Uncontrolled deforestation: consequences. Environmental disasters: deforestation Problems of illegal logging

The number of people is constantly increasing. According to statistics, we are already more than 7 billion people; according to some forecasts, in 100 years there will already be 27 billion of us. However, today there is a shortage of land resources. About 70% of the planet's population is concentrated on just 7% of the land, the rest of the territories are arid deserts, mountain ranges and permafrost lands, or simply unsuitable for life.

Therefore, in order to satisfy his needs, man began to mercilessly cut down forests and drain swamps... Forests are not only a source of oxygen - the most important element of our atmosphere, but also a home for a huge number of living organisms. By cutting down forests, we have endangered the existence of not only flora and fauna, but also of all humanity.

However, humanity is in no hurry to fight for the preservation of natural resources. Today, only 13% of land and about 2% of marine areas are protected. These lands, of course, are under protection, but you still need to pay attention to everything natural resources of our planet.

Latin America and the Caribbean

This region is very rich in forest resources, almost 50% of the entire territory is covered with dense forests, which is more than 890 million hectares. However, large-scale deforestation is taking place here - forest areas are being reduced by 500,000 hectares every year.

This is what the once dense and green tropical forests in Brazil look like

Brazil, Mato Grosso state. In 1992, most of the state was covered with dense tropical forests. 14 years later, in 2006, green forests were replaced by concrete walls and asphalt roads.

The Brazilian state of Mato Grosso in 1992 (left) and 2006 (right). Aerial photo, the forest is highlighted in contrasting red.

Representatives of the animal world are also suffering due to the reduction of their range. IN large quantities populations of sloths, spider monkeys, long-tailed cats and other inhabitants have decreased tropical forests.


About 17% of the world's forest area is concentrated on the African continent, in figures this is more than 670 million hectares. Until 2000 Every year forest areas were reduced by 4 million hectares. Since 2000, this figure began to decline and reached the level of 3 million hectares. But despite this, deforestation in Africa is on a catastrophic scale.

Nigeria ranks 7th in reserves natural gas, but the population still uses charcoal for domestic needs. Over a hundred years, 81% of the forests here were destroyed. According to some reports, in 15-20 years, forests in Nigeria will only be visible in photographs.

Deforestation in the eastern part of the Black Continent

A striking example of destructive deforestation is Madagascar. The once fertile lands of the island are now in a disastrous state - 94% of the land is dry, sun-scorched sand. Uncontrolled deforestation led to an environmental disaster - since the island was settled by people, 90% of the forest areas have been destroyed. But the nature of Madagascar is unique; most species of flora and fauna (about 90%) are not found anywhere else. For example, in the forests of Madagascar, only 250 individuals of the silky sifika, one of the representatives of the lemur-like species, remain.


Some of the most densely populated regions in the world are the countries of the central and south asia, That's why territorial issue this is where it is most painful. UN and UNEP experts in their reports emphasize that in ten years, 98% of forests in the southeast of the region will be destroyed. Every year, about 1.2% of the total forest area is cut down here for housing and agricultural land.

Myanmar ranks fourth in the rate and volume of deforestation, in other words environmental situation it's very sad here

Land clearing for construction of a palm oil plant in Indonesia

Due to this problem, the region has suffered large number species of animals because their natural habitats are destroyed. For example, the orangutan population in Borneo has fallen by 80% over the past 75 years.


The most extensive areas occupied by forests are, of course, in Russia. In the European region, the issue of deforestation is not as catastrophic as throughout the world, however, this does not mean that it should be ignored. IN Western Europe Numerous programs are being developed to restore lost resources.

However, previously caused damage to wildlife is difficult to repair. The reduction of hunting areas and habitats has led to the threat of extinction of many animal species - Amur tiger, Far Eastern leopard, manula, etc.

These examples are just a small part of how mercilessly a person treats his home. If we do not seriously think about the preservation of our beautiful, amazing and unique nature, our descendants will inherit an empty, sun-scorched and uninhabitable planet.


Marina Rudnitskaya

Trees and other vegetation are key to preserving the Earth's climate. IN recent years The issue of preserving forests on the planet has become especially acute. The number of green spaces and their condition in cities and other populated areas monitored by the competent authorities.

Sanitary cutting down of trees on the site is possible only after agreement with utility companies.

Sanitary felling

Trees, like other living organisms, are susceptible to diseases, they age and become unsafe. The spontaneous collapse of such a tree can lead to accidents and injuries, as well as the collapse of power lines, damage to cars and other property.

Regular cutting down of trees within settlements is necessary for:

  • timely removal of diseased, old or damaged plants that can cause harm to people or property;
  • rejuvenation of the garden and landscaping, as new plants will be planted in place of old trees;
  • carrying out construction work during the construction of new buildings, laying roads or communications.

All these activities must be carried out in accordance with current legislation after approvals.

For industrial purposes, wood is obtained by cutting down forests. This process must be controlled by the state. IN lately cases have become more frequent illegal logging forests, in this case no one cares about preserving nature and reducing harm to the forest ecosystem.

As a result, irreparable damage to nature is caused:

  • after the destruction of the forest ecosystem, many species of animals and plants disappear;
  • the decline in flora species affects the quality of life of the planet's population;
  • An increase in carbon dioxide in the planet's atmosphere leads to the greenhouse effect, resulting in global change climate;
  • there is a constant washout of the soil, destruction of the top fertile layer, which leads to the formation of deserts;
  • increased soil moisture provokes waterlogging in areas where trees have been cut down;
  • the destruction of green spaces on mountain slopes leads to rapid melting of glaciers.

Smooth negative consequences possible by planting new plants, as well as reducing the consumption of wood and paper products. Recycling paper also allows us to partially solve the problem of cutting down trees.

Deforestation can lead to dire consequences, watch the video:

Global deforestation has slowed over the past quarter century, but the Amazon forest, which produces nearly half of the oxygen humanity breathes, continues to be cut down.

"Reducing the area Amazonian forests approaching the point of no return. If deforestation in the lungs of our planet exceeds 20%, then the process can no longer be reversed,” quotes scientists from Euronews.

Photo source: http://theinspirationroom.com/daily/2009/wwf-lungs-before-its-too-late/

By 2018, the area of ​​the Amazon forest had decreased by 17% over the past 50 years.

“If the climate in the Amazon changes due to deforestation or global warming, then more than half of the Amazon forest will become desert savanna,” says Carlos Nobre, who received the award in 2007 Nobel Prize world as part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Watch a video about the disappearance of forests in Radonia (Brazil).

Millions of hectares of forest disappear every year

Ensuring food security and rational use forests are central to the Goals sustainable development. But the forests are disappearing.

The Earth's population is growing all the time, and with it the demand for resources is growing - wood, fiber, fuel, food, feed and medicine. According to UN experts, by 2050 the demand for wood will triple - to 10 billion cubic meters. will require increased agricultural production, which will lead to the conversion of forest areas to arable land and will be a major driver of deforestation, especially in tropical and low-income countries.

Causes of deforestation

The Food and Agriculture Organization's State of the World's Forests (SOFO) 2016 report shows that productivity gains can be achieved in Vietnam, Ghana, Gambia, Georgia, Costa Rica, Tunisia and Chile. agriculture and strengthen food security while halting and even reversing deforestation. Comprehensive planning Land use management is key to ensuring a balance between different land uses, supported by the right policy instruments to promote sustainable forestry and agriculture. Source: FAO

Forest loss can also occur as a result of human activity, and as a result of natural processes, but our influence is much more significant than, for example, natural disasters. Today man has unprecedented technical capabilities allowing changes in land use on a huge scale. The causes of deforestation can be distinguished as:

direct human actions that have a direct impact on deforestation, examples:

  • expansion of agricultural production (if we talk about the whole world, then according to FAO estimates (pdf), the direct cause of 80% of deforestation is the expansion of agricultural production areas);
  • urban growth;
  • infrastructure development;
  • mining, etc.

so and deep:

  • population growth(Since 1970, the world's population has doubled, while per capita food consumption has also increased, from an average of 2,370 kcal per person per day in the late 1970s to 2,770 kcal per person per day in 2012 - and There have been changes in diets towards increased consumption of livestock products and vegetable oils);
  • agricultural development(profitability increases due to tax benefits, development of transport arteries, development of new markets, for example, biofuels, improvement of technologies, currency devaluation leading to increased demand for exports);
  • high levels of poverty, inefficient agricultural production systems(in search of income, people turn their attention to forests)
  • Uncertainty and precarious land tenure(the value of future forest products decreases compared to income from agricultural products in the near term);
  • mismanagement(imperfect planning and monitoring, insufficient involvement of the local population and stakeholders, corruption, lack of a regulatory framework, insufficient investment in research and education), etc.

For what reasons are forests disappearing (seven countries in South America 1990–2005)

Source: FAO, 2016. State of the World's Forests 2016. Forests and agriculture: land use challenges and opportunities. Rome.

In countries Latin America Export-oriented commercial agricultural production accounts for 70% of forest loss (2000-2010). Since 1990

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The Russian economy is a raw material economy. One of the main resources that our country supplies abroad is wood. In addition to export, wood is also actively used domestically as building material, fuel, raw materials for furniture factories. Mass clearing Forestry in Russia has been going on for several centuries. The growth of new trees does not compensate for the decrease in forest areas. All this leads to both environmental and economic problems. We will pay special attention to this when buying boards made of larch (larch-doska.rf), or from any other tree, remember - the forest, like all living things, must be protected, and the companies that cut down the forest and sell lumber must be controlled!

How does deforestation happen?

A chainsaw is used to cut down a tree. After the trunk falls to the ground, only the stump remains. Small branches are usually burned. The tree trunk is transported by dragging. Small vegetation in the path of the tractor is destroyed. Young trees that could grow in the future at the felling site break and die. The areas where deforestation took place can no longer recover on their own. Human intervention is required so that a tree can grow here again.

Impact of deforestation on the atmosphere

Trees are able to absorb carbon dioxide, the production of which is increasing at a fast pace in connection with the development of industry in large cities and an increase in the amount of transport. According to scientists, the CO2 content in the atmosphere in the next 10 years will be almost 2 times higher than today. This is a very serious number.

The released CO2 tends to create greenhouse effect, which could melt glaciers in the future. Coastal regions will be flooded in the next 50 years if the release situation carbon dioxide won't change. In addition, the average air temperature is increasing. In the next decade it will increase by about 2 degrees. This will seriously affect the health of the country's residents, especially those suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

With growth average temperature air, the range of its fluctuations increases during the day. This leads to heat during the day and frosts at night, which also then leads to the death of plants and a deterioration in people’s well-being.

Impact of deforestation on soil conditions

Deforestation has a serious impact on the development of processes such as soil erosion. In places where trees used to grow, the soil was strengthened by their root system. There was a constant exchange of substances between trees and soil. The soil in treeless areas does not receive useful substances, which means it loses its fertile properties.

The development of erosion leads to the following consequences:

  • Reduced yields, which leads to higher food prices and negatively affects the country’s economy;
  • Silting of rivers, and consequently the extinction of fish;
  • Siltation of artificial water reservoirs, which disrupts the operation of hydroelectric power stations.

Increase in the number of infectious and viral diseases

The main carriers of infections are insects, whose habitat is the forest layer. After deforestation, trees can no longer hold back the precipitation, insects begin to descend to the ground in search of moisture in standing puddles.

Spread of desertification

Desertification is the process of the “dying away” of nature, the lack of possibility for the existence of living organisms and plants. Dead soil, lack of irrigation, dry air that is impossible to breathe - all this global problems, which are among the most discussed in the world today.

Residents of many forest regions will be forced to change their place of residence after deforestation, but such places will become fewer and fewer. The current state of affairs can lead to a decrease in the country's population density and even gradual extinction.

Fight against deforestation

The Russian government, together with environmentalists, is pursuing a policy aimed at reducing the rate of deforestation and limiting the timber trade. The following projects are being developed:

  • Refusal of paper in favor electronic media information. For paper production, waste paper is collected;
  • Development of forestry, the purpose of which is to grow and care for trees;
  • Increasing fines for deforestation in prohibited areas;
  • An increase in duties on wood exports, which will make such a business unattractive.

Deforestation may be invisible to a city resident, but its consequences are not. Should be protected natural resources. Otherwise, nature will respond by stopping taking care of people.

Unfortunately, for very large number For people, the forest is only a source of wood. We can change this situation only by providing information about the importance of the forest and the consequences of its destruction. Forests provide economic benefits and at the same time provide basic human needs. Lack of development in some regions has led to misuse of forest resources. Population growth increased the demand for new land for agriculture, settlements and buildings, which affected the condition of forests.

Earth Summit

In 1992, the UN organized the Earth Summit, at which world community was warned about the dangers associated with deforestation. As a result, governments around the world have begun to make efforts to prevent disaster by implementing measures to ensure the conservation and sustainable development of forests. At the Earth Summit, an Intergovernmental Commission on Forests was established to oversee the implementation of the Forest Policy program. All countries should take part in greening the world by planting trees. Forestry must be managed in such a way that it meets the social, economic, environmental, cultural and spiritual needs of present and future generations.

International financial assistance developing countries so that they can protect their forest resources. Forest conservation policies should support the identity, culture and rights of indigenous peoples through sustainable forest management programs that are informed by environmental guidelines. Such programs should be developed by national governments, non-governmental organizations, as well as private enterprises in cooperation with all stakeholders.

Functions of the forest


The forest serves as a habitat for most animals and natural environment for plants.
The forest creates and preserves soil for agriculture.
The forest participates in the formation of climatic conditions.
The forest regulates the water cycle and ensures a constant supply of water.


The forest is a source of wood.
The forest creates conditions for farming.
The forest is a source of components for the production of medicines/medicines.
The forest is involved in the development of ecotourism.
The forest provides work for foresters, scientists, and other categories of workers.
Despite all these important functions, forests are becoming increasingly scarce as a result of highway and dam construction, mining, industrial deforestation, settlement construction, forest fires, pollution and farming.

Consequences of forest destruction:

Droughts, floods, soil erosion and desertification.
Climate changes causing global warming.
The disappearance of some species of plants and animals (reduction of biological diversity).
Hunger and poverty.
Loss of jobs.
Conflicts over fertile lands.
What can be done to save the forest?

You can reduce your paper and wood consumption. Use paper made from waste paper or non-wood materials. Choose paper that is not made with chlorine. Always write to back side sheet whenever possible.

Manage your business responsibly. Business owners need to know that they are held accountable to the public for actions that cause harm. environment. If you feel that a company's actions are harmful, please send the company a letter expressing your concerns.

Practice reusing or recycling. Now almost any thing can be recycled. Return hangers to the dry cleaner and use cardboard milk cartons as planting pots.

Choose products with minimal packaging. Do you really need separate juice packs when you can use a thermos instead? Almost 50% of waste is packaging.

Plant trees. The UN has launched a tree planting campaign. Contact your school or club to get involved in the campaign and take part in planting trees.

Spread the word. How more people learn about the death of tropical rainforests, the more actively they will fight to stop this process.

Interesting facts about forests

Every second part of the moisture disappears tropical forest equal in area football field. Forests Central Africa are the natural habitat for more than 8,000 various types plants. More than 5,000 different things are made from wood, such as houses, furniture, pencils, kitchen utensils, fences, books, newspapers, movie tickets, toothpaste and even clothing.

The oldest tree on Earth, which is already 4,700 years old, grows in the USA. This tree, which is the most ancient “inhabitant” of the Earth, grew when the Egyptians built the pyramids.

Much of the tropical rainforest is being cut down for its valuable timber. The liberated areas are used for agriculture, as pastures, and are also used by companies to locate their production facilities.