Catfish are common aquarium species. Aquarium catfish - species

Catfish in an aquarium are not only beautiful inhabitants underwater world. They play the role of a natural filter. In other words, they eat the mucus secreted by other inhabitants of the aquarium. There are several species of these fish that get along well with other types of fish.

Types of aquarium catfish with photos and names

Each type of aquarium catfish is interesting in its own way. Choose those fish that are interesting for you to watch. What kinds of aquarium catfish there are, photos with names can be seen below.

Som not large size, which has an oblong body. The color of the fish is jet black. White dots are scattered throughout the body. Externally, the fish resembles a starry sky in dark night. The catfish's mouth is elongated, shaped like a suction cup. This allows it to easily absorb food by skimming it from rocks and corals. He eats mucus and algae.

The fish has interesting feature: white edging along fins. With age, this line disappears. The female catfish of this species grows up to 8 cm. The catfish is not fussy about care, so it is perfect for those who are just starting to explore the underwater world.

The size of an aquarium for several individuals should be more than 60 cm. Ideally, it will contain driftwood, caves and aquarium plants. The bottom line is that the fish hides from bright light and begins its activity only in the dark.

From stones, driftwood, and the aquarium bottom, catfish collect food debris and scrape off some types of algae. This way they get their dose of nutrients. Male catfish are not friends with each other; there are fights for territory. But it doesn't come down to murder. This leadership war is fascinating to watch.

As additional food, you can add dandelion leaves scalded with boiling water to the aquarium, or food in tablets for those fish that live at the bottom. Reproduction of fish occurs when the female reaches a size of 8-9 cm.

It can spawn in a separate container or in the same aquarium. But, make sure that the babies are not eaten by other fish. It is best to place the female in a separate container, the size of an aquarium, and lower the water temperature. Thus, spawning will happen faster. The larger the aquarium, the better the catfish feel. They are indifferent to other types of fish, but there will be no peace for their own breed. It is recommended to keep 1 male per 200 liters of water in the aquarium.

A large aquarium will provide enough plant food and space for catfish. The fry feed on live dust and small plant food already on the 4th day of life. It is advisable to place driftwood in the aquarium; the catfish will gnaw it. If the rules of care are followed, Ancistrus stellata lives for several years.

They are called aquarium orderlies. They, like the previous type of fish, eat waste from other types of fish. The color can be yellow, red, white, black. They have practically no scales, but dorsal fins are developed.

The “Stuck” catfish has a suction cup-like mouth, a drop-shaped body and a large head. It's fun to watch these fish. They can stick their lips to glass, aquarium decorations, wood, and even large algae.

The fish feed mainly on the waste food of other fish, small algae. Gradually exploring the soil of the aquarium, they eat all the remaining food that they can find. This is interesting because you will have to clean the aquarium much less often. If you have such catfish, cleaning can be done once every 2 weeks. At the same moment, the catfish receives all the nutrients it needs.

Caring for catfish of this species requires almost no effort. Regular feeding, the right water temperature and enough free space are all that a fish needs to live.

In encyclopedias this fish is called “pterygoplicht”. To make it easier to pronounce, the popular name became simple “brocade catfish.” This fish grows slowly and lives for a long time, up to 15 years. But, a surprise may await you over time in the form of a 45-centimeter fish that does not fit in a regular aquarium.

Catfish is suitable for growing at home. But the aquarium for him must be at least 400 liters. A male and a female can be placed here. Catfish eat algae and food. In addition, they pick up leftover food from other fish. They are friendly to neighbors, but males do not like each other’s proximity, and there may be clashes.

If males grew up together, they do not perceive each other as “strangers”. Up to 100 species of these fish are distinguished by color. No genetic differences have yet been found. Keep a close eye on angelfish and other slow-moving fish. At night, catfish can mistake them for a tree and eat all the scales from the sides.

Brocade catfish is perfect for beginner fish lovers. But it is worth remembering that the fish is big. A small aquarium will turn into a grave for such a catfish. As described above, the container size should be about 400 liters. For apartment aquariums, such sizes are rare.

There is a myth that goldfish and catfish can be kept in the same aquarium. This is not true; their conditions of detention are radically different. The water temperature in the aquarium where the catfish lives should be about 235 degrees. It is worth installing an external filter. Despite the fact that the catfish is an orderly for the aquarium, it pollutes the water.

Another interesting resident of the aquarium. These catfish can jump. To prevent the catfish from jumping out of the aquarium and dying, the container is covered with a lid. The color of this fish is brown or gray. The catfish has fins on its chest. They distinguish males from females. Male catfish have thickened fins and have a triangle shape.

The average temperature in the aquarium should be about 21 degrees Celsius. Catfish can withstand brackish, hard and not very clean water. But you shouldn’t neglect caring for your pet. The size of one fish can reach 16 cm. But they rarely grow so large. The average size of a catfish of this species is 13 cm. Tarakatums live in schools. In nature, their groups can number thousands. There is no point in keeping such a flock in an aquarium, so the optimal flock size is 6 individuals. Of these, only 1 fish should be male. Until spawning occurs, these catfish are friendly. At the time of reproduction, the strongest male can kill the remaining males.

The size of the aquarium for such catfish is from 120 liters. It is better to choose a classic aquarium with a large bottom plane. Catfish mainly live on the bottom and in a figured aquarium; they will not be very comfortable. Catfish can live with almost any fish, whose living conditions coincide with the rules of life of catfish.

The catfish eats organic plant waste and live food in the form of bloodworms, coretra and worms. Due to the abundance of food in the aquarium, the water quickly becomes polluted. It should be changed by 50% every week. In this case, the external filter should work. If it is internal, the catfish will develop poorly. They cannot tolerate fast flowing water.

This type of fish is almost invisible in the aquarium. They do not like bright light and quickly die under the rays of the sun or a table lamp. In nature, they live in reservoirs, which overflow into fields during the rainy season. It is in this mud that catfish lay their eggs. There are several species of such catfish, the size of the largest individuals reaches 80 cm.

Small fish live in apartment aquariums, the largest size of an individual is 16 cm. The fish live for a long time, if cared for correctly, they can live up to 10 years. It is interesting to observe how, under different rays of light, the catfish changes its hue from blue to soft gold.

The water temperature in the aquarium should be no more than 27 degrees Celsius. Only soft water is collected. The aquarium must have enough oxygen and constantly clean water. The catfish in the container swim with the flow of the filter. In nature they swim with the current. Their habitat is the middle waters of the reservoir.

The size of the aquarium where they live different fish, should be from 80 liters of water. Every week the fluid changes by 25%. In this case, there is a high probability that your fish will live a long time. Glass catfish eat live food, but can also be given dry supplements. But, the last type of food is introduced gradually.

This type of fish looks great. They may become your first favorites.

A shark in an aquarium is unusual and such a fish will not go unnoticed. Pangasius closely resembles a shark and can grow up to 30 cm in length. Such a catfish in an aquarium behaves like the owner of a reservoir. Eats meat and plant foods. You can give cucumbers, zucchini, beef cut into small pieces, squid and live small fish.

You can also feed catfish with special food for pangasius. But catfish are voracious, and food is expensive. Give food to the fish 2-3 times a day in small portions. It is important that lunch is eaten immediately. Remains of catfish food can harm other inhabitants of the aquarium.

Don't get carried away with feeding this pet. Eating too much will make him fat. Saves the situation light diet and fasting days 1 time per week. There are dozens of species of shark catfish. Some of them grow up to 2.5 meters and are eaten.

The aquarium catfish of this species grows only up to 30 cm. It lives comfortably in an aquarium from 60 cm. Make sure that it has a lid. The shark catfish is a coward and jumps out when it gets scared of something. The aquarium should have smooth stones, driftwood and other decorative things; the catfish hides behind them when it feels afraid.

Fine gravel or sand is poured onto the bottom of the aquarium. Make sure that sharp objects and stones do not fall here. They can cause the death of the fish and cut its belly. Choose plants for the aquarium so that their roots sit well in the ground. You can plant plants in pots so the fish won’t dig them up.

The water temperature in the container should be no more than 27 degrees Celsius. The necessary flow inside the aquarium is created by a pump. The minimum volume of an aquarium is 60 liters, but for the natural life of fish a volume of 350 liters is needed. Shark catfish like to live in a school, but in modern apartments this is almost impossible.

An aquarium for a couple of these fish should be 1200 liters. Not all property owners can afford such a giant. Decorative shark loves new water, every week it needs to be changed by at least 30%. An aeration and water filtration system must be connected to the aquarium.

Overall, Shark Catfish is quite interesting fish. It looks intriguing in aquariums, but it will be difficult to keep in an ordinary apartment.

This fish got its name for its funny ability to turn over with its belly up every time it gets scared and pretend to be dead. In appearance, these catfish are very beautiful. You most often will not see them in the store, although they are on sale. From a large flow of people, fish hide in their shelters.

If the aquarium has big fish catfish can get lost among them. Changelings get along well with other types of fish. But there may be a war between males for leadership. The fish grows up to 20 cm in length. It can live with other species of aquarium inhabitants that are aggressive in nature and defends its territory.

Catfish love to swim belly up and rest that way. You can find them doing this activity in the aquarium. The active life of fish takes place at night. It is advisable to feed them before turning off the lights in the apartment. It is not advisable to keep small types of fish near this nose, it will eat them. At the same time, catfish get along well with large species of fish.

This type of aquarium inhabitants can be called orderlies. They have the ability to get food from places where ordinary fish cannot reach. Thus, they help you take care of your aquarium. The water in the aquarium should be clean and well saturated with oxygen.

Inspect all decorations and plants; there should be no sharp edges or planes. These catfish have no scales. They can get hurt and die. The best indicator of conditions in an aquarium is the tricks of skinchangers. If everything suits them, they swim upside down and are active at night.

It is worth providing hard-to-reach and dark places in the aquarium. This is where the fish will hide during the daytime. If catfish have nowhere to hide, they are exposed to stress and get sick more often. When choosing plants for an aquarium, you should make sure that they are large and tough. Small and delicate plants will be spoiled or eaten by fish. In general, the Changeling catfish fits perfectly into the aquarium and looks beautiful there.

Aquarium catfish act as a natural filter, eating mucus secreted by other inhabitants of the aquarium. By picking up various remains from the bottom, these fish raise strong turbidity, so the tank must be equipped with a powerful filter. Many aquarium catfish are nocturnal, hiding during the day in various shelters. Maintaining them is relatively simple; you just need to follow certain rules of care.

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    According to the description, aquarium catfish are prominent representatives of the catfish order, which includes several families. In some species, instead of scales, the entire body is covered with bony plates. But most representatives have a torso covered with skin. Characteristic feature fish - the presence of whiskers, which can be either one pair or several. Some individuals can reach a length of more than a meter.

    The color of catfish varies from dark gray to speckled brownish, but there are exceptions. For example, there may be species with brighter colors - silver-gray or yellow. Aquarium catfish most often have a protective, camouflage color. They live at the bottom of the reservoir, leading an active lifestyle in the twilight and dark. During the day they most often rest, and at nightfall they go out in search of food.

    Catfish can be predatory or omnivorous. This point must be taken into account when keeping such pets. Fish live in an artificial reservoir for an average of 5–10 years.


    Aquarium catfish come in different types. The most popular fish to keep at home:

    View Description
    Armored, or callichthous
    Includes approximately 150 varieties. The most common representatives include Corydoras (speckled or spotted catfish, golden catfish and about 30 other species) and Hoplosternum (beige catfish, tarakatum). They are classified as omnivores. This family gets along well with other aquatic inhabitants, ignoring their presence
    These fish don't really like to swim. They have a sucker-shaped mouth, which is why they are often called sticky catfish or sucker catfish. This is a peaceful aquarium inhabitant that gets along well with many fish. Sticky catfish are phytophages that feed on plant foods. Representatives of this species are Ancistrus dark, ordinary, star-shaped
    Otocinclus affinis is best suited for keeping in an aquarium - a small-sized catfish that grows only up to 2-3 cm. The back of the fish is light gray, the belly is white, and there are pronounced black stripes on the sides along the body.
    Most interesting representative soms He looks unusual - you can see his bones and entrails through his skin. It is 4–10 cm long. The surface of the body is scaleless, transparent and slightly pearlescent. Feature- two antennae above the upper part of the mouth. These catfish have very fragile health. They should be fed live food.
    Very shy fish. They grow to a large size, so they require a spacious aquarium. It is advisable to cover the bottom with large pebbles or stones. It is not recommended to add other shy fish to them, as this will only increase their fear
    The species belongs to the catfish family. Another name for the fish is catfish because of its whiskered muzzle. She is unpretentious in food, but the quality of water is very important to her.

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    Aquarium catfish do not require special care, but you must adhere to the following maintenance rules:

    • Aquarium size. The volume of the tank is chosen taking into account the size of adult fish. The best option is a 200 liter aquarium.
    • Priming. Catfish feed on food that settles on the top ground layer. To prevent the water in the aquarium from becoming cloudy, fine-grained soil should not be placed on the bottom. It is not recommended to use large gravel for these purposes, otherwise the fish may be injured by its sharp edges. It is best to fill the tank with medium-sized soil of a light shade.
    • Plants. You need to plant as much vegetation as possible in an aquarium with fish. They choose species that have hard foliage, because catfish like to feed on soft leaves. The bottom can also be decorated with decorative elements - grottoes, snags, etc. It is recommended to plant vegetation in special pots, since some types of fish can damage the roots while digging in the ground.
    • Water quality. The optimal water temperature in the aquarium is +22…+26 degrees. The acidity of the aquatic environment should be neutral, and the hardness should be in the range of 6–12.
    • Equipment. A compressor must be installed in the fish tank to saturate the water with oxygen. Small catfish can also breathe air, so access to it cannot be limited. Vegetation should not cover the entire surface.


    Feeding catfish is very simple. They feed on the remains of food lying on the bottom that other fish have not eaten, thus cleaning the bottom of the tank.

    Almost everyone eats catfish:

    • bloodworm;
    • frozen food;
    • shrimp;
    • tubifex;
    • lean meat;
    • black bread;
    • Daphnia;
    • cyclops;
    • dry food

    For adequate nutrition, it is recommended to feed catfishspirulina in tablets for herbivorous fish. Many species happily eat food plant origin. Catfish love to eat rotten places on snags, polishing them to a shine. They use their antennae to search for food.


    Catfish reproduce very easily. To breed them, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 30–70 liters, called a spawning tank. It is equipped with plants and driftwood. The lighting is made twilight, dim and provides the tank with enhanced aeration.

    The spawning ground may have no soil or plants at all and may have natural light.

    The water should be within +17...+25 degrees, clean and neutral acidity. One female and 2-3 males are introduced into the aquarium.

    To stimulate spawning, perform the following actions:

    • change the temperature regime in the spawning area, decreasing or increasing the temperature by 2–3 degrees per day;
    • change the water daily by 50% of the total volume of liquid in the aquarium for 2–3 days;
    • enhance aeration.

    The courtship period lasts 7–10 days, during which the male arouses the female’s interest by circling around her and continuously following her. Spawning is carried out as follows: the male holds the antennae of the female with his body and pectoral fins, and she spawns eggs in her pelvic fins, while collecting milk in her mouth. Then she begins to look for a place for spawning, cleans it and carefully lays out the eggs, lubricating them with milk.

    After spawning, the parent catfish are placed in a common tank, and in the spawning tank the water temperature is maintained within +19…+21 degrees. The emergence of larvae from eggs occurs after 8–12 days. It is recommended to give the fry special dry food or ciliates. After 7–10 days, the diet is expanded by adding brine shrimp, nematodes, bloodworms, and tubifex.


    Catfish are peace-loving fish, which never fight with other species. But they have conflicts with each other, which happens relatively rarely. Not all aquatic inhabitants can get along with catfish. Neons and guppies are a treat for them, so they need to be kept separately.

    If the aquarium is inhabited predatory fish, then it is recommended to plant large species of catfish that can stand up for themselves.

Catfish act as a natural filter, as they feed on the waste products of other inhabitants. The variety of species is amazing. There are 1,500 species: spotted, horned, tiger, black, red-tailed fractocephalus, marble talking catfish and others ranging in size from 2 cm to 5 m. Catfish are classified as predatory fish that prefer to live at the bottom of the reservoir.

All types of aquarium catfish are so similar to each other that a beginner and even an amateur will not immediately determine which species is in front of him. These neat “orderlies” of the aquarium have plate-like cover instead of scales. For feeding, they use a suction cup mouth to clean the aquarium until it is crystal clear. They prefer a nocturnal lifestyle. There is a great demand for catfish today. Among the advantages are:

  • peacefulness;
  • unpretentiousness to water temperature;
  • tolerate exposure to hard water;
  • feel comfortable in water with an average acidity level.

They have intestinal respiration. The catfish rises to the surface, swallows air, and then converts it into oxygen. Ideal conditions for their maintenance are the presence of vegetation. They love to hide in snags, pipes, and find secluded places.

Aquarium catfish - names and descriptions

Let us present to your attention several types of catfish.


The most common breed at the moment. Aquarists call them differently: cleaners, stickers. In captivity, such catfish live up to 7 years. Small adult size, 10 cm long. Compatible with most fish, they definitely will not attack. The most terrible enemy for them is the cichlid. She gnaws the catfish's fin.

Ancistrus will feel good at temperatures from 20 to 28 C, pH 6-7.3, dH less than 10.

This species of catfish feeds on algal formations on the walls of the aquarium, driftwood, and plants. It is necessary to supplement the food with special tablets, which are sold in pet stores. During the breeding season, it is necessary to change the water more often and feed more intensively. Be sure to have a long stump where the female will spawn.


This fish is resistant to cohabitation with predators in the same aquarium. They simply cannot penetrate her defenses. Gets along well with fish that live in similar conditions, for example, gourami. An adult is at least 18 cm long. They live comfortably in aquariums with dense vegetation, snags, and small grottoes where they can hide. The optimal water temperature for them is from 22 to 28 C, pH 5.8-7.5 dH not more than 25.

For spawning, it is recommended to place the pair in a separate aquarium with floating plants. Here the male will build a nest and in the future will protect the eggs. A week after laying, the fry will begin to appear. THEY will need to be fed small fractions of live food. Change at least 50% of the water per day.


A true long-liver - some individuals live up to 15 years. For such fish, an aquarium with a sandy bottom and grottoes for relaxation is recommended. It is better to house a flock for greater comfort. They get along well with other species, but not with Labeo, Ancistrus and Botia modesta. They can eat almost any food. The optimal temperature is 24-25 C, pH 7-8 and dH less than 4.

For reproduction, a couple is selected and placed in a spawning aquarium, with the temperature lowered to 18 C. After laying, the female needs to be resettled; in the future, the male monitors and cares for the offspring. After 6 days, larvae appear, feeding on plankton and crushed live food.


Amazing fish that prefer to spend most of their time belly up. It returns to its normal state only during food collection. Scientists still cannot explain this feature. In addition, the fish will look beautiful in the aquarium. They live up to 10 years, adults are about 7.5 cm in length.

Synodontis prefers vegetation on the bottom and surface of the aquarium; a sandy bottom is recommended, but can be replaced with gravel. The best temperature is 25 C, pH 6.5-7.5 dH up to 15 C. They do not get along with neighbors who move slowly and are small in size.

These are just the most popular types of catfish for an aquarium. We recommend paying attention to other species: clarius, plecostomus, platidoras, pangasius, girinocheilus.

Selection and arrangement of an aquarium

The health of its inhabitants depends on the choice of aquarium. There are a lot of factors to consider. Solve several questions based on information about the types of fish (compatibility) that will live in it. It will be extremely unpleasant to see how one preys on the other. For example, the barb is an active fish; it can bully slow-moving catfish and gnaw off their fins. Peaceful coexistence comes first.


When it comes to catfish, they need a good volume of water. Here is the calculation for 1 individual:

  1. Ancistrus - 40 l.
  2. Tarakatum - 50 l.
  3. Synodontis - 50 l.
  4. Corydoras are schooling fish. For 4-8 individuals, 60 liters is recommended.

The aquarium creates a significant load on the floor. If the aquarium is tall, it can create excess pressure on the supporting structures, which will accelerate the deterioration of the building.


The characteristics of water for catfish have already been listed. These are unpretentious fish, but this does not mean that it is worth starting an aquarium. Pay attention to the quality of water in spawning tanks. Measure the content of nitrates, nitrates and ammonium, it should be minimal.

Do not forget about aeration and filtration of the aquarium; fish need to breathe. Devices for enriching water with oxygen and purifying it are inexpensive, but will save a lot of time on replacing water.


It is imperative to observe the cycle of day and night; catfish rest during the day and come out of their holes at night and feed. You should not disturb the delicate natural balance of their comfortable life. During spawning and the appearance of the first larvae, darkening is often required.

Plants in an aquarium need light, don’t forget about it. For good algae development, lighting of at least 0.7 W per liter is required.


Dense planting is allowed, but leave a small clear area where the catfish will find food. Aquarists use ferns and mosses. These fish sometimes dig up plants, so the latter must have a good root system.


The optimal solution is gravel or sand. The presence of sharp parts that could injure the catfish’s sensitive mouth and antennae is not allowed. Place pipes, driftwood, or make a decorative grotto on the bottom for the fish to rest.

How to feed catfish

Catfish are omnivores. They like to pick up food that has fallen to the bottom, waste products of other inhabitants of the aquarium, plant remains, and crushed live food. Bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp contain nutrients for these fish. How much feed do you need? If there are a lot of fish in the aquarium, there is no need to feed the catfish. The catfish has enough leftover food from its neighbors. Otherwise, feed three times a week.

Reproduction and breeding

Peculiarities of reproduction depend on the specific species. General points: lowering the temperature, a separate aquarium for the couple. The female is resettled after laying eggs. Corydoras are characterized by group spawning, in which several males and one female participate. Remember that before reaching 10 months, ancistrus change sex.

Catfish - great choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. The fish are unpretentious, get along with most other species and clean the aquarium.

Catfish family one of the most numerous among waterfowl. The number of species exceeds two thousand. Half of them are suitable for living in an aquarium environment. Their popularity is due to some extent ability to clean water. All the sewage that settles to the bottom is soon eaten up by these cleaners. In the natural environment, they prefer to settle in fresh water bodies. The fish are very remarkable. To keep them at home, you need to know rules of care.

Since in natural water, catfish live at the very bottom, they are deprived of scaly cover. Typically, they have dense skin or bone plates, which reduces motor energy. The pectoral and dorsal fins are equipped with spines that help cling to crevices. They also serve as protection. In aquariums, they spend more time in the lower water column and are active at night.

The standard size of catfish is 3–12 cm, although there are also two-meter individuals. You can recognize it by its long paired antennae located near its mouth. In some species they are branched, in others they mutate into labial suckers. They serve as taste buds with which fish look for food at the bottom. Nature has endowed these fish with a non-standard respiratory process, through the intestines. Oxygen is captured by the mouth from the air and then processed. If the catfish's head often peeks above the water, it means he has breathing problems.


Catfish classified as a chainmail species. They can safely exist in any aquarium, as long as it is clean and fresh water. Sticky fish that prefer to stay in secluded places: under snags, vegetation, stones. Passivity weakens in the late afternoon or when the water temperature drops. For aquarium representatives, the optimal temperature mode - 20–25 °C . They are frightened by the bright light and quickly retreat to the shelter.

If powerful fins are given, then there is no swim bladder. Therefore, they do not feel like a fish in water. They are characterized by spasmodic movements on the glass of the aquarium. With proper care, they can live up to 7 years.

The external exterior of the stick is similar to torpedoes, only in miniature. Flat head, with round and shiny eyes. The body is strewn with variegated inclusions, crepe-black color. 7 rich fins look impressive: a pair on the chest and abdomen, one on the back, anal and adipose. The mouth is large, round, with thick lips. Located in the labial folds horny suckers, with which catfish cling to various objects.


It has another scientific name - common catfish. It began its aquarium existence in the 19th century, so it is the most ancient representative. Its homeland is the waters of South America.

If you look at the photo, you can see the fish’s adaptation to the bottom way of living. With a highly elongated body, the abdomen is absolutely flat. There is a high fin on the back.

Their size is small, on average 4–8 cm, females are larger than males. The surface cover is continuous, consisting of bone plates. The color is an unusual combination: the top is gray-cream with a metallic sheen, the belly is pink-yellow.

Not long ago, speckled albinos were selected. They are completely pink and have red eyes. The lifespan of this kind is no more than 8 years.

The aquarium space is equipped with various vegetation: cryptocorynes, echinodorus, vallisneria. You can add sticks, driftwood and other components that will serve as a resting place for catfish.

Striped platidoras

This is a species of catfish, part of the Bronyakov family. IN natural environment reaches a size of 25 cm, with a lifespan of up to 20 years. Under artificial conditions, it grows no more than 15 cm, and lives 5–7 years less.

Unlike other brothers, it has a rounded abdomen. The body is elongated, graceful, with clearly protruding pectoral fins. A ray-shaped spear protrudes from the lower lip, equipped with sharp spikes, with a hook at the end. There are six whiskers on the head. Young animals stand out with a brighter color than older ones.

The first year after birth, they are active at any time of the day. Only in the second year do they begin to lead a secretive lifestyle, crawling out in the evenings. If there is a lack of food, they can eat their smaller brothers.


An ideal option for lovers of large fish in the aquarium. Despite their large dimensions, they are not particularly pretentious about living conditions, are endowed with a peaceful disposition, and easily get along with any representatives, but not predatory ones. You can observe their constant floundering at the bottom, which is associated with cockroach fuss.

At home, they grow up to 16 cm. The body is elongated, with a high ridge and smooth peritoneum. The catchy feature of this catfish is the long antennae on the lower and upper lip. Like all fish, males are slimmer and smaller than females. They are distinguished by a red stripe on the pectoral fin. The most common color is dark with light washes. Depending on the original natural environment, there are completely different color combinations: spotted, striped, “tiger” and “leopard”.

They are so active that their joint games can be observed around the clock. It is advisable to cover the aquarium so that they do not jump out. These catfish are valued for their friendly behavior, ease of living in any environment, and ease of care.

In addition to the above listed aquarium individuals, several more popular species can be distinguished:

  • Catfish panda - calm schooling fish, capable of getting along even with larger non-aggressive brothers. For maintenance you will need a container with a volume of at least 30 liters. Lead twilight life, hiding from view during the day. They feed only on food, without eating waste.
  • Glass catfish - has a transparent body structure, the skeleton is visible from the outside. The body is elongated and flattened on the sides, 10–12 cm long. A mustache is located on the upper jaw. Survives only in flock keeping. Alone, they become stressed and lose their appetite. Swims in public view, does not hide.
  • Changeling - classified as a fringed catfish. Half of the body is flat, triangular in shape, with spiny pectorals and dorsal fins. It has two pairs of feathery antennae. Since its mouth is from below, it has to turn over to capture insects from the surface. Hence the name.
  • Saccosabranch - common in deep and shallow reservoirs with stagnant fresh water. Unlike the standard flat configuration, it is equipped with an acne-shaped body. Only their muzzle is flat, with long bristly whiskers. When moving, it wriggles like a snake. The color is faded, completely unremarkable: dirty gray or cloudy white. In an artificial environment it can stretch up to 45 cm, depending on the size of the aquarium. He has no special preferences in food and eats any food.

There are so many of them that it is impossible to imagine full list. Among all the diversity of species, there are different representatives: peaceful, aggressive, herbivores, omnivores, poisonous, crawling and others.

  • Optimum temperature within 20–25 °C, hardness 5–12, acidity - neutral. With a slight deviation, nothing bad will happen.
  • The state of the oxygen environment does not play a special role, since catfish have skin respiration or they transform atmospheric air.
  • Any kind of soil can be added to make the fish comfortable.
  • All kinds of decorative compositions, driftwood, and twigs are thrown inside. It will be convenient for barbels to hide there during the day.
  • Most varieties are herbivorous, so the vegetation won't last long.

Before purchasing these individuals, you should study all the features and style of behavior. Then it will not be difficult to equip the aquarium correctly, depending on the needs of the species you have chosen.

It is important to consider the degree of coexistence with other waterfowl. If you already have fish, it is better to find out in advance what the neighborhood will be like. Neons will also be the best treat for catfish. Rarely do catfish begin to show aggression, although there are internecine fights.

Reproduction and breeding

Catfish reproduce simply, without any complex manipulations. When they are the rightful owners of the territory, there is no need for resettlement. And so, for spawning they prepare a separate container with clean water and dense vegetation. There must be at least three males per female.

To speed up the process, it is recommended to change the water daily, maintaining a temperature of 17–25 °C, with aeration. A few days after spawning, the female is ready to spawn again.

Those who are already breeding these amazing specimens leave only positive reviews. Their ease of care non-standard appearance And interesting image life, few will leave anyone indifferent. For beginner aquarists, all detailed information can be obtained on the relevant forums. There it will be convenient to ask questions of interest: how much they can cost, what types are better to choose, etc.

All the inhabitants of the aquarium are in constant interconnection and perform a certain role. Aquarium catfish act as filter feeders - purifiers of water from waste products of other inhabitants of the reservoir. The species diversity of the catfish order is generally amazing (more than 1.5 thousand species). Among them you can find both small representatives measuring no more than 2 cm, and giant individuals reaching 5 m in length. These fish have no equal. They surprise with their unusual appearance and bizarre shape.

Since aquarium fish- catfish are mostly predators and prefer a benthic lifestyle, you need to clearly understand what conditions are optimal for them, how to properly equip the aquarium and who can act as their neighbors.


The most widespread and popular group of catfish is the genus Ancistrus of the chain-mail catfish family (Loricariidae), which has about 30 species. Among aquarists, due to the unusual structure of the mouth, you can find other names for this group - sucker catfish, stickers, cleaners.

Aquarium catfish Ancistrus have a lot of positive qualities:

Act as “orderlies” of the aquarium;
. unpretentious in care and maintenance;
. have a mouth in the form of a suction cup, which distinguishes them favorably from other catfish-like fish;
. stand out for their unusual and extraordinary behavior.

The following environmental parameters are acceptable for representatives of the genus Ancistrus:

Water temperature - 20-28 °C;
. pH - 6.0-7.3;
. dH - up to 10°;

Ancistrus live on average 7 years. The size of the individuals is relatively small, reaching no more than 10 cm in length.

Aquarium sucker catfish are peaceful bottom dwellers and are compatible with many fish. However, it is undesirable to house them with aggressive cichlids - enemies of ancistrus, which eat the fins of catfish.

For a pair of such catfish you need an 80 liter aquarium. Its bottom should be equipped with special shelters - grottoes, snags, caves or stumps. It is advisable to aerate, filter and replace the water with fresh water four times a month.

Aquarium sucker catfish are phytophages. In other words, they eat plant foods. Frees the walls of the aquarium and decorative elements from algae fouling. Natural food must be supplemented with special food, which comes in the form of large tablets that fall to the bottom, as well as vegetation (scalded leaves of spinach, cabbage, lettuce, slices of cucumber or pumpkin are suitable). Driftwood used to decorate an aquarium is often gnawed.

Reproduction can occur either independently in a common reservoir, or purposefully, in a separate aquarium, where a couple is placed - a female and a male. During spawning, provide abundant feeding and frequent changes of fresh water. The aquarium must have long tubes or stumps installed on which the female lays her eggs. The male takes all care of the future offspring. Five days after laying, larvae appear from the eggs, which after some time turn into fry. They have a need for food. You can use the same food as for adult fish, only in the form of a small fraction.

Representatives: Ancistrus dolichopterus (common ancistrus), Ancistrus cirrhosus (dark ancistrus), Ancistrus leucostistus (stellate ancistrus).


Often in the aquarium you can find catfish belonging to the genus Hoplosternum, family Callichthyidae (armored catfish). A striking representative of the genus is the cockroach (Hoplosternum thoracatum). Due to the bony plates covering the body, they are not afraid of predatory fish. Tarakatums are peaceful fish, they normally relate to neighbors with similar living conditions, namely:

Temperature range - within 22-28 °C;
. pH - from 5.8 to 7.5;
. dH - up to 25 °.

Aquarium catfish, cockroaches, are long-lived, living for more than 10 years. A couple of specimens need an aquarium closed type volume of at least 100 liters. They adapt better to bodies of water inhabited by aquatic vegetation, equipped with snags, caves, and grottoes. The length of an adult fish is from 18 cm.

They are unpretentious when it comes to food. They eat any food, preferring live species. They can collect food both from the bottom of a reservoir and from the surface of the water.

Tarakatums are aquarium catfish, the reproduction of which requires the presence of a male and a female. Pairs of individuals are selected independently. They are placed in a special spawning aquarium equipped with artificial floating plants, under which the male builds a nest. The female lays eggs in it (500-1200 eggs). The functions of protection and care for the offspring are performed by the male. He also closes the nest after laying. After 7 days, larvae emerge from the eggs. In search of food, they fall to the bottom. At this time, they can be fed only with the small fraction of any live food. For normal growth and development of fry, it is necessary to change up to half the volume of water in the aquarium daily.

Representatives: Hoplosternum littorale (beige hoplosternum), Hoplosternum thoracatum (tarakatum), Hoplosternum magdaienae (magdalena hoplosternum), Dianema longibarbis (long-whiskered dianema), Dianema urostriata (striped-tailed dianema).


Representatives of the family of armored catfish, the genus Corydoras - aquarium catfish, the species of which can often be found in artificial reservoirs, have a beautiful color and calm character. The most striking representative is considered to be the speckled corydoras (Corydoras paleatus).

For these fish you will need:

The optimum water temperature is 24-25 °C;
. pH - from 6.0 to 7.0;
. dH - up to 4°.

The sizes of catfish are relatively small (up to 7 cm in length). Life expectancy is on average 8 to 10 years. Some specimens live up to 15 years.

They prefer aquariums with sandy soil. The bottom should be equipped with stones, driftwood and caves for fish to rest.

Speckled aquarium catfish live in schools. Due to their calm, peaceful disposition, they are compatible with almost any type of fish (except for Labeo, Botia modestus, Ancistrus). Catfish are not picky when it comes to food and will consume any food. The main thing is to use them in the form of tablets that fall to the bottom of the aquarium, since corydoras cannot grab food from the surface.

Salt solutions cannot be used to treat individuals of the genus Corydoras due to the fish’s intolerance to them.

Corydoras reproduce in pairs. The male and female are placed in a spawning aquarium, the water temperature in which is reduced to 18 °C. After laying, the female is returned back. The male is left to care for the offspring. The larvae appear after about 5-6 days. The fry feed on small plankton and crushed live food.

Representatives: Corydoras elegans (elegant catfish), Corydoras paleatus (speckled catfish), Corydoras leopardus (leopard catfish), Corydoras schultzei (golden catfish), Corydoras hastatus (dwarf catfish).


Incredibly amazing fish are fringed catfish (family Mochocidae), namely representatives of the genus Synodontis. Particularly impressive is the catfish (Synodontis nigriventris). Scientists around the world still cannot understand such a phenomenon as the peculiar movement of a fish in an aquarium with its belly up, which is how it got its name. The catfish is in a normal position only when collecting food from the bottom.

The size of an adult fish ranges from 6 to 9.5 cm in length. Typically females are larger than males. Aquarium fish, catfish shifters, live on average up to 10 years. They prefer a gregarious lifestyle with maximum activity at night.

The aquarium must be equipped with various bottom decorative elements (grottoes, hollow tubes, driftwood, pots without a bottom). It is desirable that it contains aquatic vegetation, including that floating on the surface. Gravel or sand is suitable as a soil. The optimal water parameters for synodontis are as follows:

Temperature - 24-26 °C;
. pH - from 6.5 to 7.5;
. dH - up to 15°.

Neighbors of individuals of the genus Synodontis can be any fish that matches them in temperament and size. Small, slow-moving species will not get along with them.

Synodontis - aquarium catfish (photo with names are presented below) require a fairly large space for normal life, on average 50 liters of water volume per individual.

You can feed catfish with any food (plant, live, combined). The main thing is to avoid overeating and not to feed once a week at all, giving the fish fasting days. Otherwise, it can lead to metabolic disorders and fat deposition. Such a specimen cannot be used for reproduction.

To obtain offspring, special hormonal therapy will be required. The female lays eggs, which are carried by the flow of water throughout the aquarium. After 172 hours, fry emerge from the eggs. They perceive light rays negatively, so it is advisable to darken the container while they grow. For primary feeding, use live dust.

Synodontis are aquarium catfish of their varieties: Synodontis alberti (periodontal catfish), Synodontis brichardi (black-striped catfish), Synodontis nigriventris (change catfish), Synodontis angelicus (star catfish), Synodontis decorus (flag catfish).

Brocade catfish, or brocade pterygoplicht

Among the chain catfish, the so-called brocade catfish (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps) deserves attention. It helps keep your aquarium clean by polishing and cleaning its walls with its suction cup-shaped mouth.

The optimal water parameters for this species are as follows:

Temperature - 22-30 °C;
. pH - from 6.5 to 8.2;
. dH - up to 20°.

Needs constant filtration, aeration and replacing half the volume of water with fresh water. Due to its impressive size (up to 60 cm in length), it can only live in large aquariums (200 liters per individual). It is necessary to have shelters at the bottom of the reservoir (driftwood of deciduous origin).

He gets along well with other inhabitants of the aquarium and does not bother anyone. Maximum activity occurs at night. During the day, the fish hides in a shelter. Like all catfish, they live quite a long time (up to 10 years).

Pterygoplicht brocade - aquarium catfish (photo), feeding on both plant and live food (60/40 percentage).

In non-catch, the brocade catfish is bred in special commercial ponds. The female lays eggs in a pre-dug hole in the ground. The male guards the clutch. Fry should be fed initially with crushed live food.

Flathead, or fractocephalus

There are aquarium catfish, species of which in artificially created aquatic environment are rare. These include the flathead catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus), from the genus Phractocephalus, the family of flathead catfish (Pimelodidae). In the natural environment you can find individuals reaching a length of 1.2 m. In aquariums it usually grows up to 90-100 cm. It needs a large aquarium (300 l).

This catfish has a very attractive color (the belly and back are painted in dark colors, the sides are light). Compatible with large ornamental fish. Mainly leads a bottom-dwelling nocturnal lifestyle. Needs shelters. In terms of food preferences, it is omnivorous and very gluttonous.

The flathead lives in one of the unique underwater museums - the Alushta Aquarium.

Glass catfish or ghost catfish

There are aquarium catfish, the species of which do not leave any aquarist indifferent. These include the glass catfish (Kryptopterus bicirrhis), a representative of the genus Kryptopterus of the Eurasian catfish family (Siluridae).

Leads a gregarious lifestyle, so it is better to purchase 6-8 pieces at a time. For one flock you will need a 100 liter aquarium, equipped as closely as possible to the natural environment (a large amount of vegetation, including floating, dark areas, free space, water flow). This type of fish is very sensitive to water quality, so do not forget about regular filtration, aeration and replacement.

These aquarium catfish fish(photo presented above) are extremely timid; peaceful inhabitants of identical size will suit them as neighbors.

They prefer live food and feed in the middle layers of the aquarium. During the day they are not particularly active, only during feeding. They do not reproduce in captivity.


One more is enough large group aquarium inhabitants are represented by Clarias (genus Clarias) from the family of Clariidae catfishes. These are aquarium catfish, the majority of which lead a predatory lifestyle. In their neighborhood, they only tolerate large fish or prefer to live alone in species aquariums that match their size.

The body length of adult individuals, depending on the species, ranges from 13 to 35 cm. When transplanting catfish, care should be taken due to the presence of pectoral fins tweezers Fish injections are very painful, and mucus that gets into the wound can cause allergies and even tumors.

The most notable is the Angolan Clarias (Clarias angolensis). In size, it is the largest of the Clarias genus (35 cm in length). An aquarium with a volume of 150 liters is required for maintenance, preferably a closed one. Of aquatic vegetation, only algae with a powerful root system are allowed. Water must have the following parameters:

Temperature - 23-28 °C;
. pH - from 7.0 to 9.0;
. dH - up to 40°.

Angolan Clarias are aquarium catfish (photos with names are presented below). They lead a predatory lifestyle, eating small fish. In addition, they have a bad habit of chasing other inhabitants of the reservoir. Combined foods can be fed.

For reproduction, the female and male are placed in another aquarium. Stones and hollow tubes must be placed at the bottom, and shelters must be equipped. After laying, the male is removed from the spawning reservoir. After three days, larvae appear, which on the sixth day turn into fry and begin to feed. The initial feed is crushed combined feed.

Other representatives: Clarias anguillaris (charmouth), Clarias batrachus (clarias eel), Clarias dumerillii (dumerillia), Clarias platycephalus (flathead).

Key points to consider when keeping catfish

In order for aquarium catfish to live and reproduce for a long time, you need to take into account the following basic rules for keeping them.

Using special filtration and aeration equipment, create a flow of water in the aquarium.
. Provide proper quality water due to weekly replacement of ½ its amount with a new one.
. Install decorative elements at the bottom - driftwood, hollow tubes, pots without bottoms, equipment for grottoes and caves.
. Use food in tablet form, since most catfish species feed on the bottom.
. Do not transfer fry to community aquarium until they grow to larger sizes.
. Don’t forget to decorate the artificial pond with aquatic vegetation, including floating ones.

How to choose and buy aquarium catfish

When purchasing catfish for an aquarium, you need to consider the following parameters:

Behavior - for a community aquarium, it is advisable to choose peace-loving species with a calm disposition; it is better to house aggressive catfish separately;
. food preferences - predatory catfish should not be chosen for a pond where small harmless fish live;
. size - we must not forget the fact that some species in the mature state reach up to 150 cm in length;
. fish health - fish should not be introduced into a community aquarium without first keeping it in quarantine;
. transportation home - special ones will do plastic containers, since catfish have thorns on their fins that can pierce the oxygen bags used for other fish.


Catfish are representatives of the fauna of almost every aquarium. Spending most of their lives at the bottom, they significantly revitalize the benthic zone. There are no fish in the store more diverse in terms of species than aquarium catfish. The price for them varies depending on the type, size and color and starts from 200 rubles per individual. Aquarium catfish are truly amazing, beautiful and unusual fish. It is a pleasure to watch them, especially at night, when they are most active. Some species are easy to breed in captivity, while others, on the contrary, reproduce only in the natural ecosystem. In general, whatever you say, this is a wonderful fish - catfish! An excellent orderly and a true decoration of the aquarium.