Soup with wild mushrooms recipe. Step-by-step cooking recipe

Mushroom dishes have long been considered a gourmet delicacy, which is why the attitude towards them has always been special. They were fried, dried, salted, and residents of the northern regions successfully froze them and used fresh and aromatic reserves throughout the long winter. Perhaps it was from there that the aromatic soup made from frozen honey mushrooms has survived to this day.

It’s not difficult to prepare such a soup, and it’s also an additional chance for the housewife to show off her skills. The aromatic first course will not leave anyone indifferent, and there are several recipe options, each of which is good in its own way.

Before you start preparing the first course of frozen honey mushrooms, the mushrooms should be properly processed for subsequent cooking. It is recommended to defrost honey mushrooms in natural conditions, the most successful option for which culinary experts consider the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

The frozen product is removed from the freezer and placed in the refrigerator overnight.

  1. Thawed honey mushrooms are thoroughly washed with cold running water and placed in a colander to drain excess liquid.
  2. Mushrooms are cut into equal small pieces.
  3. The container for subsequent preparation of the first dish is filled with water and brought to a boil.
  4. Dip the mushrooms into boiling water, add a little salt and boil the mushrooms for half an hour.

After the mushrooms have boiled, the broth is ready for further preparation of the first course. You can cook mushroom soup from honey mushrooms according to different recipes with the addition of the most unexpected ingredients.

Classic recipe

The simplest and most nutritious is the first dish of honey mushrooms, prepared according to the classic recipe. This option has long roots and contains the simplest and most affordable ingredients, which is especially important for those who prefer traditional Russian cuisine.

It is recommended to start preparing the classic mushroom soup with honey mushrooms by preparing the main ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of potatoes;
  • 300 g. frozen honey mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • five tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • sour cream;
  • fresh herbs;
  • spices and salt to taste.

This stew is prepared following a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Diced potatoes are added to freshly cooked mushroom broth, brought to a boil and left on the lowest heat.
  2. Chop the onion and grate the carrots on a medium grater.
  3. Fry the onion in hot oil until transparent, then add the carrots and sauté the vegetables over low heat until golden brown.
  4. If the potatoes are almost ready, then add fried vegetables to the soup. The first dish is cooked until the potatoes are fully cooked, seasoned with spices and herbs. After turning off, the soup should steep for 10 minutes, then it can be served.

This mushroom soup made from frozen honey mushrooms is topped with sour cream immediately before eating. You can replace sour cream with mayonnaise or yogurt, but according to the classic recipe, this soup is served with sour cream.

An equally interesting option is the recipe for the same soup with honey mushrooms, the preparation of which differs slightly in technology.

Second version of the classic first course

The ingredients for the first course will be the same as for a simple classic mushroom broth. But they prepare it by following a different sequence of actions:

  1. Strain the mushrooms out of the cooked broth with a slotted spoon, set them aside, and allow a little excess liquid to drain.
  2. Potatoes, cut into small cubes, are added to the mushroom base, brought to a boil, reduced heat and simmered, adding a small bay leaf.
  3. Fry the onions and carrots until half cooked, add the mushrooms and fry the mixture until the honey mushrooms are browned.
  4. When the potatoes are cooked, add the mushroom frying and bring the soup to a boil, then immediately turn off the heat and add finely chopped greens.

This soup with frozen honey mushrooms is served to the table after it has been infused for a quarter of an hour. Season the dish with chopped boiled egg.

Cheese and mushroom option with chicken

A nutritious, high-calorie and somewhat exotic soup is made from frozen honey mushrooms, cooked with the addition of chicken breast and smoked cheese.

You will need significantly more ingredients for this first course than for the classic version with honey mushrooms, but the taste, nutritional value and calorie content of this option are noticeably different. For the soup you should prepare in advance:

  • half a kilogram of chicken breast;
  • half a kilogram of sausage cheese;
  • kilogram of frozen honey mushrooms;
  • onion head;
  • herbs, salt, spices;
  • medium sized carrots;
  • butter

Soup with honey mushrooms, chicken and cheese is prepared following the following sequence of actions:

  1. Add chicken breast, cut into small cubes, to the freshly brewed mushroom broth with honey mushrooms and bring to a boil.
  2. Add diced potatoes, boil again, reduce heat to low and leave the soup to simmer over low heat.
  3. Onions are fried with carrots in butter until golden brown and added to the first dish.
  4. The cheese is cut into small cubes and placed in the dish immediately after the soup begins to gurgle after frying.
  5. Boil for five minutes, season with finely chopped herbs and spices. After turning off, the dish should be allowed to brew for a quarter of an hour and it can be served.

You can diversify this dish by turning it into a puree soup. To do this, grind the ingredients after cooking using a blender. This first course turns out to be satisfying and nutritious, but chefs do not recommend eating it in the afternoon, as it is difficult to digest.

Honey mushroom soups, prepared according to classic recipes, can be served for dinner, lunch, and even for a Sunday meeting with friends.

In summer and autumn, nature gives people its invaluable gifts: berries, medicinal herbs, nuts, mushrooms. Honey mushrooms appear in our forests at the end of summer and delight us with a generous harvest all autumn, until frost. They are eaten, preserved, dried, and used as medicinal products. Honey mushroom soup is a real delicacy for the most picky gourmets!

Mushrooms are prepared for the winter in dried, pickled form, boiled and fried mushrooms are frozen, and a mushroom hodgepodge is prepared. Soups are made from fresh mushrooms and mushrooms stored for the winter; they are fried and stewed on their own and with potatoes.

Aromatic, with a unique taste, soup made from honey mushrooms is a vegetarian and lenten dish, contains proteins of plant origin, which makes it very healthy.

Methods for preparing mushroom soups from honey mushrooms

Preparing mushroom soup does not require much time or expense. You can prepare it in several ways:

  • soup cooked on a gas or electric stove in an ordinary saucepan - a classic cooking method;
  • soups prepared using modern household appliances, such as a multicooker, simplify the cooking process;
  • food cooked in a Russian oven, stewed with a unique taste; You can reproduce this taste in modern home conditions using an oven and clay ceramic pots.

Selection and preparation of honey mushrooms for making soup

The soup is made from various mushrooms: natural, dried, canned, pre-boiled, fried and frozen in the freezer.

  • Honey mushrooms collected in the forest are sorted out, leaves and blades of grass are removed, washed, boiled in several stages, after the first boiling the broth is drained, the second is used as broth.
  • Dried honey mushrooms are washed and soaked in two stages, the first water is drained, the second is used for broth.
  • Cooked and frozen honey mushrooms are thawed.
  • Pickled honey mushrooms are washed to remove excess vinegar.
  • Honey mushrooms, fried with vegetables, frozen for storage, defrosted - they are ready for quick preparation of soup.

Before cooking the soup, all mushrooms are fried in vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, corn - a matter of taste).

Additional ingredients and spices

  • To pre-fry mushrooms, use vegetable oil with a neutral taste and smell.
  • To prepare honey mushroom soups, classic spices are used: salt, pepper, bay leaf. Taken in reasonable quantities, they do not interrupt the wonderful mushroom aroma.
  • The addition of soft cream cheese, sour cream, and cream harmoniously emphasizes the taste of mushrooms.
  • The soup can be seasoned with chopped herbs and sour cream.
  1. When collecting honey mushrooms in the forest, it is necessary to distinguish between edible honey mushrooms and false ones. Poisonous mushrooms have beautiful bright orange caps.
  2. The first time fresh honey mushrooms are boiled in large quantities for 5 minutes (so that the mushroom aroma does not escape into the water), the mushroom broth is drained. Mushrooms are poured with a fresh portion of water, in the volume required for the broth.
  3. Ready honey mushrooms settle to the bottom, overcooked mushrooms are soft and lose their taste and aroma.
  4. You can cook soup from dried mushrooms all winter. Honey mushrooms are not washed before drying; they are sorted out and cleared of forest debris, put on a thread and dried in the shade. You can hang mushrooms in the kitchen. Honey mushrooms dry quickly, they are removed along with the threads, transferred to a canvas bag, and stored in kitchen cabinets.

Fresh honey mushroom soup

Soup made from fresh honey mushrooms is quickly and easily digested by the body. Adding noodles to soup increases the carbohydrate content and prolongs the feeling of fullness. The neutral taste of vermicelli and noodles does not affect the taste.


  • mushrooms – 500 grams;
  • vermicelli or homemade noodles - at the discretion of the housewife (some people like thick soup, others thin);
  • potatoes - 2 tubers;
  • onion and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • bay leaf, salt, black pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • butter;
  • sour cream or mayonnaise, herbs.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Honey mushrooms are pre-boiled until half cooked.
  2. Vegetables are peeled and cut as desired.
  3. Add potatoes and spices to a pan of salted and boiling water and cook.
  4. The boiled honey mushrooms are cooled, cut into slices and fried in sunflower oil until the water from the honey mushrooms has completely evaporated; the mushrooms should be fried.
  5. Then add chopped onions, fry while stirring, then add carrots and fry until the carrots become soft.
  6. Fried honey mushrooms with vegetables are placed from a frying pan into a boiling vegetable broth with potatoes, spices, homemade noodles or vermicelli are added there, and boiled until the vermicelli is cooked.
  7. The soup is seasoned with sour cream and herbs.

Another recipe for honey mushroom soup is in the video:

Frozen honey mushroom soup

Honey mushrooms retain their mushroom aroma after defrosting. Soup made from honey mushrooms prepared by freezing will help diversify your home menu in winter. The juice that comes out of the defrosted mushrooms is boiled and poured into the soup for flavor.

To prepare the soup you will need:

  • honey mushrooms – 500 grams;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • processed cheese – 1 piece;
  • spices to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Vegetables are peeled and cut as desired.
  2. The honey mushrooms are thawed (the juice is not poured out), cut into large pieces, fried, vegetables are added, and the vegetables are stewed until the vegetables have a soft consistency.
  3. Place the fried mushroom mixture with vegetables in a saucepan with boiling water, add potatoes, spices, seasonings, salt, and cook until the potatoes are soft, since the mushroom mixture was brought to readiness by frying with the vegetables.
  4. The cooled cheese is rubbed with shavings and placed in portions into the finished soup, stirring constantly so that the cheese does not stick together. Let the soup boil for 1 minute.

This soup does not require sour cream or mayonnaise.

Watch the video for another recipe for frozen honey mushroom soup:

Mushroom puree soup from honey mushrooms in French

Mushroom soup from natural honey mushrooms can be prepared in the form of puree, in the spirit of national French cuisine, by grinding it to a creamy mass with cream.


  • fresh honey mushrooms – 700 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • onions, carrots - 2 pieces each;
  • cream – 150 milliliters;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Boiled honey mushrooms are fried with the addition of vegetables: onions and carrots. Olive oil is used for frying.
  2. Cook mushroom soup with potatoes, fried mushrooms and vegetables, let cool slightly.
  3. Using a submersible blender, chop the potatoes, honey mushrooms, and vegetables to a homogeneous airy mass; at the end, gradually pour in natural cream from whole milk in a thin stream and mix.
  4. The soup is decorated with whole mushroom caps, a sprig of dill or parsley leaves.

The soup made from forest mushrooms will be eaten with pleasure by members of the household, while remembering trips to pick mushrooms and walks through the autumn forest.

Step 1: prepare the mushrooms.

First of all, we prepare the mushrooms, sort them out and remove damaged ones, eaten by worms and slugs. Place the mushrooms in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold water to remove all kinds of contaminants for 2 – 3 minutes.
Afterwards, transfer the honey mushrooms into a deep bowl, fill with cold water and soak for 10 minutes in order for most of the harmful alkaloids to come out.
Then we put the mushrooms in a colander again, let all the liquid drain and dry each mushroom one at a time with paper kitchen towels. We cut off the stem of each mushroom with a knife, this part is a little tough, and it can be used for drying, pickling or canning, but for soup it is better to take the tender parts, that is, the caps. Place them on a cutting board, cut them into layers up to 5 millimeters and transfer the slices back into the deep bowl.

Step 2: prepare the vegetables.

Peel the onions and potatoes, rinse the vegetables under cold running water, dry with paper kitchen towels, place one at a time on a cutting board and cut the potatoes into cubes with the diameter 3 centimeter, cubed onion with a diameter of up to 1 centimeter
Place the chopped potatoes in a deep saucepan, fill it with 2 liters of clean distilled water and place the container on the stove, turned on to medium level.

Step 3: stew mushrooms with onions.

Turn the stove on to medium level and place a frying pan on it with the required amount of butter. When the fat is hot, add chopped onion and simmer the vegetable for 3 – 4 minutes until transparent.
Then add the mushrooms to the onions, pour 200 milliliters of pure distilled water into the frying pan, add salt, ground black pepper, chopped bay leaf, dried ground dill to taste and mix the mass with a wooden kitchen spatula. Stew onions and mushrooms for 15 – 20 minutes until half cooked and almost complete evaporation of moisture.

Step 4: Bring the soup to full readiness.

While the mushroom dressing was simmering, the water in the pan began to boil and the potatoes began to cook. Through 15 – 20 minutes add onions and mushrooms to it and cook the soup until it is completely cooked 15 – 20 minutes. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the first hot dish brew 10 minutes. Then, using a ladle, pour the mushroom soup into deep plates, add sour cream to taste and serve on the dinner table.

Step 5: serve mushroom soup with potatoes.

Mushroom soup of honey mushrooms with potatoes is served hot, along with any kind of bread. This delicious and very tender first course can be supplemented with sour cream, whipped cream or homemade mayonnaise. It is pleasant to savor this yummy along with fresh vegetable salads or freshly sliced ​​vegetables. Enjoy! Bon appetit!

- – If you are going to use dried mushrooms to prepare the soup, then you should soak them in lightly salted water for 2 to 4 hours. Then boil the honey mushrooms in the same water in which they were infused for 40 - 60 minutes, add potatoes, fried onion dressing, salt spices and bring the soup until fully cooked for another 20 minutes.

- – If you have pickled butternuts, you can cook soup from them, but first, just like dried ones, you need to soak them in cold water, but for 2 hours. Then chop, simmer along with the onion and throw into the pan with the potatoes. Then proceed according to the recipe.

- – If you have harvested a late harvest of boletus mushrooms, then during cleaning it is worth removing the spore-bearing part from old and overripe mushrooms; it contains a large amount of alkaloids.

- – It is advisable to use fresh mushrooms immediately, otherwise they will spoil in a few hours, but if you still decide to cook the soup not today, but for example, within 2-3 days, then the mushrooms should be put in an enamel bowl and put the container in the refrigerator, without covering it with a lid. In this case, the temperature in the refrigerator should be at least 2 - 3 degrees.

- – Despite all the beneficial properties of mushrooms, they should not be consumed by people with weak digestion and generally should not be given to children under 3 years of age. For everyone else, it is advisable to enjoy mushroom dishes no more than 1-2 times a week, since their frequent consumption can cause gastrointestinal upset.

- – The spices and herbs indicated in this recipe can be supplemented with any others that are suitable for preparing first courses.

- – This type of soup can be cooked with vegetable broth or any type of broth.

- – The dressing can be prepared together with carrots.

Important: frying is necessary for a richer taste of the soup, but the onion should not be overcooked so as not to spoil the aroma of the first dish.

Mushroom soup recipe with chicken and cheese

Mushrooms and cheese go well together: that’s why quite a lot of dishes are prepared from them. The soup is no exception, because it has a delicate, light and at the same time piquant taste.

Number of servings: 6

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Energy value

  • calorie content - 100.6 kcal;
  • proteins - 9.4 g;
  • fats - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.4 g.


  • chicken breast - 200 g;
  • hard cheese (Parmesan) - 50 g;
  • potatoes - 300 g;
  • frozen honey mushrooms - 600 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt, pepper, spices, herbs - to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

  1. Defrost, wash, and cook the mushrooms. Since it is recommended to freeze boiled honey mushrooms, they do not need to be subjected to additional heat treatment and there is no need to drain the water after cooking.
  2. Place chicken fillet in a saucepan with honey mushrooms. It needs to be cut into small pieces. We are waiting for everything to boil.
  3. We clean, wash and cut the potatoes into strips. We put it in the soup. Boil again, and then cook over low heat.
  4. Prepare frying in butter: mix chopped onion and grated carrots, cook until golden brown. Add the fry to the soup and bring it to a boil again.
  5. Now add the cheese. There is no need to use hard cheese or Parmesan for this recipe. You can also use processed cheese (they come in different flavors, which will give the soup additional flavor) or even sausage cheese.
  6. After adding the cheese, cook for another 5 minutes, and then remove the dish from the stove and leave it to brew for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Add herbs, seasonings and spices to taste.

You can also make puree soup. To do this, you need to cook it from the above recipes and grind it in a blender. Mushroom soup from dried honey mushrooms can also be prepared by analogy with previous recipes, only the mushrooms will first need to be soaked in water or milk.

Advice: Mushroom soup is very tasty to eat with croutons. To prepare them, you need to cut the bread, place it on a baking sheet and wait until it browns.

Mushroom soup is a tasty and healthy dish that is easy to prepare. It can be served for lunch to loved ones or guests on a holiday table. Bon appetit!

Mushroom season occurs in autumn; at this time, many mushroom picking families prepare soup from fresh honey mushrooms. Of course, such a dish can be prepared without going to the forest, because mushrooms can be bought in the store. You can prepare different versions of soup from honey mushrooms; here are several recipe options.

Honey mushrooms belong to the category of the most valuable edible mushrooms. The most delicious are fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest. But you can also use mushrooms sold in supermarkets. Fresh frozen mushrooms are usually on sale. They are used in the same way as fresh ones.

If you use fresh honey mushrooms collected in the forest, then you should start preparing the soup by sorting and cleaning the mushrooms. To make cleaning easier, it is recommended to pre-soak the mushrooms in cold water. During the cleaning process, be sure to cut off the lower part of the leg.

Fresh honey mushrooms must be boiled first, and the broth can be used as a base for soup. But frozen mushrooms do not need to be boiled beforehand; they can be placed directly into the broth. The remaining ingredients of the dish are prepared in accordance with the recipe. Potatoes and other vegetables are usually added to mushroom soup. In addition, you can use cereals, vermicelli or noodles as additives. The mushroom puree soup is very tasty and tender.

A simple recipe for fresh honey mushroom soup

The simplest recipe for mushroom soup will appeal to those who do not like to spend a lot of time on cooking, but love to eat tasty food.

  • 700 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • greens, salt, pepper - to taste.

Read also: Beef broth soup - 13 simple recipes

Soak fresh honey mushrooms for a quarter of an hour, rinse and clean, cutting off the lower part of the stem. Place clean mushrooms in a saucepan, add 2.5 liters of water and set to cook the broth. When cooking mushroom broth, just like when cooking meat, you need to carefully remove the foam that floats to the surface. At the very end of cooking, season the broth with salt.

Pour the broth into another container through a sieve. Boiled honey mushrooms, if they are small, leave them whole. If you come across larger specimens, they need to be cut.

Peel and wash all vegetables. Send the diced potatoes to cook in mushroom broth. Heat the oil in a frying pan and make the dressing. To do this, lightly fry the onion, add to it carrots, which have been cut into thin strips or grated, as well as boiled mushrooms.

Fry everything over low heat for about fifteen minutes. Then we transfer the dressing into the pan, where the potatoes have already been cooked in the mushroom broth. Stir and season with spices to taste. Cook for another five minutes and leave to steep under the lid for at least half an hour.

Advice! You can serve honey mushroom soup with a boiled egg. To do this, boil the eggs, peel and cut in half. Dip half an egg into each serving of soup and sprinkle the dish with herbs.

Fresh honey mushroom soup with barley and potatoes

Another simple version of the soup, which is prepared with potatoes and barley.

  • 500 gr. already prepared (cleaned) honey mushrooms;
  • 2-3 potatoes;
  • 0.5 cups pearl barley;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

It is better to pre-soak the pearl barley for several hours (overnight is possible), then the cereal will cook much faster.

Pour two and a half liters of water into a saucepan, add honey mushrooms to the water and cook until tender, adding bay leaves and salt. The mushrooms will be ready in 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the broth through a sieve and pour it back into the pan. Dip the pearl barley into the mushroom broth and cook until soft. It will take approximately 35-40 minutes to cook the cereal.

Read also: Kholodnik soup - 6 best recipes

Preparing the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, add them to the almost finished pearl barley and cook everything together until tender.

Prepare the dressing by frying onions, carrots and boiled mushrooms in oil. First you need to add the onion and fry until the pieces become translucent. Then add the carrots, which have been grated on a medium-sized grater, and add boiled honey mushrooms. Stir and reduce heat. Cook for about fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the prepared dressing into a saucepan with soup. Add, if necessary, salt and seasonings to taste. You can add fresh or dried herbs.

Delicate cream soup with cream

The cream soup made from fresh honey mushrooms is very tender and light. Let's prepare it with the addition of vegetables and cream.

Advice! If you want to make a dietary soup puree from honey mushrooms, then the heavy cream in the recipe can be replaced with milk.

  • 300 gr. honey mushrooms;
  • 1 potato;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of cream;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • spices, salt and herbs - to taste.

First of all, you need to boil the honey mushrooms. Fresh mushrooms are cleaned, washed and filled with cold water. You don’t need to take a lot of water; the liquid should only cover the honey mushroom layer. The mushrooms will be ready in 20-30 minutes.

We peel the potatoes, cut them arbitrarily, but not too large, so that the root vegetables cook faster. After the water boils, add salt.

Fry the finely chopped onion in butter, then add the boiled mushrooms and fry everything together for about fifteen minutes, reducing the heat.

Place the potatoes and mushrooms in a blender bowl and blend until you get a smooth puree. You can also grind food using an immersion blender. Dilute the puree with plums or milk, add a little potato broth.

Add the broth little by little, achieving the desired thickness of the dish. We warm up our puree soup without letting it boil. Pour into soup cups and sprinkle with herbs.