Preparation of mustard from powder in brine. Recipe for homemade mustard cooked in cucumber brine with honey

Delicious, spicy and aromatic mustard in brine is a wonderful, spicy sauce for a variety of meat dishes, from an ordinary sandwich with sausage for breakfast, to a good, rich jellied meat for the holiday table. But store-bought mustard in jars or plastic tubes rarely pleases with its pungency or aroma.

In order to get a truly tasty seasoning, it is better to prepare it yourself at home, especially since it is very easy. Fortunately, it is not at all difficult to purchase mustard powder in the store. It is more difficult to decide on a recipe, since there are a great many of them. And here a lot depends on what qualities of the sauce are most important for the housewife. To make it truly spicy, the most suitable recipe is to prepare mustard from powder in brine. Although there are also options for hot or cold water, apple juice. But these are all softer options.

Mustard in brine from pickled cucumbers or tomatoes

How to brew mustard from powder in brine? The easiest way to do this is to use brine from tomatoes or cucumbers, since both already contain all the necessary spices, as well as sugar, salt and vinegar. Brines from pickled foods are especially good for preparing spicy seasonings; they are steeper and more tart. Pickles from store-bought vegetables are also suitable.

Homemade mustard from powder cucumber pickle not much different from the product made with tomato brine. Everyone decides for themselves which one to choose for their recipe. Your own preferences can become a guideline. Tomato brine, as a rule, has a milder, sweetish taste. Of course, this is reflected in the taste of the finished seasoning. And also simply having a specific option at hand.

The most important thing is that the seasoning is more than easy to prepare. The process of preparing mustard in brine from pickled tomatoes or cucumbers will require literally a few minutes of time from the housewife, this, of course, not counting the ripening time. The actual troubles with the ingredients will take exactly that long.

First you need to prepare a container in which the sauce will be stirred and in which it will then be stored. However, it may be the same dish - a small glass jar. True, stirring the mixture in it may not be very convenient, but this must be done very carefully. So a small deep bowl is more suitable for this.

It is important that the mustard powder is fresh, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the required spiciness. The quality of the brine also matters: cloudy, sour liquids are not suitable in this case.

The exact proportions of the ingredients will have to be determined in practice, since each has its own optimal thickness of the final product. To begin with, you can take about two-thirds of the powder in the container in which the finished sauce will be stored.

Then the brine is gradually poured into the powder and mixed thoroughly so that no lumps remain. How well the ingredients are mixed will determine how tasty the brine mustard will be.

Using the temperature of the brine, you can regulate the taste and spiciness of the future sauce. Hot pickle will make it softer, and cold will make it sharper, even more vigorous.

According to the recipe, homemade mustard made from powder in brine should have a consistency approximately like medium-fat sour cream. You can adjust the thickness by adding more brine or mustard powder. You shouldn’t make the seasoning too thick, it will dry out much faster, but the mustard, of course, shouldn’t spread on its own.

Now you need to transfer the sauce into a jar and close the lid tightly and let it brew. It should infuse in a warm, dark place. You can put it on the battery if it happens in winter, or just in a cabinet if it’s in summer. Another option is a warm, not completely cooled oven.

Mustard should infuse for 8-9 hours. After this you need to open the jar. If excess liquid appears above the mustard, it must be drained. After this, mix again and put it in the refrigerator.

It may taste slightly bitter immediately after cooking. This flavor can persist for a day after preparation. This is fine.

If even after a day the mustard remains bitter and not just spicy, this may mean that you got a poor quality powder.

If mustard seeds are collected in the rain, the seeds may rot slightly. If you then dry and grind them, the powder will look and smell like regular powder, but the finished sauce will be bitter. Of course, eating such a seasoning is no longer worth it. And it's not tasty. Proper mustard powder should be yellow.

As you can see, the recipe for making mustard in tomato brine is really simple, although it has its own nuances. Most likely, you will be able to do it the first time. And within a day the housewife will be able to please her family with a delicious seasoning.

Recipe for mustard with cabbage brine

The recipe for making mustard in cabbage brine is a little more complicated, as new ingredients are added. But in general the process looks about the same. For one glass of mustard powder you will need:

  • spoon of sugar;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • spices to taste.

The amount of brine is also individual, as in the previous case. How to make mustard using cabbage brine? Simple enough.

Mustard powder is poured into a cup, into which the brine is gradually poured and mixed thoroughly. It is important to rub out any dry lumps that have formed.

Now add all the remaining ingredients to the resulting mixture: sugar, salt, spices, vinegar and oil. Next, you need to mix the mixture very thoroughly, and, just like in the previous case, transfer the mixture into a jar, close it and leave to infuse.

Little tricks

Despite the fact that the recipe for mustard at home using brine is extremely simple to make and does not require any special ingredients, its preparation does have its own little tricks. And you need to know them too. To get the perfect result, exactly the way you want.

The temperature of the brine and the bitter taste were discussed above, but that’s not all.

If you have chosen a brine that is not strong enough for pickled mustard, then it makes sense to add sugar and vinegar to it in the same proportions as in the mustard recipe for cabbage brine. That is, it is necessary to taste the raw materials before cooking. However, if the cucumbers were pickled with their own hands, then the hostess already knows everything herself.

Sugar in any of the seasoning recipes can be replaced with honey if desired. This will give the mustard a richer taste and interesting aroma. In addition, the seasoning in this case will not be so spicy. The original brine mustard is very hot. Even if you just smell it, it knocks a tear out of your eye. And honey mustard will help you cope faster colds due to a powerful combination of anti-inflammatory ingredients.

You can soften the taste of mustard by adding vegetable oil. By the way, if you remove it from the recipe for cabbage brine, the result will be sharper.

Oil can be added to mustard not only during cooking, but also after it has infused and ripened. It is only important to mix the sauce properly once again.

It is better to prepare homemade mustard in small portions. Even if the family eats it quite a lot and often. It’s better to make a new batch, fresh and flavorful, than to watch the already prepared one dry out.

If you want to somehow diversify the taste of your favorite sauce, you can add various spices to it during cooking:

  • cinnamon;
  • nutmeg;
  • cloves;
  • cardamom.

Other options are also possible. Here a lot depends on the imagination of the hostess and her preferences. And the world of spices is very, very diverse.

Homemade mustard made from powder in cucumber brine is far from the only option. You can even use brine from assorted vegetables, which contained not only cucumbers and tomatoes, but also zucchini or squash, bell pepper. This can also give finished product interesting, new taste.

A good seasoning for powdered mustard would be whole mustard seeds. In this case, the finished sauce will be even more aromatic and fragrant. This mustard can not only be served with meat, but also used as a base for complex salad sauces. For them, it is the aroma, and not the spiciness of mustard, that is especially important. If the seasoning is prepared specifically for such a salad, it is better to make it softer.

If it was not possible to correctly calculate the required amount of sauce, and the mustard began to dry out, you can add a little vegetable oil to it and mix thoroughly. But it won’t work to constantly renew the mustard; sooner or later it will dry out anyway. Moreover, in this case, its severity will gradually decrease.

Even the most ordinary mustard leaves room for creativity and imagination for a good housewife. After experimenting a little, everyone will find the right taste for themselves. Or provide yourself with a variety of your favorite sauces. However, not everyone likes experiments. For many, the most precious thing is the familiar taste of their favorite sauce.

The tasty, spicy sauce, so beloved by Russian people, is really easy to prepare at home. This means that there is no point in buying mustard in stores, where it is expensive and taste qualities is not ideal.

It's much easier to make the seasoning at home. And exactly the kind that a particular family likes. And if necessary, even with different tastes and different spiciness for different members families. The main thing is to get the quantity right.

Russian fiery: how to cook spicy mustard in brine
Topic: Simple recipes

Post added 4 months 27 days ago

One of the most beloved seasonings in our area is mustard. She can also be found on festive table, and at a picnic, and in the average student refrigerator. Why is mustard so good? First of all, it is delicious and goes well with many foods. In addition, mustard is incredibly useful - not only in the form of dishes, but also as part of medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

Many people prefer medium-hot mustard, but sometimes you want something spicy. How to make spicy mustard? What components are needed to make the seasoning fiery?
The spiciest of all is Russian mustard, which has gained worldwide popularity thanks to its fiery taste. Russian mustard acquires its spiciness due to the method of preparation. And it is prepared not with vinegar or dry wine, like its European counterparts, but with brine. The taste of this mustard is very rich, and the aroma can make you cry! We’ll take a closer look at how to cook mustard in brine to make it as spicy as possible.

Option one: how to prepare mustard using tomato brine.

To do this you will need:
- mustard powder - approximately 2/3 cup;
- brine (very cold, ice-cold) - 1 1/3 cups;
- coarse salt - 1/3 tsp;
- granulated sugar - 1/4 tsp;
- olive oil- 2-3 tbsp. l.

The amount of ingredients can be changed, but maintain the ratio of mustard powder to brine (by volume) - 1:2.


1. Pour ice-cold tomato brine into a jar. It’s more convenient to shave a half-liter.
2. Add mustard powder, sugar and salt. Mix well so that there are no dry mustard lumps left. The mixture should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Add mustard powder or brine if the mixture is too thin or thick.
3. To soften the taste, add olive oil. The less it is, the sharper the mustard.
4. Leave the mustard for 2-3 hours at room temperature.
5. After this, stir and place in the refrigerator. The longer the mustard sits, the better it tastes!

Despite the relatively small variety of brines, there are quite a lot of options for how to prepare spicy mustard in brine. We continue our acquaintance with these options using the example of mustard with cucumber pickle and honey.

- cucumber pickle - 2 cups;
- mustard powder - 1 glass;
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp;
- salt - 1 tsp;
- vinegar - 0.5 tsp;
- honey - 1 tsp.
- vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l.

1. Place mustard powder in a jar or sponge bowl.
2. Pour in the brine in small portions. Stir the mustard while doing this so that no lumps form.
3. When the mixture resembles the consistency of thick sour cream, add the remaining ingredients. If you don't add honey, then you don't need vinegar: these components balance each other here.
4. Mix the mustard well, transfer to a jar (if prepared in a bowl), close the jar with a lid and leave overnight at room temperature. After this, transfer to the refrigerator.

So, now you know at least 2 ways to prepare spicy mustard in brine. As you can see, in addition to the main ingredients, you can safely add components that add new flavor to the mustard. Experiment and delight your guests and family with real fiery Russian mustard!

No matter how many jars you buy, no matter how many times you try, you still won’t find that fiery seasoning that was made 30 years ago under the Soviets. There is no such pungency of taste and sharpness of smell that would “hit” the nose, and we have no choice but to make spicy mustard from powder with our own hands. And don’t panic so much, just think, such a mixture has never been prepared, but we need to start sometime, so let’s start mastering the culinary niche.

For the appearance of mustard, we have to thank the French, who were the first to mix a spicy hot sauce from “tear” grains. All the inhabitants of Europe liked this delicacy so much that it was no longer possible to stop the mustard boom.

So the fame of this spice spread to Mother Rus', where it was planted in 1765 by immigrants from Germany under a new name - Sarepta, and now simply Russian mustard.

Today, in any, even the most seedy store, you can find this seasoning, and there are so many manufacturers and varieties of it that you can’t count it. It is made from whole, crushed and ground seeds with various herbs and spices, as well as a whole carload of all sorts of preservatives, flavorings and E-additives, the role of which in this product is, in principle, not appropriate, since this hot sauce is self-sufficient in all respects.

Mustard can never compare with all this industrial assortment homemade, the recipes of which were compiled over the years by our ancestors and were carefully passed on to us, so that today we could taste this unsurpassed hot paste with great pleasure.

So let’s not waste time and start our lesson on the topic: “How to make mustard at home from mustard powder.”

What kind of water to pour mustard powder

Maybe someone in childhood had the honor of watching how the creamy “burn” was created, which dad so generously spread on bread under hot soup, or flavored New Year’s jellied meat with it.

If you dig deeper into your memory, you can remember that my mother poured boiling water over the mustard powder. And this was her fatal mistake.
The best mixture is considered to be the one that hits you in the nose, piercing right to the very brain so that tears flow from the eyes. And with hot water this can hardly be achieved.

You need to dilute the mustard flour, naturally. warm water, but the weakness of the product at the outlet depends on the temperature. So if you want an eye-catcher paste, then mix it with slightly lukewarm water, and if you want a lighter sauce, then accordingly, heat the liquid hotter.

Mustard from powder: classic recipe


  • - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide + -
  • — 180-200 ml + -
  • - 1/2 tsp. + -
  • - 1/ tsp. + -
  • - 1.5-2 tsp. + -

Making homemade mustard

The first option is classic, without vinegar and any spices.

  1. So, pour the powder with water in a ratio of 1:4, mix and leave it warm for about 10-12 hours.
  2. After the appointed time, we discover that a little excess moisture has collected on the surface of the mass, which we need to drain as carefully as possible.
  3. Now season the mixture with sugar, salt, butter and you’re done.

The declared amount of ingredients yields a full 100 gram jar, which must be kept in the refrigerator.

How to make hot mustard from powder (video recipe)

Homemade “Russian” mustard

In principle, the recipe for preparing spicy Russian mustard from mustard powder is quite simple, and this method and absolutely the lightest. Implementing it at home will not be difficult at all; the main thing is to know how to do it correctly, how to dilute it and how to brew it.

Also important is the addition of spices and vinegar, thanks to which the taste of the paste acquires special aromatic notes.


  • Mustard powder – 100 g;
  • Water – 125 ml;
  • Vinegar solution 3% - 125 ml;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Table salt – 1 tsp;
  • Bay leaf – 2 leaves;
  • Cinnamon - on the tip of a teaspoon;
  • Cloves – 1-2 pcs.;

How to make mustard at home

  1. Pour water into a saucepan. Add all the spices, salt and sugar to it, then put it on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. After waiting for the aromatic broth to cool, filter it, add mustard powder to it and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Next, add oil and vinegar to our “gruel” and mix until a homogeneous liquid consistency.
  4. After transferring the resulting mass into a glass bottle, leave it to brew for 24 hours, after which the Russian mustard can be considered ready.

Such a “thermonuclear” seasoning will become the perfect complement for meat dishes, as well as for mixing with mayonnaise when dressing salads.

Homemade mustard “Russian” (video recipe)

It’s too early to relax, because we have one more recipe in stock. The sauce is made quickly and easily, and in winter, when its presence in the diet is more important than ever, so to speak, for warmth, there is more than enough brine in all homes.

In general, it’s not important to use cucumber marinade; cabbage, tomato, or any other marinade will do just fine. The only point is strict control of the amount of sugar, since in one version the liquid for preservatives of this sweet product may be in excess, and in another it may be completely absent.


  • Powdered mustard - ½ tbsp.;
  • Marinade - how much it will take;
  • Granulated sugar – ½ tsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tsp;


  1. In a deep bowl, dilute mustard flour with sugar and brine to the required condition.
  2. We transfer the resulting composition into a jar and close it.
  3. We leave the filled vessel in a warm place for 8 hours, after which we drain the excess liquid, add oil, mix and can be consumed.

We can prepare mustard from powder with brine like this: in a simple way, and with the addition of red pepper, cloves, nutmeg and other spices to your taste.

Attention! If the recipe calls for a marinade without vinegar, such as sauerkraut, then you can safely add 3% essence diluted in water, or malic acid.

Now that we have successfully mastered this simple science of how to make mustard with our own hands, we can move on to more complex tasks. For example, try to make a spicy mass not from ready-made powder, but from grinding the black and white grains of this plant in a coffee grinder, because in this case the product is guaranteed to have more vitamins and other useful inclusions.

Mustard in brine turns out to be aromatic and quite strong due to the spicy taste of the brine itself. It goes great with kebabs, grilled meat and sausages, jellied meat, lard and other dishes. It can also be used as an ingredient in other sauces.

Brine mustard is an excellent addition to sausages and meat dishes.


Dry mustard 4 tbsp. brine 100 milliliters Refined vegetable oil 1 tsp

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 10 minutes

Recipe for mustard in tomato brine

First, let's consider the option of preparing mustard in brine from pickled tomatoes. It has the mildest taste, slightly sweet.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Heat the brine until slightly warm.
  2. Pour the mustard powder over the brine, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.
  3. Add vegetable oil, mix well.

Let the mustard steep under the lid for warm place. The seasoning is ready in 8-10 hours.

Homemade mustard with cucumber brine

For this seasoning you will need:

  • Pickle from pickles– 1 stack.
  • Mustard powder – 5 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.

Strain the cucumber brine, dissolve sugar in it and add vinegar. Add mustard powder, stirring constantly until you get the consistency of sour cream. Add the oil, stir and place in a glass jar with a lid. Let the mustard sit in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours.

This seasoning turns out to be quite spicy, it is good to serve with fatty meat, grilled, boiled pork. Mustard stimulates the production of gastric juice and facilitates the digestion of heavy foods.

Mustard with cabbage brine

List of ingredients:

  • Cabbage brine – 1 cup.
  • Mustard powder – 200 g.
  • Mustard beans – 2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp.
  • Paprika powder – 1 tsp.
  • Black pepper – 1 pinch.
  • Salt and sugar to taste.

The proportions of products can be changed depending on their spiciness and your preferences. For example, if you have sauerkraut brine, it is quite sour in itself, so you don’t need vinegar, but you should add sugar. The pickled cabbage brine may be sweetish and not very spicy, so you don’t need to add sugar.

Pour the brine into the mustard powder, stirring it constantly so that there are no lumps. Add salt, sugar, vinegar and spices, stir. Leave overnight in the refrigerator in a closed glass jar. You can try it in the morning.

This mustard goes well with meat and fish dishes, scrambled eggs, and fried sausage.

As you can see, making your own mustard is very simple, because all that is required is to dilute the powder with ready-made brine and let it brew.

Anyone who has tried homemade, not store-bought, powdered mustard at least once in their life remembers its taste. Spicy, no aftertaste table vinegar, aromatic seasoning that does not contain flavor enhancers or preservatives - perfect couple to many winter hearty dishes. But the trick of this recipe for homemade mustard from powder is precisely that it is cooked in cucumber brine, which emphasizes the piquant taste of the sauce. Cucumber brine, if unavailable, can be replaced, for example, with cabbage brine. in any case, experiments are welcome! And in winter there is always enough of this goodness after opening homemade preparations! Oh, good! It's creeping through!

Ingredients (all to taste):

  • 1 cup cucumber or cabbage pickle*
  • 3 tbsp. mustard powder
  • a few drops of apple cider vinegar
  • pinch of sugar
  • small pinch of salt
  • spices as desired

*Keep in mind that if you use pickled cucumber brine

Homemade mustard from powder in cucumber brine: step-by-step preparation

First of all, add salt and sugar to the mustard powder in a deep container and stir with a spoon.

Then it’s time to add spices to taste. In the photo this is ground red pepper and some ground coriander, as well as a drop of apple cider vinegar.

Then add cucumber or cabbage brine to the spice powder until it reaches the consistency of mustard. At this stage, the mixture is thoroughly stirred and tasted. If necessary, add more salt or sugar.

Then the glass with mustard is covered with gauze and sent to the battery for about a day. During this period, the mustard in cucumber brine will need to be thoroughly stirred with a spoon from time to time. The mixture is then transferred to the refrigerator, where it is stored.

In general, the cooking time for homemade mustard in brine depends rather on the mustard powder itself. Some infuse too quickly, some need a little more time. Overall, the mustard turns out great! You probably won't want to buy it in a store again.

Homemade mustard with cucumber brine, unlike store-bought mustard, does not contain table vinegar and has a rich and pungent taste.