Canned sardines: chemical composition and nutritional value. Sardines: benefits and harms of canned food, general product characteristics

A fish about 20 cm long, the herring family, the herring order - this is a sardine. Habitat: sea. The back is greenish, the belly is silver. In the sun, the scales play with all the colors of the rainbow. The main food of sardines is microorganisms, algae, fish eggs, shellfish and shrimp.

The lifespan of fish is on average 15 years. In the second or third year, females are ready to reproduce. The main factor promoting fertilization is the fat content of the fish. Spawns in water with temperatures above 14 degrees. The number of eggs laid by one female reaches up to three hundred thousand. After a few days, the eggs turn into small fish, ready to exist. Trawls, nets and seines are used to catch sardines. The fish grows and is caught on an industrial scale in Spain, Portugal and Russia. The Far East is the main source of sardine supplies. More than 230 thousand tons are caught annually.

Nutritional value and composition

Any fish is a healthy product. Sardine is no exception. The properties of meat cure many diseases. The composition includes vitamins, minerals and other important elements for living organisms. The use of such a product has a positive effect on the health of children, men and women. A healthy and tasty sardine should be present on any table and be part of the weekly diet. The benefits are obvious.

Surprisingly, the calorie content of 100 grams of the product is only 116 kcal. In addition, there are no carbohydrates in the meat of the sea dweller at all. The benefits speak for themselves. The product contains healthy 19 g of protein and 10 g of fat. There is no point in listing vitamins, since every one of them is found in sardines. One can note the high content of vitamin PP, namely NE and PP. The concentration per 100 grams is 7.154 mg. Minerals in fish meat are represented by almost two dozen substances. Sardines contain the most fluorine (430 mg), potassium (385 mg) and phosphorus (280 mg).

Benefits for humans

The beneficial properties make fish a valuable product on the human table. It should be included in the diet immediately. Benefits of fish:

  • Good protein digestibility.
  • To improve stomach function, include sardines in your diet. Natural fish oils have medicinal properties.
  • Fatty and beneficial acids and their properties will help cope with heart and vascular diseases. For example, Omega-3 acid improves blood circulation, thins the blood, strengthens and heals the immune system without causing harm.
  • People with skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis need to consume sardines. Symptoms of diseases disappear for a long time.
  • Sardine, or rather its beneficial acids, improve brain activity.
  • The benefits for vision problems, the increase and treatment of sharpness, are solved by the fatty acids that make up the meat.
  • Regular consumption reduces cholesterol.
  • Useful news for women and girls, a pleasant discovery will be the high content of coenzyme Q10 in fish. It is present in boiled sardines. Rejuvenates and strengthens the body.
  • Asthmatics should also include this in their diet. Useful substances reduce the number of attacks.
  • The composition and properties of fish actively fight inflammatory processes in the body. Due to its properties, restoration work occurs in the body.
  • Nicotinic acid also has benefits. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Calcium and vitamin B 12 keep joints in excellent condition. If treatment is required, then they facilitate it.
  • Low levels of mercury allow children and pregnant women to eat seafood.

Harm to the body

The beneficial properties are clear. It cannot be discounted as a product that has contraindications. Sea beauty can be harmful if you use it incorrectly and don’t know who should limit it to. Who is contraindicated for sardines?

  • Allergy sufferers with fish intolerance are prohibited from using it.
  • People with water-salt imbalance and a tendency to salt deposits should not eat fish either.
  • Problems with blood pressure, for hypertensive patients, impose a ban on fish meat.
  • People with weight problems should exclude this product from their diet. Sardines are high in calories.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases allow the consumption of sardines only stewed or in tomato.

There is little harm from the fish. People with excellent health or other diseases have nothing to fear. The main thing is to find out the contraindications of a particular product in time and the benefits for the body will not be long in coming.

Rules for acquisition and storage

We have figured out how many vitamins and calories, but the question arises: “How to choose and store fish correctly? Which is better: fresh, frozen or canned? " Choosing a fresh sardine is as easy as choosing any other. All you have to do is follow the rules:

  1. Pay attention to the eyes. They should be clear, not cloudy.
  2. By touching the carcass, fingerprints will disappear.
  3. Fresh sardines smell of the sea, but not of fish.
  4. Look under the gill plate. The color of the gills, pink or red, is a sign of freshness.

Fresh fish is quite difficult to find in stores and fishmongers, as it spoils quickly. Having bought the fish, you need to store it in the refrigerator, wrapped in ice. Storage duration is no more than four days. A good option to leave the fish for later is to freeze it. Mostly in places where it is impossible to take it, they sell canned food. Here it is not possible to choose the right product visually.

Sardine is a unique product that can be used in cooking in any recipe. It is added to soups, salads, cutlets, pates, meatballs are made from it, rolls, pies and sandwiches are prepared with it. Sardines are great for boiling, smoking, frying, salting and stuffing.

  • The fish got its name from the island of Sardinia, near which it was first caught.
  • The real taste appears 2 months after canning.
  • Sardine is an elite fish.
  • The fish gather in schools. The number of individuals reaches 5 billion, up to 13 kilometers long.
  • The coats of arms of the cities of France: Le Havre, Moelans-sur-Mer and La Turbal, are depicted with a sardine.
  • Sardines aren't always sardines. Manufacturers of canned fish often deceive customers. In America, instead of sardines, herring is put in jars, sprat gets the name “sardine” in Germany, anchovy and anchovies hide behind their good name in Ukraine.

Losing excess weight

Despite its high calorie content and its harm, the Sardine Diet was developed to the delight of girls. The author of the work is Keri Glassman. Meat, due to its fatty acids and high protein content, is included in the diet. You need to eat not only sardines, but also other foods that are low in calories and have a lot of fiber. During the day there are three full meals and two small ones. Calcium, protein and fatty acids promote weight loss. The advantages of such a diet are obvious:

  • weight loss;
  • improving the condition of bones and joints;
  • increased mood and general mental state;
  • removal of cholesterol;
  • improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Product Availability:
  • low mercury content.

Those constantly on diets should eat steamed fish or canned fish in tomato sauce. Fish will not harm you and will help you lose weight. So it’s lower in calories, but you shouldn’t get carried away.

Sardines are small, fatty marine fish with a silvery body. Their habitat extends throughout the world. It is believed that you can catch a sardine in almost any sea basin. There are more than 20 varieties of sardines on the seafood market.

This fish got its name from the island of Sardinia, located near Italy. It was here that this seafood began to be caught on an industrial scale and prepared for food.

Sardines are located at the bottom of the food chain because they feed on sea mass. This fish variety is considered one of the cleanest, since the concentration of heavy metals in it is extremely low.

How to choose a good quality product

Most often, buyers buy sardines in cans. But canned fish is a rather dangerous product. Therefore, you need to choose it very carefully.

Over all the years of existence of canned sardines, There are several basic rules for choosing quality fish:

  • No pungent odor. A sharp, musty, unnatural smell of any product indicates that it is stale. And when it comes to fish products, this signal cannot be ignored at all.

    Each sardine in a jar should not “strike” the nose with an unpleasant odor; each fish carcass should have a soft silvery tint, be flexible and not fall apart into pieces.

  • The jar must be intact and without dents. Inspect the canned food before purchasing: there should be no defects, holes, dents or holes on the can. Smudges or darkening on the metal are not allowed.
  • Study the composition of the product and its expiration date. These obvious things are sometimes overlooked. Good fresh fish usually has a shelf life of two years (or less).

    The product should be stored at +12 degrees. After you open the jar, you can keep it in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

Finding fresh sardines in our country is almost impossible, since the shelf life of a fresh product is only four days. Therefore, the concept of “fresh sardine” is equated with the concept of “fresh-frozen sardine”.

You will learn about the benefits and harms of canned sardines, how they are beneficial for the human body, as well as the rules for choosing canned food in oil from the specialists of Test Purchase:

When choosing fresh frozen fish, remember the following precautions:

  • Examine your eyes. The fish's eyes should be light, clear, without any clouding or damage.
  • Lightly press on the carcass. When pressed, fresh fish should not leave any dents, spots or damage on the body.
  • Pay attention to the smell. The aroma of the fresh product is similar to the sea breeze, and not a musty fishy smell.
  • The gills should have a pinkish or red tint. Not yellow, not blue, not white - only from red to pink.
  • Fish should be stored in the refrigerator in ice. This applies to both home storage and point-of-sale storage.

Calorie content, composition of fish, BJU content

Fresh sardines have high caloric values ​​- 165 kcal.

The nutritional value of this product (per 100 g) is represented by the following values:

  • Fats - 11 g.
  • Proteins - 18 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • Dietary fiber - 0 g.
  • Water - 70 g.
  • Ash - 2 g.

Vitamin content:

  • Retinol (A) - 0.02 mg.
  • Thiamine (B1) - 0.02 mg.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) - 0.6 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.9 mg.
  • Vitamin B9 - 0.007 mg.
  • Vitamin B12 - 0.01 mg.
  • Vitamin C - 1.12 mg.
  • Vitamin E - 0.5 mg.
  • Biotin (H) - 0.0003 mg.
  • Vitamin PP - 4.05 mg.

Mineral content:

  • Calcium - 82 mg.
  • Sulfur - 201 mg.
  • Potassium - 386 mg.
  • Magnesium - 42 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 282 mg.
  • Sodium - 142 mg.
  • Chlorine - 166 mg.
  • Manganese - 52 mg.
  • Nickel - 7 mg.
  • Iron - 250 mg.
  • Copper - 186 mg.
  • Cobalt - 32 mg.
  • Chromium - 56 mg.
  • Iodine - 36 mg.
  • Zinc - 82 mg.

Canned sardines contain 207 kcal.

The nutritional value of the product is represented by the following indicators:

  • Proteins - 24 g.
  • Fats - 11 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.
  • Cholesterol - 143 mg.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - 1500 mg.
  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 3540 mg.

Vitamin content:

  • Vitamin E - 2.5 mg.
  • Thiamine - 0.2 mg.
  • Riboflavin - 0.3 mg.
  • Niacin - 5.3 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.3 mg.
  • Vitamin B12 - 9 mg.
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.7 mg.

Mineral content:

  • Iron - 3 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 500 mg.
  • Calcium - 385 mg.
  • Potassium - 400 mg.
  • Manganese - 0.2 mg.
  • Magnesium - 40 mg.
  • Sodium - 506 mg.
  • Copper - 0.3 mg.
  • Selenium - 53 mg.
  • Zinc - 1.4 mg.

The glycemic index of both varieties of the product is 0.

How it affects the body

The composition of sardines, rich in vitamins and minerals, makes it a valuable product for humans.

Benefits for adults and older people

  • The protein contained in seafood is easily digestible.
  • Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract due to the high content of natural fats in the composition.
  • Effective in the fight against diseases of the cardiovascular system, as it contains a high percentage of fatty acids.
  • Eliminates symptoms of certain skin diseases (for example, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
  • Increases concentration and improves brain function.
  • Helps with vision problems and eye diseases.
  • Lowers cholesterol levels.
  • The high protein content allows the product to be included in the diet of athletes.
  • Rejuvenates the body.
  • Strengthens the human musculoskeletal system.
  • Can help with asthma symptoms.
  • Launches restoration processes in the body, relieves inflammation.
  • Strengthens the nervous system.

For pregnant women and children

The rich mineral and vitamin composition helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system of the developing organism, improve immunity, and prevent the development of many cardiovascular diseases.

However, you need to coordinate the inclusion of fish in your diet with your doctor. Sardines can only be included in children's menus from 7 years of age.

For diabetics

Sardine is a valuable component of patients' diet, suffering from diabetes I, II, III degrees. But be sure to consult your doctor before consuming the product.

Harm and contraindications

Any seafood can cause quite serious harm to the body. Especially if they are of poor quality or stale. Think about choosing a good product in advance.


  • All those who suffer from food allergic reactions (especially to seafood) should exclude sardines from their diet.
  • If the water-salt balance is disturbed, fish should not be included in the menu.
  • Hypertension patients are contraindicated from consuming sardines in any form.
  • If you are obese or have weight problems, do not include sardines in your diet (especially in your diet).
  • Some gastrointestinal diseases (during a period of long-term remission) allow the inclusion of sardines in the menu, but only in stewed form or with tomatoes.

How to use

Typically, sardines in oil are used in cooking. Firstly, they are the easiest to get. Secondly, their shelf life is much longer than that of fresh or frozen fish. And it’s much easier to manage such a product.

This seafood makes delicious salads, appetizers, soups and pates. It is best to eat it at lunch or dinner. Don’t get carried away, because the fish is still a bit heavy on the stomach.

Sardines are not used in cosmetology, dietetics, or folk medicine. So be careful with untested recipes in these categories.

  • Sardines in oil - 1 can.
  • Purified water - 2 l.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Greens to taste.
  • Spices to taste.

Peel and cut into cubes all the vegetables you have. Boil water and lightly salt it. Gradually add vegetable cubes to boiling water (first potatoes, then after 5-6 minutes - onions and carrots). Pepper the broth, add bay leaf and other spices.

As soon as the potatoes become soft and boiled, add the sardine. Cook the soup for another 8-11 minutes. When ready, decorate with herbs.

Classic holiday appetizer

Hot sandwiches with sardines are perhaps one of the most common dishes on the holiday table.


  • Sardines in oil - 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise - 55 g.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 g (you can use classic Russian cheese or choose any other hard cheese of your choice).
  • Loaf - 1.5 loaves.
  • Dried dill - to taste.

Mash the sardines with a fork (remove bone fragments, if any). Break an egg into them and add a little dill.

Mix the mixture and add mayonnaise. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil.

Spread a little fish “putty” on each slice of loaf. Sprinkle everything on top with grated cheese and put it in the oven.

We bake these sandwiches for just a short time (until the egg thickens a little and the cheese melts). Serve the appetizer on the table.

The famous Mimosa salad with canned sardines in oil - video recipe:

Beloved by many, sardines have become a decoration for holiday tables all over the world.. This fish is added to appetizers, made into salads, and used in soup. The fresh product is becoming a delicacy in some coastal towns.

But eating any seafood is always associated with risk, so familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the sardine, its composition and storage method to avoid side effects.

In contact with

Canned sardines are a very popular food product. In the modern world, people have perfectly mastered the process of preparing food for long-term storage in various ways. They can preserve vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, meat and even fish. A wide variety of preparations, as well as canned meat and fish, can be found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.

Sardine is a small sea fish. Its habitat is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It belongs to the herring family. The length of this fish ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters (see photo). Beautiful large scales in the sun shimmer blue-green on the back and silvery-white on the belly. To get food, sardines gather in schools of more than four billion individuals and swim long distances, following plankton in cold currents.

The process of making canned sardines is quite simple. Fish is caught (mainly along the coast of France) using cod roe bait and a net with small fish. The processing process is carried out either on a fishing boat, or the sardine is frozen and sent to fish processing plants. There the fish is defrosted at room temperature. First, remove the head from a freshly caught sardine, wash it and marinate it in a saline solution for several hours. After this, all internal organs are removed, the scales are cleaned and the carcasses are transferred to boiling olive oil. They remain in it for several minutes. Then the fish is placed in tin or glass jars, filled with various fillings with spices and sealed. Rolled jars must be sterilized. In addition to canned sardines in oil, fish is produced with the addition of tomato paste and in its own juice.

It is recommended to buy sardines in a glass jar: this way you can evaluate the appearance of the fish. Many producers of this canned food in iron containers use large sprat, anchovies or small herring under the guise of sardines. When purchasing canned sardines in a tin, special attention should be paid to the production date, which should be stamped on the inside. On average, the shelf life of canned food ranges from 10 to 12 months.

After preservation, the beneficial components and vitamins that make up fresh fish are fully preserved. But it is important to consider what additives are present in this canned food so as not to cause harm to health.

We will talk more about the beneficial properties, harm, composition of vitamins and microelements of canned sardines below.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of canned sardines are due to the high amount of protein they contain. It is much easier to digest by the body than the protein found in meat. This is why many argue that it is better to eat fish rather than meat. Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements in sardines, moderate consumption of this product:

  • has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process;
  • makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic;
  • stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents premature skin aging;
  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • provides eye protection from various diseases;
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
  • accelerates metabolism and has a fat burning effect;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • helps accelerate hair growth;
  • prevents the development of cancer tumors.

Sardines contain unsaturated fats, which help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help treat joint inflammation, respiratory diseases, have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthen memory and reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

Considering the above benefits, many can conclude that eating canned fish is vital. But that's not true. Consuming this product more than four times a week may result in weight gain of several kilograms. After all, canned food, although it is considered low-calorie (there are 220 kilocalories per hundred grams of product), but it contains a large amount of fat. So people who are overweight or watching their figure are not recommended to use this product.

Excessive consumption of canned sardines can cause the formation of kidney stones and provoke metabolic disorders, in which uric acid salts are deposited in the joints. An allergic reaction is also possible, since sardines contain serotonin, tyramine, tiptamine and other substances that are considered strong allergens.

The composition of canned sardines is very rich, and before consuming it, you should consult your doctor: you may have an intolerance to any component of this fish. It is also worth remembering that the abuse of any food product can have a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, you need to take into account all the positive and negative aspects of canned food.

Use in cooking

Canned sardines are the main ingredient in many dishes and an independent snack. All kinds of salads with potatoes, rice, eggs are prepared from canned food, as well as sandwiches (see photo), fish soups, fish soup, cutlets, and pies. For cooking, sardines are used, canned in oil, tomatoes and their own juice.

Below are several recipes using canned sardines as the main ingredient.


Cooking method

Canned sardine and rice salad

Preparing this dish is very simple and does not take much time. The amount of ingredients depends on how much finished salad you want to get. The ideal ratio of all components is 1:1. So, to prepare it, you need to boil the rice in salted water and then rinse it. Then cut the boiled eggs into small cubes. Cut the onion into small pieces and pour boiling water over it for a few minutes: it will remove all the bitterness. Mix the canned sardines with a fork into a homogeneous mass and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Then add salt, mayonnaise and mix well. You can sprinkle the finished salad on top with finely chopped parsley, dill or onion.(see photo).

To prepare soup with canned sardines, you need to peel and wash 400 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of carrots and 100 grams of onions. Then cut the carrots into small cubes, finely chop the onion and pour them into 2 liters of water previously brought to a boil. Then cut the potatoes, wash 70 grams of rice and add to the onions and carrots. There we also add a few peas of black and allspice and two bay leaves. When the vegetables and rice become soft, add one can of canned sardines in oil, 10 grams of salt to the soup and simmer for a few more minutes. The soup is ready! Before serving, it is recommended to supplement it with finely chopped herbs.(see photo).

Fish fritters

Pancakes made from canned sardines are a rather filling and tasty dish. For fish dough, you need to heat 300 grams of milk, place 10 grams of dry active yeast, 10 grams of sugar, 8 grams of salt in it and, after mixing everything well, add two chicken eggs and one glass of flour. Mix all the ingredients. Then drain the oil from the canned sardine, mash the fish with a fork until a homogeneous mass is formed, mix with the dough and leave it for 45 minutes in a warm place. After the specified time, heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan and, spooning out the dough, fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown.

There are many recipes for dishes using canned sardines, everyone can choose the one that suits their taste.

How to cook canned sardines at home?

How to cook canned sardines at home? This question interests many lovers of natural homemade food. The process of preparing this dish does not require much effort and ingredients. Each housewife uses her own ingredients and special spices; we will tell you the most common and simple recipe for canning sardines.


Canning method

Canned sardine in oil

The proposed recipe involves cooking using both a regular saucepan and a slow cooker. For this dish, you need to peel and remove the entrails of 1.5 kilograms of sardines. Then cut the fish into medium pieces, salt and pepper (to taste). Then cut six onions into half rings and place them in a slow cooker or pan. Place the fish on them, then (to taste) bay leaf, peppercorns and cloves, pour all the ingredients with one liter of vegetable oil, close the lid and cook over low heat or turn on the “Cooking” mode for 1.5 hours. Then put the sardine in pre-sterilized jars, onion on top and fill it to the top with the juice in which it was cooked. After closing the lids on the fish, we wrap the jars with a warm towel. When they have cooled, move the preservation to a cool place.

Canned sardines are a very common dish, as they can be purchased at any store and do not require pre-cooking. But it is worth considering that not all manufacturers are conscientious. Many people add flavor enhancers and preservatives to this canned food, which can be harmful to health. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to choose sardines very carefully and pay special attention to the shelf life of the fish, which should be placed in pieces in jars. Naturally, it is better to prepare canned sardines at home: this way you will be sure of the naturalness of this dish and will be able to add your favorite ingredients to it.

Sardine is easily digested by the body and is an excellent source of protein. Sardine contains large amounts of phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, and fluorine.

Sardine provides the body with at least 2 times more calories than white fish. Unlike saturated animal fats, unsaturated fats from fish are considered the healthiest.

There is evidence that eating fatty fish reduces some symptoms of psoriasis and improves vision and brain function. Sardine contains a complex of vitamins, in particular vitamin D. Fish oil is 5 times more effective than vegetable oils; it lowers blood cholesterol. The fats found in the liver of fish are rich in vitamins and D. The muscle tissue of fish contains B vitamins, which help the body absorb proteins.

Boiled sardines are high in coenzyme Q10, which is a powerful antioxidant and is known to benefit the immune system.

Recently, there has been an increasing number of reports claiming that eating fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines and cod) protects against asthma. This is due to the anti-inflammatory effects of Omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. It has been proven that people who have low levels of magnesium in their bodies are more susceptible to asthma attacks.

A lack of Omega-3 fats is often associated with diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, a weak immune system, etc. Sardines contain niacin and vitamin D, which are also an important factor in the health of bones and the nervous system and promote absorption.

Sardines are used to produce delicious canned food in oil.

The meat has good taste, contains protein and fat. Fresh sardines are suitable for broths, fried and stewed dishes. When boiled, the meat is grayish-white in color and somewhat dry; when fried, it is tender, juicy, with a characteristic sour taste. The broth turns out rich and transparent.

Despite the fact that not everyone likes the smell of sardines, do not write off this fish before you learn about its beneficial properties.

Sardines are small, fatty sea fish with silvery bodies that live in different seas around the world (more than 20 varieties reach the food market). They got their name from the Italian island of Sardinia on the Mediterranean coast, where this fish is caught and prepared in large quantities for subsequent consumption and extraction of fish oil.

Since sardines feed on marine plant matter, meaning they are at the bottom of the food chain, their concentrations of heavy metals are extremely low.

The nutritional value

Sardines are an excellent source of selenium, phosphorus, omega-3 (2 g for every 100 g of fish) and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins B2, B12 and D, as well as choline, niacin, calcium, zinc, manganese and copper.

Another important substance in this sea fish is heart-healthy coenzyme Q10.

Sardines are rich in purines, nucleic acids essential for tissue repair.

Let's not forget about the protein component. A 100-gram serving of fish covers half of your daily protein needs.

Fats make up about 10% of the weight of the fresh product. Of this amount, only a quarter is saturated fat, and the remaining three-quarters are healthy unsaturated fats, which:

  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties, so they help in the treatment of arthritis and asthma;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improve cognitive functions, strengthen memory;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular diseases;
  • can be used to combat symptoms of bipolar disorder and increase the effectiveness of antidepressants.

Benefit for health

  1. Benefits for the heart. Sardines contain several nutrients that are useful for the treatment and prevention of heart and vascular diseases. In addition to omega-3 fatty acids, the presence of vitamin B12, which is involved in glucose metabolism, is important. This vitamin reduces the risk of developing hypertension and minimizes the likelihood of a heart attack, while fatty acids prevent the formation of blood clots, thereby preventing stroke and atherosclerosis.
  2. For bone health, sardines provide us with reserves of vitamin D and calcium, manganese and phosphorus (the latter element increases bone density). Canned fish has soft bones, so they are also eaten to get extra doses of calcium.
  3. Vitamin D, selenium and fatty acids play an important role in cancer prevention. Scientists believe that regular consumption of sardines can reduce the risk of the following types of cancer: colorectal, prostate and breast cancer, leukemia, multiple myeloma and some others.
  4. Immune support is provided by fish oil obtained from sardines, and specifically by high concentrations of vitamin D.
  5. Sardines are good for the eyes and provide reliable protection against age-related macular degeneration. With regular consumption of seafood containing good doses of omega-3, the likelihood of developing dry eye syndrome (one of the common complaints when visiting an ophthalmologist) is reduced.
  6. Help with diabetes has been identified through animal studies. Scientists now know that sardine protein reduces cell resistance to insulin, one of the key factors in the development of diabetes.
  7. You can also eat sardines for weight loss, since the omega-3 substances found in fish speed up metabolism and prevent excess weight gain.
  8. The benefits of sardines for skin and hair consist of several factors. Unsaturated fatty acids moisturize the skin, promote the production of collagen and elastin, nourish hair follicles and accelerate hair growth. Selenium and zinc protect skin cells from the destructive effects of time and free radicals, and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Side effects of sardines

Sardines are characterized by a high content of purines, which in the human body are converted into uric acid, which contributes to the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout.

An allergic reaction may occur to the amines present in sardines, such as tyramine, serotonin, tiptamine, phenylethylamine and histamine.

Fresh or canned, in its own juice or oil?

Fresh sardines are the best option, but they are difficult to find commercially due to their short shelf life. Choose specimens with bright colors and shiny eyes. The meat should be quite dense and not “sink” when pressed with your finger.

It's much easier to buy canned food.

  1. Fish in its own juice is the most preferred option.
  2. Tomato sauce can cause aluminum to leach from the inside of the can.
  3. Adding vegetable oil increases calories and the concentration of unhealthy saturated fats.
  4. Canned sardines with mustard have another drawback - high sodium content, so this product is not suitable for cores.


Canned sardines: properties

Calorie content: 166 kcal.

Canned sardines are a very popular food product. In the modern world, people have perfectly mastered the process of preparing food for long-term storage in various ways. They can preserve vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, meat and even fish. A wide variety of preparations, as well as canned meat and fish, can be found on the shelves of shops and supermarkets.

Sardine is a small sea fish. Its habitat is the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It belongs to the herring family. The length of this fish ranges from 10 to 25 centimeters (see photo). Beautiful large scales in the sun shimmer blue-green on the back and silvery-white on the belly. To get food, sardines gather in schools of more than four billion individuals and swim long distances, following plankton in cold currents.

The process of making canned sardines is quite simple. Fish is caught (mainly along the coast of France) using cod roe bait and a net with small fish. The processing process is carried out either on a fishing boat, or the sardine is frozen and sent to fish processing plants. There the fish is defrosted at room temperature. First, remove the head from a freshly caught sardine, wash it and marinate it in a saline solution for several hours. After this, all internal organs are removed, the scales are cleaned and the carcasses are transferred to boiling olive oil. They remain in it for several minutes. Then the fish is placed in tin or glass jars, filled with various fillings with spices and sealed. Rolled jars must be sterilized. In addition to canned sardines in oil, fish is produced with the addition of tomato paste and in its own juice.

It is recommended to buy sardines in a glass jar: this way you can evaluate the appearance of the fish. Many producers of this canned food in iron containers use large sprat, anchovies or small herring under the guise of sardines. When purchasing canned sardines in a tin, special attention should be paid to the production date, which should be stamped on the inside. On average, the shelf life of canned food ranges from 10 to 12 months.

After preservation, the beneficial components and vitamins that make up fresh fish are fully preserved. But it is important to consider what additives are present in this canned food so as not to cause harm to health.

We will talk more about the beneficial properties, harm, composition of vitamins and microelements of canned sardines below.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of canned sardines are due to the high amount of protein they contain. It is much easier to digest by the body than the protein found in meat. This is why many argue that it is better to eat fish rather than meat. Due to the rich content of vitamins and microelements in sardines, moderate consumption of this product:

  • has a beneficial effect on the blood circulation process;
  • makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic;
  • stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • prevents premature skin aging;
  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • provides eye protection from various diseases;
  • reduces the risk of developing diabetes;
  • accelerates metabolism and has a fat burning effect;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • helps accelerate hair growth;
  • prevents the development of cancer tumors.

Sardines contain unsaturated fats, which help reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, help treat joint inflammation, respiratory diseases, have a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthen memory and reduce the risk of cancer and heart diseases.

Considering the above benefits, many can conclude that eating canned fish is vital. But that's not true. Consuming this product more than four times a week may result in weight gain of several kilograms. After all, canned food, although it is considered low-calorie (there are 220 kilocalories per hundred grams of product), but it contains a large amount of fat. So people who are overweight or watching their figure are not recommended to use this product.

Excessive consumption of canned sardines can cause the formation of kidney stones and provoke metabolic disorders, in which uric acid salts are deposited in the joints. An allergic reaction is also possible, since sardines contain serotonin, tyramine, tiptamine and other substances that are considered strong allergens.

The composition of canned sardines is very rich, and before consuming it, you should consult your doctor: you may have an intolerance to any component of this fish. It is also worth remembering that the abuse of any food product can have a detrimental effect on the body. Therefore, you need to take into account all the positive and negative aspects of canned food.

Use in cooking

Canned sardines are the main ingredient in many dishes and an independent snack. All kinds of salads with potatoes, rice, eggs are prepared from canned food, as well as sandwiches (see photo), fish soups, fish soup, cutlets, and pies. For cooking, sardines are used, canned in oil, tomatoes and their own juice.

Below are several recipes using canned sardines as the main ingredient.


It will look like this:

Copy the text below:

Sardine is the industrial name for several subspecies of fish belonging to the Herring family. Their common feature is a spindle-shaped carcass 20 cm long, a bluish-green back and silvery barrels. The main habitat is the shores of England, Spain, Portugal and France.


Sardines, in search of plankton, migrate in schools that number about 4 million individuals. The length of such an expedition reaches 13 km.

The primary processing of sardines takes place on fishing trawlers, where they are cut up, placed in brine, then placed in autoclaves and canned. Unfortunately, real sardines are only produced in the countries where they are caught. All other manufacturers use sardinella, anchovy, sprat, anchovies and herring as raw materials.

Interesting! The sardine borrowed its name from the Italian island of Sardinia of the same name, where the largest catch of this fish is made.

The range of canned sardines includes:

  • fish in oil (olive, sunflower, soybean);
  • fish in tomato;
  • fish in its own juice.
  • Canned food contains: fish fillet, salt, vegetable oil, spices, tomato sauce.
  • Canned fish contains the same natural protein and vitamins A, C, D as fresh fish. And the amount of iron, iodine and fatty acids is an order of magnitude higher.
  • Sardines are an excellent source of chromium, cobalt, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus and fluorine. 100 g of this fish contains 15% of the requirement for vitamin PP, B2, B12.

Beneficial features

  • Fatty acids act as antioxidants for cells, which significantly reduces their degeneration into atypical ones. They reduce “bad” cholesterol and compensate for poor heart function.
  • Coenzyme Q10, which sardines contain, preserves memory in old age and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Vitamin B12 is actively involved in glucose metabolism, so sardines are useful for people with type 2 diabetes.
  • The duet of vitamins A and E gives youth to both the body cells themselves and the hair, skin and eyes. Positively affects the hormonal levels of women.
  • Sardine bones are very valuable. They contain three times more fluoride and calcium. To avoid getting osteoporosis, it is better not to throw away soft bones.
  • Sardine supplies the body with natural vitamin D. Its deficiency causes scoliosis and rickets in children, as well as brittle bones in adults.
  • Sardines contain a lot of iodine. It takes part in the synthesis of the hormone thyroxine, which affects all metabolic reactions of the body.
  • Cobalt serves as a protein building material for DNA and RNA chains.
  • 100 g of sardines contains the daily requirement for chromium. It regulates the production of insulin and the functioning of the pancreas.

Advice! Only real sardines have beneficial qualities. It is made in France and Italy. It is expensive, but its taste cannot be compared with sardinella or sprat, called “Sardine”.

Contraindications for use

  1. Canned sardines contain sodium salts, so if you are prone to swelling, it is better to avoid this product.
  2. Canned food is contraindicated for arthritis and gout because it is rich in purines.
  3. The high calorie content of sardines will be of no use in case of obesity and other metabolic disorders.
  4. The content of fish oil and vegetable oil in the filling will aggravate liver and gall bladder diseases.

How to cook and serve

Sardines are a very popular ingredient in many homemade salads and appetizers. Chefs add sardines to Italian and French dishes. Sardines are used to make delicious sandwiches and pies. Real fillets of canned sardines in olive oil can even become the main dish on the table.

How to select and store

  • The tin can must be without deformation, with a clear date of manufacture.
  • Pieces of fish should be silver-white in color, smell pleasant, be elastic and juicy, and should not fall apart.
  • Shelf life - 2 years at +15 °C. After opening the can - 24 hours.

Calorie content 166kcal

Proteins: 19g. (76 kcal)

Fat: 10g. (90 kcal)

Carbohydrates: g. (0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 45% | 54% | 0%


Sardine is a marine fish of the herring family, which is distinguished by its small size, silvery belly and green back. This type of fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, active fishing is carried out by Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Russia, and in the latter country fishing is carried out only in the Far East and recently it has become less and less. The fact is that quotas were introduced for catching sardines in the waters of the Pacific Ocean on the part of Russia - this will help restore the fish population, which has significantly thinned out in recent years.

Composition and calorie content of sardines

The product in question contains a whole complex of vitamins - B6, B12 (especially a lot of it), C, A. Sardines are also rich in microelements - phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, niacin. Just 100 grams of this sea fish can satisfy the body’s daily need for potassium and sodium, but cholesterol is completely absent.

Sardines are the common name for the sardinella, pilchard and sardinops fish. It is interesting that the calorie content of sardines caught in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans differs: in the first case it will be 170 Kcal, but in the Atlantic - 250 Kcal. There will be different calorie content, both boiled/in tomato/in oil and fresh. Here is an example table:

  • boiled sardine – 178 Kcal per 100 grams;
  • fresh – 169 Kcal per 100 grams;
  • in tomato – 160 Kcal;
  • in oil – 230 Kcal.

In principle, the product in question is not too high in calories and can be consumed by people who are “working” to lose weight.

Useful properties of sardines

The type of fish in question is perfectly absorbed by the body and even consumption in large quantities does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Experts say that the benefits of sardines are three times greater than those of herring - for example, you can take the fats contained in the product in question. It is thanks to them that sardine normalizes and stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, intestinal motility is restored, even chronic constipation stops.

Sardine is an important product in the field of preventing diseases of the heart and vascular system - it prevents the formation of blood clots in large and small vessels, improves blood circulation and can strengthen the immune system.

If you regularly eat sardines caught in the Pacific Ocean, your vision improves and your brain cells begin to work more actively. People with diagnosed and progressive psoriasis note that with the constant consumption of sardines (and it does not matter in what form it is prepared), the intensity of the severity of the symptoms of the disease significantly decreases. Sardines are also needed for those patients who have high levels of cholesterol in the blood - the fish oil contained in this product helps reduce these levels.

Interesting conclusions were also made by people diagnosed with bronchial asthma - regular introduction of the product in question to the menu reduces the number of attacks. And the fatty acids that make up sardines have anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.

Sardine meat contains nicotinic acid, calcium and phosphorus with magnesium, and it is these microelements that take an active part in ensuring the health of the human skeletal system and musculoskeletal system. Sardine is a prevention of arthritis, arthrosis, atherosclerosis.

Possible harm to sardines

Naturally, the product in question should not be consumed by people who have hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to fish and seafood. In childhood, sardines can be consumed from the age of three, but only in boiled form.

Sardines contain a high content of amines, and they can provoke the formation of kidney stones and the development of gout, so it is recommended to consume no more than 150 grams of the product in question per day.

How to choose a sardine

Of course, the fish in question is best purchased fresh - you can pay attention to the color of the gills, the transparency of the eyes, and the softness of the carcass. But fresh sardines are rare in stores, so you have to choose from the offered assortment. And it consists of canned sardines with the addition of oil or tomato. There are no special rules for choosing canned sardines, you just need to follow the standard recommendations - check the production date and expiration date, compliance with storage rules, the can should not be wrinkled or “bloated”.

Sardine is a tasty and very healthy fish that can be used for preparing both everyday and holiday dishes. It must be included in the diet (if there are no individual restrictions) even for absolutely healthy people - preventing diseases and strengthening the immune system does not bring harm to anyone.
