Dressing for rice from table vinegar. Vinegar for rolls at home

There is hardly a housewife who has not tried to cook something unusual for her family at least once in her life.

If you have not yet accomplished such a feat, I invite you to join me in learning how to prepare sushi dressing.

What to replace rice vinegar or how to cook it at home - that’s what my article today will be about.

Having stayed with my younger sister, a strong desire to make sushi at home has been haunting me for a couple of weeks now.

For some time I looked closely at the prices of ingredients, read advice from experienced sushi experts, and asked my sister for proprietary secrets. Ultimately, I learned how to cook sushi rice, completed the roll-wrapping course, and the desire to make sushi at home reached its highest intensity.

The main ingredients for the rapidly gaining popularity of sushi are rice, rice vinegar (impregnation for finished vinegar) and kombu seaweed (another name for nori).

The question that remains is how to make this dish cheaper, that is, how to replace expensive products. A Japanese woman uses the very best to prepare sushi, but a real Russian woman can create a hairstyle, a scandal and a salad out of nothing... And so let’s try!


Special sushi rice can be replaced with regular round grain rice. In no case do we use steamed varieties or rice in bags. They make a nice side dish, but not a sticky rice mass for rolls.

Proportions of water for cooking 1 cup of rice:

  • Rice pre-soaked for 1-2 hours – 1:1;
  • Dry rice grain - 1.5 cups: 1 cup of water.

After the water boils (it will take about 10 minutes), reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes. It is advisable not to lift the lid. After the time has passed, turn off the heat and let the porridge brew for 20-25 minutes, opening the lid.

Add the dressing to the rice when both the dressing and the rice have cooled a little.

Rice vinegar

This ingredient can rarely be found on the shelves of regular stores due to its high cost.

Or maybe there are no specialized stores in your small town or you rarely go to huge supermarkets? Then the question of replacing such vinegar will immediately arise the first time you want to cook an exotic dish.

In such cases, our housewives have learned to replace rice vinegar and generously share recipes on forums or blogs. True, the taste of cooked rice will be slightly different, but we are just learning and may the Japanese forgive us!

Alternative dressing for rice

To prepare an alternative seasoning for rice, we can use apple, wine or grape white vinegar. These types of vinegar essence are quite affordable and inexpensive compared to rice essence.

We use red grape vinegar

The second name is wine vinegar. A contraindication to its use may be increased acidity stomach or allergy to grapes.

Very often at home, old red wine is used instead of wine vinegar.

  • 3 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 4 tbsp grape vinegar

Place the prepared ingredients in an enamel bowl and bring to a boil. The dressing should not boil. A sign of readiness is the complete dissolution of sugar and salt.


This type of vinegar essence is one of the highest quality, having a large list of beneficial properties. It is obtained by fermenting sweet apples and apple wine, which makes its taste much milder than ordinary table vinegar.

Preparation is similar to the previous recipe. Readiness is also determined by the dissolution of dry substances.

White grape

If there are no contraindications to the use of vinegar, then you can try regular table vinegar 6% or white wine. The cooking recipe is similar to the one where red grape tincture was used.

You can also combine vinegar with soy sauce, which will add a special twist to the soak.

  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2.5 tbsp. l. soy sauce
  • 2.5 tbsp. table or white wine vinegar

Heat all ingredients until sugar dissolves.

Lemon juice is a good option for soaking rice. The fact is that rice vinegar has a very mild taste that is difficult to reproduce. Lemon juice, divorced from a small amount sugar, may well replace it. Very rarely can anyone tell the difference in taste.

  • 2 tbsp. l. boiled warm water
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt

Mix everything until the sugar and salt dissolve. Under no circumstances let the mixture boil.

If there is nori

If you have seaweed in the kitchen (just not kelp, otherwise you'll end up with a bitter-tasting dressing), you can get almost Japanese version refills. Of course, sushi with free delivery throughout the city will be a very convenient lunch option, but we want to experiment with them self-cooking.

  • 2.5 tbsp. l. any vinegar (table, wine, apple)
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 sheet of nori

Heat all ingredients except seaweed until dissolved and only then add nori. You can take more seaweed - instead of one sheet 2. Chop the seaweed and beat the mixture until smooth.

What not to use

Experienced cooks are strongly against using balsamic vinegar when making rice vinegar. The latter has a bright, specific taste, infused with a bouquet of herbs. It is completely capable of changing the taste of rice, which should have just a hint of sourness.

We use 9% or 6% table vinegars, which are familiar to our kitchens, only as a last resort.

If you have already learned how to cook sushi at home and have decided that it will become a frequent guest on your menu, you should not use substitute dressings. I suggest making a dressing for rice for future use.

To prepare real rice vinegar at home, we need:

  • 1 cup short grain rice
  • 250 ml water
  • 4 tbsp Sahara
  • Dry yeast – 1/3 teaspoon


After the solution stops bubbling (the fermentation process is complete), let the rice-sugar solution brew for another month.

After the specified time, filter the resulting mixture again through cheesecloth and boil. Do not be alarmed if the vinegar turns out cloudy - this is its normal condition. If you wish, you can lighten the solution by adding beaten egg white to it while boiling.

The clarification process will require another filtration, after which we pour the homemade rice vinegar into a dark glass bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

How to Add Rice Vinegar to Cooked Rice

After we've made the dressing for the rice and cooked the rice, it's time to combine them. How to do it right?

  • To combine the dressing and rice we use wooden spoon and dishes.
  • Place the rice in a wooden tub, pour over the dressing and stir with a wooden spatula or spoon.
  • It is necessary to mix carefully, moving top layer rice down. Intense stirring will turn the rice into an incomprehensible mess.

After preparing the rice and seasoning, you can start preparing the rolls. And the story about how to wrap sushi and what to use for the filling is a topic for a completely different article.

Dear friends, I hope that this collection of secrets for cooking rice and rice vinegar will help you successfully conduct your first experiment with Japanese cuisine. Even if you have to replace rare ingredients, let your rolls please your household and become the next conquered peak of culinary art!

With love, your Elena Skopich

One of the important and necessary ingredients when preparing sushi and rolls is rice vinegar. In addition, it is used for marinating fish and as a salad dressing. This product is mainly used in oriental cuisine. What to do if the right product is not always at hand, but it is necessary? You can prepare this product at home, or you can simply replace it with another ingredient.

Distinctive Features of Rice Vinegar

Rice vinegar is a healthy, low-calorie product that has a mild taste and less acidity than other types. It is obtained from black rice or rice wine. Has a delicate aroma. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect when preparing raw fish dishes. Kills unwanted bacteria, which protects the body from poisoning. It is a mandatory ingredient for sushi and rolls.

Rice vinegar comes in several varieties.

  • White, having a sweetish taste, but less sour than regular vinegar. In appearance, it is a colorless liquid obtained from glutinous rice. It is used for preparing sweet dishes and pickling vegetables. This liquid can be seen in the photo.
  • Black, having a smoky aroma and, accordingly, dark color. It is obtained from sweet or glutinous rice. Used as a sauce for stews. He is also present in the photo below.
  • Red, with a sweetish aroma and tart taste. The color is a little lighter than black. Red yeast rice is the product from which this solution is derived. Used for preparing seafood dishes, noodles and soups. Photos are attached.

Types of Rice Vinegar

Rice vinegar has many benefits. It has a high content of vitamins and minerals. The large amount of amino acids it contains fights toxins and support the body's immunity. In addition, it helps normalize metabolism, does not harm the gastric mucosa, lowers blood sugar levels, and also prevents the formation of fatty deposits on the liver.

How to use rice vinegar

How to make rice vinegar

The following ingredients are required for preparation:

  • water 250 ml;
  • dry yeast one third part tsp;
  • one cup short grain rice;
  • sugar four tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

Homemade rice vinegar is ready!

Rice vinegar - what can you replace it with?

If you don’t want to make rice vinegar yourself, and it’s not available in stores, then there are several alternative ways to replace it.

All of these methods have a similar preparation process. Place all ingredients in an enamel bowl and bring to a boil. But you should not let the mixture boil. The solution is ready when the sugar and salt are completely dissolved.

Another alternative replacement method. To prepare the dressing you can use nori sheets, but not kelp.


  • salt 0.5 tsp;
  • apple cider vinegar 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • nori sheet 1-2 pcs.;
  • sugar 2.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Chop the nori and beat until smooth.
  2. Heat all ingredients except nori until dissolved, then add nori.
  3. Do not let the mixture boil.

It is not recommended to make sushi dressing from balsamic vinegar, as it has a special, specific taste that can change the taste of sushi for the worse.

Knowing all the ways to replace rice vinegar, as well as options for creating it at home, difficulties in preparing delicious dishes will not arise. And sushi and rolls will become frequent guests not only on holiday tables.

Gained fame in our country due to its growing popularity Japanese cuisine. After all, it is this spice that is used as vinegar for preparing rice, which is part of rolls and sushi.

However, the availability of Asian sous is not widespread at the moment and ways may be needed to replace the overseas seasoning with similar ingredients without losing its beneficial qualities.

Finding an alternative is not a futile exercise for several reasons:

  1. Most “spare” recipes are based on other types of vinegar (, etc.), so the body will easily receive a portion of the necessary amino acids.
  2. The taste qualities when replacing one type with another practically do not change, unless the initial concentration of the solution is exceeded. Asian sous is soft and neutral, so the strength of alternative ingredients should not be higher than 3%-4%.
  3. Substitute recipes, while preserving the features of the original, add new flavor notes and other components important to the body to the seasoning.

There are many interesting options an alternative way to prepare this seasoning. Most of them are easy to do at home without major financial outlay.

What to replace: recipes from available products

An arsenal of substitutes is stored in every refrigerator or kitchen cabinet. Commonly available products include lemon, soy sauce, table vinegar, ginger, etc.

Apple and wine cider vinegar dressing

Despite large number substitutes, the most delicious for connoisseurs of Asian cuisine is still homemade rice vinegar or, “on a quick fix", purchased.

This is interesting! The production and consumption of rice vinegar began two thousand years ago. Contrary to popular belief, the birthplace of this seasoning is not Japan, but China.

Rice vinegar is an unusual and unique product that is widely used in cooking, medicine and the beauty industry. It has a rich centuries-old history and many options for replacement. It is important that most analogues, along with the original, have beneficial influence on the body, providing it with amino acids and other equally useful substances.

The history of the origin of rice vinegar goes back a little more than 20 centuries; it was then that it was created and prepared in China. And in the 3rd century BC, the Japanese began to actively use it in cooking, and it was from there that it began its journey to other countries of the globe.

At that time, not everyone could afford to use such a luxurious product, since it had a fairly high cost. It was used as a seasoning for culinary masterpieces with rice.

Over the years, rice vinegar began to be used for sushi rice. Following all the Japanese canons of those times, the recipe for creating sushi had the following sequence: raw fish was seasoned with salt and combined with rice. This combination of ingredients made it possible, using fish enzymes, to extract lactic acid from rice, which actually gave the fish a slightly sour taste and helped extend the shelf life of sushi to almost one year.

Sushi rice vinegar, unlike other vinegars, has a rather mild taste. Besides this this product has excellent antibacterial properties, because many Japanese dishes are created from fresh fish. Rice vinegar is expensive, so you can easily make it at home.

For those who don’t know how to replace rice vinegar for sushi, let’s reveal a little secret: it can be regular wine, apple or table vinegar. But you need to remember that the above vinegars have a more pronounced sour taste, so you need to season sushi rice with them extremely carefully and in moderation.

How to make rice vinegar for sushi at home

It turns out that not everyone can buy ready-made rice vinegar for sushi in the store; it can be prepared at home. There are several alternative recipes to prepare rice vinegar for sushi.

For it you will need:

60ml grape vinegar;

3 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt.

All products are mixed and put on fire so that the bulk ingredients dissolve. But you can’t let it boil.

Another option for homemade rice vinegar is a combination of apple cider vinegar, hot water, sugar and salt.