What happens to the body during a kiss. Kissing from a Spiritual Perspective

What could be more romantic and intimate than a kiss? Even with the help of an innocent “smack” we convey our warmth and love to each other, we become closer and dearer. But why is the kiss an integral part human relations, not everyone thinks about it. By delving into this issue, you can learn a lot of interesting things. About the nature and meaning of the kiss, as well as about its healing properties told the children's and family psychologist Alisa Mayskaya.

Why do people kiss?

In cases where it is impossible to express their feelings in words, people resort to non-verbal means. Kissing is one of the most pleasant actions of one person towards another. And a person receives his first pleasure in life through the mouth - this is the breast and mother's milk. From this moment on, a feeling of security, peace, pleasure is inextricably linked with the touch of lips to the body. Mothers kiss their children to reassure them, and the child then carries the kiss into the adult relationship. That is why throughout one's life oral pleasures remain in important ways satisfying your needs and not only physiological ones, like nutrition, but also emotional ones, i.e. a kiss. Also, during a kiss, the body produces so-called “happiness hormones.” We can say that people kiss to feel happy.

Is it different for animals?

Kissing is not unique to humans. Observations on great apes have shown that they are also capable of this, for example, when they want to express a certain positive feeling - be it sympathy or reconciliation - they gently touch their lips to another individual. The processes of sniffing and licking each other by animals can, rather, be attributed to methods of obtaining information and exchanging pheromones, rather than to a kiss.

What happens in the body during a kiss?

A kiss has the ability to convey not only feelings, but also a charge of positive energy. This charge serves as a stimulus to certain areas of the brain, which, in turn, stimulate the production of various hormones. This includes serotonin (“the hormone of happiness”), and oxytocin (“the hormone of affection”), and dopamine (the hormone responsible for the feeling of joy), as well as adrenaline, which increases the heart rate, which helps saturate the blood with oxygen. In my opinion, a kiss can be confidently called a natural antidepressant.

Do kisses help with other ailments besides the blues?

It is hardly possible to call a kiss a medicine, but the effect of hormones released during the intertwining of lips can improve the health of the body for some time, in particular, have a positive effect on metabolism, and reduce any pain that a person may experience at this moment. And, as a result, a kiss can strengthen the immune system.

Are there any negative effects?

The only negative thing that can be called negative is the fact that infectious diseases are transmitted through a kiss. Viral ones, such as influenza, herpes and others, are especially dangerous. Also during the kiss there is an exchange a large number bacteria. In some cases, this helps strengthen the immune system, but it can also play a negative role.

The only one affordable way Protecting yourself from the transmission of diseases through a kiss is the same as during any intimate contact. Therefore, it is first important to find out about the presence of diseases in the person you are kissing. If there are suspicions that one of the partners has infectious disease, close physical contact should be avoided.

Some people are disgusted by kissing, believing that it is unpleasant and immoral. What does this mean?

People who are disgusted by kisses are most often incapable of emotional disclosure and rapprochement. In most cases, this indicates psychological trauma received by a person in early childhood, or about a certain upbringing. Perhaps he was raised in excessive severity, taught that kissing is debauchery and vulgarity. In some cases, such an attitude towards a kiss may be one of the symptoms mental disorder, but is not a clear indicator of any mental illness. And sometimes it is simply caused by a heightened sense of disgust and fear of violating hygiene or becoming infected with something from another person.

Why do people most often kiss with their eyes closed?

There are a number of physiological reasons why this happens. For example, it is believed that by spontaneously lowering the eyelids, a person’s mind is protected from sensory overload. By closing his eyes during a kiss, a person turns off one of his senses and surrenders more fully to his emotions. And thanks to this he gets maximum pleasure. And sometimes a person closes his eyes for reasons of modesty or to prevent his partner's face from blurring due to too close eye contact. But I note that not everyone closes their eyes at the moment of a kiss. If they are open, then this makes it possible to control the situation and monitor the partner’s reactions, which is extremely important for many people.

Do men and women have different attitudes towards kissing?

A kiss is one of the first steps in a relationship between a man and a woman. And as a result, it leads either to the development of these relationships, and, accordingly, to sexual contact and procreation, or to their cooling. For this reason, the importance of a kiss for both men and women cannot be overestimated. The latter are highly susceptible to the influence of psychological sensations caused by a kiss. For them, it is associated primarily with biological indicators of the compatibility of kissers. Women not only love to kiss, but also find out in the process to what extent their partner is suitable for them. Men for the most part consider a kiss as a prelude to sexual contact, and their pleasure from a kiss depends not only on the ability to open emotionally, but also on the degree of sexual arousal.

In your opinion, is kissing in public something indecent?

It all depends on the behavior of the partners. A tender kiss between clearly loving friend friends will never look indecent. And sometimes it will even cause others positive emotions. Passionate kisses that turn into sexual play are a completely different matter. They are just as inappropriate in public as sexual intercourse. In any case, this is primarily a question of the morality of the society in which we live, and the education of both partners.

The beneficial effect of a kiss on a person’s mental state, the obvious healing effect of touching lips to lips, have been clearly underestimated until now. What are the benefits of a kiss? And is there any harm from it? All this is worth understanding in detail.

What is a kiss

A kiss is essentially a complex chemical reaction. During a kiss, a woman and a man exchange seven milligrams of fat, 0.7 milligrams of proteins, and 0.45 milligrams of various minerals. The human oral cavity contains eighty percent of bacteria that are absolutely identical, the same for all people. The remaining twenty account for the composition of individual bacteria. Saliva mainly contains streptococci, whose function is to guard the development of infection in the oral cavity. Streptococci also have to form the enzyme streptokinase in the human body. This is necessary to prevent the development of vascular and heart diseases, in particular stroke and acute myocardial infarction. In addition, there are other microorganisms in the oral cavity that partners transmit to each other during a kiss.

What happens when you kiss

During a kiss, people exchange common microorganisms and their own individual bacteria. Foreign bacteria have to stimulate the production of antibodies, increase the body's resistance, and activate protective forces. Scientists call this process cross-immunization. And, as you know, good immunity becomes the key to good health.

Scientific research has confirmed that people who allow themselves to kiss passionately and often are less likely to suffer from various diseases, and almost do not know what diseases of the circulatory and digestive organs are. Their intestines, stomach, and liver usually work well, their heart rarely bothers them, their sleep is sweet and sound.

Why does this happen

During the kiss there is active production natural antibiotics, which have a bactericidal and analgesic effect. At this moment, saliva produces special biologically active substances that promote the healing of wounds in the oral cavity, and not only here. Animal saliva has approximately the same effect when animals lick their wounds.

According to scientists, kisses are endowed with the ability to significantly revive intimate life people. Thanks to kisses for many years, spouses receive only positive emotions. Women later develop wrinkles because the facial muscles are trained, and this is more effective than any gymnastics or massage. A passionate kiss forces 38 facial muscles to work at once. Thanks to this, the skin of the face does not age as quickly, since it is better supplied with blood.

What's the harm in kissing?

Keep in mind that many diseases can be transmitted through kissing:

  • colds;
  • influenza and herpes viruses;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis);
  • dysentery;
  • hepatitis A (Botkin's disease, jaundice);
  • acute form of hepatitis B;
  • open form of tuberculosis, etc.

So - kiss, but only for your health.

In this issue we will talk about what happens to your body during kissing and how dangerous they are in terms of transmitting bacteria.

You will be surprised, but in the 16th century in Rus', among wealthy families, there was a so-called kissing ritual, when a husband or father asked an important guest to kiss his wife or daughter as a sign of friendship and respect. The girl herself had to bring a drink to each guest and then kiss him on the lips. Unlike those times, now a kiss is an exceptional sign of affection and love, rather than a demonstration of respect. Moreover, a separate scientific discipline, philematology, has emerged that studies kisses and their effect on humans.

Our lips are covered with nerve endings, the number of which is a hundred times greater than those on our fingertips, and that is why a kiss triggers a huge amount of emotions in your brain. Information from receptors located in the oral zone is instantly transmitted to the parts of the brain responsible for emotional and sexual reactions. At the same time, your pulse quickens, and the brain begins to produce endorphins and other neurotransmitters that contribute to the feeling of euphoria. According to scientists, even calories begin to be burned, and phosphorus and calcium are transferred through saliva, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

Now, let's talk about the dangers that kissing can entail. The human intestine contains more than 1 kilogram of bacteria, and total quantity Their cells outnumber the cells of the entire human body. Therefore, it is not surprising that during a kiss we convey to our partner not only positive emotions, but also a significant part of our microorganisms, whose number is tens of millions of pieces. As a result, you can easily become the owner of any airborne disease. Also, there are scary stories that even HIV can be transmitted through a kiss. To begin with, let us remind you that this virus is transmitted exclusively through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk. Even if you have a huge sea of ​​abrasions and wounds in your mouth, the results of many studies indicate that in order to be able to get HIV, you need to have open wounds from which blood will practically flow, and the kiss must be very deep and long.

And finally, a few more interesting facts about kisses. The first film in which people openly kissed was released only in the 18th century, and already in the 19th, or rather at the end of it, a holiday dedicated to this activity was invented in Great Britain, which is now recognized by the UN and celebrated around the world on July 6th.

Kissing is an act in many ways more intimate than sexual intercourse itself. And although sex begins with a kiss, not every kiss ends in bed. After all, kissing is the surest way to find out if you are really a couple. There are (and even quite often) cases when they reveal the incompatibility of people.

This is probably the secret super task of the kiss. Two people can feel interest in each other and even the most ardent sympathy; they feel good together. But the first kisses will show that there is no passion here, there is only tender friendship. And sometimes the very first touch of the lips causes a paradoxical reaction - coldness, even hostility. This is exactly the reaction that will follow if a man and a woman suitable friend friend in all respects, physiologically incompatible.

It's no wonder women pay so much attention to the first kiss. In addition to the erotic and psychological aspects, the biological aspect of a kiss is very important for them. By and large, when kissing a man, a woman conducts her own express analysis.

As wittily noted in one of the publications on a given topic, a woman at the moment of a kiss, using her on-board computer, calculates the man’s body temperature, takes a saliva sample for acidity, measures his pulse and carefully studies his hormonal system, data about which she receives from saliva and his smell. In the end, a clever calculating device gives the woman an answer: is this male individual suitable for her as a successor to the human race, or is her mother already worried, and it’s time to go home...

Nothing can be more valuable than the touch of the lips of a loved one. A kiss has always been considered something magical, magical. In how many fairy tales has a kiss revived the main characters... A kiss is a wonderful prelude to an unforgettable night, perhaps the most tender and natural manifestation of human nature. Your brain reacts to a kiss much more actively than to... an orgasm. That is why a person who knows how to kiss really well can excite even the most tired partner.

An interesting fact from the life of Eskimos is that to this day they rub noses instead of kissing. And all because the smell of a partner plays one of the most important roles for people. And the most best way to become more desirable - watch your breathing. Rinse your mouth special compounds, brush your teeth more often, including with chewing gum, and most importantly, brush your tongue. This is the only way you can kill accumulated bacteria and make your breath clean and pleasant. This is very important, because kissing is almost the only process in which such senses as taste, smell and especially touch are actively interconnected.

Your lips are hundreds of times more sensitive than your fingertips. That's why passionate kiss can increase your heart rate from 72 to 120 beats per minute. In addition, it moves as many as 34 muscles (including 12 around the lips and 17 on the tongue), burns about three calories and causes the release of happy hormones - endorphins - into the blood. When you kiss, your skin turns pink and becomes warmer. Due to the sudden rush of blood, the lips become plump and red. That is why brightly colored lipstick acts on men like a magnet.

What happens in the body at the moment of a kiss?

When kissing, the body produces a substance that has a narcotic effect 200 times greater than morphine - the kissers are filled with a feeling of joy, delight and happiness.
A kiss moves 30 facial muscles. Thanks to this, the skin smoothes out, becomes more elastic and is better supplied with blood.
When kissing, lovers transfer to each other a complex of substances (fats, salts, proteins), which, according to the latest data, increases immunity.
A kiss causes a significant increase in heart rate (up to 110-120 beats per minute in men and up to 180 in women). This leads to improved blood circulation, pumping an additional liter of blood.
A romantic kiss burns about two to three calories, a French kiss burns five or more.
When kissing, up to 250 different bacteria and viruses can be transmitted from partner to partner. But, fortunately, our saliva contains antibodies that can neutralize the effects of most infections. And, besides, 95% of them are absolutely harmless.
A long kiss can get rid of hiccups.
The pain-relieving effect of a kiss is due to the hormone endorphin. The more passionate the kiss, the more endorphin is produced by the body. One kiss releases a calming dose of hormones into the body, which exceeds the minimum dose of morphine. And during kissing, natural antibiotics are produced in saliva, which also have an analgesic effect. You can forget about analgesics.
When kissing, there is a release of adrenaline, which provides us with joyful activity and “attacks” the stress hormone - cortisol.
Just three kisses a day will provide you with an extremely romantic and peaceful mood for at least a day.
The average European over 50 kisses twice a day!
66% of people close their eyes while kissing. The rest enjoy watching their partner’s actions.

Do you need to learn to kiss?

Yes and no. No - because even the most detailed instructions on kissing, explaining their technique and talking about all the existing varieties will not bring you any benefit at all. After all, a kiss is not a sporting exercise that can be learned in a couple of sessions, but an expression of the most tender, most intimate feelings. Sociologists have long established that spouses in a relationship between whom there is discord stop kissing on the lips long before how to stop having sex.

At the same time, men who have the habit of kissing their wives in the morning before leaving for work live five years longer than others. True, we are not talking about a formal kiss goodbye, but about a sincere kiss, which is an element of the love game. But for spouses and people who live together for a long time, a kiss very often ceases to fulfill this function. And how long do they last intimate relationships, in which various kinds Kisses play one of the most important roles!

Inability to kiss, change and apply in time different types Kisses sometimes lead married couples to completely cool off towards each other. And if coldness and disappointment are mixed into sexual relationships, betrayal is not far away. So learn to express your feelings through a kiss. Here are some types of kisses that will freshen up your relationship.


Make a “caramel” game out of a kiss. Treat your boyfriend to candy and keep an eye on her future fate. As soon as the lollipop is on his cheek, immediately start kissing. The goal of the process: try to take away the candy. Do it this way: first kiss his upper lip to open his mouth wider. Then use your tongue to feel the candy behind your cheek and carefully steal it.


Make a date with him at a café and order two drinks, one hot and one cold (for example, coffee with cinnamon and strawberry juice with ice), then retire to a secluded table in the corner. While your boyfriend is drinking a cold cocktail, take a sip from a “hot” glass and warm your mouth thoroughly. Now start the kiss! You will feel his mouth melt and fill with the warmth of yours.


The best way to make your dream kiss come true, so that it comes back to you later! First, ask young man completely relax, now move closer to him and kiss him gently the way you would like him to kiss you. Put all your passion and tenderness into this kiss. Such a kiss will revive even the longest relationship.

But a kiss can be ruined by just one small detail - bad breath!

Nothing repels your interlocutor more than bad smell from the mouth. This seemingly insignificant flaw can become a serious obstacle for happy love relationship. Meanwhile, many people are not even aware of their problem, and those around them do not always find the courage to tell them about it delicately. Is it possible to test yourself? Yes, sure. To do this, you need to exhale intensely into your closed palms and quickly sniff the exhaled air. If you do not have a keen sense of smell, ask loved one dispel or confirm your suspicions.

The source of the smell is food. Most often, bad breath is associated with the consumption of certain food products. But if the taboo on eating onions and garlic before going out is generally observed, then about the consequences of eating cheese, dried fish, seafood, gourmet sausages, coffee, beer and other gastronomic temptations, many simply do not realize. A toothbrush and toothpaste will help you always be confident, regardless of the flavors of the dishes you taste.

However, bad breath is not always associated with food, but may be one of the symptoms of diseases of the organs located in the oral cavity. The scientific name for this phenomenon is halitosis. What causes halitosis? The cause should be sought primarily in the teeth and gums. In a poorly sanitized oral cavity, bacteria easily settle, which, when multiplied, emit gas with the smell of garlic and hydrogen sulfide. The same thing will help you get rid of “uninvited guests”. gentleman's set: toothbrush, toothpaste, floss or toothpick. When you're done with your teeth, don't forget to brush along the root of your tongue.

Another cause of bad breath may be medicines, reducing salivation. These include some drugs to lower blood pressure, antiallergic, diuretic, etc. After all, saliva not only mechanically cleanses the oral cavity, but also contains antimicrobial factors. Those who like to fast themselves can also become victims of halitosis. In addition, bad breath sometimes appears in women in the second phase menstrual cycle, and also against the background of overwork.

How to freshen your breath?

First of all, you need to cure diseased teeth. It is possible that your doctor will detect gum disease and prescribe treatment. It is advisable to see an ENT doctor, because foci of chronic infection in the tonsils, adenoids, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses can also be a source of unpleasant odor.

If you don't have a toothbrush handy, rinse your mouth after eating. plain water. You can quickly freshen your breath by chewing citrus zest, parsley, or a stick of dry cloves. “Mask” bad breath chewing gum, lollipops, etc. During the chewing process, a lot of saliva is released, which cleanses the oral cavity. Smokers should not neglect these remedies either.

According to the rules, you need to brush your teeth for at least 3 minutes, treating the surface of each tooth from all sides.

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Rinse your mouth with this infusion several times a day.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture (sage, wild mallow flowers, black elderberry flowers, oak bark in equal parts), pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, strain. Rinse your mouth and throat.
Rinse your mouth with infusion of rosemary leaves (15 g of dry raw material per 200 ml of boiled water). To freshen your breath, use special ready-made elixirs and extracts, available in a large selection in pharmacies.

Kiss - good way tell a person “I love you.” And for 90% of the world's population it is the main means of expressing feelings.

Scientists have been studying the effect of such contact with others on the human body. They established the harm and benefits of kissing, as well as the factors that provoke them. Let's figure it out together!


Philematology is a separate scientific movement that studies kissing. During the research, scientists found large number interesting facts. They also discovered the benefits of kissing. It turns out that they affect not only the emotional background, but also human health. And both sides benefit.

By the way, it is believed that representatives of the fair sex are more likely to show affection in this way, since they are characterized by great tenderness and sensuality. And they do this, of course, not in vain, since the benefits of a kiss for women are great.

Benefits for the female body

What girl doesn't want to lose a pair? extra pounds? If you kiss frequently and passionately (at least 20 seconds at a time), you can speed up metabolic processes in the body. Calories are burned faster. Passionate women Those who touch their lips with a partner for 1 minute are able to expend as much energy as a 500-meter run. A regular short kiss takes 5 calories. This explains the large number of stories about lovers who rapidly lost weight after the start of a stormy relationship.

The health benefits of a kiss for a pregnant woman have also been noted. Fetal development largely depends on emotional state mothers whose mood often changes due to hormone fluctuations. And this can also trigger the onset of depression. However, if the husband is nearby and regularly kisses expectant mother her child, it will be easier for her to survive this period. Moreover, such contact helps to cope with cytomegalovirus, which is especially undesirable for a child (it provokes the development of pathologies and their spread to the child).

Emotional effect

Everyday life is full of routine, complex tasks and everyday stress. The benefit of kissing is its relaxing effect on the psyche. The level (of cortisol) drops, while oxytocin, which is responsible for feelings of love and happiness, is more actively produced. Stress resistance increases, and nervous system is under less stress.

Makes a person cheerful. He is not burdened dark thoughts, he can move freely career ladder and achieve success in society. Oxytocin is produced by both sexes, but it is much more important for women than for men.

Increased sensuality

The benefit of kissing lies in its versatility as foreplay. They awaken previously dormant desires and help partners tune in to the common wave. This is explained by the fact that 1 cm² of the surface of the lips contains at least 200 nerve endings, so the sensitivity of the skin is great, and a person receives tangible pleasure.

Sexual contact accompanied by kisses transforms bed scene into a real act of love, not only full of bodily sensations, but also emotionally colored. Saliva contains androsterone, a substance that enhances desire.

Extension of youth

Answering the question about the benefits of a kiss, it is worth noting that with its help people maintain youth, improve their appearance. In order to make such contact, 39 facial muscles are activated, which equates to good anti-wrinkle gymnastics. This wonderful workout improves blood flow in skin cells, and a woman who is often kissed remains young and beautiful longer.

Dental diseases are quite unpleasant, and the lucky ones are those who rarely encounter them. The benefit of kissing is that through it you can become one of those lucky people. Saliva contains large amounts of phosphorus and calcium, which have a strengthening effect on enamel. Neutralized increased acidity, plaque disappears. Antibiotics are released natural origin, slowing down inflammatory processes and healing wounds in the oral cavity.

Health promotion

The benefit also lies in the growth general level immunity. Foreign bacteria entering the body provoke the start of antibody synthesis. Scientists call this process cross-immunization. After all, it is known that from mixing the blood of people different races the healthiest children are born. And here the principle is approximately the same, only on a smaller scale. Those who love to kiss passionately forget about colds and other illnesses for a long time.

This way of spending leisure time together is also useful for the lungs. A person has to breathe more often and deeper, and breathing exercises is known to be very useful. Oxygen actively enters the cells. Sometimes you have to hold your breath. All this tones and strengthens the lungs.

When a person hits something, he is asked to kiss the sore spot. However, in order for endorphins to be produced and dull the pain, it is worth touching your lips. But in general, such a painkiller is quite justified.

When you kiss, the heart works more actively, the lungs are trained, so that due to improved blood flow, a heart attack or stroke becomes less likely. Blood enters all organs and systems, passes through vessels and arteries. Installed normal level pressure.

for the male body

The benefits of a kiss for men are undeniable. Upon contact, the body experiences desire and mobilizes, confidence appears, which helps to achieve what it wants. Scientists have found that the effect is equal to exercise extreme species sports Adrenaline levels, mental and physiological activity increase.

A man who regularly kisses his beloved is likely to live 5 years longer than one who neglects this pleasant ritual. This curious fact is easy to explain from a scientific point of view.

As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex age due to the stress they experience. If a woman can sit down and cry, show some weakness, a man has no right to do this. Because of this, it accumulates nervous tension. Oxygen starvation and accumulation of destructive free radicals. The healing effect of a kiss in the fight for stress resistance is much more important for a man than for his wife.

By kissing, partners irritate the mucous membranes of the tongue and lips, which contain a large number of nerves that transmit impulses to the brain, stimulating the production of endorphins and adrenaline. Because of this, a spasm occurs in the peripheral vessels, the pressure increases, blood flows from the heart, from which oxygen enters the tissues and cells. Sensitivity decreases in brain neurons. The person relaxes and feels comfortable. The onset of stress in this state is much less likely. Aging slows down and youth can be enjoyed for a longer period of time.

So, by kissing our loved ones, we bring ourselves and them benefits that are difficult to overestimate. Thanks to this amazing ritual, a long and pleasant life together becomes possible. In total, both sexes benefit. The level of their immunity increases, the heart, blood vessels, and lungs work better, pain becomes less, and the immune system becomes stronger.

The harm of a kiss

It becomes clear why the kiss is so good. Benefit and harm are two sides of the same coin, and it’s time to look at the second of them.

A woman evaluates her partner using lip contact. If it doesn't go well, the relationship could be over. It often happened that, having feelings for a guy even for a month, a girl, having kissed him, immediately lost any desire and passion. The influencing factors for this turn of events were the taste and smell in the oral cavity, skill in kissing, and the quality of teeth.

Usually the loss of interest is explained by the lack of chemistry. It takes partners just 10 seconds to exchange 80 million bacteria, both harmless and strengthening the immune system, as well as harmful, leading to diseases. By kissing an infected person, you can easily catch a sore throat, acute respiratory infection or flu, stomatitis and other inflammations, tuberculosis, hepatitis and herpes (if there are wounds in the mouth).

Risk factors

Kissing immediately ceases to seem such a romantic activity, especially when it comes to chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. So kissing just anyone is highly undesirable, especially if he has a wound or ulcer in his mouth. Researchers claim that this way you can catch AIDS and stomach ulcers that enter the body with the Helicobacter bacterium.

It is also possible to transmit mononucleosis, which is also known as “kissing disease.” And for good reason, because the virus is transmitted through saliva. Both sexes suffer from all these “pleasant” factors. Men additionally suffer from lipstick, which women use liberally to attract their attention. Many popular brands include lead, which is hazardous to health, in their products. Also, poor kissing skills destroy 60% of couples, so in this sense it is better not to lose face.

In general, such contact is quite useful, but, as mentioned earlier, there are two sides to every coin, so there are some risks associated with it. The most important thing is to touch lips with those in whom we are 100% confident. Then a kiss will only improve your mood and level of health.