Aquarium fish: catfish. Aquarium catfish Large aquarium catfish

What kind of fish?

The aquarium catfish is a very large and ancient species of fish. Today, more than 2 thousand species of aquarium catfish are known, which can only live in fresh water bodies and are common in South America and Africa.

A characteristic feature of these fish is the absence of scales, however, many of them can be protected by bone plates instead.

IN natural environment aquarium catfish live at the bottom of muddy reservoirs, where they are nocturnal or twilight image life. Most of them are harmless and spend their time searching for invertebrates in upper layers bottom sediments. However, there are also predators. The catfish reproduces by spawning and is quite active.

Without taking into account various hybrid forms, the aquarium fauna is represented by about 800 species of catfish. Traditionally, they are placed in home flasks as cleaners who clean the bottom of food residues and scrape plaque and microorganisms from the walls.

What species live in aquariums

Despite the fact that these fish are very popular, only some types of aquarium catfish are found in home aquariums, and the rest can only be seen by professionals with many years of experience. Let's consider the varieties of aquarium catfish that are found among enthusiastic amateur aquarists:

  1. Antennae or pimelod catfish. It got its name thanks to its 6 antennae (4 of them on the chin). In nature, they live in fast rivers, so in captivity they are demanding about filtering water and saturating it with oxygen. Without suckers, they lead an active lifestyle. Moreover, among them there are both small ones (up to 5 cm long) and respectable individuals (up to 60 cm), which are kept in the aquarium only up to a certain age. Particularly interesting among them is the rough flathead, which loves to swim upside down, so don’t be scared, this is the normal behavior of this pet.
  2. Agamixis. Very peaceful creatures no more than 10 cm long. During the day they hide in shelters, and at night they come out to delve into the bottom contents, so to prevent the fish from reminding itself of itself with clouds of turbidity, it is better to place it in a flask with coarse-grained soil. Most often in home aquariums you can find Agamixis whitespotted.
  3. Pterygoplichts. Popular cleaner catfish are mostly large. They live only in large containers and only a few individuals at a time, otherwise they get bored. They feed mainly on plant food, but when there is a shortage of it, they show aggression towards smaller neighbors or eat plants. They lead a twilight lifestyle and are in dire need of shelter and thickets. Among all the others, the most common species in the aquarium is Pterygoplichtas brocade.
  4. Ancistrus. A very common genus of the chain catfish family, which has up to 30 species. Among amateurs, these fish are often called sucker catfish or sticky ones. Being no more than 10 cm long, these herbivorous inhabitants willingly feast on scalded leaves of spinach, cabbage, lettuce, pieces of cucumber or pumpkin, and can gnaw on driftwood used for decorative purposes.
  5. Corridors. They belong to the chainmail (armored) catfish and have 3 pairs of antennae. The most famous is the corydoras panda, a yellowish or pinkish-orange catfish with dark spots on dorsal fin. Distinctive feature The fish has a black mask that makes it look like a bear, from which its name comes.
  6. Loricaria. They also belong to the chain catfish and grow up to 12 cm long. Their males are much slimmer than females and have a characteristic fleecy brush on their chest. Frequent inhabitants of aquariums are red loricaria and Peruvian loricaria, which have a chocolate color.

How to keep catfish in an aquarium

Catfish in an aquarium are quite unpretentious, not picky in their diet, and can forgive the owner for not being too attentive to the hardness and acidity of the water. Even a drop in temperature of a couple of degrees will not cause them any discomfort. Due to their lifestyle, these fish can live in dirty water, therefore they tolerate insufficient aeration. At the same time, they can periodically rise to the surface to swallow a bubble of air, which is absorbed in the intestines.

When talking about caring for catfish, aquarists recommend them as orderlies who clean their habitat. However, you should not rely too much on the fact that the fish will do all the work of the aquarist. They will pick up the remaining food, but in return they will raise turbidity from the bottom, which will require water filtration, and not with the weakest filter. Cleaning glass by purchasing ancistrus is as effective as breeding snails. The owner will have to clean them anyway. At the same time, increasing the number of “workers” will not have an effect, and hungry fish will quickly deal with underwater plants.

It should be remembered that, like any other aquarium fish, catfish require their own living space. You should not be deceived by the bottom behavior of catfish.

When choosing fish based on the curves of their backs and the beauty of their faces, do not forget about their secretive lifestyle. It is possible that you may not see your newly acquired pets during the day. Considering that the fish live secretly, they need thickets of plants and shelter, and the number of the latter must coincide with the number of catfish to avoid bloodshed. It is worth remembering that such shelters must be end-to-end, since the fish will not be able to turn around and get out on their own.

Summarizing the above, it is worth saying that the content is suitable General terms with other inhabitants of the home aquarium:

  • water hardness 6–12%;
  • water temperature 22–25 °C;
  • neutral acidity up to 8.2 and complete absence there is salt in it;
  • coarse fraction of bottom soil;
  • the presence of powerful filters and aerators.

Diseases of aquarium catfish are identical to those of other fish. Most often they arise from incorrect content. In this case, you should take better care of them and change the water more often. Much more difficult to diagnose and treat infectious diseases penetrating into the aquarium with live food, plants, and new inhabitants.

Before infusing medications, their composition should be clarified, since catfish cannot tolerate salt and copper compounds.

So the owner will have less hassle if he quarantines newly arrived pets before placing them in a container. Considering that catfish constantly loosen the soil, it is better not to use coarse gravel in decoration. Some small species easily damage the antennae and abdomen, which causes infection.

The question of how long catfish live in an aquarium is very complex. There is an old joke among fishing fans that this problem has aged more than one fisherman. A similar situation is observed among aquarists, who are also actively finding out how many years catfish live. Some of them claim that since the end of 1997, experienced individuals are still living in their containers.

Others suggest not to get carried away by science fiction, pointing out that their pets lived no more than 3–4 years.

Leaving these debates aside, let us state the obvious truth. Compliance with the rules of care will have a positive effect on the life expectancy of the catfish. In a clean, aerated aquarium, full of plants and proper nutrition live food, fish live on average 8 years. And only if you follow the rules for caring for catfish, does the reproduction of these fish in captivity become possible at all. At the same time, we should not forget that different types catfish live and different lives. For example, pterygoplichts are quite capable of pleasing the owner for more than 10 years, and white-spotted agamixis, with careful care, will become a friend for many 15–17 years. In general, it’s better to ask them themselves about how long catfish live, after getting at least a couple.

Neighbor's question

The ability to get along with other species of fish is the determining criterion when purchasing new pets. As a completely peaceful fish, the aquarium catfish in this regard compares favorably with other species. Almost every catfish is indifferent to its neighbors, gets along calmly with them, and does not notice some, especially those living in the upper water layers, at all.

However, we should not forget that among the representatives of the species there are also predators who do not mind inviting their neighbor to dinner. Thus, the rough flathead can easily get along with large, non-aggressive stingrays or angelfish, but smaller fish, to the surprise of the owner, may disappear.

But the catfish themselves can become victims of intra-aquarium struggle. Small ancistrus should not be housed with their natural enemies, such as aggressive cichlids that will eat their fins.

Served to eat: aquarium catfish menu

The question of what to feed catfish should not puzzle the aquarium owner too much, since these unpretentious fish can be fed with almost anything. Most of them are omnivores and in nature feed on the meager food that settles to the bottom of the reservoir. In captivity, almost any food is suitable for catfish. You can use live, frozen (bloodworm, tubifex, enchytraeus), industrial for bottom fish, including in the form of tablets.

The approach to organizing the process is also important, since the problem of how to feed, in this case, has a more significant impact on the health of the fish than the question of what to feed the catfish.

You should not offer fish food that floats or actively moves in the water.

These fish are not used to feeding from the surface, and active hunting is not suitable for most. However, there are cases when catfish, after a hunger strike, eat floating dried daphnia, while making funny air flapping noises.

When organizing regular feeding, you should also take into account the number of inhabitants in the aquarium. If there are not so few of them, then the food may never reach the bottom, where it will become easily accessible to catfish. In this case, it is better to use special heavy granules, which will sink immediately and will be available to the fish longer. Considering that many catfish lead nightlife, it is better to give them food in the evening, immediately after turning off the lights, then the inhabitants of the upper layers will not overeat, and the bottom inhabitants will not be left with food. This way the question of what to feed aquarium catfish will be resolved simply and without worries.

Breeding in captivity: what and how

All catfish are egg-laying fish; breeding them is not difficult. Despite the fact that not every aquarium catfish reproduces in captivity, the most popular species are quite good at participating in this process while locked up.

Most of these fish will reproduce only with stable atmospheric pressure, which should be taken into account when planting for spawning in a separate aquarium.

In order for the fish to reproduce quickly, one female and 2-3 males are taken. N

the arrest must occur within 24 hours. After laying eggs, when the parents have already reproduced, they are placed in a common container, and fry emerge from the eggs after 8–14 days. Since even at such a tender age they are quite large, they are fed with regular fry food or chopped tubifex. Frequent changes of water and adequate food will help them quickly gain weight and size. After 8–11 months, the fish will become sexually mature.

In conclusion, let us remind you that in aquariums there is so little interesting fish, like catfish. They either crawl along the glass, or swarm in the mud, or hide in their shelters. When choosing them in a pet store, you need to take at least 5-6 individuals, then a whole community will appear at the bottom of a medium-sized container charming creatures, which will bring many pleasant moments to the attentive and caring owner. Aquarium catfish species are quite diverse, you can always find something suitable.

Hello, dear friends!

We continue to talk about one of the most desirable inhabitants in any aquarium! And today we'll talk about catfish breeding.

As a spawning ground, it is best to use an ordinary, clean, plastic basin with a capacity of up to 30 liters (of course, if you have an aquarium, then use an aquarium. The main condition is a sufficient capacity of the spawning container).

Usually, when breeding catfish, soil is not placed at the bottom of the spawning area: they do not need it. But what they need is plants, for example, anubias: just put it in the spawning area, and press down the root with a stone. You can also put a piece of clean plexiglass on the bottom: the female lays eggs on it.
The water parameters for the spawning ground when breeding catfish should be as follows: temperature +19*C+21*C, hardness is allowed up to 15*, and acidity 6-7 (Ph). Be sure to include strong aeration: the spawning area should be well “ventilated” and saturated with oxygen.

For catfish breeding choose only young females and males: they have the strongest offspring. Before mating, the fish should be well fed with chopped bloodworms: it is this type of food that has a positive effect on the quality of milk and caviar. At the same time, chopped bloodworms sink well: as you know, catfish do not take food that floats on the surface and in the water column.
In the evening, one female and three to four males are placed in the spawning area. To stimulate spawning, you need to lower the water temperature in the spawning area to +17*C+18*C: catfish breeding occurs at quite a cool water. In addition, it is necessary to replace half of the water in the spawning area.

You also need lighting that is configured in a special way: turn on a dim light, cover the spawning area with a cloth, leaving only a small gap into which a beam of light enters. Here, in the place that is illuminated by dim light, you should put a piece of plexiglass (or just glass, of course, with processed, non-sharp edges). The piece of glass illuminated by light is the likely place where the female will lay her eggs.

During catfish breeding, spawning itself lasts from two to four hours. First, the males begin to wildly chase the female throughout the spawning area. Then, the female takes the milk of one of the males into her mouth, swims up to the illuminated place in the spawning area and lubricates the glass platform with this milk (the same glass that you put there). Having lubricated the smooth surface, the female glues several eggs and again goes to the male. This happens until the female lays all her eggs. (Why is everything so abstruse? It’s simple: it is precisely this process that ensures high-quality fertilization of all eggs).

The diameter of the laid eggs is up to 3 millimeters. During the entire spawning, the female lays up to two hundred transparent eggs. As soon as the spawning process is completed, the female and males are immediately placed in community aquarium. The water temperature in the spawning area is raised to +27*C+28*C: at this temperature, incubation takes 2-3 days. Attention: in order to prevent the caviar from becoming covered with a fungal infection, special antibacterial drugs should be added to the water.

As soon as all the fry are born, the temperature is again lowered to +20*C. Babies need to be fed 4 times a day with live food: ciliates, nauplii of crustaceans, rotifers. As the fry grow, other foods are added to the fry menu: feed substitutes and finely chopped tubifex. The fry grow very quickly and within a month they reach 1 centimeter in length.

Puberty begins at the age of 7-8 months.

That's all about the reproduction of catfish.

All the best to you and see you again!

Aquarium catfish act as a natural filter, eating mucus secreted by other inhabitants of the aquarium. By picking up various remains from the bottom, these fish raise strong turbidity, so the tank must be equipped with a powerful filter. Many aquarium catfish lead night look life, hiding during the day in various shelters. Maintaining them is relatively easy, you just need to stick to them. certain rules care

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    According to the description, aquarium catfish are prominent representatives of the catfish order, which includes several families. In some species, instead of scales, the entire body is covered with bony plates. But most representatives have a torso covered with skin. Characteristic fish - the presence of whiskers, which can be either one pair or several. Some individuals can reach a length of more than a meter.

    The color of catfish varies from dark gray to speckled brownish, but there are exceptions. For example, there may be species with brighter colors - silver-gray or yellow. Aquarium catfish most often have a protective, camouflage color. They live at the bottom of the reservoir, leading an active lifestyle in the twilight and dark. During the day they most often rest, and at nightfall they go out in search of food.

    Catfish can be predatory or omnivorous. This point must be taken into account when keeping such pets. Fish live in an artificial reservoir for an average of 5–10 years.


    There are aquarium catfish various types. The most popular fish to keep at home:

    View Description
    Armored, or callichthous
    Includes approximately 150 varieties. The most common representatives include Corydoras (speckled or spotted catfish, golden catfish and about 30 other species) and Hoplosternum (beige catfish, tarakatum). They are classified as omnivores. This family gets along well with other aquatic inhabitants, ignoring their presence
    These fish don't really like to swim. They have a sucker-shaped mouth, which is why they are often called sticky catfish or sucker catfish. This is a peaceful aquarium inhabitant that gets along well with many fish. Sticky catfish are phytophages that feed on plant foods. Representatives of this species are Ancistrus dark, ordinary, star-shaped
    Otocinclus affinis is best suited for keeping in an aquarium - a small catfish that grows only up to 2-3 cm. The back of the fish is light gray, the belly is white, and there are pronounced black stripes on the sides along the body.
    Most interesting representative soms He looks unusual - you can see his bones and entrails through his skin. It is 4–10 cm long. The surface of the body is scaleless, transparent and slightly pearlescent. Feature- two antennae above the upper part of the mouth. These catfish have very fragile health. They should be fed live food.
    Very shy fish. Grow up to big size, so they need a spacious aquarium. It is advisable to cover the bottom with large pebbles or stones. It is not recommended to add other shy fish to them, as this will only increase their fear
    The species belongs to the catfish family. Another name for the fish is catfish because of its whiskered muzzle. She is unpretentious in food, but the quality of water is very important to her.

    Content Features

    Aquarium catfish do not require special care, but you must adhere to the following maintenance rules:

    • Aquarium size. The volume of the tank is chosen taking into account the size of adult fish. The best option is a 200 liter aquarium.
    • Priming. Catfish feed on food that settles on the top ground layer. To prevent the water in the aquarium from becoming cloudy, fine-grained soil should not be placed on the bottom. It is not recommended to use large gravel for these purposes, otherwise the fish may be injured by its sharp edges. It is best to fill the tank with medium-sized soil of a light shade.
    • Plants. You need to plant as much vegetation as possible in an aquarium with fish. They choose species that have hard foliage, because catfish like to feed on soft leaves. The bottom can also be decorated with decorative elements - grottoes, snags, etc. It is recommended to plant vegetation in special pots, since some types of fish can damage the roots while digging in the ground.
    • Water quality. The optimal water temperature in the aquarium is +22…+26 degrees. Acidity aquatic environment should be neutral, and hardness should be in the range of 6–12.
    • Equipment. A compressor must be installed in the fish tank to saturate the water with oxygen. Small catfish can also breathe air, so access to it cannot be limited. Vegetation should not cover the entire surface.


    Feeding catfish is very easy. They feed on the remains of food lying on the bottom that other fish have not eaten, thus cleaning the bottom of the tank.

    Almost everyone eats catfish:

    • bloodworm;
    • frozen food;
    • shrimp;
    • tubifex;
    • lean meat;
    • black bread;
    • Daphnia;
    • cyclops;
    • dry food.

    For adequate nutrition, it is recommended to feed catfishspirulina in tablets for herbivorous fish. Many species happily eat food plant origin. Catfish love to eat rotten places on snags, polishing them to a shine. They use their antennae to search for food.


    Catfish reproduce very easily. To breed them, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 30–70 liters, called a spawning tank. It is equipped with plants and driftwood. The lighting is made twilight, dim and provides the tank with enhanced aeration.

    The spawning ground may have no soil or plants at all and may have natural light.

    The water should be within +17...+25 degrees, clean and neutral acidity. One female and 2-3 males are introduced into the aquarium.

    To stimulate spawning, perform the following actions:

    • change temperature regime in the spawning tank, decreasing or increasing the temperature by 2–3 degrees per day;
    • change the water daily by 50% of the total volume of liquid in the aquarium for 2–3 days;
    • enhance aeration.

    The courtship period lasts 7–10 days, during which the male arouses the female’s interest by circling around her and continuously following her. Spawning is carried out as follows: the male body and pectoral fins holds the antennae of the female, and she spawns eggs in her pelvic fins, while taking milk into her mouth. Then she begins to look for a place for spawning, cleans it and carefully lays out the eggs, lubricating them with milk.

    After spawning, the parent catfish are placed in a common tank, and in the spawning tank the water temperature is maintained within +19…+21 degrees. The emergence of larvae from eggs occurs after 8–12 days. It is recommended to give the fry special dry food or ciliates. After 7–10 days, the diet is expanded by adding brine shrimp, nematodes, bloodworms, and tubifex.


    Catfish are peace-loving fish, which never fight with other species. But they have conflicts with each other, which happens relatively rarely. Not all aquatic inhabitants can get along with catfish. Neons and guppies are a treat for them, so they need to be kept separately.

    If the aquarium contains predatory fish, then it is recommended to add large species of catfish that can fend for themselves.

Catfish act as a natural filter, as they feed on the waste products of other inhabitants. The variety of species is amazing. There are 1,500 species: spotted, horned, tiger, black, red-tailed fractocephalus, marble talking catfish and others ranging in size from 2 cm to 5 m. Catfish are classified as predatory fish that prefer to live at the bottom of the reservoir.

All types of aquarium catfish are so similar to each other that a beginner and even an amateur will not immediately determine which species is in front of him. These neat “orderlies” of the aquarium have plate-like cover instead of scales. For feeding, they use a suction cup mouth to clean the aquarium until it is crystal clear. They prefer a nocturnal lifestyle. There is a great demand for catfish today. Among the advantages are:

  • peacefulness;
  • unpretentiousness to water temperature;
  • tolerate exposure to hard water;
  • feel comfortable in water with an average acidity level.

They have intestinal respiration. The catfish rises to the surface, swallows air, and then converts it into oxygen. Ideal conditions for their maintenance - the presence of vegetation. They love to hide in snags, pipes, and find secluded places.

Aquarium catfish - names and descriptions

Let us present to your attention several types of catfish.


The most common breed in this moment. Aquarists call them differently: cleaners, stickers. In captivity, such catfish live up to 7 years. Small adult size, 10 cm long. Compatible with most fish, they definitely will not attack. The most terrible enemy for them is the cichlid. She gnaws the catfish's fin.

Ancistrus will feel good at temperatures from 20 to 28 C, pH 6-7.3, dH less than 10.

This species of catfish feeds on algal formations on the walls of the aquarium, driftwood, and plants. It is necessary to supplement the food with special tablets, which are sold in pet stores. During the breeding season, it is necessary to change the water more often and feed more intensively. Be sure to have a long stump where the female will spawn.


This fish is resistant to cohabitation with predators in the same aquarium. They simply cannot bite through her defenses. Gets along well with fish that live in similar conditions, for example, gourami. An adult is at least 18 cm long. They live comfortably in aquariums with dense vegetation, snags, and small grottoes where they can hide. The optimal water temperature for them is from 22 to 28 C, pH 5.8-7.5 dH not more than 25.

For spawning, it is recommended to place the pair in a separate aquarium with floating plants. Here the male will build a nest and in the future will protect the eggs. A week after laying, the fry will begin to appear. THEY will need to be fed small fractions of live food. Change at least 50% of the water per day.


A true long-liver - some individuals live up to 15 years. For such fish, an aquarium with a sandy bottom and grottoes for relaxation is recommended. It is better to house a flock for greater comfort. They get along well with other species, but not with Labeo, Ancistrus and Botia modesta. They can eat almost any food. The optimal temperature is 24-25 C, pH 7-8 and dH less than 4.

For reproduction, a couple is selected and placed in a spawning aquarium, with the temperature lowered to 18 C. After laying, the female needs to be resettled; in the future, the male monitors and cares for the offspring. After 6 days, larvae appear, feeding on plankton and crushed live food.


Amazing fish who prefer to spend most of their time belly up. It returns to its normal state only during food collection. Scientists still cannot explain this feature. In addition, the fish will look beautiful in the aquarium. They live up to 10 years, adults are about 7.5 cm in length.

Synodontis prefers vegetation on the bottom and surface of the aquarium; a sandy bottom is recommended, but can be replaced with gravel. Best Temperature 25 C, pH 6.5-7.5 dH up to 15 C. They do not get along with neighbors who move slowly and are small in size.

These are just the most popular types of catfish for an aquarium. We recommend paying attention to other species: clarius, plecostomus, platidoras, pangasius, girinocheilus.

Selection and arrangement of an aquarium

The health of its inhabitants depends on the choice of aquarium. There are a lot of factors to consider. Solve several questions based on information about the types of fish (compatibility) that will live in it. It will be extremely unpleasant to see how one preys on the other. For example, the barb is an active fish; it can bully slow-moving catfish and gnaw off their fins. Peaceful coexistence comes first.


When it comes to catfish, they need a good volume of water. Here is the calculation for 1 individual:

  1. Ancistrus - 40 l.
  2. Tarakatum - 50 l.
  3. Synodontis - 50 l.
  4. Corydoras are schooling fish. For 4-8 individuals, 60 liters is recommended.

The aquarium creates a significant load on the floor. If the aquarium is tall, it can create overpressure on supporting structures, which will accelerate the deterioration of the building.


The characteristics of water for catfish have already been listed. This unpretentious fish, but this does not mean that you should start an aquarium. Pay attention to the quality of water in spawning tanks. Measure the content of nitrates, nitrates and ammonium, it should be minimal.

Do not forget about aeration and filtration of the aquarium; fish need to breathe. Devices for enriching water with oxygen and purifying it are inexpensive, but will save a lot of time on replacing water.


It is imperative to observe the cycle of day and night; catfish rest during the day, and at night they come out of their holes and feed. You should not disturb the delicate natural balance of their comfortable life. During spawning and the appearance of the first larvae, darkening is often required.

Plants in an aquarium need light, don’t forget about it. For good algae development, lighting of at least 0.7 W per liter is required.


Dense planting is allowed, but leave a small clear area where the catfish will find food. Aquarists use ferns and mosses. These fish sometimes dig up plants, so the latter must have a good root system.


The optimal solution is gravel or sand. The presence of sharp parts that could injure the catfish’s sensitive mouth and antennae is not allowed. Place pipes, driftwood, or make a decorative grotto on the bottom for the fish to rest.

How to feed catfish

Catfish are omnivores. They like to pick up food that has fallen to the bottom, waste products of other inhabitants of the aquarium, plant remains, and crushed live food. Bloodworms, tubifex, brine shrimp - contain nutrients for these fish. How much feed do you need? If there are a lot of fish in the aquarium, there is no need to feed the catfish. The catfish has enough leftover food from its neighbors. Otherwise, feed three times a week.

Reproduction and breeding

Peculiarities of reproduction depend on the specific species. General points: lowering the temperature, a separate aquarium for the couple. The female is resettled after laying eggs. Corydoras are characterized by group spawning, in which several males and one female participate. Remember that before reaching 10 months, ancistrus change sex.

Catfish - great choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. The fish are unpretentious, get along with most other species and clean the aquarium.

Catfish (lat. Silurus) is the largest predatory fish that lives in freshwater lakes and rivers. It belongs to the class of ray-finned fish, the order of catfishes, and the catfish family.

Catfish fish - description, characteristics and photographs.

The catfish fish has a long, flattened and rather powerful body, which is devoid of scales and covered with a layer of mucus, which ensures the gliding and maneuverability of the fish in the water space. The wide head of a catfish usually has a flattened shape. There are small, slightly blind eyes of the catfish on it. The wide mouth of the fish is “armed” with small, but present in large quantities teeth. Almost all catfish have one feature: on the jaws of this predatory fish there are long mustaches. The catfish's whiskers are the most important tactile organ with which fish find food. Depending on the variety, of which scientists number about 500, appearance catfish, its color and size can vary significantly.

How long does a catfish live?

The lifespan of a catfish that lives in natural and environmentally acceptable conditions reaches 30, 50, or even 60 years. There is data from ichthyologists who have recorded individuals who have reached the age of 75 years.

What does catfish eat?

Catfish in nature prefers to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, lying in pits with a large accumulation of silty sediments. It is unpretentious in its diet: the catfish happily eats plant remains, small fish, larvae, shells, crayfish, or birds that accidentally fall into a pond, and other living creatures. Catfish also feed on carrion. He often “hunts” for prey near old and forgotten fishing nets. A large hungry catfish can even eat fish that accidentally entered the water.

Where does catfish live?

The catfish fish is quite widespread in the waters of Europe and Asia, while living in rivers flowing into the seas, it often swims into their salty waters. Unfortunately, in such conditions, only one species of catfish can exist for a long time - the channel catfish; other individuals from this family are not adapted to such a “salty” living.

Types of catfish - photos and names.

There are many interesting and unusual representatives in the catfish family.

Common catfish (European)(lat. Silurus glanis) can reach a length of up to 5 meters and weigh up to 400 kg. Lives in rivers and lakes of Europe and Russia. Cases of attacks on people have been described.

American catfish (dwarf catfish)(lat. Ameiurus nebulosus) lives in bodies of water South America. The length of the American catfish does not exceed a meter, weight – 7-10 kg. The mouth of this species is surprisingly designed: the teeth are arranged in several rows, and each row differs in size - from smallest to largest. This feature allows the American catfish to capture prey as if in a steel vice.

(lat. Malapterurus electricus) lives in African reservoirs and rivers Arab countries. Its ability to generate powerful charges of electricity helps it successfully hunt even large prey. There is information according to which an electric catfish killed animals that accidentally wandered into a pond to drink with a discharge of current.

Among catfish, numerous aquarium varieties:, cockroach, platidoras, glass catfish, cuckoo catfish, changeling catfish and others. And their variety of colors is simply amazing:

Glass Indian catfish