary for recording tasks and decisions made.

Before the meeting, the executive director or head of the company checks the availability of required documents.

2. Procedure.

2.1. We announce the agenda.

2.2. A brief report on the results for the week. It is important that employees talk about the results they achieved, and not about what they did to achieve the goal. Reports should take 5–15 minutes to complete.

2.3. Discussion of progress on projects.

2.4. Analysis of reports by department, determination and adjustment of plans regarding statistics.

2.5. Define specific goals for the next week. Record it in the protocol. Indicate those responsible.

2.6. Listen to employee suggestions for increasing sales, quality of service, etc. You can collect them all according to e-mail to a separate box for proposals, and at the meeting to consider only those that have a future. Entering tasks, responsibilities and deadlines into the protocol.

2.7 Sales department:

A report on managers is placed on the table.

The opportunity to increase the volume of supplies to specific customers is determined (customer development). What is needed to increase the volume of supplies: install software, train sellers, provide promotional products and samples.

The possibility of resuming deliveries to a client who stopped ordering due to the company’s fault is determined (personal contact of the commercial director).


3.1. Filled out by the secretary using a standard form and sent to all participants.

4. How to conduct monthly meetings

1. Purpose, time, participants, documents.

1.2. When:

1.3. Who conducts:

1.4. Who is present:

1.5. Required documents:

2. Procedure.

2.1. We announce the agenda.

2.2. Monthly results report. For each department.

2.3. Discussion of the implementation of sales plans and approval of plans for the next period. Discussion of the goals set last month and the percentage of their implementation.

2.4. Definition of the budget for the next month, schedules and procedure for payments to counterparties.

2.5. Awarding the winners based on the results of the month.

2.6. Motivation: discussion of new KPIs, bonuses and non-material motivation.

2.7. Development of strategic development activities.

2.8. Development of marketing and advertising activities.

2.9. Summing up by department.

2.10. Listen to employee suggestions.

2.11. What reports and documents are placed on the manager’s desk.

3. Minutes of the meeting.

3.1. To be completed by the secretary.

5. Example “Regulations for monthly meetings”

1. Purpose, time, participants, documents.

The procedure for holding a monthly meeting is determined by the general director of the company.


Monitor the implementation of sales plans.

Approve new sales plans together with the commercial and executive director.

Reward the winners, hold motivational meetings, rally the team.

Motivation: introduce new KPIs, bonuses and non-material motivation.

Outline strategic development activities.

Budgeting, payment schedule.



First Tuesday of the month.

Who conducts:

The executive director or (in his absence) the head of the company.

Who is present:

Director of company.

Executive Director (Development Manager).

Financial Director (Chief Accountant).

Sales managers.


Logistics Manager.

Required documents:

All reports are provided in printed form and are located in in electronic format on shared access.

The accountant provides:

Monthly sales report.

Head of Sales Department:

Sales report for each manager (summary for the month).

Each participant has with him:

List of questions and current problems from each participant;

One or two ideas on how to improve processes in the company, how to sell more and how to improve service.

2. Procedure.

1) Discussion of the implementation of sales plans and approval of plans for the next period. Discussion of the goals set last month and the percentage of their implementation.

2) Definition of the budget for the next month, schedules and procedure for payments to contractors.

3) Awarding the winners based on the results of the month.

4) Motivation: discussion of new KPIs, bonuses and non-material motivation.

5) Development of measures for strategic development.

6) Development of marketing and advertising activities.

7) Summing up by department.

Director of company:

Covers his vision based on the results of the last month, development for the next month/quarter, the direction of the company's development and conveys the opinion of the founders. Discusses important issues (in his opinion). Sets tasks, deadlines for their completion and assigns responsibility.

Financial Director (Chief Accountant):

A summary report on monthly sales volume and percentage of profit is placed on the table; expense report, accounts payable and receivable report + comparison with last month's debt.

Accounts receivable for more than three months.

What measures can be taken to reduce costs.

Sales department:

A summary report for managers, a sales report, an activity report, and conversion data are placed on the table.

The possibility of developing new sales channels is determined.

The possibility of producing new products based on demand is determined.

Customer acquisition channels as a percentage of sales volume from customers per channel (15% - contextual advertising, 55% - cold calls, 20% - reactivation, 10% - recommendations).

Number of new clients per month (active sales department).

The number of developed clients who moved from category C to B and from B to A (client department).

Number of regular customers and clients in categories A, B and C (client department).

The number of reactivated clients and their sales volume per month (active sales department).

Competitor analysis: prices, products, Special offers(offers).

What activities were carried out to develop the sales department: books, trainings, courses, etc. What were implemented. How did this affect sales?


The reason for the negative review is determined, the person responsible and the measure of influence are established.

Each participant has with him:

List of questions and current problems;

Diary for recording tasks and decisions made;

One or two ideas on how to improve processes in the company, how to sell more and how to improve service.

Before the meeting, the executive director or head of the company checks the availability of required documents.

3. Minutes of the meeting.

3.1. Filling out the minutes of the meeting. Filled out by the secretary. After the meeting, minutes are sent to all participants.

Minutes of the meeting/planning meeting

No. 01M dated 02.02.2014, St. Petersburg

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How to conduct a meeting? Walking around the floors and conflict with the security guard took a lot of time. Looking at my watch, I realized that I wouldn’t have time to go into the office - there were two minutes left before the start of the meeting. I went straight to the meeting room, where they traditionally held

Organize and conduct the planning meeting as efficiently as possible.

Find a solution to the problem stated for discussion or set the direction for the development of the situation in a constructive direction.

It is interesting to hold a planning meeting so that the participants have no time to yawn and do not feel like they have wasted time.

Action plan

1. Get acquainted with the proposed method of organizing a planning meeting.

2. Prepare yourself, prepare necessary materials and invite participants.

3. Hold a planning meeting.

4. Summarize the results of the planning meeting and familiarize all participants with them.

How to organize a planning meeting

First, what is required to conduct a planning meeting is the question or topic of the planning meeting. What work problem do you want to solve? What positive effect for the work of the organization will be the result of the planning meeting. Familiarize your planning meeting participants with this issue in advance. This way, you will save time during the planning meeting, and the discussion participants may come already having interesting ideas regarding your question.

Second– these are the people who will participate in the planning meeting. What profile specialists and what level of managers, or what line employees do you need to find the answer to the question posed?

Third– location of the planning meeting. It is important that this is a separate room or even a special meeting room. Where there will be enough space for everyone, outsiders (employees not participating in the planning meeting) will not be able to disturb you and the phones will not ring.

Fourth– time of the planning meeting. It is desirable that it be convenient for all participants or permanent. For example, daily planning meetings are held every day at exactly 8:30. In any case, when choosing the time for the planning meeting, you will have to focus on its most important participants. And prescribe it in advance, for several hours, or more correctly, days.

Fifth– regulations for the planning meeting. It is important not only to start the planning meeting on time, but also to finish it on time. Determine in advance the order in which issues will be discussed and the time allocated to each participant. Limit it, this will make the reports concise and as informative as possible. For example, one speech is no more than 10 minutes.

Sixth- improvised materials. The minimum required is pens for all participants and paper. Take care of this yourself, in advance, so that you don’t have to waste discussion time looking for what to write with and in what format. You may also need: flip chart, projector, screen, laptop, printer. All equipment must be prepared and tested in advance.

Seventh– leader of the planning meeting or secretary who will record the process and results of the discussion of your issue.

Formats of planning meetings

1. Summing up, information planning meeting.

Such planning meetings can be held weekly at the beginning of the week for heads of all departments of your organization.

Why are such planning meetings needed?

2. Planning meeting - distribution of current tasks.

Usually held at the beginning of each working day. The format is obvious - the manager issues tasks for the day to his subordinates. There is also no need to stretch the time - everyone received the task and went to complete it.

3. Planning meeting to discuss the issue raised.

You formulate your question in advance, which was formulated for you life itself and the current situation in your market. Voice the purpose of the planning meeting and send this information to the participants. Ask them to prepare (if necessary) for this issue. Determine the rules and secretary of the planning meeting in advance. The results of the planning meeting are sent to all participants. The time for such a planning meeting is no more than two hours. But there are situations when more time is required. In this case, plan organized breaks of 15-20 minutes for tea and just relaxation. (Prepare tea and sweets in advance too!)

4. Creative planning meeting.

Requests for work in coaching
1) Development of creativity resource for growth (self-development, professional growth, business development)
2) Resolving internal conflicts, overcoming crises using the resource of creativity

Don't like meetings? You just don't know how to cook them! By the way, this is a very effective management tool. A planning meeting is not only plans and deadlines, it is the development of new methods, the exchange of ideas, communication within the team, and the opportunity to instill enthusiasm in employees. The most important thing is not to approach this issue from a formal point of view. Planning meetings are not there for show. The highest and most stable indicators are those of those companies that clearly understand this. I wonder how to carry them out correctly? Then feel free to read on!

First, it’s worth understanding what functions the planning meeting has.

  • Informational. It is necessary that every employee is informed about the intended path of the company.
  • Test. The manager can monitor the atmosphere in the team, clarify the reasons for the decline or success of indicators. As a result, failures in the interaction chain often become noticeable.
  • Motivational. Labor productivity increases due to the fact that attention is paid to the work of employees. Planning meetings are a great way to regularly remind employees that they are important and their work is given enough attention. Give praise, recognize achievements, and encourage a competitive spirit in the department when necessary. And, in addition to numbers and reports, you need to see the eyes of your employees.
  • Educational. If during the week there was a work case that was indicative for everyone, then the manager writes it down at the planning meeting. This way, you won’t have to repeat the same thing to different employees.
  • Disciplining. Regular rituals and rules, which include planning meetings, help motivate employees. Employees are getting used to the fact that they need not only reporting in numbers, but also a willingness to justify the indicators.

General instructions:

  • Prepare thoroughly for the planning meeting. It is necessary to draw up a plan for its implementation. And don’t forget to distribute the order of speakers.
  • There is no need to fill the allotted time with unnecessary conversations. The leader must clearly set tasks and separate the essence of the speech from unnecessary “water”.
  • Avoid emotional statements. They negatively affect the result.
  • Set clear rules for employees. For example: you can only talk about general issues, private ones are taken out for individual solution; We switch phones to silent mode; when stating a problem, it is necessary to offer a solution; non-working issues are discussed outside of working hours.
  • The manager’s opinion must be hidden from subordinates until the end of the discussion, so that everyone can confidently express everything they think.

When to do it? On the exact day, at the exact hour...

Daily planning meetings are only suitable for beginners who need support every step of the way. For an established team, planning meetings should be held once a week. The main thing is that they take place at the same time, minute after minute, which will allow the team to be disciplined. The ideal duration is 20-45 minutes. This time is the period of concentration.

Example planning meeting script:

The manager makes an informational message, after which all employees can ask their questions.

The manager announces goals and objectives and asks employees questions about them. If necessary, individual meetings are scheduled.

The manager introduces an invited specialist from another department or talks about a representative case of the week.

The manager clarifies whether there are important work issues that require immediate discussion.

The manager sums up, talks about current plans, meetings and concludes the planning meeting.

The planning meeting is not a relic of the past, but one of the most effective management tools that ensures the achievement of the department's goals. But the success of the entire business depends on these goals. You will certainly appreciate the effectiveness of planning meetings as soon as you start conducting them correctly!

Top Gear UK: planning meetings are best held in relaxed atmosphere

Many teams practice planning meetings, at which managers hand out tasks and outline general work tactics for the near future. Many government agencies have planning meetings on Monday mornings.

Some people consider planning meetings a waste of time, but on the other hand, without regular discussions of current issues, there will certainly be a lot of uncoordinated actions. Here, as always, balance is important.

For example, many government agencies They practice planning meetings every week and gather all the staff there. This is a classic example of wasting time. It’s not every week that pressing issues arise that are important to the entire team. However, everyone should be present at such events. Even those who are not affected by the current agenda either directly or indirectly. Meetings and planning sessions have become classic examples of wasted time in time management books.


Nothing is perfect. Nobody knows how to conduct a planning meeting correctly. There are too many variables here. What kind of planning meeting your team needs depends on how many people you have and what type of activity you are involved in. I can only briefly tell you what I saw in different organizations.

When I worked at the institute, I had the opportunity to work in two structural divisions. Both of them practiced meetings with the leader. They took place on an irregular basis and in both cases were quite productive. We managed to discuss all pressing issues. There was only one downside to these planning meetings - sometimes (not always) they were boring, since not all the questions concerned me in one way or another.

I also worked in a private organization where there were no planning meetings at all. In any case, while working as a programmer, I was lucky enough to talk to the director face to face just a few times over the course of about 2.5 years. The rest of the time at work I was engaged in my immediate work and discussed the results of work with the manager in the current mode. This was enough for the eyes.

In another organization, I saw daily planning meetings that are practiced every morning, regardless of whether there is any current agenda or not. For my taste, daily planning meetings are too much. For example, if every morning all team members spend 15 minutes on a planning meeting and another 15 minutes to return to daily activities, then in a week there will be 2.5 hours of lost time for each employee every week. This is more than 5% of the total working time. In a month I already accumulate more than 10 hours. Agree - this is noticeable.

In addition to morning planning meetings, I have also seen the practice of evening planning meetings, which take place in a relaxed atmosphere, when many things have already been done and no one is in a hurry. I personally like this format better than the morning planning meeting.

As for weekly planning meetings, they are probably needed. But you need to try to conduct them in the most condensed format. Don't drag out discussions for hours. Especially if he participates in the planning meeting a large number of of people.


While people are getting ready for work, while they wake up, some time passes. Then they just start doing their business - and they are distracted by the morning planning meeting. Then after the planning meeting they get back to work. And - God forbid, someone distracts them from their work after the planning meeting. Then at 11 am you will need to go to lunch, and after lunch you will feel sleepy. Morning is the best and most productive time. I wouldn’t spend it on a daily planning meeting.


If there are few people on the team, then why not hold meetings standing in the hallway. With a sedentary lifestyle, this is healthier and allows you to feel much freer. Many business coaches advise implementing this into daily practice. You can take this idea further and discuss work issues at the dinner table or while working out at the company gym. Think about it - you do two things at once, and besides, you discuss work projects in the most relaxed atmosphere and can talk with your colleagues more openly than in the office.