Fortune telling with 4 spoons and paper. Spoon fortune telling

For many centuries, seemingly ordinary things have been used for all possible fortune-telling online. Even the most ordinary items, which are found every day in everyday life, but over time, these things acquired a mysterious meaning and serve as assistants to sorcerers and magicians when they perform rituals. Such rituals are usually not a simple task and are associated with otherworldly forces and various good and evil spirits.

Independent fortune-telling on spoons with paper is the most harmless home ritual of this kind, and professionals recommend that beginners start with this particular fortune-telling.

Village people, more urban people, are aware of the peculiarities of this fortune-telling. Fortune telling on spoons for a brownie originates precisely in rural areas. Of course, there is no need to go to the village and ask its residents about what fortune telling they know. It is enough just to have access to the Internet in order to find out all the information you are interested in. Of course, fortune telling on spoons with paper may seem absurd to many, but after reading reviews and comments on this fortune telling online, almost every person will want to try this method personally.

How does fortune telling on spoons happen on a brownie?

Fortune telling itself is completely uncomplicated and does not require supernatural skills from the fortuneteller. All you need to do is wrap a small piece of paper around a cutlery, for example, a teaspoon (some practicing rural fortune tellers advise tearing the paper rather than cutting it). The piece of paper is screwed onto the spoon so that it cannot get out on its own under any circumstances.

Now I will describe fortune telling on spoons for a brownie in more detail:

  • The sheet of paper should be approximately the shape of a square and a couple of times smaller than the spoon itself
  • Carefully fold the paper so that a spoon lies between its parts. It's simple - the paper is folded in half, and there is a spoon in the middle.
  • Fold the edges of the paper around the spoon and twist it well.
  • After all the manipulations, we put the spoon on the table and be sure to repeat three times: “Brownie, my brownie, talk to me, as you know what will happen...”, and instead of an ellipsis, ask a question that worries you. Having asked a question, you should end the phrase with the words: “if yes, then unwrap the spoon, if not, then do not unwrap it and leave it as it was.”

At this stage free fortune telling on spoons with paper approaches the final mystical part. If your brownie answered yes to the question you asked, then the spoon will miraculously be outside the paper when you finish the fortune telling.

I want to dedicate this article to the home spirit and most interesting fortune telling on spoons on the brownie. In every house there lives a household spirit (kutny god), so to speak, a master from the other world. It is not dangerous for people; it is believed that it is the invisible patron of the family, protecting the peace and health of people and animals.

But for this to happen, the brownie needs to be appeased. For this purpose, they left food for him, and in conversations they mentioned him with exaggerated respect, calling him grandfather, master, or himself. There are many beliefs and signs associated with the image of a brownie. Thus, with his howls and groans, the brownie warns the owners about the imminent death of one of the relatives. A domestic spirit can take the form of a dog or cat, and in this form it appears to people. In some cases, it may even appear in the guise of the owner of the house.

Independent fortune telling on spoons for a brownie

You can communicate with the house spirit, ask him questions and receive answers - if he pleases. There is an interesting fortune telling on spoons for a brownie. In the old days, the situation was very popular. With the help of a brownie, you can find out your future and get detailed answers to all the most pressing questions.

There is a type of fortune telling with a brownie - fortune telling with spoons and paper. Any spirit that the questioner calls upon can participate in this ritual. This fortune telling also allows you to ask fate about the future, to find out your future. Very good option such fortune telling - independent free online love fortune telling.

Free fortune telling on spoons with paper

Fortune telling on spoons and paper has existed for centuries, but even today it has not lost its relevance. Despite large selection fortune telling about the situation and the future, independent fortune telling on spoons with paper does not lose its fans.

How to tell fortunes for free using spoons and paper

Take 4 tablespoons, cut off 4 long strips of paper, fold each strip in half, and place the handle of the spoon in the fold, then wrap the handle in two layers with this paper strip. The spoons prepared in this way are placed in a cross, with scoops in the center. After this, they ask him three times if he can hear and if he wants to speak.

Then carefully unfold the pieces of paper, holding them by both edges. If the spirits answered the question in the negative, then the spoon will have its original appearance - as at the beginning of the ritual. If the answer is positive, the spoon will take on a different appearance, i.e., when you try to unfold the spoon, it will be in one hand, and by some miracle the strip of paper will be in the other hand. When completing the ritual of fortune telling on spoons for love, do not forget to thank the household spirit for responding and helping.

Fortune telling with spoons has its own history and subtleties of the ritual. In ancient times, people used this method to determine their lifespan, communicate with the brownie, and invite love and happiness into their home. But not all spoons could be used, but only those that belonged to the family and were passed from the older to the younger generation. The inventory of neighbors, strangers, or new ones could not tell the truth or completely distorted it.

Several types of rituals have come down to us from the original Russian customs. The most popular rituals can be performed with both metal and wooden cutlery. The main criterion is that the spoon belongs to a specific person, charged with his energy and aura.

Classic method

You can predict what awaits each member in the future using spoon fortune telling using the traditional method. To do this, participants in the sacrament must put one wooden spoon into a basin or other container, which they use in everyday life for personal use. Cover the container tightly with a lid, shake the contents and leave overnight. In the morning, look at the location of the devices.

Fortune telling is deciphered as follows:

  • the spoon is located away from others - the person will experience loneliness;
  • the spoon is “buried” in the rest of the mass - difficult moments of life will be met by the owner of the device in the circle of relatives, who will make every effort to support and comfort the unfortunate person;
  • the spoon lies higher or above others - the owner will have to take a leading position in the family, make serious and motivating decisions.

Fortune telling for the brownie

You can summon an invisible member of your household if you properly prepare for the mystical ceremony. This action allows you to ask the spirit questions and gain knowledge that is not available in ordinary life. In the old days it was popular to ask the brownie about what to expect in love affairs and fate in general.

The most common method is fortune telling on paper. Two pairs of tablespoons are wrapped in long strips of paper folded in half. Kitchen utensils should be in the middle of the sheet. You need to pull it in two layers, after which the spoons are placed in the form of a cross, with the scoops down.

At the same time, two white candles are lit and placed on the left side of the fortuneteller. The flame should be blown evenly, so open a window or window. A ventilated space allows the spirit to freely enter the home.

The ritualist reads a prayer, respectfully addressing the invitee and asking if he wants to talk. You can use the calling cheat sheet: “Spirit (his name), come here now and answer our questions. Spirit (his name), are you here? Can you hear us? - should be said three times in a clear but quiet voice.

The brownie did not respond to the request if the spoon did not change its position. In the case when the device is in one hand when unfolded, and the paper is in the other, the answer is positive. We can start talking.

Winter way of fortune telling

For the ritual to produce results, it must be carried out exclusively in winter season at midnight. Snow is collected into a wooden container of sufficient depth (a barrel is best suited). Devices are placed on it in a chaotic sequence, without touching the walls. Participants in the ceremony ask questions, for example, who will be the first to find a soul mate, become rich and successful, buy an apartment, etc.

Cover the container with a cloth or lid and shake thoroughly. Having opened it, they look at those spoons that first touched the bottom and walls. They symbolize the imminent achievements and successes of their owners. If nothing has changed, you should not expect pleasant gifts or fatal surprises from fate. 3-5 people can participate in this fortune-telling at the same time, the main thing is not to fill the dishes with spoons to the top.

Fortune telling for life

The method is a little risky, since it gives a person instructions about how long he has left to live in the world. Those who are suspicious are advised to refrain from fortune telling. It should start with a common dinner for those who are ready to take a risk and find out the duration of their existence. It is necessary to eat with spoons so that they absorb the energy of the owner. The atmosphere suggests calm and friendliness.

After finishing the meal, the fortune tellers gather in a dark room with minimum quantity Sveta. Here they bring cutlery that preserves the memory of a recent dinner. The spoons are placed on a tray or large dish in strict order and left overnight.

The placement of devices is assessed in three areas:

  • smoothly - a person’s life will flow at a leisurely pace, happiness, peace and prosperity await him;
  • crooked - foreshadows illness, grief or loss soon;
  • down with a scoop (if he was looking up) - unbearable hardships that will change fate.

Mandatory conditions in the ritual

Fortune telling is a magical act that is subject to its own laws and conditions that require precise execution. For example, the utensils must be clean, even if you need to eat with them before starting the process. You cannot borrow a spoon from another person to find out your fate. This leads to an incorrect interpretation of fortune telling and changes the meaning.

For the sacrament to pass without any complaints, it is necessary:

  • create conditions for the ceremony, since different situations require the ceremony to be performed in the summer/ winter time, morning/night, with friends/alone;
  • follow all the steps and instructions as they should be, that is, you cannot read a prayer invented by the person himself, or change the order of actions due to accidental forgetfulness;
  • treat fortune telling with respect and believe that it will give results, because the brownie does not come to skeptics and those who engage in “witchcraft” for fun.

If all the conditions are met, the necessary attributes are selected, and the participants in spoon fortune telling do not rush things, fate will reveal unexpected secrets to them, promising grace and warning against dangers.

There are some etiquette rules associated with a spoon: for example, who should take the spoon first and who should take it last. All these details are related to special significance, which was attached to a spoon - this common cutlery for modern man. It was with a spoon that one could taste the prepared dish and thank the Almighty for the bread and salt.

Our ancestors used several methods to predict the future using spoons. They used wooden spoons, but you can also use metal ones. The main condition is the age of the spoons: they should not be new, and also you cannot use other people’s utensils in fortune telling. Therefore, the fortuneteller took only spoons that belonged to his family. Such spoons can accurately predict a person's future.

How to tell fortunes with spoons

Consider traditional fortune telling using wooden spoons.

  1. It is necessary to prepare a basin or wooden tub. Several wooden utensils from members of the same family will be involved in the fortune telling process.
  2. All spoons are placed in a basin and covered with a cloth or lid.
  3. Then shake the spoons and leave them like that until the morning.
  4. In the morning, they open the tub and examine how the spoons are positioned inside.

Before evaluating the results, you need to remember exactly where whose spoon is.

  • The family member whose spoon is separate from everyone else will face loneliness.
  • The person whose cutlery is under the rest will have many problems that will not leave his loved ones indifferent (illnesses, big troubles).
  • The person whose spoon occupies a position above other spoons will informal leader family.

Spoon fortune telling for life expectancy

With the help of this fortune telling, it is possible to determine the life expectancy of any fortuneteller. The same tablespoons are used. Several people can take part in fortune telling.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to eat dinner with everyone present who will be telling fortunes, and be sure to use these cutlery. After dinner, take a dish and place spoons around its circumference. Every person remembers exactly where his spoon lies. Then the dish with spoons is taken to an isolated place.

In the morning, see how the position of your spoon has changed. If it lies as before, then you expect long life. If the spoon moves a little, this portends illness. If the spoon changes direction, then quick death is possible.

Fortune telling on spoons with paper

Fortune telling on spoons with paper is perhaps one of the most harmless, so it is better for beginners to start with this fortune telling.

You need to take 4 identical spoons (preferably tea spoons) and cut the same amount of square-shaped paper (its size should be less than the length of the device itself). Then the paper should be folded in half and a cutlery handle should be placed between the resulting halves (in the fold).

After this, the sheet in which the spoon lies must be folded together and its ends carefully wrapped. Do the same with the remaining spoons. Then place the cutlery crosswise, with scoops in the center.

During fortune telling, you need to light 2 white candles and place them on the left side of the cutlery. After preparation, the fortuneteller must begin the ritual of summoning the spirit. To do this you need to say:

“Spirit (his name), come here now and answer our questions. Spirit (name), are you here, can you hear us?

These words need to be repeated 3 times, and then begin to unwind the leaves from the handles of the spoons, holding them by the two edges folded together. In fact, the spoon should remain inside the piece of paper, as it was at first. If this happens, then the answer to asked question will be negative and then you should thank the spirit and ask to leave.

If at least one device, after unwinding, ends up in your hand, and not in a fold of paper, then the answer to the question is positive. In this case, you can continue asking questions to the spirit, that is, you need to wrap the handles of the cutlery again, and then start asking. Before completing the magical ritual, you must thank the spirit for the help provided.

In this article:

Fortune telling on cutlery, in particular spoons, has existed for many centuries, and in modern times it has not lost its popularity, because it can tell about the future and give answers to exciting questions. Anyone can perform a magical ritual, the main thing is to do everything correctly.

Fortune telling on wooden spoons

To carry out the ceremony, you need to prepare a wooden tub or basin, as well as wooden spoons for all family members. The devices should be placed in a basin, covered with a lid or cloth and left there until the morning. In the morning, open the basin and look at the location of the spoons, and before making an assessment, you need to remember where whose equipment was originally located.

Sufficient easy way performing fortune telling on your own

A spoon lying separately promises loneliness to its owner. If someone’s device is under others, then the person will have a lot of problems and troubles. The family member whose spoon occupies the position on top will be the leader and may become the main one.

Winter fortune telling on devices

This method of fortune telling can only be used in winter, since it will require clean white snow. In the morning, a fortuneteller needs to collect snow in a wooden barrel or other container, the main thing is that it is made of wood and put it in a warm place.

Fortune telling can be performed by several people, but for this everyone needs to bring their own wooden device. At midnight, all spoons must be placed in a barrel. They should not touch the walls of the container. Next, everyone present needs to ask a question regarding the future, for example, who will be the first to achieve success, who will get married faster, etc. After this, you should shake the wooden container and see which of the devices touches the walls and bottom of the barrel first; this person will be very successful.

Fortune telling for life

With the help of this fortune telling, you can determine the life expectancy of a person. However, before carrying out the ceremony, you need to think carefully about everything, do you really want to know about it?

Several people can perform the ritual at the same time. Before you begin the ritual, you need to have dinner with the fortune tellers and be sure to use spoons, which will then be used in the ritual.

After dinner is over, you should take a dish and put spoons on it. Every fortuneteller needs to remember where his cutlery lies. Next, the dish is taken to a place isolated from everyone for the night, and in the morning they look at how their position has changed.

This method fortune telling shows reliable results

If the spoon has not changed its position, then this person’s life will be long and happy. If she moves a little, then this is a harbinger of illness. But if the spoon turns in the opposite direction, then this is a bad omen.

An effective way of fortune telling

You need to take 4 identical spoons (preferably tea spoons) and cut the same amount of square-shaped paper (its size should be less than the length of the device itself). Then the paper should be folded in half and a cutlery handle should be placed between the resulting halves (in the fold).

After this, the sheet in which the spoon lies must be folded together and its ends carefully wrapped. Do the same with the remaining spoons. Then place the cutlery crosswise, with scoops in the center.

After preparation, the fortuneteller must begin the ritual of summoning the spirit. To do this, you need to say: “Spirit (his name), come here now and answer our questions. Spirit (name), are you here, can you hear us? During fortune telling, you need to light 2 white candles and place them on the left side of the cutlery. In addition, before the ritual, you need to open the window and close it after finishing.

These words need to be repeated 3 times, and then begin to unwind the leaves from the spoon handles, holding them by the two edges folded together. In fact, the spoon should remain inside the piece of paper, as it was at first. If this happens, then the answer to the question asked will be negative and you should then thank the Spirit and ask to leave.

If at least one device, after unwinding, ends up in your hand, and not in a fold of paper, then the answer to the question is positive. In this case, you can continue asking questions to the Spirit, that is, you need to wrap the handles of the cutlery again and then start asking. Before completing the magical ritual, you must thank the Spirit for the help provided.