How to find a business or job you like. Condition is the key to interesting work

The passage of time is inexorable. Minutes of life are gone forever. What do we spend it on? The lion's share of our time is taken up by work. Of course, I want to find just the kind of job that will fill every day I live with happiness and meaning. to your liking, how not to make a mistake in choosing?

Work you love or happiness sold

In System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan we find an accurate description of the current skin phase of human development. This is the era of individualism and private property aspirations. It orients people towards having social and material superiority and a well-paid job. This is natural for any of us in the era of consumption.

The problems begin where we begin to substitute money as a means for the very goal that each of us actually pursues. We all just want to be happy and enjoy life, enjoy both work and all other areas of our existence.

By choosing a job that does not bring any joy to the soul, we are actually selling our own happiness and precious months and years of life that will never be returned. So what should I do if I want to earn enough and find a job that will make life a joy?

Know yourself to find a job you like

The psyche of each person is structured differently, and completely different things can please and make each of us happy. What is dear to my soul, everything I want depends on the innate set of human vectors. They give each of us special desires and preferences, a worldview and a range of values. If you want to choose a job that makes you happy, let’s start by studying our inner world, our psyche.

Values ​​such as social status and working with perspective career growth and high income are not inherent in all of us by nature. These are the needs of a person with, of which about 24% are born in the human community.

Find a job you like for an active, agile and dexterous person

The owner of the skin vector can easily choose a job related to trade or creation own business. For successful implementation in this area, they have all the natural abilities - logical thinking, the desire to evaluate everything from the point of view of benefit and benefit, rational calculation and pragmatism.

The ability to self-discipline and organize other people will bring pleasure to the owner of the skin vector in a leadership environment, be it a middle manager or a military commander. Thanks to the ability to set restrictions and prohibitions for themselves and others, skinners successfully realize themselves as lawyers and legislators.

The owner of these properties is also distinguished by dexterity and flexibility of the body. He often successfully realizes himself in sports, here his innate desire to compete and compete also helps him. And if there is also a leather worker, he enjoys the activity of a dancer, actor or singer.

An innate accurate sense of space and time gives them a special talent in engineering and design activities. If available, they can find a job they like in the field of computer innovation and technology or military engineering.

Work to your liking for the slow and meticulous

The owners have a completely different mental structure. Slow and attentive to detail, thorough in everything they do, they want to achieve quality in everything. These owners of an analytical mind naturally have a phenomenal memory, which helps them accumulate and pass on knowledge to future generations.

They get real pleasure from teaching or analytical activities. Attention to detail allows them to find the smallest errors and inaccuracies in any matter, so they will also like working as a critic, editor or proofreader.

In combination with a sound vector, these can be scientists, professors and academicians. And the perseverance and attention to detail inherent in the anal vector, combined with the properties of the visual, allow such people to successfully perform the work of a jeweler or watchmaker, photographer or artist.

Find a job that appeals to emotional and impressionable people

Sensual and emotional owners of the visual vector are directed towards beauty in all its manifestations - the beauty of nature or things, human body or souls. Therefore, they can well realize themselves as landscape or interior designers; the work of an artist, fashion designer or photographer is suitable for them.

The main ability of a visual person is to establish emotional connections with people. They realize themselves perfectly where their talent for compassion and empathy for someone else’s grief is needed as if it were their own. They may find their place in social services or public organizations, volunteer groups.

What prevents us from realizing ourselves and being happy?

Although each of us can intuitively feel in which direction his heart is drawn, it is not always possible to realize these aspirations. The reason for this may be:

    false attitudes laid down by parents or society

    psychological traumas and “anchors” acquired during life (this can be grievances or for owners of the anal vector, in the skin vector, and phobias in the visual, and suicidal thoughts in the sound and many other problems)

    misunderstanding psychological characteristics other people (I want, but I can’t find common language with people) and, as a consequence, the inability to realize oneself in a team

    ignorance of oneself, conflicting desires.

At the training on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan, you will be able to get rid of any problems standing in the way of your implementation, as evidenced by:

Do you want to determine exactly how to find a job that suits you, taking into account all your natural aspirations and characteristics? Get rid of any psychological burden that prevents you from living happily every moment, doing what you love? Register for free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

Congratulations! You have taken the first step towards finding a job you love. From right the question asked at least half of the success depends. Be glad you put it that way. This means that something more than necessity speaks to you. Finding a job you like is not so easy. Many people for many years We were looking for ourselves in different ways. And, in the end, they found it. There are simply no specific deadlines. Life may be similar, but biography is not. Therefore, be prepared to be patient and not lose heart.

5 practical ways to find a job you love

The question “how” is a question of action

Work you love is work that brings you joy. There is no other way to track it. I want to get up in the morning. At the end of the working day, one feels ready to continue tomorrow. You learn something new for yourself, learn something new. This area of ​​life makes you happy. In theory, this is work for the soul. But in practice this is not always the case. Love for such things that a person leaves on earth can leave and come again. It can last a lifetime. Or you may stay there for a while, and then work doesn’t seem to make you happy, and you start looking for something new. It is difficult to keep track of this, moreover, it is not under the control of a person, it cannot be contained. That’s why be prepared to be patient and not lose heart. Someone wise said that there are people who live one life, and there are those who live many short ones. The main thing is to do something, to search.

1. And yet, how to find a job you like? You know, all the answers about oneself usually already exist within a person. Good psychologist knows this and asks such questions so that a person draws his own conclusions. Qualitative tests for vocational guidance are based on the same thing. If you are at a crossroads, try taking a similar test. Please note that this results in a professional field or set of professions that is suitable for you. If, after passing the test, you end up with one answer: “builder” or “programmer,” then look for a new one. Because a person cannot be fit into one specific profession. The test should tell you about 3 areas where, judging by the answers, you are most drawn. And the choice of something specific is yours.

2. The second way to search is to start from your talents. That is, because you immediately get it as if you had already learned this somewhere. But in fact, you have it naturally. You intuitively understand what's what. This is talent. Think carefully, every person has his own talent, at least one. Some have several, it’s more difficult for them. I don’t want to use big words, but perhaps this is a professional purpose, who knows. Talent backed by hard work will undoubtedly bring you the happiness you desire.

3. What did you love as a child? In childhood, a person is least susceptible to information meat grinder. In my head little man There are no prejudices and mess yet, so his soul is not confused. He behaves naturally, which in every possible way embarrasses adults who have forgotten how to be children. Remember what you liked to play as a child, how you behaved, what did you like? What did you want to become? If you don’t remember, ask your loved ones. In the matter of finding yourself, all means are good, and this is even more so.

4. And finally, the fourth way out is to do something without thinking. The first thing that comes to mind and is approved by the heart. A trial and error method that will lead you to what you love. In words, everything is very simple - water does not flow under a lying stone. This good option for those who are used to action.

We have described for you four ways that can help you find yourself. Be patient. This is advice both for those who have just embarked on this path, and for those who have been searching for a long time. But the most important thing is yet to come, read to the end.

A pure soul is the key to successful searches

Yes, such a turn. Do not think that this is advice from the realm of something unrealistic. On the path of life, desires attach themselves to a person like leeches, which complicate his life. Among them are desires for power, fame, wealth, and abundant attention from the opposite sex. Without love, it is appetites that are never satisfied. Their mother is greed. They blind and make a person unhappy. And they always lead astray. Therefore, when you answer the question: “how can I find a job I like,” never be guided by the desires described above. Maybe this is why in the modern world there is so much music and words of the same type. Think about it, art is a mirror of life, reflecting the world as a whole.

Method number 5 - the most secret

When looking for a job you love, be more modest, knowing that the most important wealth is your soul. And she rejoices when you do good to someone. The modern world forgets about this. There are a lot of problems, which means a lot of work. Think about what problems and how you would like to solve them. The wording of the question is no less important here. To answer, consider abilities. Well, for example: “I want to help people with their jobs.” How to do this? Become an HR manager, go to work at an employment center, become an entrepreneur and create jobs, etc. Or: “I want people not to get sick.” Become a medical worker, or sew warm clothes, or become a comedian, and prolong people's lives.

Despite all the simplicity, you do not come to such awareness immediately, but over time. The sooner the better, so we hope you'll listen. The solution must be based on real existing problems or omissions. Emptiness should not be multiplied.

P.S. Hurray for everything that happened!

And, at the end of the article, I would like to give an inspiring The first biography that came to the author’s mind is life path Italian actor, director and screenwriter, Paolo Villaggio. Born in 1932, his youth was spent in the years of devastation and poverty during the Second World War and its consequences. Paolo did a lot of work after finishing his studies! And a waiter, and an announcer, and an accountant in one of the large companies, until, at the age of 35, he finds his true calling. And he uses all his previous experience to create his most famous paintings. How do you like it? That's how everything is needed for something. So be patient and go ahead! You will definitely be lucky to find a job you like.

One day, every adult faces the question: how to find a job to your liking? After all, it is self-realization that gives true pleasure from life and brings decent pay. If you do what you love, then work comes easy, it goes rapid growth By career ladder and skill is steadily growing. Find an activity that you can safely call “my business”, and any morning will become good, and your whole life will bring much more joy.

Why choose an activity you like?

Society is structured in such a way that each of its members must occupy a certain niche and make their most significant contribution to its development. By by and large, the question of how to find a job to your liking concerns only individuals. Most people prefer to choose the path of least resistance.

Walking along the path outlined by someone else, a person may not even think about why there is a lack of fullness of life, there is no feeling of joy and lightness. Our life consists of many moments, happiness is multifaceted. The work takes at least 40 hours a week, and if you don’t have a passion for the chosen occupation, then a significant part of the effort will be spent on overcoming the rejection of empty time that brings nothing but money.

If you can say about something: “Yes, this is my business!”, then there will be no feeling of emptiness. Against, favorite activity will call positive emotions and bring satisfaction from the results. Happy people who say with confidence: “I love my job” don’t grumble about getting up early, don’t count the minutes until the end of their shift, and on weekends they relax, not tormented by the thought of the rigors of everyday life. Such people are happy and harmonious.

Signs that a person is minding his own business

A job you don't like can really harm your health. Prolonged stress leads to certain hormonal changes, which, in turn, negatively affect the functioning of all systems of the human body. However, a number of signs can be identified before serious problems arise.

Not knowing how to find a job to their liking, a person does not do what he wants, often without even realizing the scale of the problem. Here are the signs by which you can determine that the job is not suitable:

  • there is no satisfaction from the results of work - the salary is not pleasing, even if it is high, the winning tender does not cause inspiration, and the praise of the authorities is perceived rather with irritation;
  • there is neither the opportunity nor, most importantly, the desire to develop in the chosen profession;
  • the process of the work being performed does not give pleasure; it seems boring, tedious and completely useless;
  • I categorically don’t like the work team, nor, of course, the indirect sign, but if after changing jobs everything happens again, think: perhaps the fact is that this business is not what you want to devote your whole life to;
  • there is a constant feeling that you are giving much more than you receive; bonuses, salary, bonuses, praise - everything seems insufficient;
  • the thought of Monday morning poisons Sunday rest, and work hours drag on endlessly.

Of course, all these signs must be considered in their entirety, banal fatigue is also possible, but when the job is chosen according to the call of the heart, the fatigue goes away after a vacation, and the problem of burnout is solved with a psychologist. If you answered yes to at least half of the questions, then it’s time to think about how to choose a business to your liking. And perhaps it’s worth changing your field of activity, getting additional education or trying to open your own business.

What does work do for the soul?

Each person has a vocation, certain inclinations and predisposition to one or another activity. Once and for all, having solved the question “What business do I like?”, you will receive the happiness of realizing your true purpose.

Any person should strive to bring as much benefit to society as possible. Only by doing what you love with full dedication and putting in all your strength will you get maximum results. A brilliant career and worthy compensation for the efforts spent will await those who find their true calling.

How to understand that the chosen business is your favorite?

It also happens that you seem to like the chosen job, but you can’t determine whether your calling is being realized. There are a number of signs indicating that the answer to the question of how to find a job you like has been given correctly:

  • work is not only a source of income, but also brings satisfaction;
  • there is a desire and opportunity for self-development and;
  • you get real pleasure from the results of your activities, the heights achieved are pleasing, the encouragement from your superiors is deserved and pleasant;
  • I like the place of work itself - the building, the office, workplace; colleagues, subordinates and superiors - all, or most, evoke positive emotions;
  • there is a desire to grow and develop in this industry and transfer your knowledge to others;
  • there is a feeling of adequacy of the assessment of the efforts expended.

If you answered yes to half and more points, then rejoice - the chosen business is your true calling.

Finding something you like

It happens that a person does not immediately realize his place in this world and does not consider it necessary to change anything. The older we get, the harder it is to turn around and change our lives. However, you should not be afraid of this. Whether you're 20 or 60, it's never too late to start over.

In order to decide that the time has come to look for something you like, it is enough to understand: your current occupation not only does not bring satisfaction, but also requires you to spend your mental energy on overcoming resistance. You shouldn’t walk along the beaten path all your life if it causes exclusively negative emotions. Having decided on the need for change, feel free to start looking for something new. Finding something you love can be a very interesting and productive activity.

First steps to change activities:

  • consult with experts in various fields of activity;
  • find out options for retraining or obtaining a second education;
  • find out how to get a loan for small business development;
  • try to radically change the situation, for example, go to the village for a month.

Obstacles on the way to your favorite job

Having found your calling, you may encounter a number of obstacles, but you should not give up and give up on your dream. Take action and don’t stop at any obstacles.

Obstacles to your dream business:

  • resistance from relatives and parents, they may consider the chosen business unpromising;
  • lack of funds for retraining;
  • lack of free time to learn new things;
  • problems with employment in the chosen profile.

Despite all the problems, do not give up and do not give up. Go towards your cherished goal, even if the steps are very small, the main thing is to believe in yourself.

When it's time to say "I love my job"

Some time will pass, and you will definitely say this phrase. Happiness, pleasure and fullness of life are the well-deserved results. Leaving your comfort zone always promises new knowledge, useful connections and the joy of discovery. Life doesn't have to be a dull swamp - you deserve a job you love!

Choose a job you like It is often very difficult for many people. This happens because a person has a poor understanding of his personality characteristics and finds it difficult to decide which job will suit him best. In addition, it also happens that the job chosen by a person does not correspond to most of his skills and abilities; he cannot realize himself in this profession, which is why the person becomes very sad and has the feeling that life is being wasted. So how can you choose a job you like so that it meets all the requirements? We will talk about this in our article.

How to choose?

In order to learn how to choose the right profession to your liking, you need to consider the mistakes that are very often made by people who are in search of their profession.

    The most common mistake, because of which there are problems with finding a profession to your liking - this is wrong choice of education. Many young people go to one or another educational institution just because it is prestigious, or because my parents said so. Also very common reason the wrong choice of educational institution - the principle: “for the company.” Many students are afraid to join new team, so they prefer to choose an educational institution where there is someone they know. Upon graduating from such an educational institution, a person understands that he has received a diploma for a profession for which he is not suitable.

    Another mistake when choosing a job is stereotypes. A person may be created for a particular profession, but subconsciously reject the option of such work only because those around him consider the work not fashionable or not relevant.

    It is not uncommon for a person to like a certain aspect of a particular job and not think that behind a forty-minute theatrical performance lie long months of hard work and sleepless nights.

    A very common mistake when choosing a profession is underestimation of one's physical or mental abilities . You may like the work of an athlete or a designer, and you definitely want to work in this field; you should assess your health and imagination, and only then make a decision.

If you correctly assess your abilities and talents, you can choose a job you like, which will bring you not only income, but also positive emotions. And to do this you need to do the following: Take a blank sheet of paper and write on it all the professions that, one way or another, attract you, or that you would like to master. Don’t be afraid to write even children’s frivolous fantasies, as a deep analysis of the profession will help you determine in which area some aspects of your dream job could be realized. At this moment, it is very important to understand that you should write only your desires, and not the thoughts of friends or relatives.

Looking at ready list professions, try to remember what brings you a feeling of joy and happiness, what you like to do. Having remembered, draw parallels with your desired professions and find out which of them your abilities correspond to. Cross out those professions that do not correspond to any of your passions.

To choose a job that will suit you, it is important to remember that work should not only generate income, but also help you realize your potential. This is why it is very important to connect your hobbies with your work. By doing errands you enjoy doing, you'll get paid and won't have to stress out too much.

To find a job you like, you can follow planning methodology. To do this, you should make a plan for the year ahead, main goal which something specific should be done. For example: “In a year I want to earn my first million” - after that you need to schedule tasks for every month and every week. You can write down how much you plan to earn in a week, and also set for yourself the minimum required that you are capable of in order to achieve the required result.

But it happens that your skills and abilities are very well suited for a particular job, but it does not bring you joy at all. This happens due to the incompatibility of your temperament with the chosen job. Next, we will look at what kind of work is suitable for which type of temperament.

Which job is right for you?

In order to find out which job is right for you, you need to relate it to your temperament. To do this, we have compiled a small list of basic character traits, and also selected professions that may be suitable for them.

    If your temperament type is choleric, then you are different love for difficulties and the ability to quickly overcome them. You will achieve success where good concentration, perseverance and energy are required. Professions such as pilot, surgeon, driver, cook, geologist, investigator, journalist, dispatcher and diplomat.

    The melancholic type of temperament has a characteristic "braking" nervous system, as well as increased sensitivity to the activities of others. Melancholic people are contraindicated in work that is based on communication with people. It is best for this type of temperament to choose a job such as artist, seamstress, writer, veterinarian, mechanic, painter, agronomist, radio mechanic and accountant.

    Sanguine people are different energy and high performance. They are happy to tackle several things at once, but quickly lose interest and leave the task halfway. This type of temperament is contraindicated in choosing a job that requires constant attention and, moreover, is monotonous. Sanguine people are suitable for such professions as doctor, manager, engineer, waiter, organizer, teacher and salesman.

    Phlegmatic person.
    Phlegmatic people are very patient and persistent people, no one can handle monotonous work better than them. For this type of temperament, work such as engineer, botanist, physicist, mechanic and surgeon.

Thus, based on your character type, it will be much easier for you to choose a job you like, which will bring you both income and joy. But it should be borne in mind that the recommendations given in the article may not always apply to every person. Still, it’s better to listen to your heart and follow your dreams.

How to find a job you like? Pleasant and easy career guidance - you will be surprised!

The question is not whether to be or not to be - the question is who exactly to be. After all, we spend most of our lives working and doing our business—mistakes here are unacceptable. Don’t listen to your friends, family and advertising – look for yourself and your place in the world. This is the most important thing!

Express test: find out who you are?

So, first, give yourself a simple but true psychological test. On paper, draw the following shapes: a square, a circle, a triangle, a vertical rectangle and two waves - one below the other. But arrange them in the order you like - the first figure should be your favorite. And she will just tell you about what field of activity you need to look for yourself in.

Square. If this figure was the first, you are a man-nature. You are suitable for working with animals, plants, green world. Your place of work is a dolphinarium, laboratories, nurseries, botanical gardens, medicine and travel agency.

Circle. You are a technical person. But this does not mean that you can now only repair cars - in many professions people with a technical mindset are valued. Even among musicians there is such a thing as “technicians” and “hearers.” Those. You will like the kind of work in which skill will be welcomed and where you can hone it.

Triangle. You are a sign person. IN school age you loved math and everything exact sciences, and therefore working as an accountant is very creative for you. Everything related to symbols, encryption, numbers and calculations is all yours. In addition to traditional ones, modern triangle professions include SEO optimizers, analysts (especially analysts!) and programmers. Quite well paid professions, by the way

Rectangle. Was this figure the first? You are an image person. Most likely, you are left-handed, because... exactly right hemisphere(responsible for left hand) produces vivid emotional images and gives a predominance of synthesis in thinking. You can become a successful artist, landscape and interior designer, decorator, screen star or writer. After all, you see the whole world in harmonious images - and this is a rare gift.

Waves. Are there two wavy lines ahead, one above the other? You are a born psychologist. Your ideal job is working with people. These two lines are two souls, two personalities. You - schools, teachers, operators, marketers, realtors and business consultants. As they say: “The whole world is in your hands if you know how to choose your words!”

Freelancing, network marketing, business or “working for someone else”?

But how to decide on the form of employment? Is it worth dragging with the dawn rays across the whole city to stuffy office, or try your luck among freelancing freelancers? Or is it better to borrow money from a neighbor and start your own business? Become a diamond leader in some cosmetics company? Learn to sell your own hobby at a high price?...

Yes, possibilities modern world provides unlimited. It is no longer considered prestigious and honorable, as before, to work at one factory all your life and then be proud of a well-deserved pension for your “working youth”. Today, mobility and the ability to survive in different circumstances are valued. As one wise man said: “We are not a tree to grow in one place: if you don’t like your job, change it!”

Are you afraid? Crisis? Just imagine that for another ten, twenty, thirty years you will wake up like this every morning to an unloved job and envy all the homeless people who sleep sweetly at such an early hour and do not worry about anything at all. That for the rest of your life you will regret the lost opportunities, the lost development and self-realization. Bright prospects? How about you wait a couple of years and then decide to make changes? It’s better now - the younger you are, the more strength and energy you have, and the more in demand you are. Youth is given to a person so that he can find himself.

But don’t believe reviews and advertisements for this or that type of activity - each of them has its own pros and cons. In short, they are: "working for my uncle" Many people are attracted to stability. Stable salary, stable job, stable vacation. In a word, stable poverty.

People who hate morning owls and those whose cheekbones ache at the mention of the words “report” and “flight” usually go into freelancing. It’s not for nothing that “freelancing” comes from “free” - “freedom”. But there are many pitfalls here - huge competition, customer fraud, and the most banal laziness, which will immediately grab you by the throat as soon as there is no longer a boss behind you with your foot raised to kick you.

Network marketing is, of course, a popular business today. Constant growth, development, salary, the size of which depends only on you - all these are quite pleasant little things. But don’t forget that you will need to live non-stop all the time, not to mention the fact that you will have to actually marry a mobile phone.

Your own business is definitely a good option if you have entrepreneurial acumen. Just forget about restful sleep. Forever. But it will be interesting! And in order to understand yourself and what is closest to your liking, take the following test.

People-stones, lights, water and warm wax - who are you?

Quite popular in the marketing world interesting classification personalities - try to determine your type:

Stone people: everything is bad, bad, bad!

A typical stone personality is Miss Leech from modern Luntik. She is always unhappy with everything, she is terribly slow to climb and has a rather bad character. In life, such people are very prudent and even stingy, they are meticulously punctual and love to “nail” those around them. But this does not mean that they are bad, they just each have their own characteristics and their own worldview.

Do you recognize yourself? Civil service and a stable, dust-free job in a company are ideal for you. You will be in the same office, in the same position, for decades. You won't be particularly afraid economic crises, nor the personnel problem of the market. Your salary will be the same, stably on a certain day of the month, and neither defaults, nor competition, nor modern realities will knock it out of your financial plan for the year (more precisely, for all 10 years). If you like this kind of work, don’t listen to anyone and do what you really like.

After all, stone people, of whom there are about 20% of us, are important, stable cogs in a huge mechanism. But make a note to yourself that: “The little wheels on the clock spin the most.”

Water people: the main thing is to go with the flow!

There are as many as 40% of us like that. This is an ordinary gray mass, a crowd. Water easily changes shape, adapts and contains the most diverse audience. A water person can work successfully in absolutely any field of activity. True, it’s better not to expect any stunning achievements from him, but he won’t feel bad anywhere. He loves to go with the flow, which is why all other subtypes value him. Do you recognize yourself? Don’t fool yourself - look for a job that is closer to you and where the salary will suit you. It doesn’t matter what the essence of your classes will be, you can handle anything!

Wax people: just a drop of human warmth...

Wax people are typical introverts. More than anything else, they value comfort. They are loyal, persistent, constant - they can be both excellent performers and excellent leaders. But psychological support and human warmth in relationships are important for them - from their boss or subordinates. Do you feel like this is about you? Then any office job will suit you, you can build an excellent career and even open your own small business - but without risk and overexertion, because you are not mobile enough, although you are flexible. And even in freelancing, success awaits you - those who don’t need the supervision and whip of the boss at all.

Fire People: Engine of Progress

And finally, the rarest type of people are fire people. There are only 1% of them! They are born leaders, excellent strategists, they know how to ignite others and lead entire crowds. "Ogonki" is especially successful in network marketing and in those areas of activity where there is no ceiling on either initiative or salary. But they cannot live without live human communication, and therefore, if they are forced to work in a gray office on papers, they will either begin to think about a rope with soap, or they will disperse their vigorous activity and there - they will become heads of trade union committees, secret instigators against their bosses or “ mommies" and "daddies" for others. Do you recognize the sparkle in yourself? Don’t ruin yourself in your service, because you are a real diamond for many companies. Look for yourself!

Now just close your eyes and relax. Imagine yourself in the future—your ideal future. Where do you live? What are you doing? No, don't specify your profession - just think about what it would look like. Forget the names of specialties and vacancies - come up with new job, which has never happened before, but which you would definitely like. Do you see live communication with people or is it quiet work with technology? What are you wearing? How many hours a day do you devote to your future favorite activity? Think carefully, what service would you be happy to jump up to at 7 am, or for what would you be happy to give up your boss and a stable salary? Where are your dreams? What are they?

Do you want to find a job you like? Catch your luck by the tail - right now! Don't let a single day of your life be gray and dull. Be brave and love yourself more than anyone else in the world! Don’t be afraid of changes and bold decisions - fortune loves them!