Birch sap, its benefits and harm.

During the period when the bright spring sun begins to melt the cold snow, Russian birch trees begin to wake up from hibernation. Along their trunks, nutrient fluid with minerals, acids and vitamins necessary for the growth and flowering of the tree reaches the smallest branches and swelling buds. Birch produces so much of this liquid that a person can use the “excess” for his own purposes. Moreover, the benefits of birch sap for the body can hardly be overestimated.

Cheapest and useful way quench your thirst with this juice - get it directly from the tree itself. In no store you will find that healthy birch drink that our parents remember. We talked about how to properly collect sap without damaging the tree itself in the article ““, and now let’s talk about the rich chemical composition this miraculous drink.

Real birch sap can provide the human body with the enzymes necessary to maintain immunity. This is especially important in the spring, when we are most susceptible to colds.

In addition, even if you did not have time to strengthen your immunity, but managed to catch the treacherous cold contained in large quantities The tannins in birch sap will help you easily overcome the onset of inflammation and speed up the healing process.

Potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which are important for the heart, also occupy a place of honor in the composition of birch sap.

This drink is not only useful, but in some cases it can help save someone's life. Special substances contained in birch sap are capable of short time remove toxins from the body, which is very important in case of poisoning. This also includes alcohol intoxication. So, instead of artificially created “hangover pills”, it is better to use a natural medicine - birch sap. Although it’s even better not to bring your body to a hangover.

Has a beneficial effect birch sap and on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, people suffering low acidity stomach, birch sap is not just one of the few permitted products, but also a drink that stimulates the production of acid in the stomach.

In addition to influencing internal vital important systems body, birch sap is successfully used in the treatment of various skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, eczema, acne and furunculosis, and the like. It is enough to carry out evening and morning water procedures with it, and not with water. Cosmetologists have long adopted this drink, and thanks to it, they relieve their patients of dandruff and strengthen their hair. To achieve a good result, you can simply rinse your hair with this valuable liquid.


In addition to its benefits, birch sap can, in a small percentage of cases, cause harm to the human body. Those whom doctors call allergy sufferers, if they are allergic to birch tree pollen, are not recommended to drink this juice. The body's reaction can follow immediately. Also, urolithiasis will be considered a contraindication for drinking this drink. By causing active urination, birch sap can cause the movement of stones, which will manifest itself in severe pain.

The place where the drink was collected is also of great importance. Trees growing in close proximity to highways and busy highways will produce sap “contaminated” with heavy metals. Contaminating your body with such elements is simply unsafe for any person, therefore, before buying birch sap, it is advisable to inquire in which areas it was collected.

Drinks based on birch sap

The syrup, which is obtained by evaporating the juice itself to a certain state, is extremely popular in the United States. To get one liter of syrup, you need to use about 100 liters of valuable birch tree moisture. But in this state, birch sap can be stored for more than one month.

In the USSR, in 1968, a recipe for making birch kvass was developed, and a little earlier, birch wine was invented from this sap, but today the Russian industry does not produce anything like this, and only homemade recipes for making drinks from the sap of the Russian tree itself remain.

Svetlana Frantseva

In early spring, with the first thaws and swelling of the buds, the internal circulation of sap begins in the trees - the so-called spring sap flow.

The period of peak circulation in a birch tree is easy to determine: just make an injection on its white trunk, and if droplets of sap appear, it can be collected.

Note: many are associated with the secretion of juice folk signs. For example, if there is a lot of it, this is rainy summer and vice versa.

During daylight hours the most intense sap flow is observed; at night the tree “rests”, “sleeps”. The amount of sap depends on the age of the tree and the diameter of the trunk.

Birch trees located on the sunny side begin to bear fruit first. One tree can produce about 2-3 liters of valuable liquid per day.

The roots of the tree go deep into the ground and due to this, it does not have time to absorb all the harmful substances from the surface layers of the soil. Still sap should be collected away from highways and industrial facilities. It is better not to touch young trees. To prevent the tree from rotting and recover faster, after collecting the sap, the incision is covered with moss, wax or plasticine.

Each year the sap collection period begins and lasts differently, depending on weather conditions. It ends with the leaves blooming - approximately in the second half of April.

Note: several decades ago, juice extraction was widespread in Belarus and northern territory Ukraine. Its production decreased significantly after Chernobyl disaster. Today, in Russia, birch sap is extracted and processed at several plants.

Composition of birch sap

Birch sap contains neither fats nor proteins, all nutritional value accounts for carbohydrates.

Useful properties birch sap is attributed to the complex of vitamins and microelements in its composition: mainly this ascorbic acid- about 5 mg/100 ml and B vitamins - B6 and B12. The presence of iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in the composition determines its therapeutic and healing effect. It contains copper, manganese, titanium, silicon, and barium in small quantities.

Sugars, glucose and fructose give a pleasant sweetish taste to birch sap, and citric and malic acids add a pleasant sourness.

Essential oils, saponins, phytoncides, tannins, contained in small quantities, give it antiseptic properties.

Thanks to its low calorie content- according to various sources, it ranges from 8 to 22 kcal/100 ml - it can be safely included in any diet menu.

The benefits of birch sap for the body

From the point of view of herbal medicine, beneficial properties Birch sap is found best use For:

Improved metabolism;

Strengthening the immune system;

Normalization of blood pressure;

Relieving swelling;

Combating spring vitamin deficiency;

Relieving fatigue;

Getting rid of depression;

Relieving menopausal symptoms in women.

Due to the high content of magnesium and potassium in birch sap, it is used for auxiliary therapy for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Birch sap has a regenerating and hematopoietic effect on the human body; it is used as aid in the treatment of cancer.

With its regular use, decay products are removed, the blood and kidneys are cleansed, so it is used in the treatment of intoxications, acute and chronic infections, as well as during periods of viral and colds. After severe intoxication, it helps the body quickly recover. Its diuretic effect is used for the treatment of diseases with the formation of edema.

During periods of exacerbation or remission diseases of the gastrointestinal tract- this is one of the best means, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice and promoting normal digestion of food. Saponins in its composition prevent the deposition of cholesterol and strengthen bone tissue.

Glucose and fructose stimulate brain activity, therefore, drinking juice has a beneficial effect on the body during periods of mental stress and fatigue. Biological stimulants and enzymes strengthen the body's immune system.

Antiseptic properties birch sap is attributed to the content of tannins in it. Medicine has proven that it relieves inflammation in the oral cavity and helps fight the first manifestations of caries.

Birch sap is used externally for the following problems:




For rapid healing of wounds.

In cosmetology, its effectiveness is noted for:

Treatment of dandruff;

Hair loss;

Oily skin and acne


Traditional medicine uses juice and mixtures with it for medicinal and therapeutic purposes:

To remove kidney stones;

Fast and effective wound healing;

For arthritis;


In the treatment of scurvy.

In traditional medicine recipes, the benefits of birch sap are most often enhanced by combination with other remedies:

A healing drink made from birch sap with mint has a beneficial effect on digestion and relieves nausea and heartburn;

A tincture of birch sap with tree leaves normalizes kidney function, while acting very gently;

Tincture of rowan and birch sap is used as a laxative and diuretic, used for kidney and bladder stones, as well as for rheumatic syndrome;

A drink made from birch and cranberry sap has an invigorating effect, increasing performance, both mental and physical.

For rapid growth hair and healthy shine, you can try the following recipe: add a few drops of alcohol to a mixture of birch sap and burdock root decoction. Rub into scalp, then rinse.

A recipe for a mask with birch sap can serve as a good tonic for the face. To prepare it, take juice, sour cream, and honey in equal proportions.

Note: Birch sap is known not only in medicine, but also in cooking - wines, kvass, and syrups are made from it. Birch syrup is popular in Canada and America along with maple syrup. To prepare it, immediately after collection, the juice is evaporated to a hundredfold reduction in volume.

Harm from birch sap

The benefits for the body from birch sap are undeniable, however, it also has restrictions and contraindications.

People inclined to allergies on birch pollen, it is advised to consume the sap with great caution.

IN canned sugar, citric acid, and citrus fruits are added to its composition. Due to this, the number of restrictions on the use of birch sap is increasing: it cannot be taken by people with allergies to these products.

Birch sap is successfully used in the treatment of kidney diseases and nephrolithiasis, but its use should be regulated by the attending physician in order to exclude exacerbation of the disease and renal colic.

Juice collected near highways and industrial sites may contain dangerous heavy metals and compounds. In this case, the harm of birch sap is not comparable with its benefits.

Birch sap for children - rules of administration

The general strengthening and immunostimulating effect of birch sap on the body is especially appropriate during the period spring vitamin deficiency, viral and colds.

Since children's bodies are more susceptible to such conditions, Deficiency of vitamins and microelements can be compensated by drinking birch sap. Children need to take it in small quantities, and the body needs to accustom itself to it gradually.

For the little ones, the juice is mixed with water. They start giving it about 50 ml from the age of 1 – 1.5 years. It is better to start drinking juice in the spring and summer.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women to take birch sap?

Its use by women interesting position causes a lot of controversy, since there is an opinion that birch sap is contraindicated during pregnancy. According to doctors, this is just a myth. Judge for yourself:

Its use during pregnancy helps to cope with severe toxicosis; for this you need to take more than 3 glasses a day for a month;

Instability of blood pressure associated with pregnancy is normalized in both hypertensive and hypotensive patients: the juice should be taken in a glass an hour before meals;

It helps in the fight against edema - drinking 3 glasses a day improves the condition and reduces its manifestations;

In the fight against rapid weight gain, birch sap improves metabolism and promotes weight loss;

In the last trimester of pregnancy, it stimulates lactation.

During breastfeeding with its help you can increase lactation, the main thing is its correct usage. To avoid allergic reactions in mother and baby, you should start taking the juice at small quantity: about half a glass per day. When using it, you need to monitor the reaction of the baby’s body and the nursing mother.

After childbirth and during lactation, drinking birch sap promotes weight loss. It is contraindicated only in following cases:

Allergic reaction in a baby;


Allergy to birch tree products.

During lactation, it is important to drink juice fresh, since during canning the amount of nutrients decreases.

In the old days they said that heroic strength was hidden in the tears of a birch tree. Freshly collected juice is especially useful within 3-4 hours after collection. For long-term storage, add raisins, currant leaves, and cloves.

Birch sap will bring health benefits not only pure form, but also in combination with other natural juices.

Mixing them in different combinations and proportions, you can get a variety of vitamin drinks.

Connoisseurs of birch sap prepare birch kvass, wine, and fruit cocktails from it at home.

"I'm in spring forest drank birch sap..." - these words evoke nostalgic feelings in most of us. But besides the fact that for many it is the personification of the Motherland, what is wonderful and useful about birch sap? It is a rich source of vitamins and microelements, sugar. The sap is collected birch trees in the spring, during the month, during the period when sap flow begins in the tree trunks and before the leaves bloom. It is preferable to do this in places warmed by the sun, since there the process of sap movement begins earlier. Collect sap from trees with a diameter of at least 10-20 centimeters. The best time The collection period is considered to be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The roots of the tree are not located close to the surface, but go deep and therefore do not absorb toxic substances from the surface layer of soil. A birch tree can produce about 2 liters of sap per day, but if you take more, the tree can dry out. After collecting the required amount, the holes should be closed with moss, cork or wax. Later, the amount of juice decreases sharply and it develops a bitter taste.

In the spring, rural residents drink birch sap; its benefits and harms have long been known. The sap is considered forbidden by allergy sufferers who fearfully await the tree's blossoming. For everyone else, this is a delicious vitamin gift from nature. Birch sap signals the awakening of nature after hibernation. Powerful roots return useful substances from the pantry to the ground part. The larger the tree, the more juice is required to awaken it. Let's borrow some life-giving moisture from nature.

Characteristics of birch sap

In the spring birch grove in the lowlands there is snow, and the trees standing in the open are already beginning to cry. If in winter someone has made a careless cut on a tree or chopped off a thick branch, droplets of a clear, sweetish liquid are released from the wound when it begins to sap. Life-giving moisture brings an invaluable cocktail, nourishing the tree. This is the time when birch sap is collected.

Sap flow begins in many trees in the spring. Used and collected in industrial scale only birch sap. The maple also “cries”, and its sap is sweeter, but it does not contain the life-giving force that is collected in the white-trunked one.

People realized that the healing liquid could be drunk by deepening the wound and collecting the flowing moisture. Bereznitsa was mined to quench thirst and treat children after a monotonous winter meal. After two weeks of regularly drinking the juice, people felt a surge of strength. Later it turned out that the benefits of birch sap are multi-composition, and there is no harm from it to anyone.

However, the concept of environmental safety primarily concerns birch sap. Can soil along highways, on industrial sites or in the city be healing? The roots do not choose the soil; they feed on what is available. In a strip of 50 m from a busy highway, birch sap will not bring any benefit, and harm from the presence of lead is guaranteed. It turns out that the healing product can only be taken in a clean area.

Collecting juice early spring, before buds bloom from mature trees, in cross section more than 20 cm.

By taking away the gifts of nature, we weaken the tree. A zealous collector will take a little sap from several trees, cover the hollow, drying the tears of the birch tree.

The undoubted benefits of birch sap in the composition, calculated per liter:

  • calorie content – ​​240 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 58 g;
  • fats – 0.0;
  • proteins 1.0 g;
  • ash – about.5 mg.

Micro and macroelements are present in the liquid in a form ready for absorption. A waste-free dietary product, the biochemical composition acts as a therapeutic and preventive device. wide range. Absolutely not healthy people. What is useful about birch sap is its versatility. It can be drunk as a preventative, vitamin, and stimulant. The body itself will find use for the valuable composition.

It is most useful to use fresh, not canned juice when biochemical processes are active. You can store the healing drink in the refrigerator for 2 days.

How to treat with birch sap

In folk medicine, three times a day delicious drink within 2-3 weeks prescribed to cleanse the body:

  • for diseases of the cardiac and hematopoietic system;
  • Gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers;
  • arthritis, gout, rheumatism;
  • for the treatment of external diseases.

To get rid of rashes and age spots On the face, it is enough to wash your face with healing liquid in the morning.

Treatment with birch sap is seasonal; you need to seize the moment and be close to the source of strength and health at the right time. Save healing properties composition is possible if you freeze the liquid immediately after collection. All methods including heat treatment, biologically active substances are taken out of circulation. IN canned product trace elements remain useful action Such a product will provide medicinal benefits, but will not.

The juice can be preserved by evaporation in a water bath at a temperature of 60 0 C, removing 75% of the water. The remaining syrup is rolled into sterilized jars.

The question is often asked whether birch sap can be consumed by a nursing mother and during pregnancy. The life-giving liquid does not contain allergens, and doctors recommend recharging the body with a biological activator. In addition to saturation useful substances, a diuretic drink, removes fluid from the body, reduces swelling. During pregnancy, the drink is necessary; during feeding, the mother’s body receives protection and nutrition.

Some simple recipes juice applications:

  • anemia - drink 100 g of juice 3 times a day;
  • to remove kidney stones, drink a glass of juice 3 times a day;
  • bronchitis can be cured by drinking juice with honey;
  • the drink removes toxins and poisons.

So, the beneficial properties of birch sap are obvious. But taking care of your own health can destroy the tree.

Kvass from birch sap is prepared in a glass bottle with a handful of raisins and 2 tsp. sugar per liter of drink. Close the bottle tightly and keep cool. You can use the drink after 2-3 months, or after a few days.

Correct techniques for collecting birch sap

The best-tasting sap will come from a birch tree standing on a hill. The bark of the tree should be white with black, one hundred means. mature tree. Such a tree will produce up to 6 liters of juice per day. If you take away the sap throughout the entire period, the tree will weaken without receiving nutrition. It is necessary to use several trees, sealing the cuts after use. Creating a groove 2 cm deep with moisture collection through a tube is the most gentle option.

The beneficial properties of birch sap are preserved until it ferments. Therefore, the collector needs to empty the containers daily.

The most gentle selection of healing liquid will be a method based on cutting a branch. At a level of 2 meters above the ground, a thick branch is cut off and a container is placed to collect the juice. The open wound oozes juice that needs to be collected, and the wound will heal within two weeks. The medicine for the wound will be provided by the juice.

For industrial harvesting, logging areas set aside for felling are used. In this case, it is not scary to pre-dry the wood. Currently, there are few juice processing enterprises left; buying such a product is good luck.

Video about the benefits of birch sap

The beginning of the collection of birch sap depends on weather conditions and in different regions of Russia begins at its own time. Somewhere in mid-March, and somewhere at the end of April... Swollen buds on birch trees can serve as a guide to collecting birch sap. To determine the beginning of sap flow, it is enough to go out into the forest after March 20-25 and make an injection with a thin awl on a birch tree as thick as your hand. If the juice starts flowing, a drop of juice will immediately appear at the puncture point. So it's time to collect silver juice.

The main thing to remember if you decide to get healthy birch sap: It is necessary to collect birch sap only in ecologically clean forests, because the tree is capable of absorbing harmful substances and exhaust gases.

How to collect birch sap

Rules for collecting birch sap:

  • Cannot be used to collect birch sap young tree!
  • When collecting birch sap, do not use an ax. It is better to use a drill with a 5-10 mm drill bit. Such a hole in the birch trunk overgrows almost without a trace.
  • When collecting birch sap, it is important to know that, basically, the sap flows in the surface layer between the bark and the wood, so there is no need to make a deep hole at all.
  • The best time to collect birch sap is considered to be between 12 and 18 hours.
  • Do not drain all the birch sap from one birch tree. It is better to go around 5-10 trees and take a liter of sap from each of them per day than to collect all of it from one birch, destroying it.
  • After you finish collecting birch sap, help the birch tree heal its wound. Cover the area where birch sap is collected with garden varnish or drive a wooden plug into the hole.

How to properly collect birch sap

Choose birch trees with diameter more than 20-30 cm with a well-developed crown. In addition, as experts say, the sap from mature birch trees is sweeter. Carefully make a hole in the birch trunk at a distance of 20 cm from the ground. A birch bark tray or other semicircular device is attached to the hole made or under it, along which the juice will flow. The groove should be directed into the bottle, jar or bag.

The number of holes depends on the diameter of the birch that can be done:

  • if 20-25 cm - then only one,
  • with a volume of 25-35 cm - two, with 35-40 - three,
  • and if the diameter is more than 40 cm, it is permissible to make four holes.

After collecting birch sap, do not forget to help the tree recover: you need to tightly close the hole with varnish, wax, cork or moss so that bacteria do not get into the trunk, which can pose a serious threat to the life of the tree.

Keep in mind that birch, as soon as you drill it, it will immediately begin to heal the wound caused to it. Therefore, the amount of birch sap will constantly fall. This is fine! Do not try to destroy the tree by deepening a hole or drilling a new one. Just change the birch tree when collecting birch sap no longer suits you.

How to store birch sap

You can store fresh birch sap in the refrigerator for a little more than 2 days. To preserve birch sap longer, kvass is prepared from it.

Recipes for kvass from birch sap:

  • Heat to 35 degrees, add 15-20 g of yeast and 3 raisins per 1 liter, you can add lemon zest to taste. After this, the jar or bottle is tightly closed and left for 1-2 weeks. The result is a very tasty, carbonated, invigorating drink!
  • Kvass can be prepared in a slightly different way: to 10 liters of birch sap add the juice of 4 lemons, 50 g of yeast, 30 g of honey or sugar, raisins at the rate of 2-3 pieces per bottle. Pour into bottles and keep for 1-2 weeks in a cool, dark place.

In the cases described above, kvass can be ready after 5 days, but the fact that it sits longer will not spoil the drink: it can be preserved for the whole summer.

Our ancestors drank birch tree fermented in barrels without adding sugar - it was a traditional low-alcohol drink at Russian feasts.

You can infuse birch sap on dried fruits, in a jar covered with gauze, for about 2 weeks. You can also add berry juice to “birch tears” and infuse them with herbs.

Recipes for harvesting birch sap for future use:

Canning. For 1 liter of birch sap - 125 g of sugar and 5 g citric acid. Filter, pour into jars, pasteurize and screw on the lids. It is useful to infuse the juice on the leaves of mint, lemon balm, thyme, St. John's wort, linden blossom, rose hips, and lingonberries.

Birch kvass. The juice is heated to +35°C, yeast is added to it at the rate of 15-20 g per 1 liter. The starter is placed in a cold place for 3-4 days, then poured into containers and preserved.

Birch syrup. After evaporating the juice to a lemon-white color and the thickness of honey, the sugar concentration in the syrup reaches 60-70%.

The benefits of birch sap, treatment with birch sap

In the spring, for about three weeks, the birch tree shares its “tears” with us and helps a person heal the body. The secret and popularity of birch sap is that the forces accumulated in the birch trunk over the winter are transferred to humans with birch sap.

Composition of birch sap

Birch sap contains: sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose), organic acids, enzymes and substances with high antimicrobial activity (phytoncides). Birch sap also contains a lot of mineral elements, which the body weakened by spring hypovitaminosis needs. By drinking birch sap, we replenish the body with potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and copper.

Properties of birch sap

  • Since birch sap contains enzymes and biological stimulants, it strengthens the immune system.
  • Potassium, calcium, and magnesium contained in birch sap are necessary for normal heart function.
  • Tannins from birch sap have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Easily digestible sugars are good for brain function.

The properties of birch sap make it an indispensable aid for healing the human body and strengthening the immune system.

What are the benefits of birch sap

Spring birch sap can be considered one of the best dietary remedies. Systematic taking birch sap has a tonic effect. If you drink at least a glass of birch sap a day, you will feel more alert and energetic. Drowsiness, depression, fatigue will disappear.

The benefits of birch sap and the fact that birch sap is a good tonic for a wide variety of diseases. Among other things, it has a diuretic effect and stimulates kidney function. Birch sap promotes the release of uric acid, enhances diuresis. It is useful for people with kidney and urinary tract diseases. Birch sap strengthens the strength of those who have lung diseases, arthritis or bronchitis. However, people with urolithiasis and stomach ulcers should consult a doctor before expecting benefits from drinking birch sap.

It is recommended to drink birch sap for skin problems - eczema, lichen, furunculosis. Rinse with birch sap sore throat, proven benefits birch sap in the complex treatment of headaches, coughs, joint diseases. Birch sap inherent ability to cleanse the blood and remove toxic substances, therefore it is real benefits of birch sap in case of intoxication of the body. Also birch sap alleviates the condition of infectious diseases.

Undoubtedly, benefits of birch sap obvious, but you should understand: this juice is not a medicine, but a good supporting agent given by nature that should be used in complex treatment.

Harm of birch sap

Birch sap can be harmful if: collected near highways, collected in the city, in a place with an unfavorable environment. Birch sap can also be harmful to those who are allergic to birch pollen!

The benefits of birch sap - folk recipes

What does birch sap treat, how to be treated with birch sap, what diseases does birch sap treat... Recipes for treatment with birch sap were collected and preserved by our ancestors. People often treated themselves with birch sap.

Anemia - treatment with birch sap
Birch sap contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, including iron and natural sugar, so it is indicated for reduced level hemoglobin.
Mix fresh birch sap in equal parts with apple, carrot or beet sap and you will get a product that effectively increases hemoglobin. Take 50 ml (this is about 1 shot glass) 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day, during the entire period of birch sap flow.

Reduced immunity - treatment with birch sap
A drink consisting of birch sap, milk (in equal proportions) and with the addition of a small amount of starch is a great way to boost immunity.

Tumors - treatment with birch sap
In the presence of various tumors traditional medicine recommends mixing 2 parts of birch sap with 2 parts of yarrow herb juice, 2 parts carrot juice, 1 part of the juice of the hemlock herb, 1 part of the juice of the St. John's wort herb and 1 part of the juice of the meadowsweet herb. Take 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, washed down with milk, and 1 tablespoon at night, also washed down with milk.

Diseases digestive system- treatment with birch sap
For heartburn and gastritis with low acidity, biliary dyskinesia, exacerbation peptic ulcer, for flatulence and chronic inflammation of the pancreas, birch sap is taken as follows: 50 ml in pure form or diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 2:1 - drink per day.

High blood pressure - treatment with birch sap
For hypertension with high blood pressure, accompanied by swelling, heart pain, headache and dizziness, drink 1/2 glass of birch sap 2 times a day. The juice acts as a mild diuretic, removing excess moisture from the body.

Diseases of blood vessels and joints - treatment with birch sap
The diuretic function of birch sap, coupled with its anti-inflammatory effect, allows us to consider it as good remedy for arthritis, arthrosis, gout, rheumatism, varicose veins legs, trophic ulcers. In this case, the juice should be drunk 50 ml in pure form or diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1, 3 times a day, half an hour before meals. The effect of therapy will be enhanced if you drink a glass of warm milk on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

Pulmonary diseases - treatment with birch sap
For bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, birch sap is drunk as follows: 75-100 ml 2 times a day. At colds(pharyngitis, laryngitis) and for sore throat with birch sap, pure or diluted warm water form, it is useful to gargle on an empty stomach and after each meal. At high temperature Birch sap can also be used as a local antipyretic agent - in its pure form or with cold water (2:1). Gauze or cotton flaps are moistened in juice, slightly wrung out and applied to the elbows, armpits and groin areas, under the knees, wrapped around the ankles and wrists and changed as they dry until the patient’s temperature subsides.

Skin diseases - treatment with birch sap
As an external remedy, birch sap is used for eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, furunculosis, acne, fungal diseases and poorly healing wounds. In these cases, birch sap is used in the form of washes, rubs, lotions, and compresses on problem areas and places. The external effect of the juice can be duplicated by taking it orally in its pure form, 75-100 ml before meals and at night.

Diseases genitourinary system- treatment with birch sap
For kidney diseases - chronic pyelonephritis, the presence of sand or small stones - birch sap should be drunk daily on an empty stomach, 1 glass undiluted.
In case of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, birch sap should be taken with caution, first finding out the composition and size of the stones. Otherwise, being a strong stone remover, birch sap can drive out the stone large size into a narrow duct and provoke colic. However, this applies only to stones of oxalate and uric acid origin. But birch sap, on the contrary, dissolves phosphate and carbonate stones, only for this you need to drink it for at least 3 months, 1 glass on an empty stomach and an hour before bedtime.

Hair loss - treatment with birch sap
If you begin to notice that your hair has weakened and began to fall out, then rubbing a mixture of birch sap with vodka and a decoction of burdock root in equal parts into the scalp will help stop this process. Birch sap also helps fight dandruff; to do this, you need to wash your hair with birch sap.