Will we make peace online fortune telling. Independent fortune telling for the return of a loved one

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Card 1 – Your role in the conflict; Card 2 – Your partner’s role in the conflict; Card 3 – What is in your chosen one’s soul? Card 4 – What is stopping you from reconnecting? Card 5 – Should you try to save the relationship?

5 steps to breaking up: What causes a relationship to break up?

In the relationship of any couple, you can find many mistakes and actions that both women and men make. Almost all lovers sometimes have quarrels and scandals, both small and large-scale. We have selected the most striking problems that, as a rule, lead to conflicts and are the main causes of quarrels.

1. Uncontrollable jealousy.

Absolutely all people are jealous by nature. Most people won’t admit it, but as soon as your other half is given the slightest reason, the person turns into a jealous monster. It is jealousy that makes lovers good people spoil your relationships through endless reproaches, scandals and angry statements. Jealousy should not prevent you from building harmonious relationships.

2. Social activity.

Social networks are not just a means of communication of our age, but also a huge bone of discord. After all, it is there that you can read other people’s correspondence, you can see guests, likes and social activity with the ensuing scandal. To prevent this from happening, you should follow several simple rules: communicate in real life with a living person, and not with a phone screen, do not read correspondence and do not post the smallest details of your life on the Internet.

3. Not all advice is good.

One of the main enemies of any relationship is best friends. Even though they are the best, they can very easily quarrel with you without meaning to. Giving endless advice, discussing the shortcomings of your half, they become personal psychologists, which in the end does not lead to anything good, but only spoils the trust of lovers.

4. The investigation is conducted by experts.

Does it often occur to you that your other half is hiding something from you? Every day I have thoughts that best place for evidence - is it a jacket, phone, bag and pockets? Nip this curiosity in the bud; the further you go, the worse it is. Over time, you will become incredibly excited, and checking your phone and pockets while no one sees you will become a habit. However, someday you will be caught, and violation of personal space will provoke a scandal.

5. Too strong emotions.

You shouldn't tell your man about your warm relations with your ex-partner, and even more so, about your trip to a cafe or cinema together. Any mention of communication with your ex-boyfriend will anger a man, which will lead to stormy exchanges, even breaking up, and being lonely is not at all what every woman dreams of.

Whatever your choice, whether to restore the relationship or not, we suggest using our free fortune telling on relationships that will help you learn about hidden sides conflict.

When everything is good in a relationship and lovers understand each other perfectly, it seems to them that time passes unnoticed. And when a relationship ends or quarrels occur, then every minute seems like an eternity. Everyone dreams of finding out when this period will end and when their loved one will return. Fortune telling for the return of a loved one - great option, allowing you to find out how a quarrel or separation will end. By making a simple layout and familiarizing yourself with the meaning, you will understand what you can expect in the near future.

It's very simple and truthful fortune telling for the return of a loved one, which, with the help of just one card, will tell you when the beloved will return and whether he will return at all.

To carry it out you will need fortune telling deck a card that no one had ever played before. You can only use a deck that no one but you has ever held in their hands before.

Fortune telling can be done on any day except church holidays. Also, the ritual is performed only once a day, even if you are not satisfied with the result.

Having shuffled the deck well, you need to remove some of the cards with your little finger right hand on yourself, thinking about the young man with whom you broke up or quarreled. These cards should be moved down. Your card is the top one. By looking at its meaning, you will find out your future with this young man.

Fortune telling with 7 cards

This fortune telling is considered more complex and allows you to find out not only the future, but also the past, the causes of discord in relationships and much more. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, which needs to be shuffled well.

As you shuffle the cards, think about a loved one with whom your relationship didn't work out.

Now you can randomly draw seven cards and place them in front of you on the table.

  • The first card (on the left) is the guy’s thoughts;
  • Second – feelings young man;
  • The third is his desires;
  • The fourth (central) is the future;
  • Fifth – the goals of the chosen one;
  • Sixth – your thoughts;
  • Seventh – the causes of discord.

Using this fortune telling, you can find out a lot about your lover: his thoughts and feelings, goals and desires. Remember, this ritual can only be performed once a day.

The meaning of the cards


  • Six - the future is ambiguous and a lot depends on you;
  • Seven - if you change something in your character, a lot will change;
  • Eight - you will still be together;
  • Nine - your happiness is in your hands;
  • Ten - most likely you will not be together;
  • Jack - happiness with his friend;
  • Lady - a friend will help you be together;
  • King - try to improve relations with his parents;
  • Ace - it will end in a wedding.


  • Six - he got another one;
  • Seven - a lot depends on his friend, who influences him;
  • Eight - you have one more chance;
  • Nine - your hopes will not come true;
  • Ten - a future together is possible if you try hard;
  • Jack - ask his relatives for help;
  • Lady - there is a girl who wants to take your place;
  • King - you will have children together;
  • Ace - happiness to be together.


  • Six – unforeseen problems;
  • Seven - only friendship is possible;
  • Eight - quick reconciliation, which will be the beginning of the end;
  • Nine - being together means sacrificing your independence;
  • Ten - you don’t love him, so it’s better to let him go;
  • Jack – problematic relationships;
  • Lady - your mother will give you the right and necessary advice;
  • King - soon everything will work out for you;
  • Ace - let him go and you will be rewarded.


  • Six - your relationship will be based on benefits;
  • Seven - this guy doesn't suit you, don't try;
  • Eight – common problems, the solution of which will bring you closer together;
  • Nine - falling in love will soon pass, and you will meet another man;
  • Ten - this guy loves you and will return;
  • Jack - your happiness does not depend on this young man;
  • Lady - his relatives are against such a relationship;
  • King - happiness with his acquaintance or friend;
  • Ace - wedding or birth of a child.

If in one of the two fortune-telling above it turns out that you and the young man will still be together and you have prospects, then one simple trick will help speed up this process.

That card with a good meaning foreshadowing his return should be kept. It needs to be placed on your joint photo or on your two photos. Along with the photo, the card should be placed in a clean white envelope and sealed.

The envelope should be placed at the end of the book with a good ending, where the lovers ended with a wedding. Naturally, tragedies like Romeo and Juliet will not work.

Fortune telling answer to question

The ritual on cards for a Yes/No answer is also considered quite effective. To complete it, you will need a fortune-telling deck, well shuffled. While you are shuffling the cards, ask one specific question, the answer to which will be a clear yes or no.

When the cards are shuffled, draw one randomly and look at the answer:

  • Hearts and spades - yes;
  • Clubs and diamonds are not.

As you can see, everything is very simple and clear. You cannot ask the same questions more than once. In total, this ritual can be repeated no more than seven times a day.

Card fortune telling for the return of a loved one is a truthful and proven magical ritual. Over a long period of time, such rituals told girls what awaited them in the future. After all, when breaking up, you don’t always want to come to terms with this state of affairs. And such a ritual can give hope and encourage decisive action.


Parting with the person you love always hurts and makes you worry. And it’s especially offensive if the breakup occurred because of some stupidity. Naturally, if feelings are still strong, we want to make peace, to reunite with the object of our affection, but we are not always ready to take the first step towards reconciliation. The Tarot layout “Will your loved one return?” was created especially for such situations. It is this and several modifications that we invite you to consider today.

A simple three-card fortune telling “Will your loved one return?”

You can easily and simply find out from the Tarot whether your loved one will return by simply pulling three random cards from a shuffled deck. The first will describe the fortuneteller’s point of view on the events taking place, the second will tell how the partner perceives and sees the situation, and the third will sum up and tell you what the chances are for the reunion of former lovers.

Five-card spread for the possibility of reconciliation

Tarot fortune telling “Will we make peace” with five cards will allow us to examine in detail important issues: the true causes of the conflict that led to the separation, the willingness of ex-partners to agree to a truce. There is no special layout for the layout - the cards are simply laid out in a horizontal row, one after the other. Before pulling out cards, don’t forget to think about your loved one and shuffle the deck.

What do the fallen Arcana mean?

  1. The first card will reveal the true cause of a quarrel, conflict, misunderstanding between people
  2. The second will tell you about your partner’s readiness to take the first step towards you
  3. The third will say the same thing, but about you and your readiness
  4. Answer to the question about the possibility or impossibility of reunification
  5. Prediction for the development of relations in the near future

Tarot spread “Will he return?”

If you are confident in working with multi-card layouts, we recommend conducting a detailed Tarot reading “Will he return to me?” Ten cards are used, each of which reveals important nuances, helping to understand the true feelings and motives of ex-lovers, and also shows the real chances of the couple reuniting.

Values ​​of layout positions

  1. The reason for the breakup, which the fortuneteller considers decisive in this situation
  2. The questioner's reaction to separation from the object of affection
  3. Actions you can take to get your loved one back
  4. Actions to avoid to avoid causing further harm
  5. The main reason for the breakup according to the ex-partner
  6. The desire or unwillingness of a loved one to restore the relationship
  7. Circumstances that prevent people from becoming a couple again
  8. The likelihood of your loved one returning
  9. Probable prospects for how the relationship between two people as a couple will develop if they get together again
  10. Tarot Advice or Warning

Fortune telling about the possibility of returning a loved one

Questions that will be answered in detail by this fortune telling using eight Tarot cards: does he want to return to me, what feelings does he have, what plans is he making, what is preventing our truce. We're guessing traditional way, mentally focusing on the question of interest, shuffling the deck and choosing a random eight cards. Tarot layout diagram “Will your loved one return?” presented above.

The meaning of positions in the layout

  1. Events that led to the lovers' quarrel and separation
  2. Fortuneteller's feelings for ex-partner
  3. Ex-partner's feelings towards the questioner
  4. Plans ex-lover regarding the querent
  5. Interfering circumstances, factors, people - everything that prevents ex-lovers from reconnecting
  6. Helping circumstances, factors, people - everything that can contribute to the reunification of the couple
  7. Will these people be together?
  8. Distant future, prospects for a couple's relationship

Fortune telling using six cards “What will the partner decide?”

Another modification of Tarot fortune telling “Will your loved one return?” Based on this scenario, you can judge what is going on in the head of the object of your affection, what feelings he experiences, what he thinks about, and whether he wants to renew his love affair. Six Arcana are drawn from the deck at random and placed according to the pattern as in the figure.

What do the position cards mean?

  1. The first Arcanum will describe how the ex perceives this relationship, how he sees it in at the moment
  2. The second will answer the question why this person does not want to stay with you. If court cards appear in this position, especially of the same gender as the fortuneteller, this may mean the presence of a rival
  3. The ex-partner's agreement or disagreement to give the relationship a second chance, provided that both people work on their past mistakes
  4. If the previous card answered “yes”, using this one we look at what actions the questioner can take to achieve a speedy truce. If Arcanum 3 answered “no”, here will be advice on how to survive the breakup with minimal losses
  5. How will the ex-lover react to the querent’s desire to have a serious conversation about restoring the relationship?
  6. Couple relationship forecast for the next twelve months

Layout "Gap" (7 cards)

This is an informative Tarot reading “Will we make peace with our loved one?” will help assess the possible prospects for restoring a love relationship and understand why the separation occurred. It is recommended to use it in cases where the breakup did not occur on the initiative of the querent. We think about our loved one, mix the cards, pull out seven arbitrary Arcana according to the diagram.

The meaning of card positions in the layout

  1. The likelihood of establishing relationships, the answer to the question “Can the situation be corrected?”
  2. Description of relationships between people now
  3. The real reason that pushed the couple to break up
  4. What will this separation bring to the querent? There may be both a positive and a negative Arcanum here - read in the appropriate key
  5. Change in the querent's mental state due to a breakup
  6. New opportunities that will open up for the questioner after a breakup
  7. The likely outcome of what awaits the couple in the near future

“Second Chance” layout for ex-lovers

Scheme of this interesting layout Tarot "Will we make peace?" resembles a question mark, as if hinting that you will receive a clear and informative answer. Fortune telling is designed specifically for couples who have separated for some reason. It allows you to assess the real chances of restoring a love relationship, and also helps you understand what unites ex-lovers, is there a “spark” between them that can rekindle the flame of love.

The meaning of cards in positions

  1. Reasons, questions, misunderstandings that led to separation of people in the past
  2. Why did the ex-partners decide to reunite again, is there that “spark” between them that gives hope?
  3. What unites a man and a woman
  4. Why the querent cannot forget about his ex-lover or beloved, what makes his heart beat faster when thinking about him/her
  5. Individual, bright qualities that the ex-partner possesses and no one else possesses (according to the querent)
  6. The root of past problems
  7. Can the reason for separation affect the future of the couple, if people end up together again, do they realize their mistakes and mistakes made?
  8. The prospect of a second chance, the possibility of reuniting former loved ones

Romantic fortune telling “Memories of past love”

If you want to determine from the Tarot whether we will make peace, whether there will be things between you and your ex again romantic relationship, try making the “Memories of Love” layout. There are seven cards in total, and the answers to exciting questions straight and precise. Fortune telling will help you not only find out your ex-lover’s thoughts about a second chance, but also understand whether you really need it.

What do the layout positions mean?

  1. Do they return to ex memories about the querent
  2. What kind of memories are these: light nostalgia or, on the contrary, a desire to quickly forget everything
  3. Desire or unwillingness ex-partner re-pair with the querent
  4. His reaction to the querent’s first step and initiative to communicate again
  5. Does the person asking really need this person or is it just an illusion
  6. Advice on how to improve your relationship with your ex
  7. Most likely outcome, possibility of reunion

If you want to ask the Tarot if he will return to me, if there is a chance of being together again, use one of the presented layouts. But remember that you shouldn’t do everything in a row - just one thing is enough, which you find the most informative. The magic deck does not like repeated questions on the same topic, so fortune telling can be repeated no earlier than in two weeks or a month.

Quarrels and disagreements with loved ones are a very common occurrence in life. And, unfortunately, sometimes they lead to separation. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible to tell fortunes for reconciliation in order to understand how soon the relationship can be restored.

After breaking up with your loved one, you can use fortune telling, which will provide information about whether your loved one will return and how quickly this will happen. Besides, this method makes it possible to understand what the real reason disagreements and realize own mistakes. This means that it will be possible to create circumstances in real life that will create conditions for reconciliation.

Fortune telling involves the use of a deck of cards. It can be as simple as playing cards, and a deck of Tarot cards. Of course, in the second case, fortune telling will be more informative. To correctly decipher the layout, you need to carefully study the meanings of all cards individually, as well as their combinations. Such descriptions are presented on our website in a special section.

It is very important that the deck of playing cards used in fortune telling is never used for gaming. In addition, it must be personal. This means that no stranger should have held it in their hands before. At the beginning of fortune telling, the selected deck of cards is carefully shuffled.

  • The first card is laid out.
  • A second card is placed above the first card.
  • To the left of the second card, a third card is laid out.
  • A fourth card is placed to the right of the second card.
  • A fifth card is placed above the third card.
  • The sixth card is placed above the fourth card.
  • Between the fifth and sixth cards, the seventh card is laid out.
  • At the very top of the layout is the eighth card.

All cards are laid out face down and only turned over after the layout is completed.

This fortune telling is deciphered as follows:

  • The first card points to the real reason breakup of relationships. It should be understood that it may differ from what is announced in real life.
  • The second card describes your feelings for your loved one. Perhaps you are afraid to admit to yourself what this card will tell you.
  • The third card reflects the feelings of your loved one at the moment. You should prepare for everything so that the information does not come as a surprise to you.
  • The fourth card focuses on your loved one’s plans for the continuation of your relationship. It is very important to correctly interpret the meaning of this card, because it will indicate whether your lover wants to make peace, or whether he wants to erase from his memory everything that previously connected you tightly.
  • The fifth card provides the answer to why you and your loved one cannot be together, and why you do not have the opportunity to reconcile. These could be either your problems, unfortunate life circumstances, or the consequences of a love spell.
  • The sixth card is a hint, as it indicates which paths can be used to make peace.
  • The seventh card gives the exact answer to whether it will be possible to return your loved one. She will also indicate the reasons that will lead to reconciliation becoming impossible.
  • The eighth card will sum up the results as a whole, that is, it will describe possible relationships in the future.

The husband is always the closest person. Quarrels and disagreements with him are always very difficult. But, unfortunately, there is not always enough strength to take the first step towards and make peace, especially in cases where he is wrong.

In order to find out whether reconciliation with your husband is even possible, you can use more complex fortune telling on cards. To obtain accurate and reliable information in this ritual, it is recommended to use a new deck of cards, which can later be used for fortune telling.

It is also important to prepare in advance for fortune telling. To do this, you need to retire to a separate room, light a candle and sit in silence for a while, fully concentrating on the issue of interest. The cards on which fortune telling will be carried out must be held in your hands all this time.

  • The first card is laid out.
  • A second card is placed below the first card at a certain distance.
  • A third card is placed between the first and second cards.
  • To the right of the third card, the fourth card is laid out.
  • A fifth card is placed to the right of the first card.
  • To the right of the second card, the sixth card is laid out.
  • The seventh, eighth and ninth cards are laid out in turn, starting from the fourth card from left to right.

Initially, all cards in the layout are laid out face down. After all the manipulations are completed, you need to turn the cards over with pictures.

  • The first card characterizes past relationships.
  • The second card indicates the reasons for the disagreements that alienated you from each other.
  • The third card focuses on what lesson you need to learn from the situation.
  • The fourth card describes your relationship with your husband in the real world.
  • The fifth card will indicate how you need to change your own behavior in order to be able to restore the relationship.
  • The sixth card indicates specific actions on your part that will promote reconciliation.
  • The seventh card describes the family situation after reconciliation occurs.
  • The eighth card reflects how important it is for you to restore your relationship with your husband.
  • The ninth card warns of factors that will not allow the relationship to be restored. It also shows perspective family life after reconciliation in the distant future.

Fortune telling on reconciliation on cards always brings very useful information. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary to use complex layouts, because there are a huge number simple fortune telling on cards that can answer the question of whether reconciliation with a loved one is possible in the current situation.

For example, fortune telling using the following layout does not give an answer to whether reconciliation will take place or not. But it makes it clear what is happening in the life of a loved one at the moment. And such information is quite enough to decide how possible reconciliation is. For the layout, you can use not only Tarot cards, but also ordinary playing cards, which are much easier to interpret.

First, as usual, the deck of cards is thoroughly shuffled. After this, six cards are drawn from it in random order. You can arrange them in any order.

The main thing is to interpret the cards in the order in which they were laid out:

  • The first card shows what the person you would like to reconcile with thinks.
  • The second talks about your ex-lover’s feelings for you.
  • The third shows how your loved one plans to build their immediate future.
  • The fourth and fifth cards symbolize his desires and plans that he would like to implement in the near future.
  • The sixth card determines the events of the present time.

This fortune telling will help you choose the right time for reconciliation with your loved one if you want to take the first step in order to restore the relationship.

Questions of personal relationships are perhaps one of the most popular questions asked of magicians and fortune tellers. Someone wants to know the expected date of their wedding, someone cannot make a difficult choice from several options, and someone wants to find out whether a quarrel with a loved one will end. For the latter, fortune-telling, “Will we make peace with our beloved,” is just right, which we will talk about later in this article.

The first method of fortune telling

That's enough rare option fortune telling, which is impressively accurate and will help you find the answer to the question: “Will the quarrel with your beloved person stop?” Fortune telling can be used by both sexes.

In relationships, it often happens that partners do not understand each other and at some point, they dramatically slam the door and swear not to have a relationship anymore. At the same time, love, of course, does not fade away, but because of pride (feelings of resentment, jealousy and other negative emotions) it is very difficult to step over yourself and meet each other.

With the help of the following fortune telling, you will quickly find out whether you (or your chosen one) are destined. It is very simple to do and does not require any significant effort from you. You should prepare a previously unused card deck, represented by thirty-six cards.

The ritual time is one o'clock in the morning.

You need to guess as follows:
1. Sit down at the table. Lay out a new deck of cards in front of you.
2. From each of the four suits, draw a Queen, Jack and King. In total you will only have twelve cards.
3. We will not use the remaining cards, so they need to be put aside. Regardless of them, mix well. Close your eyes and sit down to play cards.
4. Then say the words of the magical spell memorized seven times, which will reveal to you whether you can find a compromise with your loved one or whether you are destined to part.

Conspiracy words:

“Kartishki, kartishki, sisters, brothers. Tell me honestly, but not flatteringly. What happens next, can I make peace? I’ll get two cards, in the dark, without cheating. I'll tell you the secret: love or not. Amen!".

  • in the event of “different-sex cards” falling out (for example, Jack and Queen, King and Queen, and so on, while the suit does not matter), you can hope for a quick reconciliation with your lover;
  • if the cards are combined in such a way that Kings are connected to Kings, Jacks to Jacks, Jacks to Kings (that is, cards of the same “gender”), then, unfortunately, your relationship is probably broken forever.

Be that as it may, do not rush to get upset and shed bitter tears about this. It would be much wiser to spit on the results of fortune-telling and, in spite of fate, make peace with the one you love.

The second way is to reconcile with your husband

The husband is the closest person to his wife. That's why it's so hard to survive conflict situations arising in the family. And although women are traditionally distinguished by greater wisdom in matters of relationships, they do not always have the determination to be the first to reconcile. Especially if the husband was wrong and greatly offended.

If the quarrel was very strong, and you are not even sure whether you can improve your relationship, you should use a more complex version of card fortune telling. A completely new deck of cards is also being prepared for him.

Before the process you will need special training. You should remain completely alone in a separate room, put a lighted candle and be in silence for some time. At the same time, it is important to think as much as possible about what worries you. Take the deck on which you will tell fortunes into your hands - this will help them tune in to the same wavelength as the fortuneteller and contribute to more accurate answers.

When preparatory stage will be completed, shuffle the deck of cards well and make a layout according to this scheme:

  • first put down the 1st card;
  • the 2nd one is placed below it at some distance;
  • in the interval between the 1st and 2nd place the 3rd;
  • on the right side of the 3rd card, place the 4th;
  • on the right side of the 1st card, place the 5th;
  • on the right side of the 2nd card – 6th;
  • and the 7th, 8th and 9th cards should be placed in turn, starting from the 4th card in the direction from the left side to the right.
    From the very beginning, all cards are placed face down. And after completing all the described manipulations, they should be expanded so that the pictures look up.

After this, you can begin to interpret:

  • under the 1st card you will receive information regarding past relationships;
  • The 2nd will tell you what caused the disagreements that separated you from your partner;
  • 3rd card - will tell you about the life lesson that you should learn for yourself from what happened;
  • 4th card – serves as a description of your relationship with your spouse;
  • 5th card - demonstrates what you will need to change in yourself if you want to renew the connection;
  • 6th card - will tell you about the actions that you will take to lead to reconciliation;
  • 7th card - acts as a characteristic of your future relationship when you make peace;
  • 8th card - will tell you how much you need reconciliation with your spouse;
  • 9th card - will reveal to you the reasons why you cannot find reconciliation. In addition, she talks about future prospects for family life.

The third method of fortune telling for reconciliation

By turning to the following method of fortune telling, you will not know whether you will make peace with your lover or not. Instead, you will receive information regarding events happening in life loved one at this point in time. And it may be quite enough for you to understand whether you should go for reconciliation or not.

In this fortune telling, both Tarot arcana and ordinary playing cards can be used. In the latter case, the interpretation of the values ​​will be much easier.

First, you will need to thoroughly shuffle the deck of cards. Then remove from it any 6 cards that come to your hands. Arrange them also in a completely random order.
An important aspect is that the cards should be interpreted exactly in the order in which they fell. It will be as follows:

  • from the 1st card you will find out what thoughts are currently disturbing the soul of your beloved person;
  • from the 2nd - you will become aware of his feelings;
  • 3rd card – demonstrates your loved one’s plans for his near future;
  • under the 4th and 5th you will find information about his desires and plans that he seeks to realize in life in the near future;
  • and card number “six” will tell about events taking place in the present time.
    By resorting to this method, you will get an answer to the question: “When is the best time for you to reconcile with your lover?” If you want to be the first to take this step and restore your relationship.

If you are now in a quarrel with your loved one, do not waste time - just seek help from one of those listed in this article card fortune telling, and you will definitely find the answer to your question!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: