Head of physical education Natalya Sergeevna Lukyanova. Consultation for parents “What to do with children in the summer” consultation on the topic Consultation for parents what to do in the summer

Consultation for parents

“What to do with children in summer”

Goals: to help parents organize their children’s leisure time during walks with benefit and pleasure; promote the development of memory, thinking, and imagination of the child.

Games and exercises:

Watering can . You can buy it ready-made or make it from a plastic bottle by poking several holes in the cap. A child can water plants, wet sand for Easter cakes, draw patterns with water on dry asphalt, and even douse themselves if it’s very hot outside.

Soap bubbles. A child can blow soap bubbles, catch them and just watch them fly in the breeze.

Drawings on the asphalt with colored chalk. While playing, you can teach your child to read and count. If the path on which the child is drawing is made of bricks, you can invite the child to paint the bricks with different colors.

Ball . You can play football, jump over the ball, throw into the hoop, “who is further,” “who is taller.” The games can be made more difficult by asking the child to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, with one hand, and return it (do not catch it). You can play the game "edible - inedible." Edible - we catch, inedible - we beat off.

We feed the birds. Give the child bread, let him pinch off a little and throw it to the pigeons, or millet, or seeds, and throw them little by little, sometimes with his left hand, sometimes with his left hand. right hand. This activity develops fine motor skills child. Feeding birds instills tenderness and care, teaches you to love nature. It is also interesting and educational - after all, the child will be able to observe the behavior of birds in close proximity: some are bold and nimble, others are timid.

Drawing in nature . Colors are all around us. If you are relaxing at the dacha or living in your own house, take an easel, paper, gouache, water in a jar outside, and let the child paint everything he sees around him: the sky, an apple tree, a currant bush. Let him try to convey not the form, but the color.

Hoop . The hoop is good for summer walks. It can be twisted on the waist, neck, arms and legs. You can jump through it like a skipping rope, you can toss the hoop, roll it, jump over it, and use it in various games.

Jumping. Jumping rope is not only fun, it is also a useful gymnastic exercise. The length of the jump rope needs to be adjusted to suit the child. For jumping, where adults twist the rope and the child jumps, you need to take a long jump rope.

We collect treasures. These can be pebbles, leaves, sticks, cones, flowers, plant seeds. While collecting these treasures, tell your child in detail about each find and make up fairy tales. At home, this “treasure” can be used for creativity.

Watching the cars . When you leave home, you don’t have to rush somewhere. Take a look around. you see cars passing by - well, great. This is a good reason to talk about the color of the car, discuss their speed, compare sizes, make up stories.

We look at the grass, leaves, trees . Tell your child that there are many trees, but everyone has different leaves. Show me. Compare them by size, color. Teach careful attitude to the environment.

Cloud watching. If you see clouds in the sky, watch them, how they float, what they look like.

Sandbox games. Pour sand and make Easter cakes. This is an ideal place to study the concepts of many-little, heavy-light, liquid-solid. Playing with pitch not only strengthens the child’s fingers, but also develops fine motor skills.

Draw on the ground with a stick. We draw animals or people on the ground with a stick and come up with a fairy tale for them. By drawing, we study geometric shapes and letters.

Count it. You can do math while walking. count pebbles, sticks, scoops, buckets, molds, etc.

Draw an animal Depict with your baby “who walks how”. When depicting a clumsy bear, a galloping hare or a flying sparrow, imitate their sounds.

Walking in the rain.

If the child is healthy, you need to walk with him in any weather, even if it’s outside it's raining. put on rubber boots, a waterproof raincoat, take an umbrella - and quickly go outside. While walking, you can listen to the rain, how it knocks on the umbrella, on the leaves, on the paths, puddles, watch how the drops bounce and make circles on the water. You can remember nursery rhyme poems, calls about rain and sun, sayings about summer. You can throw pebbles, sticks, leaves into puddles and watch the splashes: which ones sink and which ones don’t. Let the impressions you get during the walk serve as a basis for impromptu speech development activities, as your powers of observation and imagination tell you. Talk more with your baby, because in the process of communication his universe is formed. Playing games while walking is not only good for health, but also helps the child learn something new, compose, and think.

Prepared by: teacher Balashova Elena Anatolyevna

Anastasia Romanenko
“What to do with a child in the summer.” Consultation for parents

What to do with your child in the summer!

We are all waiting for the hot summer to come. But at the same time, for parents, summer is a severe headache in search of an answer to the question “what to do with a child in the summer.” Sit through everything summer months near a computer or TV is a very bad idea.

Let's look at options on how you can spend your summer with the greatest benefit:

1. Relaxation on the river. Many families go to the river in the summer to relax from the hustle and bustle. Of course, these are new experiences, but such a trip does not solve the issue of your child’s employment in free time. It is unlikely that he will be happy to lie on the beach all day. You should think in advance about whether your vacation program includes exciting and educational excursions, etc.

2. Vacation at the dacha. A summer cottage is not only a retreat from everyday worries in a native and cozy place, alone with nature. This is an opportunity to involve a child in feasible work and helping an adult.

It is unlikely that you will be able to turn your child into a convinced gardener, but in addition to caring for the garden beds, you can organize other interesting activities. This could be a fun watering with a hose, swimming in a river, going to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, building a swimming pool or artificial pond, manufacturing and installation various figures for the garden, for example, a scarecrow. Show your little fidget that you trust him and hope for his help, and the child will strive to carry out your tasks responsibly.

3. City. To limit your child's time watching TV and playing on the computer, give him small household chores - dusting, walking the dog, or taking out the trash (under your supervision). Children really enjoy doing any kind of productive creativity. You can sculpt from salt dough and then decorate the resulting figures. Your baby will be delighted with the results. Summer is a good time to start classes in some section. The child will not only develop physically, but will also significantly expand his social circle.

Relax with your children!

In this case, you will definitely be able to organize your vacation pleasantly and usefully. All children strive to discover something new and do not like to be bored, so you should think carefully about how to turn ordinary activities into exciting and educational games that will make your child stronger, bigger and smarter over the summer.

Have a nice holiday for you and your children!

Games and exercises:

Watering can. You can buy it ready-made or make it from a plastic bottle by poking several holes in the cap. A child can water plants, wet sand for Easter cakes, draw patterns with water on dry asphalt, and even douse themselves if it’s very hot outside.

Soap bubbles. A child can blow soap bubbles, catch them and just watch them fly in the breeze.

Drawings on the asphalt with colored chalk. While playing, you can teach your child to read and count. If the path on which the child is drawing is made of bricks, you can invite the child to paint the bricks with different colors.

Ball. You can play football, jump over the ball, throw into the hoop, “who is further”, “who is taller”. The games can be made more difficult by asking the child to throw the ball up and catch it with both hands, with one hand, and return it (do not catch it). You can play the game "edible - inedible." Edible - we catch, inedible - we beat off.

We feed the birds. Give the child bread, let him pinch off a little and throw it to the pigeons, or millet, or seeds, and throw them a little, sometimes with his left hand, sometimes with his right hand. This activity develops the child's fine motor skills. Feeding birds instills tenderness and care, teaches you to love nature. It is also interesting and educational - after all, the child will be able to observe the behavior of birds in close proximity: some are bold and nimble, others are timid.

Drawing in nature. Colors are all around us. If you are relaxing at the dacha or living in your own house, take an easel, paper, gouache, water in a jar outside, and let the child draw everything he sees around him: the sky, an apple tree, a currant bush. Let him try to convey not the form, but the color

Hoop. The hoop is good for summer walks. It can be twisted on the waist, neck, arms and legs. You can jump through it like a skipping rope, you can throw the hoop, roll it, jump over it, and use it in various games.

Jumping. Jumping rope is not only fun, it is also a useful gymnastic exercise. The length of the jump rope needs to be adjusted to suit the child. For jumping, where adults twist the rope and the child jumps, you need to take a long jump rope.

We collect treasures. These can be pebbles, leaves, sticks, cones, flowers, plant seeds. While collecting these treasures, tell your child in detail about each find and make up fairy tales. At home, this “treasure” can be used for creativity.

We watch the cars. When you leave home, you don’t have to rush somewhere. Take a look around. you see cars passing by - well, great. This is a good reason to talk about the color of the car, discuss their speed, compare sizes, make up stories.

We look at the grass, leaves, trees. Tell your child that there are many trees, but everyone has different leaves. Show me. Compare them by size, color. Teach respect for the environment.

Cloud watching. If you see clouds in the sky, watch them, how they float, what they look like.

Sandbox games. pour sand, make Easter cakes. This is an ideal place to study the concepts of many-little, heavy-light, liquid-solid. Playing with pitch not only strengthens the child’s fingers, but also develops fine motor skills.

Draw on the ground with a stick. We draw animals or people on the ground with a stick and come up with a fairy tale for them. By drawing, we study geometric shapes and letters.

Count it. You can do math while walking. count pebbles, sticks, scoops, buckets, molds, etc.

Draw an animal. Depict with your baby “who walks how”. When depicting a clumsy bear, a galloping hare or a flying sparrow, imitate their sounds.

The sun is good, but in moderation

Summer children maximum time must be carried out in air. This also applies to the smallest children – infants. However, if older preschoolers are allowed to sunbathe a little, then direct sunlight can be harmful to children. The biggest danger is overheating of the body, sunburn, sunstroke, because small child has less perfect thermoregulation and his skin is very delicate.

To three years light-air baths can be carried out under a canopy or in the shade of trees. In this case, the principle of gradual exposure of the child’s body must be observed. First, the arms and legs are freed from clothing, and then the rest of the body. Already from 1.5 summer age The child can take light-air baths wearing only panties. The duration of the first such bath is 5 minutes, then the time gradually increases to 30-40 minutes. Light-air baths are especially recommended for children with weakened bodies. Best time holding - from 9 to 12 o'clock, in the south - from 8 to 10 o'clock. It is best to end each light-air bath with a water procedure.

After a week-long course of light-air baths, preschool children can begin sunbathing. A child can sunbathe while lying down, or even better while playing and on the move.

Sunbathing in combination with light-air baths, as well as water procedures, has an excellent strengthening effect. Children become more resistant to influenza-like illnesses than those children who sunbathed a little.

Caution: heat and sunstroke!

Experts do not make much difference between these conditions. And this is understandable. The basis of both heatstroke and sunstroke is overheating of the body. The cause of heat stroke is the difficulty of heat transfer from the surface of the body. This is often associated with prolonged exposure to a hot, humid atmosphere. When sunstroke occurs, blood circulation in the brain is impaired. This usually happens when a child walks in the sun with his head uncovered.

How younger age child, the more sensitive he is to the effects of heat and sun rays. Therefore, overheating of the body small child sometimes it can already happen while taking light-air baths.

With mild sunstroke or heatstroke, the symptoms are mostly the same. These are dizziness, weakness, headache. Children often experience intestinal upset. In severe cases, convulsions, vomiting, and loss of consciousness may occur. In all such situations, you need to urgently call a doctor, and before he arrives, move the child to the shade, wet his head and chest cold water, put a cold compress on the bridge of the nose, raise your head. Give the child something to drink and calm him down.

Summer is a wonderful time and great opportunity to relax, improve your health and have fun in the company of your child. However, this is all possible only if parents think through everything in advance. organizational issues and will thoroughly approach the question of what to do with the baby in the summer. As a rule, at the end of the school year, teachers and educators conduct consultations for parents on the topic: what to do with children in the summer.

But if for some reason you missed the lecture, we will offer you several no less interesting ideas for organizing children's leisure.

You can have a good time while remaining in captivity of the metropolis. So, let's think about what to do with a child in the city in the summer. Beaches, city parks, stadiums, sports grounds - no need to say that in the summer a child should spend as much time as possible on fresh air. Even if parents have to spend the whole day at work, in the evenings and on weekends they need to go for a walk or a picnic. If you live near a pond or river, be sure to go to the beach in the evening. During the day, the water will warm up well, and the sun will no longer be so scorching. In short, all the conditions so that the baby can swim to his heart's content and have a good time with his parents. If going to the beach is not possible, you can limit yourself to a nearby park or playground. And so that you don’t have to rack your brains about what to do with your child on a walk in the summer, take with you the necessary children’s play equipment. Roller skates, scooter, bicycle, badminton – faithful helpers parents in organizing useful leisure time for children of any age category. For residents of large cities, the question of what to do with children on the street in the summer is especially acute, since it is not always possible to find a children's playground or park close to home. In such cases, it is advisable to inquire about the availability of children's leisure and creativity centers. On the weekend entertainment program You can diversify it with a trip to the forest or a trip to the zoo. In this case, the question of what to do with children outdoors in the summer also implies many answers. It all depends on the imagination of the parents and weather conditions. You can simply watch the animals in summer enclosures, tell your child about the plants around him, draw a map of the journey, at the end of which the child will have a surprise. Now that we’ve dealt with evening and weekend walks, let’s touch on another, no less pressing topic, how to keep children occupied at home in the summer. It is clear that when parents are at work, their child is left to his own devices. You've probably noticed that some schoolchildren, despite the heat and bad weather, toil in the courtyards all day long, while other days sit at their computers. If neither the first nor the second option is acceptable to you, as a caring and responsible parent, leave your child several “very important” assignments every day. You can also diversify a student’s everyday life with reading interesting books. Don't forget about children's summer camps in schools - this is far from the most bad option, in any case, the child will definitely not be left there without supervision and work.

What to do with children at the dacha in the summer?

A dacha is not just homemade vegetables and fruits, but also an excellent opportunity to spend your summer holidays fun and usefully. By the way, many pediatricians are confident that a country house is best place for the health of the child. Answering the question of what to do with children at the dacha in the summer, you can suggest to parents:

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Consultation for parents

What to do with children in summer

Aripsheva S.Yu.

All parents walking with their children. Babies need fresh air. Nobody argues with this. When the child is still a baby, he sleeps peacefully in the stroller, and the mother enjoys moments of peace, making a forced march through the nearby yards.

But the older the child gets, the more a walk should bring for his development. Fresh air is no longer enough.

Look at any children's playground. What are you most likely to see? As a rule, the same picture: children dig in the dirty sand, slide down a slide or climb onto a ladder; the lucky ones who are lucky enough to occupy the swing sit proudly on it. Mothers, in turn, are busy talking with each other on a nearby bench, periodically glancing in the direction of their children. The main thing is that they don’t fight, don’t fall, and don’t eat sand.

Many For some reason my parents are sure that a walk is their time of legal rest from the child, and their responsibilities are limited only to monitoring his safety. Of course, the baby needs time to independently explore the world, to play with other children, but it often happens that the children are clearly bored or, conversely, overexcited and unable to play on their own, and the mother only waves it off: “Well, go play in the sand, let me talk!” At the same time, these same mothers constantly complain that they do not have enough time for anything in general, and in particular for activities with their children.

But it is a walk that opens up unique opportunities for activities with children.

Author of many articles on early development Asya Stein offers several options on how to diversify a walk with a child and make it useful not only for health, but also for development, as well as communication parents with children.

Birds and insects

The first wild birds that a little city dweller meets are pigeons, sparrows, bullfinches and tits. Grab some crumbs for ducks and pigeons and make feeders in the park. Teach your child to quietly watch birds. Come regularly to the same place. Early spring you can watch how drakes take care of ducks, in summer admire the ducklings, in the fall watch how the ducks are preparing to fly away, and at the same time remember the fairy tale about Gray Neck.

Find an anthill and watch its inhabitants, tell your child what hardworking ants are, how they live friendly family. If you take a magnifying glass with you, you can carefully examine the ant or other insect. Just do not allow your child to torment insects and birds under any circumstances. But you can take the caterpillar home, put it in a jar and try to turn it into a butterfly. Be sure to pay attention to which leaves the caterpillar is on sat: You need to feed her with them.


Sometimes you can do math while walking. Well, where else if not in the forest to master the concept of ten? Collect, for example, several dozen cones or pebbles, arrange them in previously prepared boxes or simply on large leaves - here is a mathematical guide for you.

Sandy and asphalt areas are suitable for geometry classes. You can draw with a stick or chalk, and if several children get together, invite them to turn into geometric shapes themselves. figures: by stretching strings to each other, kids will be able to make a triangle, square, rhombus.

If you grab a tape measure or folding meter from home, you can start measuring distances, calculating perimeters and areas (for example, sites for the construction of a castle).

Prepare vessels of various volumes to pour and measure the amount of various liquids and bulk solids; you can also take a steelyard. A sandbox or the shore of a pond is an ideal place to study the concepts of many - few, heavy - light, liquid - solid. And fiddling with sand, water, small pebbles and cones will strengthen the baby’s fingers and develop fine motor skills.


From time to time, but not very often, so as not to get tired, take

for a walk, paper and paints or pencils. Not often possible

be in the role "artists in sketches".

Explain to your child how to sketch plants, animals, people,

draw landscapes. Let him draw how he wants - don’t demand complete resemblance.

Try to start drawing with your child, and then organize an exhibition of your creativity with him.

“We are conducting enjoy the summer»

Here it comes summer. This is a great time for games and entertainment, but when relaxation also brings development, it becomes even more useful.

Summer– this is plenty of time for casual conversations and activities with your child in the fresh air. Most families have summer cottages, many go on vacation, some stay in the city, but everyone has the opportunity to walk with their children and play with them in nature. It is important to organize games with children - useful for development, expanding the child’s horizons and knowledge about the surrounding beauty of nature.

Walking in the park, by the river, or just in the yard, you can find many objects and objects of living nature to describe them, write a sentence, come up with a story, or develop fine motor skills.

It is useful to carry out various observations of the weather, seasonal changes in nature, plants, birds, animals, and people. All this needs to be commented on, discussed, and framed as a conversation. New, unfamiliar words to the child should be explained, repeated several times, and the child should be taught to pronounce them clearly.

It is useful to listen to sounds streets: rustling leaves, bird voices, sounds of wind, rain, etc. this develops auditory attention.

While relaxing on the beach or in the park, you can organize experimental experiments to study the properties of water, sand, grass, and dew. Such activities not only broaden the child’s horizons, but also replenish the active vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

Games and exercises can be invented by an adult himself and offered to a child, the main thing is that any task has an instructive, educational purpose.

Take note

June. Has arrived summer! Nature blossomed, the forest, garden, trees in the park changed beyond recognition, became covered with thick green leaves. The sun is getting hotter and hotter, the days are getting longer and the birds are singing incessantly. Rye is sprouting in the field, lingonberries and rose hips are blooming, and if you see a hive, bees are collecting honey from plant pollen in it.

July. Haymaking is underway (hay is being cut, blueberries are ripe, strawberries are being poured. And if you go to the forest for berries, you can pick up a whole basket. Look! There are fluffy in summer"white snow"! This is a poplar blossoming, and “summer snow” is poplar fluff.

August. The water near the shore of the lake became colder. This is because the days have become shorter and the nights have become longer. But the sun still warms like summer. The month of August gives us a large harvest of fruits, vegetables and delicious berries. Play with children:

"Name the Trees".

The child names the trees growing in the yard (city, forest, park, village). Together with an adult, they examine the trunk and leaves, determine their color, shape, and size.

“What grass?”.

Draw the child’s attention to the grass, its properties and signs. Give the child the opportunity to touch it and compare it with each other.


Invite your child to smell different plants: flowers, grass, tree leaves, bark. This develops the sense of smell, and if the child selects adjectives for each aroma, his active vocabulary will also expand.

"Build a figure".

While sunbathing on the beach or playing in the sandbox, invite your child to build locks: high, low and low. Draw windows of a certain number (forms). Let your baby name all the shapes, count the windows and doors. Will make a roof of a given shape, etc. This promotes mathematical development and counting skills.

"Experiments with sand".

It is interesting for children to conduct basic experiments with sand. Experiment by adding different quantities water and, most importantly, describe the whole process in words, use adjectives and verbs depending on sand consistency(raw, wet, liquid, dry, sticky, crumbly, etc.)

"Build a road".

We invite the child to build a road for cars out of sand. (according to machine size). After construction, discuss what road: narrow, wide, long, short, etc. Which car can drive on this or that road, and which can’t, and why?

“What do you see?”.

You and your child take turns naming certain natural objects (for example, all green, or round, etc.).

"Vice versa".

The child, in response to the word you propose, must offer his own, the opposite in meaning. For example, morning - night, sun - moon, hard - soft, etc.

"The Fourth Wheel".

The adult names 4 objects, three of which are connected by some characteristic, and the fourth is from another category; the child must select the extra object and justify his answer. For example: snow, rain, boots, hail; tree, flower, bush, stone, etc.

“Name the sign”.

Invite the child to name the signs of summer, water, plants, etc.

"Edible - inedible".

When throwing a ball, the child catches it if only edible items were heard.

"Beetle and Butterfly".

Look at the insects and find differences: butterfly white, yellow, thin wings; the beetle is smaller than a butterfly, the wings are hard; a butterfly flies, a beetle crawls, flies, buzzes, etc... In a similar way, you can compare other objects of nature.

When conducting games and exercises with children, it is important that children answer in full, pronounce words correctly, construct sentences correctly and can justify their answer.

Try to encourage your child kind words, smile, approval.

Play more, be positive with your child and rejoice in his successes. Summer– a long-awaited period of time for everyone and, of course,

for our kids.

Consultation for parents: What to do with your child in the summer?

Target: to attract the attention of parents to the creative organization of children's leisure in the summer.
1. Promote time spent together between parents and children.
2. Introduce parents to a variety of games aimed at developing creative abilities; sensory standards; speech development; children's health.

The game is our helper, no doubt.
The game is suitable for all ages.
Interaction in the game
Helps you understand each other
We need to become more attentive, kinder,
And resolve the issue of leisure.
Play with us! Come up with it yourself!
Play with your friends! Good luck is yours!

Summer days are a wonderful time for you and your children to communicate with nature, numerous situations for the development of personal qualities, the acquisition of various qualities, expansion vocabulary, knowledge and perception of the surrounding world, ability to reason, improvement of motor skills and coordination of movements. Of course, games and creative activities organized by your favorite adults will help a lot.
Today we will look at games and activities in the summer: in the country, in the forest, on the shore, in the garden and in the gazebo or at home when it rains. Main goal The purpose of these games is for your child to experience joy, pleasure and develop creatively.

Questions I would like to ask you:
Have you already planned your vacation?
If yes, then where are you going to hold it? (at home, in another city, in the country, on the beach, etc.).
How did you plan your children's vacation? (at home, country camp, dispensary, send to relatives, etc.).
Please share what you do with your children in the summer? (game - what, how, what..., drawing, modeling, designing, watching films, etc.).
Play is one of the important types of children's activities. In play, a child is formed as a personality, those aspects of his psyche develop, on which the success of his educational and educational activities will subsequently depend. labor activity, his relationships with people. In junior preschool age play becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication between adults and the child. In games with adults, and then in independent play, the child’s experience gained in kindergarten is realized.
So where?
At home
In the kitchen
On the street
On the road
On the beach
In the garden

At home
1. Choose an outfit (development of creativity, artistry, sense of humor)
A rainy day is a very good time to dress up. In this case, it might be a good idea to have a box or bag of old clothes on hand. Let the child try to walk around the room in his mother’s high-heeled shoes (even boys get great pleasure from this) or in his father’s huge shoes, putting insoles in them; It’s also interesting to mysteriously wrap yourself in a shawl or put on a “cowboy” hat with an important air; It is very pleasant to dance in a cape made from a skirt, sheet or towel. Girls love to try on their mother’s jewelry, paint their nails and use a little of their mother’s cosmetics. Invite your child to portray some funny character by choosing the appropriate costume. Advise him to appear as a Superman in a raincoat, a cowboy in a colorful silk scarf and boots, an old woman with a stick, or an alien in a helmet from another planet. The child will play a role, and you will guess who it is in front of you.
2. Color of the day(development of attention, observation)
If, upon waking up on a rainy morning, your child begins to complain that he has nothing to do, introduce him to this game.
Invite your child to choose any color, for example red. Give him red clothes, find red foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner and decorate the table with them. Red drawings, toys and even frequent use of the word “red” should accompany the child throughout the day. Look for pictures with the color red in magazines, count all the red objects in the house. For the next day, help your son or daughter come up with a new color.
3. Musical intermission (development of creative and musical abilities)
Organize an orchestra using homemade musical instruments. They can be made from what you have at home.
By placing small pebbles, buttons or glass marbles in a metal tea can, you will get musical instrument. The metallic sound is already there, now you need to look for small pieces of wood or wooden objects (for example, wooden spoon, cheese board, wooden ramekins or clothespins). By hitting two wooden objects against each other, slowly or quickly, hard or gently, you produce sounds suitable for dance music. By turning on a record or cassette, the child can maintain the rhythm of the melody while playing his instruments. If the noise produced by the orchestra becomes too loud, ask the musician to play in a quieter key.
4. Draw with lungs (blowing)
Work progress
1. Make a background on wet paper.
2. Apply a drop onto the dry background at the bottom of the picture dark paint(black, brown or green).
3. Blow from the tube onto the drop, but not from above, but as if pushing it forward.
4. To get small branches, you need to swing the tube from side to side while blowing.
5. Add leaves and flowers to the picture.

In the kitchen
The kitchen can serve not only as a place for cooking, but also for intimate, confidential conversations, for jokes and fun. And, in addition, the kitchen is an excellent school where the child acquires useful skills, knowledge and becomes familiar with concepts such as measurement and organization of work.
1. Colored sandwiches (development of economics, responsibility, creative abilities)
Teach your child to make sandwiches from vegetables. On a piece lightly greased with oil (however, it turns out delicious even without oil), you can lay out, like a mosaic, chopped pieces of different sizes, multi-colored vegetables: boiled potatoes, carrots, beets, pumpkin, as well as fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, lettuce, parsley. The sandwiches turn out so bright and beautiful that it’s a shame to eat them. But they also taste good - they will say so after tasting them. unusual dish, all family members.
2. Potato stamps (development of creative abilities)
Cut the potato in half. On the cut, cut out some geometric figure- an asterisk, a cross, a circle - or even a little man. Maybe the kid will come up with something else interesting. Dilute paint in small vases different colors. Prepare your paper. Now show your child how to make prints on paper by dipping a stamp in paint and applying it to the paper. Let the baby give free rein to his imagination. Maybe he will come up with an ornament, maybe an everyday scene, or perhaps a cubist picture.
On the street
1. Surprise (development of creative abilities)
When going for a walk, take with you several pieces of transparent plastic or plexiglass. In the yard near the house, invite your child to make a “surprise”. To do this, you need to dig a small hole and decorate it with everything you can find on the street. These can be beautiful pebbles, leaves and even fresh flowers. When the baby finishes his impromptu still life, cover it with transparent plastic, cover it with leaves and soil and remember the place. You can make several such surprises. The next day the child will go with interest in search of a “surprise”. See how accurately he remembered the place. By clearing the soil and foliage from the “window”, you will be able to see yesterday’s work of art again. Everything was preserved intact - what a surprise!
2. Chalk drawings (development of creative abilities)
When you're shopping for the summer season, don't forget about chalk. Let your child and his friends draw with chalk on the asphalt paths in the yard. Give them a bucket of water so they can wash away old designs and make new ones. If several children are playing in the yard, divide the space for drawings into large squares so that each “artist” has his own “asphalt” canvas. Try teaching your kids to play “classroom” or some other outdoor games familiar to you from childhood.
If a child asks: “What should I draw?” - advise him to portray a giant as best he can taller, garden, trees, clouds and sky or a superhighway along which cars, trucks and even trains rush.
On the road
1. Word games
"Riddle." The presenter thinks of a word - something that can be seen outside the window. You need to guess this word by asking as few leading questions as possible like “Is it alive?”, “Is it red?” etc.
2. Cassette with a fairy tale
A trip in a car provides a happy opportunity to communicate with your child, but there are times when the situation on the road requires all your attention. It is difficult for your child to sit still while you are driving intently. At such moments, give him a player with headphones. Let him listen to recordings that you made, bought or borrowed from the music library. But be sure to take time later to talk about what he was listening to.
On the beach

1 . gold digger
We all love finding treasures. You, too, can please your child by searching for, if not gold, then at least copper. To do this, take a sieve or fine mesh and a handful of coins with you to the beach. While your child is playing somewhere nearby, scatter coins in certain place and sprinkle them with sand. When everything is ready, give your baby a sieve and let him “mine for gold.”
2. Pour and measure
Pouring and measuring water, using, of course, clean household dishes, is a great activity for kids not only at home, but also on the beach. Collect plastic jars, medicine bottles, etc. Toddlers love to play with water, especially when they don't have to worry about spilling it or splashing anything.
8. Paintings on the sand
Make sure the surface of the sand is smooth and damp, and let the child draw something on it with a stick or twig. The “artist” is allowed to correct errors only for one minute. You can learn to write letters and numbers.
In the garden
1. On the hunt
Collect all the toys depicting animals and birds and hide them in the grass, in the bushes, low in the trees. Then the little hunter goes out to hunt. The more hidden animals he finds, the greater his loot. It's good if there are several hunters. The one with the most loot wins the game. The game develops observation and perseverance.
2. Sparkle yourself
Get out a garden hose, watercolor paints, brushes, and let your child paint. Let him paint himself the way he wants, then let him wash off the paint and start all over again.
3. Invite a painter
Give your child a bucket of water and a large brush, and he will spend hours “painting.” Let him paint the cement floor next to the pool, benches, toys - anything that is not afraid of moisture. He will be amazed to see how quickly the water disappears under the rays of the sun.