Making pumpkin smoothies in a blender. Simple vitamin-rich pumpkin smoothie recipes

Hello dear readers. Smoothie is a sweet and sometimes (with a purely vegetable composition) salty drink that has become very popular in the last 15-20 years in our country. In the United States, smoothies, first described in the early 30s of the last century, became widely known only in 1970, when this drink began to be produced industrially and it appeared on store shelves. It is prepared from fruits, vegetables, berries and other fruits crushed to a homogeneous state with a blender or food processor. More often - one type, but sometimes various fruits and vegetables are combined in the drink. Usually this is a viscous and thick dessert. This is more food than drink, although the consistency is liquid.

Common recipes advise preparing smoothies from garden strawberries (strawberries), raspberries, bananas, and apples. We want to consider a drink that is somewhat unusual in our country: pumpkin smoothie.

At the end of summer and autumn, many housewives are faced with the issue of storing and processing this productive vegetable.

If storage does not cause any particular difficulties, then processing is limited to a relatively small number of known recipes. Pumpkin porridge, pumpkin smoothie, pumpkin jam, maybe candied fruits.

According to historians, in its homeland (Central America), pumpkin was used more fully: flowers, young shoots, leaves and, of course, fruits were eaten, and pumpkin oil was squeezed from the seeds.

Is pumpkin useful and why?

According to the results of laboratory studies, it is known that the fruits of this vegetable contain high levels of vitamin A - up to 28%, β-carotene - up to 30%, B vitamins (up to 15-17%), C (ascorbic acid) - up to 9%, as well as macro - and microelements. Pumpkin contains high levels of cobalt, magnesium, and copper.

Vitamin A improves vision, normalizes some skin functions;

β-carotene – a natural immunomodulator that increases the human body’s resistance to stress and disease;

B vitamins ;

B1 (thiamine) prevents the development of disorders of nervous activity, has an anticonvulsant effect;

B2 (riboflavin) participates in the production of antibodies, in the formation of red blood cells, supports liver metabolism, skin immunity;

B5 (pantothenic acid) participates in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, synthesis of amino acids, etc.;

Vitamin K strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability (anti-edematous effect);

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) affects the condition of the skin and hair. Also normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;

Microelements - necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body.

At the same time, the calorie content of pumpkin is very low - only 22 kcal per 100 g of product. More than 90% of this vegetable consists of water.

Nutrient composition of pumpkin (per 100 g of product):

  • Vegetable proteins 1 g.
  • Fats and oils 0.1 g.
  • Carbohydrates 4.4 g.
  • Fiber and plant fibers 2 g.

Pumpkin is known for its very high iron content, which has a beneficial effect on hemoglobin synthesis and the production of red blood cells in people who regularly eat it.

The presence of ascorbic acid increases the body's overall resistance and prevents bleeding gums and loose teeth (scurvy).

The rather high potassium content in pumpkin has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and helps normalize blood pressure.

Pectin fibers, which are a good adsorbent, help rid the body of excess cholesterol and large amounts of toxins.

Pumpkin is also known for its pronounced diuretic and decongestant effect, which stimulates kidney function, helps flush out sand from them and the bladder, and eliminates stagnation of urine.

The choleretic effect of pumpkin and its seeds is also described in the medical literature, which helps to liquefy bile, eliminate its stagnation and the formation of gallstones.

During heat treatment (cooking, baking, frying), most of the vitamins are destroyed. For maximum preservation, it is advisable to use pumpkin raw or pasteurized, and smoothies are one way to use it.

Adding a drink made from pumpkin chopped in a blender to your diet allows you to:

  • Get an apparent satiation effect when consuming a very low-calorie product (due to the high content of fiber and indigestible plant fibers in pumpkin).
  • Add variety to your regular daily diet.
  • Saturate the body with microelements and many vitamins necessary for its proper functioning.
  • Remove numerous toxic products and waste from organs and tissues.
  • There are many recipes for making smoothies from this vegetable at home, we will consider only a few of them.

Pumpkin smoothie. Recipes - simple, fast, healthy

You can make a smoothie using only pumpkin, but it is much tastier and healthier to combine several different ingredients in the drink. Pumpkin goes well in one dish with many fruits, berries and vegetables.

Before cooking, the pumpkin is cut in half and the seeds are removed, which can then be dried and used for germination or as food. Then peel the vegetable and cut into cubes. Store cut pumpkin in the refrigerator.

If root vegetables are used to prepare a smoothie, they are thoroughly washed, the skins are also peeled, and they must be scalded with boiling water - after all, they will have to be consumed raw.

The simplest recipe is a smoothie made from just pumpkin. To do this, pieces of the vegetable with the addition of a teaspoon of honey are crushed and whipped in a blender and poured into glasses or glasses. But such a drink is still not for everyone. Therefore, slightly more complex, but noticeably tastier options are offered below.

1. Pumpkin and carrot smoothie

A small pumpkin is peeled and seeds cut into cubes, and 1-2 pre-washed and peeled carrots are grated on a coarse grater.

Place in a blender bowl, add 1 glass of water or kefir, to improve the taste - 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and spices (optional: cinnamon, vanillin, grated zest or cardamom).

At high speed, the blender grinds and mixes all the ingredients.

2. Pumpkin smoothie with drinking yogurt

The pumpkin pulp is chopped and placed in a blender. Add 1-2 cups of yogurt. If it does not contain fruit or berry additives, you can use persimmon (1 pc.) to improve the taste of the smoothie.

Grind the products in a blender. If necessary, you can dilute the drink with clean drinking water. This composition improves hematopoiesis.

3. Pumpkin smoothie with banana

A hearty and easy-to-prepare drink. Sliced ​​bananas and pumpkin pulp are crushed in a blender, adding ice cream or drinking water.

You can add apple or ginger, depending on your preference. The final product is tasty, satisfying and healthy.

4. Pumpkin-orange smoothie

The combination of pumpkin and citrus fruits has little comparable in terms of brightness of taste. To get an even brighter taste sensation, you can add apricots or dried apricots.

Cinnamon would also be good in this composition. This drink is perfect for breakfast.

5. Pumpkin smoothie with dried dates

Cooking does not take much time, but the dates need to be pitted. You can add persimmon or banana to the main ingredients, and definitely vanillin: this will give you a richer taste.

6. Carrot-pumpkin smoothie with fruit yogurt

The pumpkin is cut into cubes, the carrots are grated on a coarse grater. Place in a blender and grind, adding yogurt. You can season the drink with cinnamon.

7. Smoothie with apples and dried hawthorn infusion

Apples, peeled and cored, are cut into small pieces and placed in a blender. Add chopped pumpkin and grated carrots.

Pre-brewed dried hawthorn (or rosehip) is filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth and the decoction is added to the blender bowl. Grind and beat. You can add a little honey to sweeten the finished drink.

8. Pumpkin smoothie with oatmeal

Pumpkin (about 300 g) and oatmeal (about 3 tablespoons) are ground in a blender, adding a glass of milk and a teaspoon of honey. Beat until smooth.

9. Spicy smoothie

Grind a teaspoon of a mixture of approximately equal amounts of dry ginger root, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and allspice in a mortar, then add it to the blender with the chopped pumpkin and banana, add a little vanilla, sweeten with a teaspoon of honey and grind until smooth and homogeneous. .

You can combine ingredients from different recipes; smoothies allow you to experiment, search and find new solutions.

For example, instead of oranges, lime or grapefruit may be perfect; dates can be replaced with raisins or prunes. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can be used in purely vegetable smoothies.

On the Internet you can find many recipes for making such pumpkin drinks, and often the authors recommend using a baked vegetable for this.

Such smoothies turn out tasty and beautiful, but the amount of vitamins and nutrients in them is significantly reduced due to heat treatment of the pumpkin. The choice, of course, is yours, but we will not consider such recipes here.

To increase the usefulness of the drink, you need to adhere to certain preparation rules. If you follow these simple principles, the smoothie will be tasty, low in calories, and rich in vitamins.

Important - the rule for making smoothies

  1. It is undesirable to use granulated sugar (sucrose) for sweetening - this sharply increases the calorie content of the drink.
  1. Honey can be used to sweeten smoothies, but in very small quantities.
  1. You should not include chocolate in the drink recipe; it is a high-calorie product. In addition, it may cause allergic reactions.
  1. The use of ice cream in smoothies is also not very advisable.
  2. Kefir, yogurt and other dairy products should be low-fat or low-fat.
  1. When preparing a smoothie from vegetables, it is not sweetened, but added with salt. For this, it is better not to use table salt, but to use crushed dried seaweed.
  1. Smoothies should not be consumed chilled - this dulls the sense of taste. In addition, the feeling of satiety comes a little later. It is more difficult to keep track of your total calorie intake when following diets aimed at losing weight. It is better for the drink to be at room temperature.

When not to drink pumpkin smoothie

Despite all the usefulness and ease of preparation, pumpkin drinks have some contraindications. When and who should not eat pumpkin smoothies?

  1. People with acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or sensitive intestines should use these drinks very carefully, preferably after consultation with a gastroenterologist.
  1. All products from which smoothies are prepared must be of very good quality. It is known that vegetables (including pumpkin) grown using nitrogen mineral fertilizers easily accumulate nitrates in their fruiting bodies, which can cause serious food poisoning (nitrate-nitrite intoxication).

You should choose not very large vegetables, since excess nitrogen is manifested by an increase in the size of the fruits of garden crops - this reduces the risk of nitrate poisoning.

If you follow all the rules for preparing and consuming, pumpkin smoothies will perfectly complement your diet, saturate it with vitamins and minerals, and promote good health and mood even on cloudy and cold days.

Let's summarize the information

Pumpkin is an excellent seasonal product to diversify your diet, especially during the vitamin-poor winter season.

But the traditional use of this vegetable involves preliminary heat treatment (baking, boiling), which significantly reduces the amount of vitamins it contains. For greater preservation, you should avoid such processing and use pumpkin raw.

One of the options for this use could be the preparation of tasty and healthy drinks, smoothies and pumpkin juice.

Smoothies have a wide variety of compositions and preparation recipes, which may not cause the effect of satiety with the same product for a long time.

You can consume pumpkin smoothies at any time of the day. This drink is perfect for inclusion in diets and vitamin-mineral diets.

Pumpkin has a therapeutic effect for arteriosclerosis, hypertension, urolithiasis (urolithiasis), anemia, decreased immunity and hypovitaminosis.

It is an excellent means of removing toxins and waste from the body. Gently massages the intestinal lumen, stimulating its proper and regular functioning.

In general, dishes made from this product are almost a real, mega-healthy panacea for the whole body.

It can heal not only the physical body, but also the nervous system, because just the pleasure of this delicacy is worth it! This is the best natural psychotherapy.

The low calorie content of pumpkin dishes makes it possible to use such dishes in diets whose goal is weight loss. At the same time, the volume and saturation with fiber and pectin fibers creates the effect of satiety.

Storing pumpkin at home is not very difficult; its availability and widespread use contribute to well-deserved love among the population. Remember this healthy and not at all scarce product not only on Halloween, and be sure to try making a pumpkin smoothie according to one of the presented recipes. You'll like it!

This pumpkin and carrot smoothie is not only delicious and flavorful, but also beneficial for gut health.

Pumpkin and carrots are among the richest vegetables in composition, and they should be included in your menu as much as possible, especially in season. Some varieties of pumpkin contain even more beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) than carrots. Pumpkin contains valuable carnitine, which is involved in fat burning and providing cells with energy. One tasty way to eat more of these vegetables is to make a pumpkin and carrot smoothie.

And to make this cocktail of carrots and pumpkin healthy for the intestines... regular potato starch will help us.

The thing is that raw potato starch is almost indigestible. This is the so-called stable or resistant starch and it is very important for us. Resistant starch passes almost unchanged through the stomach and small intestine, and enters the large intestine, where it is broken down by enzymes of beneficial intestinal microflora. Bacteria thus receive food, and we receive fermentation products, the main one of which is butyrate (butyric acid) - the main source of energy for intestinal cells.

We don't get enough resistant starch in our diet. But you won’t eat raw starch just like that. By adding it to a smoothie, we get a drink that is good for the intestines and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Let's add lemon juice, which has anti-inflammatory properties and provides organic acids and potassium. To absorb beta-carotene, fats are needed, so add 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream per serving to the smoothie. A few charlotte spices will add a piquant flavor to the drink. I use a mixture of ground: 1 part ginger, 1 part nutmeg and 4 parts cinnamon.

This smoothie made from carrots and pumpkin has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, with the aroma of spices. This cocktail is not only healthy, it alkalizes the internal environment of the body, which is also important for us.

Do not add sugar: this will significantly reduce the value of the drink. If you want to sweeten it, add stevia. It's a great natural sugar substitute - 15 times sweeter - and good to have on hand. Or a little bit of natural honey.

Pumpkin Carrot Smoothie Recipe

Take ripe orange pumpkin and sweet juicy carrots. Let's consider two cooking options: with carrot juice and with grated carrots. A smoothie with carrot juice will taste better.

Pumpkin smoothie with carrot juice

Ingredients for 2 servings for immersion blender:

  • carrot juice – 1 glass
  • juice of 1/2-1 lemon
  • sour cream – 2-4 tsp.

Blend in a blender until smooth.

Pumpkin smoothie with grated carrots


  • pumpkin, diced - 1 cup
  • grated carrots – 1.5 cups
  • water – 2/3 cup
  • juice of 1/2-1 lemon
  • potato starch – 2-4 tsp.
  • ginger, 1 cm piece, finely chopped
  • spices for charlotte – 1/2 tsp.
  • sour cream – 2-4 tsp.

Blend in a blender at high speed.

Sergey Rubanov


The now popular vitamin-rich smoothie cocktails have become not only drinks, but also real food for many people. They replace breakfast, lunch and dinner. During a diet, smoothies are the best solution to hunger, and they are also very tasty. Have you tried a bright pumpkin smoothie for weight loss and just like that?

You will enjoy the rich taste and aroma of this orange half-dessert-half-drink not only during a diet or detox, but at any time. Pumpkin smoothie is very filling and healthy. Combine pumpkin with sour cream, kefir or yogurt, if desired. Pumpkin cocktail can also be offered to children.


  • pumpkin (pulp) 250 g
  • yogurt or sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
  • sugar or honey to taste
  • water 50 ml

How to make a pumpkin smoothie

We made the most delicate and delicious pumpkin smoothie. Very similar to baby food. This cocktail can be consumed chilled with a spoon, but the mass is a bit thick for a straw.

On a note

  • You can make a pumpkin smoothie by slightly changing the recipe. Instead of sour cream or yogurt, add, for example, orange juice. And you will get a vitamin pumpkin dessert with a bright citrus note.
  • If you wish, you can add dried fruits, apples or nuts to the smoothie, grinding thoroughly.
  • Did you know that if you combine a pumpkin smoothie with gelatin swollen in water, you get a great pumpkin jelly? You see how many delicious things you can make from the base in the form of a smoothie. Try, cook, experiment, and of course, get benefits and pleasure.

Good afternoon.

Well, harvesting from our gardens and orchards is in full swing, let's see what can be prepared from vegetables and fruits so that it is both tasty and healthy. Salads, of course, are a good thing, but there is another option. I'm talking about smoothies and cocktails.

Smoothies are a fairly new dish on our table and not everyone understands what they are. Many people think that this is a cocktail where vegetables are added instead of fruit. This is wrong. A smoothie differs from a cocktail only in its consistency. It's thicker. And it is customary not to drink it, but to eat it with a spoon. So a smoothie is closer in essence to a puree soup than to a cocktail. And the ingredients may be absolutely the same.

There are a huge number of recipes for making smoothies and cocktails, but I would like to dedicate this article to dietary recipes for weight loss. Therefore, there will be no chocolate and bananas here. Only fiber-rich fruits and vegetables that will help you fill up and have fun at the same time.

How to drink smoothies and cocktails for weight loss

The most important point. Do not think that by including these drinks in your diet, you will begin to rapidly lose weight. No. The whole point is that it is a tasty and healthy alternative to our traditional dishes. Tired of eating vegetable salad? Just throw the same ingredients into a blender and you've got the original product. Are you used to snacking on sweets before lunch? Make a smoothie and snack on it.

What does this give? The salad is usually dressed with butter or sour cream. And in smoothies these ingredients are replaced with kefir or cottage cheese. As a result, you get a dish with much lower calorie content. I’m not even talking about replacing sweets with cocktails.

Therefore, this is what I propose. If you eat a lot (and if you're struggling to lose weight, you're clearly eating a lot), then replacing a few meals with smoothies can tip the calorie scale in your favor.

However, I am by no means saying that you should only eat smoothies. This is an extremely wrong tactic, depriving you of a huge number of elements necessary for the body, which it usually takes from meat, grains and other traditional foods.

First of all, replace all your bun snacks with shakes and smoothies. This, firstly, will reduce the daily calorie intake, and secondly, it will have a beneficial effect on digestion in general, since these drinks are rich in vitamins that help improve the functioning of the digestive organs.

Stick to this diet for 2-3 weeks. Even if you don’t notice any results in the form of weight loss, there will still be benefits - you will eat less. Most likely, you will give up the usual 2-3 snacks, leaving only one, since if you eat enough fiber, you will feel full for a long time. And this will be a good reason to move on to the next step.

Replace dinner with a vegetable smoothie and keep only one snack in your diet. For example, don’t eat between breakfast and lunch (yes, for this you need to learn to have a good breakfast, not everyone knows how to do this), eat a fruit and vegetable smoothie for an afternoon snack and have a vegetable smoothie for dinner. I guarantee that with this approach you will definitely lose weight. I don’t promise fantastic results (after all, I’m not going to sell you anything), but you can count on 2-3 kg per month. Those who lose weight for real, and not occasionally, will confirm that this is a very good result.

Smoothies for weight loss for type 2 diabetes

Since many people think that a smoothie is something like a cocktail, it should not be consumed if you have type 2 diabetes. I will dispel your doubts.

Cocktails are usually based on juice. Most juices are contraindicated for diabetics, because... they contain sucrose, which increases blood sugar. It turns out that a diabetic can eat an apple, because one apple (or other fruit) does not contain a lot of sucrose and a lot of soluble fiber (pectin), which prevents its absorption. And drinking a glass of juice from the same apples is no longer recommended, because preparing it will require 3-4 fruits (which increases the sucrose content) and it no longer contains fiber (all the pulp is thrown away).

Smoothies are prepared differently; you don’t need three apples, just one is enough. And the cake is not thrown away, so the beneficial fiber remains in the finished dish.

So, if your doctor has given you permission to eat certain fruits, you can easily make a smoothie out of them. But the cocktails really aren't worth it.

Recipes for smoothies and cocktails in a blender for weight loss

Well, it seems that I’ve sorted out the main points, let’s move on directly to the recipes. Try different ones, because... Any monotonous food sooner or later gets boring, and only a large variety allows you to last long enough to get the desired results.

Never add sugar to smoothies. The smoothie should remain dietary and low-calorie!

Yes, a couple more points. To make a smoothie, you guessed it, you need a blender. Use a mince attachment or a bowl with a sharp chopper. You won’t be able to achieve the desired consistency otherwise. And I will not give you step-by-step smoothie recipes with photos for the simple reason that their preparation does not require complex and incomprehensible operations. We chopped it, removed the core and seeds, threw it into a blender and beat until smooth. Nothing complicated.

The result will be a rather thick puree, which is called a smoothie and should be eaten with a spoon. If you want to turn it into a drinking cocktail, then after preparation you can add a glass of suitable juice or just water.

Pumpkin smoothie

There is one important nuance here: hard vegetables, such as pumpkin, beets or carrots, must first be peeled and grated.

Pumpkin with oat flakes

An excellent option for breakfast.

  • 300g grated pumpkin pulp
  • 3 tablespoons oatmeal
  • 1 cup milk (2 cups if you want it to be a smoothie)
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Place the pumpkin in a blender cup, pour in the cereal, pour in the milk and honey. Mix until smooth.

Pumpkin with cinnamon, lemon and grapefruit

  • 400g grated pumpkin pulp
  • half peeled grapefruit (kernel)
  • 1 medium lemon, peeled
  • half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend.

Pumpkin with apple and pear

  • 200g grated pumpkin pulp
  • 1 apple
  • 1 pear
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Similarly, cut the fruit and remove the seeds, put it in a bowl and beat. To make a cocktail, add 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice or water.

Smoothie with carrots

If you like carrot juice, then you will definitely like carrot smoothie.

From carrots with apple and parsley

  • 1 medium grated carrot
  • 1 apple
  • bunch of parsley
  • 2 lettuce leaves

We cut the apple, wash the parsley and lettuce and dry it. Grind with a blender. To make a cocktail, add freshly squeezed apple juice.

Vegetable smoothie made from carrots, celery and tomatoes

Only vegetables, great dinner.

  • 2 medium grated carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 tomato

Place everything in a bowl, add a little salt and pepper, and whisk.

From carrots with broccoli, apple and orange

  • 1 medium grated carrot
  • 4 pieces of broccoli florets
  • 1 apple
  • 2 oranges

We clean, cut, put in a blender and grind until smooth. To make a drinking cocktail, add a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Detox smoothie with carrots, dill and lemon

  • 2 medium grated carrots
  • 1 lemon, peeled
  • bunch of dill

Place in a bowl and grind. If necessary, dilute with water

Smoothie with cabbage

There is also a little trick in making cabbage smoothies. After separating the leaves from the head of cabbage, you must first put them in a bag and put them in the freezer for half an hour. This allows you to remove the harsh cabbage taste. Before cooking, first of all, cabbage leaves are chopped and crushed in a blender with a small amount of water. The rest of the ingredients come after.

Green cabbage smoothie with broccoli, celery and apple juice

Tart original taste

  • 3 leaves of cabbage
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 3-4 broccoli
  • 100ml freshly squeezed apple juice

Place the ingredients in a blender bowl, add juice and blend.

Classic cabbage smoothie with kefir

An excellent option for a fasting day.

  • 3-4 leaves of cabbage
  • half a glass of low-fat kefir

The simplest recipe and minimum ingredients without sacrificing taste. Beat the cabbage, add kefir and beat again.

Original kale smoothie with fruit and cream

Don't be intimidated by such unusual ingredients. The taste is very interesting.

  • 3 leaves of cabbage
  • 1 pear
  • 1 tablespoon seaweed
  • 1 kiwi
  • 2 tablespoons low-fat cream

Beat the ingredients in a blender, add a glass of boiled water and blend again.

Smoothie with cucumber

You can choose a simple recipe, or you can get a little involved and make something very spicy.

Cucumber with parsley

  • 2-3 cucumbers
  • bunch of parsley

Tired of pure cucumbers? Make this smoothie and discover a new fresh taste.

Cucumber with kiwi and pineapple

A very interesting combination of sour and sweet. I recommend.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 200 grams of pineapple pulp
  • 1 kiwi without peel

Cut everything into small cubes and grind in a blender. To add more sourness, squeeze a few drops of lemon into the finished smoothie.

Cucumber with apple and lime

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 apple
  • 1/2 lime, peeled

Beat all ingredients with a blender until smooth.

Smoothie with beets

These are the so-called red smoothies.

Beetroot with sweet pepper and ginger

Another representative of the few purely vegetable cocktails.

  • 1 grated beet
  • 1 sweet red pepper
  • 1 leaf of cabbage
  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • water, ice cubes

Grind all the ingredients in a blender, then add water to the desired consistency (if you want it to be a smoothie, you can add only 5-6 ice cubes, if it’s a cocktail, then add one glass of water) and beat thoroughly again.

Beetroot on kefir with apple and carrots

  • 1 grated beet
  • 1 apple
  • 1 medium grated carrot
  • half a glass of low-fat kefir or natural yogurt

Beat everything in a blender bowl; if the consistency is too thick, you can dilute it with water.

Smoothies for weight loss at home

As I said at the beginning, there are simply an incredible number of recipes and options for making smoothies. I have written here recipes that will be ideal for weight loss, due to the predominance of vegetables in them. But this does not mean that you should limit your choice only to them. Try, experiment, mix and try again. A smoothie is a dish that does not require overseas ingredients (no, there are, of course, recipes with mango, avocado and other exotics, but this is for ardent fans) and does not require much time to prepare. So you can try something new and interesting every day without spending a ton of time in the kitchen.

That's all I have for today. Thank you for your attention and good luck on your way to the figure of your dreams.

A smoothie is a thick cocktail. It is made using berries, vegetables, fruits, milk, kefir, herbs and various additives. Its goal is to provide the body with vitamins and nutrients, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and activate metabolism. Smoothies purchased in stores are not healthy due to flavorings, sugar and various additives in the composition. In order for the product to be as healthy as possible, it must be prepared independently.

Vegetable energy drinks are less common than fruit energy drinks. But they often have more benefits, and they can be no less tasty. One of the foods that is healthy and can be used to create a smoothie is pumpkin.

Pumpkin: health benefits, contraindications

Using pumpkin as an ingredient in smoothies allows you to get maximum benefits for the body. Despite the fact that the vegetable is useful even after heat treatment, some of the substances in it are destroyed. Therefore, consuming it raw is the most beneficial.

Pumpkin should be present in the diet of people of all ages. It is equally useful for men and women. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication. The vegetable consumed during this period will have a strengthening effect on the body, relieve constipation and calm the woman’s nervous system.

Pumpkin is also good for children. The vegetable is one of those that almost never causes an allergic reaction, so it can be used as a first complementary food. It will strengthen the immune system, prevent rickets, and provide all the elements required for full growth and development.

  • Stimulates metabolism.
  • Has a diuretic and laxative effect.
  • Removes water, toxins and waste from the body.
  • Fights “bad” cholesterol and keeps blood vessels clean.
  • Has calming properties.
  • It has a strengthening effect on hair and nails.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Good for eye health.
  • Supports hormonal levels.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Normalizes.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Has a choleretic effect.

For some diseases, pumpkin brings maximum benefits. These include:

  • Gout.
  • Diseases of the intestinal system, including constipation.
  • Gallbladder problems.
  • Overweight.
  • Kidney and liver problems.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Increased nervousness.
  • Heart problems.
  • Problems with the vascular system.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Colds.

Pumpkin vitamin composition

Pumpkin is a low-calorie product (22 kcal per 100 grams of vegetable), almost entirely consisting of water.

Pumpkin contains the largest amounts of B vitamins (about 15%), vitamin A (about 28%), beta-carotene (about 30%), and vitamin C (about 9%). The leading elements are magnesium, cobalt, and copper.


  • It is important for vision and is responsible for skin elasticity. Deficiency can lead to poor reproductive function.
  • Beta carotene necessary for immunity. Increases stress resistance.
  • IN 1 required by the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, used in various metabolic processes.
  • AT 2 takes part in the synthesis of red blood cells, helps to absorb many substances.
  • AT 5 necessary for the production of amino acids and the full metabolism of various substances. Stimulates thought processes, improves memory.
  • AT 6 Helps the circulatory system to function fully by cleaning it from cholesterol deposits.
  • WITH– the most important vitamin for immunity. In addition to the fact that it helps resist colds, it promotes the rapid removal of toxins.
  • D Helps calcium be absorbed in the body. It is especially important for children, whose skeletal system is developing, and for older people, whose bone fragility increases.
  • E– is a vitamin of “youth”. It has an anti-aging effect on the skin, heart, and reproductive system. Has a calming effect.
  • TO– necessary for protein production, eliminates vascular fragility.

Micro- and macroelements:

  • Iron necessary for hemoglobin synthesis, important for the immune system.
  • Potassium helps normalize heart rate and blood pressure. Activates performance and reduces fatigue. Required by the intestines and kidneys.
  • Calcium necessary for blood vessels, heart, bones, hair, teeth, nails.
  • Cobalt participates in the synthesis of hormones, protects blood vessels from cholesterol deposits.
  • Magnesium used by the endocrine system, allows stabilization.
  • Copper participates in the production of various enzymes. Required by the brain, participates in tissue respiration.

In addition, the composition contains fiber (about 2 grams per 100 grams of product), which is necessary for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And pectin fibers, which remove cholesterol and toxins from the body.

People with diabetes, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, and gastritis should treat pumpkin with caution. It should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance. In addition, in rare cases it can cause increased gas formation. Excessive consumption of pumpkin can lead to skin discoloration.

Beneficial properties of smoothies

The cocktail has cleansing properties and nourishes the body with all useful substances. This form allows you to introduce vegetables into your menu that are rarely used in everyday life.

A smoothie can be used as a snack; it gives you energy and helps you reduce your intake of high-calorie foods. The advantage of the cocktail is that it can be prepared from one component or several. In this way, you can combine the beneficial properties of different vegetables and fruits. Smoothies are liked not only by adults, but also by children. It helps reduce cravings for sweets.

Many people believe that smoothies and squeezed juices are the same thing and their properties are identical. However, juices do not allow you to obtain all the available substances in full, since a sufficient amount of them remains in the cake. In addition, juices are quickly digested and sharply increase blood sugar levels. They are not recommended for people suffering from excess weight, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases and children.

A smoothie uses the entire product as it is simply ground into a drink. The cocktail contains all the vitamins, minerals, fiber, fats present in the ingredients used. Substances entering the body are absorbed more slowly, so blood sugar levels do not rise above acceptable values.

Rules for making smoothies

A blender is used to prepare the drink. All the components of the future cocktail are placed in it and whipped until smooth. To make the smoothie as healthy as possible, it is recommended to use seasonal vegetables and fruits. That is why autumn is the season when you can actively use pumpkin.

When using store-bought vegetables and fruits, it is recommended to peel off their skins, which contain a large amount of harmful substances.

Vegetable smoothies are preferable to fruit smoothies. At the same time, to diversify the taste, they can be combined. The best ratio is 70% vegetables and 30% fruits. Greens are also added to smoothies.

In order to be able to enjoy delicious and healthy cocktails throughout the year, it is recommended to freeze seasonal fruits, vegetables and berries. This method of preservation allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients.

The cocktail can be prepared only from pumpkin or you can create a variety of combinations. Pumpkin smoothie has many beneficial qualities:

  1. Allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger. Plant fibers nourish the body well. Low energy value allows you to get rid of excess weight.
  2. Allows you to provide the body with all the necessary substances to maintain health and youth.
  3. Helps cleanse the body of waste, toxins,...
  4. Is an excellent product for children.
  5. The cocktail is a good solution for diversifying the daily menu.
  6. Pumpkin is a vegetable that goes well with many fruits and vegetables. This allows you to create a wide variety of flavor combinations by adjusting the energy value.

There are many ways to make smoothies using pumpkin, allowing you to constantly experiment with flavors.


The benefit of such a cocktail is not only in obtaining a large amount of useful substances. It is recommended to be included in the diet of those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and vision. It helps improve the condition of hair and skin.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Carrots – 0.1 kg.
  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.15 kg.
  • Natural yoghurt – 0.25 l.

The pumpkin is cut into pieces, the carrots need to be grated. The ingredients are placed in a blender, yogurt is poured in and whipped at maximum speed. If desired, at the end of cooking you can add cinnamon or other spices, as well as honey.

Pumpkin-yogurt with persimmon

This combination of products is suitable for those who have low hemoglobin levels.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg.
  • Persimmon – 0.2 kg.
  • Natural yoghurt – 0.5 l.

Pumpkin and persimmon are cut into pieces, placed in a blender and crushed until smooth. Then the yogurt is poured in and the ingredients are whipped with a blender. If the smoothie turns out to be very thick, you can add water to it.

Pumpkin orange

A good combination for a cheerful morning and a boost of energy for the whole day. Can be a complete breakfast substitute.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg.
  • Orange – 1 pc.
  • Apricots/dates/dried apricots – 5 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.

The ingredients are cleaned, cut into pieces and placed in a blender. Add cinnamon and beat at maximum speed until done.


Pumpkin goes well with various dried fruits, including dates.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.3 kg.
  • Dates (dried) – 5 pcs.
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • Banana/persimmon – 0.2 kg.
  • Milk/water – 0.5 l.

The pumpkin is sliced ​​and baked. The banana is peeled, and the seeds are removed from persimmons and dates. All ingredients are placed in a blender, lemon juice is poured in and everything is whipped until pureed. Then add milk/water and beat again.

Pumpkin ginger

A smoothie with ginger is intended for those who want to lose weight, as the root has fat-burning properties.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.2 kg.
  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Ground ginger – 2 tsp.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • Chopped almonds – 30 gr.

The components are chopped and placed in a blender. Spices and honey are added. Everything is whipped until smooth. The cocktail is poured into a glass and sprinkled with almonds.

Pumpkin seed smoothie

The recipe is intended to cleanse the body.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin seeds – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Banana – 1 pc.
  • Apple – 1 pc.
  • Cereal flakes – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Kefir – 0.15 l.

The fruits are peeled and cut into pieces and placed in a blender. Flakes and seeds are poured in, kefir is poured in. All ingredients are whipped in a blender. If the cocktail is too thick, you need to dilute it with water.

Pumpkin milk with oat flakes

A smoothie prepared according to this recipe has immunostimulating properties.

For the cocktail we use:

  • Pumpkin pulp – 0.2 kg.
  • Oatmeal – 2.5 tbsp. l.
  • Milk – 0.2 l.
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon – 0.5 tsp.

The pumpkin is cut and placed in a blender, all other ingredients are added. Everything is whipped until smooth.

There is no strict number of ingredients in a smoothie; everyone makes it according to their own taste. We have presented to your attention the recipes that are most often prepared and have already proven their taste. Vegetable puree can be diluted with water or other liquids (not juices). The same applies to yoghurts.

In order for the cocktail to be beneficial, regardless of the selected components, sugar should not be added to it. If necessary, it is recommended to replace it with honey. Ice cream and chocolate will make the smoothie tastier, but will add sugar and calories. Therefore, they are recommended to be used in rare cases. Added fermented milk products should be low in fat.

It is important to pay attention to the temperature of the smoothie. A cold shake slows down the rate at which your brain receives information about satiety, so you may drink more of it than you should.

When choosing smoothie ingredients, you need to keep your individual health concerns in mind. This is especially true for those who suffer from diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, and obesity.

In processed foods, beneficial substances are quickly destroyed, so you must start drinking the cocktail immediately after preparation. It should not be done for several days.

Using ingredients that are in season and as fresh as possible will help create the healthiest smoothie possible.

A smoothie is a cocktail rich in vitamins and various elements. Its regular consumption will help avoid vitamin deficiency and improve the condition of the body. In addition, the pumpkin component can be supplemented with other ingredients.

And most importantly, do not forget that pumpkin is better absorbed with fats. Therefore, you can add olive oil or full-fat dairy products to smoothies.