White cabbage: benefits and harms, composition, calorie content. White cabbage, benefits and harm to the body Cabbage contraindications

White cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables in our country. All this is due to excellent yield, long-term storage, excellent taste and composition rich in nutrients. White cabbage is an integral component and necessary for people leading.

Composition of white cabbage:
The composition of white cabbage is rich in substances beneficial to human health. Cabbage contains fiber, starch, pectins, organic acids, sugars, amino acids, K, P, U, group B, phosphorus, sulfur, and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Calorie content of white cabbage:
The calorie content of white cabbage is about 30 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Useful properties of white cabbage:

  • White cabbage helps strengthen the immune system and saturates the body with vitamins.
  • Like other types (, and), white cabbage reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Useful for the cardiovascular system, reduces cholesterol, improves blood circulation and blood composition, and helps remove excess fluid from the body.
  • White cabbage has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, protecting it from various diseases, improves intestinal microflora, normalizes metabolism, and promotes the elimination of toxins. In folk medicine, freshly squeezed cabbage juice is used to treat peptic ulcers.
  • Cabbage is good for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Cabbage helps cope with tubercle bacilli, Staphylococcus aureus and other harmful microbes.
  • Experts recommend eating cabbage for overweight people.
  • Both fresh and pickled cabbage has a positive effect on the condition of the oral cavity, helping to cope with bleeding gums, stomatitis and even toothache.
  • Doctors advise middle-aged and elderly people to eat cabbage every day.

Contraindications for white cabbage:
You should not eat cabbage in very large quantities. Experts recommend limiting the consumption of cabbage in case of pancreatitis, exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, so people suffering from these diseases should consult a doctor before use.

Cabbage leaf with honey is the most effective of all home remedies for cough. It is usually used as a compress that helps soothe pain and reduce inflammation in the human body. Sometimes it is enough to do just a few procedures to overcome the disease. The most important thing is not to start the course of the disease and start doing procedures on time.

Cabbage leaf medicinal properties and contraindications

Cabbage allows you to saturate the human body with a huge amount of diverse and beneficial substances. At the same time, it has very few contraindications for use.

Medicinal properties

The fact that ascorbic acid predominates in cabbage leaves has long been no secret to anyone. However, some medicinal properties have been discovered only recently.

The main benefits of eating cabbage leaves:

  • In addition to its main medicinal properties, it has an anesthetic effect and is successfully used in the treatment of joint diseases.
  • Helps treat cough. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Successfully used in the fight against mastopathy. Has a general strengthening effect.
  • Helps cope with swelling.
  • Cabbage leaves improve blood circulation and remarkably reduce cholesterol levels; its medicinal properties can hardly be overestimated.


  • It is not recommended for spasms and intestinal diseases, as it may cause increased pain;
  • Contraindicated for people with high levels of acidity in the body;
  • Should not be used by people after a heart attack;
  • A poorly processed vegetable can cause stomach problems.

Some types

People who are interested in treatment with home remedies have a question: “What kind of cabbage is there, what beneficial properties and contraindications does it have?”

There are many different types of cabbage. The most famous are cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Peking and broccoli. All of them undoubtedly have healing qualities.

White cabbage

  • Enriches the human body with vitamins and helps strengthen its protective properties.
  • With regular use, it reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Cabbage leaves are excellent for arthrosis of the knee joint.
  • Used as therapy for colds.
  • Used to treat mastopathy.


Kohlrabi cabbage beneficial properties and contraindications:

It has a lot of medicinal qualities: strengthens the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, helps in the treatment of kidneys and liver. Used in home medicine to treat asthma attacks and tuberculosis, and used in the diet for diabetics.
This product has very minor contraindications: it is not recommended for people with hypotension, as it lowers blood pressure and people with high acidity should not eat kohlrabi.


Broccoli has not only beneficial properties and contraindications. Thanks to its amazing chemical composition and high concentration of vitamin C, this species has the following effect on the body:

  • Helps strengthen the body's defenses.
  • Prevents the development of stomach and intestinal diseases.
  • Normalizes and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • It has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels and the thyroid gland.
  • In pregnant women, it reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies.
  • It has an amazing effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Contraindications include personal intolerance and severe gastric diseases.


Cauliflower beneficial properties and contraindications, as well as its general availability, are the main advantages of this type. Regular use leads to the following changes:

  • Helps improve digestion, reduces the risk of developing peptic ulcers.
  • Prevention of cancer.
  • Reduces the risk of birth defects in pregnant women.
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

This vegetable is contraindicated for people with high stomach acidity, for patients with gout, and for allergy sufferers.

The use of cabbage leaves in folk medicine

For any inflammation and pain, you can apply cabbage to the sore spot. Cabbage leaf compress is used to treat varicose veins. Due to its rich vitamin composition, the vegetable is successfully used to treat many diseases.

For cough

For a compress, use cabbage with honey. The leaf must be intact; before use, it must be washed and dried with a napkin. The prepared cabbage is dipped in boiling water, then smeared with honey and the smeared side is applied to the chest area or back.

Cabbage leaf and honey should be used carefully for a child's cough. Reviews about this treatment are mostly favorable, but in some cases children may have allergic reactions to honey.

For lactostasis

Cabbage leaf is very effective for lactostasis; it successfully removes stagnation of milk in the breast.

Basic rules of application:

  • It is necessary to remove the outer white leaves, leaving only the green inner ones.
  • Only freshly washed leaves should be used.
  • Before applying the leaf, remember well, you can grease it with honey.
  • Cover the sheet applied to the diseased area with insulation and create a compress.

For mastopathy

Such a disease as mastopathy is unfortunately familiar to a large number of women. With the help of cabbage, it is possible to quickly prevent swelling and pain. You can use cabbage leaf for mastopathy in the following variations:

  1. Make a compress of fresh cabbage with honey and apply it to your chest overnight.
  2. Grease the leaf with butter and sprinkle with salt, apply three times a day.
  3. Beat with a hammer and apply softened to the chest at night.

The benefits of white cabbage have long been known to everyone, because it is not for nothing that it is considered the queen of the vegetable garden. This root vegetable is mentioned quite often in history. Beautiful and juicy, tasty not only fresh, but also pickled, it is used to prepare a huge number of dishes. Cabbage can be stored all winter without losing its taste or beneficial properties.

The queen of the vegetable garden always takes a lot from the earth, so it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. People actively use cabbage not only for food, but also to treat many diseases.

Chemical composition and calorie content

The vegetable is a biennial plant and belongs to the cruciferous family, genus Brassica.

In the first year, the crop produces heads of cabbage, which are used for cooking. As for the second, she releases an arrow with small yellow flowers. After flowering, seeds are formed that can be germinated for further propagation.

Cabbage heads can be oval, flat or round. They consist of succulent leaves, the lower ones are white with a cream tint, and the upper ones are painted in light green tones.

The culture includes high concentration of microelements and vitamins beneficial to the human body, namely:

The uniqueness of the vegetable lies in its high content of ascorbic acid, which retains its benefits even after long-term storage of the product. For example, after six months of storage, 100 g of cabbage contains at least 50 mg of vitamin C.

An interesting feature is that when cabbage is chopped, ascorbic acid is converted into a bound form - ascorbigen. When interacting with the acidic environment of the stomach, it breaks down into glucobrassicin and vitamin C.

The first segment has the following positive properties on the human body:

  • able to stop the growth of papillomas in papillomatosis;
  • has an anti-estrogenic effect, which is a prevention against breast cancer;
  • suppresses and stops the growth of hormone-dependent cancer cells.

In addition to all of the above, White cabbage contains vitamin U, or S-methylmethionine., which has the following effects on the body.

Today, scientists continue to actively study the beneficial properties of white, blue and cauliflower to create effective drugs for AIDS and cancer.

The vegetable has very little calorie content. 100 g of fresh product contains only 28 kcal. It contains the most carbohydrates - 4.7 g, proteins - 1.8 g and fats only 0.1 g.

The benefits and harms of cabbage

The benefits and harms of fresh cabbage for the body, of course, are not the same. There are much more benefits in it, but you should also be aware of the possible harm.

What medicinal and beneficial properties of white cabbage should be noted? Why is she famous all over the world?

For women and men

With regular consumption of vegetables it has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole. A balanced complex of amino acids and vitamins provides the following results:

Benefits for pregnant women and lactation

Pregnant women and breastfeeding women Your breastfeeding babies should definitely include white cabbage in their diet. The only problem in this case may be flatulence. For this reason, during the period of bearing a child, a woman is recommended to consume the product in fermented form or after heat treatment. The benefits of stewed cabbage for the body are also undeniable.

It is recommended to drink fresh cabbage juice every day on an empty stomach, combining it with a small amount of honey. This drink will prepare a woman’s body for the upcoming birth, reduce irritability and tearfulness, and increase stress resistance. Women during lactation are recommended to eat well-beaten leaves before the first juice appears. This will allow excess milk to drain and get rid of the swelling sensations in the chest.

For the child's health

Regular use of the product will prevent the development of:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stomatitis;
  • rickets.

For the smallest ones, it is recommended to first boil the raw head, and then use a blender to grind it to a puree, adding a small amount of breast milk or the usual mixture.

After getting used to it, milk and formula can simply be eliminated. Cabbage puree effectively removes poisons and toxins from the body, so this dish is especially useful for treatment, as well as for:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • food allergies;
  • diathesis.

After one year, the child should be given vegetable stews and soups with cabbage added. From the age of two - salads from fresh vegetables with the addition of oil. This will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, provide the necessary load to the chewing muscles, and also improve the health of tooth enamel, helping to prevent caries.

In old age

Due to the content of tartonic acid in white cabbage, the vegetable has a rejuvenating and anti-sclerotic effect. Please note that after heat treatment, tartonic acid decomposes.

In old age, it is recommended to eat cabbage salad daily with the addition of amaranth or grape seed oil. If a person is unable to chew on his own, then he should drink the juice in combination with oil. As a result, vigor and lightness will appear, blood vessels will be cleansed, and cholesterol and stool will be normalized.

Sauerkraut is an excellent preventative against aging. It frees the body from free radicals and promotes the absorption of animal protein.

Harm and contraindications

It is harmful to eat too much cabbage, just as it is generally harmful to overeat. An excess of kohlrabi in the body will lead to flatulence, nausea, bloating and pain. This is due to the action of fiber in large quantities. This should be remembered by people who want to get rid of extra pounds with the help of cabbage. It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of blue cabbage, as well as other varieties, are of a similar nature.

Among the contraindications for use, the following should be noted:

  • enterocolitis, pancreatitis;
  • increased intestinal motility;
  • bleeding in the intestines or stomach;
  • exacerbation of intestinal and stomach ulcers (you can make cabbage juice, but you should not drink it without first consulting your doctor).

To prevent viral and cancer diseases, as well as to replenish the body with ascorbic acid, it is recommended to eat at least 200 g of fresh white cabbage daily. During its preparation you should:

  • chop;
  • sprinkle with a little table salt;
  • leave for at least 20 minutes;
  • rub thoroughly with your hands;
  • add seasonings if desired (vegetable oil, honey, lemon juice, etc.).

If desired, you can add an apple, beets, bell pepper, carrots, as well as herbs and any nuts to the salad. In short, there are many recipes and different variations for preparing the salad.

If you regularly eat such a salad for breakfast, the body will be freed of toxins, and the problem of dysbacteriosis and constipation will be solved by itself. It is not recommended to eat vegetables for dinner, so as not to overload the stomach before bed.

Fried, stewed and boiled products can be eaten daily in any quantity, but only if there are no contraindications. It is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Heat treatment should be short-lived (no more than 15 minutes);
  • For cooking, you can use any refined sunflower oil. It can be replaced with butter; it is not recommended to cook with animal fat or margarine;
  • The stalk should be thrown away; the bitter part of the fruit contains all the chemicals that the fruit has absorbed from the ground.

You can eat sauerkraut three times a day to prevent gastritis. It is recommended to do this half an hour before the main meal. The optimal amount is from 50 to 100 g.

Application for weight loss

Given the high content of folic and nicotinic acid with low calorie content, the vegetable is actively used in low carbohydrate diets both on its own and as a side dish.

The cabbage diet can be done once a week. Throughout the day you should eat a salad of fresh leaves, seasoned with lemon juice. Please note that the salad must be prepared without salt.

During the day you can eat another 100 grams of black bread or two eggs. A glass of tomato juice at night won't hurt. This diet will allow you to lose up to two kilograms during the day.

For medicinal purposes

Cabbage leaves are used in folk medicine to treat:

  • boils;
  • mastitis;
  • headaches;
  • joint diseases.

To do this, you need to apply a fresh cabbage leaf to the sore spot. It is recommended to change it every hour. For headaches and migraines, it is useful to apply the leaves to the eyes for a while.

Cabbage juice is broad-spectrum medicine. It is recommended to drink it on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. In its pure form, it effectively dissolves salt deposits in the spine and joints, and improves tooth enamel.

Cabbage is a well-known and widely used vegetable garden crop. At the same time, it has truly miraculous properties.

The nutritional value of cabbage is determined by its composition, which may vary depending on the type and variety. On average, cabbage contains 1.27-3.78% nitrogenous substances and 1.8% proteins. At the same time, it contains extremely little fat - only 0.16-0.67% and carbohydrates - 5.25-8.56%. And it has no cholesterol at all. And the calorie content of raw cabbage is only 24 Kcal per hundred grams of weight. But the bulk of cabbage is water, about 90% of it.

Cabbage contains natural sugars, various minerals (sulfur, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, iron), lipase, protease, lactase and other enzymes, as well as phytoncides. Cabbage contains a lot of vitamins - A, B1, B2 (riboflavin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine), vitamin C (its level does not decrease even with long-term storage and fermentation), K, vitamin U. There is a lot of fiber in cabbage.

Medicinal properties

This composition determines the medicinal qualities of cabbage, which are highly valued in folk medicine. Its leaves are mainly used for these purposes. And after antiulcer components (vitamin U) were identified in cabbage, cabbage is used not only in folk medicine, but also in scientific medicine. The fiber contained in cabbage has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce the amount of fat in the body as a whole.

Attention! Cabbage is contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis and gastric ulcers with increased secretion of gastric juice.

Eating fresh and sauerkraut increases appetite, regulates the secretory activity of the stomach and pancreas, and the fiber contained in cabbage leaves is an effective means of cleansing the digestive tract of toxins, acting as a broom that cleanses out toxins and decomposition products of the intestinal flora.

Cabbage brine also has medicinal properties. It is recommended to drink it for hemorrhoids, constipation, dyspepsia, and liver diseases.

In addition, brine is an effective means of sobering up those intoxicated with alcohol and eliminating the painful consequences of alcohol abuse (hangover).

Finely chopped cabbage leaves are boiled in milk and mixed with bran. This mixture is used externally to treat weeping eczema, as well as scrofula.

A pulp of cabbage leaves ground in a meat grinder is used externally to heal burns, purulent wounds and ulcers.

Cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage juice has medicinal properties and a significant cleansing effect. It is used in the treatment of peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, cabbage juice, like cabbage itself, promotes fermentation processes in the intestines and flatulence. Therefore, it is recommended that before starting to take cabbage juice, cleanse the intestines for two to three weeks.