Spring vitamin deficiency signs and treatment. What vitamins to take if you have vitamin deficiency: symptoms and consequences of the disease, main methods of treatment

Most often it occurs due to the development of a disease or lack of the required amount of minerals and vitamins in the human blood. Typically, this condition appears in the spring, when the minimum amount is supplied with food. Vitamin deficiency also develops due to the body’s inability to absorb useful minerals. Symptoms in all patients can manifest themselves differently, it all depends on what particular vitamin is missing and what age the person is. You should seek help from a doctor at any stage of development of vitamin deficiency.

In order to seek advice from a specialist in a timely manner, it is necessary to correctly understand the symptoms of the disease. The main signs of the development of vitamin deficiency are:

These are general symptoms; the effects of vitamin deficiency can occur individually in each person, so you need to be attentive to any changes and disruptions in your body.

Causes of lack of minerals and vitamins

Some, especially people who lead healthy image life, do not fully understand why vitamin deficiency occurs. The following main reasons for the development of the disease are noted:

  • poor diet and unbalanced food intake over a long period of time
  • frequent use junk food, in which there are absolutely no nutrients, not to mention vitamins and minerals
  • living in poor countries where the population is sorely lacking normal food
  • vitamin deficiency develops with long-term use of certain drugs, for example Dicumarol, under the influence of drugs for weight loss (such drugs reduce appetite and promote the rapid elimination of substances from the body)
  • disorders and diseases of the digestive system
  • Intestinal dysbiosis leads to disruption of the microflora, the synthesis of vitamins is disrupted, food ceases to be absorbed normally, and vitamin deficiency develops on this basis
  • metabolic disorders due to age

Medical research has found that about 85% of people suffer from this disease due to insufficient consumption of plant foods and frequent stress.

Possible consequences of vitamin deficiency

Vitamins do not have the ability to self-heal, so with prolonged vitamin deficiency the following complications can occur:

As you can see, the consequences can be very life-threatening, so timely treatment is a necessary and mandatory factor!

Treatment of vitamin deficiency

In order to correctly determine treatment therapy, you need to accurately determine the reason for the lack of the necessary mineral and vitamin in the body. You may need to undergo special tests that can help the doctor make a final diagnosis, which will determine the prescription and treatment.

Some tablets should only be taken with food; this should be mentioned in the instructions. However, this does not mean that vitamins can be washed down with sparkling water, milk and coffee; these liquids block the absorption of the drug.

Vitamins released in capsules do not need to be chewed or opened; they must be drunk whole with water. You must take them without chewing.

It is important to understand that vitaminization of the body is vital to support many organs and good health, but this does not guarantee complete recovery. Vitamins can support the body, rather than treat a disease. Therefore, in case of serious

pathologies, you need to additionally take medications prescribed by your doctor to treat the disease. Excessive use of vitamin preparations can cause considerable harm and cause major disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

For treatment, it is important to adhere to the prescribed dosage. The daily dose may be different, it all depends on the degree of development of vitamin deficiency and the age of the patient. For children, the norm will be much less than for older people. In order for treatment and taking vitamins to bring maximum benefit, it is important to strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations of the doctor.

So, vitamin deficiency is a fairly common condition that develops due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Balanced diet, refusal harmful products and taking pharmaceutical medications will help normalize the level of vitamins and improve a person’s condition in the near future.

Apr 23, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Spring has finally arrived, the sun has appeared, but... my mood and well-being are below average, and the reflection in the mirror is not pleasing. Most likely you are lacking vitamins. Our body is very complex system, which can get sick from a long-term lack of even one component. This is true for vitamins too. After all, these substances play a significant role. They participate in all physiological and biochemical processes of the body, so it is clear that the absence of one of

components introduces an imbalance. The absence or deficiency of vitamins in the body is called “vitaminosis”. And most often this condition is observed as vitamin deficiency - a mass condition. Its symptoms are present in 60-90% of the population. It seems like there’s nothing to go to the doctor with, but you still feel disgusting.

Spring vitamin deficiency. Symptoms

  • State of chronic fatigue, increased drowsiness, fatigue.
  • Flaky skin, dull thin nails.
  • Cracks may appear in the corners of the mouth and do not heal well.
  • Vision decreases, especially in low light (in the evening).
  • Decreased concentration and attention,
  • Exacerbation of existing diseases, susceptibility to colds.

The most reliable way to avoid this condition or return to normal is to establish good nutrition. In winter, we are often tempted by “unhealthy” products, which include pasta, bakery products, semi-finished products, meat. IN cold weather It is very important not to forget about fruits and vegetables. Then you won’t have to suffer in the spring. Spring vitamin deficiency It can be easily “treated” simply with a correct and reasonable approach to nutrition. This method is much

more effective than taking medicines or vitamin complexes. If there is no way to improve your diet, then you can and should use vitamin complexes. But there is nothing better than natural products.

To make it easier to defeat spring vitamin deficiency, you need to have an idea of ​​which foods contain which vitamins:

Vitamin A: carrots, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, apricots, corn, nettles.

B vitamins: B1 - baked goods, oats, rice, yeast, pork and beef meat, nuts, egg yolk and legumes. B2 - milk, meat, fish, yeast, fresh vegetables, cereals (to preserve this vitamin, the absence of an alkaline environment is necessary).

Vitamin C: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, apples, sea buckthorn, wild strawberries, strawberries, greens, cabbage, potatoes, sorrel, red pepper.

Vitamin D: dairy products, fish oil and various types of red fish, yolk and butter.

Vitamin E: rose hips, yolk, green vegetables, vegetable oil.

In order to get rid of or not develop spring vitamin deficiency, you need to eat right. This means that your diet should consist of all food groups every day. There is not a single product in the world that contains all the substances necessary for life, therefore vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, and meat should be present on the menu every day. Especially in winter and spring, when spring vitamin deficiency looms on the horizon.

Most likely, there is not enough vitamin C, or, as they also like to call it, ascorbic acid. With its deficiency, we become lethargic, get tired quickly, catch colds very often and recover slowly. And if, in addition, at the slightest injury, bruises appear on the body, which then do not go away for a long time, the probability of vitamin C hypovitaminosis is almost 100%.

Sources of vitamin C: to make up for the shortage ascorbic acid, lean on citrus fruits (unless, of course, you are allergic), chokeberry, green onions, sweet pepper, tomatoes, broccoli, sauerkraut. A lot of vitamin C is contained in rosehip decoction and kiwi fruits.

How to deal with vitamin deficiency, watch the video:

2. Eyes often turn red, pockets appear in the corners of the mouth, lips dry out and crack, hair and nails become brittle, hair also becomes dull, and its ends begin to split.

Most likely, there are not enough B vitamins. Other signs of their hypovitaminosis often also include irritability and insomnia.

Sources of B vitamins: To provide the body with a sufficient amount of them, in the spring, eat more fermented milk products, as well as eggs, organ meats (especially beef kidneys and liver), nuts, mackerel, buckwheat, and legumes. But such sources of B vitamins as beets, carrots and various types Cabbage will not help much in the fight against spring vitamin deficiency: by the end of winter there are very few vitamins left in them.

The program experts will tell you more about how to choose the right vegetables and fruits in the store, how to “by eye” determine how many vitamins they contain, and what is good or bad about organic products. "Beauty Week".

3. Vision decreases, eyes become very tired in the evening, become red or watery, and the skin becomes dry.

Most likely, there is not enough vitamin A, responsible for visual acuity, youth, firmness and elasticity of the skin, as well as hair shine.

Sources of vitamin A: in the spring, this is, first of all, fatty fish, eggs, carrots, bell peppers (just do not forget that provitamin A, which gives orange vegetables their bright color, turns into vitamin A only in the presence of fats). However, the longer the path of bright fruits to the table was, the less vitamins they contained. There are practically none of them in peaches or apricots brought from overseas. So until the fruit and berry season begins, to combat spring vitamin deficiency, include greens in your menu more often. Sorrel, spinach, parsley and dill are especially rich in vitamin A.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, presenter of the programs “Food with and without rules”, “Family Size”

It is important to understand that vitamins and microelements do not act alone, they work as a team. Therefore, the most rational way is to take them not separately, but in the form of balanced vitamin complexes.

4. Memory, attention and ability to concentrate have noticeably deteriorated, the skin has become dry and very sensitive.

Most likely, there is not enough vitamin E, or tocopherol - it improves the supply of oxygen to brain cells, helps cope with intense mental and physical stress, and is responsible for maintaining the water balance of the skin.

Sources of vitamin E: in the spring, look for it in cabbage, spinach, lettuce, eggs, beef liver, lean meats, and vegetable oils. So even if you are on a diet to lose weight for the summer, be sure to season your salads with at least a small amount of oil, preferably olive, flaxseed, grape seed or pumpkin seeds. And, if you don't use bottled water, be sure to filter and settle your tap water before cooking. Not even large number chlorine (and in spring tap water is chlorinated especially strongly) destroys vitamin E.

5. Hair and nails have become brittle, hair has lost its shine, there is a feeling of weakness and anxiety, “ache” in the bones, and appetite is deteriorating.

Most likely there is not enough vitamin D.

Sources of vitamin D: in the spring it’s dairy products, eggs and fish. And walk even more often in sunny weather, and then spring vitamin deficiency will not be terrible, because this vitamin is perfectly produced in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation!

6. Bruises under the eyes have become more noticeable, scratches on the skin take a long time to bleed and heal poorly, and there are also complaints of increased fatigue and disturbances in bowel function.

Most likely, there is not enough vitamin K, responsible for vascular tone and regulating the processes of hematopoiesis and blood coagulation in our body.

Sources of vitamin K: in the spring it is primarily frozen green vegetables, especially broccoli and spinach. Freshly brewed green tea is also a great year-round source of vitamin K!

7. By the evening, your legs feel like cast iron, even slight physical exertion tires you, when you “stretch,” pain appears in your ankles, and muscle cramps periodically occur.

Most likely there is not enough magnesium. Since this mineral is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscles and back, even not strong, but systematic muscle cramps or muscle pain of unknown origin can be one of the main symptoms that the body suffers from its deficiency.

Sources of magnesium: in the spring these are dried fruits (especially dried apricots), nuts, mushrooms (but not canned). Also keep in mind that excess calcium interferes with the absorption of magnesium, so too much dairy in your diet may not always be beneficial for your health. And give up carbonated drinks, even regular unsweetened mineral water: the orthophosphoric acid it contains “leashes” magnesium from the body.

8. Dandruff, increased oily skin, worsening acne, low hemoglobin.

Most likely, there is not enough selenium and zinc.

Sources of zinc and selenium: In spring, it is better to look for these microelements not in vegetables, but in seafood, fish, nuts and seeds. For example, 150-200 g of cod or pink salmon will provide the daily norm of selenium, and 200 g of shrimp or squid will provide us with the daily norm of selenium.

9. Anemia, frequent colds, swelling, apathy, lethargy, weakness and muscle pain in the arms, radiculitis, drowsiness, frequent headaches, weight gain.

Most likely there is not enough iodine. Without a sufficient amount of this microelement, normal activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system are simply impossible.

Sources of iodine: In the spring, trying to find this microelement in vegetables and fruits is useless. Load up on fish, seafood and seaweed!

In spring, the body's need for vitamins increases. The reasons are clear: supplies of fresh vegetables and fruits made in early autumn are depleted. There are beautiful apples and tomatoes in supermarkets, but they are chemically processed and poor in microelements. It is not for nothing that people call these products plastic. How then to replenish the body with useful substances, and what vitamins are recommended to drink in the spring?

First, let's discuss why the issue of vitaminization is so important. Micronutrient deficiency makes you feel worse. Signs of polyvitaminosis appear: increased fatigue, drowsiness, nausea, splitting of nails and hair loss. This is not the worst thing - a long-term lack of vitamins provokes an exacerbation of chronic ailments, contributes to the development of anemia, and increases the frequency allergic reactions. It is true what they say that in spring not only plants bloom, but also rhinitis, asthma, ulcers and even mental illness. Prevention of vitamin deficiencies will help avoid complications.

The list of useful organic compounds includes a large number of nutrients, but among them a main group can be distinguished. For normal functioning, the body needs vitamins:

  • A - responsible for the state skin, helps preserve vision;
  • C - strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds;
  • D - has a positive effect on the health of nails, hair, bone tissue;
  • E - neutralizes the effect free radicals and actively removes toxins;
  • B - group of elements regulating operation nervous system, heart, metabolism and other processes.

Different groups of the population need a set of vitamins that is appropriate to their age, gender and well-being. Vitamins B 12, B 6 and B 2 will strengthen muscles, give vigor and strength to an adult man - the main breadwinner in the family. It is important for women to look beautiful in all seasons. Vitamins of group B, as well as A, E and C will remain healthy condition skin, hair and nails. Older people need antioxidants - A, E, C, as well as vitamin D, which is necessary to strengthen bones. Construction materials Vitamins of group B, A, and C are used for a growing child's body.

What about pregnant women? For the intrauterine formation of a child, certain organic compounds. This is true in the spring when internal resources Moms are exhausted. Vitamin A will help proper development placenta, B 5 normalizes hormonal background, and B 9 minimizes the risk of pathological development of the neural tube. Also, during pregnancy, vitamin E plays an important role. A lack of this element creates a risk of miscarriage. For the expectant mother you need to take care of your health for two.

In addition to the main vitamins, there are others organic elements, without which the body would not be able to function normally. For example, vitamins K, H and F are actively involved in metabolic processes, reduce cholesterol levels, improve the functioning of cardiovascular system. As we can see, the role of nutrients is important. How to replenish your body with vitamins in the off-season?

Vitamins in food

The best way is to get nutrients from food. If you can eat right, you can improve your health without synthetic additives. Based on which vitamins are best for the body, you need to adjust your diet. Pay attention to the products available in the spring and create a spring menu from them.

Content of essential vitamins in products

Vitamin Products containing vitamin
A Fatty fish, liver, egg, butter, milk, cottage cheese, kiwi, oranges, carrots, cabbage, peas, garlic.
E Vegetable oils (including wheat germ oil), walnuts, buckwheat, oatmeal, prunes, butter, carrots, Brussels sprouts.
C Liver, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, onions, beets, bananas, kiwi, citrus fruits, lemons, rose hips, rowan, sea buckthorn.
D Cod liver, mackerel, fatty herring, egg, mushrooms, liver (beef, pork, poultry), butter, hard cheese.
B 1 Brewer's yeast, brown rice, wheat, oatmeal, corn, nuts, bran, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, pasta, offal (liver, kidneys), egg.
B 2 Brewer's yeast, beef liver, kidneys, chicken heart, veal, herring, beans, peas, dried figs and dates, asparagus, spinach.
B 3, B 5 Mushrooms (ceps, champignons), nuts, beans, cereals (oatmeal, barley, wheat), potatoes, corn, broccoli, carrots, eggs, red fish, meat and offal, coffee.
B 6 Cereals, nuts, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower and white cabbage, beans, egg, oranges, lemons, avocado.
B 9 Greens, citrus fruits, legumes, wholemeal wheat flour, yeast, liver, honey.
F Vegetable oils and animal fat.
K Green leafy vegetables, cabbage, wheat bran, meat, egg, soy, olive oil, pine nuts, cow's milk, kiwi, bananas, avocados, pine nuts and butter.

In spring, you can get vitamins from frozen berries: raspberries, strawberries, black currants, cherries and apricots. Add them to porridge and cottage cheese, prepare mousses and compotes.

After a winter menu with pickles and fatty foods, it is useful to switch to plant-based foods. You should not buy the first cucumbers and tomatoes - they contain a lot of pesticides and practically no vitamins. It is better to buy apples from grandmothers at the market - homemade ones, from the basement.

In spring, the first greens appear: dill, parsley, dandelion leaves, nettles. It is recommended to add them in large quantities to salads. You can always grow green onions on the windowsill. For dressing, use cold pressed olive oil. This way you can compensate for the lack of organic substances.

Vitamins from the pharmacy

It is not always possible to diversify your diet.

According to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, in Moscow and a number of regional capitals, 80% of the population does not receive enough B vitamins, and 60% lack ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Some people don’t have the time or don’t want to adjust their menu. In addition, the quality of many products leaves much to be desired, and getting the required amount of nutrients from food is problematic. That's why doctors recommend early spring, for 2-6 weeks, take multivitamins. In pharmacies you can buy complex drugs designed for people of different genders, ages and other characteristics.

  • Supradin- developed taking into account the body's daily need for nutrients. The drug contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Supradin improves metabolism, gives strength, strengthens the skeletal system.
  • Vitrum- a vitamin and mineral complex that is recommended for adults to take in the spring. It helps strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds. For young women, manufacturers have released the Vitrum Beauty complex, and for mature ladies - Beauty Lux and Beauty Elite. Vitrum Centuri is suitable for those over 50 years old. It contains components that will support the aging body.
  • Multi-tabs- a series of vitamins for consumers of different ages. For children over 11 years old and adults, Multi-tabs Classic is recommended, and for the youngest - Multi-tabs Baby.
  • AlfaVit Cosmetics- designed specifically for women. Contains elements necessary for healthy skin, hair and nails. The manufacturer did not ignore the stronger sex. AlphaVit for men is balanced to strengthen the reproductive, physical and mental functions of the body.
  • Elevit- designed for expectant mothers. These prenatal vitamins contain a lot of folic acid (B 9), which is so necessary for the normal development of the fetus.
  • Revit and Undevit- good and inexpensive vitamins, the effectiveness of which has been tested for more than one generation. Revit is universal; in the appropriate dosage it can be used by both small children and adults. Undevit is intended for adults only. It is especially effective for older people.

Buy multivitamins after consulting your doctor. Indeed, in addition to the positive properties, these drugs have contraindications. Taking into account information about your health, a specialist will tell you which vitamins to inject or drink in the spring.

What you need to know when taking multivitamins

Pharmacy complexes must be used correctly, otherwise they will not be beneficial. Here are some interesting details:

  • Drinking more than 3 cups of coffee a day or regularly taking caffeine pills destroys B vitamins.
  • Nicotine kills vitamins A, E, and C.
  • Alcohol removes vitamins B and A from the body.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid reduces the content of vitamins A, C, and B.
  • Sleeping pills interfere with the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and B 12 .
  • Antibiotics destroy B nutrients, so you may need to take a multivitamin after treatment.
  • Taking anticoagulants is not compatible with vitamin K, as it thickens the blood.
  • An overdose of vitamin A can cause miscarriage.

Consider contraindications. Act prudently so that it doesn’t turn out like this - you treat one thing and cripple the other!

Spring pleases us with warm days. The sun's rays are warming more and more, the mood is improving. It would seem that it's time to enjoy life. But here lies in wait one very unpleasant and insidious ailment, whose name is spring vitamin deficiency.
Lack of vitamins in the spring is associated with poor nutrition in winter. If you have consumed little fortified foods during the cold season, vitamin deficiency is inevitable. It is important to know how to resist it, and most importantly, how to prevent this ailment, which prevents you from fully enjoying the arrival of warmth.

How does spring vitamin deficiency manifest?

If you experience drowsiness, increased irritability, apathy and a feeling of constant malaise, then most likely your body does not have enough vitamins. Here you can add dry skin, brittle hair, brittle nails, the appearance of acne and pimples on the face and body. Women may experience a disorder menstrual cycle. Whatever you say, all of the listed symptoms are not pleasant, so it is necessary to bring the body back to normal as soon as possible. It should be noted that all these symptoms can appear even when only one is missing in the body. the right vitamin. It would be more correct to call this condition hypovitaminosis, but the term “vitaminosis” has become very firmly entrenched in our lexicon, and therefore is used everywhere. In addition to the listed disorders, vitamin deficiency can cause exacerbation of many chronic diseases. The paradox is that we live in a time when all the necessary products containing vitamins can be freely purchased at the market or in a store, but despite this, the overwhelming majority of people feel spring malaise.

So how to get rid of vitamin deficiency?

Since spring malaise is directly related to nutrition, we can give simple and banal advice - eat right. Let yours spring diet will be balanced and rich in all the substances necessary for the body: such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates. And of course, all the necessary microelements and vitamins. And not only spring. After all, as you know, it is better to prevent any disease than to spend a lot of effort and money on its treatment. Vitamin deficiency can be prevented by a properly balanced diet.
It often happens that during winter people switch to pasta, rice and baked goods. You need to try to resist this temptation and diversify your diet with cereals, seafood, frozen fruits and berries, as well as vegetables. It is best to prepare them yourself or buy them from those people who themselves prepare fruits and vegetables at home, because folk recipes preparations allow you to preserve most of the vitamins. Homemade pickles are also rich in vitamins.
You should always remember that vitamins are not accumulated by the body, so they must be taken from food every day.

What vitamins are vital for the body?

Vitamin C
This vitamin increases the body's resistance to various infections. Its constant presence in the body improves immunity. But you need to take into account that vitamin C is destroyed during the boiling process and from exposure to iron. It is also not preserved when fruit is dried.
Foods that contain large amounts of this vitamin:
- citrus fruits;
- black currant;
- rose hip;
- strawberries and wild strawberries;
- bell pepper;
- legumes;
- potato;
- white and cauliflower.

Vitamin D

It is also called the “sunshine vitamin”. This substance helps the body absorb calcium. Vitamin D is formed mainly under the influence of sun rays on the skin, although it is also found in some products. Unlike vitamin C, vitamin D is resistant to high temperatures.
Foods that contain large amounts of vitamin D:
- fish oil;
- red fish;
- egg yolk;
- liver;
- sour cream;
- milk;
- butter.

Vitamin A
It is called the “vitamin of vision”, because when it is deficient in the body, a person’s vision begins to deteriorate. Vitamin A also helps correct formation skeleton. This vitamin is not destroyed by boiling, but you need to be careful about prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
Products in which large quantities contains vitamin A:
- beet;
- corn;
- carrot;
- pumpkin;
- tomatoes;
- corn;
- red pepper;
- nettle;
- apricots.

Vitamin B1
It is called an antidepressant vitamin, since its deficiency negatively affects the state of the nervous system. Vitamin B1 is actively involved in metabolism and is produced by the human intestinal microflora. But the body also needs the supply of this vitamin from the outside, since it is produced in quantities that are insignificant for the body’s needs. Obviously, this is due to the various nutritional costs of modern man.
Foods that contain large quantities of vitamin B1:
- premium wheat flour and bakery products;
- oats;
- buckwheat;
- legumes;
- nuts;
- beef and pork.

Vitamin B2
It is called the “growth vitamin.” This vitamin is necessary to maintain the required amount of hemoglobin in our blood. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, there is less hemoglobin and the blood has less clotting, which affects wound healing. It must be remembered that this vitamin is destroyed under the influence of an alkaline environment and sunlight.
Foods that contain large amounts of vitamin B2:
- fish;
- eggs;
- fresh vegetables;
- milk;
- cereals.

Vitamin E
It is called the “vitamin of youth”. With a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, problems in the sexual sphere begin and the body does not develop enough. muscle mass. The vitamin is destroyed under the influence of an alkaline environment.
Foods containing large amounts of vitamin E:
- vegetable oil;
- egg yolk;
- rose hip;
- green leaves.

From the above review it is clear that the preservation of vitamins is adversely affected various factors. In order to preserve vitamins in foods as best as possible, the following rules must be followed:

Store food in a cool, dark place.
- Do not keep vegetables, fruits and herbs long time in the water.
- Do not keep food in the sun or expose it to artificial light.
- You cannot cut food in advance and make minced meat.
- Try not to cook in the microwave, as this destroys all the beneficial substances. Maximum quantity Such substances are preserved when cooked in the oven.
- Steaming also preserves more vitamins than boiling.
- Meat should be defrosted in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Defrosting in water is not recommended.
- When legumes are soaked in water, some of the vitamins pass into it. Use this water for cooking.
- Sauerkraut, pickles and tomatoes should be stored immersed in brine.
- Please note that the brine contains a large amount of vitamins and you can prepare various sauces from it. For the same reason, it is not recommended to wash sauerkraut in water.
- When boiling vegetables, you need to immerse them in already boiling water and cover with a lid. It saves them beneficial properties.
- It is not recommended to stir the dish too often during cooking.
- The decoctions in which vegetables were boiled contain many useful substances and can be used for cooking.
- The prepared dish should not be stored for a long time - it is best to prepare something new every day. Many ancient nutritional practices say that food that has been left in the refrigerator for a day loses all its beneficial properties.
- When cooking, do not overcook food. Cook only as much as needed.

What to choose - vitamins in tablets or vitamins in products

Of course, today many doctors strongly recommend maintaining the vitamin balance in the body using medication. But it must be borne in mind that such vitamins can in no way replace the vitamins and minerals contained in food. Natural vitamins are not only absorbed by the body much easier than chemical ones, but they are also much more beneficial substances for the body. Vitamins are absorbed better in combination with others necessary substances found in food.

Diet in spring. Some recommendations

The most basic recommendation is to make your table as diverse as possible (and this is relevant not only for the spring period, but for the whole year). There is no product that contains everything essential vitamins and minerals, so don’t let your table have everything you can find in the spring. When choosing products, pay attention to how they look. Vegetables, herbs and fruits should never be wilted or weathered.

It is not recommended to stock up on fruits and vegetables for future use, as long-term storage destroys many vitamins. Fresh greens are best eaten immediately while they are still juicy. In addition, as we know, vitamin C is destroyed when exposed to high temperature, so dill, parsley, green onions and other greens, so rich in this vitamin, are recommended to be added portionwise to a plate, rather than boiling it when preparing a dish. In addition, on a subconscious level, plates with fresh herbs on the table and the aroma emanating from them will improve your mood and improve your health through positive emotions.

When cutting vegetables, they also lose a large amount of vitamins, so all salads should be prepared immediately before consumption. Contact with iron destroys vitamin C, so use stainless steel knives.
Vitamin A is best absorbed in combination with vitamin E. The simplest example- carrot salad (vitamin A) should be seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil(vitamin E).

Traditional methods of treating spring vitamin deficiency

A real storehouse of substances beneficial to the body is rose hip. This plant contains:
- vitamin A;
- vitamin B2;
- vitamin C;
- vitamin E;
- vitamin P;
- vitamin K.
Vitamins C, P and K are found in rose hips in such quantities that two berries are enough to satisfy daily requirement organism in these substances. The rosehip infusion is made in a very simple way. A handful of berries are poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water. Leave it for several hours and drink it like tea. You can add honey, which further increases the beneficial properties of this drink.

A huge number of substances beneficial for the body are contained in sprouted grains of wheat, peas or beans. They are also actively used in alternative medicine to treat spring vitamin deficiency. A lot of vitamin C is found in sauerkraut , which must be removed from the brine immediately before use.
And of course - freshly squeezed juices, which should be consumed immediately after preparation. It is recommended to add a little honey to some juices.

Some classic remedies traditional medicine For effective treatment vitamin deficiency

Infusion of viburnum berries
A good result in the treatment of vitamin deficiency is achieved by drinking an infusion of viburnum berries. To prepare it st. pour a spoonful of berries into a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. The infusion is best obtained in a thermos. Take this healing drink twice a day for one to two weeks.

Rowan berry infusion
Dried rowan fruits are crushed, poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos for three hours. Take 1 glass three times a day.

Multivitamin mass
This is how they prepare it. Take equal quantities of dried apricots, cranberries, lemon, raisins and walnuts, chop, mix and pour honey. On liter jar mixtures use 200 g. honey.

Finally, here is an interesting and simple useful reminder:

Everything outlined in this article is very easy to do. You can see for yourself that there are no difficulties, because traditional methods always simple. Put these recipes into practice, and spring will open before you in all its splendor. The sun will shine, the birds will sing, and poor health will not dare to overshadow this holiday of nature, good spirits will always be with you!