Description of the appearance of TV presenter Ivan Urgant. Critics did not like the appearance of Ivan Urgant's wife

Every day, stars post photos from their real life- Nowadays it’s common to tell everything about yourself in order to get more attention. And day after day, spiteful critics flip through these photographs and write angry comments, forgetting about their lives.

Recently, fans attacked Ivan Urgant for allegedly choosing an unsuitable wife for himself. Ivan is a member happy marriage with Natalya Kiknadze, why in happy? Perhaps this is indicated by the fact that Vanya carefully hides his life from strangers. But recently he went out with Natalya, and these photographs were immediately condemned.

Natasha and Vanya knew each other at school, but this did not develop into a further relationship, and their paths diverged. Natasha gave birth to two children in a marriage with a Georgian businessman, but they were happy family life it did not come true and they soon divorced.

In 2008, Ivan and Natalya had a daughter, Nina, and seven years later, a daughter, Lera. Both Natalya and Ivan had their past stories behind them, but now Vanya claims that Natasha is his only and beloved wife, who is destined for him by fate.

Gossips constantly sow rumors of divorce married couple, but none of these rumors were confirmed one iota. Recently they appeared at an event, and spiteful critics rushed to discuss Natalya’s appearance, claiming that she, simple and ugly, was not a match for Ivan.

It must be, in their opinion, next to the TV presenter there should be a beauty with legs from her ears and an unnatural face chipped with Botox... Perhaps this is in fashion now? But is Ivan himself chasing fashion?

Popular TV presenter Ivan Urgant has grown a thick beard. The other day, the witty audience favorite showed up at his friend’s birthday party looking very overgrown. Thanks to the thick hair on the showman’s face, not all guests recognized the Channel One star.


“I decided to make a new disguise,” Urgant joked. “Maybe with such hair on my face they won’t recognize me and point their finger at me shouting: “Mom, mom, look, Sasha Tsekalo is coming!”

According to Express Newspaper, real reason The change in the TV star's image lies in his on-screen companion Alexandra Tsekalo.

A few weeks ago on the set of the program "ProjectorParisHilton" ex-husband singer Lolita bet with Urgant that he could not avoid shaving for ten days. The winner of the bet will receive an elite bottle of alcohol and a round sum money.

Always confident, Ivan easily agreed to the bet and is now waiting for the end of the period allotted to Tsekalo to collect his winnings.

By the way, Urgant’s self-confidence is easily explained by his fabulous fees. As already written Days.Ru, based on the results of New Year's performances the undisputed favorite this winter is Ivan.

There was a real struggle for the right to see the host of the "ProjectorParisHilton" show at your party, despite the fact that the cost of his services reached 100 thousand euros. In normal times it is half as much, but on holidays you have to pay.

Urgant's colleague and his eternal irreconcilable competitor in wit, Alexander Tsekalo, is noticeably behind. His fees, like those of the outrageous stylist Sergei Zverev, start at 20 thousand euros.

Ivan Urgant is not used to advertising his personal life. With my current wife he rarely appears in public. Therefore, every infrequent new release generates a lot of discussions.

His wife's name is Natalya Kiknadze. In 2008, the couple had a daughter, who was named after the artist’s beloved grandmother, 88-year-old People’s Artist of the RSFSR Nina Urgant.

In 2015, the couple's second daughter was born. She was named after the TV presenter’s mother, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Valeria Kiseleva, who did not live exactly six months before her birth.

These two knew each other since school, but after graduation they stopped communicating for a long time. At the insistence of her parents, Natalya married a Georgian businessman and gave birth to two children: son Niko and daughter Erica. Now Ivan treats them as his own.

She did not find happiness in this marriage. There was no love in it and the children did not help glue it together. The divorce was painless.

A few years later, Natalya accidentally met Ivan. For her, he was then a former classmate, and for everyone, he was already a famous artist. At that time, Urgant managed to get divorced twice.

His first short marriage was with Karina Avdeeva, and the second, unregistered, with MTV TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan and lasted five years.

Now, in infrequent interviews about personal matters, Urgant calls Natalya not only his beloved, but also his only wife.

The Urgants hid their relationship from the media for a long time, guided by the proverb: “Happiness loves silence.” About the fact that Ivan is no longer eligible bachelor, the media found out only after he signed and even got married in a church in St. Petersburg.

When he exhibits rare photos with his wife on his Instagram account, many of his subscribers write that his wife is not suitable for him. So to speak, does not correspond to his star status.

They would understand if there was a model-looking girl nearby, with beautiful makeup, sweet face, pumped up body, wearing designer clothes and expensive accessories. But next to him she is still Natalya Kiknadze. Which, by the way, is very similar to his mother.

Ivan Andreevich Urgant is a popular, tireless showman who captivates the public with his inexhaustible humor. Ivan is a host of entertainment programs, film and theater actor, multiple TEFI award winner, musician and traveler.

Childhood and family of Ivan Urgant

Vanya was lucky to be born in acting family. Ivan Urgant - grandson famous actress Nina Urgant, who talentedly played ambiguous roles - from the frivolous Olechka in “ Tiger Tamer", to the dramatic image of Raya from " Belorussky railway station" Ivan Urgant's father and mother also represent the acting world.

Father of Ivan Urgant - Andrey Lvovich Urgant(born November 28, 1956) - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, TV presenter, showman. He is remembered for his wonderful, albeit small role in the film " Window to Paris» Yuri Mamin. TV viewers remembered his duet with Andrei Maksimkov on television. Andrei Urgant himself works a lot on TV, acts in films and TV series, and comes to visit his son on his show “ Evening Urgant».

Urgant's mother - Valeria Ivanovna Kiseleva(1951−2015) was an actress of the St. Petersburg academic theater Comedy named after N.P. Akimov.

Ivan Urgant as a child with his mother (Photo:

Ivan often saw his parents both on the theater stage and on the TV screen. Andrei Urgant and Valeria Kiseleva broke up a year after Vanya’s birth. The child stayed with his mother, who soon became the actor’s wife Dmitry Ladygin.

Another actress became the second wife of Andrei Urgant, Alena Svintsova from the theater V.F. Komissarzhevskaya, then Ivan Urgant’s father was married to Vera Yatsevich, as they say in the showman’s biography, and now his life partner is Elena Romanova(age difference - 30 years).

In 1993, Ivan Urgant entered a student exchange program and lived in the USA for a month and a half, where he polished his English to perfection.

Young Urgant studied at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum. He was interested in sports and music. Ivan inherited from his star relatives an attractive appearance, and, most importantly, a talent for transformation and instant humor. However, it happened that his witty antics did not delight the teachers and he was simply kicked out of the lesson.

Career of Ivan Urgant

TV presenter Ivan Urgant with his father and grandmother, actress Nina Urgant, 2008 (Photo: Igor Primak/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Since childhood, Ivan Urgant dreamed of becoming a film actor. Vanya was jealous Feda Stukov, who managed to shine in the films of Nikita Mikhalkov and Stanislav Govorukhin.

However, Ivan Urgant’s artistic path was destined from above. In 1995, Vanya graduated from high school and immediately entered the second year of the St. Petersburg Theater Academy. Ivan even played episodic roles in the Tovstonogov Drama Theater. But soon the young man became a little disappointed in his chosen profession; Urgant was not satisfied with the too small salary. And it was impossible to reveal resourceful puns and innate wit within the strict confines of theatrical productions. For some time, Ivan Urgant was in a creative search. A comfortable existence was put at the forefront. He has been in many guises. Vanya served food to nightclub visitors and entertained the audience with songs. Finally, Urgant began performing a night show program. But all this did not satisfy the artist. Relatives were afraid that their son would seek solace in drinking. But fate preserved it - Ivan Urgant was invited to the radio in 1999.

Urgant broadcast on the St. Petersburg “Super Radio,” which is not the most popular. Then there were offers to more well-known radio stations, such as “Russian Radio”, “Hit FM”.

While working at Super-Radio, Ivan Urgant nevertheless attracted the attention of the management of Channel Five with his cheerful and outrageous jokes. The young man began hosting the St. Petersburg Courier program. TV viewers had to talk about everything - about the life of confectionery factories, travel agencies and even woodworking factories. But Ivan, with his characteristic humor, patiently endured the prose of his life on St. Petersburg television.

In June 1999, popular TV presenters Anton Komolov And Olga Shelest MTV announced a casting call to find a co-host for the show “Bright Morning.” Ivan Urgant immediately responded to this screening and won the selection. The newly minted presenter had to leave St. Petersburg and move to Moscow. In one of his revelations, Ivan admitted that if he had the same salary in St. Petersburg as in Moscow, he would have stayed in his hometown. So again the material factor, quite natural for a talented showman, came into play.

It was work on MTV, which was quite popular among young audiences in those years, that became a breakthrough in the biography of Ivan Urgant. On this channel, Urgant Jr. got the opportunity to hone his sense of humor as much as he wanted. Urgant hosted the “Bright Morning” program with Olga Shelest, then the “Total Show” and “Expresso” programs with common-law wife Tatiana Gevorkyan.

Urgant's television career quickly took off: the showman's non-trivial image was noticed on central channels, and in 2003 the presenter signed a contract with the Rossiya TV channel.

Project " National artist » Ivan Urgant led with Fekla Tolstoy. The audience's sympathy brought Ivan victory in the “Discovery of the Year 2003” nomination. Popularity grew rapidly. Young Urgant began to be recognized on the street. Ivan brought a new, unique flavor to the TV show. In 2004, Ivan Urgant hosted the television game “Pyramid” on the Rossiya channel.

Presenters and finalists of the TV project "People's Artist" (from left to right) - Fekla Tolstaya, Alexander Panayotov, Alexey Goman, Alexey Chumakov and Ivan Urgant, 2003 (Photo: Vasily Smirnov/TASS)

In 2005, Urgant left Rossiya for Channel One, which seduced the showman with the vacancy of host of the new show “Big Premiere”. For almost a year, Ivan, in tandem with his father, entertained the audience with jokes. Unfortunately, the father-son duo, beloved by TV viewers, had to be closed due to Andrei Urgant’s busy schedule. Next was the show “Spring with Ivan Urgant”.

Ivan, as they say, was simply “torn to pieces.” Directors promptly wrote scripts for him. The documentary project “One-Story America” was filmed in a duet with Vladimir Pozner.

In 2006, the leadership of the First appointed Ivan Urgant to replace the permanent host of the Smak program, Andrei Makarevich. The audience was indignant at first, but the wit of the new presenter quickly put everything in its place, and Urgant registered for a long time on the most famous kitchen"Ostankino". Along the way, Ivan Urgant hosted the shows “Circus with the Stars” and “Wall to Wall” on Channel One.

On May 17, 2008, a very pleasant improvisation show “ProjectorParisHilton” appeared on Channel One. Four leading Sergey Svetlakov, Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Tsekalo And Ivan Urgant, wittily discussed topical stories and commented on news and interesting phrases of politicians. Many celebrities visited the studio as guests: from Tina Kandelaki before Antonio Banderas, and once Urgant in live kissed Hugh Jackman. Ivan Urgant performed in this show not only as a co-host, but also as a singer and guitarist.

Hosts of the "ProjectorParisHilton" program Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Tsekalo, Ivan Urgant and Sergei Svetlakov (from left to right) during a speech at the GQ magazine "Man of the Year" award ceremony, 2009 (Photo: Maxim Shemetov/TASS)

TV viewers liked the program; in the fall of 2012, “ProjectorParisHilton” was released on last time. Svetlakov and Martirosyan signed a contract with TNT, according to which they lost the right to work on other channels, and Konstantin Ernst did not change presenters. However, 5 years later, ProjectorParisHilton returned and is working with the same staff. True, the news that Urgant and his colleagues comment on has become less cheerful.

Still from the program "PROZHEKTORPERISHILTON" (Photo:

In 2008, another program with Urgant and Alexander Tsekalo appeared on Channel One - “ A big difference" A whole team of parodists worked in it, while the object of the parody at the same time sat in the studio and looked at himself from the outside. None of the guests were offended, because the parodies were performed with talent, kindness and a high professional level.

Ivan Urgant and Alexander Tsekalo in the program “Big Difference” (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

In 2012, Ivan Urgant got his own show “ Evening Urgant" This program, like all the previous ones, is funny, it was an adaptation of American programs like “Late Night Show”. Ivan Urgant again pays attention to the news, which he comments in his own manner. A St. Petersburg colleague is helping to host the show Dmitry Khrustalev and younger comedians - Alexander Gudkov, Alla Mikheeva. There are many funny sections in the program, and in “Evening Urgant” there are always celebrity guests.

The official mascot of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Wolf Zabivaka, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Vitaly Mutko, TV presenter Ivan Urgant and football player Ronaldo (from left to right) at the presentation of the mascot in the Evening Urgant program, 2016 (Photo: FIFA/Getty Images/TASS)

Currently, Ivan Urgant continues to work on the projects “Smak” and “Evening Urgant”, and also collaborates with Vladimir Pozner. Together with Posner in 2016, he released the documentary series “Jewish Happiness” about a journey through the Promised Land. There were also trips and films about Italy, France, England, Germany; in 2017, Urgant and Posner’s film “In Search of Don Quixote” was released.

Presenters Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Pozner (from left to right) (Photo: Maxim Novikov/TASS)

Scandals with Ivan Urgant

Ivan Urgant masterfully leads entertainment programs, in this matter he has long eclipsed most famous TV presenters and has become the most invited host of corporate events, various award ceremonies, etc.

Sometimes, however, the restless TV presenter, driven by his own humor, crosses the permitted line in his jokes. And then he has to apologize. But Ivan Urgant’s apology is also very peculiar.

For example, famous TV presenter, apologized to the Communists of Russia party for jokes about Vladimir Ilyich Lenin live on the Evening Urgant program. However, the apology itself sounded like this: “Friends, yesterday it was Forgiveness Sunday- one of the three most revered holidays by members of the Communists of Russia party. There is May Day, Medical Worker's Day, naturally, and Forgiveness Sunday. And Mitya (Khrustalev) and I want to ask forgiveness from the Communists of Russia party. Dear Party “Communists of Russia”! Forgive us! For God's sake!" - quotes the words of the TV presenter Gazeta.Ru.

Urgant also had a scandal with Ukraine, and before it became mainstream. On the air of the “Smak” program, Urgant said on air: “I chopped the greens, like the red commissar of the inhabitants of a Ukrainian village.” The Svidomo joke seemed rude.

Participants of the "Anti-Urgant" rally demanding an official apology from the host of the TV show "Smak" Ivan Urgant for incorrect statements on television, near the Russian Embassy in Kyiv, 2013 (Photo: TASS)

Ivan Urgant on his Twitter asked for forgiveness from all residents of Ukraine who were affected by his comment. “As a self-punishment, I undertake to cook only borscht, dumplings, and dumplings in this program until 2018 inclusive. All children born to me from this moment on, regardless of gender, will be called Bogdan. Your Ivan “Podcherevok” Urgant,” wrote Urgant, but then he was forced to apologize seriously.

In the fall of 2017, the conflict between Urgant and Vladimir Solovyov received a certain resonance in the news. On the air of his show, Urgant smeared his face with a certain substance that guest Irena Ponaroshku brought to him on the show. While the presenter was applying the mask, the girl noted that it was “organic, made from natural nightingale droppings.” To which Urgant joked: “Firstly, this good name for a show on the Russia 1 channel...

Solovyov stated in response that with a nasty joke about him, Urgant insured himself against the “Peacemaker.”

In 2020, activists of the Orthodox movement “Forty Forty” called for actor and TV presenter Ivan Urgant to be deprived of citizenship due to “mockery of Jesus Christ and Christian traditions.”

The news reported that on Christmas Day, Channel One aired another episode of the show “Evening Urgant,” in which actor Gerard Depardieu and rapper Jesus took part. During the show, a photo compilation parodying the icon was shown, and those present and the TV presenter himself repeatedly laughed at the believers. Activists of the “Forty Forties” movement believe that Urgant offended the feelings of believers.

Vladimir Pozner responded by recommending that activists contact representatives of Channel One, since it was the channel that decided to release the program in this form.

MP State Duma Natalya Poklonskaya called calls to deprive someone unacceptable and harmful to Russian statehood. Russian citizenship.

Then Ivan Urgant apologized to the Orthodox for the Christmas collage with Nicolas Cage in the place of Jesus, which was shown as part of the evening show on Channel One.

Urgant also apologized on air, asking Orthodox activists to “recall the curses” if possible.

Ivan Urgant said that religion should not be taboo, and his show, he recalled, is entertaining. The TV presenter urged not to be afraid of jokes on the topic of religion, but emphasized that he did not intend to mock Christian values.

Filmography of Ivan Urgant

In 1996, during the period of “searching for oneself,” Urgant starred in a cameo role in the film “ Hard time" In 1999, he played the role of the main villain in one of the series " Streets of broken lamps"(issue "Mammoth Trap"). Then came a couple of cameos, the main role in film " He, she and me"and in comedy" Three and a snowflake", as well as participation in a series of New Year's films " Christmas trees" In 2011, Ivan played Vysotsky’s friend in the biopic of Pyotr Buslov.

The epic film “Yolki” still remains the main element of Ivan Urgant’s filmography; by 2017, the star showman had already played in 6 films in the franchise.

Actor Ivan Urgant (left) during the filming of the central novella of director Timur Bekmambetov’s film “Yolki 1914” (Photo: Sergey Fadeichev/TASS)

Musical creativity of Ivan Urgant

In 1998, Urgant, under the pseudonym Vnuk, recorded the album “Star” together with Maxim Leonidov from the “Secret” quartet. But the album never went on sale. Ivan Urgant distributed the entire issued edition to friends.

In 2011 Urgant resumed singing activity. At first, the public did not understand the artist’s new incarnation. It seemed that the poster with a young man, distinguished from Ivan himself by the presence of a mustache, was another joke from the famous joker Urgant. But everything turned out to be serious. Love lyrics, set to a melodic motive, formed into a full-fledged solo album, “Estrada,” released in 2012.

Concert-presentation of the album by Ivan Urgant (Grisha Urgant) “Estrada”, 2012 (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Ivan Urgant, as stated in his Wikipedia biography, plays guitar, piano, accordion, recorder and drums.

Urgant's website says that he collects guitars. On this moment Ivan's collection includes more than 100 exclusive guitars.

Awards of Ivan Urgant

Ivan Urgant is a seven-time TEFI winner (2007, 2009, 2010 (2), 2011, 2014, 2015). Three times prestigious award Urgant received for the projects “ProjectorParisHilton” and “Evening Urgant”. In 2014 he became a laureate of the TOP-50 award. The most famous people Petersburg" in the nomination "GEGs of the Year" for the image of Grisha Urgant. Ivan also won the Kids Choice Awards as the best TV presenter. Urgant’s biography also includes an award “ People's hero"OK!" magazine.

Ivan Urgant at the TEFI award ceremony in the “evening prime” category, 2014 (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

Personal life of Ivan Urgant

Like his father, Ivan Urgant married more than once. Ivan's first wife - Karina Urgant(maiden name Avdeeva). Then Ivan Urgant had an unregistered marriage with Tatiana Gevorkyan, TV presenter for MTV.

Second and current wife Ivan Urgant - Natalia Kiknadze, former classmate. She was born on March 5, 1978, and, like Urgant, studied at the gymnasium at the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. Like Ivan, Natalya had a previous marriage and children from her first marriage. Ivan Urgant has a stepson Niko (born February 19, 1997) and a stepdaughter Erica (born August 18, 2000).

Natalya gave him two daughters - Nina (named after her grandmother Nina Urgant) and Valeria (named after Ivan's mother). Nina was born on May 15, 2008, and Valeria on September 21, 2015.

Photos of Ivan Urgant’s wife can often be seen in gossip news; Natalya attends events with her husband.

TV presenter Ivan Urgant with his wife Natalya Kiknadze (Photo: Maxim Shemetov/TASS)

In a recent interview, Ivan spoke about his feelings for his wife, noting that he had not met better women than her. “I can say that Natasha is the absolute embodiment of Zhvanetsky’s phrase: “You need to choose cheerful wives, smart ones from cheerful ones, gentle ones from smart ones, faithful ones from tender ones.” And patient,” Ivan Ugrant said about his wife in an interview.

As is easy to understand from Ivan Urgant’s programs, he loves to travel, and on trips, for example, with Vladimir Pozner, to take photos. In addition, Urgant actively shares photo on Instagram and other social networks. There he posts joint photos with guests of their TV shows, and just selfies. The photos receive more than one hundred thousand likes. The children of Ivan Urgant are also seen in the photo on his Instagram, as is his wife, although less often than the TV presenter himself.