German language for children 6 years old. German language for children: how to interest a child in the German language? German courses for little ones “Linguist Pro” - learning in a relaxed atmosphere

What is the purpose of these lessons?

  • Lessons provide an opportunity parentsV game form teach a child basics of oral speech in a foreign language (that is, have a vocabulary and knowledge of grammar sufficient to everyday communication baby to those that are interesting to him topics)
  • The purpose of classes at LingvaChild school teach your child to SPEAK in coherent sentences in a foreign language rather than memorizing lists of individual words.
  • Lessons offer different possibilities playful and creative time spent together between parents and children , during which a foreign language is mastered in an unobtrusive manner.

Principles of classes

  • Topics are selected to suit the interests and life of the child
  • Only playful and creative form of classes
  • We immediately learn to speak in phrases, rather than learning words separately without context
  • No translation is used in the classes. All words are explained first by gestures, facial expressions, movements, pointing to specific objects and pictures. After a certain vocabulary is formed, the remaining words are explained from the context of already known words. The child is immediately immersed in the language environment.
  • Classes are designed for parents with any knowledge of the language (from zero to fluent)

Not sure if your knowledge of this language is sufficient to teach your child?

  • In order to teach a child according to this program, from parents NO prior knowledge required given foreign language.
  • In classes, new words and grammatical forms appear gradually. Classes are developed according to the principle from simple to complex. You can gradually learn the language together with your child
  • List necessary words and phrase templates are included with each lesson. Also given brief information according to the necessary grammatical rules.

The following articles may help you gain confidence:

What you need to start taking LingvaChild lessons

  • Your desire to give your child knowledge of a foreign language and to master it yourself or improve your knowledge
  • A good infusion during classes to create the right environment and develop in the child positive attitude to the tongue
  • A little imagination when using ready-made materials

When to start classes

  • It is advisable to start classes with your child no earlier than the child speaks his native language in sentences of at least 3 words, so as not to harm his native speech (useful articles on this topic and)
  • It is advisable to use the materials from these lessons with children under 6 years old, because materials are designed for psychological characteristics and interests of children of this age. But if you wish, you can use parts of these activities with older children.
  • It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the relevant age groups(from 0 to 2 or from 3 to 5 years) and conduct preliminary preparation of the child for learning a foreign language according to the recommendations of introductory classes.
  • If you have not worked with your child in any way before (didn’t listen to songs, fairy tales in this language, read poetry or play finger games), then it is enough to devote a few weeks to this before starting lessons from LingvaChild

How to organize classes

  • The child should enjoy the activities, he should have fun! The lessons come with funny rhymes, songs, games and creative activities. Be sure to use them. Or add your own ideas to the lessons.
  • All activities must be in the form of a game! No studying at a desk with a pen and notebook.
  • Lessons from LingvaChild are divided into topics that are most relevant to children of this age. This does not mean that you must master each lesson (or topic) in one lesson. No way!
  • Each topic should be gradually mastered over several days or weeks (depending on the age of the child, his inclinations and the frequency of classes)
  • Each lesson for children of this age should last no more than 5-20 minutes. Even if the child is very interested, you should take a break for some other activity. When learning a language, it is not the duration of classes that is important, but their frequency! 5 minutes every day will be more effective than 1 hour once a week.
  • It is advisable to devote time to classes 1-2 times every day. If you can do it more often and the child likes it, then this is welcome.
  • If you had to take a long break from your classes, then go back to the beginning or a few classes and lessons back. Check what the child remembers, refresh his knowledge and only then move on to new material.
  • In each individual lesson, use only some of the new words from each topic, introduce them gradually, combine them in different ways. Use words and phrases from past topics.
  • During each lesson, either complete only one task from the topic (game, poem, etc.), or switch from one activity to another every 3-5 minutes so as not to lose the child’s attention
  • Avoid translation and explanation of rules! You must explain any word and phrase only with gestures, movements, objects, pictures. It will be much more interesting for a child than listening to tedious explanations, and thanks to its involuntary and associative memory, it will be remembered better.
  • Don't say individual words, say from the very beginning in short phrases! Phrase templates are included with each lesson. The child must learn to speak, and not learn individual words. He must hear how to combine different words among themselves to learn how to do it yourself
  • Complete each task yourself cheerfully and cheerfully. Children of this age cannot concentrate their attention for a long time and only remember something bright, fun and active. Make your classes just like that.
  • When completing tasks, do not force your child to answer you and repeat after you. But motivate him to do this with gestures, facial expressions, and your actions. He will only speak if he wants to. He will remember the words only if the lesson is interesting.
  • You can analyze each group of new words even before you have completely mastered the old words. But always return to the old words. If you can’t remember a word, then leave it for a while. It is not every word that is important, but a set of words and the ability to combine them correctly.
  • Do not be afraid to use words in a foreign language that the child does not yet know in this language. It is important to repeat often the words you learn, but they can be diluted and loved by others

How to find time to study and prepare for them

  • Even the most busy parents can allocate 5 minutes a day to work with the child themselves
  • If you are concerned about having time to study the materials before each lesson, then break all the materials into parts and become familiar with them gradually.
  • For example, teach yourself 3 new words from the topic a day. Print yourself a list of words and phrases, and then look at it periodically while you are riding public transport, standing in line at the store, or preparing lunch. Hang the list so that you can look at it during class
  • If you plan to use rhymes, then you can learn them using the same principle. You can't learn all the poems by heart. The main thing is that you read the test out loud well and that this text hangs somewhere in front of your eyes when you are studying with your child.
  • Also on the subway or in line at a store, you can read and remember the rules of the games and the words to them

How to use materials

Your preparation for the lesson should include:

  • Read the entire lesson first and break it down into separate parts yourself. You can change the order, exclude something or add something of your own.
  • Before class, think about what you can do this time. But don’t build a strict lesson plan, be flexible and evaluate the child’s wishes during the lesson itself. In advance you should only think about possible options actions.
  • Before teaching your child, you must learn words and phrase patterns yourself, learn to combine them (you can not immediately, but gradually add 2-3 words every day)
  • Include in your lessons only those words in a foreign language whose meaning your child already understands in their native language. If you have not yet mastered some words in your native speech, do so before class. It is important to understand and know these words; it is not so important to use them in active speech.
  • If you are going to use rhymes and songs, then it is also advisable to learn them in advance. You can hang them in a convenient place and peek
  • If additional equipment is required for classes, then make sure that it is available in advance (paints, paper, toys, etc.)

During class:

  • If the lesson includes cartoons and watch the video with your child, complete the tasks after the video. Do not leave your child alone with the computer, as this will prevent you from mastering the material.

When to move from one topic to another

  • Take your time to move from one topic to another. Knowledge must be consolidated.
  • The same tasks and games can and should be repeated many times. Children love to repeat the same thing; they like to realize that they already know and can do it. If your child liked something (a rhyme, a game, a song), repeat it until his interest wanes. At the same time, you can add something new. But always secure new material repetition.
  • If your child doesn’t want to do something several times, then change the rules, add something of your own, and look for options for reinforcing the material.
  • One topic can be considered completed if the child has reached the level of understanding most of the words and phrases from this topic (i.e. can perform the actions that you ask him to do in a foreign language, can show the objects that you ask about, follows the rules of the game, included in the lesson)
  • Especially in the first lessons, the child does not have to say words and repeat after you out loud. As when learning his native language, a child first gains a passive vocabulary, when there are enough such words in his head, he understands how to combine them with each other, then he will speak. Don't rush him. Develop speech understanding skills, and he will only be able to speak out loud when he feels it himself.
  • You can periodically return to old topics (for example, favorite songs, rhymes or games) to refresh your knowledge.

Good luck and have fun with your kids!

Write your questions and suggestions in the comments to the lessons or on social networks.

Russia and Germany have strong business ties; many German companies have branches in the cities of our country. Domestic companies are also trying to conquer the German market and establish mutually beneficial cooperation with famous concerns from Germany and Austria. Domestic and German companies cooperate closely educational institutions, theaters, museums and art galleries.

Several decades ago, almost all schools switched to studying English language, but gradually German regained its former popularity. It is again being studied as a primary and additional foreign language in kindergartens, schools, technical schools and universities across the country. German language courses are offered by Linguist Profi. We teach children and adults, we offer a wide choice curricula for people of any age, we use an innovative approach to learning, which can significantly save learning time.

German courses for little ones “Linguist Pro” - learning in a relaxed atmosphere

German language courses for children in Moscow “Linguist Profi” are fun, exciting classes in which teachers, in a playful way, help young students learn a new language for them, learn to understand it and speak it. We offer group as well as individual lessons for kids, the opportunity to learn German with their mother. Even the noisiest and most inattentive children enjoy taking our courses, listening to teachers and easily remembering new information.

German language courses for children “Linguist Profi” are

  • reasonable prices;
  • individual approach to each child;
  • fun holidays, performances and excursions.

Do you still think of foreign language learning as long, boring lectures and memorizing a long list of exceptions to the rules? We offer a completely new approach! Children in the courses sculpt, play, jump and draw. Children love to study in the “Linguist Pro” courses; they happily communicate in German, without thinking about cases and declensions, they simply live in a language environment.

Teachers of children's courses are fluent in German, since they studied and lived in Germany, communicated with native speakers, for many years honed their pronunciation and comprehended the secrets of grammar. They love children and find it easy to get along with them common language, can make friends with any child and interest him. Teachers communicate with children in a favorable, friendly environment.

We offer the opportunity to learn two foreign languages ​​at once, and pay only for one course. You can check the cost of courses by telephone. We look forward to seeing you at the best courses for kids “Linguist Pro”!

Learning German (grades 1-4) - Convenient and effective guide for self-study German language, developed in accordance with the concept of modern intensive and interactive teaching of foreign languages. Methodology

Designed specifically for computer training foreign languages, a huge amount of carefully selected material and control tools together create all the prerequisites for effective learning of the German language.

Information about the film:
Released: 2010
Genre: educational video tutorials

Description: A convenient and effective guide for self-study of the German language, developed in accordance with the concept of modern intensive and interactive teaching of foreign languages. A methodology developed specifically for computer-based teaching of foreign languages, a huge amount of carefully selected material and control tools together create all the prerequisites for effective learning of the German language.

001.Practical lessons. This is a mouse
002.Practical lessons. This is an apple
003.Practical lessons. This is my home and school
004.Practical lessons. Where kindergarten?
005.Practical lessons. Tape recorder or computer?
006.Practical lessons. What's it called?
007.Practical lessons. Cat, tiger and lion
008.Practical lessons. Is a cat a wild animal?
009.Practical lessons. Squirrel
010.Practical lessons. Who are the uncle and aunt by profession?
011.Practical lessons. Our teacher
012.Practical lessons. Plural
013.Practical lessons. Who is this woman?
014.Practical lessons. Furniture
015.Practical lessons. Mine, yours, his
016.Practical lessons. Where's my pen?
017.Practical lessons. Where's the puppy?
018.Practical lessons. Whose umbrella?
019.Practical lessons. Hello! My name is...
020.Practical lessons. Grandparents
021.Practical lessons. Lamp over the table
022.Practical lessons. Where are my gloves?
023.Practical lessons. At the airport
024.Practical lessons. What country are you from?
025.Practical lessons. Meeting
026.Practical lessons. What city are you from?
027.Practical lessons. Nationalities
028.Practical lessons. Acquaintance
029.Practical lessons. Guess
030.Practical lessons. Three names
031.Practical lessons. He plays the piano
032.Practical lessons. He knows French and Italian
033.Practical lessons. Domestic and wild animals
034.Practical lessons. Book about Africa
035.Practical lessons. I have a textbook, but no pen
036.Practical lessons. I don't have a red pencil
037.Practical lessons. Can birds swim?
038.Practical lessons. He's not there
039.Practical lessons. Not a cat, not a dog or a parrot
040.Practical lessons. Brothers and sisters
041.Practical lessons. Give me that pencil
042.Practical lessons. Cake with cherries and strawberries
043.Practical lessons. Who knows what?
044.Practical lessons. Riddles about animals
045.Practical lessons. Next riddle
046.Practical lessons. What color is your new dress?
047.Practical lessons. My eyes are brown
048.Practical lessons. This dress
049.Practical lessons. Whose dress is this?
050.Practical lessons. Don't tease the dog
051.Practical lessons. This is my pencil
052.Practical lessons. I can't give you a pen
053.Practical lessons. How many days?
054.Practical lessons. There is a lot of things
055.Practical lessons. How many books do you have?
056.Practical lessons. No, not enough
057.Practical lessons. There is not enough milk in the glass
058.Practical lessons. There's little there, but there's a lot here
059.Practical lessons. There's nothing at all
060.Practical lessons. We're all over
061.Practical lessons. And don't forget yet
062.Practical lessons. Notebooks and pens
063.Practical lessons. I go to school
064.Practical lessons. Breakfast, lunch and dinner
065.Practical lessons. When do you get up?
066.Practical lessons. Would you like milk or cheese?
067.Practical lessons. You forgot about us
068.Practical lessons. Parents' professions
069.Practical lessons. Sport
070.Practical lessons. What time is it on your watch?
071.Practical lessons. Yesterday and the day before yesterday
072.Practical lessons. What happened to her?
073.Practical lessons. But yesterday I was late
074.Practical lessons. Yesterday there was a meeting at school
075.Practical lessons. Future tense
076.Practical lessons. When does the holidays start
077.Practical lessons. Help me move the chair and sideboard
078.Practical lessons. Days and numbers
079.Practical lessons. Good weather
080.Practical lessons. The TV is broken
081.Practical lessons. Road to opera house
082.Practical lessons. Lunch time
083.Practical lessons. When will you be free?
084.Practical lessons. Where is the post office?
085.Practical lessons. Name Nikita
086.Practical lessons. When is your birthday?
087.Practical lessons. How to get there?
088.Practical lessons. Camera
089.Practical lessons. Can?
090.Practical lessons. Talking on the phone
091.Practical lessons. Must
092.Practical lessons. Inclement weather
093.Practical lessons. Football or school?
094.Practical lessons. Sorry, I can't
095.Practical lessons. Haven't seen you for ages
096.Practical lessons. There's a party coming up
097.Practical lessons. There's a lesson going on now
098.Practical lessons. It's winter outside
099.Practical lessons. Breakfast
100.Practical lessons. Tea with sugar
101.Practical lessons. Evening walk
102.Practical lessons. Let's go to the park
103.Practical lessons. Come to my house
104.Practical lessons. It's winter now
105.Practical lessons. I'm going to the stadium
106.Practical lessons. It's getting cold and windy
107.Practical lessons. I'm afraid of this dog
108. Practical lessons. Time to go to bed
109.Practical lessons. Pleasant morning
110.Practical lessons. Hobby
111.Practical lessons. Today it's hot
112.Practical lessons. What did you do yesterday?
113.Practical lessons. What were you doing yesterday at eight o'clock in the evening?
114.Practical lessons. How did you spend your holidays?
115.Practical lessons. I was busy yesterday
116.Practical lessons. I'm going to the doctor
117.Practical lessons. I called but you weren't home
118.Practical lessons. Time to do homework
119.Practical lessons. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
120.Practical lessons. The very best
121.Practical lessons. That dog is big too
122.Practical lessons. Most common language
123.Practical lessons. A dog is a smart animal
124.Practical lessons. Is the horse strong?
125.Practical lessons. What kind of photo is this?
126.Practical lessons. Cheetah is the fastest animal
127.Practical lessons. New riddle
128.Practical lessons. Interrogative sentences(python, skunk)
129.Practical lessons. Camels can live for a long time without water
130.Practical lessons. What beautiful dress are you wearing?
131.Practical lessons. How old is he?
132.Practical lessons. It's cold today, isn't it?
133.Practical lessons. Perfect tense(Who broke the pen?)
134.Practical lessons. Did he write a letter?
135.Practical lessons. No, I never...
136.Practical lessons. Favorite items
137.Practical lessons. Coins and roses
138.Practical lessons. What are you doing in the kitchen?
139.Practical lessons. January
140.Practical lessons. February
141.Practical lessons. March
142.Practical lessons. April
143.Practical lessons. May
144.Practical lessons. June
145.Practical lessons. July
146.Practical lessons. August
147.Practical lessons. September
148.Practical lessons. October
149.Practical lessons. November
150.Practical lessons. December
151.Alphabet. Letter A
152.Alphabet. Letter B
153.Alphabet. Letter C
154.Alphabet. Letter D
155.Alphabet. Letter E
156.Alphabet. Letter F
157.Alphabet. Letter G
158.Alphabet. Letter H
159.Alphabet. Letter I
160.Alphabet. Letter K
161.Alphabet. Letter L
162.Alphabet. Letter M
163.Alphabet. Letter N
164.Alphabet. Letter O
165.Alphabet. Letter P
166.Alphabet. Letter Q
167.Alphabet. Letter R
168.Alphabet. Letter S
169.Alphabet. Letter T
170.Alphabet. Letter U
171.Alphabet. Letter V
172.Alphabet. Letter W
173.Alphabet. Letter X
174.Alphabet. Letter Y
175.Alphabet. Letter Z
176.Fairy tales. Ivan Tsarevich
177.Fairy tales. Princess Frog
178.Fairy tales. Kolobok
179.Lectures on grammar. Article and noun
180.Lectures on grammar. Masculine, feminine and neuter gender
181.Lectures on grammar. Formation of the plural
182.Lectures on grammar. Declension of nouns
183.Lectures on grammar. Declension of adjectives
184.Lectures on grammar. Degrees of comparison of adjectives
185.Lectures on grammar. Personal, demonstrative and possessive pronouns
186.Lectures on grammar. Interrogatives, relatives and indefinite pronouns
187.Lectures on grammar. Negative, impersonal and reflexive pronouns
188.Lectures on grammar. Numerals
189.Lectures on grammar. Verb, present tense
190.Lectures on grammar. Strong, weak and modal verbs
191.Lectures on grammar. Past tenses
192.Lectures on grammar. Future, imperative and passive forms
193.Lectures on grammar. Prepositions with cases
194.Lectures on grammar. Prepositions (continued)
195.Lectures on grammar. Adverb, degrees of comparison, pronominal adverbs
196.Lectures on grammar. Syntax (sentence construction)

Filmed by: TeachPro
Duration: ~04:00:00
Translation: present

Quality: ebook
Format: iso
Video: Flash SWF 800x600, 1024 x 768
Audio: Flash Russian, 16 bit, 44kHz

File size: 178 MB

Download We study German (grades 1-4). Training video course

German for children- a fascinating topic, German for children- topic of the article. German for children implies a certain undemandingness in the eyes of a child. German for children in the form of watching cartoons will allow you to easily keep your child occupied German language. German for children is no less interesting and entertaining than English. German for children V modern world can be presented in the form various techniques and all kinds of play activities, the main thing is that all activities bring pleasure to the child. German for children and its teaching is required from parents, teachers large quantity illustrative and video material. Without this lessons German for children become boring, and it is extremely difficult to entice modern children to study a foreign language without “helpers”. German for children will help children learn the most useful German words. Well German for children is aimed at consolidating the sound and written form of German words in the child’s memory. Children are very inquisitive and are always interested in what surrounds them. Cartoons are another great learning aid. German for children. If you want to teach your child German and lay the foundations of the language, then the course German for children will be the best option for the period from 4 to 10 years. This age is excellent for acquiring knowledge of the language, including German, by watching cartoons in German. When it comes to learning tools German for children, then they are best suited here interesting games and cartoons. Well German for children involves a gradual and smooth flow of material, its regularity. Parents should not be too intrusive and harsh, so as not to discourage their child from learning German. Very important point is that all course lessons German for children brought pleasure to the child. Start studying German children Can in different ways. Very in an efficient way replenishment vocabulary child is watching cartoons in German with subtitles. In our section German for children We have selected cartoons for your kids that successfully synchronize text, audio and visualization for a more effective presentation of language material. While watching cartoons and reading phrases of the characters, try to translate all unfamiliar words to your children. Engaging with your children in German You yourself will gradually become involved in this entertaining process. German for children should be interesting, because they will not learn it through force, so your task is to interest them using the mentioned means, but in no case should you force children to do this, because in this way you can discourage them from wanting to learning German.

German for children

Der Großte Schatz

Ein Elefant in der Stadt

Der kleine Pianist

Der erste Brunnen

Weihnachten beim Weihnachtsmann

Der Buh im Schuh

Schildkrötes Flöte

German for children. Your baby's first textbook. Dyadicheva A.V.

M.: 20 10. - 2 88 p.

Textbook for children. For the first time in Russia and Ukraine - a new unique method of learning the German language. In a short time, your child will not only learn German words, but also learn how to correctly pronounce entire sentences, as well as translate texts. Many educational games given in the book will help you develop and consolidate your child’s knowledge. Consists of 19 lessons + additional words and conversational models.

Format: pdf

Size: 37 MB

Watch, download:

Lesson 1 7
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Familie” (“Family”). Gender of nouns. Speech structures"Ich heisse...", "Wieheisst du?", "Werist das?". Greetings. Application forms.
Lesson 2 22
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Spielzeuge” (“Toys”). The speech structure “Was ist das? " Expressing agreement or disagreement.
Lesson 3 37
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Parben” (“Colors”). Agreement of adjectives with nouns. Speech constructions “Welche Faroe ist das? ", "Das ist...". Personal pronouns. Speech sample "Wer bist du?" Linking verb “sein” with pronouns.
Lesson 4 50
Possessive pronouns. The speech structure “Wer bist du?” Using the verb “sein” with pronouns. The conjunction "und".
Lesson 5 55
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Zahlen” (“Numbers”). Numerals. Plural of nouns. Speech construction “Wie alt bist du?”
Lesson 6 70
The verb "haben". Interrogative sentences with the verb “haben” and short affirmative and negative answers to them. Brief affirmative and negative answers to the speech structure “Hast du...?”. The question "Wieviel...?" and speech structures with it.
Lesson 7 82
Vocabulary for the topic “Das Essen” (“Food”). Verbs “geben”, “gefalien”, “essen”, “wollen”, “spielen”, “mogen”, “machen” in positive and negative sentences and speech structures with them. Expressions of gratitude.
Lesson 8 109
Prepositions. Speech figures “Wo ist ...?” Vocabulary for the topic “Das Haus” (“House”). Speech figures “Das ist”, “Dassind”. Adjectives “gross”, “klein”. Contrast with "oder".
Lesson 9 126
Vocabulary for the topics “Die Gemiise, das Obst” (“Vegetables. Fruits”), “Das Geschirr” (“Dishes”). Interrogative sentences with the verbs “gefallen”, “mogen” and short positive and negative answers. The speech pattern is “Das mag mir sehr”.
Lesson 10 149
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Bewegungen und die Handlungen” (“Movements and Actions”). Interrogative construction “Was machst du-gern?” Imperative. Designation of directions.
Lesson 11 G. 167
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Kleidung” (“Clothing”). The verb “tragen” and speech constructions with it. Possessive case of nouns. How to answer the question “wessen” - whose?
Lesson 12 184
Vocabulary for the topic “Der Kbgreg” (“The Body”). Repetition of covered material.
Lesson 13 196
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Tiere” (“Animals”). Texts for translation. Exercises to consolidate the material covered.
Lesson 14 214
Vocabulary for the topic “Adjektiwe” (“Adjectives”). The verb “sehen” and speech constructions with it. Alternative question"1st das...?"
Lesson 15 229
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Stadt. Die Strasse. Der Verkehr" ("City. Street. Transport"). Speech constructions “Wo wohnst du? " and "Ich wohne in...".
Lesson 16 241
Vocabulary for the topic “Der Sport” (“Sport”). Modal verb“konnen” and interrogative constructions with it.
Lesson 17 249
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Natur” (“Nature”). Seasons. Days of the week. Speech constructions “Welche Jahreszeit ist es?” and “Welcher Wochentag ist heute?” "
Lesson 18 265
Vocabulary for the topic “Die Berufe* (“Professions”). Speech constructions “Was ist dein Vater (deine Mutter) von Beruf?”, “Willst du... werden?”, “Ich will... werden.”
Lesson 19 275
Time. The speech pattern “Wie spat ist es?” " Verb tenses. Texts for translation. Exercises to consolidate the material covered. Present tense of the verb (Prasens). Article.
Additional words and conversational patterns 283