Interesting riddles about rabbits. Forest handsome long-eared hare

She has a lot of children
All are fluffy and beautiful.
They jump everywhere
They are always playful.
She herself jumps so dashingly
Having many children (rabbit).

They bounce like balls
Fluffy little ears.
It’s funny how your nose and forehead frown so much,
Beautiful, snow-white (rabbit).

I like to chew carrots
I jump very deftly.
The fur is fluffy and soft,
Guess who I am?

I'm white with red eyes.
I chew cabbage for hours.
I jump so smartly
Give me a carrot!
And my nose twitches,
Who am I? Anyone can answer here.

My ears are long
My fur coat is beautiful
I really love jumping.
I dig minks and live there.

Cute fluffy
Jumps deftly.
Loves cabbage, loves carrots.
He won't allow himself to be touched.
After all, this (rabbit) is very cowardly

Ushastik is hiding in a hole,
Afraid of wolves and foxes.
Feeds on leaves
And what he finds in the forest.
And he jumps so quickly, deftly,
And he also loves carrots.

He is afraid and trembling.
He gets scared and runs away.
He loves to jump very much
And he is in love with carrots.
He's a fluffy little guy,
But here the answer will not be a bunny.
Mink, his favorite house.
The answer here will only be (rabbit).

He twitches his nose cutely,
He jumps day after day.
It comes in white and grey,
He gnaws carrots skillfully.
And round eyes
Shaped like a zero.
Who is this?
This is a fluffy (rabbit)

Mink house for him
Loves to eat carrots.
He jumps high
He will jump onto the chair deftly.
He will eat a lot of apples,
Our favorite (rabbit)

Fluffy, mustachioed.
Cowardly, shaggy.
He will prick up his long ears,
He will twitch his nose and immediately run away.
He will quickly jump onto the table
Homemade, white, cute (rabbit)

Long-eared and oblique,
Trembling in a hole underground,
I got scared of the fox and hid
He jumped into the hole and hid himself.

Fluffy cute jumper,
He has paws instead of arms.
He will take carrots in them,
He will gnaw and chew.
Ears are long, large,
And the eyes are so slanted.
In a clearing, in an open field
The little coward (rabbit) is jumping.

Other riddles:

Picture of Rabbit

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Why are riddles about hares so popular? Yes, because these are the most charming soft animals that children love so much. In addition, such riddles are very popular in kindergartens and at various children's events. After all, everyone knows the characteristics of bunnies, what they are like, their habits and appearance. In order for your child to get the right impression about hares and rabbits, you can wish him interesting riddles, which will develop his imagination and ingenuity. Plus, they are sure to lift your spirits.

We have collected for you the most popular riddles that many are already familiar with, so there will be no difficulties in solving them. Introduce your child to bunnies and bunnies; these are very funny animals that any child will love.

Runs from the hill
Ears flattened.

White on white
Wrote white.
The redhead will go
He will find White.
(Fox and hare)

Quick jump
Warm fluff
Red eye.

Long Ears is very clever
In the morning he gnaws on carrots.
He is from the wolf and the fox
He quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray one,
What's going head over heels?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, is he familiar to you?

Long ears
Fast paws.
Gray, but not a mouse
Who is this? ...

The beast is eared, gray in summer,
And in winter it is snowy white.
I wasn't scared of him
I rode it for a whole hour.

White in winter, gray in summer.
He doesn’t offend anyone, but he’s afraid of everyone.

A ball of fluff, a long ear,
Jumps deftly and loves carrots.

Cross-eyed, small,
In a white fur coat and felt boots.
Gray belly, long ear.

Gray in summer and white in winter.

Small, gray,
Jump, jump along the path,
And poke, poke, poke with your nose.

Forests hide many troubles.
There's a wolf, a bear and a fox!
Our animal lives in anxiety,
Trouble takes you away...
Come on, quickly guess
What is the animal's name? ...

Run up the mountain, somersault down the mountain.

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - dressed,
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color.

He loves to chew carrots
He eats cabbage very cleverly,
He jumps here and there,
Through fields and forests
Gray, white and oblique,
Who, tell me, is he?

Jumps across the field, hides his ears,
It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.

Jump-jump, Jump-jump,
Long ear - White side.

Little Jumper:
Short tail,
Eyes with a pigtail,
Ears along the back
Clothes in two colors -
For winter, for summer.

Gray Column stood in the forest.
Afraid of wolves and foxes.
He plays hide and seek with them -
Running without looking back

Hat jumps through the forest
Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility.

The scythe has no den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save you from enemies,
And from hunger - bark.

Running champion
By white snow.

Guess what kind of hat it is:
A whole armful of fur.
The hat is running in the forest,
It gnaws the bark of the trunks

The tail is shorter than the ear,
Quick habits.
I rush as fast as I can,
I rush without looking back.
Who is he, guess!
Well, of course … !

Fragile and small. He is light in weight.
Runs around the forest in a shiny fur coat.
Loves clearings, clearings, edges...
Wedge-shaped tail and long ears.
Summer resting place is under a bush in a hole.
Females make their own nests from grasses,
If the babies should appear.
Lynxes and wolves, eagles and foxes
Very dangerous for this genus.
Nature rewarded him with agility.
Eats dandelion, chicory, alfalfa...
But in winter he eats poorly:
Grass rags, seeds, bark...
It's hard in blizzard times.
Guess the name of the animal quickly!
Right. This is, of course...

What kind of forest animal is this?
Did you stand up like a post under a pine tree?
Who stands among the grass
Are your ears bigger than your head?

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

This bunny in winter and summer
Runs around in a gray fur coat.
(Horse hare)

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

A ball of fluff,
Long ear
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots.

Run up the mountain
And off the mountain head over heels.

What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a column under a pine tree?
And stands among the grass -
The ears are larger than the head.

Small, white,
Jump-jump along the forest!
One snowball at a time!

White on white
I wrote down where I was running.
The redhead will read it,
He will find White.
(Hare and fox)

Yellow ball
For white - jump.
(Fox and hare)

Jumps across the field -
Hides his ears
Will stand as a pillar -
Ears upright.

Rushes without looking back
Only the heels sparkle.
He rushes with all his might,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
Guess quickly
Who is this? (Bunny)

And he has big ears and big eyes,
And it’s a lot to be scared.
He climbs into the bush and sleeps,
He eats the stalk and is full. (Hare)

Not a lamb or a cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.
Gray fur coat - for summer,
For winter - a different color. (Hare)

In winter - white,
In summer - gray. (Hare)

Who loves carrots
And he jumps deftly
Spoils the garden beds,
Runs away without looking back? (Hare)

What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass -
Are your ears bigger than your head? (Hare)


The hare is a very popular character found in Russian creativity. The hare can be found in fairy tales, poems, and songs. The hare didn't miss the riddles either. Riddles about the hare are found in large quantities. We tried to collect the most interesting ones on this page.

The beast is eared, gray in summer,

And in winter it is snowy white.
I wasn't scared of him
I raced on it for a whole hour... (Hare)

Long ears, called a scythe,

He is very afraid of being caught by a fox,
Jumps, zigzags, but this is not a dance,
This is how he runs away from predators... (Hare)

They say I'm a coward
In fairy tales he is supposedly boastful.
It's not like that, my friends,
I'm just cautious!..(Hare)

In a warm fur coat
Who will rush to the garden in winter,
To get a little bit from the apple tree
Should I gnaw a piece of bark for lunch?..(Hare)

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass,
Are your ears bigger than your head?..(Hare)

Long-eared, long-legged

He hurries along the forest road.
Who is white in winter,
Jumping around like crazy?..(Hare)

Gray Column stood in the forest.

Afraid of wolves and foxes.
He plays hide and seek with them -
He runs without looking back... (Hare)

Short tail, sideways eye,

Long-eared and barefoot
Jumped over a bush to escape
From the red fox...(Hare)

Cross-eyed, small,

In a white fur coat, felt boots... (Hare)

Jumps across the field, hides his ears,

He will stand up like a pillar - his ears will stick out... (Hare)

Hat jumps through the forest

Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility... (Hare)

There is a bush in the forest.

There's a crunch under the bush,
Bare heels,
Slanty eyes...(Hare)

Running champion

On the white snow...(Hare)

Forest Handsome


He was Russian, but it snowed

The fluffy fur turned white,
And he is invisible in winter
To the wolf and the red fox!..(Hare)

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:

Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
Runs from them, escaping,
With long ears...(Hare)

He likes to confuse his tracks,

What will save you from trouble?
And often changes fur coats,
But the coward is just creepy.
He sits under a bush,
And he’s shaking all over with fear.
And his name is Kosoy,
Long-eared and barefoot...(Hare)

Long Ears is very clever

In the morning he gnaws on carrots.
He is from the wolf and the fox
He quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray one,
What's going head over heels?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, is he familiar to you?.. (Hare)

I can be gray, I can be white.

With long ears, not big, not bold.
You see how I cleverly weave through my jumps,
Maybe the red-haired cheat won't catch up?..(Hare)

Who is oblique and very dexterous,

Love sweet carrots?
Even though two teeth are visible in the mouth,
He gnaws at it not badly... (Hare)

What kind of animals are blizzards?

Have you put on new fur coats?
Warm fur in the winter cold
So similar to the first snow!
Don't walk around in such beauty
Neither the wolf nor the fox!..(Hare)

Afraid of wolf and fox

And the hunter in the forest
From prickly hedgehog,
Also hiding trembling
After all, the most terrible coward
This little...(Bunny)

Long ears, slanted eyes.

Very cowardly both in life and in fairy tales.
He is hiding from the fox and the wolf.
Favorite foods: cabbage, carrots...(Hare)

Who in winter for three days in a row

The outfit was chewed from the trunks
Early in the morning at dawn
By the aspen trees on the mountain?..(Hare)

Sometimes it is gray and sometimes it is white;

Leaves traces, skillfully meanders.
He is afraid of the fox, and he is also afraid of the wolf.
Cabbage is only afraid of him... (Hare)

A ball of fluff,
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots...(Hare)

I didn't scold him at all,
But apparently he was just scared...
He was nibbling a carrot in the garden.
Out of fright, he showed his skill -
So he fled through the beds,
And I followed him on his heels.
I love him - he’s very good
Fluffy, little ball.
I laughed at him until I felt colic.
Homemade, red, cute... (RABBIT).

Rabbit - The little rabbit was too small,
And he climbed into the hole - He left, got scared...
After all, the winter cold, and the tail is outside,
Trembling and dreaming - Let the snow melt quickly!

Let the rains pass, let the blizzard pass,
Everyone in the forest began to look alike!
And the Foxes and the Hares and the Wolf and the Turtle,
Tired of this, cold and heavy!

Winter that came so suddenly - suddenly!
All summer is calling - it doesn’t come back!
The stream froze there, and all the rivers froze,
In the forest, all the places are shrouded in snow...

And the Christmas trees stand...

Love is a mystery for a person,
How can you love someone else?
Share his pain with you,
And try not to do bad things.

Hold hands and run together,
Not knowing what lies ahead,
Hug each other if you are given to suffer,
And be the same way on your happiest days.

After all, with us on Earth, dear eyes,
Who say we're not alone
Let's make a happy tear for them,
And let's save the little star of love.

Mysteries of sunny love in the radiance of warmth and light
Grant nights in the lunar splendor of bright stars
The breath is colorfully warmed by the soul and heart
Waves and foam of the ocean of days and wet tears.
And there in the south There on the sea You are my dreams about you
And it’s warm and hot there in the summer And there it’s just very nice
And warmed by a sweet dream And the smell of goodness wafts from the night violets
And delicious tears, such as are only salty at sea
Fresh water!!!

It’s unusual how And dogs are barking somewhere. There’s a village in...

The rabbit's attention was attracted by the eagle's destiny,
What, doing nothing, sat...
Sat on a tree - so high
That it wasn’t easy to shout out!..
“Tell me, eagle, the truth:
Do I deserve this grace?
Look under the tree in front of you
And sit doing nothing?”
The eagle replied: “God bless you!
Sit and do nothing all day long!”
The happy rabbit did just that himself...
But then a fox crept up to him.
“You’re waiting for me under the tree, apparently!..”
What happened next - is it worth...

Button eyes,
Astrakhan fur,
Ears are scared
They shake slightly.

pink nose
He looks out from under his fur coat,
There is a clearing under it
Soft sponges.

Protruding teeth
With a sharp edge
Eyes bulging
They look at the world.

Paws folded
Fingers - in clusters.
Thin skin.
Short ponytail.

There is a gray mark on the forehead
Small horseshoe.
Sits in a cage -
Gnawing carrots

In the eyes of falcons
Shakes slightly...
The rabbit is sitting
White and fluffy.

They called me a hare...
Have you even seen a rabbit?
Well, what of it?
That I look like him.
Same ears, same tail
Same height too.
Only I live with people
And I am always friends with children.
The hare is wild, he is in the forest,
He leads the fox by the nose.
Even though we are still relatives,
There's no point in confusing us.

Riddles, nursery rhymes, and fairy tales about a bunny accompany children with early childhood. You read with your kids about this cute animal, sculpt it from plasticine, and draw colorful pictures. Behind long years People have accumulated a lot of riddles about the bunny, and this collection is growing every year.

A ball of fluff, a long ear

Short riddles about a hare for children 3-4 years old, also with answers that rhyme.

Jumps across the field, hides his ears,
It will stand up like a pillar with its ears sticking out.

Forest Handsome

Straight across the field
The white collar jumps.

Run up the mountain
And off the mountain head over heels.

Quick jump
Warm fluff
Red eye.

Lives in a mink
Chews a carrot.
From the fox and the wolf
He runs away smartly.

Running champion
On white snow.
V. Struchkov

He is afraid of everyone in the forest:
Wolf, eagle owl, fox.
Runs from them, escaping,
With long ears...
N. Letoshko

Who is shaking behind a bush,
Does the little one's tail tremble?
Find out the coward -
It's probably gray...

Long ears, called a scythe,
He is very afraid of being caught by a fox,
Jumps, zigzags, but this is not a dance,
This is how he escapes from predators...

Grow on top of heads
Long ears.
Even though he is a boy,
And such a coward!
Well, guess what it's called?..

Cowardly little animal
The tail is a little white fluff,
The house is a bush and a lawn,
Well of course it is...

Short tail, sideways eye,
Long-eared and barefoot
Jumped over a bush to escape
From the red fox...
A. Izmailov

There is a bush in the forest.
There’s a crunch under the bush,
Bare heels,
The eyes are slanted.

A ball of fluff,
Long ear.
Jumps deftly
Loves carrots.
L. Selezneva

He loves to eat carrots
Ears sticking out.
Our timid "jumper"
Kids, who is this?..
T. Lavrova

He's been afraid of everyone since the cradle:
Wolf, red fox.
Nice little white panty
This little...

Long-eared, cross-eyed,
Likes to eat carrots with dew.
Jumping across the field...
Kids, who is this?..
O. Volokhov

Changes his fur coat for the winter,
Gray, little coward.
He loves carrots.
Everyone calls him...

Watch a short video riddle about a hare with children.

What kind of animals put on white fur coats for snowstorms?

Riddles about a hare for children 5-6 years old

What kind of forest animal is this?
Stood up like a post under a pine tree,
And stands among the grass,
Are your ears bigger than your head?

A gray column stood in the forest.
Afraid of wolves and foxes.
He plays hide and seek with them -
Running without looking back.

My winter suit is white,
And on a summer day it is gray again.
I wish I could eat carrots
A whole centner would become brave.

Yum Yum Yum! Crum-crunch-crunch!
What's that noise on the road?
Someone is eating at the edge
Delicious carrots,
And shouts: “Give me some cabbage!”
Who is this? Guess!

I can be gray, I can be white.
With long ears, not big, not bold.
You see how I cleverly weave through jumps,
Maybe the red-haired cheat won't catch up?
G. Dergachev

Sometimes it is gray and sometimes it is white;
Leaves traces, skillfully meanders.
He is afraid of the fox, and he is also afraid of the wolf.
Only cabbage is afraid of him.
L. Korotaeva

Who is oblique and very dexterous,
Love sweet carrots?
Even though two teeth are visible in the mouth,
He gnaws at her not badly.
S. Azar

Long-eared, long-legged
He hurries along the forest road.
Who is white in winter,
Jumping around like crazy?

This beast is not a coward at all,
Even though he hides in a bush,
Feeds on branches
What is it called?
Leonov V.

The hind legs are longer than the front ones,
In winter it is white, and in summer it turns gray,
Feeds on grass, tree bark,
He can run and swim perfectly!
Leonov V.

Hat jumps through the forest
Eats the bark in it.
Look! Look!
How much daring and agility.

What kind of animals are blizzards?
Have you put on new fur coats?
Warm fur in the winter cold
So similar to the first snow!
Don't walk around in such beauty
Neither the wolf nor the fox!

Will climb into the garden
And let's go over the garden bed
Stuff your mouth with cabbage
Nibble carrots on the sly.
Will gnaw for an hour or two
And he flies headlong home!

Although he is small, he is fast and remote

Riddles about a hare for children 7-8 years old

As the famous saying goes: “The legs feed the hare.” Indeed, the bunny has so many enemies that if not for his fast and strong legs, they would have eaten him long ago.

Long Ears is very clever
In the morning he gnaws on carrots.
He is from the wolf and the fox
He quickly hides in the bushes.
Who is he, this gray one,
What's going head over heels?
Gray in summer, white in winter,
Tell me, is he familiar to you?

Who likes to chew carrots?
And cabbage from the garden?
Who can do it very quickly
Run, jump and gallop?
Long-eared, long-legged,
He's a known coward.
Tell me guys
What should I call him?..
Vladimir-Georgy Stupnikov

They say he is cross-eyed
They say he is barefoot
Even though he is small,
Yes, fast and remote.
He'll roll down the hill
Somersault, ears flattened!
And although they are long,
Not visible in the cone.

In winter he wears a white fur coat,
And in the summer it turned gray.
I ran through the forest all day,
But I wasn't even tired.
The tricky fox is scary
He and the gray wolf.
Carrot muncher.
He knows a lot about cabbage.

Who disappeared there while running?
Leaving a footprint in the snow?
Sable? No! Chanterelle? No!
Their long-eared neighbor.
I crushed the snow with my paws,
Flew like a breeze
And melted into the darkness
With a snowflake on its tail.
A. Teslenko

He likes to confuse his tracks,
What will save you from trouble?
And often changes fur coats,
But the coward is just creepy.
He sits under a bush,
And he’s shaking all over with fear.
And his name is Kosoy,
Long-eared and barefoot.

Quick jump, long ears,
Warm fluff on the back and abdomen,
The muzzle is cunning, loves cabbage,
He is not friends with the fox and he is not friends with the wolf,
He runs so fast that no one in the forest can catch him.

Guess what kind of fur hat is without a tail.
There is no weight, but there is a whole armful of wool.
The cap jumps in the forest, the cap gnaws the bark near the trunks.
A true running champion if he runs on white snow.

The fluffy white one ran through the snow, followed by writing a letter...

Complex riddles about the hare

We have known him since childhood
For special ears:
They are very long
Visible from behind the bushes.
He gallops the fastest.
He has fluffy fur -
Gray, inconspicuous
In the multi-colored grass.
And under the winter snowfall
Need a white outfit
And the animal molts -
He changes his fur.
He can barely hear where the noise is -
And quickly ran away.

The animal said:
“That’s it, it’s snowing!
Covered the clearing with a carpet.
I'm graying my fur coat
Now I won't wear it.
I'll change it for the winter -
I won't forget about this -
And until spring, until warm days,
I will be snow-white.
So that in a white fur coat in the snow
Seem invisible
And the Wolf, my enemy,
Don’t get caught at dinner!”

Fragile and small. He is light in weight.
Runs around the forest in a shiny fur coat.
Loves clearings, clearings, edges...
Wedge-shaped tail and long ears.
Summer resting place is under a bush in a hole.
Females make their own nests from grasses,
If the babies should appear.
Lynxes and wolves, eagles and foxes
Very dangerous for this genus.
Nature rewarded him with agility.
Eats dandelion, chicory, alfalfa...
But in winter he eats poorly:
Grass rags, seeds, bark...
It's hard in blizzard times.
Sinyuchkova Zh.

The white fluffy one ran through the white snow,
I left footprints with my paws,
I wrote a letter in the snow,
I just got everything mixed up.
I thought I had confused everyone in the world.
The red-haired huntress in a fur coat will come,
Wags his long tail,
Read the traces as soon as he starts,
The letter will unravel and
He will find a white fluffy one in the forest.
(Hare and fox)

Among the bushes, the one at the edge
The coward is hiding.
Keeps his ears on top
Gray coat
Wears it in the summer without taking it off,
Let him gnaw blades of grass.
But only the blizzard is evil
Will mark the paths,
Look, he's deft in a white fur coat
He merged with the snow,
So that his fox is a cheat
I didn’t find it, so I ran
He escapes from the wolf
Mixing up the tracks.
This, friends, requires skill!
And always food -
Dry herbs or bark,
Is it the end of the escape?
He will find in the forest in winter,
Digging out of the snow.
Svetlana Tsapaeva

Here you will find riddles about other animals for kids:

And older children will be able to guess this unusual picture riddle. Try to look closely and find the bunny with your children. Who is faster!