Types of river fish. List of river fish

Carp - common name For freshwater fish carp family. They are widely distributed in various bodies of water around the world. They prefer quiet, stagnant or slow-flowing waters with a hard clayey and slightly silted bottom. Capable of growing up to 1.2 meters in length and weighing more than 100 kg. They feed on mollusks, crustaceans, worms and insect larvae. The largest carp caught by a British angler in 2013 weighed 45.59 kg.

The common taimen is a species of large freshwater fish, the largest representative of the salmon family. They live in fast-flowing, cold rivers of Siberia and in the Amur River basin. Common taimen can grow up to 1.5–2 m long and weigh 60–80 kg. However, most mature fish caught averaged between 70 and 120 cm in length and weighed between 15 and 30 kg. The largest specimen caught, recorded by the International Game Fish Association, weighed 41.95 kg with a length of 156 cm. The species is listed in the Red Book.

Common catfish - large freshwater scaleless bottom fish, living in deep sections of rivers, deep channels, lakes and reservoirs throughout Europe and Asia. The body length of catfish can reach 5 m, weight - 100 kg. There is a lot of information about giant catfish reaching 250–300 kg, but there is no documentary evidence of the existence of such catfish. It is a typical predator and feeds on fish, large benthic invertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl, small mammals and even relatives. Like the pike, the catfish is an excellent orderly for reservoirs; it eats sick and weakened fish. Cases of attacks on people have also been described.

Nile perch is a type of large freshwater predatory fish that lives in the basins of the Congo, Nile, Senegal, Niger rivers, as well as in lakes Chad, Volta, Turkana and other reservoirs. Found in Lake Maryut in Egypt. They can grow up to 2 meters in length and weigh up to 200 kg. However, adults usually reach a length of 121–137 cm. The Nile perch is a predator that dominates in the reservoirs of residence. It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and insects. Where food resources are limited, they can also eat relatives.

Beluga is a species of fish from the sturgeon family. It lives in the White, Caspian, Azov, Black, and Adriatic seas, from where it enters rivers for spawning. Their body length can reach 5 m, weight - 1000 kg (usually individuals up to 2.5 m and weighing up to 200–300 kg are caught). As an exception, according to unconfirmed reports, there were individuals 9 m long and weighing up to 2 tons; if this information is correct, then the beluga can be considered the largest freshwater fish Globe. It feeds mainly on fish, but does not neglect shellfish.

Fifth place in the list of the largest freshwater fish on the planet is occupied by the White sturgeon - a species of fish of the sturgeon family, the largest freshwater fish in North America. Inhabits the bottom of slow-moving rivers and bays along the west coast of North America. The white sturgeon can grow up to 6.1 m long and weigh 816 kg. It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

Chinese paddlefish or psefur is a freshwater fish that lives only in the Yangtze River, sometimes swims into large lakes and the Yellow Sea. Their body length can exceed 3 meters and weight 300 kilograms. There is information that in the 1950s, fishermen caught a paddlefish 7 meters long and weighing about 500 kg, although the veracity of this story is unconfirmed. It feeds on fish and crustaceans. Its meat and caviar are highly prized in China.

Giant freshwater stingray (Himantura polylepis) - a type of freshwater stingray that lives in tropical waters several large rivers of Indochina and Kalimantan. Capable of growing up to 1.9 m wide and weighing 600 kg. They feed mainly on crustaceans and mollusks, possibly earthworms. The giant freshwater stingray is not aggressive, although they must be handled with care as their poisonous long spine can easily penetrate human bone. This species is endangered.

Mississippi girt

The Mississippi shellfish or alligator pike is a species of large freshwater fish common in the lower Mississippi River valley and its tributaries in North and Central America. It's very fast and strong, but shy fish. According to experts, the Mississippi shellfish can grow up to 3 m in length and weigh more than 130 kg. In 2011, the largest shellfish caught was officially registered, its length was 2.572 m, weight 148 kg. It feeds mainly on fish, small mammals, birds, turtles, etc. There are known cases of attacks on children, fortunately, they never ended fatally. Included in the list of prehistoric fish that were considered extinct.

The giant catfish is the largest freshwater fish and is endangered. It is found only in the lower Mekong River, as well as in the Tonle Sap River and Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia. Fish of this species can grow up to 3 meters in length and weigh 150–200 kg. They are herbivores - they feed mainly on algae and phytoplankton. The largest specimen caught in 2005 reached a length of 2.7 m and weighed 293 kg, and it was recognized as the largest freshwater fish caught by humans.

River fish is an integral source of protein in the human diet, as well as amino acids and vitamins. The value of river fish has been established for a long time, and the variety is so great that sometimes you can’t immediately tell what kind of fish you have in your hands.

Knowledge of what a certain species looks like and how it is characterized is also useful for a fisherman, since each species has its own behavioral characteristics and food preferences.


Pike perch belongs to the perch family of fish. It is quite easy to recognize a pike perch by its color and peculiar physique. Pike perch is a predator, so the body shape corresponds to this type of survival: the body of the pike perch is oblong and flattened on the sides.

On top, near the large fin and along the perimeter of the back, the color is dark green, but on the sides the color turns into pearlescent.

There are also vertical stripes on the sides, dark green, which pike perch uses for camouflage when hunting - often there are from 8 to 10 of them.

The lower part, or belly, is light. The scales of pike perch are quite small, like for a river fish, but average for predatory fish.

The fins are yellowish. In the oral cavity there are fang-shaped teeth, and there may also be small ones between them.

Pike perch lives in clean waters with plenty of oxygen. It feeds on small fish and can grow up to 20 kg.


Bersch, like pike perch, is a schooling predatory fish. The color is very similar to the color of pike perch, only the stripes on the sides are more expressive. The scales are slightly larger than those of an ordinary predatory fish, and there are no fangs on the lower lip. It reaches up to a kilogram in weight, with a body length of half a meter.


The body is similar in color to a pike perch, but the structure is different. There is a hump between the first fin on the back and the head; it is noteworthy that there are two fins on the back.

On the first fin it happens black spot in the back, and both dorsal fins are dark in color, but the rest are orange. This species is distinguished by its ability to adapt to any conditions, which made it a picky inhabitant of the reservoir.


It belongs to the perch family and can be recognized externally by its spotted back with a black dot, including on the dorsal fin. The ruffe is known for being very prickly when handled due to its fins and gill covers.

The ruffe grows only up to 30 cm and is not very muscular, which makes it of little value to fishermen. It feeds mainly on small insects and small fish, but does not disdain leeches.


The fish is a member of the perch family, although its elongated, yellowish, cylindrical body can be confusing to identify. Only four faint stripes on the body strengthen confidence in the relationship with the perch.

Chop is a sedentary fish and feeds mainly on larvae, worms and young fish.

The fish does not belong to the category of mass fish and is rarely caught by fishermen, but it is distinguished by its enviable vitality - it easily tolerates movement from one body of water to another.


Quite famous predatory fish, which is difficult to confuse. In shape, the body slightly resembles a torpedo.

Depending on the habitat, the color can be completely different: gray, black, dark green.

Gray or brown color may be added.

The belly is often white, but on the sides there may be different sizes light dots or stripes of completely different shapes and anywhere.

The fins are yellowish-red.

The pike is a solitary predator and hunts by waiting for prey in cover, using camouflage and a powerful jaw full of razor-sharp teeth.

It feeds on small fish, but there are cases where pike have also attacked waterfowl. Pike grows up to 40 kg.


Roach is a schooling fish. It has a slender body, the tail is compressed on the sides. The fins located below the lateral line of the fish have an orange-red light, and those above are dark, with a red coating at the tips.

The iris of the eyes is orange. The color of the scales is uniformly silver, with the exception of the greenish back. This species is very common and often hides from predators in the grass.

The fish is not very picky about food: it feeds on caviar, worms, and small mollusks. Cases have been recorded of fish even swallowing berries that fell from bushes into the water.

It grows no more than 45 cm in length and weighs up to 2 kilograms, but the most common is 20 cm in length.


The small head and tall, flattened body make this fish species immediately recognizable as belonging to the carp family.

Depending on age, the scales can be light gray in young individuals, or golden in older ones.

In any case, the fins will be gray and inconspicuous.

Bream lives in bodies of water with low currents and sticks to the bottom in search of peace.

It feeds mainly on larvae, worms, small crustaceans and algae.

Bream grows up to half a meter in length and weighs up to 5 kg, and is a desired trophy for any fisherman.


It gets its name from the white iris. Whiteeye is a subspecies of bream, but is distinguished by a smaller hump on its back and larger eyes relative to its body. The color is similar to that of the bream, except that the back may have a bluish tint.

Its habits are very similar to bream, but it chooses water bodies with high current speed, but still stays closer to the bottom. It feeds on algae and small larvae, less often on mollusks. It grows up to 30 cm in length and weighs no more than one kilogram.


It is a close relative of the bream, and can often even be confused, since the body shape is almost identical. You can distinguish them by their larger scales and reddish fin bases, which you won’t find in bream.

It prefers calm waters, but does not always stick to the bottom - fish can be caught in any part. Like all representatives of cyprinids, it feeds on algae, worms, and mollusks and grows up to 30 cm and no more than half a kilogram.


Carp is a schooling fish. It has a long body and sometimes even tall.

The color of the carp is dark brown on top and becomes more golden towards the belly.

It has a long fin on its back that almost reaches the tail.

He also has a pair of mustaches at the corners of his lips, and another pair of short ones above his upper lip.

Preferably found in bodies of water with low or reverse currents.

The carp grows up to a meter and over 20 kilograms, so it is quite voracious and does not go overboard in food: it feeds on both animal and plant foods, sometimes it can even eat tree branches lowered into the water.


The legacy of the wild carp is the domesticated carp. It is less picky than carp and is a valuable industrial fish due to the taste of the meat, and is therefore specially bred.

Carp lives mainly in the depths, and comes out to shallow water to feed. There are many subspecies bred to meet the required amount of meat and scales.

Crucian carp: gold and silver

Crucian carp belongs to the family of carp fish, and outwardly retains its characteristics: a high body and flattened sides.

The body of the silver one is slightly more elongated than that of the gold one.

Crucian carp is quite hardy and is found in almost all bodies of water where fish live.

Golden crucian carp is more hardy than silver crucian carp and lives in small stagnant bodies of water, while silver crucian carp lives in flowing ones.

The crucian carp feeds on everything it can find, and like all cyprinids, it is omnivorous.

Golden crucian carp grows up to 3 kg, and silver carp only up to two.


The lynx is characterized by low energy, and got its name because it kind of “sheds” when it is taken out of the water. This happens because the fish's body is covered in mucus, which hardens and falls off in the sun.

The lynx has a thick, clumsy body. The back is dark green, the sides are olive, and closer to the belly the color becomes yellowish, the fins are gray-brown.

The lynx rarely changes its habitat, even due to the need to obtain food. It feeds on algae and larvae and can grow up to 60 cm in length and weigh up to 8 kg.


The body of the fish has an almost round shape. The back is dark green, the sides are silvery, and closer to the belly it becomes silvery-white. On the scales you can see typical black borders on the edges of the scales.

The lateral fins are orange; those located on the lower part of the belly are bright red, and all the rest are gray. Different big head with a flat forehead.

Prefers cold water, so it can be found in rivers with fast and medium currents. In its diet it prefers comas that have fallen into the water, but in general it is omnivorous: it feeds on both algae and small fish, not to mention larvae and worms. Grows weighing up to 8 kg.


The body of the ide is slightly oblong. The back is silvery, with gilding on the sides and gradually turns white closer to the belly. The fins are all red, except for the tail - it is gray.

Prefers fast and deep rivers, but stays closer to the bottom, and if it goes out into shallow water, it hides under overhanging tree branches. The fish leads night image life, and the diet is almost similar to the diet of the chub. Ide grows up to 70 cm in length and can weigh up to 8 kg.


The asp is a predatory fish, but prefers solitude to a flock. The body is oblong, slightly compressed at the sides, but rather rounded than flat.

The color is typical, like many fish: dark green back, silvery sides and white belly.

The lateral and pelvic fins are red, and the rest are gray. The fish has a large slanting mouth, but without teeth, but has a tubercle on the upper lip and a depression on the lower lip, which looks like a regular bite.

Prefers fast-moving ponds, rapids and mountain rivers. It feeds on small fish and insects that fall into the water. He hunts quite interestingly: he waits for the moment to high speed falls into the school and suddenly grabs small fish. The asp grows weighing up to 10 kg and length up to 80 cm.


Although saberfish belongs to the cyprinids, its long body and compressed sides make one doubt this. The fish has a bluish back and slightly pinkish sides. Like most fish, the pelvic and lateral fins are reddish, and the rest are grey.

The saberfish prefers clean water bodies with a minimum of vegetation. It grows up to 70 cm, but the weight usually does not exceed a kilogram, due to the structure of the body. A special feature of saberfish is that the scales peel off very well.


The rudd is distinguished by its red fins, hence the name. Outwardly similar to a roach, but the color is more golden and the head is smaller. It lives in lakes and rivers and prefers to be in the upper layers of the reservoir.

It feeds mainly on algae and insects and grows no more than 1.5 kg.


Podust is distinguished by the dark color of the lower belly and dark fins. The body is oblong, and the short caudal fin is especially noticeable. It belongs to the herbaceous fish, as it feeds on algae that grow on rocks at the bottom of the reservoir.

Prefers rivers with fast current, and due to the active way of life, it rarely grows over half a kilogram.


The bleak has an oblong body, compressed at the sides. The color is typical, except that the brightness of the silver scales is blinding in the sun. It lives in clean and quiet rivers and lakes, often in reservoirs.

It feeds on insects and their larvae, eggs of other fish, but basically it can be considered the food of other fish, since it is often found at the surface of the water, and grows no more than 20 cm.


Bystryanka is somewhat similar to bleak, but differs in a taller but shorter body. The difference is also in the two-point line drawn in dotted lines along the side line. It grows no more than 12 cm in length, and is found mainly in rivers, less often in lakes.


The gudgeon is distinguished by its grayish-brown back and yellowish-silver sides and belly. The body is oblong and rounded, with a pair of whiskers at the corners of the lips. Prefers clean, shallow reservoirs, where it prefers to stay on the bottom.

It feeds mainly on animal food such as worms and larvae, and less often on small mollusks.

Grass carp

Grass carp has a typical body color with a dark back and gradual lightening up to the belly. The upper and caudal fin are dark, and all the rest are light, closer to transparent.

For life, cupid chooses clean flowing reservoirs with quiet backwaters. It is a herbivorous fish, but it is capable of growing up to 30 kg and up to 120 cm in length.

Silver carp

Silver carp, as the name suggests, is distinguished by a thick and wide forehead. The color is typical, except for the yellowish fins. It is a valuable commercial fish species and is found in clean water bodies with little current, but prefers reservoirs.

It can grow up to a meter in length and weigh 20 kg, despite the fact that the diet is purely plant-based.


The catfish is distinguished by a dull brown color and a huge head with two long whiskers on the sides and four short ones on the beard. The mouth is quite wide and strewn with sharp teeth, which is not surprising for a predator.

This species is considered settled and rarely leaves its habitat. Catfish are found in clean but deep waters and can reach 5 meters in length and weigh 300 kg. Given its enormous size and clumsiness, it also feeds on carrion.

Channel catfish

Like its “big brother,” the channel catfish is a predatory fish. Differs in lighter color compared to regular catfish and smaller in size - capable of growing up to only 45 kg and no more than 1.5 meters.

Prefers clean waters, but sticks to the bottom. It feeds on animal food, such as small crustaceans, worms, mollusks, and larvae.


The eel has a body structure similar to that of a snake. Refers to predatory fish. Externally, it is brown-green, with yellowness on the sides.

A special feature is the absence of a rear fin - it stretches from the back to the belly along the wedge-shaped rear part of the body. It feeds on animal food, sometimes even frogs.


It got its name for its flattened head, reminiscent of a snake, and its atypical color for a fish - a yellow-brown body, in places with chaotic spots.

Refers to predators, and therefore has sharp teeth. Prefers rivers with large vegetation, but feeds on small fish and frogs. Capable of reaching a mass of 8 kg and a length of one meter.


It has an oblong body and a pair of long symmetrical fins on the belly and back. The color is also specific: the body is brownish-brown green with dark and light spots.

There are antennae on the chin and nostrils. It feeds mainly on animal food, but does not disdain carrion. Capable of growing up to 25 kg.


It is distinguished by a long, elongated body with a dark yellowish color, lighter towards the belly and dark stripes along the body. It is very hardy and chooses reservoirs with silted bottoms, where it feeds on larvae and small animals. Capable of growing up to 30 cm.


It has an oblong body, with a dark green back, gray-yellow sides and a yellow belly. A distinctive feature is the six antennae on the chin. It feeds on eggs and small animals and does not grow more than 10 cm.

Hungarian lamprey

The body is oblong and resembles an eel. On the back there are two untouchable fins from the middle of the body, almost to the tail. It has an interesting color: a dark gray back turns into silvery sides and a white-yellowish belly.

Prefers clean water bodies and is close to extinction due to river pollution. Does not grow more than 30 cm.

Ukrainian lamprey

The body is eel-like with a tricolor color: gray back, silvery sides, and becomes whitish closer to the belly. It is distinguished by a lighter color than that of the Hungarian lamprey. May have a row of teeth on the lower lip.

It prefers extremely clean river basins and can reach 50 cm in length, but often does not exceed 20 cm.


It has an oblong, not high and spindle-shaped body with a dark gray back, lighter on the sides and a light belly. A special feature is the spikes on the lateral line, the number of which reaches 50.

It lives in clean water bodies and stays close to the sandy bottom. Capable of growing up to 16 kg and over a meter long.

Danube salmon

The body of salmon is long and resembles a cylinder shape. It is dark gray in color up to the middle of the belly, then gradually becomes lighter. A distinctive feature are black spots scattered throughout the body.

Prefers deep clean rivers, and stays closer to the bottom. Capable of reaching a weight of up to 20 kg.

Brook trout

The body is oblong and not pressed on the sides. The color is variable, but the dark gray back and light belly are characteristic. Dark or pinkish dots are scattered throughout the body. Inhabits fast mountain rivers with rocky bottoms.

It can grow up to 2 kg, but usually the weight does not exceed one kilogram.


It has an elongated body covered with large scales. The back is dark, with light brown sides and a golden belly; has dark spots scattered throughout the body.

It is armed with small teeth and lives in stagnant bodies of water with good vegetation. It grows no more than 12 cm and feeds on small fish and spineless animals.

European grayling

It is distinguished by a long, low body with a high dorsal fin. The back has a brownish tint, and the sides have a metallic sheen. It has yellowish stripes along the body, and black spots are scattered near the head.

It lives in clean, cold waters and usually does not exceed 30 cm and 300 grams.


The body structure is similar to salmon: oblong and thick, cylindrical in shape. The back is dark gray with a green tint, with grayish sides and a light belly. Inhabits estuaries and lives in small flocks. Capable of growing up to 8 kg.

Are there river fish without bones? Answer: it happens! If we take the list considered, then there are no bones in the body of catfish, eels and lampreys. The skeleton of the sterlet is completely cartilaginous.

Features of river fish

Due to the limited habitat, fish with clearly defined adaptive characteristics can be found. Predators have an elongated body with a camouflage color and are quite muscular. A non-predatory river fish has a tall and flat body, often silver in color with bright fins.

Pike perch is a relative of perch, which lives only in clean water, provided with oxygen for its life and activity. There are no phosphates or other impurities in this fish. The height of pike perch is 35 cm. Its maximum weight is 20 kg.

Pike perch meat is light and lean, but very pleasant to the taste. It is saturated with phosphorus, chromium, sulfur, potassium, fluorine, cobalt, iodine and vitamin P. In terms of composition, this fish is quite healthy.


Bersh also belongs to the perch family. Its height is 45 cm. The largest fish weight is 1.4 kg. This species lives in rivers that flow into the Black and Caspian seas.

The bersh feeds on not very large fish, mainly gudgeon. The meat is like pike perch, but a little softer.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. But it was and remains the most effective.

It attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. Suitable for both summer and winter fishing.


Perch lives in rivers, lakes, and ponds that only have clean water. That is, we can say that this fish is not picky and is found almost everywhere where it is clean.

To catch perch, you need to use only certain thin gear. Thanks to this, catching it is quite interesting and entertaining.


In appearance, the ruff looks like a monster. It has such spiny fins to protect itself from predatory fish like pike. This fish is found in ponds and rivers, but changes color depending on its habitat. Height is 13 cm and weight is approximately 400 g.

Such growth of the ruffe depends on the excess of crayfish, insects and larvae on which they feed. This type of fish is common in many European countries. It is found mainly in rivers, lakes, seashores and ponds.

Spawns from two days to several weeks. This fish doesn't like sunlight, so you can find it at a depth of no less than two meters.


This fish is extremely rare in our area, so few people know about it. The fish belongs to the perch family. It has an elongated spindle-shaped body, decorated with a protruding snout.

This fish is small in size, that is, its length is less than 1 foot. The main place of residence of the chop is the Danube River with its adjacent tributaries.

The chop feeds on worms, mollusks, and small-sized fish. The caviar, which has a bright yellow color, has been spawning since the end of April.


Pike belongs to the pike family. It has become widespread in fresh water bodies of the Eurasian and North American continents. We can say that this fish is distributed almost all over the world only in water that is saturated with oxygen.

When the amount of oxygen decreases, it dies. Height is 1.5 m, weight ranges between 35 kg. The body and head of the pike have an elongated shape. It can spawn only at temperatures from three to six degrees. Pike is a predatory fish.

It feeds mainly on low-value fish. Lives everywhere. The meat contains little fat and is dietary. They live no more than 25 years. In cooking, this type of fish is used raw, boiled, fried and stewed.


Roach has become widespread in the Russian Federation.

It lives in rivers, ponds and lakes.

The color of a fish depends on the composition of the water in which it lives.

Looks like a rudd.

Roach feeds mainly on algae, fry of various small fish and various midge larvae.

With the onset of winter, they go to spend the winter.

It begins to spawn later than pike, somewhere right at the end of spring, and before spawning it becomes covered with small white spots.

Roach caviar is very soft, transparent and has a green tint.


Bream is a dull fish, but has a delicious taste. Prefers to live in calm water with slow currents.

Their lifespan is 20 years, however they grow slowly. For example, a bream that lives 10 years weighs only three or four kilograms.

The fish has a silvery-dark color. Life expectancy is seven to eight years. The length varies within 41 cm, and the weight reaches 800 g. It begins to spawn in the spring.

It feeds on aquatic plankton, invertebrate larvae and crayfish mollusks. It lives mainly in the Black and Caspian Seas. In cooking, it is used in different forms: fried, boiled, salted, smoked and dried.


The silver bream is a sedentary fish.

The color is bluish-gray. The lifespan of fish is no more than 15 years.

The length is 35 cm and the weight is 1.2 kg. These fish do not grow quickly. They live in calm waters.

Spring and autumn for the silver bream are the period of formation of numerous flocks and dense aggregations.

This is where the name of the fish comes from.

It feeds mainly on insect larvae and small fish mollusks.

The silver bream usually spawns at night, at the end of May or at the beginning of June at a water temperature of 15 to 17 ° C with a duration of 1 to 1.5 months.

The fish has become widespread in European countries. The meat has a lot of bones and is tasteless.


Carp has a dark yellow-golden color. The lifespan of a fish is 30 years, but it stops growing at 7 or 8 years. Weight is from 1 to 3 kg, and height is 100 cm.

Carp is a freshwater fish, but is also found in the Caspian Sea. In the summer it feeds on young shoots of reeds and other aquatic plants, as well as young eggs of spawning fish, and in the fall it begins to eat various small insects and invertebrates.


Carp belongs to the carp family. Has a mustache. The fish feed on undercooked potatoes, bread crumbs and cake. In winter, carps hibernate. They are very insatiable and gluttonous.

Life expectancy is about 100 years. The fish has yellow-green th and brown. Lives in rivers, reservoirs, rates, lakes that have a bottom filled with silt.

Fish spawns at water temperatures from 18 to 20 degrees in the morning. Weight is about 9 kg. In China it is considered a food fish, and in Japan it is considered a decorative food.

crucian carp

Crucian carp is the most famous fish among the people.

Lives in almost all reservoirs and ponds in Russia.

It belongs to the carp family. It resembles a carp, but does not have a mustache.

This fish is hardy and unpretentious to water quality. They react little to a lack of oxygen.

In winter, fish can freeze into ice and not die if the internal liquid does not freeze.

Weighs 0.5 kg.

Spawns at a temperature of at least 14 degrees.


It lives in rivers and reservoirs overgrown with plants and covered with a carpet of duckweed.

She is considered a strong fish. It is good to catch tench starting in August. By taste qualities the fish is no worse than carp and pike perch. It also makes good fish soup.


The chub is a freshwater fish. Belongs to the carp family. Its length is 80 cm and weighs about 8 kg. It uses aerial insects, young crayfish, fish and frogs as food.

Widespread in European countries and Asia Minor. Spawns at water temperatures from 12 to 17 °C. Likes to live in areas with strong currents.


Ide is widespread in all rivers and reservoirs of European countries. Prefers slow currents and deep places. Doesn't fall into hibernation. Quite a hardy fish. Length ranges from 35 to 63 cm, weight ranges from 2 to 2.8 kg.

Life expectancy reaches 20 years. Feeds on animal and plant foods. Ide spawns in the spring at temperatures from 2 to 13 degrees.


The asp is the most common species of the carp family.

It has a dark bluish-gray color.

The height of the fish is 120 cm, and the weight ranges between 12 kg.

This species lives in the Black and Caspian Seas.

Likes to swim in fast-moving waters; stagnant places are avoided.


It has a silvery, grayish and yellowish color. The length of the fish is 60 cm and the weight is 2 kg. Life expectancy is 9 years. The fish grows quite quickly.

Lives in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, the sea. Young fish first eat phytoplankton and zooplankton, and in late summer feed on insect larvae. Lives in the Baltic Sea.


In appearance, the rudd is similar to a roach, but much more attractive. He is 51 cm tall and weighs 2.1 kg. Life expectancy ranges from 19 years.

Found in rivers that flow into the Caspian, Azov, Black and Aral Sea. Fish eat animal and plant microorganisms. They especially love shellfish caviar.

Meat contains many useful minerals such as phosphorus, chromium, vitamin P, proteins and fats.


Podust has a long body. The lifespan of fish is 10 years. The length reaches 40 cm and the weight is 1.6 kg. Loves fast-flowing rivers.

It feeds on microscopic algae that lie at the bottom of rivers. Spawns in April at temperatures from 6 to 8 degrees. Distributed throughout Europe.


Bleak is a fish that is known to every person who has picked up a fishing rod at least once. It belongs to the carp family. The size of the fish ranges from 12 to 15 cm, and the weight reaches about one hundred grams.

It lives in rivers that flow into the Black, Baltic and Azov seas.


Bystryanka is similar to ordinary bleak. This is a rather small fish and its maximum size was no more than 10 cm. It has a brownish-green color. Weighs about 2 g. Lives about 6 years.

It grows very slowly. It takes zooplankton and algae as food.


The gudgeon belongs to the carp family.

The body of the fish is spindle-shaped.

The size is 15-22 cm.

It is found in reservoirs.

Spawns in spring.

Accepts larvae and small invertebrates as food

white cupid

The fish "Great Cupid" belongs to the carp family. It accepts only aquatic plants as food, which differ at a fast pace growth. The fish is 1.2 m tall and weighs 32 kg. This type of fish is distributed throughout the world.

Silver carp

Silver carp feed on microscopic algae in huge sizes. This is an industrial fish that is easy to acclimatize. She weighs 8 kg. Belongs to the carp family. The fish has teeth that are designed to flatten algae.

Silver carp is widespread in the Republic of China and the Central Asian region. The length of the fish reaches 1 m, and the weight is 25 kg. It is an industrial fish. Silver carp love warm water. In rivers, places with fast currents are selected. Spawning early spring.


Catfish is a large freshwater scaleless fish of the catfish family. Its length reaches 5 m, and its weight is 400 kg. The color is brown. Lives in the Russian Federation and other European countries. Applies to inactive fish.

Channel catfish

Channel catfish are fish belonging to the catfish family. It contains 37 species of fish that live in North America. The fish has a very slender, scaleless body and huge mustache, which is of particular interest.

Fish spawn at a temperature of 28 degrees. Channel catfish are a heat-loving fish, but they can overwinter under ice.


Eel is a freshwater fish that belongs to the river eel family. This fish is predatory. Lives in the Baltic, Azov, Black and Barents seas. It looks like a snake.

It has an elongated cylindrical body and a small head, which is flattened in front. This fish is found in waters with clay bottoms. The eel feeds on a variety of animals that live in mud, crayfish, worms, larvae, and snails.

The length is 47 cm, and the weight can reach 8 kg.


Snakehead fish live in swampy areas. Looks like a snake


Burbot belongs to the order of cod-like fish.

It has a long, small and round body.

The color is brown and gray.

But it can change depending on the environment.

This fish spawns in the cold season.

Prefers cold and clean waters.

Burbot is a predator.

Hunts mainly at night.

Feeds on invertebrates and zooplankton. Burbot is an industrial fish.


The loach fish is one of a small group of fish characterized by a long body that is covered with very small, smooth scales.

In appearance, the loach resembles an eel or a snake. The fish has a long cylindrical body. The length of this fish is 30 cm.

This species is widespread throughout Europe. The fish prefers calm water. It likes to be mostly at the bottom, and comes to the surface only during a thunderstorm or during rains.


Red char fish is a relative of the salmon breed. There are many types of this fish. Characteristic property The char is that it has the ability to change its color, which depends on the habitat and the number of years.

These fish have no scales. It is small in size. In cooking, char does not shrink in size when exposed to high temperatures.

Fish is rich in omega-3, that is, fatty acids that help the body perform protective functions to fight inflammation.

Hungarian lamprey

Lives mainly in the river. This fish is widespread in Transcarpathia in Ukraine. The Hungarian lamprey lives in shallow areas of rivers with a clay bottom.

Ukrainian lamprey

Ukrainian lamprey feeds on various types of fish. Lives mainly in rivers. Distributed in the basins of Ukraine. Doesn't like to be deep underwater.

The body length is 25 cm, spawns at a water temperature of 8 degrees. After spawning, they live for another two years and die.


It has a dark gray-brown color.

Life expectancy is 27 years.

Length ranges from 1.25 m and weight up to 16 kg.

Lives in rivers.

In winter it goes into a sedentary state, goes deeper and does not feed on anything.

Distributed in the Black, Azov, Caspian, White, Barents and Kara seas.

It is a very valuable industrial fish.

Danube salmon

Danube salmon is a unique representative of the fish fauna of Ukraine. It lives in the Danube River basin and is not found anywhere else in the world. The fish belongs to the salmon family. Its length is about 1 meter.

Salmon color is gray. It begins to spawn in April. This fish is a voracious predator that feeds on small fish. The weight of the fish is 140 g, sizes range up to 15 cm.

The lifespan of Danube salmon is twenty years.

Brook trout

Brook trout belongs to the salmon family. It has a body length of 25 - 55 cm, and a weight of 0.2 - 2 kg or more. The color changes from dark brown to golden. This fish leads sedentary image life and does not like to migrate.

Trout feeds on crayfish and insect larvae. Trout receive the largest amount of food during a thunderstorm, when the wind blows a huge number of insect larvae into the water.


Umbra belongs to the Eudoschidae family. The body dimensions are 10 cm and the weight is approximately 30 g. The color is reddish-brown. It became widespread in the basin of the Danube and Dniester rivers.

If it hears danger, it burrows into the ground. Spawns in March or April. It eats fish larvae and small invertebrates.

European grayling

European grayling is one of the main industrial fish in the North of the Urals. Spawns in rivers at a temperature of 10 degrees. It is a very predatory fish. Likes to be in fast-flowing rivers.


Carp is a freshwater fish. Belongs to the carp family. The fish is dark in color. Its length is 60 centimeters. The carp is found in the Black, Azov and Caspian seas. Weight is about 5 kg.

River fish without bones

No bones in the following types fish:

  • in maritime language;
  • in fish of the sturgeon family, which belong to the order Chordata.

Features of river fish

Water is a very dense substance, so the movement of fish in it is difficult. However, her body is adapted to such conditions.

Many fish, especially good swimmers, have a long torpedo or spindle shape. Such fish include salmon, podust, dace, chub, asp, sabrefish and herring. In calm water and with little current, fish with a flat body live. These include bream, rudd and crucian carp.

Among the river fish there are predators - pike, burbot, pike perch and catfish, which have a terrible mouth, huge jaws and strong teeth. Pike has the peculiarity of arching when swallowing food.

Fish that feed on small fish have small mouth openings. And those that feed from the bottom and dig the ground have a retractable mouth.

The skin color of many fish changes depending on their habitat. The speed of movement can be from ten to twenty meters per second.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When last time Have you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

Our planet has been inhabited by many different animals for millions of years. Among them, a special type stands out - fish. They filled rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. These animals play a large role in the natural food chain, as well as in the human environment. Both sea and river fish serve as a source of food for people, medicines and fertilizers for agriculture, as well as raw materials for light industry. What are these inhabitants of the rivers of our country, how do they survive and what do they eat? This issue deserves due attention, because all living organisms on Earth are necessary parts of nature.

Fishes of Russian rivers

The most common fish that live in Russian rivers are beluga, pike, burbot, catfish, sturgeon, stickleback, crucian carp, salmon, carp, perch, carp, rudd. And this is not a complete list of them. The fastest river fish include salmon, dace, podust, asp and sabrefish, and the most nimble include rudd, bream, roach, bream, tench and crucian carp. These aquatic vertebrates are divided into predatory and peaceful inhabitants. What river fish eat directly depends on this division. The former feed on smaller representatives of this class, while the latter spend most of their time searching for plankton and plant food. In especially in summer period, various algae grow rapidly, which are a haven for crustaceans and mollusks. And this is not just food, but a kind of delicacy for fish. Predators (for example, pike, pike perch, perch), in turn, feed on smaller fish.

The largest representatives of river fish

Nowadays, any river fish whose length is more than 1.80 meters and weighs at least 90 kg is considered a large specimen. The record holders for size are several species of these aquatic vertebrates. One of them is the beluga. Its weight reaches 1400 kg, and its length is about five meters. Beluga and pike keep up with the size. Its largest representatives are found in northern rivers Russia.

The European (common) catfish weighs about 350 kg and is up to 4.5 meters long. It lives in almost all large rivers of both Russia and the CIS. The catfish is unusual in that its body consists of a huge head and a huge tail.

The most valuable freshwater fish

River fish of Russia have their most valuable specimens. The most expensive of them is the Russian beluga. For example, a female caught weighing 1227 kg yielded 240 kg of very high-quality caviar. Its value today is about two hundred thousand dollars.

The second most expensive is carp. It belongs to the category of especially valuable ones. For example, in the seventies in the Volga River delta, the catch of carp was at least ten thousand tons per year.

Fishes of the rivers of Primorye

Russia has a huge territory, in the reservoirs of which there are many various types fish Thus, considering the inhabitants of fresh water bodies of the Primorsky Territory, one can count about one hundred and fifty of their varieties. Some, such as Sakhalin taimen, are even listed in the Red Book. Other river fish of Primorye can boast of the most unusual names - for example, snake-catcher, horse-guar, yellow-cheeked and topgazer. In addition to the fish mentioned above, the local fish include Amur pike, catfish, crucian carp, carp, salmon, lenok, counj and grayling. One of the most unpretentious and widespread fish of the Primorsky Territory is the rudd. And although many locals consider it too bony, its taste is excellent. There are two types of rudd: small-scaled and large-scaled. Typically this fish grows up to half a meter in length and weighs up to one and a half kilograms.

Fishing in the Moscow region

For those who like to fish, the Moscow region has remained a favorite place for a relaxing holiday for many years. Amazing nature, quiet evenings, clean air and plenty of fish in the reservoirs - everything you need for Russian fishing. Severka, Ruza, Istra, Nerskaya, Protva, Nara, Besputa, Dubna, Sestra and others hide various popular and tasty fish in their waters. This includes perch, and carp, and crucian carp, and roach, and pike, and gudgeon, and bream, and chub, and bream, and asp, and bleak. River fish in the Moscow region are caught using fishing rods, spinning rods, fly fishing rods, boats and bales.

Pike - the queen of Russian rivers

Speaking about the fish that are found in Russia, one cannot fail to mention the heroine of Russian fairy tales - the pike. It lives not only in the reservoirs of our country, but also in the rivers of European countries, as well as Asia and the United States of America. The size of pikes is determined by the food supply: the larger the average size of fish in the river, the larger the pike can grow. It is rightfully considered one of the most predatory freshwater fish. Her appearance fully demonstrates this: a long flattened head with a huge mouth and a large number of sharp teeth looks terrifying. Many river fish have become prey for this agile predator. The color of pikes is mainly gray-green, with speckles. Thanks to their slippery cylindrical body, they move quickly and swiftly. Pike feed mainly on smaller perch and others), but there are often cases of eating individuals of their own species. In addition, the diet of these predators includes amphibians, reptiles, large insects, various waste, and small mammals, and even waterfowl chicks.

Rare and endangered fish

Today, on the territory of Russia, many river fish need human participation and care, the list of which is growing every year. These include Azov beluga, sterlet, Volga herring, Volkhov whitefish, black carp, Baikal white grayling, Baikal sturgeon, common sculpin, Kamchatka salmon and others. All these fish are on the verge of extinction. Take the Volkhov whitefish, which previously, before its construction (1925), played a big role in the fishery and was found in huge quantities in the Volkhov, Syaz, and Svir rivers.

The catch of Baikal sturgeon in the nineteenth century reached three thousand centners, and in the nineties of the twentieth century it decreased to two hundred centners. Today, most often these river fish are found in Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it - Angara, Kitoye, Belaya, Selenga, Barguzin and Khamar-Daban. A similar fate befell the Baikal white grayling, which was also previously widespread in these waters.

Another endangered species is black carp. Due to a sharp decrease in the number of this fish in the seventies of the last century, a ban on its fishing was established. Today it is found in and also in Ussuri.

Impact of the environmental situation

Unfortunately, today the environmental situation affects many river systems. Quite often there are cases of river pollution by emissions from factories and industrial enterprises, storm water, which contain various hazardous chemicals. Under such circumstances, river fish, crayfish, turtles and other inhabitants not only change their usual way of life, but also become victims of mutations or disappear altogether. And it’s no secret that insufficient attention from human society can lead to an irreparable environmental disaster.

List of fish that live in freshwater bodies. These are predatory fish and peaceful fish species, primarily river fish and lake fish. The list contains names, descriptions, and photos of fish in their habitat. The fish in the list is characterized from several points of view:

  • Ichthyological: features of fish as a species, habitat, fish nutrition, spawning;
  • Culinary: nutritional value of fish, taste, properties of meat, fat content, bone content;
  • Fishing: fish as an object of amateur and sport fishing.

The habits of fish, fishing methods, tackle and bait are described. Examples of culinary uses and dishes for which fish is most suitable are given.

river fish

River fish cannot exist in salt water sea ​​water, A sea ​​fish in fresh. With some exceptions: migratory fish can live in fresh water, and in salty.

Some marine fish migrate to rivers for spawning - salmon, brown trout, and herring. These types of fish are called anadromous. Salmon go upstream in rivers hundreds of kilometers from where they flow into the sea, spawn there, roll back, and die. Migratory fish have great commercial value.

Freshwater river fish are also not always sedentary, and can migrate to salty waters. Some species of freshwater fish (catadromes) swim into the sea to spawn (freshwater eels).

The typical river fish is underrated. No sea fish can compare in taste to properly cooked pike perch, fried carp or crucian carp. Real fish soup is made only from river fish, and the most delicious fish cutlets, prepared from pike meat. Pike caviar is also prized. And in general, among the river fish, there are really valuable fish!

Names and photos of river fish

Considering that the freshwater bodies of our country are home to more than 400 different types fish, not including migratory fish, the list includes only their most valuable, famous and popular representatives. We tried to choose a photo river fish most accurately conveying the idea of ​​them and their appearance.

Let's move on to our list of fish (the order of fish names is derived by weighted average popularity - the number of mentions in fishing, cooking, literature). Each page displays 5 fish. Use the arrows at the bottom of the list to navigate.

#1 Perch

River perch is a small predator, a typical inhabitant of most freshwater bodies of water - rivers, reservoirs, ponds and lakes. Sea bass, yellow perch are representatives of other fish species. In reservoirs with representatives of valuable fish, perch is considered a trash fish, in the rest - a cleaner. A perch weighing more than 300 grams is considered large. During its life, a perch can grow up to half a meter in size and weigh 2 kg.

Perch feeds on young fish, insects and larvae; during the spawning of other fish, it eats their eggs. The striped robber is what characterizes the bass best.

How to catch perch

Perch can be caught using various tackles throughout the year. The largest numbers of perch are caught after high water, in early autumn and on the first ice in winter. They catch perch using spinning rods in the open water season, and using spoons and jigs in winter.

How to cook

Despite the fact that perch is not of particular commercial value, it is widely used in home cooking. This is not to say that this is a fish without bones, but there are very few of them. Large perch is smoked and fried, sometimes salted and dried, and perch fish soup is made from various varieties. Perch meat is tasty and lean. Those who do not like to deal with perch because of its scales are missing out on a lot.

#2 Pike

Pike is a freshwater predatory fish, inhabitant of rivers and lakes. The sea pike is called a barracuda. Depending on the body of water in which it lives, pike can have different colors - lake pikes are brighter and darker than river fish. Being a predator, the spotted predator acts as a “orderly” of reservoirs - it hunts and eats, first of all, weakened and sick fish.

Occurs in early spring after the water warms up to three to six degrees. Previously, only burbot spawned pike.

During its life, a pike can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh more than 30 kg. Pike over 9 kg are called “crocodiles” by fishermen. In warm weather, pike are caught using spinning rods, and in winter - using jigs, spoons and balancers.

How to cook pike

Pike meat is “dry”, not fatty - dietary. Due to its bonyness and peculiar taste, pike meat is rarely used for cooking in its pure form. But it is well suited for making cutlets and is used in fish soup along with other types of fish. Salted and lightly salted pike caviar is highly prized.

#3 Pike perch

Pike perch is a predatory river fish of the perch family, but there is also sea pike perch. This is a large and strong fish up to 18 kg in weight and more than a meter in length. A close relative of pike perch is bersh. Bersh is called the Volga pike perch, but it is not a pike perch - it does not weigh more than one and a half kilograms and it does not have the fang-like teeth that real pike perch have.

Pike perch hunts in a flock, going out in an organized manner to a place where many young fish gather or schools of small fish - sprat and sprat - pass by. Pike perch spawn in the spring, when the water warms up to 12 degrees. After spawning, pike perch does not leave the spawning area, protecting the eggs from “pirates” - perches and other fish that love to feast on other people’s eggs.

Pike perch is always a desired trophy in the catch of any fisherman. By open water pike perch is caught on a spinning rod using a wide variety of baits. In winter, pike perch is caught using spoons and balancers, rattlins, amphipods, and jigs for pike perch.

How to cook pike perch

Pike perch belongs to valuable species fish Has high nutritional value, very tasty dietary meat with a high content of easily digestible protein. In addition, pike perch meat contains a lot useful microelements and amino acids, some of which are essential.

Objectively, pike perch is one of the most delicious freshwater fish. Pike perch – “fish without bones”, one of the advantages of pike perch meat is complete absence there are small bones in it. The most correct use is fried or baked pike perch.

#4 Burbot

Burbot is a river fish of the burbot genus, the only representative of cod-like fish that lives exclusively in fresh water. Burbot does not tolerate warm water, so it is more common in temperate waters. climate zone and further north.

Externally, burbot looks a little like catfish. It has a spotted color, and the color of burbot depends on the transparency, depth, illumination and color of the soil of the water in which it lives. Burbot spawning occurs in winter, from December to February - depending on geographical location reservoir In summer, especially in the heat, burbot is little active.

How to catch

Fishing for burbot in winter is carried out using winter baits, a burbot jig or a spinner. Ruffe, the most favorite prey of burbot, is used as live bait on the girders. When fishing with a jig, they regularly tap on the bottom; the sound attracts burbot from afar. The burbot bite is more active at night. In open water it is caught during cold spells using bottom tackle with a large worm, fry or pieces of fish as bait.

Carp is a fish of the carp family. Carp is a domesticated, cultivated form of carp. Artificially grown carp, entering a wild reservoir, can exist and reproduce there normally, but it does not become a carp. Carp is an exclusively wild carp.

Carp, an omnivorous fish, feeds on both plant and animal foods. Compared to carp, the body of the carp is more elongated, the carp has a higher side. Several types of carp have been bred from carp - mirror carp or king carp - with rows of large scales that partially cover the body, and scaleless carp - completely bare-skinned.

Carp and carp are large and strong fish. The carp grows more than a meter in length and can weigh over 20 kg. Prefers bodies of water with calm water. River carp adheres to places with weak currents, silty or clay bottom with shell rock.

Spawning of carp and carp

Preparation for spawning of carp begins in the spring, when the water warms up to 10 degrees. It comes closer to the shores, to spawning grounds - to places rich in aquatic vegetation. Spawning itself (spawning) begins at a water temperature of 18 degrees. Spawning of carp can continue until mid-summer.