Green pages surrounding the world hare and hare. What do hare and hare eat? How do hares winter: do hares have “skis”

Still, it’s nice to read the fairy tale “Belyak” by M. M. Prishvin, even for adults, you immediately remember your childhood, and again, like a little one, you empathize with the heroes and rejoice with them. The desire to convey deep moral assessment actions of the main character, encouraging you to rethink yourself. All heroes were “honed” by the experience of the people, who for centuries created, strengthened and transformed them, giving great and deep meaning to children's education. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, win the love of a modest and wise princess. The text, written in the last millennium, combines surprisingly easily and naturally with our modern times; its relevance has not diminished at all. The dialogues of the characters are often touching; they are full of kindness, kindness, directness, and with their help a different picture of reality emerges. An important role for children’s perception is played by visual images, of which this work abounds, quite successfully. The fairy tale “Belyak” by Prishvin M. M. can be read for free online countless times without losing love and desire for this creation.

Direct wet snow sat on twigs in the forest all night, broke off, fell, rustled.

The rustling drove the white hare out of the forest, and he probably realized that by morning the black field would turn white and he, completely white, could lie peacefully. And he lay down on a field not far from the forest, and not far from him, also like a hare, lay weathered over the summer and whitened sun rays horse skull.

By dawn the whole field was covered, and in the white immensity the white hare and a white skull.

We were a little late, and by the time we released the hound, the tracks had already begun to blur.

When Osman began to disassemble the fat, it was still difficult to distinguish the shape of the hare's paw from the hare's: he was walking along the hare. But before Osman had time to straighten the trail, everything completely melted away on the white path, and then there was neither sight nor smell left on the black one.

We gave up on hunting and began to return home at the edge of the forest.

“Look through binoculars,” I said to my friend, “that it’s white there on the black field and so bright.”

“Horse skull, head,” he answered.

I took the binoculars from him and also saw the skull.

“There’s something still white there,” said the comrade, “look further to the left.”

I looked there, and there, also like a skull, bright white, lay a hare, and through prismatic binoculars you could even see black eyes on the white. He was in a desperate situation: lying down meant being in full view of everyone, running meant leaving a print on the soft wet ground for the dog. We stopped his hesitation: we lifted him up, and at the same moment Osman, having seen him again, set off with a wild roar towards the sighted man.


What do hares eat is not an idle question. Knowing what the scythe eats makes it much easier to track it. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to what is around you on the hunting grounds. By lying in wait for an animal near feeding areas, you can quite count on a successful hunt. But different types Hares - hare, hare - have their own characteristics in food preferences. Find out what wild hares eat in natural environment habitats, and you will understand how to find them.

There are two main types of hares found in Russia: the hare and the hare. There is also the cuff hare, a cross between the first two, but it is not classified as a separate species, so we will talk about the feeding habits of hare and hare.

What does the hare eat?

The hare is a large hare, sometimes reaching 70 cm in length and weighing up to 7 kg. Its color changes slightly with the season: from red skin in summer to light brown in winter. Its main habitats are open areas: steppe, fields, meadows. IN summer period The main food of the hare is fresh and juicy meadow grass. Clover, dandelion, chicory - wild herbs contain both liquid and nutrients. The oblique is also attracted to cultivated plants: it happily wanders into vegetable and grain fields.

When winter comes, it is more difficult for the scythe to get food, and it feeds on dry grass from under the snow, seeds and the softest bark deciduous trees: birch, linden, aspen. Hunger forces them to enter their territories Agriculture, where they can find winter crops, remains of vegetables and grains in the fields, and haystacks. Sometimes hares even enter residential areas to gnaw on the bark of fruit trees in gardens.

The hare is slightly smaller in size than the hare, it reaches 60 cm in length and usually weighs up to 5 kg. This animal completely changes color in the winter: during the snowy season, its skin becomes pure white, which is excellent for camouflage. He is considered forest animal, living mainly in forest areas. This determines their type of nutrition: in different time year they eat what is available in the forest.

In spring, white hare eat young shoots of bushes and trees. When the first spring grass begins to appear, hares are easy to find in the clearings covered with it. In the summer, berries are added to the diet of obliques, and sometimes they also eat some mushrooms. In autumn, when the grass gradually dries out, the animal switches to small branch food and bark. To understand how to find a hare in the forest, you can focus on their preferred tree species. In the cold season, their food source can be:

  • aspen,
  • alder,
  • birch,
  • maple,
  • Rowan.

Willow forests become a place where it is easy to meet hare. Although the white hare lives mainly in the forest, hunger forces him to go out into the winter, where he can get the desired food from under the snow.

Where to look for a hare

Knowing about the listed food preferences of hares, it is easier to plan a hare hunt at any time of the year. For example, in winter you can track a hare from the field where it feeds on winter crops, leaving many “fat” traces. In spring, you can find scythes in fields where winter crops begin to sprout after the snow melts, and in forest clearings with the first grass. In summer - in meadows with lush weeds and in fields with agricultural plantings. And in late autumn, you can focus on haystacks, which attract both hare and hare.

4th ed. - M .: 2017 - 224 p. 15th ed. - M.: 2012 - 224 p.

A book for primary schoolchildren dedicated to the nature of their native country and native land, contains stories - pages. They introduce you to the amazing natural diversity - from the grass at the doorstep to birds and animals. Particular attention is paid to revealing environmental connections in the surrounding world. The book is intended for use in lessons and in extracurricular activities, for independent reading. It will be interesting not only for children, but also for teachers and parents who, together with their child, will want to meet the unique world of living nature.

Format: pdf (2017 , 224 pp.)

Size: 46 MB


Format: pdf ( 2012 , 224 pp.)

Size: 39.6 MB


Page one, which talks about the grass near our house 4
Bird buckwheat -
From the life of a dandelion 6
Yarrow 8
Sour but tasty 9
Burdock, aka burdock 11
The bitterest herb 12
Green Traveler 13
Make friends with nettle 15
Wasteland Dweller 17
Page two, where we talk about the first flowers welcoming spring 19
The bravest -
Giver of honey 20
Hasty Corydalis 22
Anemone 23
Vigorous, fresh, washed 25
Goose onion 26
Dream-inducing grass 28
Keys to summer 29
Page three, written with the hope that flowers will always bloom on Earth 31
Page four - about trees 34
About birch and Birch juice -
Strength and weakness of oak 37
Tree-city dweller 40
Brave Tree 43
Page five, whose heroes are mosses 46
Below the grass -
From the Arctic to Antarctica 47
Where does moss begin 49
Live sponge 50
Kukushkin flax, ostrich feather and others 51
Page six - about mushrooms 53
Not plants or animals -
Why mushrooms in the forest 54
His Majesty Boletus 56
Insidious doubles 58
Wolf tobacco, hare potatoes 60
Going for mushrooms 62
Page seven, almost fabulous, which invites you to visit the lichens 63
Dressing room of the forest king -
Scale, leafy, bushy 65
Union of mushroom and algae 66
Yagel 68
Centenarians 70
Lichens are leaving cities 71
Page eight, the events of which take place in the web kingdom 73
Page nine - about the complex relationship between humans and insects 77
Page ten - about dragonflies 81
Just -
Big-eyed hunters 82
Life underwater 84
Take care of dragonflies! 86
Page eleven, the heroes of which are lacewings, also known as florists 87
First meeting -
Egg on a thin stalk 89
"Evil lions" and a running doll 90
Defenseless beauties 93
Page twelve - about beetles 94
Who in the world is more than anyone -
May beetle and its relatives 95
Beetle on the road 98
Talking bug 100
Big water lover 103
Six-legged deer 105
Without them the Earth would be bored 106
Page thirteen, almost detective - about a dangerous criminal among insects 107
Verbal portrait -
His first “case” 108
He goes beyond all limits 109
He changes clothes 110
He's hiding 112
Who will win? 113
Page fourteen - about the extraordinary life of an ordinary ladybug 114
"Sun" -
Name on the wings 115
Three lives of a ladybug 117
Deceptive appearance 119
Migratory... beetles 120
Where do cows spend the winter 122
Trouble! 123
Page fifteen is the most colorful because it talks about butterflies 124
170 thousand species -
Pollen on motley wings 126
How many legs does a caterpillar have? 127
Unusual duty 129
The Dangerous Life of an Admiral 130
Blueberry in an anthill 132
Mysterious Hawk Moths 133
Fading Rainbow 135
Page sixteen, which talks about how insects hibernate 137
Page seventeen, the heroes of which are insects, and the time of action is spring 141
The first butterflies -
Hooray! The flies have woken up! 143
Take care of the bumblebees! 144
Ants that remember everything 146
Page eighteen - about frogs and toads, which many people do not like at all 149
Their trouble is our fault -
What types of frogs and toads are there 151
Similar but different 153
Link in an unbreakable chain 154
Page nineteen - about the life of birds in autumn 156
Where, how and when? -
Who's left? 162
Help the birds! 166
Page twentieth - about those birds that stay with us in winter 168
Crossbills -
Tap dance 170
Bullfinch 172
Woodpeckers 173
Korolek 175
Pika and nuthatch 176
Page twenty-one - about the life of birds in spring 178
The starlings have arrived -
Singing in the blue sky 180
Finch's "flourish" 182
Song Thrush 184
Pied Flycatcher 186
Invisible 187
Page twenty-two, which talks about the winter life of animals 189
City under the snow -
Agile predators 192
Three hundred cones for lunch 193
White White and Brown 194
Fox hunt 196
About wild boar and elk 197
Page twenty-three, the most mysterious, because its heroes are bats 200
What the legends say -
What Science Says 201
Caught Echo 202
Lesnaya " ambulance» 205
Like the birds and with the birds 206
Do not offend the winged animals! 207
Page twenty-four, or “Seven Wonders of the Rodent King” 208
"Rodent King" -
The first miracle - beaver teeth 209
The second miracle - beaver coat 210
The third miracle - beaver tail 211
Miracles Fourth and Fifth - Beaver Lodges and Dams 213
The sixth miracle - beavers 216
One hundred squirrels for a beaver 217
The seventh miracle - the beavers are returning! 218

This book will tell you about nature: about big trees and small beetles, about loud, cheerful birds and silent, gloomy spiders, about wonderful flowers, colorful butterflies, furry bumblebees and about the simplest grass under your feet.
The book is called " Green Pages" Why green? Because this color is a symbol of living nature. Why pages? The fact is that nature itself can be compared to a big, fascinating book. Every flower, every bird, every butterfly is the page of the Book of Nature. Reading it means knowing, studying nature. True, it is not so easy to read.
Imagine: somewhere on the edge of a forest you are standing and looking around. A black beetle will run by, rustling dry leaves from last year, at your feet. A hurried jay flashes among the branches. A blue bell will sway in the wind... And no one will tell you or even whisper: “Look at me, what a beautiful, interesting, very necessary inhabitant of the forest I am!”
Our book will help you learn to read the Book of Nature. Notice the surprising and extraordinary in the familiar and everyday. To discover very important, necessary, but hidden from our eyes connections in living nature. And most importantly: learn to love and take care of what people cannot live without - the wonderful world of plants and animals around us!

This mammal from the genus of hares is remarkable, first of all, for its large size: a body length of more than half a meter, sometimes reaching up to 70 cm, and weight: for hares from 4 to 5 kg, and for hares up to 7 kg.

Brown hare distributed across all continents, and due to its abundance, it is well studied by scientists and naturalists, and its appearance and habits are well known to all nature lovers. Appearance brown hare It is quite characteristic, and it is not difficult to distinguish it from its relatives - representatives of the order Lagomorpha.

The animal's eyes have an original reddish-brown tint. The animal's physique is fragile, and noticeably more long ears, limbs and tail (dark on top and wedge-shaped) are significant hare difference from white hare.

The color of the animal is interesting in its variety, because animals molt and change their colors twice in the annual cycle. How can you be sure photo of a brown hare, in summer its silky and shiny coat is distinguished by brown, brown-olive, ocher-gray and reddish color scheme.

A hare hare in winter significantly whitens. However, it is never snow-white, which is especially noticeable in the dark areas of the fur on the front part of the back, as well as in the color of the fur on the ears and head of the hare.

This detail of appearance is another of the many signs by which a hare hare can be distinguished when meeting, for example, it is a brother, in winter period having a perfect snow-white color, with the exception of the tips of the ears that turn black in snowy areas, due to which the hare becomes completely invisible in the winter landscape.

In the photo there is a brown hare in winter

Brown hares are found both in Europe and Asia, as well as in Australia and South America. They successfully acclimatized and took root in some North American territories and in New Zealand, where they were specially brought for breeding.

In Russia, the animals are distributed throughout the European part, right up to Ural mountains, are also found in Asian territory: from Siberia to the Far Eastern outskirts. They inhabit forest-steppes and steppes, also populating mountainous areas and densely forested areas.

Although most prefer open spaces, which is characteristic sign of a brown hare. But most of all, these animals love to settle on agricultural lands with rich deposits of grain crops.

Character and lifestyle of the brown hare

Commitment to, once chosen, habitat is very characteristic of brown hare, A description lifestyle of these animals should begin with the remark that these animals are not prone to migration and long journeys.

Inhabiting small areas (no more than 50 hectares), they settle on them for for a long time. Perhaps only those of them that live in the mountains descend to their foothills in winter, and when the snow melts, they rise back again.

They can be forced to leave their habitable place only by a sharp change in weather conditions, ecological disasters and other emergency circumstances. Nightlife animals prefer daytime.

And during daylight hours, animals hide in their burrows, which are usually located near bushes and trees. Sometimes animals occupy the abandoned homes of other animals:, and.

Like all representatives of the genus of hares, hare moults from head to limbs twice a year. Spring and autumn molt, which last from 75 to 80 days, completely changes view of a brown hare, which helps the animals blend in surrounded by nature, depending on the surrounding landscapes of different seasons, and be less noticeable to their enemies, from which only long legs save hares.

The ability to run very fast is another advantage of these animals. And the maximum brown hare speed, which he can develop into extreme conditions on good and firm soil, reaches up to 70-80 km/h. In the genus of hares, this is a kind of record.

In the speed of its legs, the hare is significantly superior to its fellow hare, the white hare, moving much faster than it and jumping much further. However, Russians are less adapted to unfavorable conditions weather conditions, and often their numbers are significantly reduced in harsh winters.

Brown hare, How and the white hare, have long been a favorite object of commercial and sport hunting. And a great many of these animals are killed every year for their sake. delicious meat and warm skins.


Brown hares are typical herbivores, eagerly eating a variety of grains, buckwheat, sunflowers, chicory, alfalfa, clover, rapeseed and dandelions. At night, in search of food, wanting to satiate its stomach, the brown hare travels up to several kilometers, testing the strength of its long legs.

Settling on agricultural lands, these animals can greatly damage the harvest of vegetable gardens, orchards and winter crops, actively eating human-grown grains and melons, vegetables, and fruits. The proximity of Russians can be so unpleasant to human civilization that it often becomes a real disaster.

And in some countries, for example, in Australia, hare are even declared to pose a serious danger, pests. In winter, in the absence of adequate nutrition, the brown hare is content with gnawing the bark, often bringing not only bushes, but even large trees to a disastrous state.

These animals prefer to feast on broom, hazel, oak or maple, while white hares usually choose aspen or willow for their meals (and this is another difference between these bright representatives of the genus of hares).

Tearing up the snow with their paws, the hare diligently dig out plant food and tree seeds from under it. And other animals, for example, partridges, which are not able to clear snow on their own, often manage to benefit from the fruits of their efforts.

In the spring, hares actively eat young shoots of plants, their leaves and stems, often damaging the roots of shrubs and trees that are just beginning to grow, and in the summer they eat their seeds.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the brown hare

Brown hares are quite fertile, but the number of offspring is in strong addiction depending on the time of year, the age of the hare giving birth to offspring, and the climate of the area in which these animals live.

IN Western Europe On average, female hare bears up to five litters per year. One litter can have from 1 to 9 hares. And the breeding season, coming with the arrival of spring, ends in September.

While in hotter countries it starts literally in January and continues until late autumn. The most prolific are middle-aged hares.

Gestation lasts 6-7 weeks. Before giving birth to rabbits, females build simple grass nests or dig small holes in the ground.

Baby hares that are born weigh on average about 100 grams, their body is covered with fluffy fur, and with open eyes they are already ready to look at the world around them.

In the first days they feed on mother's milk, but after ten days they become so capable that they themselves try to absorb grass food, becoming more and more adapted to this type of food every day.

And at the age of one month they are ready to go out into the big and unfamiliar world to begin an independent adult life. The age of Russians is short-lived, and usually in wildlife they rarely live more than seven years. In addition, quite a lot of animals die and in more early age.

However, they reproduce extremely quickly, therefore, despite the fact that they are game animals, the population of hare is not in danger today.