We prepare kvass from birch sap. How to make kvass from birch sap and raisins at home

Step-by-step recipes kvass from birch sap with bread and dried fruits, malt and honey, grain

2018-05-24 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

1 gr.

0 gr.


11 gr.

51 kcal.

Option 1: Classic birch kvass with bread

Birch sap is a valuable drink with an amazing composition and pleasant taste. Moreover, it can be used as a base for kvass. This is a great way to define somewhere large number juice Here is the simplest recipe for black rye bread. If there is less juice than required according to the list, then you need to reduce the amount of other ingredients.


  • 5 liters of birch sap;
  • 400 g rye bread;
  • 160 g sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for classic birch kvass

We take warm juice for kvass, but there is no need to heat it in advance. It's better to just leave it at room temperature. You need to wait a couple of days and let fermentation begin. Then pour the birch sap into a large saucepan, add sugar, and place on the stove. Now we heat it up, but just a little. Make a pleasantly warm liquid, the sugar should dissolve.

Slicing dark rye bread pieces of three or five centimeters. Place in the oven and dry. To obtain a milder taste, you can fry the pieces. Also golden brown crusts will give the kvass a brownish tint.

Add rye bread croutons to the juice, stir and cover. It is best to use a cloth or napkin. We remove the drink for at least two days.

Let's check the kvass. Stir gently, trying not to break any pieces of bread. Let's try. If the acidity and taste are not enough, leave the drink for another day. We continue to keep at room temperature; in a cold room the fermentation process will slow down.

The next day, you need to strain the kvass from the bread and small crumbs. But there is no need to throw away the grounds. Add a new portion of warm birch sap and do not forget about sugar; for five liters of drink we use an average glass of sand. We pour the strained kvass from birch sap into bottles with lids, put them in the refrigerator or in the cellar for five hours.

You can cook bread for kvass not in the oven, but in the microwave. To do this, lay out the pieces and run for about eight minutes at medium power.

Option 2: Quick recipe for kvass from birch sap

Recipe for kvass with added malt. It can be purchased at grocery store, the product is made from grains and is usually available in powder form. We take birch sap that has soured or has barely begun to ferment. To do this, you need to keep it for a couple of days at room temperature. This great way definition of a sour drink. The recipe is based on honey, but below there are amendments for using granulated sugar.


  • 2.5 liters of juice;
  • 3 pieces of bread;
  • 1 tbsp. l. malt;
  • 3 tsp. honey

How to quickly make kvass from birch sap

Mix birch sap with malt, add bee honey, stir and place on the stove. Heat the drink to thirty degrees. Pour it all into a jar.

While we are cutting and drying the bread. You can make very rosy, and even burnt crackers, the taste and color of the drink will change. Add the crackers to the jar with the warm liquid. Be sure to lower them so that they are quickly saturated with liquid and give off flavor.

Cover it all with a napkin and put it in warm place. Kvass is fast, it will be ready in 4-5 hours if you used juice that has begun to ferment. In other cases it will take a little longer.

You can replace honey with regular granulated sugar in this recipe. In this case, we take approximately 50 grams of birch sap for this amount. Brown sugar is also suitable for kvass.

Option 3: Birch kvass with raisins and yeast

Recipe for delicious birch kvass with raisins. For preparation, we always take fresh pressed yeast in the specified quantity. They will ensure good fermentation of the drink, a sharp and pleasant taste.


  • 10 liters of juice;
  • 100 g raisins;
  • 30 g yeast;
  • 200 g honey;
  • 2 lemons.

How to cook

Dissolve fresh yeast and honey in a liter of warm birch sap. Stir and let them react. While you can wash the raisins, heat the remaining juice until warm.

Pour the raisins into the juice, add the yeast mixture with honey. Squeeze the juice from the lemons and mix it all.

Cover the container with the drink with a napkin and send it for fermentation. Let stand for two or three days until you get a sharp and sour drink. Strain and cool.

You can add to such kvass not only citrus juice, but also the zest, it will give a wonderful aroma.

Option 4: Birch kvass with barley

A variety of delicious kvass made from birch sap. It is not only very useful, but also convenient, and has many advantages over similar drinks. This kvass can even be stored for future use; it does not lose its taste and beneficial properties. Just before this you need to master all the rules and subtleties of cooking.


  • 100 g barley;
  • 3 spoons of sugar;
  • 3 liters of juice.

Step by step recipe

Sugar is a controversial product in such kvass. Very often the drink is prepared without it, but sand significantly speeds up fermentation and gives the desired sharpness. Strain the juice, add sugar and heat a little.

We take unhulled barley, with husks. Wash and place in a dry frying pan. Turn on the stove and start roasting the grain. Stir regularly, bring until golden brown, trying not to burn. Turn off the stove and cool the barley.

Add roasted barley to sweetened or regular birch sap. Pour everything into a container suitable for fermentation. It is best to use large glass jars. Cover, but use breathable fabric or just gauze. Let the barley and juice ferment.

After three days you need to check the readiness of the kvass; you can increase the fermentation time. If the drink is already ready, then strain it from the barley, seal it with airtight lids, and put it in the refrigerator. For long-term storage, we put birch kvass in a cold cellar.

This version of the drink is made with barley, but there are also recipes with oats. It is important to divide before use special attention purity and quality of grain. There should be no traces of mold or dark spots on it.

Option 5: Birch kvass with dried fruits

A fragrant and very pleasant version of birch kvass with dried fruits. Its taste will directly depend on the composition used. You can take prunes, apples, pears, dried apricots, dates. Mixing in any proportions is allowed, but be sure to measure the raisins separately.


  • 3 liters of fresh birch sap;
  • 0.7 kg of dried fruits;
  • 0.2 kg raisins.

How to cook

Strain the birch sap through a fine sieve or simply add several layers of gauze. Pour into a large jar or a clean enamel saucepan.

We wash the raisins and other dried fruits from dust and dirt. Shake off the water and pour it all into the juice. Cover with gauze or a lid with holes and leave in a warm place for 5-7 days. Since refined sugar is not added, fermentation will not proceed very quickly.

We check the kvass, filter it, and bottle it. In a cold place, this drink can be stored well for up to six months.

If you want to speed up the ripening of birch kvass with dried fruits, then simply add a handful of granulated sugar to it and stir. You can sprinkle in a few grains of dry granulated yeast.

Option 6: Birch kvass with raisins without yeast

Another version of kvass made from birch sap and raisins, but without the addition of yeast and other auxiliary ingredients. Sugar can be replaced with honey. We use raisins of any color.


  • 10 liters of birch sap;
  • 50 pieces of raisins;
  • 0.45 kg sugar.

How to cook

Soak the raisins in warm water and let them swell for half an hour. Strain the juice, heat it up a little and combine with granulated sugar. Let the grains dissolve. By replacing sugar with honey, you can reduce the amount.

We take the raisins out of the water, pour them into birch sap, cover the container and leave to ferment for three days. Then we check the kvass and, if necessary, add more time for maturation. Strain the finished drink and pour it into bottles with tight lids. You can throw a few fresh raisins into each, they will maintain the sharpness of the kvass.

If the kvass has reached the desired taste, it is immediately filtered and stored in a cold place. Otherwise, the drink will simply turn sour and spoil.

Traditionally, kvass is considered a bread drink. In fact, since the time Ancient Rus' There are a large number of recipes where the base is birch sap. This kvass will decorate any table and fill the body with vitamins.

Whatever recipe becomes the basis for preparing the drink, you need to carefully select the ingredients to create it. After all, kvass must be moderately fermented, otherwise it is impossible to drink. If it contains unpleasant odors due to spoiled products, all efforts will be in vain.

Kvass can protect against scurvy and other problems associated with lack of vitamins. Also he:

  • eliminates the state of thirst;
  • improves digestion;
  • increases appetite;
  • saturates with carbohydrates.

Infused kvass should be used within 4–5 days. In this case, it should be placed in the refrigerator or cellar. If the recipe includes birch sap, then it must be strained. Regular gauze will do for this. Berezovitsa should be taken fresh, as it infuses faster.

Ambient temperature is important for fermentation of the drink. Too warm or cool air can ruin the drink. The kvass product must brew for 3 days. Exceeding the deadlines indicates a violation of technology. This is a drink worth throwing away.

Drink with dried fruits and birch sap

Kvass infuses with birch sap longer. The process takes about 2 weeks. It is better to check the degree of readiness by taking a sample. Adding yeast to any recipe will shorten the brewing time.

To get kvass from birch sap with dried fruits, you will need:

  • strained birch sap – 2 l.;
  • dried fruits (raisins, prunes, or dried apricots) – 100g;
  • container in which the drink will be infused.

It is allowed to use one type of dried fruit or a mixture of them. In the latter case, the drink will become more aromatic. The color of the kvass will also be unusual, so guests should be warned about this before serving.

The product creation process looks like this:

  • wash and dry the container for future kvass;
  • Place clean dried fruits on the bottom of the selected dish; there is no need to remove seeds from them;
  • pour in birch sap;
  • cover the container with thick gauze or a lid that allows air to circulate;
  • place the composition in a place where the temperature will not be lower than 25 degrees, avoiding direct contact sun rays;
  • after 9–12 days, filter the resulting product and pour it into a bottle;
  • Place the finished drink in a cool place.

If there is no special lid, then you can always make it yourself. It is enough to pierce the standard one in several places with a knife.

Birch kvass with yeast

A drink prepared with yeast causes excessive gas formation. This must be taken into account when choosing a recipe like this.

At home, adding yeast significantly speeds up the process. Those who have not previously prepared a kvass drink should try this recipe first.

You will need:

  • birch sap – 3 l.;
  • dried cherries, apricots, grapes – 200 g;
  • dry yeast – 10g;
  • granulated sugar– 5 tbsp. l.

You can change the sugar level at your discretion. It can be added when the kvass has already brewed.

The process of preparing birch sap and containers looks the same as in the previous version.

When dried fruits are poured with birch, you should add dry yeast. The drink should infuse for 2–3 days. warm place. Don't forget about good ventilation. After all, the yeast product “moves” even more intensely, so the air should circulate easily.

If preference is given to raw yeast, then their quantity should be increased to 20 g. Some housewives believe that such a drink is more natural and lively.

Birch kvass on bread crusts

Those who are not ready to move away from the traditional bready taste of the drink can use the recipe with crusts.

To create such kvass you need to prepare:

  • raisins –200g;
  • birch sap – 2.5 l.;
  • rye bread crusts – 80g;
  • dry yeast – 5g.

Raisins can be replaced with prunes or dried apricots, but cherries or apples should not be used. Otherwise it will be too sweet.

Place dried fruits and mold-free bread crusts into a clean jar. If the crusts are first brought to a saturated brown in the oven, the color of the drink will be brighter. Pour birch sap over them, which you should not forget to strain first. Add dry yeast.

Kvass made from dried fruits should mature for no more than 2 days in a warm place. IN winter time You can place the jar on the battery. If the kvass does not have time to brew, extend the time for another day. Then pour the resulting drink through cheesecloth into another container.

If you plan to consume kvass as a product, you should not add sugar. To prepare dishes based on it, you can add 3-4 tbsp. l. Sahara. It will highlight the taste of bread and dried fruits.

For those who like to experiment in the kitchen and surprise guests, creating such leavened masterpieces will become a favorite pastime. The main thing is to prepare birch sap on time.

To strengthen the immune system, many begin to collect birch sap and make delicious kvass. Birch sap is not inferior to many vitamins; for this it is worth going to the forest to put up jars. Kvass made from birch sap is very rich in vitamins, which are very necessary for our body. Many people have known this drink since ancient times. They drink kvass from various wastes and toxins, cleanses the liver and digestive tract. Birch sap begins to be collected from the end of April to the end of May, but you need to be very careful in the forest, many are afraid of encephalitis ticks. There are a lot different recipes kvass Today we will look at the most famous ones.


  • Birch sap 8 - 10 liters;
  • Sugar 500 gr;
  • Dried raisins 500 gr;
  • 1. Strain fresh birch sap from debris.
    2. Rinse the raisins in hot water
    3. Mix raisins with sugar and add birch sap. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
    4. You need to pour it into jars, preferably 3-liter ones. We close it not with a lid, but with a thin cloth or take gauze.
    5. Keep the kvass for 2 days.
    6. Strain our finished kvass and enjoy.
    7.Can be stored for 4 months.

Fragrant kvass made from birch sap with honey and lemon


  • Birch sap 6-8 liters;
  • Liquid honey 40 g;
  • Lemon 3-4 pcs.; citric acid 2h/l;
  • Yeast (preferably live 50 g)
  1. 1. Decant birch sap from small debris.
    2. Squeeze lemon juice or dilute with 2 tsp citric acid.
    3. Add liquid honey.
    4. Dilute live yeast with water.
    5. Mix all ingredients.
    6. Pour everything into glass jars. The drink must be tightly covered with a cloth and kept for 3 days at room temperature.

Delicious kvass made from birch sap with black bread and coffee


  • Birch sap 2-3 liters;
  • Black bread 3 crusts;
  • Sugar 150 gr;
  • Small raisins 50 gr;
  • Coffee beans 50 gr
  1. 1. Strain the birch sap.
    2. Roast coffee beans for 3-4 minutes.
    3. Pour in raisins hot water, rinse well. Dry the raisins.
    4. In three liter jar add sugar, coffee, raisins and add juice.
    5.Instead of the lid, insert a rubber glove with a punctured hole into the jar.
    6. When the glove rises, the kvass begins to ferment. We wait 2 days for the rubber glove to return to its position.
    7. Put it in the refrigerator. You can drink it after 24 hours.

Dark kvass from birch sap with barley


  • Birch sap 3 liters;
  • Dry yeast on the tip of a spoon.;
  • Barley 3-4 tbsp;
  • Crackers without seasoning 150 g;
  • Sugar 3 tbsp;

Barley gives kvass not only an aromatic taste, but also dark color kvass You can make okroshka from barley kvass in the summer.

  1. 1. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    2. Pour the juice into an enamel pan and heat it up.
    3. Fry the crackers in a frying pan without oil and place in the pan.
    4. Fry the barley too and put it in a saucepan.
    5. Stir with sugar until it dissolves.
    6. Cover with a lid and leave for 36 hours for the kvass to ferment. Place in the refrigerator.

How to deliciously prepare kvass from birch sap with oranges


  • Orange 1 piece;
  • Birch sap 2 - 3 liters;
  • Raisins 2 tsp;
  • Yeast 10 g;
  • Mint 3 leaves;
  1. 1. Cut the oranges into slices.
    2. Grate the yeast with sugar.
    3. Add orange, yeast, sugar and birch sap to the jar.
    4. Pour into jars and add raisins. Keep in the refrigerator for 24 hours and the kvass is ready!

Sweet kvass made from birch sap with dried fruits without yeast


  • Dried fruits 1 kg;
  • Birch sap 2 - 3 liters;
  • Raisins 300g;
  • Barberry candies 2-3 pcs;
  • Mint 3 leaves;
  1. 1.Rinse the raisins and dry for about an hour.
    2. Add all ingredients to a container, preferably jars.
    3. Keep the kvass for 3 - 4 days at room temperature.
    4. You need to stir every day. After it stops fermenting, you need to bottle it.

Video Lemonade made from birch sap. Preservation of birch sap

Video-How to preserve birch sap for the winter

Other recipes

A very interesting and unusual drink is obtained if you take yeast, prunes, dried apples and pears as a basis. And kvass made from birch sap with dried fruits will not only be incredibly tasty, sparkling and aromatic, but also very healthy. On any table, children's or adults, at any holiday it will become the “highlight of the program”, so we advise you to prepare it with a reserve!

First, let's make a drink according to the basic recipe. It takes the longest to prepare, but contains the least amount of ingredients.

Any dried fruit you like is suitable, but kvass is especially tasty and aromatic with the addition of prunes and pears. It is best to take one part of both, and also add one third of the dried apples.


  • Birch sap – 2.5 l
  • Dried fruits – 150 g


  1. We take a 3-liter jar, rinse the dried fruits well and put them in it without soaking. If the prunes have pits, leave them, the taste will be even richer.
  2. Fill everything with juice, filling the jar almost to the brim, and cover it with either several layers of gauze or a plastic lid with several holes to allow air to escape. You can make them with a hot knife or an awl.
  3. Place the jar in a warm place, but avoid direct sunlight. We remember that the lower the temperature in the room where the kvass is stored, the longer it will take to cook. On average, preparation time takes from 9 – 10 days to two weeks.
  4. We filter the finished kvass and bottle it, cool it and either serve it or drink a glass 3 times a day, as it is very healthy in itself.

Kvass with dried fruits made with yeast

To speed up the fermentation process, since it is not always possible to keep the drink for ten days, add regular dry yeast to it.

  • We take a mix of dried fruits, for example, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, cherries and cranberries - only 200 g, put them in a jar or pan.
  • Pour in 10 g of yeast and fill it with 3 liters of birch sap.
  • If necessary, add sugar to taste.
  • Cover with a napkin or gauze - it is important, as in the previous recipe, to provide ventilation.

Depending on the room temperature, we keep the kvass for 1.5 to 3 days. We try it, monitoring the fermentation process in order to strain and serve the drink in time. Otherwise he will stop.

In this recipe for birch kvass, it is good to use honey instead of sugar as a sweetener for dried fruits.

By adding rye bread to the main composition, we get a taste similar to traditional leavened bread, but sweeter, even without the participation of sugar and, of course, more summery. In addition, this drink is also made quite quickly; you don’t have to keep it for 2 weeks.

  1. We combine your favorite dried fruits or take a mixture of raisins and prunes in equal proportions in the amount of 180 g. We wash everything and put it in a pan or jar, and put a crust of black bread there (60 - 80 g).
  2. If you want the drink to ripen faster, add 5 g of yeast and fill the jar until full with birch sap (2.5 - 3 l).
  3. Let it sit for at least 2 days in a warm place away from direct sun, taste and, if necessary, leave for another day or strain and bottle.

Whatever recipe we choose for birch kvass with dried fruits, quick or longer-lasting, it’s always worth remembering the pleasant need to try the drink. This is the only way we can control the fermentation process and interrupt it in time so that the kvass does not overripe.

Try it, friends, and share in the comments your miracle recipes for this healing, extraordinary delicious drink!

– the pride of national kvass brewing. The recipe was invented by the Slavs. Since ancient times valuable tree worshiped, and the wood elixir was added not only to kvass, but also to wine and honey. The legendary Scythian birch tree was cooked on its basis.

How to make kvass from birch sap at home? The secrets of cooking have been preserved to this day, I will tell you about them in the article. Natural birch sap is an excellent preparation for kvass, as it does not lose its beneficial properties and qualities during the fermentation process. Birch “tears” are a natural preservative given to us by nature, more healthy and natural compared to products food industry.

Let's move on to the cooking technology. Several recipes are available.

Classic kvass with birch sap and barley

Kvass on birch sap with barley - source useful substances and vitamins. It tastes like regular kvass with yeast. The cooking process is simple and takes minimal time.


  • Juice – 3 l,
  • Barley – 100 g.


  1. I carefully filter fresh birch sap to remove chips, bark and other extraneous natural “gifts”. To do this, I use gauze folded in several layers. I let it cool for two days.
  2. I dry the barley in a frying pan. The taste of the drink directly depends on the roasting time. If you keep the unrefined grains longer, the future kvass will turn out bitter. For delicate taste I lightly fry the barley so that the grains have a golden color.
  3. I pour grains wrapped in gauze into the purified and cooled juice for convenience.
  4. I insist kvass in a warm place. During ripening, I stir it 2 times a day. After 3-4 days, the kvass will darken and acquire a pronounced grain taste.
  5. I strain it and bottle it.

Video recipe

Kvass from birch sap with dried fruits


  • Birch sap – 2.5 l,
  • Dried fruits – 150 g.


  1. I rinse dried fruits in running water several times. I don’t soak it, but immediately put it in a prepared jar.
  2. I pour birch sap and cover it with a towel or multi-layer gauze.
  3. Fermentation requires heat.

Kvass from birch sap with honey


  • “Tears” of birch – 5 l,
  • Fresh yeast– 50 g,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Honey – 100 g,
  • Raisins – 3 pieces.


  1. I strain the kvass through cheesecloth. I pour the yeast with a small volume of water - 40-50 ml.
  2. I squeeze the juice from a fresh lemon.
  3. I mix the liquids, add honey, add yeast.
  4. I take a 5-liter bottle, wash it, and put a few dried grapes at the bottom.
  5. I pour the drink and close the lid loosely. I put the birch-honey mixture in a cool place.
  6. After 3 days, the kvass is ready for use.

How to prepare bread kvass with birch “tears”


  • Juice – 3 l,
  • Dry yeast – 1 g,
  • Rye crackers – 300 g,
  • Sugar – 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. I pour the pre-strained juice into a saucepan, add sugar and mix thoroughly. I add yeast for a sharp taste. To make the drink softer and less vigorous, you can add only rye crackers. I use both bread products and yeast.
  2. I leave it to steep throughout the day. I put it in a warm place.
  3. I pour the drink into jars or bottles, straining thoroughly. I put it in the refrigerator.

I use it as a refreshing and invigorating drink and a small base. Use the recipe for your health!

Preparing birch kvass with orange


  • Birch “tears” – 2.5 l,
  • Orange – 1 piece,
  • Sugar – 1 glass,
  • Raisins – 25 grams,
  • Melissa and mint - several bunches,
  • Yeast – 10 g.


  1. I peel the orange and cut it into slices. I knead the yeast with a small amount Sahara. I put the mixture into a jar, throw in bunches of fresh grass, chopped orange and the remaining granulated sugar.
  2. I stir and pour in the juice. I put it in a warm place. It will take from 2 to 4 days to prepare depending on the temperature.
  3. Finished product I bottle it. I use 0.5 liter containers. I sprinkle a few raisins into each for flavor. I put it in the refrigerator for storage.
  4. In a day, birch kvass will “ripen” and can be used as soft drink or an unusual base for okroshka.

Video recipe

The benefits and harms of kvass from birch sap

Useful properties

The classic bread drink contains a large number of probiotic bacteria, which have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the body’s immunity. Using birch sap instead of filtered water only enhances the positive effect. The content of magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, aluminum and other useful components has a beneficial effect on general condition body.

The drink invigorates, refreshes and tones, is used as a preventative against colds, during the spring period of vitamin deficiency, etc.

The “tears” of the original Russian tree contain natural immunity protectors – phytoncides. These are active substances that suppress the development of bacteria, produced naturally by plants.

Kvass based on birch sap is used as a replacement for expensive cosmetics. A rejuvenating mask is made from it. The product is applied to the face steamed after the bath and left for half an hour. Then the natural mask is washed off with water. A hair strengthening product is made from kvass, which is suitable for normal and oily hair.


In moderate doses, the drink is harmless. Gastritis and other inflammations of the mucous membrane are a contraindication for frequent use. The prohibition for consumption is an allergy to birch pollen, which is rare.